Living Through Extremes

How do we know its time for Change? We are all upon our Path, we are walking it, one step at a time. May we all choose the ‘Good Red Road’

“Hear me, four quarters of the world–a relative I am! Give me the strength to walk the soft earth, a relative to all that is!

Give me the eyes to see and the strength to understand, that I may be like you. With your power only can I face the winds.

Great Spirit, Great Spirit, my Grandfather, all over the earth the faces of living things are all alike. With tenderness have these come up out of the ground.

Look upon these faces of children without number and with children in their arms, that they may face the wind and walk the good road to the day of quiet.
This is my prayer; hear me now!”

– “Black Elk’s Prayer for All Life


We are the race who are living through extremes,

Changes are afoot beyond anything we dreamed.

Adaptation to a ‘New Normal we now must choose

We need to re-think our perceptions or else we may lose


Don’t allow Fear to rule your life

Learn to bring compassion, for it will end much strife

Hold silent vigil for Calm and Peace

Know deep in your heart that all war must cease


Be creative and add to the flow

Pick up the pieces, mend hearts and know

That if we fail in this current World Test

We doom not only ourselves, but all the rest


We make our choices, knowing right from wrong

Bring thoughts of dreams of which we all long

Capture the rainbows after stormy rain

Bring back the laughter, Be happy again.


Sherwood Pines Forest

Paths we all follow are our own to choose

Make a wrong turn and we all could lose

Flow with the current, let it take you down stream

Allow yourself Freedom– To let go and Dream

© Sue Dreamwalker 2015 All rights reserved.

I have recently been re-reading the Book “ The Turning Point” Creating Resilience in a Time of Extremes, By Gregg Braden. .. I was struck by one chapter ‘The Next Level’, in which Gregg comments upon the ‘Glue’ that holds us all together whether that be one person or a whole city.. That the keys to success is for us to share a common Vision and a Common Bond..

We now have come to that point where WE Choose which way we want our World to unfurl.. I know which kind of Glue I want, And I think most of us on this planet share this same vision .. I hope we begin to make the love Glue stick.

In Love and Light

Enjoy your Week



The above post was first written in 2015…. Seems we are still choosing what kind of glue we wish to hold our communities together… May we all choose wisely xx
I have been absent from WP for a time and I may take a while longer to reply to comments, than normal.  Thank you for your patience… Wishing you all a Peaceful weekend. 

Time of Change!- Just what are WE Creating?- within Consciousness!

I am always amazed at how the Universe works and how it sends you messages that shows you that you are still tuned into those higher realms of thought, that beautiful  vibrational field of energy we are all connected to..  Sometimes you get to doubt yourself as you take time out just to BE… You ponder upon the Universal plan, as you sit within your silence listening for those answers as you witness the panic and pandemonium of a world that at first glance appears in Crisis, and Chaos.. 

But then something happens that banishes all of those doubts, as you understand the world is working in perfect order within this time frame we have all created and chosen to experience.. 

What do I mean? Well yesterday  I had thought to post my latest creation, my poem along with my watercolour that I finished a couple of days ago.. But something held me back.. I uploaded my photo and I typed up my poem from my journal, then a tiredness swept over me and I closed my computer down for the early evening.. 

I follow many favourite YouTube channels, and so this morning while knitting, I listened to one that my favourite author Gregg Braden had uploaded  yesterday from,  on How we can Create an Amazing Reality.  In it he spoke of how the ‘Field’ is something we all tap into, and how science is now proving it, he goes on to discuss this along with a  film Arrival, along with other films, The Matrix, and Avatar, and all the language we use,  and how we create via our creations the reality we live in. And perhaps now its TIME for us to have this film Arrival to digest its message. He also goes onto say how a musical friend missed his opportunity in his creativity by taking too much time over his particular creation…

I hope you enjoy the story he shares of his musical friend in the link above. 

But one only has to look at the past films we have made on Pandemic’s and Worldwide disasters to understand that it is WE who create, WE whose thoughts go out who cultivate the nature of our reality that is our experience, and it is WE who manifest our reality even though many are not aware of how this works.. 

 You may have to watch his video to understand, I so know  how our Time is precious and we do not always have time to educate ourselves in other modes of thinking, because often we have been programmed into a certain way of thinking, so if you are not ready to understand, that is fine, it is not yet your Time to wake up to the Quantum World.  Because Consciousness creates Everything we Experience in Life 

 So back to my tale… if that were not enough a synchronicity I opened up my computer this morning intending to post my poem and painting, but during the night I had woken with another verse to my poem rattling around my head. This verse I then slotted in to my existing poem, it’s the verse that starts with “Time isn’t linear, that travels in straight lines”…  Then it was lunch time, and again I felt a huge need to sleep, so I went to lay down and slept for two hours.. 

Upon waking, I logged back in to complete my blog post  and up pops the alert from my favourite Artist.. Akiane Kramarik..  whose latest video she published today, so I started to watch Its title was wait for it. Alone in Asia -Flow in Time ... As I listened to her words, she too spoke of TIME… and I thought again the Universe was prompting me to publish my poem and art creation… 

But what was even more mind blowing came at the end of her video, as she showed us her creation of  her  artwork… Which is always amazing …  And I knew… without a doubt… I hadn’t been in a void, the universe was listening to me, and I was tapping into the Universe… and that I had been tapping into the field all along… As you will see by looking at her painting and mine… They are both way different.. But TWO things stand out in the same message…  And I am in ore at just how the Universe speaks to us, when we take the TIME to Listen…

I So, so hope you make TIME to listen to all the links, it may just open your mind to the programming we are all subjected to, and it may help you also create TIME to Create Change within your own world and BEcome ALL that you are capable of BEcoming… 

Create Love not Fear!!……..

Stay Blessed all of you and thank you for reading this longer post..  



Time, they say is an illusion, and not real

A concept we created, just so we can feel.

Time within my world is something very precious,

It’s a ladder to growth as we explore our consciousness.


A consciousness that reaches out and explores

One that asks you to question, opening up those doors

To corridors within a labyrinth, a maze of perpetual thought,

That at times you can get lost in, feeling you are nought.


Time isn’t linear, that travels in a straight line,

It’s a frequency location, a Map within the mind,

We travel back and forth, we visit in our dreams

And nothing is as solid as everything may seem.


Time is not the minutes that ticks within a clock

When you understand more of time, it may also shock

You to discover you are everything and More,

Each affecting the future, in our present through past doors


For we are interstellar, we came from our futures past,

To awaken a race from slumber to release from stupor’s grasp.  

As we ask you to remember why it was you came ,

And why so many get trapped within this Matrix Game.


Time is like the lines within the circle of an ageing tree,

Time is but a frequency encompassing you and me,

It folds around a Toroid going back in on itself.

Time is none existence, it’s just our Now experience of Self.


You cannot describe what time is, or is not.

It’s only the perception of our choices in this timeline slot.

It’s like a stack of cards, a holodeck of maths,

We chose this time to be here, following our own paths.


We were told from ancient times to follow the law of love

The answers are in the Stars, if we care to look above.

And now that time has come, when we must step up to the mark

As we listen with our hearts, it’s now that time to start

©  Sue Dreamwalker Feb 2020.

Time Mandala Watercolour Art by Sue Dreamwalker

Are You Listening To Your Heart?


Connecting~Cooperating~Creating, We are One.. ~ Watercolour and Ink Art by Sue Dreamwalker


 Stepping through the Mirror, leaving her shadow-self behind,

 She reflected upon the moment and her place within mankind

She saw the fractal image as she observed the Hologram

Of how each was Participating in the Universal plan.


We are the building blocks, as we keep looking to discover

Creating all with energy the thoughts we each uncover.

The choices are reflected, reacting to our minds

Through feelings, thoughts and attitudes to each of us it binds


For nothing is separate, we are the space between the flow

An Energy of Chi, the Qi that makes us glow.

You then understand the importance of your hearts-math

As you unravel the coding imprints of your Ancient past.


And once you uncover the Truth behind the smoke and mirrors

There is no turning back time as you see our time isn’t linear

Your mind will want to explode when you discover just who you are

And you will never look at the world without thinking of a star.


But here’s the thing you see, as you delve and dig around

You have to be prepared to change your perceptions of the ground

We all were brought up believing a set of rules not always true

And the cycles are now going to open up new parameters to view


When you understand more deeply the Truths we all should seek

You’ll begin to see the parable of Heaven inheriting the meek

We each of us have choices and it all comes down to this

Do we want to live in Fear, or choose the path of bliss?

© Sue Dreamwalker 2020.


 We Each Can Make a difference  to our world by living from our Hearts!. 

 Where we Focus our Intention, is where we Create our Reality. 

We are all Connected within the Field of Energy. We are ONE


We are the ones we have been waiting for, and it all begins with altering our own thoughts our own feelings and our own perceptions

Will YOU use your Hearts to change the Field? the Energy of Division! and use your Heart to send LOVE into the Matrix of this world instead of Judgment and Fear!  

Our Thoughts Create The Future, 

The World reflects back that which we send into it with our thoughts and feelings. 

Change is within our grasp for a better world when we open our Hearts in Unity Consciousness 

[Comments are Closed]

I am sorry to have to close comments, but  I have lots of personal projects on the go at the moment and will not be able to devote too much time to my blog until after the weekend.

So I Wish you All a Peaceful rest of the week and  weekend, I hope you find the words of Gregg Braden as enlightening as I do. As he explains the Power of our collective Hearts.

ENJOY your Every Moment!

Love and Blessings. 

Diving Deeper~ To Know Ourselves.

I am sure many of us are aware that this planet and its weather patterns are changing..

  For those of us aware of the cycles of this transition of the planet alignments going on in outer-space right now this will not be news to you.

But I know many of you may not be aware of how our human behaviour is affected by magnetic energy that interacts between the Sun and the Earth. 

I Hope you can spare half an hour out of your busy lives to listen to what Gregg Braden who is a well known author and whose background is in Science has to say on this subject.

And I hope it leads you to investigate deeper. 

  Here is Part ONE as promised, I posted part two here of his conversation in a previous post. 

Please listen to Gregg talking about the Cycles of the Planets, in regards to magnetic cycles of the Sun and the Earth…. He speaks of this within the first ten minutes, as he speaks about what the Hopi Prophecy had to say on Earth Changes. 

But I think you will want to listen to the whole of the conversation… He also speaks about our Fusions of DNA when we appeared 200,000 years ago.. He speaks about Nature in Co-operations not Competition! and our Evolution in how we think about ourselves…. 

He also talks about  Three Cycles.. Earth Climate Cycles, Economic Cycles  and Conflict Cycles! 

I hope you do find the time to listen…

And I hope it leads you to look at the world through a different perspective..  

What struck me most were these words by Gregg,

” The Better we know ourselves the less we fear Change in the world, and the better we know ourselves, the less we fear one another! “

Love and Blessings and Keep on Diving Deeper into yourselves and enjoy every moment of now.  


 Note: For those interested in further information and interesting discussions Here at the Berkeley Springs Transition Talks.  and the host of this discussion John Peterson at  Arlington Institute   


I will leave comments open, but please be patient if I take a while to answer, as I have a few things in progress to finish this week ..

Love and Blessings and Keep on Diving Deeper within yourselves..

And remember Each of us need to start opening up our hearts as we Remember we are  ALL connected to Consciousness. 

Love and Light. 



Sharing~ and Choosing!


Hello my wonderful friends,

You will notice again perhaps how quiet I have been over the last few days.  Sometimes we have to withdraw from the world and the perpetual bombardments of other people’s thinking, and those awful tragedies which have a knock on effect to our energies.

Especially here in the UK where we are going to make a choice on the 23rd June as we vote in the Referendum to Stay or Exit the European Union -EU. I have heard every argument going from both sides to stay or leave until to be quite honest I have switched off from it all.

And the way I switch off is by connecting back into nature, which is my safe haven and energiser from the constant chaos we are being subjected to into our homes from the media with all that is unfolding at this time.

I was looking for a piece of music to share with you on this Father’s Day here in the UK, but as I browsed I came across a favourite speaker and author of mine Gregg Bradon.

I hope you have just 10 minutes of your time to listen to him speak upon these changes in this interview he gave.  Touching upon how we can now choose to co-operate and share. Within his talk he speaks of changing our thoughts around from  “ What can I get from the world that exists” ………. To “ What can I share with the world that is emerging”…..

So while you hopefully listen to his thoughts, I am sharing with you all what I have been up to last week and will be spending more time within our Allotment Plot this coming week in picture format.

( Sorry the Video has now been taken Down )




Love and Blessings



Living Through Extremes

How do we know its time for Change? We are all upon our Path, we are walking it one step at a time. May we all choose the ‘Good Red Road’

“Hear me, four quarters of the world–a relative I am! Give me the strength to walk the soft earth, a relative to all that is!

Give me the eyes to see and the strength to understand, that I may be like you. With your power only can I face the winds.

Great Spirit, Great Spirit, my Grandfather, all over the earth the faces of living things are all alike. With tenderness have these come up out of the ground.

Look upon these faces of children without number and with children in their arms, that they may face the wind and walk the good road to the day of quiet.
This is my prayer; hear me now!”

– “Black Elk’s Prayer for All Life


We are the race who are living through extremes,

Changes are afoot beyond anything we dreamed.

Adaptation to a ‘New Normal’ we now must choose

We need to re-think our perceptions or else we may lose


fear communications

Don’t allow Fear to rule your life

Learn to bring compassion, for it will end much strife

Hold silent vigil for Calm and Peace

Know deep in your heart that all war must cease


Dream Love Song.

Be creative and add to the flow

Pick up the pieces, mend hearts and know

That if we fail in this current World Test

We doom not only ourselves, but all the rest


We make our choices, knowing right from wrong

Bring thoughts of dreams of which we all long

Capture the rainbows after stormy rain

Bring back the laughter, Be happy again.


Sherwood Pines Forest

Paths we all follow are our own to choose

Make a wrong turn and we all could lose

Flow with the current, let it take you down stream

Allow yourself Freedom- To let go and Dream

© Sue Dreamwalker 2015 All rights reserved.

I have recently been re-reading the Book “ The Turning Point” Creating Resilience in a Time of Extremes, By Gregg Braden. .. I was struck by one chapter ‘The Next Level’, in which Gregg comments upon the ‘Glue’ that holds us all together whether that be one person or a whole city.. That the keys to success is for us to share a common Vision and a Common Bond..

We now have come to that point where WE Choose which way we want our World to unfurl.. I know which kind of Glue I want, And I think most of us on this planet share this same vision .. I hope we begin to make the love Glue stick.

In Love and Light

Enjoy your Week




Please take the time to click the links both here and within my poem, the pictures are also linked to their sources.. With some interesting reading

The Evidence Of our Emotions.

The world reflects back what we project out. My own sadness was projected out.. My own Horror was projected out in my last post, but I also hope my love and my compassion and my wish for Peace is also projected out. For I truly believe it is We who have to change. 

Much is happening within our world and we need to bring our world back into balance through living once again through our HEARTS…Not judging or condemning. But by bringing the Care and Kindness back into our thoughts.      

All through our lives we seek Love and need to feel love, Now is the time we need to share Love, we need to share our HEARTS…with each other.  

Within each of us is a spark of LIGHT which connects us to the Oneness, We are creating what we are on the inside which is mirrored on the outside.   This video speaks of those very tools I spoke of, The Power of our Minds, and how that affects the Whole of Humanity and our World.   

When we learn to connect to that Light within, as we experience through our senses, you will see that everything we experience in our Outer-world takes on a new meaning. Ask yourself what energy are you creating? Are we projecting out hatred, judgement, prejudices, anger? Or are you projecting Love, Kindness, Care, forgiveness,Tolerance and Compassion?  What is in your world right now? 

When you discover for yourselves this truth, exiting things begin to happen, Things thought to be coincidences take on a new meaning, and when you open your mind even further you then see you are indeed Co-creators, and you are the ones who has the power to change the world with your thoughts.. And Peace and Harmony will become the Norm, as we learn to shed the Fear of chaos and negativity.

Gregg Braden ends his talk by saying,”Those changes extend into the world around us, into communities and families in ways that can be measured and that’s a fact, and with these two facts we can move on in this 21st Century of the world and not let the frightening conditions of the World dis-empower us.

We can look at that world square in the eye and say yes these things have happened, But there is a Power Within us and maybe we can outgrow the need for War”.

Have a Peaceful weekend

Love and Light



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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