Warriors Of Light Walk Free


We are fast approaching a huge awakening, where by those who have ruled beneath our feet have held us within their grasp of fear and their darkness for thousands of years. WE are now challenging them by the LIGHT, and the banners the TRUTH of who we truly are… We are all now stepping up, speaking out, and becoming our own saviours, as we SEE through this charade of fear, invoking decisions to be taken by those who live in fear of what is being projected out in the world right now, which is meant to divide us even further as Human Beings..

Easter reminds us of Rebirth, of Ascension, and the Glory of God/Source and the Miracles of an emergence out of a sealed tomb, into the Light. We are now emerging from our shadow selves, into the LIGHT of our Pure selves.

Soon my friends… I feel very soon when we gather in our own Christed Light in Unity…. As our True Hearts gather in ONEness, we will then begin to create our reality, to bringing Harmony into our inner worlds and then it will be projected out into our outer world… We do that by letting go of our Conditioned indoctrination of being a Victim… Stepping out of our self imprisonment to step into our Power of our true Natures…. We are Sovereign BE-ings…. Responsible for our Thoughts, Actions, Deeds. We are the Ones we have been waiting for, and only We, can set ourselves free of being victims in allowing our Lights to be extinguished by those whom think, they are in control of us.

The poem Below I wrote many years ago now…. I wrote within a few minutes within my spiritual circle as I asked everyone to tune in and write from their hearts… Many wrote poems, while others wrote short stories.. But the theme of all of them had at there core was Love and Light, and being true to ourselves..

Its amazing when we gather collectively how often our thoughts will unite and generate similar themes.. Just think of the power we can create if we all of us harmonise and send out that love to bring about harmony, to stop the divisions now purposely being created to cause conflict.. How powerful is Prayer, look to the Power of Eight

I hold no judgement for others actions, as frustrating as these times are, for we each play our parts into bringing about our worlds rebirth. Including those who are playing their darker roles, for they are helping us see this is the duality of our natures.. We hold both. I am now seeing further down the road in our timeline, and it maybe many will still not understand or even contemplate the level of transformation I see, or understood why these choices were made… For many will sacrifice themselves in order for the Light to shine in this fork in our road. The choices each of us choose is going to be a difficult one for many to bare, as we part company with those whom we thought held light, but were hoodwinked by fear...

Many in our future months will be in shock at what our reality is, it may be some will never comprehend the level of our inhumanity to the most purest souls on earth, our children. Or comprehend how many children go missing in the world and why? A subject many will skirt around and not wish to see. As I said in previous posts, that I would start and speak of is truth, and many may think this is not of the Light… But this darkness now has to be brought up into the Light for us to rid the world once and for all of this evil..

I don’t ask any of you to believe me, in fact I would rather you go away and do your own research and find your own truth, or find something to disprove me.. In fact I challenge you to go and find your own information. Because we should not rely upon one source to tell us our daily news… And when you understand why that is… you will have cracked a huge code of misconduct by the mainstream media.. But its not for me to tell you, You have to go find your truth for yourselves.

Because we now need to step up and become Warriors, and that means shining our Light in darkened corners others may wish to leave alone.. It means not agreeing with the narrative, it means speaking our own minds while we still have free speech, and it means using our reason and discernment and not being coerced or indoctrinated by fear or fines.. It means critically thinking for ourselves and not being told what to think or how to behave and how to live. It means I breathe in God’s given oxygen, and it means I hug whom allows me to hug them…

So, I am seeing a huge separating of energy… As we see the choices being made through Fear take hold of hearts which within my own circle of friendships, I had thought these hearts were understanding of Light vs Dark…. But through their own fear, they have made their choice… As have I…

I choose Not to stand in Fear. But stand in Unity and Love, and the Truth of my own Health and wellbeing.

Warriors Of Light.


Warriors of Light are you on Earth,

Looking for answers searching for re-birth.

Look not to the Heavens for your Answers.

But look within stop taking chances.


You’ve embarked upon your journey this is true.

All that’s surrounds you is created by you.

Lead by example of Truth and of Good

Stop your worrying, stay out of the wood.


The wood that blinds you full of material things.

Trust us we’ll help you our fellow Earthlings.

You’re Warriors of Light, of this you’ve been told.

Be brave of heart, be steadfast be bold.


Hold up the Banner of Truth and Love.

You are your own Saviours, not we up above.

To change your world of the plight it is in.

Know how to master your thoughts you think in.


To reshape and build you need to create

With vision of hope, get rid of the hate.

We surround you with Love, release your Ego,

And the Warriors Cry will be for PEACE LET GO.


Happiness after all is just a state of mind

Allowing it to happen brings joy you’ll find.

Caretakers you are of this world called Earth.

Imagination and Vision are yours at Birth.


Know you are but spec’s who light up the way,

The journey is long you are Warriors we say.

We bring you our shield of transformation.

Your beginnings are small but spread to All Nations.


Hold up your Banner Of Truth and Love.

You are the Saviours, we observe from above.

You’ll pierce those hearts with Light of Truth.

We bless you and leave you Warriors of Youth.

©By Sue Dreamwalker2008

I include here the great artist Akiane Kramarik as she paints FREEDOM, I see us all holding high our light as we delve deeper into the unknown darkness of what has surrounded us for Aeons, which is now being brought out into the Light…. I see this too as a sign of those who are Warriors who are rescuing Children at great risk to themselves from around the world right now.. Some of you may know of what I speak, those who do not will have to dive deep into some deep underground tunnels to expose that Darkness…. Hold your lights High my friends….. Hold onto your TRUTH…. But most of all Hold onto your LOVE and Compassion…. We are all of us going to need each others hands to hold onto.

Patience and Thank You.

Firstly, Thank you, so very much for your Patience, and for your generous thoughts and prayers you have sent out to my family..

My son is now out of Hospital and slowly recovering. I know that the power of your thoughts and healing energy has helped and is helping in his recovery.. So thank you.. All of you…. You have no idea the Power each of you hold by your thoughts alone in sending positive energy into the world… And Goodness knows the world as a whole needs ALL of our positive prayers right now.

I am for the time being stepping back from my blog for a while longer… At this moment I just cannot focus..

Last year I thought to delete my blog several times.. and were it not for your generous comments of love and support and for your own encouragement of telling me my words made a difference in some of your lives.. I think I may have caved in sooner…

I know I am also going through my own personal SHIFT once again… and I am just going with the flow of it… I have been focusing on my crafts, my knitting, painting etc.. and going out in nature to just BE, as I walk and contemplate where we are in the world right now..

I have lots of words I still wish to share… But as yet I have not the personal energy to write them down even.. So I will share a video here I shared back in 2016.. From my favourite Artist.. Entitled Patience..

And hope Akiane’s words will suffice in passing along to you my thoughts.. As I thank you for allowing me to grow, through my own silence… It may take a while before we see the results of what seeds we have planted, via our words, our actions and our deeds, to take root, deep within Mother Earth, before we see the New Growth Generated that will form and take hold to shape our future existence.. Out of all the seeds I plant.. I hold strong in the Faith that each seed no matter how small, when set with intention, will grow.. and thrive… We just need to remember we each of us have to nurture ourselves too, as we are all seeds upon this earth.. Growing and Reaching up towards the Light..

Many thanks again… Bless you all for your love, your thoughts and your prayers they have made a HUGE difference, I know they have.. 💜💚💜

Love Sue x

Time of Change!- Just what are WE Creating?- within Consciousness!

I am always amazed at how the Universe works and how it sends you messages that shows you that you are still tuned into those higher realms of thought, that beautiful  vibrational field of energy we are all connected to..  Sometimes you get to doubt yourself as you take time out just to BE… You ponder upon the Universal plan, as you sit within your silence listening for those answers as you witness the panic and pandemonium of a world that at first glance appears in Crisis, and Chaos.. 

But then something happens that banishes all of those doubts, as you understand the world is working in perfect order within this time frame we have all created and chosen to experience.. 

What do I mean? Well yesterday  I had thought to post my latest creation, my poem along with my watercolour that I finished a couple of days ago.. But something held me back.. I uploaded my photo and I typed up my poem from my journal, then a tiredness swept over me and I closed my computer down for the early evening.. 

I follow many favourite YouTube channels, and so this morning while knitting, I listened to one that my favourite author Gregg Braden had uploaded  yesterday from Gaia.com,  on How we can Create an Amazing Reality.  In it he spoke of how the ‘Field’ is something we all tap into, and how science is now proving it, he goes on to discuss this along with a  film Arrival, along with other films, The Matrix, and Avatar, and all the language we use,  and how we create via our creations the reality we live in. And perhaps now its TIME for us to have this film Arrival to digest its message. He also goes onto say how a musical friend missed his opportunity in his creativity by taking too much time over his particular creation…

I hope you enjoy the story he shares of his musical friend in the link above. 

But one only has to look at the past films we have made on Pandemic’s and Worldwide disasters to understand that it is WE who create, WE whose thoughts go out who cultivate the nature of our reality that is our experience, and it is WE who manifest our reality even though many are not aware of how this works.. 

 You may have to watch his video to understand, I so know  how our Time is precious and we do not always have time to educate ourselves in other modes of thinking, because often we have been programmed into a certain way of thinking, so if you are not ready to understand, that is fine, it is not yet your Time to wake up to the Quantum World.  Because Consciousness creates Everything we Experience in Life 

 So back to my tale… if that were not enough a synchronicity I opened up my computer this morning intending to post my poem and painting, but during the night I had woken with another verse to my poem rattling around my head. This verse I then slotted in to my existing poem, it’s the verse that starts with “Time isn’t linear, that travels in straight lines”…  Then it was lunch time, and again I felt a huge need to sleep, so I went to lay down and slept for two hours.. 

Upon waking, I logged back in to complete my blog post  and up pops the alert from my favourite Artist.. Akiane Kramarik..  whose latest video she published today, so I started to watch Its title was wait for it. Alone in Asia -Flow in Time ... As I listened to her words, she too spoke of TIME… and I thought again the Universe was prompting me to publish my poem and art creation… 

But what was even more mind blowing came at the end of her video, as she showed us her creation of  her  artwork… Which is always amazing …  And I knew… without a doubt… I hadn’t been in a void, the universe was listening to me, and I was tapping into the Universe… and that I had been tapping into the field all along… As you will see by looking at her painting and mine… They are both way different.. But TWO things stand out in the same message…  And I am in ore at just how the Universe speaks to us, when we take the TIME to Listen…

I So, so hope you make TIME to listen to all the links, it may just open your mind to the programming we are all subjected to, and it may help you also create TIME to Create Change within your own world and BEcome ALL that you are capable of BEcoming… 

Create Love not Fear!!……..

Stay Blessed all of you and thank you for reading this longer post..  



Time, they say is an illusion, and not real

A concept we created, just so we can feel.

Time within my world is something very precious,

It’s a ladder to growth as we explore our consciousness.


A consciousness that reaches out and explores

One that asks you to question, opening up those doors

To corridors within a labyrinth, a maze of perpetual thought,

That at times you can get lost in, feeling you are nought.


Time isn’t linear, that travels in a straight line,

It’s a frequency location, a Map within the mind,

We travel back and forth, we visit in our dreams

And nothing is as solid as everything may seem.


Time is not the minutes that ticks within a clock

When you understand more of time, it may also shock

You to discover you are everything and More,

Each affecting the future, in our present through past doors


For we are interstellar, we came from our futures past,

To awaken a race from slumber to release from stupor’s grasp.  

As we ask you to remember why it was you came ,

And why so many get trapped within this Matrix Game.


Time is like the lines within the circle of an ageing tree,

Time is but a frequency encompassing you and me,

It folds around a Toroid going back in on itself.

Time is none existence, it’s just our Now experience of Self.


You cannot describe what time is, or is not.

It’s only the perception of our choices in this timeline slot.

It’s like a stack of cards, a holodeck of maths,

We chose this time to be here, following our own paths.


We were told from ancient times to follow the law of love

The answers are in the Stars, if we care to look above.

And now that time has come, when we must step up to the mark

As we listen with our hearts, it’s now that time to start

©  Sue Dreamwalker Feb 2020.

Time Mandala Watercolour Art by Sue Dreamwalker

World Wide Meditation Fest.

Another week has flown by and I got caught up in the excitement of enjoying the company of our Granddaughter and Halloween.  So to many of you my promised catch up didn’t materialise. But I have been working my way slowly around.. 

A more detailed post of our sculpting her Pumpkin and my other projects I have been finishing  can be seen HERE. 

This Image if clicked will also take you to the free joining page.

But I thought I would cast another invitation out to those of you who are exploring the new frequencies of NEW EARTH by joining our Energies of Oneness together. I feel many of us may find November one of conflicting emotions. As the cycle of change begins to cause turbulence within our Emotional bodies. And  above all we mustn’t allow  ‘Hate’ to rule our thoughts by the actions of others. 

We have to understand that there are lots of past wounds in the process of being cleared out both on a personal Karmic level and within our nations own Karmic Energies. Many things both side of the pond we are witnessing a rise of emotions that are escalating to poison and divide. 

So it is important to stand in  your own power of Love and Light. Trusting that we came to be here at this time, so that we can unite and become  those instruments of change..  Each of us have a choice as to how we use our own energies.. So do we hold Peace within, or do we add to the turmoil that seems to be escalating by joining the herd mentality of judgement and fear, while pointing our fingers of blame… I feel we all of us need to be mindful where we place our energies during this time of transition.  And keep focused on Inner Peace and Harmony.     

During my Puzzle Series, you may have read how Spring Forest QiGong played its role in my own healing process. I am delighted to say that through a WordPress Friend Ka. passed on the information of this Meditation that is due to start on November 11th to 17th.  It is Free to join and the link of this   World-Wide Meditation-Fest of Higher Energy is here. 

To finish off this short post I want to share with you one of my favourite Artists Akiane Kramarik. whose recent painting entitled  ‘THE LIGHT ‘shows us how we perhaps all need to extend our hands in love and friendship over that bridge to show others we care. 

I can only say that my own inner guidance is prompting me to speak at this time, we need to keep calm and trust in our own Inner Intuition that is there to guide us all in these Times of Planetary Changes. 

Love and Light

Following your Internal Compass.

I thought I had better break my internet silence to let all you wonderful people know I am still in the land of the living.  I think this is my longest absence from WP since I started blogging in 2007.

 I have missed not visiting you all..

THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH for your beautiful responses to my last post, and for showing patience. I did warn you all it may take a while to respond to your wonderful comments, I hope next week to work my way back down the list of comments to reply to you all and visit your own wonderful sites will take priority.

But I do recommend turning the modem off, for long periods, and I have not felt guilty one bit.. (A first for me…) And as a result, I have got lots done. And more soon on my feelings as I entered that quiet space.

 So what have I been up to?

 I have singlehanded painted 18 panels of my 6 ft fence both sides of my home, some with two coats, along with picking a bumper crop of berries this year with Strawberries, Red Currants, Raspberries, Loganberries, and Gooseberries, and freezing them along with a huge amount of Peas.  All Back breaking work, but I surprised myself, as I told myself I was wonder woman. And I can do this..  It worked!!

 Thank you to Cynthia,  for the chant suggestion on your blog, Sa Ta Na Ma Mantra. you gave me some time ago now, but I kept it as my mantra when I got tired and it helped me focus away from my back pain.

The Weather in the UK is glorious the best Summer in years, temperatures from 26C to 30C some days, but the sunshine means no rainfall for over a month, and that means lots of water carrying in the allotments each morning before the Sun gets up too high. Which amounts to 30- two Gallon watering cans full, which amounts to carrying 60 gallons of water EVERY morning from the watering cisterns stations on the allotments. This has mainly been Hubbies job, while I did the picking before the heat set in.  

I also finished a painting I started some months ago and completed another, and I read a book, the first time in ages I have sat down in the shade to read pure fiction that took me back in time to 1907, a book bought in a charity shop called The Three Kings By Doris Davidson which I was drawn to read.

I have just followed the flow of the moment, and my intuitive feelings about just having a vacation from the internet.  I can honestly say I feel more alert and lighter in spirit as I just absorb myself in the now of moments around me rather than engage in world dramas and distractions, as much as I love you all, I can spend hours in my reader as I follow so many of you. Such is the life of a blogger, but sometimes we have to put Self first. And this was that time as I followed my own ‘Divine Compass’, as I navigate through the energies we are all experiencing now..

More in the future on my thoughts during my absence as I wrote in my journal.

So dear friends, Know I really appreciate ALL of you, and Thank you so much once again.. And I will be getting round to answering your comments and repaying the compliments next week.

Enjoy your Weekend and Keep following your own compass as the ‘waves’ of energy may toss us around.

Now is the time to focus upon your inner selves.

I will leave yet another beautiful video of creation from very apt as we navigate our way home through choppy waters.. I am closing comments, simply as I have so many as it is to reply to,

Take care, and Much Love to you all..

 Blessings Sue


Freedom to Fly. Look UP!.

What happened to the Sun that misty skies now shroud

Has anyone looked up to see beyond the clouds?

The weather patterns changing, with the lines made in the sky

Have you ever stopped to question, or ask the reason why?


They talk about pollution, from diesel fumes to plastic

Green Taxes, so called solutions, Green Papers and statistics 

Yet all the while what goes up is falling from our sky

Look up from your Devices and open up your eyes


Fluoride in our water Aluminium in our heads

Electronic waves of WiFi microwaving us in our beds

Is it any wonder we feel depleted, drained and confused?

As technology re-wires and short-circuits, as we blow a fuse. 


Gameshows on the increase, as T.V. zombies clone

While overhead keeps belching those cloud seeding drones

Some day I want to shout, Scream, Rant and Rave!

Instead I go within, reconnecting my inner Sage


I used to shout ‘WAKE UP!’ but I wonder if I am too late

One only has to ‘LOOK’ to see the Human State

We’ve separated from Nature, wrapped up in material greed

And yet I’ll keep on planting, illuminating seeds


To flourish as a planet, these seeds need to grow

For each of us are responsible, of the seeds each do sow

Each has a choice, Free Will, to pick and choose

I hope we make the right ones, if not we all will lose. 


This week I will be busy in on my plot, and I have a painting I need to finish..

So Have a Beautiful  Summer Solstice.. 

And Enjoy this painting video of Akiane’s …

The Poem I wrote when chemtrails got the better of me one evening.

Remember  we may not have wings, but all of us can fly…

Just use your imagination.. And Soar..

You will find me floating in the flower beds and among  cabbages. 

Love And Blessings!  

[Comments Closed] 

Resting in Silence

Dear friends, 

I find myself this past week feeling so very depleted and tired. Even though my acupuncturist did her work upon me mid week, which normally revives me, I feel constantly tired.

So  I need to rejuvenate in the stillness of my own Sanctuary for a while.

 I am following what my body says I need right now. So I am taking  more time out to rest.

Spring is on the horizon and its been a long, long winter. We all of us at times have to make a choice to rest and take a break.  I need to gather my strength and refocus upon my Pathway. Nature is calling me into her hands for healing. If only to sit among the new shoots that are pushing their way through the ground.  I need to breathe in her nectar. 


Sending LOVE and Light to you my  dear friends  

Akiane and her soothing words can explain it better than I what it is I need right now, along with her beautiful art and words below.  

[Comments are Closed]

But your love is felt.

Thank You 


Today~ Is the best day of our lives

Hawk  in sky with the Moon in June of 2017.

Today I awoke with a spring in my step

As an appointment with Nature today I kept

The Sun shone bright with skies so clear

As off I did walk with a smile and good cheer


2012 is the year of the shift

As I walked in the Sun I was given a gift

My gaze travelled high to the buds of the trees

And low to the ground was the hum of the bees


I sent my thoughts to the Creator of All

As I asked for his gifts and he answered my call

For up in the heavens Two Hawks they appeared

Spiralling on upwards my eyes filled with tears


A feeling inside me did burst from my heart 

For all of these gifts we each are apart

No longer on ground did my feet seem to walk

But high with the Hawks I flew and did talk


They told me of visions and far reaching sight

And how to sail upwards in effortless flight

Teaching Patience and Grace as they glided with ease

With no earthly worries or grudges to appease


Higher and higher aloft I did rise

I danced with the Hawks amid the clear skies

Adrift with my thoughts I floated back down

As once more my feet did touch back to ground


‘The Shift’ is within as we awaken and see

As many more join in the flight to be free,

I carried on walking with heart full of love

And asked for another sign from those up above


For my journey unsure on the road I must tread

And appearing like magic I looked above my head

Two Butterflies danced on the breeze with such glee

Ascending to heaven in answer for me..


We each see the signs as The Shift we all feel

As our hearts open wider in this world so surreal 

So follow your Path and see where it leads

Ascension is coming for this Earth to succeed..


The poem above I wrote back in 2012.  

But today I also want to share a special video from Akiane .

When I first saw this video just after Christmas, I just knew I would be sharing it with you all at some point.. And Today, as we embrace another Brand New Year, is the perfect day to share what Akiane has to say,~ ‘Here she is’,—- ”Taking her  time to cherish everything around her,”~ as you witness the birth of another amazing painting.

May Today be the best day, and tomorrow be even better still.

 May we embrace every moment of every Day in Love and Harmony. 

Love and Blessings 



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Sue Dreamwalker

Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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2012 Acrylic Painting Acrylics Akiane Kramarik. Allotment Allotment. Self Sufficiency Allotments Answers art Arts and Crafts Ascension Automatic Channelled Writing Avaaz Awaken Awakening Awards Awareness Balance Books Butterfly Caring change Changes Children Choices Climate Change Community compassion Consciousness. Consciousness. Community Consciousness. Illusions Conservation Crafts creativity Darkness Diving Deeper Dreams Earth Earth Changes Earth Day Earth Mother Earth Shift Elder Tree Emotions Energies Energy Enlightenment Environment. Faith Family Fear Flowers Food Freedom Friends Gaia Garden Gardening Gifts Gratitude Gregg Braden Growing your own Grow your own Halloween happiness Harmony Healing Health Heart Hearts Hobbies Illusion Indigenous people Inner thoughts Inspired Intuition journey joy Kindness Knitting life Light Lightworkers love Mankind Mass Consciousness Matrix Mayan Calendar Media meditation mind Monsanto Mother Earth music Native American Indians Nature New Earth News Ocean Oneness Painting Paintings Pastel Drawings. Peace Personal Responsibility Perspective Planet Earth Planting Poem poems Pollution Positive Positive Thinking Prayer Remembrance Day Samhain Scotland Seeds Self Sufficiency Shift Short Stories. Signs Soul Sound Spirit Spiritual Spring Storms The Great Purification thoughts Time Trancend transformation. transformation. Energy Travel Trees Truth Unity Unity Consciousness Universe Vegetables Vibration. Vision Quest Walking War Watercolour Painting Weather web world World Peace

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