Standing In Your Light!

This is just a little quick message to you dear friends which Lorie here explains so beautifully. Remember YOU are the Ones who chose to be here at this pivotal time in our Human History.. Remember YOU are the Chosen Ones, whose Love and Light is here right now to bring about the change from Dark To Light!. While I was intending to catch up with many of you, some obstacles have prevented me… I am always a great believer in what Signs are being shown to me. So I take this as not a set back, but Divine Timing!… I only post when I know deep within my heart it feels right to do so… So dear WordPress Family… What ever set backs you may be experiencing right now within your own family circle or immediate surroundings.. Know Divine Timing is always working… Whatever Life is throwing our way right now, it has to unfold this way. For the greater Good of ALL of Humanity.

HOLD LOVE AND COMPASSION, EMPATHY and REASON, HOLD ONTO YOUR FAITH that ALL is as it should BE.. OUR LIGHT IS STRONG! All is being revealed step by step!…. Stay Blessed.

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Symbols and Symbiosis


Have you ever wondered about the Symbols we share?

The Language you’re speaking– Do you care?

Have you thought about the Words and the sounds they make?

Do you digest them and absorb- to intake?


Have you ever delved into the History Books ?

Studied Latin or Greek, or been given funny looks

As you compare how words have formed we use today

Did you wonder how hieroglyphs spoke and had their say









The Calendar of Mayan, such marvel of Signs

Which spanned many centuries, how geniusly  designed

The First Nations, the Indians with paintings on the rocks

Symbols of the road we travel with forks and zig-zag blocks


I’m sure you’ve seen the spirals from Pagan times and Celts

And the Flower of Life in Egypt along with Orion’s Belt

Celtic Cross Bakewell Church










Did you ponder now in modern times of symbols that we see

As we delve into the Past of Mysticism’s Sea

And what about the Symbols that ‘Crop’ up with in a field

Did you never wonder at their messages they wanted revealed

Now moving to your Dreams, what Signs do they show you?

Have you never-ever wondered if they’re giving you a clue

Look beyond your language, Look no further than the Sky

Look beyond the Stars, then pose your question -Why?

See the Signs in Nature, look up the word Symbiosis

Our Earth Mother is talking- Wake Up!- We’re in Crisis!

© Sue Dreamwalker 2014 All rights reserved. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The Signs of Change are everywhere, when will we wake up to become the change we need to make our lives, and live in balance.When are we going to learn to co-operate with one another for the benefit of all, instead of individual greed!

Are you Following the Signs?

Please click the links and photo’s to take you to more knowledge

~We are the Children of Mother Earth~

Thank you for reading. 


ˌsɪmbɪˈəʊsɪs,-bʌɪ-/noun~ BIOLOGY

noun: symbiosis

  1. interaction between two different organisms living in close physical association, typically to the advantage of both.

    • a mutually beneficial relationship between different people or groups.

      plural noun: symbioses

      “a perfect mother and daughter symbiosis”



Continuing My Soul Journey~3

MeditationAnd so began my next steps within this new home of Spiritual awareness. I started to practice meditation on a regular basis and was taken upon some wonderful visualisations. It became apparent very soon that with the coaching and nurturing of established Mediums I was encouraged  to strengthen those dormant gifts which lay within us all. And I began to trust what I was being shown and trusted to those intuitive senses more and more.

Over the next few years my life revolved around my Spiritual Connections.. Working a full time day job, my children were now teenagers, I would eagerly look forward to my Spiritual Awareness/Developments group and Healing Nights as I became a qualified Spiritual Healer with the SNU,   Completing a two year course of dedicated Healing work before being qualified..…My Hubby and I joined a Physical Circle which we  would attended every week for around 9 years in which we got Trance communications and a little physical Phenomenon, but nothing like  we would both travel to witness around the country as invited guests of other great established Physical Mediums who produced some excellent evidence through Phenomena..

My Hubby needed things proving, and was quiet a sceptic to begin with, but even he couldn’t doubt what we had both witnessed and heard as I spoke and shook hands literally with those who had been Spirit side for 80 years. all of which you can find within my various posts of Life with Spirit category

In those early years I was taken under the wing of a Medium she encouraged me to accompany her to her venues as a fledgling medium, and I would link into that other realm and bring my messages to those who had lost loved ones. Such were my messages well received I started to get bookings in my own right… 

We became  very dear friends, sadly she is no longer here in this realm, but it was through her own gentle coaching and introducing me to various reading matter that I became engrossed in the Subject of Life after Life..

I would travel to a place called Stansted Hall which is the Arthur Findlay College for advancement of Spiritualism and Psychic Studies of which she herself had been a student. I was introduced to well known books, some of those early books I read were a delight, White Eagle, and Silver Birch  as well as reading many of Arthur Findlay’s Book’s such as the Psychic Stream , On the Edge of the Etheric and the Unfolding Universe  These later 3 books took a lot of digesting even back then.. Since revisiting them now they make perfect sense.. But at the time of buying and reading them, I was not ready to compute their information.. I have to say that we are given pieces of information along our journey.. and we either digest it or discard it.. And then something just clicks within us and everything seems to make perfect sense…

I ask that you all seek out your own information, and believe not one word of what I say to be truth.. This journey is about us all finding our own Truth, some of it will resonate, some of it will not, for we all grow at our own pace each receiving that which we need. And at the end of the day we are all of us given ‘Free Will,’ to choose to investigate further or ignore it. Remember each of us are on our own Soul Journey… 

I have to say some of those early days reading material had not always resonated within my own soul… Like many now who dismiss much of our alternative realities as Rubbish I too questioned what I was reading in the late 80’s early 90’s.

I read many channelled books which at the time of reading I found way above my own perception of acceptance. Why? because I had nothing to measure it by, only the words which I found on the page.. I had to Trust what I was being told was true, and like most of us in this world we need proof.   Books which I found hard to swallow in the 90’s which I read and put to one side and said Ok… Maybe that’s a possibility.. But I wasn’t ready at that time to understand the complexity and the simplicity of our minds, or the concept of there being more to our Human-race of which we had no understanding. For we had been taught a totally different reality to that which I was now reading..  I found it hard to comprehend that people could communicate to our Earth Gaia for instance, and yet years later I understand totally…

Those first few books I read opened my thinking to other realms of possibilities and made me think deeper about our reality. I read books such as

It wasn’t until I went through my own Trauma of a Nervous Breakdown that I understood I had to use my own mind over matter, as I was put to the test!. I think the Greatest Book that had a lasting impression which showed me I was more than my body was You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L Hay A book which woke me up to how we think affects our health and wellness…  

To Be continued …….

My Journey of Souls~2

A little Background knowledge about me.  Part 2.

So what is happening in our world and why are so many of us appearing to be going through our own personal traumas, Just what is this ‘Shift’ and Ascension people are going on about? And how are we all involved in this journey?..

Before I can answer these questions you may have to be a little patient for I first need to tell you a little of my own background and how I woke up!..

Waking up to who we really are hasn’t just happened, no one turned a switch on within my thinking mind and said ‘Believe This, for this is Truth, far from it. Its taken me over 20 years of ponderings, reading, researching, listening, watching, and Feeling, to understand that this ‘Knowing’ within my being was guiding me to come out of the cocoon of what I believed to be my reality and discover we’ve only perceived part of what our true reality really is… And even then No one holds the whole picture, for so incredible is this Journey of Souls…

We each of us grow up within our families within our societies within our various cultured backgrounds, being taught morals, beliefs, history, science. We absorb knowledge by which we measure our surroundings and reality of our world. Believing totally all that we have been taught because there was no reason to disbelieve, why would there be?

Being spiritually aware from a young age I guess you could say I had always connected to whom we term as ‘God’, ‘The Great Spirit’. ‘Our Heavenly Father’, our ‘Divine Creator’, ‘The Source’  whom ever your particular teachings of beliefs put as that ‘ALL Mighty Creator of All Life’, I would constantly as a child pray to this ‘God’ whom I was taught lived in Heaven, which to me was up there in the sky.

I would pray earnestly each night for the rows and fighting  of my parents to stop. I would pray for my brother and sisters, I learnt to pray about many things.. I was not brought up in a religious home, my parents didn’t go to church, But I was sent to Chapel each Sunday to Sunday School where I would take my younger siblings, I sang in the choir and attended Bible Study, So religion played a huge role in my upbringing. I believed in Christ Jesus,the Bible and knew most of the New Testaments Stories. I totally got it that Jesus could heal the sick and wanted to show people how to love one another and created miracles to happen…

I would talk constantly to my invisible friend God and my invisible Nun, I had seen her as a child around our home, she calmed me, helped me, and soothed my Soul…Even one of my younger sisters had seen her which verified it for me when I was around 14 years old.. She wasn’t a nun who had a headdress like the Nun’s I had seen in my neck of the woods, no her hat was white, like a 3 pointed star…


So religion as a theme ran close to my heart from a very young age.. Then as you grow life takes over… I got married, moved away and it was in our first home that those senses I had as a child started returning again. As I would hear footsteps climb the stairs, bumps in the night that no amount of jumping up and down on squeaky floorboards could replicate. 

One time I even witnessed a form of a first world war soldier materialise from the waist upwards as if he was asleep in a chair, He opened his eyes to look straight at me, as I summoned up the courage to find my voice to ask who he was, as I spoke he vanished into the ether’s in a blink of an eye…

I was looking to de-stress and was reading the local paper when a small add just seemed to jump! out of the page at me advertising ‘Meditation Classes’ They happened to be held at our local Spiritualist Centre.  Now this advertisement was only put in the paper once, and I swear the first time I read it, it just Jumped off the page at me, have you ever had that happen? And that ‘feeling’ of just knowing you had to follow as your gut instincts kicked in…

That was the first Sign I knowingly followed. To me back then Spiritualists were supposed to be spooky weird people, such had been my religious upbringing and my perceptions had been coloured by others opinions and teachings, saying they walked with the Devil…

But once I walked through those doors and was greeted with such genuine warmth and sincerity, my curiosity and thirst to find answers led me to return..

So began the opening up and understanding of my own awareness of my psychic abilities and that Knowing that we were in fact ALL Spiritual Beings here on Earth.. And that we lived in the physical here in this dimension to experience and that I had senses that connected to that other realm, The World of Spirit…

So I was set upon the first rung of my Journey of Souls… The Next steps are what I found out about our Soul Journey…     

To be continued….


My Journey of Souls ~

universe we are One

It hardly seems possible another month is drawing to its close and even more so another year as 2012 is nearly over.

So many changes we have been witnessing, not only around the world but also with ourselves as this eventful year of 2012 is about to enter the final month of December, that auspicious date of 21-12-12 as depicted as the “End Times” by the Mayan Calendar..

Over the next few posts I hope to share more of my own knowledge as I Perceive it to be on the subject of Earth Changes and how its affecting each of us upon our Soul Journey.

I hope to explain my own understanding of why so many of us are becoming aware something is definitely changing, as we begin to voice the effects we are each experiencing in our lives. I see it daily in the various posts WordPress Bloggers share, and in the people I meet. 

I say perceive because each of perceive differently. What I feel is ‘Truth’ may not be how you perceive your Truth. My perception on this Transition which many are saying is the ‘Ascension’ process is my perception. And I urge each of you to go digging out your own Truth to that which you feel is right. I’ve  often shied away from the subject of Ascension because No one knows for sure what is happening.. And I find putting into words what for me is a ‘Feeling’ is hard, but its much more than a feeling, for its an internal ‘Knowing’  which hasn’t just come to light.

In a way when I look back I’ve been guided to finding various pieces of the puzzle which I’ve come across through various sources over the years. I’ve been working along side Spirit for most of my life and when you learn to trust in guidance you begin to see how synchronicities have unfolded which have put me upon the pathway of discovery. 

Even as I write this in long-hand I am smiling here as I glance up at the digital clock as its just clicked over to 2:22am in the early hours of the morning. I awoke at 1:11am and knowing I had to pick up my pen and journal note book and write what comes, and as I glance up in the mirror another big smile crosses my lips as reversed the time now reads 55:5.

Number sequences is another ‘Sign’ which many have been aware of for along while now. And for those wishing to find out more about Numbers and their meanings maybe you would like to click Here and you can find out much more about how numbers are within every living thing once you begin to Look!..

I am going to try and keep my writings in bite size chunks as I know being long winded can often put the reader off reading. But I do hope that you will join me as I try to unravel my thoughts with you as I try to make sense of my own ‘knowing’ that is hard to explain.

For those of you who regularly follow my blog and know of my spiritual awareness I do ask you to discern the Truth for yourselves, this is my truth, my experience, and I will be pointing some of you perhaps into unfamiliar territory, for this World is not all as we have been led to perceive it to be.

Since being a small child I felt I had a mission to complete, uncertain as to what that mission could be, the more the pen has travelled across the page tonight, the more certain I know I have to share my ‘Knowing’ with all who should come across my blog.

I am trusting that the words will be given over the next few weeks, and I hope more than anything else you will find the courage to voice your own thoughts back and share your own perceptions,… And its fine if you disagree, for like I said, we are each upon our own journey and we are all at various stages to our destination.. I know I still have far more yet still to learn.. And I am a very good listener..  

This is a journey of discovery, and we are all of us only just beginning to scratch the surface of who we really are and like any scratch upon our skin it can sometimes be a painful experience.  We are now beginning to scratch away the layers of skin as we reveal our true selves..

This journey is an emotional one, an exciting one, and in parts unbelievably mind-bending to the point of seeming to come out of some science fiction novel .. But I assure you this is far from fictitious. And I am relying on YOU! to go find the facts out for yourselves…

Welcome to my new Mission in the series of posts which will be entitled ~My Journey of Souls~


Keep following the Signs.

My day job enables me to travel on public transport quiet a lot as I support people to become more independent within their activities within the Community. And there are a couple of things that I hear within conversations on Buses and from others while stood waiting in groups of people above anything else, are the topics of the Weather and of Time and of course the usual materialistic topics of how everything has got so expensive. While everything seems to be falling apart.  

People are now sensing as they communicate with each other over the weird weather patterns we are all seeing occurring.And they nearly all comment upon the speeding up of time. As they ‘feel’ within them that something strange is occurring, but cant define what it is.

I look about my own Town, and its now a ghost town of its former self, as retail shops have closed leaving many streets now with their ‘To Let’ signs as the shops are boarded up.. Even the Thriving Market has become very thin on the ground.. Most preferring to park outside of Town and shop at the Huge Super-Market Parking Fees reach new exorbitant  heights in Town.

Change is happening Everywhere.. and this is happening World Wide, not just here where I live. Technology too is seemingly taking on a new lease of life.. Everywhere I go, people no longer look up, they have their heads bent and ears plugged into their phones and IPods as the communicated word gets processed to Text, thx, Cu, and how G8 UR.

Not only are we seeing  change within our Weather Patterns  Etc. but we are seeing change within our own being, as those turbulent ripples have an internal affect upon our lives.. Many may not even come to realise it. As past issues surface, our Sleep Patterns alter, and we struggle with our emotions as everything around us seems to escalate as it throws us into a new experience.  Some of us are finding within our Beings that new sense of Peace and “Inner Balance”…  While many more are finding themselves ‘Out of Balance’ as their worlds are seemingly turned upside down as they experience new emotional turmoil’s.

Life is a circular journey….

..through our issues and processes. It is also why, whenever we work to release a habit, change a pattern, or overcome a fear, we often encounter that issue one last time, even after we thought we had conquered it. Often, when this happens, we feel defeated or frustrated that after all our hard work we are still dealing with the same problem. However, the reappearance of a pattern, habit, or fear, is often a sign that we have come full circle, and that if we can maintain our resolve through one last test, we will achieve a new level of mastery in our lives.

I have been having some strange Dreams of late, and I feel through them I have been working upon my own Past issues as various family members have surfaced within them and I have been able through dream state to converse and I hope at last release them.  I know too that more and more of us are having strange Dreams which are becoming increasingly vivid..

Our Earth has entered its own cycle, and is upon its own circular path. A path our Ancient Ancestors have long known we were upon. They have long known the Signs we would be given, and have tried via their various  teachings to show us that we are ALL of us connected..

We are Connected to our Earth Mother.

The many various emotions and states of being are tied in within our Earths own Magnetic Vibrations… We forget we are Energy Beings and as such we oscillate within our own frequency bands,,, Just like a Radio wave etc. So when the magnetic field of our Earth starts to change.. So we feel that Change… as we begin to alter from within..

Coming full circle is like stepping into a clearing where, for a moment, we can see where we came from and where we are standing at the same time. Remembering that we will be tested again is important, but it’s also important to pause and take a look at the ground we’ve covered, honouring our courage, our persistence, and our achievement. Then we can begin the next leg of our circular journey with a fuller understanding of where we are coming from. We are all of us given the ‘Signs’ along the way..

If we would but pause for a while to take note of them and follow our instincts. And understand that when we are presented with challenges that seem to big, We can look back at all the obstacles we have overcome, and see how far we have come upon our own journey.. For without those problems and challenges, and overcoming our Fears we would not be who we are today..

So Give thanks to those problems for as Richard Bach said ~quote,

 “Every problem has a gift for you in its hands”.

All of us will be challenged at some point in the near future. Remember how far we have come, and stop for a moment to congratulate yourself in your achievements, before we move onto the next Challenge…

And like a friend reminded me only today..

Remember also, we Signed up for this Journey to see our Earth  Mother complete her own circle.. As we head into that next phase of discovering Who we are..

Below is a clip from a talk Scientist Greg Braden gave in 2011 I think.. which illustrates exactly that which I speak of..

Here is Another colour to add to your Box

~Another Piece of your Puzzle

Sue Dreamwalker

Greg Braden ~ ~”Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.”

Passing Through: a Poem

Heavens Gate

Passing Through

Listen what can you hear?

As wind howls and rains down tears

Tell me as you pass through

What story do you hold true


Listen what can you hear?

Our ancestors foretold these years

Tell pass you pass through

What is it you will do?


Listen what can you hear?

Keep your Faith, Reject the Fear

Tell me as you pass through

What are the Signs, they give a clue


Listen what can you hear?

That Inner voice it needs your ear

Tell me as you pass through

What’s in your heart it’s up to you


Listen what can you hear?

The Time is close let’s all be clear

Tell me as you pass through

What’s in your heart yes–

You you


© Sue Dreamwalker – 2012 All rights reserved.

Lines and Signs~ Cultures and Centuries

The Nazca culture of Peru evolved about 300BC, they were fishermen and farmers and excellent in making pottery.. The Nazca Lines/Geoglyphs still hold much mystery.. They were not discovered until the aircraft started to fly over them in the 1920’s.

These Pictures on Google Images show us Hummingbirds, Spiders, Monkey, and they appear like a  giant calendar,in which like other indigenous cultures point to their connection to the Stars..  The Nazca lines were used for generations as early pathways to the stars. Some lines point on the horizon to where the Sun rises and the Sun sets during  equinox’s. Others seem to have no pattern until you see them in the dark in relation to the constellations group in the sky. Each Nazca figure corresponds to a constellation pattern in the sky. This has been confirmed by computer simulated research which has matched 3 points associated with the Spider to the constellation of Orion Much still remains a mystery but again here we see evidence of connection to the stars with knowledge of astronomy which was very sophisticated.   







Native American Indians also used a similar layout with the Medicine Wheel, as certain lines were aligned to the horizon and the solstice Sun.

The Bighorn Medicine Wheel is another   construction of stones created by Native American Plains Indians which is dated to be to be around 300 to 800 years old and also pointed to the rising and setting of the Sun at Summer Solstice. as well as alignments to Sirius and Orion.

Recent Deforestation of the Amazon have also uncovered more Geoglyphs as Google Earth shows Here  Which one has to conclude that these were made before the trees grew, and as some of the trees could be  well over 500 yrs old, we have to wonder what sort of civilisations were in place at that time and who created them? 

Circles and formations of stones called Megaliths can be seen all over Europe, England and Ireland, also in Peru the U.S.A. and the Canadian great plains ..  Easter Island  is also another Mystery. 

Even the scriptures that are thousands of years old contain scientific knowledge that puzzles scientists today is that the source of knowledge can most likely be tracked back to the survivors of earlier civilizations who had an understanding equal to our own today.

We think as a species we are at our height of our own evolution in regards to progression of our technological advancements , and yet Science still is at a loss to explain the Structures of Monuments such as the Pyramids or the pyramids and ruins of cities found beneath the sea, which must have belonged to civilizations thousands of years older than the Sumerian culture..

Which brings me  full circle to the Aztecs,  the Incas, and the Mayas  and the indigenous cultures of the Americas,  and the Native  American Indians,  which still puzzle scholars today.

The Mayans had to notice that the stars in the heavens slowly changed their position in the sky by what I have researched as just 1 degree in every 72 yrs. This is such a small amount, it is hardly likely to be noticed by the naked eye over such a period of time.  And they also have a calendar for Venus that is accurate within 2 hrs per 500yrs.. Science cannot easily explain away these facts..

We are taught such a narrow View of our History and it isn’t until you seek out knowledge and start to put your pieces of it together within the Jigsaw puzzle, that you see a whole different picture to one we were taught in school..

I will leave you with this thought.

In a book called “Genesis of the Cosmos, Paul La Violette writes

“If anything, the discovery of advanced science in ancient myths and lore should give us reason to pause and take a broader view of modern achievements, to realise that we may not be the first scientifically advanced culture to inhabit this Planet “

So Just who were our Ancestors?

Are you putting the pieces together of your Puzzle yet?

© Sue Dreamwalker – 2012 All rights reserved.



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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