A Peace Bubble.

‘ONE DAY– 💖 CAN Change ALL of this’

A Song that United So Many.

Shifts ~ Within.

This week has been a bit of a mixture in Dreamwalker’s World, and Little time has been had to even log into my Computer yet alone visit my friends here on WP…  So, first thank you to all of you for those awesome comments on WP.  They are all much appreciated.. And second I hope you all have a peaceful and relaxing weekend..

 I dug out an old poem I wrote in 2011, But added some interesting Links within the verses 

So I hope you can relate to it, and find some new information via the links…

The energies at the moment are opening or closing a few doors in our various journeys along our pathway, Pay heed to your instincts and always follow your heart..

Love and Blessings and thank you for reading

~ enjoy the Poem  as Consciousness Shifts

 ( Comments Will be closed )

This weekend, as I just need some time out just to BE!..

 Much love  


Open your Mind to a journey of old

Look beyond from what you are told

To seek the Truth look beneath the lies

Lift up your head and look to the skies 

Messages travel in symbols and sounds

Circles in crops etched in the ground

Spirals in Caves, and Huge stone blocks

A cycle of Time, for there are no clocks

Open your mind its time to Awake



For upon this journey we agreed to partake

The Towers are tumbling the Material gone

As the Light within starts to shine like the Sun

Remember you’re Eternal we’re made from the Stars

Let go of your Fears, help Heal the Earths scars

A New Day is Dawning as the Consciousness Shifts

So Live from the Heart Let Love be the Gift.


© Sue Dreamwalker 2022 – 2011 All rights reserved.

All Images From Google Images

Which Tale Are You Spinning?

Watercolour ~ Cat Moods ~Art by Sue

 It’s likely that most recently

You felt a shift in Energy

That’s raised your hackles and confused

No doubt its lit your shorter fuse


There’s lots of heated words of air

That fly around to bring despair

For that’s their aim as on target they hit

If you allow them the power to split


Tune out, turn off and instead go within

That’s the only way to shut out the din

Seek Peace with some Solitude

Breathe Deep, Om some love into the Multitudes


Close your eyes and start to fly

Raise your vibration to the sky

See the rainbows after the storm

Give thanks in Gratitude for this New Dawn


Let not your anger add fuel to the fire

Use your hearts to create your desires

So, when you feel your fuse ignite

Don’t raise your voices in Angers might


The greatest tool we have is the Power of Love

How long will we take to learn from Above

So use your Power through love and Peace

You’ll be amazed at its Energy Release

© Sue Dreamwalker 2017-2022

It struck me as I did my laundry, that no matter how many cycles and whatever program you choose, the spin cycle is the same.. All be it different speeds… And that my friends is how at the moment I feel about the world of politics as it spins us into frustration. It’s no coincidence those advisors are called Spin Doctors!..  

Sometimes we have to just tune out and step away from all the energy that is being thrown about right now in the political programming of the machine cycle of world programming, as they press our buttons with the help of the continuous spin of media news that engulfs our homes.

I choose not to get caught up within its energy..

And instead sent out my own vibration of

LOVE, and HEALING into the World..

I hope you will use the tools within your own minds to shift the energies from the ones that are being vented at the moment, into nurturing yourselves and your love ones..

Remember Our Loved Ones are the most important people in our lives . Not those who come through the TV screen..


Remember Thoughts and Words Create Our Future!.. 

In Love and Light to you ALL.. 

Have a wonderful Weekend.. 





Uniting In Love.. Is All It Takes.


When will we break free and leave the wanting behind?
When will we learn and put the kindness back in Mankind?
When all seems lost do we have anything to lose?
When do we the people choose?
Looking out around our world people will no longer bluff 
Daring to voice their discontent and say enough is enough
When did the haves decide for those of the  have-nots?
Who and when made all the rules, is it all a plot?
Looking out around our world, people will not lay down
And take all that’s dished to them without making a sound.
People are waking up to see they too have rights.
 For when they have nothing, they begin to fight
They fight not with weapons, but they let their voices shout.
As they want a life of betterment and their governments out.
How many places have you now heard of miss use of all that power
Its time now around our world, for now is the final hour.
We sit and watch the turmoil start from the safety of our room.
But don’t be fooled I kid you not. For soon it could all go Boom!!
For we all ignite a spark of thought, as it escalates distress
Its now the time to right the wrongs and clear up all the mess
 The pain around the world we see, as chaos seems to reign 
It’s time to live and open your hearts, help heal, and help change.
So that all are free and all respect the whole of who we are.
For we are the Common People. And this is our finest hour.

© Sue Dreamwalker 2016-2022

 Another poem above which I wrote in 2016…

Which Holds more meaning to me today than when I first penned the words.

  I came across this video the other day and thought it appropriate to leave here.  I am taking some time out this weekend, so I may not be back to comment until Monday.  I hope you all have a Peaceful weekend, and I do hope you listen to the video, it holds an important message. that many may as yet not fully understand.. 

But we are all of us Powerful Beings, our biggest threat is Fear and playing into that Fear.. Know Our Power is within. Nothing is ever as it seems, And each of us play our parts, which is why we are here on this Earth right now, as we transmute the negative energies into positive outcomes. 

Keep your vision of New Earth in your hearts and how that will look in our future World.  

Remember Our Future is Our Choice…

We are now on our Future Time Line as we Unite In LOVE Together.. 

Much love and Much Peace to you all..   


Believing In a Better World..

EmilysQuotes.Com - miracle, dreams, fear, energy, inspirational
I am sure that many of us wonder just where we are heading in our world which on the surface may appear to be more violent and aggressive every day.. Despite all the horrors I still believe in Miracles..
For those who are regular readers will know, I speak often upon the Earth Changes and how best we can help bring in positive change into the world.
So instead of surrendering to the Fear and joining in the judgements of others. I remind myself of my own story and focus upon my own creations. We need to stay centred within our own Peace, and stand in our own Truth.
It is up to us who believe in Love and miracles that Change for the positive is possible. It’s up to us to spread love and not get embroiled in the Fear Games we are seeing being played out by the few.. We do that by Believing, and knowing that we live by our own choices.

I know I choose Love and Caring, Not Fear and Hatred..

I truly believe that eventually love can overcome all, because each holds within us a Divine spark of our loving creator. And no matter how deeply that spark is buried within Anger and Hatred, Prejudice, Greed or Programming, I know that deep within us all there is that need to be loved..
Lightworker’s around the world are connecting together in ever greater numbers, and amazing pieces of our puzzles are slotting together as synchronicity is at work, I know I am connecting here on WP with some beautiful souls who share in my dreams of Peace.
Humanity is experiencing a dramatic shift in consciousness, and as with all change, we have to let go of the old before new ways of being can materialise. The transition is likely to be a bumpy ride. But if we join in the fear and anger it will only amplify and attract more of the same.

I can sympathise with those who maybe feeling restless as change seems unbearably slow. We have long known about the ‘Shift’ well we are the ‘Shift’.. We are the ones who have to change our attitudes and our perceptions. But it is no good waiting for the outcome of our world to change in the distant future..

For WE are the Change,

and what we think and do now with our intentions and Actions, Are the outcome..

I will leave you with Dr Bruce Lipton’s thoughts on how our minds are programmed.. And what we need to help the next generation realise that they are Loved..

Let us learn to once again CARE and Live from our Hearts as One..




Corridors of Power~ Use your own Minds!

The Post you will read below is one I posted Five years ago.  Nothing much has changed in the world in regards to pollution and the way in which we are treating each other. 

I can only do my own part in being aware of my own plastic footprint, growing much of our own vegetables and fruit and monitoring my recycling habits. 

More and more I am retreating into my own inner world as I create and manifest the world  I wish to live in as I leave this old programming within this Matrix

What brings me more and more  hope now are how  young minds are seeing just why they are a force to be reckoned with.  As we see how from the very young their awareness of our destruction of our planet is echoing further afield rattling their voices upon the doors of governments. 

When we Unite as ONE, we can see what can be achieved as we saw from the School Strikes for Climate, to the Students who protested new laws in Hong Kong fighting new Extradition laws to China. 

When we wake up to our internal power of Unity Consciousness, the power within, which has the power to change our reality, you can see why so much effort is being focused upon dumbing  us down.

We are so much more powerful than we are led to believe.

If you have a mind, use it to educate yourself to the realities of the World. 

Change is constant, 

It’s time we all Woke up, and Change begins first with changing ourselves.  

Much Love


There are many magical corridors.  There are many Powerful Pathways.

Beware those who would claim there is but one.

Quote: Mary Summer Rain

My Art in Watercolour and Ink a new addition to this post.


Another dip into my thoughts as I sit with my journal.

While I try to keep my blog a Sanctuary for inspiration love light and peace. I am far from living in the land of make believe. And know that there are many wrongs which need to be put to rights.

I try to live in my own positive bubble, because I know only too well how easy it is to fall into Pits of despair for the sufferings of the world.

Being empathetic often mean we become over sensitive to the horrors going on. And if I’m not careful, images can replay in my mind for days as my energy reaches out to those suffering souls, as I feel their pain. But I also know that if I do not detach and reign in these emotions they will serve me no good. For eventually they will end up devouring me.

Even so as I look into nature I see how birds squabble and fight for their territory. Each of us are not without our problems. We all have to find balance if we are to learn and live in harmony.

But neither can I be like the ostrich and bury my head in the sand either. Too many peoples lives are at steak.

Getting Angry about certain situations solves nothing. For Anger only feeds those who serve those same darker forces enabling them more control as they exercise their fear tactics to be used upon the masses.

We all need to be mindful of what energies we are putting out into the world. 

We do however need to Wake up to what the real world is doing. And as we rub the sleep from our eyes we need to open them and start and question. Let us stop being submissive in acceptance of what we are being told by those in power. Let us look at how corruption is being exposed by those who are the elite and seek out the real Truth amongst the constant lies spewed forth. Let’s utilise and use our greatest power, as we unify for peaceful solutions and open our eyes to who the enemies of humanity really are.

When I published some facts in previous years. I was often reluctant to press the publish button for the labels of conspiracy theories soon had their fingers pointing that I was some kind of nut.

I have always maintained. Never believe one word I say. But do your own research. 

You owe it to your self and your family in seeking out the true reality of how this world works. And once you do. You’re eyes are guaranteed to Pop! out of your head.

Its time to stop being blinkered and speak up against the injustices of the World its time if you have a vote to use it. And its time to understand we are all of us connected via the matrix of energy we send out.

So sending Anger only creates more to boil over. What goes around comes around.

But neither can we pretend everything in this world is ok.

As we watch scenarios play out which are bringing yet more deaths through those who play War Games with their citizens lives. Using children, teenagers either through murders or kidnappings, to escalate their causes is despicable.

We can no longer be complacent as we allow those in power to play with our World.. I speak not just about the warring of nations,

But I speak also about the war against our Earth.. Look up people at our  Skies Look into our oceans and look at what you are putting into your bodies. 

I tagged this within my Mind Body Spirit section.

I hope you will be Mindful.

And I hope you see we are all One Body with that of our Earth.

And lastly I hope your Spirit moves you to Wake up and engage in positive actions where ever you are in the world, to bring awareness and to help heal the Earth and her people’s where ever you can.

You can view the video’s upon my Truth Page in the header.

In Love and in Truth





The Puzzle of Life~ Part Two.


Now was the time  the woman needed to share her thoughts. Yet here was her dilemma. How to place all of those pieces that had taken years to gather so that others could make sense of them was almost impossible, unless they too had also been searching and gathering similar pieces to think ‘outside the box’ that so many found themselves encased within.

Some were not even remotely aware there were pieces to find, let alone go searching for them, while others would contentedly sit within their own picture never wanting to create a new landscape of other possibilities 

She knew her own pieces were making sense, but would they make sense to others. She dipped her hand yet again into the pile of scattered thoughts, to reshuffle them and turn them over into view.

She smiled at how the Truth was often held hidden in plain sight and she marvelled at the speed at which those synchronicities had jumped up at her long ago on her journey, nudging her ever forward, confirming she was on the right path.  

The very first piece that jumped out at her was when she was looking for a new job in the 80’s as the stress was getting to her, but instead of finding a new job. An advertisement jumped from the local paper. The print seeming larger than life….


are you wishing to de-stress, relax and learn how to meditate?

Then come along to our Meditation Group….

She thought back to that very first piece, it was the one that had started her journey to discover more about who she was and to seek answers to unanswerable questions.

That one piece had opened doors to a new world, as she began to view this world from a different perspective, as she began to see how this world told its stories. And how hidden within them were messages, if one cared to look at the hints which were thrown out. Yet all the while the Truth was distorted.   

It never ceased to amaze her how truth could be found at the core, even if well hidden. From Star Trek,in the God scene, to The Matrix, and our choices, as to which Pill we swallow!  To  Avatar in the scene the tree of voices as we connect with the light which permeates everything.  Even in the successful Cartoon epic of Frozen, as the words of the song Let it Go’ when we allow ourselves to be ourselves as we let go of fear, echoed in her memory. 

Yet she also knew what she had discovered was far from fiction. She was far from being on her own in fitting the pieces together.  For technology was also progressing, playing a vital role in allowing others to gather their own pieces together and connect. A.I. may well be gathering intelligence on the masses for its own ends, but the masses were also gathering their evidence and using their voices to unite.

 More were stirring from their slumbers as they began solving their own puzzles pieces.   And more and more were uniting, unifying, comparing their findings with others, and were beginning to see the larger picture take shape. And it wasn’t always what we had been taught. Uncovering such pieces could be disturbing, because it could shake the very foundations of our beliefs, but the more pieces of the puzzle she gathered. The more it started to make perfect sense.

The woman understood there would also be those who would never entertain sitting around a table, and have the patience to inspect each piece. They were content to sit in the boxes of their limited thoughts.  They wanted only their Piece only, and believed what they had been programmed to believe, for they thought only their piece mattered. So, it was up to others to fit in and around with them.

The woman had worked for many bosses of this nature, they would sit smugly in their office, while others did all the work. Showing little respect for the man-hours it took to build their empires, and they cared little of how each other piece had come to be in their box.

But wasn’t this the way of Life? As she thought of the Hierarchy at the top of their pyramids! They cared little for those who slaved away, so long as they reaped in their profits, they cared little as to how each struggled to maintain themselves.

And when those little pieces became self-assured and it looked as if their Lights were beginning to break through, as they united together to protest at their conditions or others well-being, suddenly new fears were created.

But Darkness, is only the lack of Knowledge, Light is knowledge,

Seeds, like the seeds she planted, needed darkness to grow.

Humanity she saw was pushing its way through the darkness into the light through knowledge..

And more and more were now coming to understand the way of the world and how Fear controlled. 

Fear kept Humanity enslaved.  The woman thought back throughout history, it shows us when we build, work hard and think things are going smoothly, something comes along to shock us, knock us back, and in one fell swoop economies could come crashing down, Wars would begin, just as people were beginning to climb back up, stock markets would crash. And people believed all were unavoidable.. But the woman had discovered how these pieces were especially contrived to create turmoil and chaos within the mass’s. Nothing was by chance.. 

And all the while those at the top of their pyramids would prosper rake in their rewards, the little people had the lid closed firmly down on them as they were kept in their boxes.  They were the ones who went to war, who came back disabled and shell shocked.  While others sat in their ivory towers pressing their buttons.  One only had to look at the repetitive cycles, of the past to see History is cyclic to view Historic events throughout the world repeat at various intervals.

The question is, are we going to allow those same mistakes of the past?

 Are we brave enough to envision a New Earth, one of Peace and Co-operation?

Or are we going to allow Fear to rule?

The Media of News, Films, and advertising is used as a tool to constantly mind control.So that we begin to believe this world is darker than dark, and as we do, we slowly let go of vital pieces of ourselves. While companies pile on more pressures to the workforce, cutting people for more profit, we find ourselves crumbling under pressure. The woman had experienced first hand, that crumbling, and taking those prescribed little pills she thought would aid her depression..

It happens in our education system too. Pile on the pressure to our young children, some schools, not all, agenda’s are mainly about Statistics, good grades, as schools promote themselves in Ofsted’s Marking system in Schools. Is it any wonder that in the UK the number of children prescribed  anti-depression drugs has increased by 50% in the last seven years according to the World Health Organisation!.

So we turn to what we think are creative games…. Alternative escapism, and its all part of the ‘grand design’, as smart phones are used as another tool to de-sensitise the mind. As its jingles and tones pings your brain, with its gambling additives, You WIN! Free Game, sprats to catch a mackerel!  or Zap! your dead, Game Over!!  all alter our senses.

We are unaware Vibration is altering our Psych, while computer games and films teach us Killing and torture is normal.  And people no longer seem to care or feel disturbed by it, because its being streamed into our lives, into our very homes.

So, as we join the herd mentality, many now are throwing in the towel. They want to escape, but don’t understand what it is they are escaping from. They just feel out of place, and so is it any wonder suicides are on the increase. Because to be different means you get singled out and labelled.  We so easily point the finger and label, So, we conform and we no longer think for ourselves, because we have Alexa and Cortana to think for us.

But the woman knew this was all part of the Illusion, The Grand Deception. This was what we were all of us creating within our reality. If one believed this was real!

But what was real, and what of other realities, and other dimensions, how did these pieces fit?

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Sue Dreamwalker

Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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