The Silence Is Gone! It’s time to Speak!

Hello my faithful friends who have stood by and who now read my words. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your thoughts and the energy that you have sent my family and I.  You do not know how much I have appreciated the support of good friends as we now navigate through the most important time in our planet’s history.   I have needed this pause… The longest pause I have ever taken since I began blogging, some Fourteen years since 2007, when I began my quest here on Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary.  

Many of us have over the years been navigating our own inner tunnels as we have dove deep within ourselves, exposing our inner wounding, and letting go of our own dark shadows .. We do that by bringing them up to the surface, and as we face them, we heal the wounds of the past by learning to forgive and let go as we move up through our vibration into the next frequency phase of our being.

Sometimes we have had traumatic experiences thrown at us that have caught us off guard. I also know many of us here have faced those tunnels, as we have travelled our Earth journey, which have led us to feel at rock bottom… But you know sometimes, like those seeds we plant in our earth.. They need that darkness, they need that pause from life, in order for them to grow…  Many of us need to sink deeper in order then to rise..

We have had such a pause within our Earth Plane this past year, and many now are starting to rise, grow and expand out into the Light of knowledge and truth… And its going to be a glorious time in the future New World, we are all here to birth. But not before we have all experienced some painful Truths both to ourselves and our world. 

The struggle to get to the light often can be painful, like those seeds we plant, the effort it must take to push through frozen dark ground… Yet they emerge unscathed, and they bloom and thrive bringing both beauty and sustenance into the world.  They ask nothing in return. They are just BE-ing what they were created to BE…  The miracle of birth takes many forms..

 Knowing and seeing what I see in the world around me, I took refuge within, as I felt the Darkness surrounding me, trying to consume the Light of not only I, but that of my family around me.  I have been battling my own doubts and insecurities as the world around me folded in on me like a dark cloud, raining down its tears.  I peeled back more layers of myself, and confronted that weakness within me. The one that casts doubts, the one that whispers in your ear to say you are not worthy all over again.

 A blogging friend reminded me on a comment on my last post that perhaps it was the Darkness, trying to extinguish my light… I knew even before I read her thoughts that was  what was happening… This has happened many times during my life, as our vibration rises, we have to understand that forces too are present that want to extinguish the light. Forces that feed only from fear and negative vibrations of sadness, depression and grief. And when we are at a low ebb in life, we allow those negative vibrations a chance to grab hold and dominate.

But we are Light warriors and we hold faith in the Light, and we know within our being Nothing can stop the Light of Love and Truth.

So, as the Spring Equinox begins unfolding, so too, I feel it’s time to share once again my thoughts. Thoughts which I have long suppressed, because many may find the Truth as I see it not perhaps their truth as they see it.. And that is perfectly fine… There is No One Truth. We all of us are on our own journey of discovery and there are always going to be those who perceive life and their surroundings differently. Because we ALL  see from a different perspective, given our view of the world, and our educational knowledge of inner standing. Nothing is ever cast in stone. All is interwoven and interchangeable, because we are all us Multidimensional Beings.

All of us with our roles and parts to play within our Earth Journey.  

This New Earth we are about to witness splitting open may begin to cause even greater confusion, and it will perhaps cause people to take sides, through fear and lack of Knowledge.  It may cause us to encounter great Anger rising, as we are shown the reality of this World, as the spotlight is cast to shine upon the Dark corners of a world, which have been hidden from us for so long.

We have  remember too, we have many life times of suppressed emotions, which are now bubbling to the surface as we encounter mega Earth Changes as frequencies rise, and our own Light codes are activated within to remember.  This is the sorting of the Wheat from the Chaff.. The Good from Evil, and the Love over Fear.  We already are seeing those divides as fear is making people act irrationally and out of control.. We see it within our communities, within our governments, and within our media platforms. We see how it is affecting our family and friends.. We are all now going to have to step up and be prepared to stand in our truth. The side I choose is Sovereignty, the side I choose is Reason, the side I choose is what feels right within my heart.. 

What feels right within your heart? Does what is happening world wide feel right to you? 

Let me begin by saying right now. I take no side… of any political preference… For what we are seeing unfolding in our New Earth goes far deeper than left or right, or any affiliated parties within our World. … This is about our consciousness… It is about our Freedom. It is about what is Right from our Hearts perspective. It is about our Spiritual Journey, our Transition, and it’s about our Sovereignty and about our Humanity.

It is about The Human Race as a species, and its about what kind of world do we want for our future generations to come?  It is about Raising our frequency to embrace what we were always meant to be, but we were highjacked long ago from that progression.

Now it’s Our Time to rise out of the Darkness of that suppression into Unity, Love, and Truth of who we really are, and why we are now here at this moment in time. 

We all intuitively KNOW what feels right and what feels wrong…  So its now time for those of us who know the difference, to step up, and speak our truth on what feels right.. And what feels wrong. And use our Energy in creating Positive Changes both in ourselves and within our world. We do that by educating ourselves. We do it by discernment, we do it by critically thinking for ourselves and not being told what to think by others. We do it by researching facts, facts which daily are being wiped, censored and silenced, because they are not in alignment with certain narratives. 

This Spring Equinox I feel will be like no other, as we shall see unfolding before us, Truths which have long been withheld and Truths which will both shock and disturb the unexpecting public at large. Who have no clue as to the reality of this matrix and how it has been governed or controlled for thousands of years.  But this is part of the birthing process…

Those of us who are Mothers, know how painful that process can be..   But after all of that pain, comes the JOY…. And that my friends is where we are at… The contractions are well underway, and the Birthing is imminent.  So We need to prepare..

We need to be strong… and we need to be calm…. We need to BREATHE!!!   Above all we need to hold Unity Consciousness, and the vibration of Love in our hearts, as we begin to realise just how our energy is played, and utilized by others.

So, it’s important we keep our vibrations in love, and forgiveness. As we send out to ALL in the world who are in need. There is so much going on than we are seeing right now. So we need to keep our hearts open, focus on Unity,  and stop being so fearful, for we are being played by those dark forces who are manipulating us into letting go of our birth rights as Free, Sovereign Human Beings.  

Remember, Love far out-ways Fear…. And what we give out, we also receive back, what goes around comes around.

We are now about to witness an energetic battle of Dark to Light. As our world has been governed for millennia by nefarious, malevolent Beings who have controlled the masses by seducing and using many by Greed and evil within their positions of power.   

As we navigate this New Birthing process of New Earth which is now ready to be birthed and pushed into the Light of Day

Its now time to turn the Dark to light and we are all here to help each other navigate into our New Earth.

My we unite in love and compassion, as we Stand up, to become the Light Warriors of New Earth we came here to Be..

💖 Much Love and Gratitude to ALL 💖

The Messenger ~ And Thank You To ALL.

My Dear and lovely friends,

Thank you all so very much for your kind well wishes. Your energy and healing thoughts have been deeply felt and appreciated I can not begin to tell you how uplifting your messages have been..

I will in a little while get back to each and everyone of you individually who have commented here. And thank you to all who have pressed like..  In the mean time I am still a little out of sorts, but I am listening intently to the Messenger within.

I have been using my time to write within my journal. Paint and get back to writing poetry and of course walking  out in nature.  I have come to another pivotal point in my journey as my energy field has taken another shift as I move and clear out more emotional baggage which the passing of my Uncle triggered.  His passing opened up yet more emotional doors I had previously thought I had walked through and shut behind me …The Universe obviously thinks I need to walk deeper down some of those corridors, so I have dug deeper into bringing these emotions  into the Light with the help also of my amazing acupuncturist therapist who has been working on my emotional centre.

I will share another poem I wrote yesterday as I tried to explain my emotional journey. I also want to  share a beautiful video which is the creation of a painting in speed time, by the wonderful artist Akiane. Please watch in Full Screen to get the best effect.. 

Her painting so spoke to me as its title also ‘The Messenger’ portrayed how we are searching as we let go of that which we created as each are led to the light. We then  find our way out of the darkened caves of our minds if we stay true to ourselves….And allow ourselves to be guided to the Light which awaits us all.. 

The Messenger Within

Many things act as triggers that occur over time

And it’s hard to condense feelings within this rhyme

The process is different within all of our experiences

When Humanity is changing, and altering in frequencies


Over time we create change through the frequency of Love

You start in your own bubble, as you reach out and above

Those vibrations which are dense on our old physical plane

As Humanity returns to its Christ Consciousness Again


Old aspects of ourselves will be reviewed and then released

These shedding of layers and letting go, never seem to cease

They leave us exhausted as our emotions intensify

The Alchemy is heightened, as our Planets align up high


We look back in memory, observing and letting go

Remembering our Etheric Blueprint in our Light Activating Show

That which you want to know is held deep, deep within

Allowing ancient memories to resurface as the veils begin to thin


The Messenger arrived before whose healing love was spread

We resisted in our separation we hold within our head

This template is now being wiped, as we activate as ONE

Our reality dissolving, Our Sacred Passage has begun.

© 2016 Sue Dreamwalker


Love and Blessings


Skipping Stones~ A Short Story

Out of all the places, why had his mother sent him to stay with his Aunt Maude. He didn’t know anyone in this neighbourhood and didn’t want to go out and get some fresh air as his Aunt kept telling him… He’d much sooner sit and read, and stay in his room.

He didn’t belong here, and what’s more he didn’t want to stay here, as he threw yet another stone into the water. Finally giving way to his Aunts nagging he had gone to explore. He’d walked aimlessly until he found himself at the edge of the lake.

‘Dam!’, he thought, why couldn’t adults just tell you what was going on, instead of all the whispering. Why didn’t they just come out and tell him, instead of thinking they were trying to protect him. He knew things were far from right at home. Why send him all this way, out-of-the-way. Why treat him as if he was a child… He was 15 and still he got treated as if he was in kindergarten.

‘Dam his Dad!’, he thought as he lobbed yet another stone into the water. Bending he picked up another handful of stones. He knew his parents were getting a divorce but why send him out all this way for the Summer. What was wrong with him, why did his Dad want a new family, why didn’t he want to be with him.

 Why can’t things be like they were, why did he go and leave, and why did his Mother get sick?… He’d tried his best to comfort his Mother, but it had been hard, she was never a strong woman, and her health had always been fragile, but now they said it was her mind that was fragile, and she needed to rest… He knew he could take care of her.

‘Dam! Dam! …DAM!’ … as stone  after stone splashed the surface of the lake.

He’d only been with his Aunt for 4 days and already he disliked all he’d seen. The town, if you could call it a town was a main street of different shops, the usual hardware and Liquor stores, and a small cafe, the library and the Sheriff’s Office and the Church. And that was it as far as he could see

 He’d walked down to the library yesterday with his Aunt who had got him a couple of books out for him to read which he’d chosen. Later while his Aunt Maude had some shopping to do he had walked to where the school-house was. It had looked dull and run down from the outside it needed a lick of paint, there was no life as it was a Saturday and school holidays didn’t start until next week… He thought about the few friends he had back home. Well at least he had started his long Summer break one week earlier before them he thought.

 He couldn’t see any Parkland, but he had yet to explore further, and from the looks of things there was nothing worth doing around here. The only life he’d seen was yesterday Market day when the Town seemed to buzz into life as people from the outskirts set up their stalls and brought in their wares to sell, and he’d had to endure being dragged around by his Aunt, who had taken pains to introduce him to what seemed every woman in town… God how embarrassing was that.

‘Dam this place’… Splashed another pebble.

It was then he heard the noise behind him, he stopped throwing the stones to look around from the lakes edge to find a Girl staring at him half hidden in the bushes. As soon as she saw him she came out into the open… She smiled, but he wasn’t in the mood for smiling, and as he had one pebble left in his hand he thought he’d try his hand at skimming it. He had been quite good back home, but the shape wasn’t too good and as his eyes followed, it bounced twice.

 Arrh well. at least it bounced he thought.

He shielded his eyes from the Sun to take a better look at the Girl who looked a similar age to himself., She looked kind of ragged, with rolled up trousers which had a few holes in them and none too clean either by the looks as she had stains all over them, and on her hands.

 Her hair was caught back in a ponytail. The Sunlight played on her face, he saw a fresh complexion and a smirk on her lips. She smiled as she came out into the open she bent down near the water’s edge and retrieved something from the ground, to then bend back and arch her body to throw a pebble of her own across the water….

 ‘Wow’ he thought she can throw, as the pebble flew at chest height out across the lake to bounce, one,.. two,… three and yes just a fourth time as it skipped across the smooth surface.. ‘Hummm he thought Not bad for a girl’.

He watched her grinning back, and he acknowledges her grin by raising his hand to his forehead to Salute back. As he turned back into the thicket, he smiled to himself. ‘Humm maybe it wasn’t going to be so boring after all!’……

© Sue Dreamwalker 2010 All rights reserved.

This was part of a larger story I wrote 6 years ago,  still archived which I have recently revisited to edit..  I thought a change is often as good as a rest as they say.  And thought you may like this little interlude of a Short Story.. And I may well expand upon it in the future.  Who Knows?..

Wishing you ALL a wonderful Weekend..



The Picture Credit is from Google Sources  Link HERE.


Listening within the heart of Gaia~ Part One

Selenite Towers and Selenite crystal ball.. The largest tower stands 14 inches tall.

Buddha and Selenite upon my landing. 

Sometimes you just have to Listen to that Inner Voice, and since the beginning of December I have been in need of just sitting in my quiet time, meditating and breathing in the peace I so needed..So how do you explain? 

So I will embark upon a story…. And hope as the narrative is guided we may both emerge wiser from reading.


For weeks the Woman had found herself crying at the least little thing, her nerves shattered as the world about her seemed to dissolve into yet more madness. She would take herself off to her favourite places and talk to the trees as she pressed herself close to their strength, they absorbed her fears and she would return home feeling brighter.


But her nights were tormented by a sea of faces; she felt the cords of long ago pulling and weighing her heart down. Her empathy reached out and joined a part of everyone, she knew she needed to let go, learning to detach from outcomes, for she also knew within her being that ALL things were meant to pass, and that her journey was like many others was all part of the Universal plan. She needed to remember others too had chosen their path along their own particular road.

Her sleep was fitful, filled with dreams, which seemed to contain so many children’s faces. Large sad eyes, haunted with fear. The children were in the ocean, shouting for help, she would dive deep to pull them up one by one, but there were too many to save… She would swim to shore with jagged rocks, and lift the children up to those stood on the shore to be saved. But they folded their arms and turned away, saying they were not their responsibility.  She trod water pleading for them to hold out their arms to take the children, but all looked away…. She sunk back into the ocean, into the cold blackness and would awake with the taste of salt upon her skin..

Her waking hours she would read many others thoughts and find so many synchronicities of similar emotions being expressed and she knew the energies right now were gathering momentum for Change.. And those who were in tune were also feeling the need to withdraw and send out love and compassion… She also knew from her guides that she would be tested, to keep her patience and hold her peace, as others would try to sap  and unbalance her energy…. So she would walk, and garden and keep her own council.


Autumn Home Garden

It was while the woman was in the garden one morning that she was trying to interpret another dream and again the message was about the state of the world and her role within it.. She felt so heavy so sad that she could feel so many hearts all at once… She continued planting the plants that would bring forth the flowers in Spring.. But the tears blinded her and her hands shook. She collapsed to her knees in great sobs, as the world closed in on her shoulders… She knew she had to let go of all the past hurts, all the past injustices, and she knew she could not carry the weight of others. She cried out as if in pain asking the Universe to take away the burdens she was choosing to carry..

She looked up as a ray of light broke through the misty gloom of the Grey overcast December day and couldn’t believe her eyes… For there fluttering right above her head was a Peacock Butterfly, it hovered over her for maybe a minute flying around in circles.. She was motionless, speechless and watched as it disappeared as it flew into the Sun…

Peacock Butterfly

Peacock Butterfly taken Last year.

She cried even harder, but now her tears released something inside that had long been held within.. She opened her heart and understood…  We need the Compassion, and only through such pain can compassion be felt.. So many souls choosing their paths, each within their own journeys within this time frame going through their own experiences. Choosing to release and let go too of possessions of this Material World.. 

 The butterfly the symbol of Transformation.. She knew within her inner knowing Now was the time of Great Change..

And it was time to LET GO, and TRUST in the Universal Plan..

To be continued .. 

Love Verses Hate.


Isn’t it strange how Synchronicity works?. But then when you get to see how this Universe really works, its not so strange at all..

I was drawn to take up the gauntlet of another challenge  over at The moment my mind decided to do so, as I caught up with some of my blogging community I was not surprised to see the trail of Synchronicity at work to help me put a post together.

Now firstly I rarely say the word Hate.. I prefer to say ‘Dislike’. Hate to me has a far deeper meaning. There are many things in this world I ‘Dis-like’. Tyranny, Abuse, Exploitation, War, Racism, and the list can go on and on. Hate on the other hand holds for me a different kind of energy.

We all know there are lots of Bad things happening in the world,because we are constantly told about them. And yet I also know many Good things are also being shared in this world. Many which we do not get to see..

There IS much LOVE in this world, and I also know how lucky I am living the life I do. For there are many shoes I would not wish to walk in. Yet we are all of us upon our paths, and all of us have choices. All of us are contributing to our experience within our Material Earth Walk.  I constantly give thanks daily for the Gifts I have been given and the path I am able to follow. 

Why do we humans seem to revel in Bad News, disasters, as we Gossip, and spread rumours?  Why is it so hard to show Love and share all those who do good.. I did some sharing of  bad news  on Dreamwalker’s Gardening blog where the allotments were broken into. Again I count my blessings.

The one thing I often speak about is Energy, Thoughts are Energy, its all about the energy we put out.

You see its all a matter of altering our perspective.

The first post I wish to share is Miro’s , I had been meaning to re-blog this post for some time  and asked his permission some months back. His wonderful poetry brings to the fore a True Warrior who is not afraid to do battle. He has been through his own Battles through out his life and yet he stands tall and is a true warrior worthy of his blog title Warrior Poets Wisdom . I invite you to listen to one of his Posts  in which he narrates his poem entitled LOVE Thy Enemy .

The second post I am sharing is also Poetry.. Kimberly has been through her own health struggles recently and here she shares her perspective on the seeds of Hope in her poetry as she speaks about “ The Weeds of Hate has taken over the gardens of purity”

My third post share is of pure LOVE this one literally popped up in my reader as I was writing this post so has to be shared  And This is how much I love you by MichelleMarie.  Thank you Michelle for all the Love you do share over at Tell Me About It 

And lastly as I conclude this Long post I just wish to share a couple of paragraphs I wrote several years on a post call ‘Finding Our Sacred Centre’ Where I said “

“Each of us in small ways can do amazing things through aligning our ‘Will’ of that of evolution, growing ‘light’, defeating the ‘darkness’ of inertia, lethargy and despair. We may find that part of our work in this world we live is focused towards the healing arts. Like myself I work among those who are disadvantaged  by the mere fact of their disabilities, whether that be physically or mentally challenged. It never ceases to amaze me how happy these wonderful individuals are with their lot in life. And how despite their difficulties they strive to take part, and never give in.”

“It has made me realise that each of us can Change the way we perceive our lot to be. Each of us can change our future, Heal the sick, improve humanities lot, if we so will and if we have the courage and the wisdom to know what’s right.”

Which of these Energies do you wish to see succeed? Are you sharing your LOVE?

Love and Blessings


Letting Go, and Be Happy!


Letting Go.


I’m going to start with a short story from a book

  [“Called 15 ways to be a Happier You.”.Tia –Chi  Chi Kung]

By Peter Chin Kean Choy.


Feeling bad may not have been a conscious choice, But what about feeling bad, about feeling bad?

A businessman came to see me and shared how everything around him had collapsed. He was financially bankrupt, his relationships had broken up, bills and debts flooded his desk. On top of that he was an alcoholic and his health was poor.

As the seconds ticked by, John recounted his miseries again and again. It was like a vicious wheel, everything he thought he shared revolved around the centre of his suffering. As he talked, I pointed to my watch and commented, ‘John, no one could deny you the right to feel that you are in a bad situation. And now…. You were in a bad situation… each moment passing by, you have a choice how to choose to be….now and now… and now, three seconds have just passed by…. how you choose to be now is your choice..

He listened, he took some deep sighs and realised—perhaps for the first time in his life—that he had this freedom of choice. He replied, ‘I think I know what you are saying. It is like compounding interest in the bank. Each moment of negativity can be compounded’.

I responded, ‘You’ve got it John, You could feel bad about having felt bad and the next moment, you could feel bad about feeling bad about having felt bad, about having felt bad…Or  you could actually release that old pattern and start anew this moment… and this moment.. and this moment now.”

End Quote.


There is a John inside all of us who at one time or another gives up hope and feels really down. If you are in such a situation now, gently accept how you are feeling. You did the best you could. Your bad feelings of feeling bad about feeling bad were simply your way of coping with the situation and you want the situation to get better.

Here is a visualization for you to do..

You are your own inner gardener with the ability to compost your negative thoughts and feelings,

Visualise that you are sitting in a beautiful garden.. See all the beauties of this garden See all your blessings and give thanks for them Then..See to one side of you beautiful garden in the corner some magic compost bins.

They are always here to use, day or night. All you have to do is your letting go exercise.. Imagine you are letting go of any negative feelings by placing them gently into your compost bin. Know that over a period of time your bin will turn all those ugly thoughts and transform them into a rich ‘black Gold’ to once again enrich and make your garden grow. Knowing that through your experience you will be stronger. Trust that once you have put the negative thought into the bin it will be dealt with.

If you are not a gardener.. Then why not visualise a huge Angel hand.. and you place all  your worries and negative thoughts into Gods hands. And it will be taken and dispersed of as the angels feel fit.


H.A.P.P.Y.  Me being Happy..

Also clearing out the old and making way for the new.. Recycle all the things you no longer use, give them away or give to charities.. see how good it makes you feel.

Start a garden.. it doesn’t have to be a big one, potted plants, a herb garden. Compost your own vegetable wastes. Feel good about making something grow, And then let that feeling grow inside of you.

Lupins in the pots and along at the end some Dahlias and Gladioli,  for cut flowers in the autumn. Behind you can see the rows of garlic which was planted as cloves in October now growing.

Lupins in the pots and along at the end some Dahlias and Gladioli, for cut flowers in the autumn. Behind you can see the rows of garlic which was planted as cloves in October now growing.

Watch a funny film. Laughter is truly a magical medicine. There are many ways of ‘Letting go’.

I am re-learning again to let go of all the feelings and emotions that I have let build, which I know has contributed to letting the ‘stress’ build which I know has made me feel ill.

One of the first Qi Gong Exercises is to find your peaceful happy self by releasing and letting go…..  Even if you do not know how to do Qi Gong.. You all know how to breathe..

Breathe in deeply and evenly and as you breathe out release and let go.. Put all your problems into that bin or into God’s hands and you will soon find how lighter you will feel… I imagine all my problems as grey particles or smoke coming from within as I breathe out. Why not give it a try and see how you can Breathe yourself to a more peaceful and happier you.

Have a Wonderful Weekend

~ Sue~ 


When the Universe Speaks I Listen ~Part 3.

“And, when you want something, all the Universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”

-Paulo Coelho-

Playfulness Art by Sue

Playfulness Art by Sue

Sometimes it maybe hard to see what is in front of us, especially if we turn a blind eye to the promptings of our inner selves..  As I read The Journey™ I was nodding along, thinking how I too had explored many avenues of self healing over the years.  Which can be found in amongst my Soul Journey series.. I no longer suffered from Raynauds disease, I was no long in constant fatigue or pain from Fibromyalgia. I had done a lot of healing work.. Plus I still had regular acupuncture as top ups  which concentrated upon problem area’s.. But even my therapist  had not helped my digestive issues heal completely..   

So was the Universe conspiring to show me how I still needed to work upon my inner self some more?  Having a digestion problem of acid reflux and discomfort, I wondered what was not sitting right with me.. What was it I was finding hard to digest? And why would I be reading this book right now?

The Universe had been helping, nudging me along since January if I’d really thought about it.. My Falling so hard on my Chin: I recognize my own true worth.- Sprained wrists: Louise L. Hay says Sprains represent anger and resistance, not wanting to move in a certain direction! What was I not grasping? as for weeks my wrists could not hold the weight of a pan without pain.. Was I angry? or was I resisting still my decision to retire?  I posed myself these internal Questions as I listened for the answers. 

 I had hospital tests done last year all proved negative so no worries there. So I had proceeded to altering my diet.. Cutting out Gluten and my diet got a boost in March as my daughter gifted me the Deliciously Ella Cook Book for Mother’s Day with lots of Goodies from her Health Food Store to get me started in cutting sugar out of my diet also..

So I began eating more Salads everyday for lunch, more fruit and Nuts, And my Veggies in the evenings with our evening meal we always had. Making  myself a healthy Green Smoothie most days using recipes from Ella’s book… And I truly did and do feel more energised because of it… Yet out of the blue the symptoms would worsen… And I couldn’t pin point it all the time to what I was eating..

So what was I thinking? What patterns were I repeating?…. I sat awake one night trying to do the exercise in The Journey™ book.. But would get stuck as my mind would get caught within the Drama’s of what I was revisiting.. Brandon Bays had said not to stay in the drama, but go down through the emotions it was bringing up..  So I just wrote and wrote, All the past as it flooded in.. all the drama’s I poured down which had caused me and others pain.. 

One of the Big issues it did bring up was ‘rejection’ Not only in the adult years from my mother.. But when I went down through those stories which brought up emotions from my childhood, of feeling alone.. Not loved, in some ways not worthy.  I had found myself trying to prove myself.. I realised I had done that throughout my career… Always nose to the grindstone.. Working my way up from age 15 from sewing machinist to – . N.V.Q. Assessor-External Verifier-Training Manager.  Then how even after my Career change how I still was climbing in getting my qualifications in Support Working with Learning Difficulties and Mental Health. Was I still seeking approval?

Is my blog still not a means of seeking approval?  How I need to try to visit posts all be it late of those who leave me their lovely comments…Was I still seeking external approval? And was I still wounding myself?

Then as I started reading through the various posts on other blog as the Synchronicities started again, as others too were revisiting old stuff.. Working to Let Go of emotional baggage. All was coming together

Watercolour Cat Moods Art by Sue

Watercolour Cat Moods Art by Sue


Is it a coincidence that as I at last got this post in my head on the 6th of April the anniversary of my Mother’s passing? Or that I went to bed last night after a beautiful day with my 4 yr old Granddaughter and wished my Mother a Happy Earth Birthday  which was yesterday on the 7th..  I don’t believe in coincidences.. For All is part of the Universal Plan. 

I can not say if my Inner work as got to the core issues.. But what I can say is I feel lighter, brighter in mind and spirit.. I am sure that my Inner healing will be on going throughout my life… None of us are given a manual in Life and Living.. But we are given the tools and guidance to explore the realms of our emotions which so often have such a lasting impact from the stories each of us have held onto .. Many suffer so much in traumatic events, especially in our young years…

Now all I need to work on is my aching muscles as I start the season of weeding and hoeing and digging in the allotments again… Practice as they say makes perfect.. I will  be getting plenty of that.

What we All have to realise is what many have kept buried deep within is also in need of being weeded and cast out as we let go of the buried pain we have kept hidden sometimes without even realising it. Which gets embedded within our bodies as cellular memory to appear later down the line. 

I thank you all who have managed to stay to course and read to the bottom of this post.. 

Love and Blessings


PS… I forgot to add.. My Laptop was returned with new keyboard and all data in tact.. Now maybe that also was telling me something 🙂


The Evidence Of our Emotions.

The world reflects back what we project out. My own sadness was projected out.. My own Horror was projected out in my last post, but I also hope my love and my compassion and my wish for Peace is also projected out. For I truly believe it is We who have to change. 

Much is happening within our world and we need to bring our world back into balance through living once again through our HEARTS…Not judging or condemning. But by bringing the Care and Kindness back into our thoughts.      

All through our lives we seek Love and need to feel love, Now is the time we need to share Love, we need to share our HEARTS…with each other.  

Within each of us is a spark of LIGHT which connects us to the Oneness, We are creating what we are on the inside which is mirrored on the outside.   This video speaks of those very tools I spoke of, The Power of our Minds, and how that affects the Whole of Humanity and our World.   

When we learn to connect to that Light within, as we experience through our senses, you will see that everything we experience in our Outer-world takes on a new meaning. Ask yourself what energy are you creating? Are we projecting out hatred, judgement, prejudices, anger? Or are you projecting Love, Kindness, Care, forgiveness,Tolerance and Compassion?  What is in your world right now? 

When you discover for yourselves this truth, exiting things begin to happen, Things thought to be coincidences take on a new meaning, and when you open your mind even further you then see you are indeed Co-creators, and you are the ones who has the power to change the world with your thoughts.. And Peace and Harmony will become the Norm, as we learn to shed the Fear of chaos and negativity.

Gregg Braden ends his talk by saying,”Those changes extend into the world around us, into communities and families in ways that can be measured and that’s a fact, and with these two facts we can move on in this 21st Century of the world and not let the frightening conditions of the World dis-empower us.

We can look at that world square in the eye and say yes these things have happened, But there is a Power Within us and maybe we can outgrow the need for War”.

Have a Peaceful weekend

Love and Light



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Sue Dreamwalker

Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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