Corridors of Power~ Use your own Minds!

The Post you will read below is one I posted Five years ago.  Nothing much has changed in the world in regards to pollution and the way in which we are treating each other. 

I can only do my own part in being aware of my own plastic footprint, growing much of our own vegetables and fruit and monitoring my recycling habits. 

More and more I am retreating into my own inner world as I create and manifest the world  I wish to live in as I leave this old programming within this Matrix

What brings me more and more  hope now are how  young minds are seeing just why they are a force to be reckoned with.  As we see how from the very young their awareness of our destruction of our planet is echoing further afield rattling their voices upon the doors of governments. 

When we Unite as ONE, we can see what can be achieved as we saw from the School Strikes for Climate, to the Students who protested new laws in Hong Kong fighting new Extradition laws to China. 

When we wake up to our internal power of Unity Consciousness, the power within, which has the power to change our reality, you can see why so much effort is being focused upon dumbing  us down.

We are so much more powerful than we are led to believe.

If you have a mind, use it to educate yourself to the realities of the World. 

Change is constant, 

It’s time we all Woke up, and Change begins first with changing ourselves.  

Much Love


There are many magical corridors.  There are many Powerful Pathways.

Beware those who would claim there is but one.

Quote: Mary Summer Rain

My Art in Watercolour and Ink a new addition to this post.


Another dip into my thoughts as I sit with my journal.

While I try to keep my blog a Sanctuary for inspiration love light and peace. I am far from living in the land of make believe. And know that there are many wrongs which need to be put to rights.

I try to live in my own positive bubble, because I know only too well how easy it is to fall into Pits of despair for the sufferings of the world.

Being empathetic often mean we become over sensitive to the horrors going on. And if I’m not careful, images can replay in my mind for days as my energy reaches out to those suffering souls, as I feel their pain. But I also know that if I do not detach and reign in these emotions they will serve me no good. For eventually they will end up devouring me.

Even so as I look into nature I see how birds squabble and fight for their territory. Each of us are not without our problems. We all have to find balance if we are to learn and live in harmony.

But neither can I be like the ostrich and bury my head in the sand either. Too many peoples lives are at steak.

Getting Angry about certain situations solves nothing. For Anger only feeds those who serve those same darker forces enabling them more control as they exercise their fear tactics to be used upon the masses.

We all need to be mindful of what energies we are putting out into the world. 

We do however need to Wake up to what the real world is doing. And as we rub the sleep from our eyes we need to open them and start and question. Let us stop being submissive in acceptance of what we are being told by those in power. Let us look at how corruption is being exposed by those who are the elite and seek out the real Truth amongst the constant lies spewed forth. Let’s utilise and use our greatest power, as we unify for peaceful solutions and open our eyes to who the enemies of humanity really are.

When I published some facts in previous years. I was often reluctant to press the publish button for the labels of conspiracy theories soon had their fingers pointing that I was some kind of nut.

I have always maintained. Never believe one word I say. But do your own research. 

You owe it to your self and your family in seeking out the true reality of how this world works. And once you do. You’re eyes are guaranteed to Pop! out of your head.

Its time to stop being blinkered and speak up against the injustices of the World its time if you have a vote to use it. And its time to understand we are all of us connected via the matrix of energy we send out.

So sending Anger only creates more to boil over. What goes around comes around.

But neither can we pretend everything in this world is ok.

As we watch scenarios play out which are bringing yet more deaths through those who play War Games with their citizens lives. Using children, teenagers either through murders or kidnappings, to escalate their causes is despicable.

We can no longer be complacent as we allow those in power to play with our World.. I speak not just about the warring of nations,

But I speak also about the war against our Earth.. Look up people at our  Skies Look into our oceans and look at what you are putting into your bodies. 

I tagged this within my Mind Body Spirit section.

I hope you will be Mindful.

And I hope you see we are all One Body with that of our Earth.

And lastly I hope your Spirit moves you to Wake up and engage in positive actions where ever you are in the world, to bring awareness and to help heal the Earth and her people’s where ever you can.

You can view the video’s upon my Truth Page in the header.

In Love and in Truth





Things We Can’t Control


Many of us can get frustrated by the things we cannot control. I am often heard saying to people, Trust.. Trust in your instincts.. The idea of trusting the Universe is all right for those who understand the mechanisms behind energy, but many of us don’t know what this really means and we often have a hard time doing it, mainly because we worry over changes that we have no control over.

Mankind’s story is mostly portrayed to be about struggle, survival and control, instead of one of trust and co-operation within the Universe. And yet our lives are made up of both of these things.

I got into a debate on the net last evening on someone’s blog who supports something I do not… They had strong ideas as to why they supported this organisation, and I had strong views on why I thought it Controlling and uncaring. For every negative I could find as to why I so disliked Monsanto, they searched to find a positive and justification for their manipulative business behaviours such as saving the earth from starving. It was obvious they thought they were right and I thought I was right. Neither of us are either right or wrong, It’s all about our perspective.. And I could have gone deeper into the whys and wherefores.. But it’s no good me adding my energy or trying to control another’s views.. We are all of us entitled to perceive the world with the information we have gathered.

And that is what each of us do daily.. We are brought up within our perceptions of reality.. We build our societies and social infrastructure to help protect our communities and ourselves. This is how we grow and cultivate our civilization.. We create, build new technology and science develops ways and means of helping us evolve.. We have indeed made great strides in medicine.. And yes we live longer, both points my friend brought to my attention.. And yes there are many more mouths to feed.. But I still hold within my own perception that there are plenty of things we should not be meddling in , for when we medal within Nature we upset the natural balance. And GMO crops as I see from my perception are doing just that.

We all of us are contributing in creating the world via manifesting our dreams and visions in physical form with hard work and forethought. We do it every day through our endeavours of business enterprises, inventions, medical breakthroughs and Science. We need to take responsibility for the things in life that we create and control. And often it’s our Perceptions which we have been brought up with which need to be looked at deeper. For not all that we perceive is the Truth..

For me Monsanto is portrayed as the villain.. For the other person, they are the Hero’s..

I can take this analogy one step further as we see the battle between races, religions, nations. We each perceive them with the information we have had downloaded into our awareness..

There comes a point when we have to learn to step back from our Controlling minds instilling our beliefs upon others, and we must learn to TRUST and allow the Universe to take over. Requiring Trust requires us to let go of wanting them to turn out the way we expect, because sometimes they do and sometimes they don’t..

But one thing I have always found when I look back on my own experiences in Life.. We develop equanimity and grace as we learn to Trust that guiding force of the Universe. We need to let go of the Fear and Trust our own inner Peace to spread out into the world.

Qua Sera Sera, What will be will be.. And it will unfold exactly as it was meant to.

Let us learn tolerance.

For we are One!


Picture Source: Google Images.


Corridors of Power~ Use your own Minds!

There are many magical corridors.  There are many Powerful Pathways.

Beware those who would claim there is but one.

Quote: Mary Summer Rain

Another dip into my thoughts as I sit with my journal.

While I try to keep my blog a Sanctuary for inspiration love light and peace. I am far from living in the land of make believe. And know that there are many wrongs which need to be put to rights.

I try to live in my own positive bubble, because I know only too well how easy it is to fall into Pits of despair for the sufferings of the world.

Being empathic often mean we become over sensitive to the horrors going on. And if I’m not careful, images can replay in my mind for days as my energy reaches out to those suffering souls, as I feel their pain. But I also know that if I do not detach and reign in these emotions they will serve me no good. For eventually they will end up devouring me.

Even so as I look into nature I see how birds squabble and fight for their territory. Each of us are not without our problems. We all have to find balance if we are to learn and live in harmony.

But neither can I be like the ostrich and bury my head in the sand either. Too many peoples lives are at steak.

Getting Angry about certain situations solves nothing. For Anger only feeds those who serve those same darker forces enabling them more control as they exercise their fear tactics to be used upon the masses.

We all need to be mindful of what energies we are putting out into the world. 

We do however need to Wake up to what the real world is doing. And as we rub the sleep from our eyes we need to open them and start and question. Let us stop being submissive in acceptance of what we are being told by those in power. Let us look at how corruption is being exposed by those who are the elite and seek out the real Truth amongst the constant lies spewed forth. Let’s utilise and use our greatest power, as we unify for peaceful solutions and open our eyes to who the enemies of humanity really are.

When I published some facts in previous years. I was often reluctant to press the publish button for the labels of conspiracy theories soon had their fingers pointing that I was some kind of nut.

I have always maintained. Never believe one word I say. But do your own research. 

You owe it to your self and your family in seeking out the true reality of how this world works. And once you do. You’re eyes are guaranteed to Pop! out of your head.

Its time to stop being blinkered and speak up against the injustices of the World its time if you have a vote to use it. And its time to understand we are all of us connected via the matrix of energy we send out.

So sending Anger only creates more to boil over. What goes around comes around.

But neither can we pretend everything in this world is ok.

As we watch scenarios play out which are bringing yet more deaths through those who play War Games with their citizens lives. Using children, teenagers either through murders or kidnappings, to escalate their causes is despicable.

We can no longer be complacent as we allow those in power to play with our World.. I speak not just about the warring of nations,

But I speak also about the war against our Earth.. Look up people at our  Skies Look into our oceans and look at what you are putting into your bodies. 

I tagged this within my Mind Body Spirit section.

I hope you will be Mindful.

And I hope you see we are all One Body with that of our Earth.

And lastly I hope your Spirit moves you to Wake up and engage in positive actions where ever you are in the world, to bring awareness and to help heal the Earth and her people’s where ever you can.

You can view the video’s upon my Truth Page in the header.

In Love and in Truth





Seeds of Truth~ I am sowing

Our Sweetcorn is almost ready for harvesting in another couple of weeks , as the cobs are filling out nicely,.. Here is me a little windswept among the corn. You can see how high it now is.   Hello everyone!

I felt like I was dancing in the wind as the corn swayed back and forth reminding me of the Native American Indian’s Corn Dance Native ceremonies help people to remember their responsibilities to nature around them and to the Universe. 

In Australia the Aboriginal people speak of ‘Dreaming’ and again these stories are passed down word of mouth through generations. When Western science meets the stories of the indigenous peoples of both cultures, the Western approach fails to understand that native stories are stories of origin, which are a creative interpretation of the experiences of peoples within places, which are interwoven with metaphoric meaning.

We tend to not understand, because many refuse to open their minds as to any other possibilities than their own meanings of man’s origin. It is time we opened our Minds again to the Truth of what is happening in our world.

To the Native everything is considered to be “alive”, and imbued with ‘Spirit Energy’ even the pebble has its own form and energy. And everything is interrelated to everything around us.  They understand the relationship of Time and Space between living and none living things. Understanding not only the physical, but the psychological and Spiritual , which involves ‘Dreams’,‘Visions’ and that ‘Knowing’. And they Know that life is a circle of learning. And to help remember and create harmony, between Earth, Sky, and its peoples, many ceremonies and  blessings of gratitude took place and one of these is the Corn Dance .. 



The Corn Dance rituals were performed at particular times of the year during various growing cycles, bringing their community together to celebrate and remember the sacredness of Corn and all plant life upon which they depended.. In which we all depend upon today..  The indigenous not only expressed the relationship between plant and animal world, but they built great canals.. The Hohokam people built these canals in the Tuscan Valley, long before the arrival of Europeans. The Hohokam systems were able to supply the irrigation needs of over fourteen thousand acres of cropland.   They understood agriculture and how to maintain key plants such as corn. The ceremony associated with Corn showed the community how important it was for all to work together in order for survival. Native People loved their gardens and grew Corn, Tobacco Aramanth and Quinoa and were spiritually symbolic of  Native myths and cosmologies.

The Following Story is of the Tuscarora Corn Spirit.

In a time long ago, in a village that was well known for its plentiful corn harvest, became negligent of respecting the Corn Spirit. The people had become so used to the bountiful harvests they took them for granted. And they let the weeds grow  in their gardens, and didn’t store their seeds correctly, nor did they give thanks for their harvest to the Corn Spirit.

They soon found that the mice ate the Corn they had carelessly stored. So the men began to hunt, but found they could find no game, and so soon the people began to starve.

There was only one man who kept the covenant of respect to the Corn Spirit, his name was Dayohagwenda , and his garden produced rich harvests of corn.  One day when Dayohagwenda was picking herbs, he came upon an old man dressed in rags and weeping. He asked the old man what was wrong. The old man said.” Your people have forgotten me, I am the Corn Spirit and I will soon die”

Dayohagwenda returned to his village and told them that the Corn Spirit would soon die if they didn’t return to their ways of honouring him, through careful planting, weeding and harvesting and storing their corn. So they immediately began to do this and their corn once again thrived in abundance, as they gave thanks to the Corn Spirit for blessing their food..

  Morden Native peoples and farmers are today under threat by huge corporations that are genetically altering seeds  This move is to gain control over the Worlds Food supplies.. You can see one such Farmers Fight here….. And Here  and how another 75 year old farmer lost his fight in the high court… HERE   Below is an interesting Fact on some of todays Sweetcorn on the cob..This Genetically Modified Corn modified by Monsanto which has the substance Bt-Toxin, This toxin is a pesticide designed to break down the stomach of insects eating the crops.  Now this  Dangerous Toxin has been found in the blood of Pregnant Women  Listen to this Two minute Video which is informing us of its sale as Corn on the cob in Walmart which is Asada here in the UK.. 

To see what Bt-Toxin has done in India to the Cotton Crops which this Toxin is in, then I urge you to look at this Video Below just over 3 minutes long which will make you THINK  what effects Monsanto is having around the world.. Here in India the farmers and pickers of the crops are suffering flu like symptoms and are experiencing sores and itching and their animals are dying from eating the crops after harvest.. And where farmers who have bought the seeds and failed crops and lost their herds the Suicide rate among farmers is extremely high as they can not pay back their debts.

  If we do not start and open our eyes now to the Seeds of Truth there will be no more seeds to sow left worth sowing… Please look at what you are Eating, and look at your processed Corn products. In fact please Look into the facts for yourselves .. Thank you for reading Sue ~Dreamwalker  

Friday Facts~ What a Load of Old Cabbage.~ GM Crops approved by UK!!!

Cabbages and long view of Alloments

Cabbage is one of the oldest vegetables in existence and continues to be a dietary staple throughout the world. It has been cultivated in the West for over 4000 yrs and many think it to be one of the greatest healers of the vegetable Kingdom.

Dr Valnet a French Natural Doctor cites many cases in which the application of slightly crushed cabbage leaves to gangrenous wounds brought healing. This was found especially in the second world war where application to wounds in some instances avoided the need for surgery or amputation.

Cabbage cools the digestive system and is also effective for indigestion, acidity, burning, inflammation as in gastritis and ulcers. The ability of Cabbage to heal digestive ulcers has been known for centuries. In 1557 a Dutchman Dr Dodens wrote-“ The Juice of cabbage sooths the abdomen and relieves constipation, cleans and heals old ulcers both internal and external. Mixed with honey, makes a syrup that cures hoarseness and cough”

Cabbage is high in fibre, vitamin C & K, and naturally fat free and cholesterol free.

Cabbage is a nutritional powerhouse that is an excellent source of manganese vitamin B6, riboflavin, calcium, potassium, vitamin A, tryptophan, protein and magnesium.

Different varieties of cabbages have varying nutritional strength: purple cabbage has more vitamin C, while the savoy has more vitamin A, calcium, iron and potassium. Cabbages are an excellent source of fibre and vitamin K, and a good source of vitamin C, calcium, potassium, and magnesium.

Why all these facts about this well known Food? Well in the News right now is the headlines that the UK Government is promoting Genetically Modified Crops… click the blue links for information.. Please educate yourselves.. 

I am against GM crops, we are told its to feed the world.. But the World is still starving while those who are behind the GM crops grow ever fatter.. Not to mention what effects the GM crops have on our Bees.  I hope that you too will look into the REAL effects and tactics of those behind the Genetically Modified crops and see how many Farmers have been ruined, and how more and more chemicals are being produced that are used in conjunction with these crops.

We are told that “  The introduction of GM crops in the last 25 years has not resulted in improved food security in most of the countries that have adopted them. In most cases there has been little or no change but in others the situation has clearly worsened.” 

So what is behind GM Crops? and why are we pushing to interfere yet again in what Nature has managed on her own for Thousands of Years?

What do you think about GM crops?

Just spend 7 minutes educating yourself.

Sources :-

Protect Our Food!

 Its not often I share an email with you all but today is an exception.

I am a member of AVAAZ.Org  “Avaaz—meaning "voice" in several European, Middle Eastern and Asian languages—launched in 2007 with a simple democratic mission: organize citizens of all nations to close the gap between the world we have and the world most people everywhere want.” 

I would ask you all to look into these facts and judge for yourselves. I have spoken upon this subject before in 2009 in my post Corn Dance~Seeds of Truth 

Growing our own food and collecting their seeds is an important part of our sustainability and we all need to be aware how important Self-Sufficiency is now becoming. We need to take a good look at how our world is being controlled and manipulated from monopoly corporations.  Please as I always say, don’t believe one word I say, Go find out for yourselves! and look up the herbicides Round Up which are being used too!   

Below is the email, Please feel free to forward this post and the link to Sign the petition which is highlighted in Red below.. Many thanks Sue


Dear Avaazers,

It’s unbelievable, but Monsanto and Co. are at it again. These profit-hungry biotech companies have found a way to exclusively ‘own’ something that freely belongs to us all — our food! They’re trying to patent away our everyday vegetables and fruits like cucumber, broccoli and melons, forcing growers to pay them and risk being sued if they don’t.
But we can stop them from buying up Mother Earth. Companies like Monsanto have found loopholes in European law to get away with this, so we just need to close them shut before they set a dangerous global precedent. And to do that, we need key countries like Germany, France and the Netherlands — where opposition is already growing — to call for a vote to stop Monsanto’s plans. The Avaaz community has shifted governments before, and we can do it again.
Many farmers and politicians are already against this — we just need to bring in people power to pressure these countries to keep Monsanto’s hands off our food.

Sign now and share with everyone to help build the biggest food defence call ever:

Once a patent exists in one country, trade agreements and negotiations often push other countries to honour it as well. That’s why these food patents change everything about how our food chain works: for thousands of years, farmers could choose which seeds they’d use without worrying about getting sued for violating intellectual property rights. But now, companies launch expensive legal campaigns to buy patents on conventional plants and force farmers to pay exorbitant royalty fees. Monsanto and Co. claim that patents drive innovation — but in fact they create a corporate monopoly of our food.
But luckily, the European Patent Office is controlled by 38 member states who, with one vote, can end dangerous patents on food that is bred using conventional methods. Even the European Parliament has issued a statement objecting to these kinds of destructive patents. Now, a massive wave of public outcry could push them to ban the patenting of our everyday food for good.
The situation is dire already — Monsanto alone owns 36% of all tomato, 32% of sweet pepper and 49% of cauliflower varieties registered in the EU. With a simple regulatory change, we could protect our food, our farmers and our planet from corporate control — and it’s up to us to make it happen:

The Avaaz community has never been afraid to stand up to corporate capture of our institutions, from pushing back the Rupert Murdoch mafia, to helping ensure that telecoms keep their hands off our Internet. Now it’s time to defend our food supply from this corporate takeover.
With hope and determination,

Jeremy, Michelle, Oli, Dalia, Pascal, Ricken, Diego and the whole Avaaz team

Conventionally-bred plants or animals should be exempt from patents, say MEPs (EU Parliament)
President of the European Patent Office gives green light for patents on plants and animals (No Patents on Seeds)
Monsanto: All Your Seeds Belong to Us (Mother Jones)
Plant Patentability Questions Deepen In EPO Tomato Patent Case (IP Watch)
Tomato patent back before EPO’s Enlarged Board of Appeal (Europolitics)


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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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