Dream Time: New Earth~ Solstice~

Here we are in the Summer Solstice It is now time to let go of our shadows allow the layers, the skins we have held onto to shed… There will be those whose choices support the negative and those who are here to restore and heal the planet…  We need to work upon our heart centres, loving ourselves, nurturing ourselves, as we love and respect all others.  We need to let go of Anger, Division, and Fear!

For Aeons, the negative forces played their game, holding us trapped, as we remembered who we were and from where we came The more awake we became, the more treacherous  their games. Lives did not matter, for they worshipped another Queen, The Queen of AI who was busy sending out her tendrils into every home.
They were high-jacking Gaia deeper and deeper within their vipers layer, trapping souls and fallen angels Sabotaging her energy grids, and destroying the Indigenous Knowledge and sacred sites of the Portals which were revered by many cultures who knew their origins came from the stars  So as the Vipers  raped and pillaged, News travelled across galaxies out into the solar system the Stars heard their sister Gaia’s call for help

Dark Energy Our Layers, skins…


And Star seeds heard her call even though amnesia from our own blue prints have high-jacked us from our mission life time after life time, We came… And NOW is the time on this Solstice Energy point, to amplify our thoughts as we Unify and send Unconditional Love into the hearts of ALL Darkness…  We have our Dream Magic…   And not allow their own Dark Magick win..  We each need to hold our hearts in Love, when we Unify our hearts as ONE… We will extinguish the power of the darkness to change our present time line to be one of beauty, peace and harmony…

Star seeds- bringing light

 BUT WE HAVE TO DREAM IT into Being This world holds our free will, and if we comply and allow those negative energies with no resistance, they take it as consent… And I do not give my consent to this Dark Agenda of Controlling dominance. So my paints brought life and glitter, love and joy into the New Earth..   I could see it, I saw the beauty the harmony, I saw Free Energy, Love, and Laughter.

I Believed in a World where ALL helped each other, and the domination of control, and greed were no more…  My heart swelled as I closed my eyes in the dance of our Future time line…

Creating New Earth from within


So as my paint brushes swirled, I pulled out the beauty, the love, the positivity, as the star seeds and angels of love and light began to wrap their energy around Mother Earth…
Gaia, began spinning faster, her shorelines became blurred, as she began to raise her own energy vibration and frequency Then within the shadows the Tall Greys, the AI, the darkness of all the dark forces suddenly showed themselves for who they were. No longer were they able to sustain or remain in the LIGHT Humanity was now reaching her height of transformation. Nothing could stop was about to happen. For this was all Divine Timing. 

Tall Greys -Representing. , Shadow State, AI, Malevolent Beings!


Their shadow selves suddenly appeared out of the woods, revealing themselves for who they were They were now desperate in their attempts to hold Gaia in their clutches and would throw every trick that had to suppress the now awakening masses… I saw the Dark one’s banished as I saw them flee Earth… I saw the snakes who had slithered beneath the stones, deep in Mother earth no longer have or hold their power I saw them slither and slink, and whither back into the Ether from whence we created them. 

The trees reaching to heaven and their roots grounded deep in Mother Earth

The Trees were once again standing Tall, the roots of our origins now firm, spread out across the land… And each soul, which had before been trapped, was now lifted within themselves… No vehicle came to transport them.
Transcending was not what many thought, for  their New World, New Earth was inside of them… It had to be of their own creation. Each creating their own new Time Line of experiences.. Either Love of Fear dictating how each now made their own stories..
As within, So without!.

  They had to create it within themselves… They had to perceive their world through the eyes of love, not lack… They had to unify instead of divide They had to hold Joy, not anger or jealousies, most of all, had to hold LOVE. as they completely let go of All Fear

The Star seeds were unifying more strongly than ever Our TIME is NOW  We need at this Solstice to Send Gaia, our Love, We need to project our Prayers of Unity and Harmony, Peace and LOVE.

The Last Act was to add a Herkimer Diamond to embed into the Heart of New Earth..

My Last act of love as I created the painting was to glue a Herkimer Diamond to the centre of our New Earth.. Among the glitter and Love I had poured into our New Earths Heart..  

This is the crux, We each need to send out that Unconditional Love into Gaia and all hearts, to create a positive Time line, instead of allowing the fragments of confusion, division,  hatred and separation to work for the Dark Agenda. Which if we are complicit create a time line of much more sorrow and suffering… We all now need to Choose!

We who have been busy gathering together more swirls of energy, in our day to day work, we who have connected with each other and with Gaia herself.

 New Earth- Finished Painting

My Painting, My Mission…. Created out of Love.. 💚🙏

This is Now our most Important Time to bring about Change…

As we Dream into being Our New Earth.. 

Let The Dream Begin! BIG! 

 I wrote this post in 2020… So, some of you may remember the painting I did.

 Each Summer Solstice is an important time frame of creation. But none as important as this Summer Solstice as many Astrologers are showing us, as other planets within alignment are showing us the power held in this transformation point in our Galaxy.

 There may be those who try to create disruptions and fear during this time frame, trying to stop our vibrations from rising higher.  If that is the case, please know, that LOVE overcomes FEAR.. Remember and understand Illusion! KNOW, not all is as it may seem.

Keep sending out your prayers of love, compassion, and gratitude.🙏 We have not come this far to fail.. Hold Faith… in the Divine Plan.  TOGETHER We are Strong and United.

💖Much LOVE to all who read here.. 💖

Have a Wonderful Summer Solstice.


Mind Body Spirit – Unified

 Please take a walk with me, as I ask you, ‘How is your Vision for the New Year going’?

 Are you still visualising your New Earth, the one in which you want yourselves and your children to live in the future?

Because how we think in our now moments and what we focus upon is certainly going to influence the Law of Attraction into our New Earth Timeline…


 Today marks the beginning of the year of the Rabbit in the Chinese  Zodiac, 22nd January.   And as many who read here know, my own deep diving into self, has not been easy, along with researching and diving into rabbit holes of the world.  So, I feel many more rabbits will emerge from out of their hiding places as 2023 unfolds, both for inner worlds and outer one.  For as we shine our Lights ever brighter, those hidden shadows will emerge, as they need to be released and transmuted.

As if on cue our Sun has begun 2023 with a succession of X class Solar Flares, which not only can change our Earths Magnetic field, but it is affecting our own energies within our own awakening process.  I am sure many of you who are sensitive have also been feeling these energetic shifts.

There is from my perspective lots of information now being released which is going to upset the equilibrium of many of us. I too was not immune from the rising emotions within which needed to be grounded as I pulled myself back into my own Presence of NOW.


So dear friends, how do we deal with the onslaught of the frustrations, and continued brick walls we each seem to pit ourselves against those resonating with denser energies, ideologies and agendas ?  Because as we shift through these higher frequencies, where Light is shone upon areas of suppressed information, it may well for a time feel very dense and hard to deal with.

Holding balance can be hard, when we see injustice, harm, and tyrannical behaviours within others and the systems created within our reality. And it can be so easy to say ‘What’s the Point’ and revert inwards into a state of depression, an emotion to which I was all too familiar with in the past. Life can be an uphill climb for many reasons, but we each need to keep on keeping on, for what we are creating as we climb, we will witness on our future horizons..

Hills we climb.

Personally, I focus on creating, whether it be knitting, writing, artwork or walking in nature. Keeping the mind in shape, but also keeping the body in shape. Walking out in nature, connecting back to the Earth, hugging a tree. Watching Nature, birds, squirrels, rabbits.

 The Trees, are especially healing, if you can get out into a forest or parkland, help me especially get grounded and aligned and back in to balance.

But we have to remember we are much more than our physical bodies, we are much more than our minds, we are Multidimensional BE-ings.

 We are SPIRIT!

Remember many of us are the Way-showers…

A Journal I began in that year.

We have come to hold space for others, to hold compassion and to send out Love.  And during 2023, I feel more and more of us are going to be activated into remembering who we are, and why we are here at this particular time in our Earth’s evolution. 

This is both an internal and external process of releasing of old programming, wounds, and systems which are being released at the third Dimensional level in order for us to raise our frequencies.  And as these Dense Energies and distortions finally begin to collapse, the debris from their fallout and failures are going to impact harder those who are unaware of this process.

So our Compassion and Kindness is of paramount importance… Remembering too, that we are all of us on this Journey together, each playing our various rolls.. Even those whom we see as holding darker energies, are playing their rolls, so that we will never allow ourselves to be sabotaged and held captive ever again. As difficult as that may be as 2023 unfolds..

There is the Good Bad and Ugly within ALL of us

Perception is the Key, in that we can each perceive from our various perspectives and experiences, No one person is right, and no one is wrong.. Each of us are individual pieces of the same puzzle, putting their perspectives into the Consciousness of what we experience as this Matrix.

Each piece whether it be positive or negative is allowing us each through our own discernment to learn to once again ‘Trust’ our Inner Instincts of seeing the Truth or the Lie.. And many more are beginning to see a common theme emerge which instinctively we know, whether we voice it or not.. We are now beginning to see the Lie’s more clearly… Even if as yet we none of us know the Full Truth.

Multiple Frost shards on Ivy. Each a Crystal growing in the cold, To be melted by the Brightest Sunlight. Remember WE are the Light to melt the hearts of the Heartless.

We each of us need to practice our own Discernment, and not jump in too quickly to judge others as the narratives begin to flip.

 Remember YOU are Powerful Sovereign BE-ings and each of us have chosen this time to be here to both ‘Heal’ our inner and outer bodies as we unify and take action through our highest choices. Those choices are what we manifest into our future time line of experiences.

SO, Hang on in there…
You are ALL Beautiful BE-ings Creating our Future with your thoughts and Actions of NOW

I hope you enjoyed walking with me, until next time…

Love and Blessings..   

Winter Solstice~ Your Time to SHINE! Two Years On..

This was written and posted in 2020, I can find no better words in which to express how important this Winter Solstice is, except to reiterate the importance and how powerful LOVE is… So this is an edited version of what I posted two years ago…

Creative Source Unknown

What ever is happening in the world right now, there is nothing more important than YOU in this moment in time.. For this is the very Moment you chose to incarnate here on Mother Earth.. And YOU dear friends each may think you cannot make a difference.. Well you can.. and its so simple.

Diana Cooper

At this crucial beautiful time in our planets alignments, we are now seeing the destructive forces trying to divide and conquer us in their deep plans laid out for generations. Those who are awake know of what I speak. And they too know this portal is a crucial one. Love is All powerful.. LOVE Conquers ALL.. Because those Dark forces could not foresee the courage, and the strength, the love and devotion, and the tenacity of the Human Spirit. And the power we hold when we are united in love.

All you have to do is be yourself

Open up our hearts, and embrace the Love within, know you are loved, you are unique and you are here right now at this crucial time within this Consciousness battle of Light over Darkness.. And tomorrow on the Winter Solstice is our opportunity to help facilitate more Light into our world by sending out our thoughts and prayers of love, unity and harmony into the world..

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

You do not have to join a meditation, you can just light a candle, or you can go out into Mother Nature, or you can stand for a few moments where ever you are and just give thanks. Because we are ONE with our Mother Earth.

We need do nothing more than give our thanks and send that love into the centre of our Mother’s Heart.. I am still taking time out right now… but comments I shall leave open and I will dip in and out of the internet when I can… Know each of you are special and we have all been drawn together for this very exciting time in our lives. I thank each and every one of you for your love and your friendship and your support throughout. Each of you are Special and unique remember that.

While you read the poem, perhaps you would like to listen to some beautiful music created by Estas Tonne… I hope you listen as about half way though his Winter Solstice Lullaby, he speaks from his heart..

Be at One with yourself

Be at one with the world

Be at One with Nature

And see your life unfurl

Close your eyes and imagine

The beginnings of a New Earth,

And Open your eyes to your beauty

Breathe in and give Birth.

For you are One and part of the Whole

Not a separate Unit , but a Beautiful Soul

United within the One Divine love

And part of that cosmic hub.

Share your love along with your Light

And Rejoice in Gratitude

Use your sight

To see a world in Beauty and Grace

You are stronger than you think you know

Spread a little Love where ever you go

Shower your peace and sprinkle your heart

Into the rivers of life send a ripple a spark

Be Calm, knowing all is well

Keep breathing in Peace for inside it dwells

Know you are where you are meant to be

Open your eyes

Come on now See

For we are ONE and it’s time to Unite

Stop all your hating, and judging and strife

Find your heart and clear out your mind

Seek out yourself

And Wisdom you’ll find

Let go of torments and allow the Joy in

Come on now people

It’s time to begin

Be One with yourself

Be One with the world

Be One with nature

And Let the Universe Spin

For the Spiral is turning and

Peace will Win..

By Sue Dreamwalker 2012-2022


💖 Love and Blessings to all…. 💖

The Collective Gathering of Truth.

 Learning to discern what is truth from fiction within these times of so much information and disinformation that is shared via so many people on different platforms of those who tell us to believe this or that as truth can be a difficult undertaking of sifting out what is Truth, or fiction.

Many of us have been tapping into our ‘Inner Knowingness’ as we have questioned the narratives around us, by using our inner guidance to navigate us through these difficult times of transformation.

We are witnessing many of the old established and draconian ways of controls of the corporate world, begin to crumble and dissolve. We see the implosion of its structure, as it eat itself within its greed as the lies can no longer be hidden, as Truth begins to surface about those who think they run the world.   

This is by far not an easy time, but as Pam Gregory is often heard saying, you cannot get a new Kitchen built without there being lots of upheaval, inconvenience, and debris as the old one is ripped out to be remodelled.

We are now remodelling our New Earth  and it is up to each of us to manifest its creation.

As those who have controlled much of the corporate world behind the scenes are being exposed for who they are. So many will feel the aftermath and shock, as new reveals come to light. It will feel very unsettling, as Knowledge is exposed on these dark entities which have hidden in plain sight, which will hold many in disbelief and denial.

Those reading my words, do not have to believe a word of what I say either. For each of us must discover the Truth of our ‘Existence’ for ourselves. In fact I encourage you all to do a little ground work and dive into your own research. We have relied too much on others doing the ground work and believing what we are told instead of discerning and finding out facts for ourselves.

For I am merely the Gardener here, … Planting a seed here and there. My series two years ago which was entitled ‘Hoodwinking:’ the Final episode here was upon the ‘Seedlings of Gods Truth’. it is up to each individual to explore those seeds, and discover for themselves the Truth of this reality and learn to discern for themselves what resonates as their truth.

For Truth is but a perception at any given moment. It can change in an instant as more knowledge is revealed.

What I do find so fascinating is how the Universe works its Synchronicities, and therefore as my post has sat in my drafts for two days, this is how the Universe works her Magic, for she speaks to many of us at the same time. As we each dip into the collective consciousness for inspiration, the ether’s are wanting us to discover the Truth of our existence, and that is why this post has sat without a title, until now… The Universe was waiting for me to discover more like minds seeking Truth.

My original transcript in my computer was headed, ‘Thoughts from the Heart’  But, after travelling around WordPress yesterday I found how many of our communities posts were about tapping into the Universal Energy of expressing TRUTH! As their topics within their posts. So, I changed the title to The Collective Gathering of Truth.  For many are gathering and speaking their truths right now.  

    For our collective is always working as One, whether we understand that or not, and the more of us who stand up within our own expression of Truth, no matter what that truth is, the more Truth we each will discover among ourselves, and our expression of Truth and what has been distorted as Truth, will begin to unravel and dissolve the perceptions we have held about this current matrix, within which we are held within our 3 D reality, or density.   And we will discover amazing things which have been hidden from our collective view, suddenly begin to make sense, or make us question anew our reality.

    What is Truth? My friend Amy over at Heaven on Earth blog has just written a thought-provoking post upon that exact topic, which I recommend you go read, as she askes deep questions on what is the Firmament? and how she is seeing many different anomalies within her skies as she is remembering her knowing. While still trying to make sens of this reality as we have been led to believe it to be within our existence here on Planet Earth.

    As I said on Amy’s blog post in her comments.. 

    “ Truth is also Perception… What I perceive at a given moment may be truth, yet when we dive deeper and gain more knowledge upon a subject then our original thinking on that truth no longer may hold true..”

    Sue Dreamwalker

    Another post entitled simply Truth... was from another very good friend, over at Vision Keepers Blog.

     Mark Twain noted that “a lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.”

    I hope as we await those putting on their shoes, we become ready for the road ahead, a journey we each chose to travel. For we will need good footwear for the uneven paths we have yet to walk through, as we unravel the many webs of deceit, which we have believed as Truth about our World.

     A Road in which we will need to Unite, and gather our inner strength along with our Hearts and Minds of compassion, empathy, and greater understanding, for we will all be challenged in learning some uncomfortable truths in the not-too-distant future.

    Much love to all who read here, as we give thanks for those who put their lives, hearts, and souls into bringing us the facts which will speak for themselves, as we learn to open our hearts to discern for ourselves, Truth, from Fiction.   


    Our New Earth is up to each of us to create it, and for those who wish to expand their minds even more, as our World operates… It’s all about Vibration and magnetism, energy and sound frequencies.  I have included below and excellent video in which Michael Tellinger reveals his findings on how our world operates within the vibration of sound.

    Our Voices are Sound, a Vibration….

    And so are our thoughts, what we Think we Create, and collectively we are now using our voice in seeking truth.   Use your frequency wisely, as you connect it via Love, and tolerance, not anger or hatred, as you discover more Truths for yourselves.  

    May God help us all in our discernment of finding our Inner Truth, which leads us to finding external truth, as we evolve and unite in creating our New Earth together as One,

    in which Love, Freedom and Sovereignty Prevail.

    Website~ Michael Tellinger- Discovering The Truth

    My thanks to Erika for her gracious design of my quote some time ago..

    The Silence Is Gone! It’s time to Speak!

    Hello my faithful friends who have stood by and who now read my words. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your thoughts and the energy that you have sent my family and I.  You do not know how much I have appreciated the support of good friends as we now navigate through the most important time in our planet’s history.   I have needed this pause… The longest pause I have ever taken since I began blogging, some Fourteen years since 2007, when I began my quest here on Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary.  

    Many of us have over the years been navigating our own inner tunnels as we have dove deep within ourselves, exposing our inner wounding, and letting go of our own dark shadows .. We do that by bringing them up to the surface, and as we face them, we heal the wounds of the past by learning to forgive and let go as we move up through our vibration into the next frequency phase of our being.

    Sometimes we have had traumatic experiences thrown at us that have caught us off guard. I also know many of us here have faced those tunnels, as we have travelled our Earth journey, which have led us to feel at rock bottom… But you know sometimes, like those seeds we plant in our earth.. They need that darkness, they need that pause from life, in order for them to grow…  Many of us need to sink deeper in order then to rise..

    We have had such a pause within our Earth Plane this past year, and many now are starting to rise, grow and expand out into the Light of knowledge and truth… And its going to be a glorious time in the future New World, we are all here to birth. But not before we have all experienced some painful Truths both to ourselves and our world. 

    The struggle to get to the light often can be painful, like those seeds we plant, the effort it must take to push through frozen dark ground… Yet they emerge unscathed, and they bloom and thrive bringing both beauty and sustenance into the world.  They ask nothing in return. They are just BE-ing what they were created to BE…  The miracle of birth takes many forms..

     Knowing and seeing what I see in the world around me, I took refuge within, as I felt the Darkness surrounding me, trying to consume the Light of not only I, but that of my family around me.  I have been battling my own doubts and insecurities as the world around me folded in on me like a dark cloud, raining down its tears.  I peeled back more layers of myself, and confronted that weakness within me. The one that casts doubts, the one that whispers in your ear to say you are not worthy all over again.

     A blogging friend reminded me on a comment on my last post that perhaps it was the Darkness, trying to extinguish my light… I knew even before I read her thoughts that was  what was happening… This has happened many times during my life, as our vibration rises, we have to understand that forces too are present that want to extinguish the light. Forces that feed only from fear and negative vibrations of sadness, depression and grief. And when we are at a low ebb in life, we allow those negative vibrations a chance to grab hold and dominate.

    But we are Light warriors and we hold faith in the Light, and we know within our being Nothing can stop the Light of Love and Truth.

    So, as the Spring Equinox begins unfolding, so too, I feel it’s time to share once again my thoughts. Thoughts which I have long suppressed, because many may find the Truth as I see it not perhaps their truth as they see it.. And that is perfectly fine… There is No One Truth. We all of us are on our own journey of discovery and there are always going to be those who perceive life and their surroundings differently. Because we ALL  see from a different perspective, given our view of the world, and our educational knowledge of inner standing. Nothing is ever cast in stone. All is interwoven and interchangeable, because we are all us Multidimensional Beings.

    All of us with our roles and parts to play within our Earth Journey.  

    This New Earth we are about to witness splitting open may begin to cause even greater confusion, and it will perhaps cause people to take sides, through fear and lack of Knowledge.  It may cause us to encounter great Anger rising, as we are shown the reality of this World, as the spotlight is cast to shine upon the Dark corners of a world, which have been hidden from us for so long.

    We have  remember too, we have many life times of suppressed emotions, which are now bubbling to the surface as we encounter mega Earth Changes as frequencies rise, and our own Light codes are activated within to remember.  This is the sorting of the Wheat from the Chaff.. The Good from Evil, and the Love over Fear.  We already are seeing those divides as fear is making people act irrationally and out of control.. We see it within our communities, within our governments, and within our media platforms. We see how it is affecting our family and friends.. We are all now going to have to step up and be prepared to stand in our truth. The side I choose is Sovereignty, the side I choose is Reason, the side I choose is what feels right within my heart.. 

    What feels right within your heart? Does what is happening world wide feel right to you? 

    Let me begin by saying right now. I take no side… of any political preference… For what we are seeing unfolding in our New Earth goes far deeper than left or right, or any affiliated parties within our World. … This is about our consciousness… It is about our Freedom. It is about what is Right from our Hearts perspective. It is about our Spiritual Journey, our Transition, and it’s about our Sovereignty and about our Humanity.

    It is about The Human Race as a species, and its about what kind of world do we want for our future generations to come?  It is about Raising our frequency to embrace what we were always meant to be, but we were highjacked long ago from that progression.

    Now it’s Our Time to rise out of the Darkness of that suppression into Unity, Love, and Truth of who we really are, and why we are now here at this moment in time. 

    We all intuitively KNOW what feels right and what feels wrong…  So its now time for those of us who know the difference, to step up, and speak our truth on what feels right.. And what feels wrong. And use our Energy in creating Positive Changes both in ourselves and within our world. We do that by educating ourselves. We do it by discernment, we do it by critically thinking for ourselves and not being told what to think by others. We do it by researching facts, facts which daily are being wiped, censored and silenced, because they are not in alignment with certain narratives. 

    This Spring Equinox I feel will be like no other, as we shall see unfolding before us, Truths which have long been withheld and Truths which will both shock and disturb the unexpecting public at large. Who have no clue as to the reality of this matrix and how it has been governed or controlled for thousands of years.  But this is part of the birthing process…

    Those of us who are Mothers, know how painful that process can be..   But after all of that pain, comes the JOY…. And that my friends is where we are at… The contractions are well underway, and the Birthing is imminent.  So We need to prepare..

    We need to be strong… and we need to be calm…. We need to BREATHE!!!   Above all we need to hold Unity Consciousness, and the vibration of Love in our hearts, as we begin to realise just how our energy is played, and utilized by others.

    So, it’s important we keep our vibrations in love, and forgiveness. As we send out to ALL in the world who are in need. There is so much going on than we are seeing right now. So we need to keep our hearts open, focus on Unity,  and stop being so fearful, for we are being played by those dark forces who are manipulating us into letting go of our birth rights as Free, Sovereign Human Beings.  

    Remember, Love far out-ways Fear…. And what we give out, we also receive back, what goes around comes around.

    We are now about to witness an energetic battle of Dark to Light. As our world has been governed for millennia by nefarious, malevolent Beings who have controlled the masses by seducing and using many by Greed and evil within their positions of power.   

    As we navigate this New Birthing process of New Earth which is now ready to be birthed and pushed into the Light of Day

    Its now time to turn the Dark to light and we are all here to help each other navigate into our New Earth.

    My we unite in love and compassion, as we Stand up, to become the Light Warriors of New Earth we came here to Be..

    💖 Much Love and Gratitude to ALL 💖

    Weaving with our Hearts.

    Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com

     I am weaving colours with threads from the loom

    Creating some brightness in a world full of gloom

    Picking and choosing the colours that blend

    Choosing which thoughts my heart wants to send


    I choose not to stand in a box full of dark

    Where Tyranny’s rule is fast becoming stark

    In a reality driven, by Fear and in Greed

    I choose instead to plant coloured seeds


    So, the warp and the weft I carefully place

    For it’s the foundation on which we allow God’s Grace

    To overcome the tangles of threads we each hold

    We first have to weave firmly, connecting our souls.


    Over and Under and over again, goes the shuttle of life

    None of us perfect, as we navigate strife

    Each of us learning and growing as one

    As the blanket is weaved, we have only just begun.


    Threads we’d not noticed which were weak and very thin

    Suddenly snaps through the silence and din

    Creating Disorder, as holes now appear

    As we undo and unpick all the weaving of years.


    Many times, when we weave or we knit,

    Our creations are flawed as we sometimes drop a stitch

    We back track, and unpick, till we find our mistakes

    And start all over, in our patience to create.


    Patience right now is needed dear friends

    As we watch the world wobble as the shuttle descends

    Right now, its stuck between the warp and weft

    It’s being untangled from a thousand years of theft


    All is not lost as we unpick all the clues

    My colours are rich in Red white and blues

    I’m steadfast and strong, for I believe in God’s Light

    And I am a warrior, who weaves in Rainbow Yarn Bright!.


    What we teach our children in the days to unfold

    Will undo the blanket of what we’ve been told

    The Children are our Future!………….

    It’s Time to be Bold!!!….

    © Sue Dreamwalker Jan 10th 2021.

     The Poem above came to me in  a few short minutes this afternoon, so I jotted it down. And shared above. 

    Photo by Alex Green on Pexels.com

    We each now need to focus on what sort of reality we want for our Children’s children… As a Grandmother who has enjoyed teaching my Grandchild how to knit and use their imagination in play. I want our Children to grow up in the freedoms we were privileged to enjoy when we were young with freedoms to BE-come beautiful Souls, and enJOY life in a Free New World… Not one which is full of restrictions and Tyranny.. This Consciousness battle that is unfolding is about Good vs Evil…. Its been an Ancient battle now coming to a head, It is about choosing what is is right!… That which comes from our hearts!.. Its about choosing LOVE over Fear!…. And never in our life times has this battle been so vital in what we each choose to create via our collective thoughts… Harmony, Unity, and Courage to stand in our Truth is now so needed.

    A lot going in the world right now, I have never seen so many restrictions on liberties here in the UK, in all of my six plus decades.. And I have a feeling it may appear more chaotic in many locations around our globe before its done. Which is why our collective Energy needs to be focused on Love, even into those dark hearts we know are in existence..

    For what we think, so we create!

    Sending you all of my love and well wishes… Know we each create our OWN reality… I know my own focus is on Harmony and Unity… As the New Earth is now Pushing to be Born…

    A very insightful Energy update with some profound messages for us all over the next few days and month can be heard by this lady, Pam Gregory whose website is The Next Step I was introduced to her via a blogging friend a couple of years ago now.. And have found her Wisdom Spot on… I hope you can take heart from her Wisdom as much as I did.

    We are the witnesses of our New Earths Birthing, and as any midwife will tell you not all births go according to plan and can be quiet messy… And the labour pains can be arduous and prolonged.. But pain is always eased if you have a hand to hold… Stand in your hearts and within your truth… for the head is now engaged!..

    💖 Much love to you ALL…💖

    Illumination Through Games and Silence.

    There is so much I could share with you and so many words I could say. Yet Silence perhaps is the best gift I could give you all for the New Earth Year. …..Because it is now time for each of you to listen to ourselves…. Listen to our Hearts…. Each of you knows within our BEing what feels right and what feels wrong… You all know deep within your being what has occurred throughout this past year. No one but yourselves know the pain or heartache, that you yourselves have witnessed as events unfurled, and still are unfurling in and around your own personal world. For together we have watched our Sovereignty, our freedoms, our liberties, our choices, business’s on our high streets and towns close. We have seen our education systems stopped in their tracks, and the very thing God gave us… The right to breathe systematically disappear as life as we know it, has changed drastically for the whole world.

    “Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be too late!” Alice follows him down the rabbit hole into Wonderland!

    The white rabbit and his appearance to you symbolize the letting go of fears, ideas, and as a message to drop the seriousness of life. He also illuminates paradoxes and distortions of reality, helping you to lighten up. White symbolizes a burning up and a purification of these fears into a lighter path.

    Quote from Amanda Linette Meder Blog site here

    To join the dots you have to have more than one, and then draw the line between them… Many people cannot handle more than one dot at a time… Have you noticed that this year?……  I have been joining dots for over 30 years and once to join them, you begin to see the bigger pattern immerge. You begin to see the Rabbit as it runs down its hole… You have to have many dots, with many numbers and draw many lines between them in order for you to see the bigger picture emerge.

    When I was a young child I would love to play Dominoes with my Grandad. Joining up the numbered Dots end to end, knocking on the table when you couldn’t make a move. I would get frustrated when that happened as I had to dib into the ‘boneyard’ the pile in the middle as my dominoes numbers grew and grew, while my Grandad placed his to win.

    Another game I would love to play with my box of dominoes was to line them all up in equal spaces and push the first one over to watch the rest topple over.. You have to remember dear friends, that we are living within a Game, an Illusion through which we experience. What you experience depends upon which game you are engaged in. It may appear Dark outside your front door right now. But I want each of you to know, the light is what matters, And the LIGHT comes from within.

    So Stand tall, you may be feeling like a separate dot on a lonesome domino Standing All Alone, but the game cannot be played unless you dear friends join in… I feel 2021 will herald in many Warriors standing shoulder to shoulder and remember it sometimes only takes ONE Domino to push against all the rest to send them all toppling.

    I wrote this Poem below on May 2nd 2017.. It came during the night, as I had to sit up and ‘listen’ as the words wrote themselves… I Felt their message needed to be shared here once again.

    The above photo I took in 2015 in March of the partial eclipse as the clouds grew darker and the air became cold.. ( It may appear Cold outside, but all it takes is the Love of our Hearts to create Warmth and Light within )

    Have you listened to the Silence?

    The symphony of the stars

    Can you hear the music beat within our Earth Mothers Heart?

    It’s Time: Time to join the orchestra of her Song

    And sing the long-forgotten notes of Dreamers

    Be not afraid of standing alone and singing solo

    For we are many joining in Harmony

    Standing up in Unity of our forgotten heritage

    Remembering the tune which has been deeply buried and obscured

    We now open our hearts, finding our voices

    To sing the forgotten Truth

    Have you Listened to the Silence?

    Has it not touched your heart

    Illuminating your soul as the layers fall away

    Revealing who we’ve always been

    And who we are to become

    Can you not feel the vibration?

    Stirring those strands of your DNA

    Do you not feel your molecular rivers?

    Flowing within the molten heart of Compassion

    Use your breath, as you breathe deeper into the New Dawn upon your Horizon

    See how the Golden Glow of unification of open hearts dissolves  the shadows of fear

    Its Time: Time to awaken, tune up the instruments that you are

    For you are each an integral part within the orchestra of life

    Its Time: Time to play the melody you came here to Sing

    So, open your hearts to the love your Earth Mother has always given

    For each breath, she gave you

    Every sip of water Sprang forth from her springs

    Each seed she grew to nourish you

    Every forest she gave for shelter, food and warmth

    So, listen to the Silence……………..

    For our Earth Mother is calling us to remember your Ancient Ancestry

    For we are not separate…… WE ARE ONE

    Have you Listened?

    And did you Hear her Song?

    © Sue Dreamwalker 2017

    Have a Wonderful New Earth Year! May Unity, Love, Clarity and Truth see you through in abundance. Bringing You Joy and Harmony, Inspiration and Illumination. In all your undertakings as we Stand United as One for our Human Sovereignty.

    💜Love and Blessing to you ALL💜

    Winter Solstice~ Your Time to SHINE!

    What ever is happening in the world right now, there is nothing more important than YOU in this moment in time.. For this is the very Moment you chose to incarnate here on Mother Earth.. And YOU dear friends each may think you cannot make a difference.. Well you can.. and its so simple.

    At this crucial beautiful time in our planets alignments, we are now seeing the destructive forces trying to divide and conquer us in their deep plans laid out for generations. We are seeing those Dark forces build up more fear, and those who are awake know of what I speak. And they too know this portal is a crucial one. But I feel they have already lost that battle, For as above so below… Love is All powerful.. LOVE Conquers ALL.. Because they could not foresee the courage, and the strength, the love and devotion, and the tenacity of the Human Spirit. And the power we hold when we are united in love.

    All you have to do is be yourself… Open up our hearts, and embrace the Love within, know you are loved, you are unique and you are here right now at this crucial time within this Consciousness battle of Light over Darkness.. And tomorrow on the Winter Solstice is our opportunity to help facilitate more Light into our world by sending out our thoughts and prayers of love, unity and harmony into the world.. You do not have to join a meditation, you can light a candle, or you can go out into Mother Nature, or you can stand for a few moments where ever you are and just give thanks. Because we are ONE with our Mother Earth. We need do nothing more than give our thanks and send that love into the centre of our Mother’s Heart.. I am still taking time out right now… but comments I shall leave open and I will dip in and out of the internet when I can… Know each of you are special and we have all been drawn together for this very exciting time in our lives. I thank each and every one of you for your love and your friendship.

    So today I wish to share a poem I wrote back in 2012….If we want our Freedom and Sovereignty we need to use the Power of love and unity. The Rebirthing, that final Push into the Light is up to ALL of us.. No one else…. While you read the poem, perhaps you would like to listen to some beautiful music created by Estas Tonne… I hope you listen as about half way though his Winter Solstice Lullaby, he speaks from his heart..

    Be at One with yourself

    Be at one with the world

    Be at One with Nature

    And see your life unfurl

    Close your eyes and imagine

    The beginnings of a New Earth,

    And Open your eyes to your beauty

    Breathe in and give Birth.

    For you are One and part of the Whole

    Not a separate Unit , but a Beautiful Soul

    United within the One Divine love

    And part of that cosmic hub.

    Share your love along with your Light

    And Rejoice in Gratitude

    Use your sight

    To see a world in Beauty and Grace

    You are stronger than you think you know

    Spread a little Love where ever you go

    Shower your peace and sprinkle your heart

    Into the rivers of life send a ripple a spark

    Be Calm, knowing all is well

    Keep breathing in Peace for inside it dwells

    Know you are where you are meant to be

    Open your eyes

    Come on now See

    For we are ONE and it’s time to Unite

    Stop all your hating, and judging and strife

    Find your heart and clear out your mind

    Seek out yourself

    And Wisdom you’ll find

    Let go of torments and allow the Joy in

    Come on now people

    It’s time to begin

    Be One with yourself

    Be One with the world

    Be One with nature

    And Let the Universe Spin

    For the Spiral is turning and

    Peace will Win..

    By Sue Dreamwalker 2012-2020

    💖 Love and Blessings to all…. 💖


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    Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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