An Easter Message. We seem to have forgotten..

A simple Heart. A Gift .

How can we not forget that Simple Message, that gets so distorted in the name of religion as that Love is turned away from in distrust, destruction and disillusion as we see nations war throughout the ages in the name of religion.

How do we make this distrusting disharmonious world a better place to live? 

We all but need to do just One Thing, and if we did this One Thing, we would be amazed at the Peace it would bring, We would be amazed at the Power it would generate.

That One thing is so Simple

“Be Kind and Love One another”

Be Kind to one another, and how often do we fall short of being Kind, How often do we judge, criticize and become arrogant?

This one adjustment to our lives, this one Simple attitude, ensuring we try to Be Kind in our thoughts, Be Kind  in our Words, and Be Kind in our Actions.

We have lost so much in our pursuit of Materialism, we have forgotten those principles of that Simple Message,

of Living from our Hearts Centre.

Mankind has to understand he is part of the Great Universe, Part of Creation and the Creator and that he is co-creating his present World. His Heart once again needs to open up and awaken and once again radiate outwards this Great Love..

The Love the Great Master the Nazarene taught, and who lived not for himself, for his own Glory, but he came to show Mankind the Error of his Thinking, the error of his ways, showing how it was to Be Kind to one another and how he served his fellow man, healing the sick, bringing comfort to those in sorrow, Helping those less fortunate.

Love is the one theme in all religions on earth,

and we should try to learn to express that love in our service of helping each other.

Each are a Universe unto ourselves, The Centre or Son of our Universe the Heart, not the Head.  And the SUN is a central point within our Solar System. So too is our Hearts the Centre of our Universe.

The Spiritual Counterpart of the physical Sun is the Christ-Light

The Sun is now sending out its solar flares, Awakening our Minds and affecting our Hearts as the solar system aligns and our physical bodies are governed by the Stars, for we are All connected Consciously .

We Need now to start and find once again that Light of Being within, and whether you are a religious person or not. It matters Not. We should all now be aware as we feel it within our Being, that We, Mankind, needs to once again Live from that Hearts Centre, and put the Kindness Back into this World.

Easter Holds a Message for everyone, One where a man laid down and gave his life to get this Simple Message across.. so that you could find that love within yourselves. ..

His message was to Love one another..

 “I am the resurrection and the life,”

We are now awakening once again to that Higher Vibration of Being.. And All we need do is to live from our Hearts in order to ascend to that Glorious Place that was spoken of. 

Allow your HEARTS to Open to that Love once more..

And Lets all just do that ONE SIMPLE THING!

“Be Kind And Love One another”

Blessings.. This Easter.. to you ALL.. I will be away a couple more days and then be catching you up.. I am having a Brilliant creative Time …

Love ~Sue~   

© Sue Dreamwalker – 2012-2014-2023 All rights reserved.

My thanks to Robert, for this graphic

~A Gift.  A Simple Heart. ~



I posted this way back in 2014…. But I thought I would resurrect it once again… For its message is so simple…. ALL we need do is LOVE…

💖 Have a wonderful Easter Everyone.. 💖

What Can I Give to the New World?



What can I give to this New World that is Immerging?

I think that most of us are aware how fast our Earth is changing… and even if one is not Spiritually aware, then they only have to look back over the last 100 yrs to see how far it seems mankind has progressed if he views the world through material eyes to see the progress of technology.

But as we seemingly progress within this world of gadgetry, We are also losing something along the way.. We are losing our Kindness to each other.. Man-Kind is no longer so ‘Kind’ to his fellow man. He has lost much along the road of Progression in his pursuit of material wealth. For Greed and much selfishness has overtaken values as respect for each other and our Earth Mother as they have taken a sidestep in favour of ownership and control..

What sort of World do we want in the future?

And what can we do to help our Earth and ourselves transcend this time of turbulence which I see immerging on the sea of thoughts we all give out.

We hear much of Earth Changes and Climate Changes, but what changes are we making? We hear about our Earth’s Vibrations altering, But what are we doing to alter our own vibrations as we evolve with her..

What have we done to our Earth Mother?

One thing I do know, is that Life is an every flowing circle.. And as we so give out, so shall it return to us.. We have for a long while been creating the Wheel of Karma, We have spun the clay upon our wheels making the vessels in which we hold our values. And one by one we have smashed them into the ground, as we turned to making weapons of war, We have used the Wheel to dig into our Earth as we have plundered her minerals and fossil fuels and oil.. And we have turned away from each other..

What can I give to this New World that is immerging?

All of us have important roles to play. We need not be Guru’s or Spiritual Teachers, Or Light-workers or any other such Enlightened Being.. Because we are ALL of us Special.. We ALL of us are here at this moment in time because we agreed to come and be part of this process of Change..

We are all an instrument, and all we have to do is tune into our inner most selves as we add our ‘notes’, our ‘vibration’ to that of the Earths.. We are all of like a huge Orchestra, ok some of us maybe a little rusty in following the music score.. While others may not even read the music to start with.. Some maybe just out of practice and need a little encouragement. Some may well be way out of tune.. While some find the harmony and others sing Soprano and take the lead.. But we are all of us Playing our instruments the best we know how..

All it takes is a little practice to get the balance right. By giving the very best in us and by being the best we can be.. In Giving out our love and Kindness to each other, we open ourselves up to receiving the best back from the Universe in return. The Wheel the circle always comes back to the starting point..

‘What we give so shall we receive.’

We are Energy beings, and when we ‘Give’ we enable that energy to flow freely. When we are begrudging we stem that flow of energy as it closes us off from that Positive Flow. We restrict and deny ourselves from progressing spiritually.

When an orchestra plays together in unity we hear a symphony of Harmonious Sound.. It only needs just One player out of Key doing less than their best, which could destroy the whole of the melody.

The time is upon us when we need to once again cast our Clay upon the wheel of life and turn ourselves around and mould ourselves into Harmonious Beings which once again hold inside the abundance of love not the abundance material wealth. We need to hold within that Kindness

When we all start to once again Care..

And Hold Love in your hearts And Let Go of Fear..

We will indeed have created a New Harmonious New Earth..


© Sue Dreamwalker – 2012 All rights reserved.

The Above post I wrote back in 2012…. The Meme is the only new addition as is the quote ..  It is time now for us all to step up and practice what we preach…  And look in the mirror of who we are, and what it is we are seeing being reflected back to us via  humanity, and those who think themselves in charge and who rule us.   IF we do not now open our eyes to that which is being projected out, and you have not yet seen the Programmed Tyranny being rolled out,  then you are already lost… I for one do not consent to my freedoms of speech being taken, or that of my rights of my body my choice and my freedom of movement to be taken…. The last time these choices of our Human Rights were taken to this level in what is now a vast experiment now being perpetrated upon mankind, was in the Nuremburg Trials… Think on it…. DO your Research! and if you have not yet open your eyes, then open your computers and start digging… You may well have to dig deep because much now has already been censored.  

All Tyranny Needs to gain a foot hold is for people of good conscience to remain silent!

~ Thomas Jefferson

Waking Up takes Time! But we need to see it and feel it for ourselves before we believe it.


 Most of you who follow my site, know I am for the most part,a rational human being, with common sense, who has Spiritual connections that over the years have developed also into an ‘Intuitive Knowing’ as I ask and connect to that higher realm to which all of us are connected to. …

I cannot explain it other than you just KNOW… And yet you cannot say how you know or explain it… I am adding some more of my automatic writings at this time.  This was written way back in January 2007.  Little did I know then the deeper meaning to these words I posted way back, which on re-reading would drive home more urgency as to the message this group of beings were trying to convey back then. 

Now, as I read this channelled communication  again, it brings me added comfort during these challenging times..   The words were written quickly within my journal as you see them presented below. I never pause to think for in doing so puts your own left brain into gear which can influence them..  My invitation for those words to form began with me asking the question in blue italics .. 

To those of you who want to understand more about Automatic Writing my good friend Debby over at wrote an excellent article on the subject.

Photo by cottonbro on

5th January 2007.

Happy New Year Book.

I welcome those from the higher realms. I ask that you bring forward any wisdom you feel I need to know at this time……….


Child of light you need not fear. Many of us at this your Earth time of need are gathering on the outer reaches of your Universe, making ready with the preparations needed shortly for the energy shifts needed within your sphere of existence.

We are not of your solar system. But have been chosen in part for our neutral observations. However there are a collective of us that have formed a Council, who now wish to oversee the changes. And help with guidance towards lightening the denseness from your planet. You must realise that your vibrations felt as a whole within the planet is having repercussions in the Ether.

You cannot possibly  be aware of what is liken to an invisible grid that not only connects your earth energies together around your own planet, but it also extends outward into space. These invisible grids you cannot see carry sound or Light waves. These are made up of energy. Your planet is likening to an electronic pulse. And resonates within a certain frequency. The beat is on a low-key level and to align it to the grid, the key or vibration needs to be lifted higher to another level. So allowing the density of matter to switch and become lighter. The vibration will then alter.

We are a Council of watches who want to make your Earths transition less chaotic.

You child of light and many more like-minded are helping with this transition. Now is the time for your programming to awaken. And to fulfil what your incarnation intended.

Many such souls as yourselves will act as beacons of light. And knowledge will pour down into pools of light energy centres.

You may find yourself facing ridicule and tests. But keep your resolve and stand firm.

You will be given proof of undeniable proportions if you stand firm.

You will deliver a truth of much importance and it shall be spoken to many.

All we ask child of light is to keep the faith, and let not thy fellow man put you asunder.

The human mind wanders, we are aware of this. Keep vigil over your energy, your Light bodies. We send you many teachings within the mind. But you as yet do not have the key or code to access the information. We down load it through the light waves. But you are mostly unaware.

The energy changes are afoot. And have started to change in form. Your bodily DNA is now in a stage of transformation. Your scientists are aware of subtle changes within the body’s makeup. Many of your newborn will favour this change and sense more, and communicate with thoughts.

We would ask that practice of such will be beneficial and you will be amazed at its success. We ask it not to be as a game. But in serious tones. Do not use frivolous means. But use matters of the heart, these will carry more vibration of feeling, and can be attuned to better.

So your success in retrieving information from each other will be more accurate.

Global warming as ‘you’ say is having its affect. But your vibrations are far more dangerous to the well-being of your planet.

Many times your planet has almost shut its self down and rejuvenated itself to once again the living library of the Universe, as you know it.

We are not as you. Our home is not as your planet. And yet our planet is inter-linked with yours, as every thing is inter-linked.

We say Child of light. Sit and let the higher Rays float down into your conscious mind. And speak unconsciously the words given as you allow them to flow from your pen.

Be not afraid. And do not judge, least yourself, do not judge, for wisdom will abound. And Trust will be needed. But we child have faith.

You also need to keep the faith. And let the Light of Truth Flow free.

You Council of Elders who sit and watch and are awaiting the Light.

And so it shall be.


So dear friends the words above were added confirmation from those Higher realms, that  my pen may well take on the challenge of Trusting again the words that deeply flow..  Words that need to be spoken, in Truth and within Love, for we all of us now need to Wake Up and think outside of our boxes and prepare to be awoken to the reality of our existence and the games being played with our lives, and those of our Children’s Future..

We now need to step up to the plate and be counted, as we owe it ourselves to dive deeper not only into ourselves, but to research deeper into All the information we are fed. When you search outside of the box, you may well be surprised to learn a whole different reality than the illusion we are presented with. 

Many thanks for reading and I look forward to hearing your thoughts. 

Ascension Timeline Meditation For Global Healing💖

 This is Now our chance to send healing into the World..  Your thoughts NOW are So, important. 

Let Go of Fear, And Send out your Love 

The Times for this Mass Meditation can be found on the link in my previous post  Ancient Wisdom~  In Gratitude

I shall be setting my alarm early as the time here in the UK will be 4:45am … I found the video below ‘almost’ by accident  this evening, as I was making sure I had the times correct. I saw the link on the website to these video’s the one below helps you visualise and send healing into the world… And whether you believe in Mass Consciousness or not, it would not do any harm to just send your thoughts as you wish everyone healed and well …  Every thought helps in this critical time  when we must focus upon a world we want in the future… Not on want we don’t want..  

Let go of fear, and instead fill your hearts with love . As you send out your healing thoughts of a world already healed, vibrant, healthy and thriving both in our Nations, our communities and in our families. 

Our thoughts are so much more powerful than anyone of us can imagine… For it is our thoughts which creates and manifests our reality…  

See you all in the Cosmic Web of Consciousness…. 

Love and Blessings… 


 [Comments Are Closed For this Post.]

Ancient Wisdom~ In Gratitude..

Ancient Wisdom 

Reaching out across the skies

I call to you, to hear my cries

A Breath I take, you breathe in deep

My soul to you I give to keep


A meadow soft with daisy chains

A land of dreams to keep me sane

Of mirrored lakes and Forests grow

Where seeds are words to plant and sow


Rise and fall are states of mind

And Happiness to Seek and Find

As memories surface, embracing self

With words of wisdom likes books on shelf


Dreams remembered friendships forged

A land of plenty where greed has gorged

United thoughts of change to start

And love is ruler of empty hearts


My arrow cast my aim is high

As ancient wisdom gives a sigh

Freeing man of burdens heavy

Chains are cut, let’s hold on steady


A place of Peace where thought is pure

A land of bliss no pain endured

So close your eyes and come and see

As Ancient Wisdom wakes you and me..

By Sue Dreamwalker.© 2003-2020.


 Join me in a Global Mediation on the 4th of April in sending Healing and love into the world, what ever your beliefs, our thoughts of healing and love are needed now more than ever before.. I was given this link and feel I need to share  in calling for the help of One Million Meditators to join in this Global meditation 


Focus your intention each and every day on the world you wish to wake up in tomorrow, and every day thereafter…

Let go of fear, remember what we focus our attention upon is what we are creating… 

So if we focus upon what we don’t want that too is being amplified….. 

 So those who are called to do so  will click the link….We all have a choice, we all have free will…  One thing many of us now have more of, is TIME… Time to contemplate, Time to explore our inner most thoughts, and Time to give to your inner most dreams… 

Your thoughts  will be your gift to your experience..

  What we think is what we create.. 

We All have more Time to Listen… I hope you will listen to the words by Estas Tonne in this 30 minute beautiful film…  Really Listen to his words as you enjoy the music and the beautiful nature.. 

Many thanks for your collective thoughts sent out into the world… Each Positive thought is vital in helping heal the Earth and dispel our fear.. 

So  try to focus upon what it is you DO Want… Visualise it in the now.. Close your eyes and envision a world healthy and free, vibrant and thriving.. 

P.S to this post… I just came in after our National Clapping of thanks and Gratitude where all in the UK at 8pm were asked to come onto their doorsteps and clap for the Carers, the NHS staff, those who are Keyworkers helping keeping things going…  The ENERGY was Electric!!!!!!…. Imagine a whole nation clapping in gratitude… 

Now Imagine a whole World sending Healing and LOVE… The Shift in our Consciousness begins with Us… 

Sending you all so much love, stay well… Stay positive, and let go of fear…. 

💖Much LOVE 💖


Creating a Better World.. Inside and Out..

Petals create this bird each a separate piece to create the whole.

Below are  some of the words I wrote back in 2013, with a few little tweaks..  I know many of you may not have read them back then.  Since writing this post six yrs ago I  have worked hard on clearing the trauma’s of emotional baggage we all of us carry in my own healing journey..  And I have come to understand oh so much more about our reality, that is as I have said before, Nothing like we have been taught… 

And if I can discover the truth, anyone can, if they have the courage to dare dive deeper into History of this Earth, as well as diving deeper into themselves.  Because we all first need to go within and discover the hidden truth about ourselves. For only then, as we learn to let go of past conditioning. and as  we re-learn how to love and respect ourselves.. Only then, will we be capable of respecting and loving others in this world..

Since retreating into my creative cocoon last month, I have found it even more difficult to emerge, and communicate what is at my heart. So when in doubt, I don’t.   But the one thing I wish to convey more than anything else at this moment in time, is to say we are all of us Co-creators of this world.. What each of us are thinking, how each of us are acting, is creating our future reality.. 

If we join in the blame game, and we allow ourselves to get stressed, taking sides in judgemental finger pointing in this deliberate manipulation of mind-control-games, we are playing straight into the hands of those negative beings who think they control us. 

This world is evolving just as we humans are, and its been constantly changing for trillions of years. This is but another stage in that transition process. And whether we remember it or not, we chose to be here at this time to help ourselves remember and raise our frequencies to move us beyond this third dimensional level we now find ourselves held within. 

We are a collective, and the more of us who embrace the frequency of love, kindness, compassion and tolerance, the more we will find we will create that into our immediate existence.. What we think is what we create.. We all of us have such great powers to tap into that we have no concept of our abilities in changing our reality.. 

Its all so very simple… We dear friends are VibrationAnd that which we focus upon is that which we create..  So if we are focusing our intent on this outer chaotic madness, anger, frustration, division and lack, that is what we will attract and create in our reality.. But if we focus our intent on inward peace, loving ourselves,…. sending love into the world and feeling harmony and balance within, this is what we will generate into the world..  This Choice is ours..  WE are the Change, and We have to learn how to change our ways of treating each other. 

You dear friends who have landed upon this page to read, are all so very important cogs in this evolutionary wheel we are all upon.. For it is our choices which will create our New World.. And I know which  kind of world I wish to live out my remaining years here on Earth. I hope you will understand If I do not get back to your comment immediately on this post only, as I am still taking time out until the New Year and this post is scheduled to post, but don’t be surprised if I land upon your doorstep, I am gradually reconnecting with your posts when I am able.. 

Sending you all so much love and gratitude as we continue upon our heartfelt  journeys which have joined us together seeking the same pathway back to the source of Love.. Our Great Spirit~ Prime Creator.. 

Many, Many Thanks  to you All.. And wishing you all a very Happy 2020 and Beyond!

May we all Be the Change we want to see in Our World

Below the post written in 2013.

We are one, this I have said many times, and we are One with the Universe whether we realise it or not.  But once you understanding this it helps our spiritual growth and allows us access to those higher realms.

Save our Earth.. we are One And once our awareness opens to the fact  that we are more than just physical beings living this one life in one place of time, we see that we are indeed connected to that Cosmic Energy. And we are Infinite Beings upon our own particular Journey’s 

Many are now starting to Re-awaken to the truth and take a step forward, and upward, on our soul’s journey. This  movement upward is  what many call ascension, because the more we remember who we are as we open ourselves up to the Truth of who we are, the higher our energy vibrates.. We are all of us Vibration, a subject I have often spoken of before.

Many people are not even aware of such ideas, while  others are opening up and finally seeing the signs and are at last paying attention to them.. We are seeing, and feeling these changes in our world, our sixth senses are telling us something is happening, and yet many can not quite put their fingers on it..While many more are opening up and seeing Change is needed if we are to progress, and are understanding what those changes are.  They see that our monetary systems and governing powers need reform. And that Kindness needs to be put back into Mankind, as the corrupt are uncovered. 

Light-workers and Spiritual guru’s have devoted their lives to deepening our understanding of the truth. All these people are on the path of ascension, but we each are on our own particular journey of ascension at different rates. We do not suddenly get lifted to exit this planet, we ALL have to do the internal work on raising our own vibration. Which means we need to check our thoughts, look at what is reflected back at us daily, and begin to understand we raise our frequencies by becoming more tolerant of others, as we stop our judgemental attitudes of labelling each other into different classes.. We are all part of the whole, each fragment experiencing their own experience which we create.. 

Many thought something spectacular would happen with the Mayan calendar date of Dec 21 2012 and many I  know were left kind of in limbo of what happens next? 

Each  of us chooses its own  particular path. Many are finding past emotions surfacing and triggering trauma and emotional responses. Its as though we are being given an opportunity to face our fears and also complete unfinished Karmic debt, as the wheel is now fullas I explained in one of my previous posts..

Remembering who we are and why we are here isn’t that straight forward, for we are all of us subject to amnesia once we enter this Earth realm. But we are helped and are being guided by those in spirit.. We are being nudged to remember, and we are all of us sensing we need to change… We know we are damaging our world beyond repair, and are witnessing our weather pattern changes as a result..We are seeing the Respect for each other and our animal kingdom eroding.  We need to change our ways and time is running short.

But what we must not do is to buy into Fear.. for Fear lowers our vibration..

In recent days I have been re-reading many of books which opened up my own thinking way back in the early 90’s. These authors  are at the forefront of an important process of raising the energetic vibration of the whole planet.

While I could give you a long list of those authors, reading another’s words will not awaken you fully.. You have to dig deep within your own soul and by adding those pieces of information which we gather along our journey  we then come to our own state of awareness which opens our hearts to understand we are infinite beings evolving through our experiences upon this physical plane of material matter,the vibration of which is also dense..  We are constantly striving to raise our vibration higher as we evolve and seek to join the light. 

The earth is made of the same energy  as we are, and is also undergoing this shift along with us. This evolutionary process, while it may seem chaotic, is a natural process such as that which unfolds a flower from a seed and we are all part of it. We are all of us part of that Flower of life.. And we are pushing our way through some tough times to bloom..

The best way to help this process in yourself and in the world is simply to relax and be open to its unfolding. Listen to your inner guidance, and let it guide you to the path that brings your heart the most happiness. Follow your intuition and listen to that Inner voice.. Its there to guide you at all times

And know we are here at this time because we chose to be here..

And if we want the world to become a better place for our children’s children then its Up to Each and Everyone of us to take a look at making sure our Choices count for a better World to Emerge..

Blessings Sue Dreamwalker


Garden of Life!

I hope you have all had a wonderful Easter Break.

May I just thank all who are my regular readers here for all of your wonderful contributions to comments I appreciate you all. Also may I say welcome to all new followers  which have been many who have joined this year. I hope you enjoy browsing and reading.

Over the Easter weekend, we have spent many hours in our garden, planting seeds and weeding out.. So time for writing a new post has been limited.. So looking for inspiration I looked through my WP archives and came upon this aptly named post. Which I will re-schedule and post again .. Enjoy..


 Today I was reminded once again about Seeds, as I was updating and deleting many of my  Old Word Documents today I came across this piece I wrote back in 2007. And as nothing is ever by Chance!  It was part of a post I did on a forum. It didn’t have a title and I can’t even remember if I posted it .. But I will give it a title today..

Scattered Seeds of Thought.

Are we not all seeds? Have we not all been scattered?

Some may have fallen upon what is termed ‘the good earth’.

Whereby some may feel they have had all the benefits of a rich material upbringing.

Some seeds scattered may have felt they missed the ploughed furrow, the less fortunate circumstances,  but have still had a good foundation in which to grow.

And others have fallen upon the rocky edges where they have struggled to extend their roots to draw upon the nourishment and courage to grow, and have shriveled in their insecurities.

While others get entangled within the weeds, as they flounder, seeking to find themselves but being overshadowed by others until the wheat is no longer recognizable.

We may feel that it is the farmer’s hand of fate which determines where we shall fall?

But does not every seed have within it the same potential of growth?

Does not each seed no matter upon which ground it falls extends its roots downward searching for that nourishment which to feed from?

Does it still not lift its head and bend searching for the light?

Each of us has that potential to grow to bloom no matter what path we find ourselves upon.

I have witnessed many beautiful flowers that have fallen into crevices upon my concrete pathway, which I have marveled that they have taken root and bloomed.

And I have often wondered at the strength of the weed, as I have seen the dandelions push there way through solid tarmac growing healthily and strong.

And I have planted many a good plant in good fertile earth, fed and fussed over it, only to have it wilt and die

We have many fertile fields awaiting us. And that there are millions of different seeds we can sow.

But we must bring to our attention to the seed within, the strength we need to find starts within that centre of our Being.

To unfold ourselves to the warmth of the sun

We need to reach forever upward to allow ourselves to absorb that life giving


It is only ourselves that give us Labels. It is only ourselves who determines what is a weed and what is a flower..

Within Our Earth Mothers Garden we are all equal in beauty all of us grow from the same beginnings.. We each of us start life as  a seed..

The Harvest of Life is  soon about to show us 

What we Sow, so shall we Reap..

May we Keep Planting LOVE, HARMONY and PEACE. 

© Sue Dreamwalker – 2012 -2017All rights reserved.

My World~ Our Mother



My World, Our Mother


I sit within my own space looking out at upon the world

And what I see upsets me, as events unfurl.

Strong that I am, for I came to be part of the ALL

I play my role, even though that part is small.

I try to spread a little light along the rugged road

And open up our thoughts to lighten up the load

But sometimes I can’t shake the disappointments of our Earth

And others need to remind me, of my inner self and worth

The division between the nations, the wars, the suffering

Help me put into perceptive my own minds meanderings

One thing I know for certain, is that united we must stand

And not let our differences stop us from reaching out our hands

In helping fellow beings as events begin to unfold

And let them know we care, so reach out to them and hold.

For alone we think we stand, and yet many see their plight

And awaken to the knowledge of our Earth’s daily fight

Spread Peace to each other, don’t get caught up within the Fear

And light will illuminate the darkness as Earth she sheds a tear

For she is another victim, who now shouts out in pain

And her only voice is thunder, lightning, earthquakes, rain.

So join your hands together and repeat these words with me

We Bless you Mother Earth, and thank you gracefully

I sit now in my space, sending prayers out to the world

And ask that I be stronger, as I watch events unfurl.



©  Sue Dreamwalker  201 6 All rights reserved.

As we send out our thoughts throughout the world for healing and for Peace, I thought you may like to join in a Global Meditation which is to take place on the 17th January with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, join him in a One World One Meditation

 On this date He will ‘lead an online meditation where thousands across the globe will start the New Year by meditating for global peace. The event will be streamed over Facebook from 8 PM IST onwards and will be open to all.’

I am not on FB, but Nihar kindly supplied me with the Links Below. 

Times are 6:30 PST~ 14:30 GMT ~20:00 IST on the 17th January 2016

Love And Blessings


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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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Part Two E-book of True Awakening Experiences, complied by Barbara Franklin and WordPress Friends.


2012 Acrylic Painting Acrylics Akiane Kramarik. Allotment Allotment. Self Sufficiency Allotments Answers art Arts and Crafts Ascension Automatic Channelled Writing Avaaz Awaken Awakening Awards Awareness Balance Books Butterfly Caring change Changes Children Choices Climate Change Community compassion Consciousness. Consciousness. Community Consciousness. Illusions Conservation Crafts creativity Darkness Diving Deeper Dreams Earth Earth Changes Earth Day Earth Mother Earth Shift Elder Tree Emotions Energies Energy Enlightenment Environment. Faith Family Fear Flowers Food Freedom Friends Gaia Garden Gardening Gifts Gratitude Gregg Braden Growing your own Grow your own Halloween happiness Harmony Healing Health Heart Hearts Hobbies Illusion Indigenous people Inner thoughts Inspired Intuition journey joy Kindness Knitting life Light Lightworkers love Mankind Mass Consciousness Matrix Mayan Calendar Media meditation mind Monsanto Mother Earth music Native American Indians Nature New Earth News Ocean Oneness Painting Paintings Pastel Drawings. Peace Personal Responsibility Perspective Planet Earth Planting Poem poems Pollution Positive Positive Thinking Prayer Remembrance Day Samhain Scotland Seeds Self Sufficiency Shift Short Stories. Signs Soul Sound Spirit Spiritual Spring Storms The Great Purification thoughts Time Trancend transformation. transformation. Energy Travel Trees Truth Unity Unity Consciousness Universe Vegetables Vibration. Vision Quest Walking War Watercolour Painting Weather web world World Peace

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