Hidden Secrets Revealed

Photo by Marta Branco on Pexels.com

Hidden Secrets Revealed 

I have sat within the silence of my own being

Opening up my heart, and now seeing

The truth of what I came here to accomplish

As memories are regained with spirit replenished


Understanding the simplicity of it all

Of how it was meant to be before the fall

Great civilisations have come and gone

As I remember the era of the Shining Ones


When no secrets were hidden within the mind

And to teleport through distance and time

Were the normal occurrences from portal gates

When all was love, and no one would hate


Disease was something that was quite unknown

For the energy of Love flowed through each crown

Lives would span hundreds of your years

There was no decay, because you held no fears


But such is the balance of Yin and Yang

And cycles end as you forgot the plan

Greed ruled, and hearts closed down

As you forgot the Song of Earth Mother’s Sound


So the Dark Age raged in turbulent wars

As you fell deeper, nursing deeper scars

Upon the Wheel of Karma did you turn

Taking thousands of years, for you had to learn


And now that cycle is about to complete

And yet so many are still asleep

So, sit in the silence within your own BEing

Open your own heart and begin SEEing


See how to love, how it changes your glow

Shine from within, believe and Know

You came to remember, you came from above

And within the silence, you will find Love

© Sue Dreamwalker 2017

  I thought I would repost this poem above:

This was written on May 4th 2017 another poem written during the twilight hours.  When I finished this piece, I glanced up at the clock it said 4:44am. 😊 All the Fours.. 

Four Corner Stones : Connecting, Cooperating, Creating, Consciousness,
We are One..
~ Watercolour Art of mine..

An excerpt from the meaning of these numbers below..

“ 4th Meaning of 444: You Are in Harmony with the Universe. Whenever you’re seeing 444, the angels tell you that you’re resonating with the Universe in perfect synchronicity. … The meaning of 444 is that you’ve become aware of the spiritual dimension and the energies within and around you

The more you learn about yourself as a spiritual being, the more you will understand that you’re not separated from existence, but you are one with the Universe, always in perfect harmony. And this is amazing”

More on 444 number meaning can be found here

It is so very important at this time of year especially that you keep your vibration High and Full of LOVE. For there are those who would wish to create Fear to keep us within this trap of illusion. So Open your Hearts in LOVE and do not get dragged into the net of Fear which is about to be cast out.
I have discovered among many other wonderful Astrologers George H Lewis, whose Astrological Insights For Scorpio Season can be found Here. I hope you enjoy his Scorpio Insights for the coming month.

Transformation in in OUR Hands..

Blessings and have a beautiful weekend..  



Creating a Better World.. Inside and Out..

Petals create this bird each a separate piece to create the whole.

Below are  some of the words I wrote back in 2013, with a few little tweaks..  I know many of you may not have read them back then.  Since writing this post six yrs ago I  have worked hard on clearing the trauma’s of emotional baggage we all of us carry in my own healing journey..  And I have come to understand oh so much more about our reality, that is as I have said before, Nothing like we have been taught… 

And if I can discover the truth, anyone can, if they have the courage to dare dive deeper into History of this Earth, as well as diving deeper into themselves.  Because we all first need to go within and discover the hidden truth about ourselves. For only then, as we learn to let go of past conditioning. and as  we re-learn how to love and respect ourselves.. Only then, will we be capable of respecting and loving others in this world..

Since retreating into my creative cocoon last month, I have found it even more difficult to emerge, and communicate what is at my heart. So when in doubt, I don’t.   But the one thing I wish to convey more than anything else at this moment in time, is to say we are all of us Co-creators of this world.. What each of us are thinking, how each of us are acting, is creating our future reality.. 

If we join in the blame game, and we allow ourselves to get stressed, taking sides in judgemental finger pointing in this deliberate manipulation of mind-control-games, we are playing straight into the hands of those negative beings who think they control us. 

This world is evolving just as we humans are, and its been constantly changing for trillions of years. This is but another stage in that transition process. And whether we remember it or not, we chose to be here at this time to help ourselves remember and raise our frequencies to move us beyond this third dimensional level we now find ourselves held within. 

We are a collective, and the more of us who embrace the frequency of love, kindness, compassion and tolerance, the more we will find we will create that into our immediate existence.. What we think is what we create.. We all of us have such great powers to tap into that we have no concept of our abilities in changing our reality.. 

Its all so very simple… We dear friends are VibrationAnd that which we focus upon is that which we create..  So if we are focusing our intent on this outer chaotic madness, anger, frustration, division and lack, that is what we will attract and create in our reality.. But if we focus our intent on inward peace, loving ourselves,…. sending love into the world and feeling harmony and balance within, this is what we will generate into the world..  This Choice is ours..  WE are the Change, and We have to learn how to change our ways of treating each other. 

You dear friends who have landed upon this page to read, are all so very important cogs in this evolutionary wheel we are all upon.. For it is our choices which will create our New World.. And I know which  kind of world I wish to live out my remaining years here on Earth. I hope you will understand If I do not get back to your comment immediately on this post only, as I am still taking time out until the New Year and this post is scheduled to post, but don’t be surprised if I land upon your doorstep, I am gradually reconnecting with your posts when I am able.. 

Sending you all so much love and gratitude as we continue upon our heartfelt  journeys which have joined us together seeking the same pathway back to the source of Love.. Our Great Spirit~ Prime Creator.. 

Many, Many Thanks  to you All.. And wishing you all a very Happy 2020 and Beyond!

May we all Be the Change we want to see in Our World

Below the post written in 2013.

We are one, this I have said many times, and we are One with the Universe whether we realise it or not.  But once you understanding this it helps our spiritual growth and allows us access to those higher realms.

Save our Earth.. we are One And once our awareness opens to the fact  that we are more than just physical beings living this one life in one place of time, we see that we are indeed connected to that Cosmic Energy. And we are Infinite Beings upon our own particular Journey’s 

Many are now starting to Re-awaken to the truth and take a step forward, and upward, on our soul’s journey. This  movement upward is  what many call ascension, because the more we remember who we are as we open ourselves up to the Truth of who we are, the higher our energy vibrates.. We are all of us Vibration, a subject I have often spoken of before.

Many people are not even aware of such ideas, while  others are opening up and finally seeing the signs and are at last paying attention to them.. We are seeing, and feeling these changes in our world, our sixth senses are telling us something is happening, and yet many can not quite put their fingers on it..While many more are opening up and seeing Change is needed if we are to progress, and are understanding what those changes are.  They see that our monetary systems and governing powers need reform. And that Kindness needs to be put back into Mankind, as the corrupt are uncovered. 

Light-workers and Spiritual guru’s have devoted their lives to deepening our understanding of the truth. All these people are on the path of ascension, but we each are on our own particular journey of ascension at different rates. We do not suddenly get lifted to exit this planet, we ALL have to do the internal work on raising our own vibration. Which means we need to check our thoughts, look at what is reflected back at us daily, and begin to understand we raise our frequencies by becoming more tolerant of others, as we stop our judgemental attitudes of labelling each other into different classes.. We are all part of the whole, each fragment experiencing their own experience which we create.. 

Many thought something spectacular would happen with the Mayan calendar date of Dec 21 2012 and many I  know were left kind of in limbo of what happens next? 

Each  of us chooses its own  particular path. Many are finding past emotions surfacing and triggering trauma and emotional responses. Its as though we are being given an opportunity to face our fears and also complete unfinished Karmic debt, as the wheel is now fullas I explained in one of my previous posts..

Remembering who we are and why we are here isn’t that straight forward, for we are all of us subject to amnesia once we enter this Earth realm. But we are helped and are being guided by those in spirit.. We are being nudged to remember, and we are all of us sensing we need to change… We know we are damaging our world beyond repair, and are witnessing our weather pattern changes as a result..We are seeing the Respect for each other and our animal kingdom eroding.  We need to change our ways and time is running short.

But what we must not do is to buy into Fear.. for Fear lowers our vibration..

In recent days I have been re-reading many of books which opened up my own thinking way back in the early 90’s. These authors  are at the forefront of an important process of raising the energetic vibration of the whole planet.

While I could give you a long list of those authors, reading another’s words will not awaken you fully.. You have to dig deep within your own soul and by adding those pieces of information which we gather along our journey  we then come to our own state of awareness which opens our hearts to understand we are infinite beings evolving through our experiences upon this physical plane of material matter,the vibration of which is also dense..  We are constantly striving to raise our vibration higher as we evolve and seek to join the light. 

The earth is made of the same energy  as we are, and is also undergoing this shift along with us. This evolutionary process, while it may seem chaotic, is a natural process such as that which unfolds a flower from a seed and we are all part of it. We are all of us part of that Flower of life.. And we are pushing our way through some tough times to bloom..

The best way to help this process in yourself and in the world is simply to relax and be open to its unfolding. Listen to your inner guidance, and let it guide you to the path that brings your heart the most happiness. Follow your intuition and listen to that Inner voice.. Its there to guide you at all times

And know we are here at this time because we chose to be here..

And if we want the world to become a better place for our children’s children then its Up to Each and Everyone of us to take a look at making sure our Choices count for a better World to Emerge..

Blessings Sue Dreamwalker


Love may be Invisible ..But its Strength is Invincible.

 Wishing All of you LOVE and Light 

Thank you ALL for your love and Support

Part Two of the Puzzle of Life will follow tomorrow,

Enjoy Your Weekend. 

I am, as we all live and learn through the various pieces we come across..

I’ve Let it GO!… 

[Comments Closed.]


Re-connecting to Self~Awareness..

Walking the meadows

Sometimes we need to step away in order to reassess and realign and dissolve energy that we hold within. It takes all of our focus and awareness to remember we are energy beings who chose to assist in the transitional shift that is occurring right now on planet earth.  Because we are born with amnesia as to who we are, we have to re-remember who we are and why we are here. 

My own spiritual path has taken many twists and turns over the years. Each stage I feel has been a necessary part of planting me in the now.  But throughout all of the paths I have chosen to take, I trusted my inner/higher guidance to assist me by trusting that inbuild compass we all of us have, if only we could all trust it enough to navigate by it.

All Paths lead us Home

I can only speak on my own personal experience of NOW, and tell you that for me in this moment I find I need to focus on internal energy rather that all the distractions that take us away from truly appreciating the Power of Now as I tune into the necessary energies that we all should be partaking in.  As we link into and retune and nurture our bodies with Love and Light which I feel are pouring into Gaia more strongly than ever I have felt before.  

Flying with Butterflies

You have heard me along with many others describe those of us who feel we are on this mission, as ‘Light-Workers’. Those of us who try to share ‘Light and Love’, via our ways of being by sharing kindness and caring as we open our hearts into Unity Consciousness.  From what I am coming to understand the more I go within, is we have to be ready to understand as I have said many times, is that it is WE who are creating our realities ‘Out There’, out side of ourselves by our inward thinking.

None of us are immune unless we work very hard to clear away our negative thinking. I challenge any of us to check how many times a negative thought passes through our minds, because ‘Fear’ is inbuilt into our programming.

Each of us have chosen the best ways for our souls to evolve given the Blue-Prints we came to experience. I feel more strongly than ever, that it is time for me to step up my own alignment by clearing and creating as I dive deeper into Self.

Many we see in the world are trying to hold onto old realities which have been part of our conditioning through many life times.  And the harder the world is trying to hold onto them, we see them now beginning to fall apart, as we witness people’s confusion as they battle wills of the ego.

Many Obstacles may fall along our paths, but we stride over them one by one

While many are waking up to their own power and seeking more simplistic ways of living with nature as they want out of the rat race, as they attune more with their higher consciousness.  Others are so conditioned they no longer seem to care, for they have been consumed by consumerism to think the only goal in life is materially based. Their spiritual evolution is blocked in amnesia, and indoctrinations pasted down throughout generations that have divided them further still through prejudice and greed.

Many of us are seeing through the lies and the hidden truth, and exposures by degrees are now coming to the surface to wake us up from the perceptions we hold about our existence here on Gaia.

Wings finding nourishment..

 Very soon I feel more important revelations will come to light, and when they do, some will disbelieve and stay asleep in ignorance, while for others it will trigger them even wider awake than before. But each have a chosen path to follow and each of us have our roles to play, and those whom we think may have chosen negative rolls are also working their way through their own layers to their higher consciousness and helping others raise to theirs. No one is a loser, for we all evolving at our own pace.  

A Shady Corner

When we do not listen, and we ignore the signs, then a bigger wakeup call is going to be shaking more of us to sit up and listen to see what is important in our world.  And I am reminded of the wisdom of our Native American brothers when they said,

“ When the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, and the last river poisoned, only then will we realise that one cannot eat money”.

For those of us who understand what I am talking about here, I find it important right now to speak out on what I am feeling as we collectively now begin to open our hearts.

Some say I cannot bury my head and ignore what is going on in the world. Believe me I far from ignore it. But as an empath I am seeing I need to become more the observer, as I try to detach from the stories being played out. My heart is so open I feel too much for my own comfort, as the tension transfers emotionally.  My Body then reminds me of what I need to do, to let go. For just as those who are holding light in this world, there are those who agreed to wake us up via opening hearts in compassion through such traumas as they take their transition into the beyond.  

Unity in Form. Many Hearts now need to open.

I often ‘Feel’ the grief of many hearts, but I now also know while my tears fall easily, this is also part of the cleansing process, for deeply buried within each of us we need to clear out the deep grief of being separated for so long.  I often feel helpless in the grief of seeing how imbalance is causing anger and conflict in society as we humans battle with emotions now being dragged up to the surface to be cleared.  But then I see how we have created it all, as we have in part become like drones, as ‘we’ switch on our devices, and plug into our virtual realities games that click after click kill and destroy.


Each Petal- person placed in perfect order

From my meditations I see it stems way deeper than any of us realised, as again and again triggers bring things to the surface to be cleared out as we learn to let them go. This clearing out seems never ending. But I now realise this is not just this life of clearing, but our past lives that we have carried forward. ALL now is needing to be cleared.

So, for each of us the best thing we can do to assist the new energies is to try to embrace themselves within pure love, nurturing themselves within Nature. For nature is assisting us in our transition as she helps clear and dissolve those dense thought systems. Which is why when any of us spend time out in nature or near water or on the coast we feel so refreshed for our energy bodies are being re-wired so to speak as we unplug from the weight of the de-pressed dense energy that is generated by our consumerism that is literally consuming us.

We are never Alone.. Open your hearts and Bloom.

And as I learn to let go of old programming, I am finding a new sense of peace, as I nurture self-love..

There really is no time like the Present to gift yourself that time to spend with yourself and your loved ones out in Natures Healing Balm.  Go treat yourself to some LOVE. as we all learn to re-connect in Unity.. 

Peace and Blessings.

All Photos Sue Dreamwalker’s of my Garden and on Walks taken.  Keep  clearing and connecting to your Inner selves..  Enjoy Life and Living!…

A Puzzle to solve, Follow the Signs~ Meaningful Monday’s

My Painting~ Molecule Mandala ~  We may all be dots/Specs in the  Cosmos, But when we Unite we  create Form and Change..  We Become Change!


Standing In Space


Standing on the edge of outer space

Have you ever felt yourself in this place?

Alone and yet surrounded by stars

Women are from Venus and men are from Mars.


You look at the world and want to put right

All the wrongs of man, to stop the fights-

Of Nations, whose turmoil is beyond our control,

To stop all the suffering, and end the death toll.


And yet you’re but a spec, just standing on the edge

But the yearning inside me has become more than a pledge.

For to help make a difference is what I do seek

To help and encourage, and to show we’re not weak.


But how can I change the World and her wars?

We first must look within, and look at Universal Laws.

To realise that to change, we must start with our self.

Understanding Love and Compassion is our true wealth.


That to care for each other regardless of our creed

For you cannot gather Gold, and to your children feed.

But alone I stand, just a speck of cosmic dust.

But united together we can reach out and we must-

Succeed in our endeavours to create a better land

For our children’s sake, let’s take each other’s hand.


Unite in one voice that calls out for Peace

Before the Earth’s Power, will finally unleash-

Her own brand of cleansing, with one almighty sweep,

And tears of Nations will flood the rivers deep.


Mighty are we!.. Look again out to the stars,

But a Spec in the Cosmos, along with Moon and Mars.

So look to yourselves, and right all your wrongs

For 2018

will herald in a brand New Song!..

 ©Sue Dreamwalker

I have been doing some clearing out of my Archives, and retracing  of back posts  putting into categories etc. I wrote this poem back in 2008. Then I put 2012 where you now see 2018,  as then that was the year we seemed to focus upon and look towards, as the Mayan Calendar year ended and New Beginning were imminent..

As I read through many  New Year posts within our beautiful WordPress Community, I see many new goals being put into place and many intentions being given, as to what we each can achieve  and change within our own lives and that of the world.

We are the Change-makers of our society,  and each time we are true to ourselves, and we each hold the light of what we know to be true in our hearts, we each of us help heal the world. We do it for standing up and speaking out for what is right.

When we endeavour to help change our world, it means we are doing nothing more than holding ourselves in love and respect as we try our best to be the best we know how to be.

We are witnessing great changes right now, as we see individuals standing up for what is right. Corruption is being uncovered, and those who have long held power are seeing their walls beginning to crumble as LOVE is overcoming the Fear that they created, in standing up for what is right.

I am adding this to my Meaningful Mondays Category, because there is really only one thing we can positively change, and that is ourselves, Make 2018 Meaningful, in that you stand in your own Truth. As you keep Faith with what you know in your heart to be good and true..

In Love and Light..

Thank you Oprah For what you stood up for on January 7th 2018

Unifying  In One Voice .

“Age of Aquarius” Alignment January 7, 2018 – RARE!

We are Uniting in One Voice All over the World

Make your Voice and Heart Count!


Hidden Secrets Revealed

Hidden Secrets Revealed 

I have sat within the silence of my own being

Opening up my heart, and now seeing

The truth of what I came here to accomplish

As memories are regained with spirit replenished


Understanding the simplicity of it all

Of how it was meant to be before the fall

Great civilisations have come and gone

As I remember the era of the Shining Ones


When no secrets were hidden within the mind

And to teleport through distance and time

Were the normal occurrences from portal gates

When all was love, and no one would hate


Disease was something that was quite unknown

For the energy of Love flowed through each crown

Lives would span hundreds of your years

There was no decay, because you held no fears


But such is the balance of Yin and Yang

And cycles end as you forgot the plan

Greed ruled, and hearts closed down

As you forgot the Song of Earth Mother’s Sound


So the Dark Age raged in turbulent wars

As you fell deeper, nursing deeper scars

Upon the Wheel of Karma did you turn

Taking thousands of years, for you had to learn


And now that cycle is about to complete

And yet so many are still asleep

So, sit in the silence within your own BEing

Open your own heart and begin SEEing


See how to love, how it changes your glow

Shine from within, believe and Know

You came to remember, you came from above

And within the silence, you will find Love

© Sue Dreamwalker 2017



 The above artwork is watercolour on black card I painted..  This was written on May 4th 2017 another poem written during the twilight hours.  When I finished this piece, I glanced up at the clock it said 4:44am. 😊 All the Fours.. 

An excerpt from the meaning of these numbers below..

“ 4th Meaning of 444: You Are in Harmony with the Universe. Whenever you’re seeing 444, the angels tell you that you’re resonating with the Universe in perfect synchronicity. … The meaning of 444 is that you’ve become aware of the spiritual dimension and the energies within and around you

The more you learn about yourself as a spiritual being, the more you will understand that you’re not separated from existence, but you are one with the Universe, always in perfect harmony. And this is amazing”

More on 444 number meaning can be found here

If I am late getting back to any comments I will be taking a blogging break in a few days time.. So please bare with me getting back to any later  comments and your posts.. 

Blessings and have a beautiful week.. I know I will.. 



Searching For Ourselves.. In the Silence of Self.

How many times do we search deep for ourselves

Through poetry and art, we often dig and delve

Into the depths of emotions, we explore and extract

Those personalities to enhance and the ones that we lack


We can gaze into the mirror, reflecting back our age

As we capture in our mind, our youthful looking days

Never did I think as those childish eyes once shone

That age is but an illusion, for inside still I am One.  


My exterior shell maybe broken, cracked and somewhat worn

But the knowledge deep within, has always been from being born

For I am more than I, in the moment of this time

I am but One of many, whose memory of life shared mine.


I cannot begin to explain, and until you ‘know’ you’ll never understand

That many times I have journeyed back to experience this land

We are the past and future, we are the victors and the foe

The layers we are gradually removing as we each are letting go.


This rise has not been easy, and its climb is not yet done

As we weave our separate webs, each of us have cleverly spun.

The threads connect us all, affecting One and ALL

So, inward I will do my working to complete our memory recall.

© Sue Dreamwalker 2017 

Have you remembered yet? Who you are? And why you came? And why we are here?

I hope you have five minutes to spare to watch the amazing creation and the many faces Akiane saw before this final portrait was left as the finished painting.. And view it in full screen.

Please listen to what she is Saying

Have a wonderful Week.. As I leave my poetry for thought.


The Law of Polarity

“To destroy and undesirable rate of mental vibration, put into action The Law of Polarity and concentrate upon the opposite pole to that which you desire to suppress. Kill out the undesirable by changing its polarity.”

The Kybalion.

I often wake up between the hours of 3 and 4am and I’m inspired to pick up my journal and write down my thoughts. This is where the majority of my poems are born as they merge with the invisible realms in the quite hours of less activity with electronic devices.

So the night after I published my post The Pendulum Swings, I awoke to see the clock which showed the triple number of 2:22. These triple numbers regularly occur for me range from 1’s to 5’s. So I smiled knowing I needed to pay attention to my thoughts.

And that thought as I had awoken was the Law of Polarity. I knew I had a book describing this Universal Law somewhere upon my bookshelves

I got up to scan the bookshelves, and the book I was searching for jumped out at me almost straight away. And believe me I often spend ages looking for a book I know is there not being able to find it straight away.

Back in bed, I opened the book expecting to flick through the pages and chapters to find what I wanted. It seemed more forces were at work as I flicked the pages, for when I stopped it fell open at the chapter entitled The Law of Polarity. You can only imagine how wider my smile grew. Excitement always wells within me when I know I am being guided as I gave my silent thank you to those invisible realms which keep showing us the ‘signs’. And I am sure ‘they’ are just as excited when we take notice.

The quote you found at the top of the page started the chapter and for those who may not be familiar with its law. Polarity represents the two extremes of One thing.

As I read the chapter in full and I found it was confirming my thoughts upon the pendulum. We view Poles as opposites, each extreme of each other. Such as Good Bad, Up Down, Love Hate etc.

It was interesting reading as Poles while being opposites only differ in degrees. It spoke of the two extremes of Love and Hate concluding that they are both born of being the two extremes of the same ‘emotion’. Their differences are in the various degrees of the emotion being expressed. 

The chapter ended by emphasizing the need to stay   “‘Balanced’, ‘Focused’ and ‘Detached’ from the World and things around” It reiterated what I have often said among many posts, Balance is the Key as we use the Law of Polarity in the raising of our Vibrations. 

We CAN shift the Balance by degrees

And isn’t that what we see happening now around our world. We are all of us through events, through our responses, of Love and Compassion Can help swing the pendulum in balance.

When we Choose to change our attitudes to those who surround us, through our vibrations of changing ourselves, we then by degrees change the behaviour of others.

The following words jumped out at me as I take a small quote from the Book “ The Light Shall Set You Free” by Dr Norma Milanovich and Dr Shirley McCune

The Power of the mind which controls the emotions, is the key to understanding that ALL things Can Be Changed.  The first step in change is CHOOSING TO DO SO.”

 So dear friends, try to detach from the turmoil of the external world. Focus upon your own internal energy. Stay Balanced and Calm, stay grounded and send out love, by going ‘within’ and by raising your own vibration you are also by degrees each helping change the ‘external’ world to embrace Unity and Peace.

Love and Blessings


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Sue Dreamwalker

Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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Thanks to Barbara, for putting this E Book Together at http://memymagnificentself.wordpress.com/

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May 2024

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Part Two E-book of True Awakening Experiences, complied by Barbara Franklin and WordPress Friends.


2012 Acrylic Painting Acrylics Akiane Kramarik. Allotment Allotment. Self Sufficiency Allotments Answers art Arts and Crafts Ascension Automatic Channelled Writing Avaaz Awaken Awakening Awards Awareness Balance Books Butterfly Caring change Changes Children Choices Climate Change Community compassion Consciousness. Consciousness. Community Consciousness. Illusions Conservation Crafts creativity Darkness Diving Deeper Dreams Earth Earth Changes Earth Day Earth Mother Earth Shift Elder Tree Emotions Energies Energy Enlightenment Environment. Faith Family Fear Flowers Food Freedom Friends Gaia Garden Gardening Gifts Gratitude Gregg Braden Growing your own Grow your own Halloween happiness Harmony Healing Health Heart Hearts Hobbies Illusion Indigenous people Inner thoughts Inspired Intuition journey joy Kindness Knitting life Light Lightworkers love Mankind Mass Consciousness Matrix Mayan Calendar Media meditation mind Monsanto Mother Earth music Native American Indians Nature New Earth News Ocean Oneness Painting Paintings Pastel Drawings. Peace Personal Responsibility Perspective Planet Earth Planting Poem poems Pollution Positive Positive Thinking Prayer Remembrance Day Samhain Scotland Seeds Self Sufficiency Shift Short Stories. Signs Soul Sound Spirit Spiritual Spring Storms The Great Purification thoughts Time Trancend transformation. transformation. Energy Travel Trees Truth Unity Unity Consciousness Universe Vegetables Vibration. Vision Quest Walking War Watercolour Painting Weather web world World Peace

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