What Can I Give to the New World?



What can I give to this New World that is Immerging?

I think that most of us are aware how fast our Earth is changing… and even if one is not Spiritually aware, then they only have to look back over the last 100 yrs to see how far it seems mankind has progressed if he views the world through material eyes to see the progress of technology.

But as we seemingly progress within this world of gadgetry, We are also losing something along the way.. We are losing our Kindness to each other.. Man-Kind is no longer so ‘Kind’ to his fellow man. He has lost much along the road of Progression in his pursuit of material wealth. For Greed and much selfishness has overtaken values as respect for each other and our Earth Mother as they have taken a sidestep in favour of ownership and control..

What sort of World do we want in the future?

And what can we do to help our Earth and ourselves transcend this time of turbulence which I see immerging on the sea of thoughts we all give out.

We hear much of Earth Changes and Climate Changes, but what changes are we making? We hear about our Earth’s Vibrations altering, But what are we doing to alter our own vibrations as we evolve with her..

What have we done to our Earth Mother?

One thing I do know, is that Life is an every flowing circle.. And as we so give out, so shall it return to us.. We have for a long while been creating the Wheel of Karma, We have spun the clay upon our wheels making the vessels in which we hold our values. And one by one we have smashed them into the ground, as we turned to making weapons of war, We have used the Wheel to dig into our Earth as we have plundered her minerals and fossil fuels and oil.. And we have turned away from each other..

What can I give to this New World that is immerging?

All of us have important roles to play. We need not be Guru’s or Spiritual Teachers, Or Light-workers or any other such Enlightened Being.. Because we are ALL of us Special.. We ALL of us are here at this moment in time because we agreed to come and be part of this process of Change..

We are all an instrument, and all we have to do is tune into our inner most selves as we add our ‘notes’, our ‘vibration’ to that of the Earths.. We are all of like a huge Orchestra, ok some of us maybe a little rusty in following the music score.. While others may not even read the music to start with.. Some maybe just out of practice and need a little encouragement. Some may well be way out of tune.. While some find the harmony and others sing Soprano and take the lead.. But we are all of us Playing our instruments the best we know how..

All it takes is a little practice to get the balance right. By giving the very best in us and by being the best we can be.. In Giving out our love and Kindness to each other, we open ourselves up to receiving the best back from the Universe in return. The Wheel the circle always comes back to the starting point..

‘What we give so shall we receive.’

We are Energy beings, and when we ‘Give’ we enable that energy to flow freely. When we are begrudging we stem that flow of energy as it closes us off from that Positive Flow. We restrict and deny ourselves from progressing spiritually.

When an orchestra plays together in unity we hear a symphony of Harmonious Sound.. It only needs just One player out of Key doing less than their best, which could destroy the whole of the melody.

The time is upon us when we need to once again cast our Clay upon the wheel of life and turn ourselves around and mould ourselves into Harmonious Beings which once again hold inside the abundance of love not the abundance material wealth. We need to hold within that Kindness

When we all start to once again Care..

And Hold Love in your hearts And Let Go of Fear..

We will indeed have created a New Harmonious New Earth..


© Sue Dreamwalker – 2012 All rights reserved.

The Above post I wrote back in 2012…. The Meme is the only new addition as is the quote ..  It is time now for us all to step up and practice what we preach…  And look in the mirror of who we are, and what it is we are seeing being reflected back to us via  humanity, and those who think themselves in charge and who rule us.   IF we do not now open our eyes to that which is being projected out, and you have not yet seen the Programmed Tyranny being rolled out,  then you are already lost… I for one do not consent to my freedoms of speech being taken, or that of my rights of my body my choice and my freedom of movement to be taken…. The last time these choices of our Human Rights were taken to this level in what is now a vast experiment now being perpetrated upon mankind, was in the Nuremburg Trials… Think on it…. DO your Research! and if you have not yet open your eyes, then open your computers and start digging… You may well have to dig deep because much now has already been censored.  

All Tyranny Needs to gain a foot hold is for people of good conscience to remain silent!

~ Thomas Jefferson

Change is in our Hands


Photo Credit Google Images


This past year here on WordPress has seen a community of people from all across the world from so many varied backgrounds unite together…

I know all of you who visit here share similar thoughts.. We all wish for a more Peaceful World, whereby we can stop destroying the very planet that gives us breath and stop destroying each other. 

I truly believe by our unity of thoughts, our vision of a future which will eventually herald in a time of Co-operation, Peace and Sufficiency for All.

But like all New Beginnings there is a time when we have to let go of the old.. Many are now seeing the Old ways of being are no longer working and so we are all of us seeking a New Direction in our lives.. 

As we move towards another year ending  I see on the horizon many interesting developments, I sense them within my Being.  2014 started off Chaotic and it looks just as chaotic as it ends, but everything has purpose.

YOU need to Believe in your Dreams!.

And not get caught up in the Fear which is as rife as the epidemics being spoken about.   

We are witnessing a clearings around the world, We saw it in the financial collapses, the revelations about corruption, the revolts of dictatorships, the clearing out of those that do not align to the highest good will start and happen.. The cleansing is also reflected within our weather systems as we see the sky cry her tears of rain and snow.

The frequencies of our planet are altering, they will always change, such is evolution and how we evolve.  So as they do they are bringing forth more honesty, and openness, as we awaken spiritually again. We are learning anew how to work together in Unity.  This is not an easy time.. But we have to remember we came here to be part of this change and awakening process as we evolve and progress within this Paradime Shift in Consciousness 

It’s not going to be the over night success story, no we are seeing the birthing pains as I have mentioned here before on my Post Do You Choose Love Over Fear?  I wrote this in June of Last Year. 

Where I wrote Quote:

“Giving Birth is not without pain, and our new earth is only now going through her own birthing pains. .. We see it in the spasms of conflict, the wars, Hunger, poverty, displacement of refugees and the destruction through pollution of Mother nature.  Pains which are now being experienced which we humans have carried with us over many life times which emerge as we have built up Fear and Prejudices.”

When we give birth, we have many contractions, each one getting more and more stronger.. So too we will see as we move through the coming years events which on the surface to many may seem to many of us chaotic, disturbing, and which may impact upon ALL our lives.. But we chose to be here at this time of Change..

WE are the Change this Earth has been waiting for… and to read more of my thoughts on this I wrote back in 2011 Embracing Changes

With our thoughts, and our intentions of creating a more peaceful and eco-friendly world we will need to see the clearing away of the old as her water breaks.. ( Floods) 

The post that illustrates this best for your reading is a post I did in 2008  Called Gaia-The Earth Changes Here I share some channelled writing I had given me from 2006 from those realms who inspire us from Spirit to set us upon our path as they awaken us to the reasons why we came to Earth again.. A quote from this channelling reads..

“More are awakening, more are remembering, and saying I Am, I Am All that there is. I Am a Divine being, I Am Eternal. More are recognising who they are, whence they have originated from, and to where they will return.

And that Light permeates All things.

The stages of evolution once again are set. Mankind will be witness to this next stage. For many this stage will be Transition, for others Transformation, for others it will be Travesty.”

Our Vision along with our Actions are what will help this transition be a smoother one… If we allow ourselves to get embroiled in FEAR we fall straight into the hands of those who wish to continue to Control by Fear creating chaos… But if we join in unity, love, care, sharing, helping, giving. Then my friends we are creating a world of co-operation. 


So how about it, are you ready with your Vision?

What is your Vision?

What World are You creating for our FUTURE?

Love and Blessings


Picture Credit Google Images.

Times are a Changing!

We are now baring witness to the Earth Changes, that will incorporate life changing events and Global upheavals. But I ask you to embrace these challenges and look back at those past events which taxed your  own spirit of endurance, knowing that as they changed you and others, they brought with them the experience for you to be where you are today..


So too as the World is posed yet again for Major upheaval, I see this as a necessary process before we grasp the Unity and Oneness needed to move forward into a more harmonious World.

Remember that you are part of that ‘Oneness’ look at the sky, the stars and the Sun and Moon knowing that you are part of all of it.. So too are you part of the Earths shift as it too evolves..

We each need to Keep our Hearts open, act with kindness, and those who do not embrace Love and Kindness, Bless them anyway. For none of us realise that those who come onto our paths instilling a turbulent storm of emotions and pain are perhaps our greatest teachers who help us through our own initiations, as we have come into this incarnation for the experience it brings..

The World is to experience a Shift in consciousness, as it alters its dimensional frequencies we are each of us Feeling on edge, uncertain and perhaps experiencing personal challenges which bring Fear into our lives.. So many things are accelerating now at a faster pace. This is being amplified daily into our homes as the Media belches out its stories telling us only the negative outcomes of World events, one after the other in a never endings stream it seems of doom and gloom… One thing we must do is not allow ourselves to be drawn into the Fear.. For Fear holds us back, and draws us into a downward spiral of discontent..

We need to envisage a future where harmony is possible and one where those who rule by power and terror tactics will not succeed.

Our world is already experiencing  many changes whereby as the Earth purifies with water, we have seen this in the numerous floods around the planet. Whole communities have had to learn to come together to survive.. This is not just on one country but all over the world.. 

Mankind is learning to co-operate, not compete to produce his daily needs. And circumstances will dictate communities to pool their skills and resources, and goods and services will be freely exchanged. People are learning to do unify through these disasters.

One example here how one call for help brought the community together!


Too good to be true I hear many of you reading this saying!!!… Yes upon the surface it may seem so, for much chaos will be unleashed upon our world before these things manifest. But Life will become simpler as we shall once again hold respect for the land and each other working in harmony and balance once again with Plant and Animal Life.  The Earth has shifted many times before… We just now happen to be here to experience it..   

You are in charge of your own Destiny, you are responsible for  your own actions and so don’t give Your Power away to some other authority… Think for your Highest Good, Be in command, and draw that Power to where it rightfully belongs.

But always Act from your Heart!.. 

For YOU are the I AM… A Light worker who chose to be here at this time of Change..

Its Time for Change as Times are a Changing! 

View the Lyrics of Bob Dylan’s Song…

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Sources :Quote:http://mkalty.org/change-quotes-2/

Changing Times ~ Are Quickening!

Balance... photo from Photobucket

Changes we see occurring seem to be happening all the quicker within our reality, as many things are now brought into our awareness all at once. Our Experience was to come and understand the physical form and all the emotions that entails. And for most part our experience has centred around ourselves, as we have explored our Egos and our base human emotions of self have taken president. Our selfish greed has trampled over each other and Mother Nature in seeking our own self gratifications based upon our material possessions and carnal needs.

The cycle of change, “The Great Purification” where we will witness a tidal wave of change, not only in the climatic floods and extreme weather patterns we are now experiencing. But in the way our hearts will open up to the floods of emotions we see breaking into our everyday lives, which are so needed to clear and heal the imbalances of our world.

We will see the floods pass through our own consciousness, as it passes through our hearts and minds so it will clear away our Karmic debt which is also ‘Quickening’ as for many what goes around comes around more quickly, I am sure some of you are noticing that?

The problem is we live with many ‘Fear’ based emotions, in fact many thrive on Fear. We buy into the tabloids who are experts in fear mongering, some hanging onto their every printed word. And yet now these words are being exposed as many new truths will be unleashed which many will find hard to grasp or come to terms with. As what has been hidden from us will slowly be revealed. And those in Power will be exposed for what they are..

I know around our world we are now seeing many who are rebelling, as we are seeing breakdowns in systems of governments, exposures to lies, and cover-ups. And the greed of our banking systems corrupt policies are exposed.

The monetary systems will hit everyone’s pocket, as our governments try to put right with ‘Cut backs’ as they try to rectify man’s greed which has eaten the core out of our societies and Hearts.

All of these things are the ‘Signs’ of the Quickening, we are witnessing them now with many more upheavals and emotional turmoil yet to experience. And Time will seem to speed ever faster as we live in our Quicker paced world.

The Birthing process is always going to be painful, and many will chose to turn their backs and bury their heads and buy into the ‘Fear’. But each thought we think, creates its own reality, and for many their reality will be chaos, if they do not find the balance..

This time is of transition, we all have been given ‘Free Will’ in which we will choose are own experience , either to be swallowed up in the Fear Factor, or chose to commit to our own direction of our Future, one we can build a bridge of peace within our communities.. 

It is now in this time of our Quickening, to go within ourselves and choose to start to live from the Heart. Our paths are neither right nor wrong, they are what each of us need at this time to experience. It is no good apportioning blame… For when we do we only add to the negative Mix.

No one has the Answers, No one is solely right.

I only ask you to look within your hearts, for we are ALL upon the threshold of discovery. Fears are our natural reactions to situations we are unfamiliar with, and that reaction is either ‘Fight or Flee’ which we perceive as a threat. And when our heart centres are opened, we naturally feel more vulnerable to that which we are unsure of..

My own simple message is to trust in your own instincts, not that of the herd. Face your own Fears yes, for many will present themselves as our emotions are tossed within the stormy seas of our transformation.  But do not buy into Fear which is being pumped your way, these are not your Drama’s …I was beginning to get sucked into them, that’s why I took a break, its so easy to allow ourselves to feel depressed by situations out of our control.   I know many are feeling such emotions on a personal level..Trust in your own inner voice, Not mine or anyone else’s, Trust your own heart.. and follow where it leads.. For this is what will carry you forward when all else is stripped bare.

I feel we are all in for a period of transition, as we face our own chaotic storms as we do battle with letting our ego’s go.. As we remember who we are on our spiritual journey of transformation.

But remember all you have ever needed has always been with you, from your conception in Time, and it matters not what creed or indoctrinated thoughts we adhere to.. We are merely transcending to the next natural level on our evolutionary path. We have never been alone on this journey.

We merely need to trust and follow our own natural instincts above all else. Instincts which we all need to get back in touch with. “ Know Thyself” and let the light of our Good Intent open our heart centres to each other and our Earth Mother, as she will carry us through to the next phase in our universal journey, as our Consciousness once again lifts us up to new heights of our experience.

So let us transcend to the next cycle of our existence. As we Change our perceptions and embrace our future.

The above writing has been edited and adapted from a piece of writing I did in January 2011 you can find the full article I wrote Here

Blessings Sue Dreamwalker

Listening to Mother Earth and to Ourselves

Before I took my break to paint, and chill out from the world events, I had wrote this poem adding the pictures more recently to its words.. This reflected my feelings at the time, which along with other events brought my own energy into a downward spiral..

 If you click on some of the pictures hopefully it will send you to the relevant stories which sparked my thoughts..  

The world is Changing, and always has been.

How are you handling change?

We are all of us now more aware of changes because Change appears to be happening ever quicker in our lives, compared with our Grandfathers time period.

What struck me was how when I was down I was starting to get caught in the trap of viewing things from a negative perspective.. I was allowing myself to get caught in other peoples drama’s.. This reality is not my truth.. and I hope in forthcoming posts to explain why for a time I forgot and why it came as another ‘Sign’ for me to open myself up for Change.. So that I can not only pull myself up, but I can hopefully guide others who feel swamped by events which are happening around them..  For its often only through turmoil that we then find a pathway to peace… Below is my poem.

Are we ready to Change? And are we ready to listen to our hearts? 


Listen! do you not feel your heart beat

Tell me, how well do you sleep?

As we spread the disease of greed far and wide

Have we a conscience that pricks us inside

 UK Floods Jan 2014

Listen! as the rains floods the plains

Do you not feel what runs in her veins

The poisons, the acid, the stabs in her back

Have you not felt her fury as the ground begins to crack?


Listen! do you not hear the sound

Can you not sense it all around?

Is not the air full of static?

I know it’s not me, my thoughts erratic

Lightning UK Jan 2014

Listen! can you not hear her rumble

Do not your senses feel her grumble?

Have you not felt her tears of snow and rain?

Can you not sense the searing pain?

 Native American Ouroboros

Listen! to what our Ancestors once said

As the snake eats its tail and the skins we have shed

The Symbols and Signs are showing the way

We each have a choice if we’re to end decay


Listen! not to me or the words of my Poem

Look around you for this is your Home

A cascading waterfall, flanked by flowers.

A planet of beauty, a living library of life

Why do we not see our disrespect causes strife?

Volcanic ash blankets Yogyakarta in Central Java (14 February 2014)

Listen! as Volcano’s are venting their clouds of ash

While Stock Markets rise, readying for the Big Crash

Countries are caught in the nets of debt

Are you waking up people Are you ready yet?


Listen! do you not sense her mournful cry

How did we get to live in this lie?

Why don’t we see the damage we do?

As we tare the fabric of Gaia in two


Listen to your heart, please send out love

For we are being watched from way up above

It’s never too late to alter our ways

It begins Now not in some distant days..

Listen to you Heart

At the end of the day, We and Earth are ONE!..

© Sue Dreamwalker 2014 All rights reserved.

What Kind of a World Do YOU want?


This month is all about Awakening! as I feel the urge to write and ignite a spark within each of my readers to reach inwards and pull out what Power each holds within them…

So many do not realise the POWER each of us hold..

Its time now to unite that Power, and join once more as ONE as we send out via our prayers and meditations and thoughts for our Planet and World Peace.

Later on this month I will be taking part in revealing some of my own awakening experiences, as I am taking part in Barbara Franken’s  Awakening to who you truly are… for the whole of January as different bloggers take part in Barbara’s month of awakening posts of 31 different awakening experiences  .. Mine will be on the 23rd Jan.

It seems as if the Universe is already one step ahead of me as I sent out thoughts for subjects to post in January to help wake us up to the on-going Earth Changes.. 

So it should have come as no surprise that into my email box this morning popped a new uploaded video from Mrocketman  entitled

Awaken Evolution 

please click the blue link to watch this recently uploaded addition  which is well worth the watch. And Very inspiring as well as showing us how our Mass Consciousness is linked via our Meditation and thoughts. 

In it we see many famous faces and among its clips is Gregg Braden, and one from Deepak Chopra where he tells people to …

“ Put your hand on your heart and ask yourself internally what kind of world we want to live in?” He then says “ And now ask yourself how you can make that Happen?”

You will see how the Power of our Minds, our Thoughts and through Meditation we are changing the World…  Please join me and many more in tapping into that POWER and to awaken  more to who we are..


“Darkness Cannot Drive out Darkness, only Light can do that.

Hate cannot drive out hate, only Love can do that”

~Martin Luther King~

Change is happening and we are helping the world and ourselves evolve

Please watch the video, be inspired and see how you too can help simply by our combined unity of thoughts..

Love and Blessings and thank you to all my New Subscribers who have joined Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary recently


Continuing My Soul Journey~3

MeditationAnd so began my next steps within this new home of Spiritual awareness. I started to practice meditation on a regular basis and was taken upon some wonderful visualisations. It became apparent very soon that with the coaching and nurturing of established Mediums I was encouraged  to strengthen those dormant gifts which lay within us all. And I began to trust what I was being shown and trusted to those intuitive senses more and more.

Over the next few years my life revolved around my Spiritual Connections.. Working a full time day job, my children were now teenagers, I would eagerly look forward to my Spiritual Awareness/Developments group and Healing Nights as I became a qualified Spiritual Healer with the SNU,   Completing a two year course of dedicated Healing work before being qualified..…My Hubby and I joined a Physical Circle which we  would attended every week for around 9 years in which we got Trance communications and a little physical Phenomenon, but nothing like  we would both travel to witness around the country as invited guests of other great established Physical Mediums who produced some excellent evidence through Phenomena..

My Hubby needed things proving, and was quiet a sceptic to begin with, but even he couldn’t doubt what we had both witnessed and heard as I spoke and shook hands literally with those who had been Spirit side for 80 years. all of which you can find within my various posts of Life with Spirit category

In those early years I was taken under the wing of a Medium she encouraged me to accompany her to her venues as a fledgling medium, and I would link into that other realm and bring my messages to those who had lost loved ones. Such were my messages well received I started to get bookings in my own right… 

We became  very dear friends, sadly she is no longer here in this realm, but it was through her own gentle coaching and introducing me to various reading matter that I became engrossed in the Subject of Life after Life..

I would travel to a place called Stansted Hall which is the Arthur Findlay College for advancement of Spiritualism and Psychic Studies of which she herself had been a student. I was introduced to well known books, some of those early books I read were a delight, White Eagle, and Silver Birch  as well as reading many of Arthur Findlay’s Book’s such as the Psychic Stream , On the Edge of the Etheric and the Unfolding Universe  These later 3 books took a lot of digesting even back then.. Since revisiting them now they make perfect sense.. But at the time of buying and reading them, I was not ready to compute their information.. I have to say that we are given pieces of information along our journey.. and we either digest it or discard it.. And then something just clicks within us and everything seems to make perfect sense…

I ask that you all seek out your own information, and believe not one word of what I say to be truth.. This journey is about us all finding our own Truth, some of it will resonate, some of it will not, for we all grow at our own pace each receiving that which we need. And at the end of the day we are all of us given ‘Free Will,’ to choose to investigate further or ignore it. Remember each of us are on our own Soul Journey… 

I have to say some of those early days reading material had not always resonated within my own soul… Like many now who dismiss much of our alternative realities as Rubbish I too questioned what I was reading in the late 80’s early 90’s.

I read many channelled books which at the time of reading I found way above my own perception of acceptance. Why? because I had nothing to measure it by, only the words which I found on the page.. I had to Trust what I was being told was true, and like most of us in this world we need proof.   Books which I found hard to swallow in the 90’s which I read and put to one side and said Ok… Maybe that’s a possibility.. But I wasn’t ready at that time to understand the complexity and the simplicity of our minds, or the concept of there being more to our Human-race of which we had no understanding. For we had been taught a totally different reality to that which I was now reading..  I found it hard to comprehend that people could communicate to our Earth Gaia for instance, and yet years later I understand totally…

Those first few books I read opened my thinking to other realms of possibilities and made me think deeper about our reality. I read books such as

It wasn’t until I went through my own Trauma of a Nervous Breakdown that I understood I had to use my own mind over matter, as I was put to the test!. I think the Greatest Book that had a lasting impression which showed me I was more than my body was You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L Hay A book which woke me up to how we think affects our health and wellness…  

To Be continued …….

My Journey of Souls~2

A little Background knowledge about me.  Part 2.

So what is happening in our world and why are so many of us appearing to be going through our own personal traumas, Just what is this ‘Shift’ and Ascension people are going on about? And how are we all involved in this journey?..

Before I can answer these questions you may have to be a little patient for I first need to tell you a little of my own background and how I woke up!..

Waking up to who we really are hasn’t just happened, no one turned a switch on within my thinking mind and said ‘Believe This, for this is Truth, far from it. Its taken me over 20 years of ponderings, reading, researching, listening, watching, and Feeling, to understand that this ‘Knowing’ within my being was guiding me to come out of the cocoon of what I believed to be my reality and discover we’ve only perceived part of what our true reality really is… And even then No one holds the whole picture, for so incredible is this Journey of Souls…

We each of us grow up within our families within our societies within our various cultured backgrounds, being taught morals, beliefs, history, science. We absorb knowledge by which we measure our surroundings and reality of our world. Believing totally all that we have been taught because there was no reason to disbelieve, why would there be?

Being spiritually aware from a young age I guess you could say I had always connected to whom we term as ‘God’, ‘The Great Spirit’. ‘Our Heavenly Father’, our ‘Divine Creator’, ‘The Source’  whom ever your particular teachings of beliefs put as that ‘ALL Mighty Creator of All Life’, I would constantly as a child pray to this ‘God’ whom I was taught lived in Heaven, which to me was up there in the sky.

I would pray earnestly each night for the rows and fighting  of my parents to stop. I would pray for my brother and sisters, I learnt to pray about many things.. I was not brought up in a religious home, my parents didn’t go to church, But I was sent to Chapel each Sunday to Sunday School where I would take my younger siblings, I sang in the choir and attended Bible Study, So religion played a huge role in my upbringing. I believed in Christ Jesus,the Bible and knew most of the New Testaments Stories. I totally got it that Jesus could heal the sick and wanted to show people how to love one another and created miracles to happen…

I would talk constantly to my invisible friend God and my invisible Nun, I had seen her as a child around our home, she calmed me, helped me, and soothed my Soul…Even one of my younger sisters had seen her which verified it for me when I was around 14 years old.. She wasn’t a nun who had a headdress like the Nun’s I had seen in my neck of the woods, no her hat was white, like a 3 pointed star…


So religion as a theme ran close to my heart from a very young age.. Then as you grow life takes over… I got married, moved away and it was in our first home that those senses I had as a child started returning again. As I would hear footsteps climb the stairs, bumps in the night that no amount of jumping up and down on squeaky floorboards could replicate. 

One time I even witnessed a form of a first world war soldier materialise from the waist upwards as if he was asleep in a chair, He opened his eyes to look straight at me, as I summoned up the courage to find my voice to ask who he was, as I spoke he vanished into the ether’s in a blink of an eye…

I was looking to de-stress and was reading the local paper when a small add just seemed to jump! out of the page at me advertising ‘Meditation Classes’ They happened to be held at our local Spiritualist Centre.  Now this advertisement was only put in the paper once, and I swear the first time I read it, it just Jumped off the page at me, have you ever had that happen? And that ‘feeling’ of just knowing you had to follow as your gut instincts kicked in…

That was the first Sign I knowingly followed. To me back then Spiritualists were supposed to be spooky weird people, such had been my religious upbringing and my perceptions had been coloured by others opinions and teachings, saying they walked with the Devil…

But once I walked through those doors and was greeted with such genuine warmth and sincerity, my curiosity and thirst to find answers led me to return..

So began the opening up and understanding of my own awareness of my psychic abilities and that Knowing that we were in fact ALL Spiritual Beings here on Earth.. And that we lived in the physical here in this dimension to experience and that I had senses that connected to that other realm, The World of Spirit…

So I was set upon the first rung of my Journey of Souls… The Next steps are what I found out about our Soul Journey…     

To be continued….


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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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Part Two E-book of True Awakening Experiences, complied by Barbara Franklin and WordPress Friends.


2012 Acrylic Painting Acrylics Akiane Kramarik. Allotment Allotment. Self Sufficiency Allotments Answers art Arts and Crafts Ascension Automatic Channelled Writing Avaaz Awaken Awakening Awards Awareness Balance Books Butterfly Caring change Changes Children Choices Climate Change Community compassion Consciousness. Consciousness. Community Consciousness. Illusions Conservation Crafts creativity Darkness Diving Deeper Dreams Earth Earth Changes Earth Day Earth Mother Earth Shift Elder Tree Emotions Energies Energy Enlightenment Environment. Faith Family Fear Flowers Food Freedom Friends Gaia Garden Gardening Gifts Gratitude Gregg Braden Growing your own Grow your own Halloween happiness Harmony Healing Health Heart Hearts Hobbies Illusion Indigenous people Inner thoughts Inspired Intuition journey joy Kindness Knitting life Light Lightworkers love Mankind Mass Consciousness Matrix Mayan Calendar Media meditation mind Monsanto Mother Earth music Native American Indians Nature New Earth News Ocean Oneness Painting Paintings Pastel Drawings. Peace Personal Responsibility Perspective Planet Earth Planting Poem poems Pollution Positive Positive Thinking Prayer Remembrance Day Samhain Scotland Seeds Self Sufficiency Shift Short Stories. Signs Soul Sound Spirit Spiritual Spring Storms The Great Purification thoughts Time Trancend transformation. transformation. Energy Travel Trees Truth Unity Unity Consciousness Universe Vegetables Vibration. Vision Quest Walking War Watercolour Painting Weather web world World Peace

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