Everyone is Looking Outside themselves.. Look Within!

Family~ Picture credit to my Sister


..Below is an edited version of my thoughts from an old post.  This is the second time in sharing this since I first wrote back in 2012. , I make no apologies in sharing this post again, as we so need to keep our vibrations high and full of love. For there are those wishing to break our spirit and lower our frequency in vibration of that of Humans and the Earth herself.  We are now in a crucial time of keeping our vibrations as high as possible.. The Hopi spoke of this time. And that time is now. 

The original  Full post and it’s theme is HERE with more interesting comments

Wishing you all a Peaceful Beautiful week as I send you all of my Love and Gratitude … Sue x 


We are all of us right now looking for something, whether it is peace or our fortunes, we are all of us searching for something,………….

We have all seen events around our world, where anger and bloodshed has spilled out onto the streets in various conflicts which now affect different parts of the world. And we have seen how quickly this can spread…

So those who have been following my blog will also know how much importance I have put into thinking Positive thoughts and putting Positive energy out there, for like a pebble in a pool of water it will spread out through our Collective Consciousness  just the same.. An example of that is how suddenly an event can cause an emotional response within us. Causing Anger, Sadness, Happiness, Elation, etc.

What ripples are we sending out?

“We have to understand we are all one family.. When one member of one’s family is ill, it has an effect upon the rest of the family..In turn each person’s health is affected by the environment, community, society the whole world.. We all of us get to use our feelings and emotions as we use them to either feel strongly about global issues such as climate changes, famine, poverty and so on..adding our energy of greed, anger, hatred, guilt, sorrow or joy… it all adds to the mix.. Our family is sick, as we see many Nations now falling ill… So too our World is Sick.. she is being poisoned.

If we can change , the world can change..


“When we get a virus within our bodies our immune system kicks in to defend it.. We have to understand that we have become the Virus upon this planet.. WE are the ones destroying our environment.. We are the Cancer that is eating away at her..

When we can change our own values of living. And learn that we are ALL of us connected... The more we start and live in love and from our hearts instead of in Fear and anger, we will then start to see a world that works towards harmony and Peace..

It all starts with Self, as we begin to heal ourselves from within.. letting go of those emotions which affect our health and affect our world. We need to let go of Greed, Hate, Power and Control. 

To heal the world we have to see we are the community, we are the society we are the nation, one family..  Once we change the way we think and perceive and behave.. We change the World…”

Everyone is looking outside of themselves for solutions!

May we all find LOVE in our hearts and begin to share it. 

May we all start and look  within our own mirrors, look within and see  that by changing ourselves, and our own perceptions,our own judgements, our own anger and frustrations, we then begin to change  and heal the World. 

© Sue Dreamwalker – 2012-2015-2019

Photo of rainbow credit- free photo domain..

Everyone is Looking Outside themselves..


Below is part of a post I wrote in 2012, I was searching through my archives today as I re-read the words I had written.  The original  Full post and it’s theme is HERE with more interesting comments ..Below is an edited version of my thoughts as I picked out a few paragraphs..

Wishing you all a Peaceful Beautiful week as I send you all of my Love and Gratitude … Sue x 

We are all of us right now looking for something, whether it is peace or our fortunes, we are all of us searching for something,………….

We have all seen events around our world, where anger and bloodshed has spilled out onto the streets in various conflicts which now affect different parts of the world. And we have seen how quickly this can spread…

So those who have been following my blog will also know how much importance I have put into thinking Positive thoughts and putting Positive energy out there, for like a pebble in a pool of water it will spread out through our Collective Consciousness  just the same.. An example of that is how suddenly an event can cause an emotional response within us. Causing Anger, Sadness, Happiness, Elation, etc.

“We have to understand we are all one family.. When one member of one’s family is ill, it has an effect upon the rest of the family..In turn each person’s health is affected by the environment, community, society the whole world.. We all of us get to use our feelings and emotions as we use them to either feel strongly about global issues such as climate changes, famine, poverty and so on..adding our energy of greed, anger, hatred, guilt, sorrow or joy… it all adds to the mix.. Our family is sick, as we see many Nations now falling ill… So too our World is Sick.. she is being poisoned.

If we can change , the world can change..


“When we get a virus within our bodies our immune system kicks in to defend it.. We have to understand that we have become the Virus upon this planet.. WE are the ones destroying our environment.. We are the Cancer that is eating away at her..

When we can change our own values of living. And learn that we are ALL of us connected… The more we start and live in love and from our hearts instead of in Fear and anger, we will then start to see a world that works towards harmony and Peace..

It all starts with Self, as we begin to heal ourselves from within.. letting go of those emotions which affect our health and affect our world. We need to let go of Greed, Hate, Power and Control. 

To heal the world we have to see we are the community, we are the society we are the nation.. Once we change the way we think and perceive and behave.. We change the World…”

Everyone is looking outside of themselves for solutions!

May we all find LOVE in our hearts and begin to share it. 

© Sue Dreamwalker – 2012-2015

Joining the Light often leads us through the darkness first.

Life is often fraught with setbacks and the last thing most of us want to hear or think about when we are dealing with profound feelings of sadness is that deep learning can be found in this place. And how can you explain to someone who is grieving the loss of their loved one, or who has lost everything they own that in the midst of our pain of our overwhelming loss, to look for anything resembling a bright side to our suffering. Still, somewhere in our hearts we know that we will eventually emerge from the depths into the light of greater awareness. Remembering this truth, no matter how hard this seems, can help.

The other thing we often would rather not hear when we are dealing with intense sadness is that the only way out of it is through it. Dealing with our sadness takes the courage to believe that we can come through it to a brighter place.

Sadness and compassion are great teachers and through the Chaos and grieving processes of experience it often offers us the gift that at first we cannot see for the many tears we shed.

Many are shedding tears in the wake of Hurricane Sandy… this storm like many other violent storm that has raged across our planet through out time taking lives and homes leaves one asking the questions of why, as many awake to the Might of Mother Nature.

My heart goes out to all who are suffering and grieving after this huge storm and who are now trying to piece their lives back together.

Sadness is something we all go through, and each of us learn through our own individual experiences of sadness, which carry their own unique lessons, the implications of what we learn are universal.

Compassion for others who are suffering is one of those lessons and its only by going through our own pain we can understand and allow for someone else’s.

We gain much wisdom from going through the process of feeling loss, heartbreak and deep wounds.. each experience gives us access to the heart of humanity.. In the great symphony of life, we all have important parts to play. Now more than ever we need to use that instrument, our hearts, to build harmony within our world. 

Anything we do begrudgingly limits the flow of our energy and closes us off from the good that is available to us in every situation. But by giving the best in us to make the world around us better, we open ourselves to receive the best from the universe in return.

Our Earth Mother is showing us we need to pool that Compassion,helping us to open up our hearts to each other as we build those bridges of separateness to understand we are all one, and now is the time for humanity to pull together as One.   We are being shown we need to care and open our hearts in helping one another….We need to join together in  Light and Love ..

Joining The Light

The shafts of Light filter through my mind

Helping me see, illuminating the clouds of dark I find.

They shimmer and dance before my eyes

Cutting out the echoes of Human Cries

They shed their beam of truth

Lighting up the corridors of Time

As a knowing surrounds me, for I travel along its Ray

Listening and absorbing in all it has to say

It heals with its warmth,

As its colours reflect the prisms of thought.

Rainbows of light surround me, illuminating where shadows are naught

I ride upon it thread, as it takes me out from my shackled shell

Floating now in a sea of pure love

Forever here I wish to dwell

No Body,

No Time,

Just endless Peace,

What sweet release

I Dedicate my poem to all those affected and  who have lost loved ones in  Hurricane Sandy ..

© Sue Dreamwalker – 2012 All rights reserved.


Everyone is Looking!

We are all of us right now looking for something, whether it is peace, or our fortunes, we are all of us searching for something. It occurred to me today as I posted a reply to a post on Learning from Dogs to an excellent post called  Changing the Person: Me!  that we are all of us Looking for something.

In my reply I found myself on a roll as I found myself on my familiar soap box of saying that I agreed, Change comes from within.. something I am sure we all know needs to happen, but often we do not see the connection with the rest of the world.. For many see our own journeys as being separate and personal.

And yet the more I thought about what I had wrote, the more I wanted to express to others just how connected we ALL are within our Consciousness..

Many do not comprehend how consciousness works, even I am in ore at just how our experiences are interlaced but I will give it a go at explaining in simple terms…as I perceive it to be.. ( and even my own thoughts have been influenced along my journey by indoctrinated thoughts  I have encountered as have your own ) never forget that. This is why I think we search so hard to find the Truth of Life and Reality.

Our normal waking life is full of awareness, we think, and feel, and experience, we aspire, we dream, and have wants and needs. We perceive life through our awareness of ourselves and how others see us. We can be influences in those perceptions by others opinions, as we can feel good or bad about ourselves.. As we grow up perhaps feeling shy, confidant etc. So too we are influenced in our learning as we go through our schooling as we learn our history as we begin to gather to us our sets of beliefs of how this world was formed, and what roles we have played in it throughout history.

These are what can be called our Ego awareness, as our lives are shaped by those outer trappings of wanting and aspiring to be better, brighter, as we put ourselves into those different labels which are so familiar in our society and world, And  this is what separates us as we put limits upon ourselves within our various boxes .. 

But if you understand there is Ego, there is also Soul Consciousness, this is where our being senses we are something more than mere flesh and blood.. We are more than our bodies. This is the place where we use our intuition, where we search and can find peace within, and know beyond doubt that we are connected within to something far greater, which is the Divine Consciousness or God Consciousness what ever you wish to call the Divine Spirit of everything. It matters not what religion we believe in, for we agree there is Something far greater which has Divine Love and complete perfection within the Matrix of all life, which many choose to call God.

We have all seen events around our world, where anger has spilled out onto the streets in various conflicts which now affect different parts of the world. And we have seen how quickly this can spread… So those who have been following my blog will also know how much importance I have put into thinking Positive thoughts and putting Positive energy out there, for like a pebble in a pool of water it will spread out though our Collective Consciousness  just the same.. An example of that is how suddenly an event can cause an emotional response within us. Causing Anger, Sadness, Happiness, Elation, etc.

Today our World has become so engrossed in progress in technology and wealth we have forgotten our main provider.. In our race for Progress we have forgotten the People.. We have not only neglected each other and ourselves, we have neglected our Earth Mother..

I said on my comment reply

“We have to understand we are all one family.. When one member of one’s family is ill, it has an effect upon the rest of the family..In turn each person’s health is affected by the environment, community, society the whole world.. We all of us get to use our feelings and emotions as we use them to either feel strongly about global issues such as climate changes, famine, poverty and so on..adding our energy of greed, anger, hatred, guilt, sorrow or joy… it all adds to the mix.. Our family is sick, as we see many Nations now falling ill… So too our World is Sick.. she is being poisoned.

The only way to truly change our world is to first change ourselves.

If we can change , the world can change..

It is our sacred undertaking to re-connect with nature and start to heal ourselves and our planet..”

Everyone is looking at Climate Change, and not seeing the connection to ourselves.. I also said within my comment.

“When we get a virus within our bodies our immune system kicks in to defend it.. We have to understand that we have become the Virus upon this planet.. WE are the ones destroying our environment.. We are the Cancer that is eating away at her..

When we can change our own values of living. And learn that we are ALL of us connected… The more we start and live in love and from our hearts instead of in Fear and anger, we will then start to see a world that works towards harmony and Peace..

It all starts with Self, as we begin to heal ourselves from within.. letting go of those emotions which affect our health and affect our world. We need to let go of Greed, Hate, Power and Control.  To heal the world we have to see we are the community, we are the society we are the nation.. Once we change the way we think and perceive and behave.. We change the World…”

Everyone is looking outside of themselves for solutions!

Look no further than yourselves!…

And Change from within!

© Sue Dreamwalker – 2012 All rights reserved.

Keep following the Signs.

My day job enables me to travel on public transport quiet a lot as I support people to become more independent within their activities within the Community. And there are a couple of things that I hear within conversations on Buses and from others while stood waiting in groups of people above anything else, are the topics of the Weather and of Time and of course the usual materialistic topics of how everything has got so expensive. While everything seems to be falling apart.  

People are now sensing as they communicate with each other over the weird weather patterns we are all seeing occurring.And they nearly all comment upon the speeding up of time. As they ‘feel’ within them that something strange is occurring, but cant define what it is.

I look about my own Town, and its now a ghost town of its former self, as retail shops have closed leaving many streets now with their ‘To Let’ signs as the shops are boarded up.. Even the Thriving Market has become very thin on the ground.. Most preferring to park outside of Town and shop at the Huge Super-Market Halls..as Parking Fees reach new exorbitant  heights in Town.

Change is happening Everywhere.. and this is happening World Wide, not just here where I live. Technology too is seemingly taking on a new lease of life.. Everywhere I go, people no longer look up, they have their heads bent and ears plugged into their phones and IPods as the communicated word gets processed to Text, thx, Cu, and how G8 UR.

Not only are we seeing  change within our Weather Patterns  Etc. but we are seeing change within our own being, as those turbulent ripples have an internal affect upon our lives.. Many may not even come to realise it. As past issues surface, our Sleep Patterns alter, and we struggle with our emotions as everything around us seems to escalate as it throws us into a new experience.  Some of us are finding within our Beings that new sense of Peace and “Inner Balance”…  While many more are finding themselves ‘Out of Balance’ as their worlds are seemingly turned upside down as they experience new emotional turmoil’s.

Life is a circular journey….

..through our issues and processes. It is also why, whenever we work to release a habit, change a pattern, or overcome a fear, we often encounter that issue one last time, even after we thought we had conquered it. Often, when this happens, we feel defeated or frustrated that after all our hard work we are still dealing with the same problem. However, the reappearance of a pattern, habit, or fear, is often a sign that we have come full circle, and that if we can maintain our resolve through one last test, we will achieve a new level of mastery in our lives.

I have been having some strange Dreams of late, and I feel through them I have been working upon my own Past issues as various family members have surfaced within them and I have been able through dream state to converse and I hope at last release them.  I know too that more and more of us are having strange Dreams which are becoming increasingly vivid..

Our Earth has entered its own cycle, and is upon its own circular path. A path our Ancient Ancestors have long known we were upon. They have long known the Signs we would be given, and have tried via their various  teachings to show us that we are ALL of us connected..

We are Connected to our Earth Mother.

The many various emotions and states of being are tied in within our Earths own Magnetic Vibrations… We forget we are Energy Beings and as such we oscillate within our own frequency bands,,, Just like a Radio wave etc. So when the magnetic field of our Earth starts to change.. So we feel that Change… as we begin to alter from within..

Coming full circle is like stepping into a clearing where, for a moment, we can see where we came from and where we are standing at the same time. Remembering that we will be tested again is important, but it’s also important to pause and take a look at the ground we’ve covered, honouring our courage, our persistence, and our achievement. Then we can begin the next leg of our circular journey with a fuller understanding of where we are coming from. We are all of us given the ‘Signs’ along the way..

If we would but pause for a while to take note of them and follow our instincts. And understand that when we are presented with challenges that seem to big, We can look back at all the obstacles we have overcome, and see how far we have come upon our own journey.. For without those problems and challenges, and overcoming our Fears we would not be who we are today..

So Give thanks to those problems for as Richard Bach said ~quote,

 “Every problem has a gift for you in its hands”.

All of us will be challenged at some point in the near future. Remember how far we have come, and stop for a moment to congratulate yourself in your achievements, before we move onto the next Challenge…

And like a friend reminded me only today..

Remember also, we Signed up for this Journey to see our Earth  Mother complete her own circle.. As we head into that next phase of discovering Who we are..

Below is a clip from a talk Scientist Greg Braden gave in 2011 I think.. which illustrates exactly that which I speak of..

Here is Another colour to add to your Box

~Another Piece of your Puzzle

Sue Dreamwalker

Greg Braden ~ ~”Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.”

Messages from Spirit Communicators.

Circle of Light


Honor the Sacred.
Honor the Earth, our Mother.
Honor the Elders.
Honor all with whom we share the Earth:-
Four-leggeds, two-leggeds, winged ones,
Swimmers, crawlers, plant and rock people.
Walk in balance and beauty.

~Native American Elder~

As promised I said I would post more upon the subject of Dolphins, and spirit communication.. These excepts were taken from  my own Spiritual Circle from  a Trance communication when we had a Q and A session.in 2007. The Communicator was a Native American Indian, And I channelled his answers during a Trance Session, as our group had many questions to put forward.

One such question touched upon the animal Kingdom.

Q.  It is regarding our animal kingdom; Can we actually tune into those vibrations from the animals. And can we learn lessons from them, through connecting one’s mind and one’s aura to the animals? Can we seek peace in doing this?

A.  You can learn many many lessons from the animal kingdom. The animal kingdom has chosen also to embark upon its own evolution within the earth’s realm. They have their own spirit, for they are spirit. The animals can communicate to each other. You can also communicate to the animals through the thought process. If you develop those thought processes and attune them to those of the animal kingdom. The animal kingdom has come to learn the human element of the earth. Also many lessons. The animals will help you to feel compassion to feel love. They also to make you feel gratitude, for do they not lay down their lives in order that you feed from them?

They come to this plane of existence knowing full well their destiny. But many of your animal kingdom, are also at this time feeling the vibration of the earth. For they are more in tune with the earths vibration than any human spirit.

And some of your animal kingdom is electing to leave this planet. Be aware, be aware and take notice. For not only the animals of the land. But also the aquatic life will also leave this earth plane. The whales have been persecuted, so have your dolphin.. They sing their songs in lament, and they weep.

But they are loyal, like most animals that you come into contact with; in regard to your, what you call your ‘pets’.

So too the aquatic life is there for a purpose. You do not see, you cannot understand within the limitations of your own human mind at this moment in time the results of what the animal kingdom do. But let me tell you, that when the whale sings and the dolphin cries, they do not just communicate to each other, they create a vibration of sound. That’s seals itself around your earth plane. It is helping to heal the Earth. And once they have done their job, they will elect to leave. Be aware, be aware……..

More questions were asked by our group members on different subjects, then R of our group asked.

Q. Ron: could I take you back to the question of the animals leaving the Earth. You said that when the whales and the dolphins had done their job and they had put their protective barrier of sound around the planet, or I might have misunderstood that. But that’s how I understood the statement. They would leave the earth. Did you mean as a complete species? Or as individuals?

A.  No brother, many of the dolphin and of the whale, many of your whales in your past were persecuted, were they not? They were yes. Many of your dolphins now, are they not dying needlessly? Absolutely,

The remaining dolphin the remaining whales have a specific purpose to do. Not just to exist within the ocean as a species of whale or dolphin, and to carry out their aquatic life. But like as souls they have come to this plane for a purpose. Whether they realise that purpose or not. Do you understand? And that purpose for many of the dolphin is with their creation of their clicks and sonar, and the whales with their sonar song is to help create a web around the plane of your earth. In order to heighten your vibration of your earth plane.

This has been going on not just in your lifetime. Do you understand? Yes I do. And it will continue in not just your lifetime but in the futures lifetime. We speak not just in time, as you know it. But as when the earth and her vibration will change. For then, for then my friend their job will be done. Do you understand now? Yes I do. It’s just that it breaks my heart that we have persecuted such beautiful species that are here specifically to help us and…….

My friends, my friend, you as a species do not just persecute the animal kingdom. You persecute each other. I know. And we from our realm have, and I as a soul, have also been upon that path of persecution. But we progress, we learn. We lift up our hearts to the light. And we learn. Mankind my friend has to learn. And you as a group upon this plane of existence, like many more likeminded souls, at this moment in time upon your earth. Are helping to bring about that change that is needed. You cannot see it, you cannot sense it. You may feel it so slightly. But that change my friends will come. And you are, and be thankful for that you are part of it.

We salute you. For we cannot do it by ourselves from our realm. You within this group are warriors of light. Go forward with love, with truth in your hearts. And hold your heads up high, and speak that truth.

Do not let not no man put you down for what you believe to be true.

For your standing firm in your beliefs will enable you to go forward in your own progression. But not only in your own progression, you are also helping the progression of mankind as a species. This is on going my friends, on going.

Does that answer your question? (Yes it does thank you.)

Q. Group member K: ok my question is this. How do we go about, I may phrase this wrong. How do we spread the light into the world as individuals and as a group? What is the best way forward? I don’t like to preach to people I feel it’s wrong, preaching.

A. That is an easy question to answer friend. To spread the light to people as an individual is to be true to one’s self.

Go out and speak only the truth. Do not judge, do not criticise another for an action, for you cannot understand why that individual is creating that action at that moment in time.

So do not judge another. Feel peace in your heart brother, and love. These are things that are simply said. But sometimes the simplest things as I believe we over heard you say earlier, are the hardest things to do. Yes.

Be simple. Keep it simple. I try to be simple ( Group chuckled).

Smile my friend smile; create with that smile that love that is felt deep within your heart. For you have a pure heart. Let it shine. And as you let it out, and let it shine, so you will find that those around you will also see that light within your own heart. And will shine back at you.

You will come across brother, many upon that path who would like to extinguish that light. That goes for all within this circle.

For believe me wherever there is two or three lights are gathered together, there is one light lurking a darker shade always lurks within the corner, ready to pounce.

It is the way of positive and negatives my friends. It is a Universal law that there has to be the opposites in order for each to exist. But we say my friend Light prevails. It will prevail over your Earth, but the dark side, the negative side, will always be in pursuit. Keep your joy and love in your heart.And that is how you spread the light. Has that answered your question?

Perfectly thank you.

It is my belief that this Grid around our Earth is now being activated in various places around our World.. The Dolphins have played a part in that activation as have the Whales..For all of us are playing our parts in helping our Earth Mother and ourselves Evolve and move into that Higher Vibration and embrace the ‘Light’

Many of our Dolphin are now electing to leave this planet.. Some say its because their Sonar is being affected by the magnetic forces around our planet altering… What ever it is, we have to agree that Changes are taking place around our planet which is affecting our aquatic and bird life.  Just follow some of these links to see just how many are leaving in the beginning of this year alone.Thanks go out to The Extinction Protocol on WordPress for all these links..And I have only touched upon a few.. 




Keep searching and seeking and Living from your hearts and understand that there is More to this Earth than the Human Race and our Material existence..


Humankind has not woven the web of life.
We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.
All things are bound together.
All things connect.
~ Chief Seattle, 1854 ~

© Sue Dreamwalker – 2012 All rights reserved.

The Time is NOW!

Now more than ever is the Time we have to join together and Unite our Thoughts. I have been sensing for some time that I need to up my game as I need to get a message across..All of my life I have felt as if I had a mission to accomplish. With each passing day I feel that more and more of us are joining in on that mission..

One of my new friends I have met on WordPress is Vision Keeper  I am promoting her Blog here as she speaks with amazing wisdom on her Blog posts One World Rising She has recently opened a page for shared ideas as to how we can go forward in helping each other go forward and make our world a better place..  you can visit her by clicking the links..

We all of us need to Send our thoughts of PEACE and Unity into our Earth Plane and we need to sit in that silence  space within ourselves and…

‘Feel’ that ‘Peace’ and send out with our Hearts Love to the World

This is one way ALL of us can help Heal our World and help heal ourselves into the bargain as we Meditate and go within. As we once again balance ourselves with those energies of peace. 

Our EARTH MOTHER and Mankind Need our

Unity of Oneness like at no other time.. 

This world is on the brink of change.. and each of us are aware of Rumblings of our Earth Mother are gathering momentum. Both in the Seismic activities around our globe, weather patterns, and seeing the mass exodus of various species of our Nature  

I am a great believer in synchronicities and straight after posting my last post “ Fitting the Pieces Together”, I opened this Video update in my YouTube account.. Please I ask that you watch and use your own thoughts to create a peaceful bubble around that part of the world. And around yourselves and your families…

One of the ways in which you can help is by

Staying in the Point of Love… Feeling Joy and Laughter.

Focus on the positive in your life not the negative..    

And know that all is as it should be… But we can by adding our collective thoughts to the consciousness It will help this transition be a smoother ride..

Love and Blessings to you ALL

And thank you for all of your contributions with your continued support and your most welcome Comments.

© Sue Dreamwalker – 2012 All rights reserved.



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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