Walking the Woods.

Loving Nature

An Introduction: To Beach Walk Reflections.

Here is a brief interlude, while I gather yet more seeds of my own… Enjoy!

Many of you here on WordPress, can remember our dear friend Frank, who for many years brought joy over at A Frank Angle. He decided it was time for a fresh perspective, so in February of this year he decided to write his last post there and begin a new adventure.

I am pleased to announce that Franks New Blog, called Beach Walk Reflections is now Launched. Frank always has an angel on life, and in this new adventure he reflects on life as he takes his daily walks. And for those who are lucky to walk on the beach, or anywhere for that matter, know how calming and energising those walks can be.

Any walk into Nature connects Mind, Body and Soul. Walking allows our thoughts to flow, our minds to clear, as we contemplate life. And for that short moment we forget our problems, as we mull over our worries, as we put life and its meaning into perspective. So dear WordPress family, I hope you will join Frank, get to know him, and his thoughts, for I know you will not be disappointed.

Franks first post speaks of Seeds, and those who know me, also know how seeds are such an important part of my life, as I plant seeds in my garden and plant seeds of thought that allow our consciousness to grow.

Allow Frank to plant some seeds into your life, where you can share the reflections of life with him. And I just love this paragraph as he writes~

People are hidden seeds waiting to become viable vessels of knowledge. Because every seed has the potential for a significant result, seeds are a symbol for the potential that is in each of us for a positive future – a power of hope and possibility. Teachers hope to plant a seed in students – a seed that develops over time into something valued by others and society – their role in cultivating humanity.

So Please join me in welcoming Frank to his new Blog Home, Beach Walk Reflections. Frank’s first Walk is below.. Enjoy.. And Please comment on Frank’s blog to let him know how you enjoyed his walk.

Embed from Getty Images

I like walking on the beach. It is good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.

Ever think about seeds? They seem so simple at a glance – even on closer examination. We typically think of a hard, thin outer shell with a softer inside. 

On the other hand, this seemingly plain object is the beginning of something new – something beautiful – something useful – a green plant that can be as simple as grass or are grand as a large tree.

Earth’s annual regeneration of seeds for release (many in the fall) – possibly covered by winter snows – yet ready for renewal in the spring so the cycle can repeat – all this with its goal of perpetuating the species.

I think of the farmer preparing the land before planting the seeds. Whether scattering the seeds randomly or planting them in straight rows with distinct spacing, time delivers something that belongs to all of us – bountiful crops and flowers. 

As I walk, trees are sparse – only found on the grounds of some condominiums – although they are naturally found a short distance away from this beach. I think about a forest. Somewhere in that forest’s history, there was a time of one tree – the first tree. One tree that came from a seed. From that one tree came other trees – each coming from a seed.

I think about the sizes and shapes of seeds – from the tiniest orchid seed to a type of coconut containing the largest seed – shapes as squares, oblong, angular, triangles, round, egg-shaped, bean-shaped, kidney-shaped, discs, and spheres. Some seeds with lines and ridges – others perfectly smooth – plus in a variety of colors, and some even speckled.  

A seed has three components – an outer protective coat, the embryo for growing into a new plant, and the food source giving the embryo and young plant its initial food source for growth – all aspects for increasing a chance for survival.

Ever notice how leaves sprout early from a seed? Yes, leaves for producing food for the youthful, growing plant because the initial food source is small. 

Seeds hold the potential to produce something new because they contain hope and promise for something new. But not all plants use seeds for reproduction. For instance, mosses or ferns do not  – but seed plants are the ones that dominate the plant world. 

This causes me to think about our fertility – that is, the seeds within us. The promises that we hold that can produce a bountiful yield.

Interesting that the sperm of human males are called seeds, but in the plant world, seeds are something produced after the sperm fertilizes the egg.

Seeds are mobile, so they must have adaptations to move them around – a method of dispersal. Some have wings to be carried by the wind. Some have barbs, burrs, or hooks to attach to fur, feathers, or even human clothing to be dropped elsewhere. Some are buoyant so moving water can transport them. Others are surrounded by fleshy fruit that will be eaten, therefore the seeds can be exposed and deposited elsewhere for potential growth. 

I remember the large oak trees at my previous home. Each producing a bountiful supply of acorns – but not the same number each year. Each acorn with a coat, an embryo, and food supply. Each acorn is the potential for a new oak tree. However, all those acorns from one tree – a culinary feast for squirrels preparing for winter – so I wonder how many of all those acorns will yield their acorns in time. 

Seeds are that structure we plant in fertile soil and associate with terms as vigor, viability, dormancy, and germination. Seeds are also a source for food, oils, cooking ingredients, flavorings, jewelry, and even deadly poisons.

Besides a simple design yielding a complex adult, the seed is also a useful metaphor.

People are hidden seeds waiting to become viable vessels of knowledge. Because every seed has the potential for a significant result, seeds are a symbol for the potential that is in each of us for a positive future – a power of hope and possibility. Teachers hope to plant a seed in students – a seed that develops over time into something valued by others and society – their role in cultivating humanity.

Seeds are the ideas coming to us from thinking. The something that initiated a thought process that leads to personal action for improving life. The seeds of discovery lie in the knowledge of determination through the human spirit.

I think about how each of us has a bright side and a dark side – the good seeds and the bad seeds. Seeds are a symbol for laying the groundwork for future development as planting the seed – but some use planting the seed for promoting negative feelings or a downfall.

Religions rely on the seeds of faith while politics prefers manipulating the seeds for selfishness.  

A heart contains seeds of love that are waiting to sprout a new life with that special someone.

I think about how entrepreneurs use “seed money” for starting a new business. I also remember during my youth using “bird feed” or “chicken feed” as a term for a small amount of anything – something paltry or minuscule in amount.

Seeds – that simple, interesting, incredible, and successful biological design found in nature that plays a large role in human life. I don’t recall what triggered thinking about seeds on this day, but it has been an interesting mental journey and exercise as I walk. After all, I like walking on the beach because it is good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.

To Continue To Beach Walk Reflections Click Here.

My Next Post to follow will be Part Three of Hoodwinking:

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Look UP! and Soar…

When you awoke this morning, did you look in the mirror?

I did.

I looked deep into my eyes beyond my eyelids

I travelled back in time before technology took hold

Before it sucked us from reality, into its social media fold


To a time when children would play outside in fresher air

When parents wouldn’t worry about the dangers out there

I went back, before we numbed ourselves in computer game fads

Before we were swamped in consumerism, and online shopping Adds


I travelled to the family dinner table, where all gathered in discussion

As their days events unravelled in polite conversations

Exchanging news, while eating their meal

While today, no one speaks, except for text spiel


No one looks up at the sky anymore

Earphones plugged in, downloads the score

Is it any wonder Nature is a mess?

She just reflects back our own destructiveness


We’ve forgotten to Respect, Care for and Love

The very gifts that were given from Source, above

So, this morning I gave thanks, as I travelled back in time

For the gifts I need to nurture, and resurrect as mine


When we become Creative, and align with our true essence

We’ll find ourselves in the flow, of our Now experience

Synchronicity will astonish, when you Dream a better self

Your Intention creates an Outcome, creating pure wealth.


And I am not speaking of Gold, or monetary gain

The wealth I speak of is much more plain

When you give birth to your dream, when aligned with your heart

Believe in its Magic,

Look in the mirror

Make a Start!.  

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I hope your year has begun in its own high flying start. Some of you may have noticed I am not on line as much. I am just embracing each day, going within its flow. I took myself off for a  lone walk in the chilly sun this afternoon. It was a great afternoon for blowing away cobwebs. 

And often while walking, I ask for Sign that I am on the right path. And sure enough I saw this buzzard, it looks further away on the photo slides than it was, and I was able to tell it was a  UK buzzard by the pattern beneath its wings.  Part of what Buzzard is teaching says this~

“( …… It is time to soar above your perceived limitations. Are you currently undergoing an internal death and rebirth cycle? Are you ready to assert your actions from your ideas? Buzzard will aid in transforming knowledge to bring the unconscious to conscious and teach how to soar above it and bring the transformation you are needing at this time. Are you ready for these lessons of awakening? ……. (He teaches efficiency in actions and promises that changes are imminent. He shows how to restore harmony of thoughts and feelings so one can reach new heights with little effort. Buzzards will aid in uncovering truths, clarifying previous conceptions, and allow to see and hear subtle hidden qualities using intuition and awareness.)  “

For those interested in finding the  Full Totem meaning you can find it at this link, just scroll down alphabetically to Buzzard.   Our UK Buzzard looks like this 

Are we ready to soar?

Are you reinventing yourself? 

Are you following your Dreams?

We are all of us filled with wonderful capabilities. Sometimes all we need is to trust in the flow and go with it. 

I am in the FLOW 

Love and Light!


Light at the End of Every Tunnel

View of the Dales from the trail

Last weekend we went walking among our favourite hills in the Derbyshire Peak District.  And walked the old railway track that has now been turned into a cycle path since many of the country’s railway tracks were sadly ripped up when Dr Beeching Axed many lines across the country in the 60’s. ( I am hoping when you click these photo’s they will enlarge this time for a better view  as it didn’t work previously)

You can see why I love the Peak District with its hills and valleys. A Little like life nothing is ever smooth for we all of us at times have obstacles to climb and overcome.

And like any road map, we are free to choose which road to travel. We can often get side tracked and detour for a time as we come off the beaten track. Some may well get lost for a time too.. But the road is always there just waiting for us to follow the correct signs to lead us to our intended destinations..

Monsal Dale Map

We set off and parked our car at Hassop. This used to be a Train Station. Now it is a bike hire place for the trail along with it being a book store and Café. 

Setting off on foot  (I do not ride a bike), we made our way to the first Tunnel..


The Derbyshire Dales are made up of lots of Rocky Hills

When you think that when the railways were built, these tunnels and tracks were hacked out by hand,  unlike todays tunnels which are calved out with giant machinery.

Victorian Engineering of Monsal Trail 1860

When I was a child we would walk among the limestone outcrops of rock along a Dale near my home called Coombes Dale..  And for those wishing to see more about the walk I would often do as a child, there is a wonderful 10 minute video on this Link you may like which also includes some local history We would be fascinated to see fossils of fish within the rocks..

As I walked the Monsal Trail I found a plaque  confirming that at one time the Dales had been at the bottom of the ocean.


Like us the Earth is evolving. We Humans think we know so much and yet we know so very little about our Blue Dot that is suspended in Space..  All of us are constantly changing..  As we grow we seldom see those changes ourselves.. It isn’t until we look back we see how far we have travelled and come along our own individual pathways in life that we see Change is constant.

Today we talk constantly about Climate change.. And yes we are contributing to those changes with our Carbon footprints.. But our climate is always changing and was changing well before we had cars and aeroplanes..  Sometimes we are just too close to notice that we are now in the midst of yet another large change. Leading to Mass Migrations and Political upheavals.  Yet this too is opening our heart centres and more of us are growing in awareness through compassion and empathy. And are choosing too alternative lifestyles as those that are waking up seek to slow down and get off the tread-mill of life.

Sometimes we have to go through our Dark Tunnels before we emerge back into the Light.

Headstone TunnelHeadstone Tunnel looking back

Speaking of Mills if you look at the Map you will see many on the trail. The Mills below are  Here is a view of Cressbrook Mills which have been now made into flats.


But I am getting ahead of myself on the trail. Because as you come out of the Headstock Tunnel which is 490 Metres Long. The View is stunning. You are stood upon a wonderfully built viaduct that bridges the valley below.. I didn’t take this picture this walk but have included one of the Viaduct from another source from

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monsal_Trail The photo below.


The Above View is as you emerge from Headstock Tunnel from the viaduct. The River Wye is below.. When I was at school our houses were all named after local Rivers and Dales  .. I was in the house of Monsal, the others were Derwent, Wye and  Lathkill. All wonderful places to visit.

Hassop Bike Trail Nr Bakewell to Monsal Dale.This above photo is also an older one I took some years ago of the trail showing how popular the trail is with bikers.

Continuing along the walk you are flanked either side with wonderful views

Cottages nestled in the valley


You then approach the second tunnel which is called Cressbrook Tunnel




This tunnel is shorter than the first one, And I took this as we neared the opening at the other end.  No matter how dark the tunnel may get in life .We are never alone.. As these Orbs testify.. Can you see them in the above photo?

Life can be a series of Light and Dark paths, learning to find our balance as we ride through life and keeping to the paths which lead us into greener pastures can sometimes be tricky.. But it is all about finding our balance.. And learning to go with the flow..

Know there is always Light at the end of every tunnel..

And no tunnel is without an end if we keep moving in unity towards the light..  


I hope you enjoyed the Monsal Trail and for those interested in seeing how these Tunnels were reopened after being closed for such a long time the link below shows detail pictures how the tunnels were made safe and made into a cycle path..

Have a Wonderful week.. I have another busy week planned with my Granddaughter and a date with the Allotments..  For those wanting to keep up with my Gardening exploits you can visit my Gardening Blog HERE.



Autumn Harvesting

Beautiful Berries along an autumn walk

Beautiful Berries along an autumn walk

Sometimes you just have to leave technology to one-side as you attend to priorities in life. And Harvesting, clearing veggie beds and looking after our own well-being has to come first.

So I deliberately went off line for a week to get to grips with some of the jobs I had been promising myself I would catch up on..  

Including some self indulgence of one of my favourite pastimes, Walking. 

But before there was time for walking I had some Harvesting to do. Hubby dug up the potatoes, Not a very large crop this year.. We only planted 6 rows this year instead of our usual 10, 2 early and 4 rows of main crop..  It was my job to bend down and sort through them. And wouldn’t you know the big ones always get the fork going through them 🙂 

Potatoes ready for sorting and bagging to store in the shed

Potatoes ready for sorting and bagging to store in the shed

Next the onions had to be gone through, they had been lifted some weeks ago and were drying in the shed, I looked like some one who had come up from the Coal mines after rubbing off the soily skins of what would be 2 barrows of onions and shallots.. The onions haven’t done as well, many rotted before lifting, but the shallots are fine. 

One box of shallots, ( we have 3 such boxes .

One box of shallots, ( we have 3 such boxes)

Then there was the Sweetcorn to harvest and freeze.

Just some of the sweetcorn..

Just some of the sweetcorn..

Sunflowers, view from the bottom of the allotments

Sunflowers, view from the bottom of the allotments


In between there was some time to relax in the late afternoon Sun in the back garden at home.

Listening to the wind-chimes and fountain in the fish pond

Listening to the wind-chimes and running water of the fish pond

Caterpillars in abundance means butterflies for next year.

Caterpillars in abundance means butterflies for next year.

Above you see just some of the caterpillars off of one cabbage. We usually plant plenty of crops, enough for us and the caterpillars, As we do not use any kind of sprays on our crops..  I put these onto the nasturtiums to munch to their hearts content. 

Munching on the nasturtiums

Munching on the nasturtiums

Wallflowers grown from seed

Wallflowers grown from seed



 These wallflowers are in the allotments at the moment, Grown from seeds, I will plant out late September, October where they are to flower, along with sweet-Williams. 

I also got 3 pots ready, for the autumn, these contain Cyclamen and Winter Pansies.


Preparing the Pots

Preparing the Pots I put some crockery in the bottom along with a brick. This will help weight it down if we get high winds.

I then planted all 3 with cyclamen and winter pansies.

I then planted all 3 pots with cyclamen and winter pansies. These pots are frost proof.

I couldn’t leave out the Kitchen in this post, and also had time to make some Apple and Blackberry Chutney. The recipe for any would be chutney makers is Here on my Recipe pages. 

Apple and Blackberry Chutney

Apple and Blackberry Chutney

Oh and in between all of that I did a little upholstery as I recovered a chair for the bedroom, and did a little dress alterations for my Daughter. 

But I did find time to go walking, And drove some miles to Carsington Water  with my Hubby to walk around the Reservoir which is also a wonderful Nature reserve.  We had a wonderful day. 

Carsington Water

Carsington Water Reservoir and Nature reserve.

Well that was my week.. I hope you all had a wonderful week too. And I wish you all a great weekend.. I hope to be back to visiting you all very soon.. In the mean time..

Take care of each other and enjoy the New Moon.

I hope it heralds in New Beginnings and brings us to be less critical of each other and I hope it brings in  more compassion for our fellow Human beings..

Take Care and Many Blessings

See you All Soon..



Healing Wood~3

Old Oak Tree

Old Oak Tree

Ask Mother Nature to let you see

All of her wonders created for thee

As you take yourself off for a walk


Look to the skies

At the Rainbow she supplies

As you take yourself off for a walk

© Sue Dreamwalker 2013-2015

My thanks go to Kim over at Silentlyheardonce  who is a wonderful poet. Kim asked if I would take part in the 5 day photo challenge.. While I have given up accepting Awards this challenge is an easy one for me to take part in, as I had a set of photo’s I was going to post. But now with this challenge I will  add a poem I wrote a few years ago now a couple of verses at a time to each photo.. And bring you the last photo with the complete poem at the end.

The Rules are as follows..

Here are the rules for the “Five Photos Five Stories” challenge: “Post a photo each day for five consecutive days and attach a story to the photo. It can be fiction or non-fiction, a poem or a short paragraph and each day nominate another blogger for the challenge.
(Sporadic posting is alright if you’re unable to post each day.)

My Third nomination today is Teri over at Masked Native  I hope you go and pay her a visit.  

Re-connecting to our Earth Mother.

“Every part of this soil is sacred in the estimation of my people. Every hillside, every valley, every plain and grove, has been hallowed by some sad or happy event in days long vanished.”

The above quote is part of Chief Seattle’s original speech of 1854, as reported by Henry Smith in 1887.

Rufford Lake

We spend so much of our time indoors, especially in the winter months, as we become so focused on the busyness of our lives. We become disconnected from our Mother Earth. 


These two followed us some distance

These two Geese followed us some distance checking we had given them the last of the grain.

It is this time of year that the lack of sunshine can bring on the doldrums of feeling low in spirit  and the  SAD syndrome  And even I was feeling depleted in energy as I missed connecting to my garden and going for walks over the last couple of weeks.

Winter in our Allotment

How our allotment plot is looking at the moment.Looking tired but still full of Goodness yet to harvest. 

I was commenting recently with a fellow blogger as I said the majority of those in cities are now so disconnected to Mother Nature, and this is often what is lacking in our lives… We spoke on how much better we always feel when we connect back with Nature, from either walking or spending time near water or trees.. 

Snowdrops in the wood

Snowdrops in the Woodland Walk


Much of what we truly need can only be found under the naked sky, alongside tall trees, on open plains, or in the sound of running water. As our energy re-connects back to the whole of which we are all a part..

Feeding the Birds

Feeding a Chaffinch along our walk with bird seed

Being in nature connects us to the earth, grounding us as we walk, unhindered by concrete, upon her. Surrounded by other living beings, both bigger and smaller than we are, we remember that human beings are simply one form of life in this vast universe.Rose Hips.. Natures own Vitimins

We instinctively know that nature is good for us on many levels. Even if you live in a city or find it difficult to travel to a forest or the countryside, there are many ways to reconnect with nature.


Rose Hips a natural source of vitamin C. 

When you step out of your door each morning,  allow your senses to absorb your surroundings.  Breathe deeply, listen to the wind, or it may be the rain upon the pavements.. So many of us run around not wanting to get wet… Yet the rain is cleansing and is the Life Giver to this planet, smell it on the grass, and if you have no grass, watch the circular ripples in the puddles. See the reflections in the water and watch the droplets run down your window panes..

 Autumn Fruits Rose Hips

Just pause for a moment and take in Nature’s beauty and colours, and remember each breath you breathe Nature has provided we  so take our breath for granted. Allow your senses to embrace the gifts Mother Nature has to offer us every day. As you spend time re-connecting with Nature she is also healing you, that is why we all feel so much better for a walk in the fresh air away from the concrete pavements.

( And preferably watch where you put your feet and don’t fall )

Big smiles..

Many thanks for all your wonderful well wishes.

I am feeling much lighter of Spirit.  

I Will be catching up with you all very soon..

Love and Blessings 












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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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