

What do you see in this Reality?
Does not your eye’s view what is real to see?
Can you not touch this tangible fusion?
Or do we gaze into the ethers of illusion,

What trickery mocks us as we take in the lies
Binding our thoughts in roots of indoctrination
Following the herd, bleating like sheep
Held captive, half asleep.

What happened to the land of the Free?
Conform or suffer, or pay the penalty
What is your reality?
Come, let me walk you through the misty vale.

To where this illusion significantly pales
We are magnificent magicians whose thoughts cast their magic
Where all is possible, where to doubt is tragic
Seek and find, let go of fear

Dance in joy as Light penetrates our sphere
For you have forgotten our Time’s lost spell
As into the abyss of darkness you dwell.

Open your eyes and open your hearts.
Let the Light dispel all dark
Fear nothing, hate less, embracing ALL
Seek a new illusion before you fall.

Stop following blindly, grasp hold of Love today
Remember your tomorrows, forget your yesterdays
Reach for the memory held high up in the stars
And heal from within, let go of all your scars

Sit in the silence; begin to know who you are
As illusion drifts away revealing Ancient Stars
Your time is but a moment, live each moment well,
For soon the illusion shatters, broken like a spell.

Creating dormant memories, the Codes of Lightning strikes 
As each of us remember our Cosmic Powerful Light 
So, hold that Love within you, as you visualise deep peace 
For soon this Illusion will shatter, as each of us are released. 

© Sue Dreamwalker  2010-2022 All rights reserved.

How Can I help bring World Peace?


If we have no peace, it’s because we have forgotten that we belong to each other”

~Mother Teresa Quote~

I have so many thoughts running through my head today as I try to catch up here on WP, and so many interesting posts I have visited today which have inspired and uplifted me as we travel upon our collective journey’s of discovering just who we are.

Some days I am so full of Love for our fellow Human Beings as their stories inspire us to become the BEings we really are and who we we’re meant to be all along.. And at other times I can feel so saddened for a world entrapped within its own greed as we revolve ever deeper into the abyss of destruction. As many blindly believe all they are told instead of resolving to explore outside of their man-made boxes of the illusions we have created…

Over the years this date of 9-11 has become significant to many as a point in History to be marked as a black day… And for many years I have honoured this day  as you can read here in its remembrance as I do for November the 11th  Remembrance Day Here ..In fact all those who suffer through the cruelties of war should be remembered.

But today I want not to dwell upon what has been, but what CAN Be, for we each can help shape our future if we get the Balance right. We first need to start with ourselves and find within our own peaceful solutions as we do battle within our own trauma’s as we get embroiled with our opinions as we send our via our minds our thoughts into the worlds Vibration.

So.. What do YOU want the world to become in the future?

Ask yourself what sort of a world we want for our Grandchildren to experience and then look to see how we can change within  our own box of thought.

For with every thought we are creating our Reality!

Maybe we just don’t do enough Thinking at all as we let others think for us as we follow blindly their lead, like sheep we bleat to the flavour of the month as we don’t want to stand out like the Black Sheep and cause waves!..

What are the mundane thoughts that swirl around your mind like?  Are we in judgement? Do we criticize? I know I do.. I catch myself often and then ask myself on what do I base my opinion?

Do I really know the TRUTH,

or do I just think! I know the truth?

And for a long time I thought I did, until I started to Dig deeper and then I was shocked to discover this world was not at all what I had perceived it to be… We all perceive with the knowledge we are given.. and as we grow with awareness that Truth then alters,.. I once wrote a poem entitledDo You See the Truth and another post  Unite For Peace  in which I added my poems last verse of Unite For Peace is …

…It only needs a spark of faith to kindle and to brighten,

Those embittered souls who deal in death, their reason to enlighten.

Healing Hands of friendship held out for our tomorrow

Show them that the Power of Love can wipe away our sorrow.

So leaders of the World, Lets stop all this oppression

Only Peace and Love will guide us through to Man’s Progression!

By Dreamwalker.


Shaking Ourselves Awake.

Being  a sensitive often renders me to retreat for a while as I gather my thoughts and energies. Spending time walking, painting, and reading still doesn’t remove this underlying feeling of a world on the edge of erupting. Much like Mount Etna at the moment as she vents her energy from within, I also feel at times like erupting and screaming my heart out over the many injustices within this world.

Sometimes I get so overwhelmed at the divide in this world of the haves and have-not’s.  Here in the UK on the 15th March was Red-Nose Day, This event has been taking place now every year for 25yrs in a bid to raise money and awareness of those who need help. From children dying every second from lack of clean water and malaria to homelessness and poverty,disease and war landmine victims. 

Many different causes both abroad and here in the UK are helped. and yet in 25 yrs not a lot has changed. 

I was still witnessing those same upsetting images as I saw how Mothers loose their children and babies, and how children loose their parents and how in many of these countries citizens struggle just to survive, as children forage on rubbish tips for things to make enough money just to eat.The Dandora dumping site in Nairobi. (Simon Maina, AFP) And yet ask any of these children a simple question and most will say all they want is to be able to go to school and be educated ..

Click the photo for  news report on this image.

And those lucky enough to afford to go to school some walk for 2 hours from dawn just to get to their classroom, and 2 hrs back along rough terrain in scorching heat.

Most who read my posts know I try to keep my posts positive, because what we think we create!.. But sometimes I just need to vent and bleed my heart to the world.

Because all that we have gathered together in our spiritual awareness needs to be put to good use right now.. Not in the future… In 25 yrs down the line nothing has changed for these people..  Its time we saw the Truth of our society and how those in the seats of Power control and will continue to exploit the have-nots.

There are two subjects we are always told to steer clear of and that’s Religion and Politics .. Well since I last posted we have seen a new Pope elected and he chose the name Francis, a name to reflect the Church of the Poor.. Well I hope this new Pope can not just be a name and figure head, but I hope he can be an ambassador for the poor.. As the Church can well afford to help the needy..

We all know the economic situation around the world but just how bad does it get when the EU start to take your savings from out of your Bank account without your permission. Well that is what is happening in Cyprus  as a Tax levy is being introduced. And the Banks doors have been closed until Thursday!.. while their parliament decides to vote .

We will begin to see a shift yet again very soon and this time it will be the ordinary people in our streets who will be shaking themselves awake to the manipulations of those in Power. We are waking up to the Truth of our reality where Corruption is rife, where our Political arena’s lie to the public and to themselves 

When People stand up in their power, it Does count even if it may seem an immediate result isn’t forthcoming.

Collectively we are waking up!.

We need to now WAKE UP! in more ways than one. We need to wake up to what is real and what is not. Awakening means to discern with  your own intuition. We will all know deep down when to act and when to bide our time. We will know we have to change our ways and clean up our habits of a lifetime. That is the challenge that all this consciousness evolution may have been preparing us for. We now need to take a closer look at our ways of Being!

These are trying times which are testing many souls, but if we approach the changes wisely, consciously and positively in unity and harmony we may also see the future evolve to the World we have collectively been working towards creating.

Are your shook up enough to see the real world?


Where Has All The Magic Gone?

The Magic is in your Hands

Remember when we were children and we would jump out of bed in a morning with such joy as we greeted the day. We would get so exciting, jumping up and down on Birthdays and Christmas time, and those visits from the tooth fairy, all hold a magical place within my memory.

As adults we perceive things now on a different wave length and those magical make-believe worlds in the days of my make-believe imagination, as I galloped around my garden waving my magic fairy princess wand.

Todays adults have lost the Magic in their lives, thinking it is to be found in the accumulation of possessions. But that which glitters isn’t always Gold, and it often comes at a price, which often leads to the Big Bad Wolf growling at their doors, as the Fairy-tale ends as the Wicked Witch of ‘Pay back with Interest!’ Casts her Debt spell and holds us in her perpetual Grasp!.  

So how can we find that lost Magic? What sort of magic are we each of us searching for?  

Each of us are capable of creating magical things in our own lives if we are willing to re-open our eyes . 

As adults we have put limits upon ourselves which in this modern-day world of gadgets and electronics, which have robbed  many of us of our ability to think for ourselves. We rely on being told what to eat, what to wear, and where to buy.. as the media of Controlling our Lives also casts its spell via the Advertising Cauldron of Modern Day Media.  

We have forgotten to use the Powers of Natures Natural Magic as we no longer listen to the Ebb and Flow of Natures Pulse. We have forgotten to use our Intuitive abilities, we’ve tuned out of the forces of nature, we no longer sit and feel the Energy of a tree, or understand the medicine of herbs, feel the healing offered from the ocean and our waterways, , Instead we pollute the very life giving forces of our planet.

We’ve forgotten the magic of sitting outdoors in Natures elements as we shut ourselves in our boxes with our electronics bombarded with electric light, radio waves, Microwaves, Invisible signals from our mobile phone and TV networks pour through the walls of our boxes constantly.. No wonder our children are looking pasty and ill..We do not see how we are poisoning ourselves with Fast Foods, and additives etc.

We have forgotten to stop and look up into the Magic of a clear starry night as the Moonlight reflects upon the carpet of frost as it glistens in its own magical glitter underfoot, or see the magic in every snow flake, each one unique like ourselves as they fall to the ground. 

Many of us are fascinated with the Future, our curiosity leads us to explore Space and the different realms of reality . Somehow we know instinctively that these realms exist and yet many are afraid to voice those seemingly unexplained happenings, dismissing them as fanciful nonsense. How many of us as children said we saw things, only to have an adult tell us to not be silly, as we grew up and our invisible playmates vanished for ever. Those very instinctive abilities which each are born with are zapped out of us, as we are groomed to the adults world of thought.

The Keys to Unlocking those Magical Doors lay not within text books, but they are found within your own ‘Inner-Self’ your own unconscious mind of imaginings and day-dreams.

I once read a quote from a lady who was one of England’s leading Magical Ladies her name Dion Fortune it said.

“ Magic is the art of causing Changes in the Consciousness according to the Will…….” 

Once we learn to control our thinking-our Imagination of our Consciousness and our Perceptions about our reality, we then change the entire Universe.

You have heard me use the phrase of Waking Up to ourselves, Nature has all the answers, and we are all of us created from the same atoms, each tree, plant, animal and Mineral shares the same heritage.

When I talk about getting in tune with ourselves, I also mean we need to once again get in tune with Nature. For some it may be taking a walk in the countryside, working in your garden, tending to a pot plant in your home.

Finding the Magic is allowing yourself to become that child again. We need to find the Joy in the simple pleasures of life.

So take a look outside your boxes and let the love of Nature work her magic upon your soul. Rejoice in the sound of Children’s Laughter, enjoy the birdsong, Look up and really see the Miracles of Life in the ever changing sky.

We have forgotten much from our ancestors those wise ancient ones who respected all life in all its forms and appreciated its natural flow as they planted with the cycles of the Moon and watched the heavens.

We have forgotten how to choose, how to decide, as our decisions have all but been made for us in our modern day of advertising media. We have lost much of our common sense, as our own natural senses have been eroded by the modern world.

We turn constantly to find answers in books, films, teachers and gurus, but we forget to look at the very core of the problem.

We need only look within our own Hearts if we wish to find its magic. We need to know the powers we each hold as we change our way of thinking.

When we change the magic in our own lives, then we see it reflected back in our outer-world.

The Magic has always been there..

We just need to alter our way of BEing and allow our Natural Sparkle to shine..

and that’s Magic!

© Sue Dreamwalker – 2013 All rights reserved.

Treat the Earth and Each other Well.

Proverb Native American.

It is through awareness and understanding that humanity can purify the individual and collective hearts and minds, necessary components to bring about peace on this planet. The great purification spoken about in Native American prophecy can be as kind and gentle as humanity wishes it to be. We can either wake up and do the internal work on ourselves, manifesting peace…or continue harbouring the fear and anger, manifesting war.

Mankind cannot become healthy unless there is the realization that we’re ill and, as a species, we are very, very sick…having spread the cancers of fear and anger that we carry within our collective conscious, manifesting these diseases in our outer world for all to see. Our outer world is but a mirror of our inner world. And, we are a world of pretenders, a great majority ignoring the pain brought about by unjustness in the world in which we live.

Most often, we deal with what we see and hear through apathy and anesthetizing ourselves with our addictions and burying our heads saying it’s not our problem.. But what is happening to our world is everyone’s concern.. As we see each day the way this world is falling apart at the seams. Even the weather is now reflecting back its own chaos, as our Seasons are becoming also mixed and confused. 

Perhaps the time has come to silence the drums of wars raging within as I see daily more and more people in anger, by diligently working on ourselves. I know I have been trying to work on my inner Spirit more and more as I come through my own tunnels of confusion and darkness..

Peace within is the only path to peace without.

The vibrations of war enslave not only individual souls but the collective soul of humanity as well.

When we start to unpeel the onion of truth, we will realize that this is only the beginning. Be prepared to have this onion of truth make you cry. Part of the tears will come because of the realization of how we have allowed ourselves to be duped by the illusions that have passed (and continue to pass) for truth for so long!

It is time now to awaken to those truths.. and find once again that peace we should all of us be sharing.. Do not allow yourselves to get swept within the emotional tides of Fear.. Share your love and your heart, be compassionate, and sharing, giving and caring.. These are the values society has traded in for gain and profit.. Power and control..

Its time as a collective to take our power back, and show others empathy, and caring, and become again united in that common goal of love..

And become as One.

And Live in Peace and Love..



"In early days we were close to nature. We judged time, weather conditions, and many things by the elements–the good earth, the blue sky, the flying of geese, and the changing winds.

We looked to these for guidance and answers. Our prayers and thanksgiving were said to the four winds–to the East, from whence the new day was born; to the South, which sent the warm breeze which gave a feeling of comfort; to the West, which ended the day and brought rest; and to the North, the Mother of winter whose sharp air awakened a time of preparation for the long days ahead.

We lived by God’s hand through nature and evaluated the changing winds to tell us or warn us of what was ahead.
Today we are again evaluating the changing winds. May we be strong in spirit and equal to our Fathers of another day in reading the signs accurately and interpreting them wisely.

May Wah-Kon-Tah, the Great Spirit, look down upon us, guide us, inspire us, and give us courage and wisdom. Above all, may He look down upon us and be pleased."

Above. Unknown Speaker addressing the National Congress of American Indians in the mid 1960’s

© Sue Dreamwalker – 2012 All rights reserved.

One World One Tribe

One World One Tribe.

Have you ever looked into a mirror and thought how unique your are

Did you not consider the marvel of creation to wonder upon that Star?

Have you looked at our Race of people, like busy Ants we rush around?

Did you ever seek that silence, as you sat upon the ground?

Have you ever spoke a prayer with words straight from your heart

Did you ever send out your thoughts to a world we all are apart

Can you see we’re not separate in our quest on seeking Life?

We are all upon a journey, we have our loves and strife.

Can you not see in other faces that yearning to belong?

We all have the same emotions as we embrace our own loves song.

Can you forget about our Colours, our Races and our Creeds?

We are all a Race of ‘Beings’ growing up from our small seeds

Did you not hear that voice which shouts inside your head

To follow Peaceful thoughts, did you listen to what was said?

Did you look into your eyes, look really deep inside

If you did you’d soon discover

We are One World One Tribe

© Sue Dreamwalker – 2012 All rights reserved.


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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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