Loving Nature

An Easter Message. We seem to have forgotten..

A simple Heart. A Gift .

How can we not forget that Simple Message, that gets so distorted in the name of religion as that Love is turned away from in distrust, destruction and disillusion as we see nations war throughout the ages in the name of religion.

How do we make this distrusting disharmonious world a better place to live? 

We all but need to do just One Thing, and if we did this One Thing, we would be amazed at the Peace it would bring, We would be amazed at the Power it would generate.

That One thing is so Simple

“Be Kind and Love One another”

Be Kind to one another, and how often do we fall short of being Kind, How often do we judge, criticize and become arrogant?

This one adjustment to our lives, this one Simple attitude, ensuring we try to Be Kind in our thoughts, Be Kind  in our Words, and Be Kind in our Actions.

We have lost so much in our pursuit of Materialism, we have forgotten those principles of that Simple Message,

of Living from our Hearts Centre.

Mankind has to understand he is part of the Great Universe, Part of Creation and the Creator and that he is co-creating his present World. His Heart once again needs to open up and awaken and once again radiate outwards this Great Love..

The Love the Great Master the Nazarene taught, and who lived not for himself, for his own Glory, but he came to show Mankind the Error of his Thinking, the error of his ways, showing how it was to Be Kind to one another and how he served his fellow man, healing the sick, bringing comfort to those in sorrow, Helping those less fortunate.

Love is the one theme in all religions on earth,

and we should try to learn to express that love in our service of helping each other.

Each are a Universe unto ourselves, The Centre or Son of our Universe the Heart, not the Head.  And the SUN is a central point within our Solar System. So too is our Hearts the Centre of our Universe.

The Spiritual Counterpart of the physical Sun is the Christ-Light

The Sun is now sending out its solar flares, Awakening our Minds and affecting our Hearts as the solar system aligns and our physical bodies are governed by the Stars, for we are All connected Consciously .

We Need now to start and find once again that Light of Being within, and whether you are a religious person or not. It matters Not. We should all now be aware as we feel it within our Being, that We, Mankind, needs to once again Live from that Hearts Centre, and put the Kindness Back into this World.

Easter Holds a Message for everyone, One where a man laid down and gave his life to get this Simple Message across.. so that you could find that love within yourselves. ..

His message was to Love one another..

 “I am the resurrection and the life,”

We are now awakening once again to that Higher Vibration of Being.. And All we need do is to live from our Hearts in order to ascend to that Glorious Place that was spoken of. 

Allow your HEARTS to Open to that Love once more..

And Lets all just do that ONE SIMPLE THING!

“Be Kind And Love One another”

Blessings.. This Easter.. to you ALL.. I will be away a couple more days and then be catching you up.. I am having a Brilliant creative Time …

Love ~Sue~   

© Sue Dreamwalker – 2012-2014-2023 All rights reserved.

My thanks to Robert, for this graphic

~A Gift.  A Simple Heart. ~



I posted this way back in 2014…. But I thought I would resurrect it once again… For its message is so simple…. ALL we need do is LOVE…

💖 Have a wonderful Easter Everyone.. 💖

Messages of LOVE!

I hope you can watch, or at least give 15 minutes of your time, to listening to the many messages of Love shared here .
It will open your heart, to Know that you are NOT ALONE…
That there are Many, many souls out there just like you and I, all wishing the best for Humanity.

Dear WordPress Family…

Many thanks for the LOVE you showed to Cyril in my last post. He is very grateful for all of your kind and loving messages..

This weekend I will be spending time away from the computer, and I was going to close comments upon this post, as I am way behind many of your own posts as it is.. But I was inspired to leave the comments open… Though I will not garentee getting to answer them straight away.

But I felt the above Video such an important Video to share, as I watched and listened to the messages of encouragement and Love pour fourth, from many, many people from around the world, I couldn’t stem the flow of tears.

Tears of JOY and of LOVE, as we unite together in sending each other LOVE and Kindness, as we open our hearts centres to embrace each other in love and gratitude for ALL our gifts, and for all of Nature’s Gifts…

We are each of us Unique, and yet we are ALL of us ONE…

May you each of you Find that Joy and that Peace within your hearts as you share it with others.

Much LOVE…

Keeping Our Balance Through These Shifting Energies

Photo by Michael Judkins on Pexels.com

Those of you who are familiar with my blog, know I go quiet from time to time. I post when I am inspired to do so, or I am guided to speak.

I have much I could speak upon, but these are but words among many other words, and I am aware my blog posts are often longer than most to digest. So those who do take the time to read and comment I appreciate you greatly.

I could speak upon many topics, but we are at that point now within our evolution, where words can often seem empty. We require action and solutions, because many of us know the wrongs of this world, and yet the words we speak, on the surface do little to change what we are witnessing.

““You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside.”― Wayne Dyer.

You are in control of your inner world. You decide how you respond to life.

The action we take is personal responsibility.

So, let’s not get caught up in Words.

Instead, let’s get caught up with our Feelings…

So how do we maintain our balance while the world is feeling out of sync?

 This past month, while I have kept abreast of reality, it’s also been about restoring my own equilibrium. Finding that inner balance in opening up further my own heart to be in the flow of all things.  

For me, it’s been about listening to my intuition, being out in nature, helping maintain our veggies in the allotments, watering my plants, carrying water back and forth in the drought. It’s been about getting fully into the habit of baking my own bread, kneading the dough, moulding it and patiently waiting for it to rise. I’ve been making soup out of the abundance of Tomatoes, giving thanks for the abundance of harvest. 

Making herbal tea from scratch out of Dandelions. that have such good health benefits. I’ve also been collecting and saving seeds, to sow next Spring. I have been crafting and creating things, and reading in the peace of the garden. Just BE-ing..

 It’s been a time of listening to others, and being there when needed. It’s been a time of helping neighbours. Simple everyday things of learning to live in the now moment and not worry about others, what they think, how they act. But just being responsible for myself.

Apples and Sweetcorn

 It has been a time of chilling, creating space for myself, taking care of my body, resting and sleeping when I feel like sleeping, relaxing, breath work, mantra’s and meditate just BE…ing.

 Its all been about listening to my body and my feelings within.  

It has been a time of stopping self-judgement, or pointing fingers out into the world of who is right and who is wrong. It’s been about finding and feeling my own heart and loving deeper all that I am, and all that surrounds me.  It’s been a time of expansion and Bliss, laughter and love.


Throughout this time, I have been Feeling my inner power, by speaking my hearts perception, by learning to be assertive, yet calm, and yet it’s also been about re- connecting to our hearts and sending out love into the situations we know we can do nothing to help others, other than send love. LOVE, is of the highest vibrations. which will, and does conquer all evil and negative energies.

We have all of us gone through many shifts and changes through our lives, and we came here to raise our frequencies from those holding us down in fear… We are doing this in stages, (much like the dough in which I bake bread… We rise to a certain level and then we get pummelled back, and beaten only to rise again ). But this time I feel it’s different. This time we are learning to raise our frequencies higher and higher as we let go of fear and negativity. This is our Mission this time around.. Can’t you feel it? Are you shouting that little word NO! more often as you honour your selves?

We Rise From Muddy Waters, As We Detach And Let Go!

Don’t fall into the negative trap..

So do not be triggered by yet more fear being pushed your way. This is a very important stage of our evolution.  Do not get caught up within WORDs that others churn out… But Feel with your heart into those words, and expand your consciousness by keeping calm, by nurturing yourselves, by Knowing that We are Light, and we came to shine that beacon of love to help others overcome their fears.

So, we need to rise above that which may want to bring us down. As we find new ways of creating a more unified world.   We are the ones who need to first find the solutions within ourselves, before the world finds its own solutions globally.   We need to find our inner peace, for the world will soon need our lights to hold them as they struggle in the coming storms which will shatter illusions.

Remember this battle we are now in, is no normal battle… It is a war on our conscious minds.  The Lions Gate on the 8th of August I believe opened up new opportunities for us to make greater strides forward within ourselves. Let us clear the space within, find your inner balance, as we open our hearts in love, as we let go of words, as we open our hearts to our feelings


 GIVE, But don’t allow yourself to be used, LOVE. But don’t allow your heart to abused. TRUST, But don’t be naïve. LISTEN. But don’t lose your own voice..

~Author unknown.

Create a space to be creative, be it in your garden, be it by sewing, painting, writing, helping others. And Know, that when we create our space within the NOW moment of Being in harmony and Peace, we are helping our Earth Mother shift into her own Higher energy as we ourselves move to train ourselves into Balance. So we are helping our world to rebalance herself.   

Change always starts from within, 
So allow our  hearts to open and guide us instead of our heads..

Much love to all who visit and read here.

Sue Dreamwalker

The Bluebell Wood~ Poem and Story

Once upon a time within a wood

Unfolding her wings a Fairy Girl stood

She flew and she sang with the hum of the Bee

Sprinkling her dust to create a blue seaRufford Park

Each flower she tended with love and with care

Sharing their nectar she lived happily there


The blackbird he sang his delight in his Song

The wood their home it was where both belonged

Bluebell Wood ~ Rufford

She’d fly high and low touching each bell

And each one would open under her spell

Bluebell Wood 5

Soon there were thousands, they stretched out for miles

Each one touched by the Fairy with smiles.

Bluebell Wood 2

Now one day a woman alone and forlorn

Walked in the wood all weary and worn

She’d strayed from the path so deep was her thought

Blinded by tears of life’s worries she was caught

Bluebell Path

She rested her back by the trunk of a tree

Closing her eyes, that woman was me

She came to the wood to speak to a tree

The ‘Old One’ would listen, Silence being the key

Bluebell trail

His branches would creak, his bark would feel warm

The ‘Old One’ poured love, and the woman felt calm

The Fairy would sit up high in his branch

Watching the exchange and the woman’s downward glance.

The Standing One in the Bluebell wood

She’d fly by her shoulder and tickle her hair

With each breath the woman discarded her cares

She stood up, breathed deep, hugging her tree

Her thoughts now clear, her mind filled with glee


She turned giving thanks and blinked in surprise

Gasping out loud as the sight met her eyes

Her smile now broad, her heart full of love

The Woman discovers the Bluebell Wood..

Bluebell edge of the wood

And so she returns at May time each year

Feeding the birds, she no longer sheds tears

The Fairies still fly and dance in the tree

And once in a while they visit with me

Feeding the Birds

The moral of this tale is to open your heart

Let Nature heal you, you are one from the start

Discover your breath and talk to the trees

Seek out the Silence; your mind holds the keys

Bluebell wood 6

So let go of sorrow, worry and strive

Let Nature in for she’s part of your life

And if you should wander and stray off track

Remember that LOVE will lead you straight back..

© Sue Dreamwalker 2014 All rights reserved.

Have a Wonderful Weekend All of You.. I thought to re-share this story poem, as the bluebells are out in England, and I shall be walking the woods..


Enjoy May Blossoms and each other

  Happy  Beltane  and Here’s to New Beginnings!

Thank you for reading


Photo Credit.. Fairy : https://www.flickr.com/photos/21886313@N00/5658082599/in/photostream/


The Words of Silence.

Photo Credit: Ya-Native.

When words become difficult to speak, we take a breath and think deeper on that which we were about to say.

But when the words no longer come, you stay silent.

Silence allows the mind space in which to think. We then gather up all of our thoughts, one by one, as we see how each thought is formed.  As we then begin to see what triggered it, how it was instigated, how we perceived it, and how we moulded and shaped it to suit our own thought patterns.  And then we watch it grow, as it settles into the recesses of similar thoughts as you compartmentalise it within our minds to store away until its ready to be retrieved.

We then apply emotion to that thought, was it Good or Bad? Happy or Sad? Did it make us Envious or Jealous?  Fulfilled of Empty? How did that thought make us feel? Did it fill us with Love or Fear?

Its remarkable how one simple thought, takes on a life of its own as you embellish it, colour it in with emotions that can then trigger another thought, until you have a whole train of thoughts that have probably gone way off track from that very first thought you had.

Now imagine Millions of thoughts, each jostling to be heard, each attached to hundreds of emotions.  The mind gets overwhelmed with inner chatter.  The mind cries out for peace, so it shuts down the words as it creates a silent space as it hits its own Pause Button.

So you listen to the silence.. and as you enjoy the silence peace, you begin to see the space between the words no longer spoken, hold more information than the words themselves.

You then begin to listen intently to the silence, as you see the internal coding form, that allowed you to make sense of the words you ingested.

And you Begin to Understand. That Words in themselves Do Not Matter.

For your vessel, your soul, doesn’t need words to speak, words are external vibrations of sound we use to express out and communicate our thoughts and feelings to others.  But how do you express your Inner Knowing? that inner realm of  vision and connection you have with Spirit?

You then begin to see just how limiting our vocabulary is as you then cannot even begin to find the right amount of words to express those inner codes.. Codes we all have access to, if we allow ourselves space between our words to form..  Coding that we have known since before our birth, which we call


Each of us holds that knowing, that knowledge within us.. all we need do is hit the pause button, take a breath, and Listen.

Listen to your heart, Not the jumbled confusion of noise within the mind which is coloured by the words being spoken in the outer external world.

You no longer need Words to express..You only need LOVE..

As your inner BE-ing sees, beyond that which this Matrix is showing you in this illusionary vision of reality.

Each of us have to be prepared to go into the deep dark crevice of our inner world where no words can prepare you for the experience you will encounter within your own story.. Because each story is your story to experience, each story is different. Because its Your Experience.. No one elses..

So it would matter not what words I told you …  YOU would not believe them , unless you were ready to hear them..

So, until you each find that inner space, those inner codes of KNOWING….

I leave you with more Silence… Until the WORDs are ready to be heard..

With much love and Gratitude to all who read here… Know we are all expanding, doing exactly that which we are guided to do and be..  

❤Love and Blessings until the next words are ready to be written❤  

What Can I Give to the New World?



What can I give to this New World that is Immerging?

I think that most of us are aware how fast our Earth is changing… and even if one is not Spiritually aware, then they only have to look back over the last 100 yrs to see how far it seems mankind has progressed if he views the world through material eyes to see the progress of technology.

But as we seemingly progress within this world of gadgetry, We are also losing something along the way.. We are losing our Kindness to each other.. Man-Kind is no longer so ‘Kind’ to his fellow man. He has lost much along the road of Progression in his pursuit of material wealth. For Greed and much selfishness has overtaken values as respect for each other and our Earth Mother as they have taken a sidestep in favour of ownership and control..

What sort of World do we want in the future?

And what can we do to help our Earth and ourselves transcend this time of turbulence which I see immerging on the sea of thoughts we all give out.

We hear much of Earth Changes and Climate Changes, but what changes are we making? We hear about our Earth’s Vibrations altering, But what are we doing to alter our own vibrations as we evolve with her..

What have we done to our Earth Mother?

One thing I do know, is that Life is an every flowing circle.. And as we so give out, so shall it return to us.. We have for a long while been creating the Wheel of Karma, We have spun the clay upon our wheels making the vessels in which we hold our values. And one by one we have smashed them into the ground, as we turned to making weapons of war, We have used the Wheel to dig into our Earth as we have plundered her minerals and fossil fuels and oil.. And we have turned away from each other..

What can I give to this New World that is immerging?

All of us have important roles to play. We need not be Guru’s or Spiritual Teachers, Or Light-workers or any other such Enlightened Being.. Because we are ALL of us Special.. We ALL of us are here at this moment in time because we agreed to come and be part of this process of Change..

We are all an instrument, and all we have to do is tune into our inner most selves as we add our ‘notes’, our ‘vibration’ to that of the Earths.. We are all of like a huge Orchestra, ok some of us maybe a little rusty in following the music score.. While others may not even read the music to start with.. Some maybe just out of practice and need a little encouragement. Some may well be way out of tune.. While some find the harmony and others sing Soprano and take the lead.. But we are all of us Playing our instruments the best we know how..

All it takes is a little practice to get the balance right. By giving the very best in us and by being the best we can be.. In Giving out our love and Kindness to each other, we open ourselves up to receiving the best back from the Universe in return. The Wheel the circle always comes back to the starting point..

‘What we give so shall we receive.’

We are Energy beings, and when we ‘Give’ we enable that energy to flow freely. When we are begrudging we stem that flow of energy as it closes us off from that Positive Flow. We restrict and deny ourselves from progressing spiritually.

When an orchestra plays together in unity we hear a symphony of Harmonious Sound.. It only needs just One player out of Key doing less than their best, which could destroy the whole of the melody.

The time is upon us when we need to once again cast our Clay upon the wheel of life and turn ourselves around and mould ourselves into Harmonious Beings which once again hold inside the abundance of love not the abundance material wealth. We need to hold within that Kindness

When we all start to once again Care..

And Hold Love in your hearts And Let Go of Fear..

We will indeed have created a New Harmonious New Earth..


© Sue Dreamwalker – 2012 All rights reserved.

The Above post I wrote back in 2012…. The Meme is the only new addition as is the quote ..  It is time now for us all to step up and practice what we preach…  And look in the mirror of who we are, and what it is we are seeing being reflected back to us via  humanity, and those who think themselves in charge and who rule us.   IF we do not now open our eyes to that which is being projected out, and you have not yet seen the Programmed Tyranny being rolled out,  then you are already lost… I for one do not consent to my freedoms of speech being taken, or that of my rights of my body my choice and my freedom of movement to be taken…. The last time these choices of our Human Rights were taken to this level in what is now a vast experiment now being perpetrated upon mankind, was in the Nuremburg Trials… Think on it…. DO your Research! and if you have not yet open your eyes, then open your computers and start digging… You may well have to dig deep because much now has already been censored.  

All Tyranny Needs to gain a foot hold is for people of good conscience to remain silent!

~ Thomas Jefferson

The Domino Effect We Have on Each Other.

The post below I wrote back in 2013, I recently read it again and so many things parallel my thoughts of today. The words are unedited except to highlight a few. And to add a meme, and the video embedded I brought to life, which I hope you watch and read the words… Very Meaningful right now.. For we are ALL of us RAINBOW WARRIORS standing in our Truth shining our Lights.. This post I was guided to re- read after waking up from a dream a while back. In which I was directed to look at the post as my dream involved some prophetic words of guidance. It has sat within my drafts for a while now.. But NOW is the time it feels right to place this one more piece… As my last post touched upon the Games we play in life…. Now we need to understand each of us affect the other… just like dominos when we line them up and push…. We each affect each other.. And as my About Me on my logo says:

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others

As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain.

Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward..

I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together…

ALL of us are connected… All are now standing in our lines,/ Time Lines… paying attention, and we are all about to see the Dominoes begin to be pushed over one way or another… Some that begin to fall, will set the ripple effect in motion.. And do not be surprised if you find new information that has not been made public knowledge about to spill as those dominoes fall.. It is now time to Stand up, or be toppled over!. Sending you all LOVE and Light dear WordPress Family… The Truth Will always set us Free.. And now dear Family of Light BE-ings is our Time to UNITE and Shine our Light into the World as we expose the layers of darkness which have been kept hidden from us.. Hold firm.. Stand UP like those Dominos… Shoulder to shoulder…. Arm in Arm… The post from 2013 Below..


Domino Effect

Another Cup of Camomile tea,  as I try to sift through the many thoughts which run through my mind. Maybe that’s half my trouble on these sleepless nights, as one thought runs into another.

Its so easy to let our thoughts carry us away. In fact it’s so easy that’s exactly what has happened to our thoughts over the years. We have been carried away.

We’ve allowed ourselves to be influenced , hypnotically so, into a world of commercialism and false reality.

It’s not often I settle down to watch TV. But when I do those commercial breaks just so bug me, as I feel myself welling up inside at how gullible we are manipulated. I say to myself “Stop it, just let it go”. Letting Go is easily said, and yet so hard at times to achieve with what ever we are faced with in letting go of.

There are so many crisis’s around the world right now, its not surprising that at times we feel overwhelmed and insignificant.

I look at the state of the world it is in, and its seems that as individuals we can’t possibly make any difference to the Mess we have now made.

And then even as I pen these words in my journal, I look to my paintings of the Angels I painted upon my wall, and the words echo inside my head.

“ Have Faith, Faith Can Move Mountains “

And I think at last I understand those words more fully. I look at Nature and Nature never gives up, never feels helpless and lost, she never gives up. Nature just carries on choosing to grow and evolve.

I’ve come to understand we are coming together now at an even faster speed. We are no longer those separate pieces of this giant jig-saw puzzle. We are coming together and our  Like-minds are slotting together. We are those ‘Rainbow Warriors’ from all creeds, all colours, and all walks of life.

We may appear separate, like lone domino pieces. But more and more of us are standing together, side by side in like minded thought. And like that 100th Monkey, when enough of us Let Go and see we each of us can change the world with the choices we make everyday as we merge together, we then join collectively to bring about Change. Then we create that Domino Effect which will send ripples out around the world.

Its time to end commercialism of greed and profit, we all know who these Big Boys are. We need Co-operation for the survival of the world, we need to pull together. Because lets make no mistake unless we don’t Let Go of the way most of us are all living at the moment then we are not going to have much of a future..

The Future is in our hands, The Choice is up to each and everyone of us.

When WE Change- The World Changes  

But we have to start living from our Hearts, and learn to live once again in harmony and balance with Nature and our environment.

Where do we go from here? is our Choice, and we need to seriously take a look at ourselves and our ways of living. Everyday we have the power within us to either help or hinder our progress with the Choices we make…

And we have to take responsibility for those choices.. For the choices we all make now will affect our future..

Each of us now must look Deep Within and See that collectively we CAN have a huge impact to tip the scales.

We can either Fall one way, or the other..

The Choice is Ours..    

Blessings Sue Dreamwalker

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Sue Dreamwalker

Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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