Dry Your Tears! You have a Mission!

Clematis and – Everlasting-Sweetpeas

 The Woman lay looking into her heart, trying to fathom its depths. This melancholy ache of sorrow that swept into her bones, penetrating every cell of her being.

The silence once her beautiful friend, now devoured her in its void of blackness. No matter how loud she called, only the perpetual hissing of static crackled in her ears.

She wanted so desperately to escape her self-imposed prison. Each new day she gave thanks for her countless blessings, giving thanks for natures gifts.  She would work with Mother Earth, tilling the soil, tending her garden, smiling at the miracles of growth as she watched the seeds she had planted grow and mature to bare fruit.

She was given the gift of words, of compassion and understanding, which she spread around like confetti, showering others with love and encouragement, that all was as it should be…

Yet where was her encouragement, where was her guidance?… She had travelled along this road for so, so long, on her lonely journey. Knowing this day, this ‘Time’, would arrive…….   

She knew all her strength would be needed; her inner light now more than ever needed to shine out to guide others to encourage them.  Gaia was counting upon thousands of star-seeds, lightworkers, way showers, whose internal coding was now being activated to help tip the scales that enabled Gaia to open up her own heart that had been trapped and sealed deep within her core by the grip of evil that had penetrated her in long ago Lemurian times which we still all held within our Inner knowing of our memory.

Shamrock~ like the countless stars we are.

The woman turned over, drawing her knees up into the fetal position. A sigh escaped her, releasing her breath she had been unaware she’d been holding.

She had laid there for half a day, too tired to even think. Her eyes leaked salty brine that she tasted upon her lips as she once more sent out a silent plea to her higher self for guidance.  And then, in that moment came a voice.

“ You have to be Strong”, came the answer, “You have to be brave! . You need to call upon your Warrior Spirit, because no one other than you Humans can do the work set out before you”…..  The woman listened, holding her breath, as the inner light behind her closed eyes danced in purple spirals.

“ You signed up for this very moment”… the voice within continued.  “We cannot do it for you. Yes we can give guidance, we can point a way.. But YOU, and only you Humans can dismantle the time line you in essence have created”..  

 The Woman understood only too well, ALL that was in the world in this very moment, was the result of our creation. And it now no longer served us, it was broken. The systems in place no longer served the many, it was designed to serve but a few.

 But we had been so ingrained within its programme, it had taken a Pause, in our Sacred Isolation, to see just what pollution, what damage, we were doing to Gaia and ourselves. 

For the first time people craved open spaces, fresh air, and began noticing birdsong, blue clear skies no longer covered in a web of lines…

The Shift had begun, People became creative, using initiatives, overcoming problems, helping neighbours, finishing projects they had promised themselves for years, but their workloads had left them little time to do.  Here now was Time on their hands.  While others became angry, lashing out in fear.. 

The split showed the differences in poverty and how in places near and far the suffering of those without means got greater, and yet it seemed their governments aid, like always, seemed to neglect those in most need. The Split is showing how the few were wanting to control the masses. The Spilt is showing those who were instigating the divisions…  The Split is showing just whose hearts were in fear, and whose hearts were remaining in love and unity. 

Dahlia’s and Marigolds,Both different, Standing Side by Side.[ Dahlia is a member of the sunflower family (Asteraceae)] But both of One family, Like we are One family the Human Race.

Fear was bombarded over and over, in a world that was splitting in two as the broken system revved up it’s pharmaceutical machines in the background ready to pounce.  While chaos is what those deep controllers want to achieve. As they want to disrupt Unity Consciousness, and hit every Human’s heart as they separated them from family, with Fear of keeping each other safe.     

 We were programmed within a system of greed, control, fear and suffering.  And the controllers of the deep, knew that Gaia was about to rebirth along with humanity in its Consciousness. For now they waged war on every cell within our human consciousness as their grip of fear that in itself was turning back in on itself, causing a Split… 

The split was now showing up more and more, as questions, were posed, as people’s awareness opened up. You could see the divide as you walked down the street.   That something isn’t quite as it should be. Yet fear keeps them silent.

Sweetcorn standing to attention!

 And it sometimes needs a huge event to create the catalyst for the masses to awaken. It may still take more suffering, before those still asleep will begin to question.  We had moved so far from Nature’s purpose on planet Gaia.  We saw only competition, survival of the fittest. When in fact Nature from the macrobiotic Mycelium, the atoms within our cells cooperated and lived in balance with one another.  And it wasn’t until something disrupted that balance those very same cells become the enemy within. Let us not become enemies of each other.    

We Hold the Future within our Hands and Hearts.

Were we not the living organisms upon Gaia? …  Were we not once, aeons ago living in harmony, until Gaia herself was hijacked, plundered, raped, and trapped within this Matrix Construct that has evolved into what we see before us today, by those malevolent forces?

All of these thoughts tumbled through the Woman’s mind. 

“It’s now or Never, to take personal responsibility,”  the voice continued. “ You, along with others, have ALL the Knowledge within you. You cannot rely upon the outer realms. To do so would only create what happened in the past.. You would see them either as Gods or as Enemies. Beware of False Gods! Your Technology is far in advancement of what you are told”

The woman already knew this from other sources, she understood too many things she had never voiced before.

“This is Your Mission, Own it! Your future timeline is up to each of you and how you want to evolve, but remember also, the power of your intent works two-fold. That which you do not want, which you focus upon, also manifests into your reality timeline. Be very careful what you wish for”

She rolled over and sat up. Suddenly she knew…… She thanked her Higher-self-voice.  The fog within her mind clearing. Her tears, now dried.  It was now beyond the time of side-stepping what she knew to be right.. This was a full-on battle within the Consciousness of Humanity… And she no longer could keep silent… She no longer could Consent.. In fact, she didn’t Give her consent.  And would NOT consent to their agenda.

She only hoped others too would emerge out of their cocoons, no longer remaining silent.

The Truth, however painful for Humanity to see, needed exposing. Because so many were unaware of this underbelly of deceit and lies. And the horrors of how this evil game was played.  The Split which those same dark forces were encouragingly igniting. Would be the same self-destruct mechanisms that would implode back in on themselves to devour them in their own webs of deceit.   But first people had to be aware of those horrors… Which none of us want to accept as truth, to be real..  These wounds the woman had held within her own heart for too long..

The woman stood, opening her arms above her head, she pulled in the energy from above, pulling her hands down in the prayer position before her heart, giving thanks for all she had, for all she was, and all she was yet to become..  She gave thanks to Mother Gaia, to all the Nature Spirits, and Guardians of the Flora and Fauna, and for the first time in weeks, the woman hummed softly to herself the song she once sang within her own circle of light..  

All photos belong to Dreamwalker’s Garden:

A Quiet Mind~ Cloud Watching~ Reconnecting to Earth.


Within my garden with quiet mind

Profuse with colour I sit reclined

I watch clouds their shapes do shift

As within my mind I gently drift


I watch the Bee in Foxglove bed

And Marvel at their trumpet head

A sparrow chirps as young they feed

While fountain bubbles in pond with reed


My Book put down as I admire

All that nature gives this hour

Grass so green and poppies red

Sky so blue, I shake my head


For this moment is all I seek

 As conscious thought in unity greets

My heaven on Earth is held in time

As I grab my pen to create this Rhyme


Oneness is all I feel

As into my garden I gaze surreal

Tranquil thoughts as nature Blends

My thoughts of Peace are what I send

Gratitude in colours untold

All within my garden hold


So thank you my garden for this quiet time

As I watch the clouds as I recline..


© Sue Dreamwalker  2011-2019 All rights reserved.

The above poem was written in 2011, I thought it apt to include again here.  Clouds over the last few days have let loose the rain, here in the UK, and we have had over two months worth of rain in a couple of days here in the UK, causing flooded roads and boggy fields. Many places around our globe are experiencing floods right now.. 

But the Universe thought to shine upon our pre-planned visit to one of the Royal Horticulture Societies  Flower Show held at Chatsworth House in Derbyshire.  And the Sun shone for us. 


 I have been busy with some projects I have wanted to complete, Some are nearing the end, while others were stopped due to the weather. What ever you do in life, do so with an open heart and no expectations. Trust that is all is as it should be, and even when our climate seems as confused as we are, we need to trust in our hearts, as we send LOVE out into the world which is beginning to weep its own tears of conflict and confusion.

Know that LOVE  far out-ways Fear.

So keep Loving thoughts at the forefront of your minds as we witness yet more chaotic times. 

When our hearts open, it opens a portal, to the frequency of Mother Earth herself, have you ever wondered why Heart and eartH contain the same letters with the Letter H moved to the front? Think about that for a moment.. And ask yourself why it is we always feel better and brighter when we go out and connect back with nature, to walk in forests, or by water, be it oceans, lakes or streams. Is it because we are truly connected as one to Gaia, we who hold all the minerals and stardust within our make up, and we who are mainly made up of water, such as this Blue Planet of ours.

Our ancestors knew how to treat our Earth Mother, they gave thanks and rituals for her bounties and they saw each thing held its own spirit/energy and would ask permission before the hunt and give thanks and a blessing after offering in return a gift back to nature..

We just take nature for granted, taking and hardly every consider the consequences of our actions as we destroy forests pollute rivers and oceans, but this world is a Matrix of duality, it also follows natural Universal Laws, which means that every Action has an equal and opposite reaction.  And the world right now is reaping some of what has been sown in the past.

I made my first ever video this week, its far from perfect, but I put together a string of photo’s I took on the day of my visit to the RHS Chatsworth Flower Show. 


For those who are not aware of what we were up to in our own Allotment Plot  before the rain set in can be found here on my Garden Blog   

Have a Wonderful Weekend 

Much Love To ALL. 

Re-connecting to Self~Awareness..

Walking the meadows

Sometimes we need to step away in order to reassess and realign and dissolve energy that we hold within. It takes all of our focus and awareness to remember we are energy beings who chose to assist in the transitional shift that is occurring right now on planet earth.  Because we are born with amnesia as to who we are, we have to re-remember who we are and why we are here. 

My own spiritual path has taken many twists and turns over the years. Each stage I feel has been a necessary part of planting me in the now.  But throughout all of the paths I have chosen to take, I trusted my inner/higher guidance to assist me by trusting that inbuild compass we all of us have, if only we could all trust it enough to navigate by it.

All Paths lead us Home

I can only speak on my own personal experience of NOW, and tell you that for me in this moment I find I need to focus on internal energy rather that all the distractions that take us away from truly appreciating the Power of Now as I tune into the necessary energies that we all should be partaking in.  As we link into and retune and nurture our bodies with Love and Light which I feel are pouring into Gaia more strongly than ever I have felt before.  

Flying with Butterflies

You have heard me along with many others describe those of us who feel we are on this mission, as ‘Light-Workers’. Those of us who try to share ‘Light and Love’, via our ways of being by sharing kindness and caring as we open our hearts into Unity Consciousness.  From what I am coming to understand the more I go within, is we have to be ready to understand as I have said many times, is that it is WE who are creating our realities ‘Out There’, out side of ourselves by our inward thinking.

None of us are immune unless we work very hard to clear away our negative thinking. I challenge any of us to check how many times a negative thought passes through our minds, because ‘Fear’ is inbuilt into our programming.

Each of us have chosen the best ways for our souls to evolve given the Blue-Prints we came to experience. I feel more strongly than ever, that it is time for me to step up my own alignment by clearing and creating as I dive deeper into Self.

Many we see in the world are trying to hold onto old realities which have been part of our conditioning through many life times.  And the harder the world is trying to hold onto them, we see them now beginning to fall apart, as we witness people’s confusion as they battle wills of the ego.

Many Obstacles may fall along our paths, but we stride over them one by one

While many are waking up to their own power and seeking more simplistic ways of living with nature as they want out of the rat race, as they attune more with their higher consciousness.  Others are so conditioned they no longer seem to care, for they have been consumed by consumerism to think the only goal in life is materially based. Their spiritual evolution is blocked in amnesia, and indoctrinations pasted down throughout generations that have divided them further still through prejudice and greed.

Many of us are seeing through the lies and the hidden truth, and exposures by degrees are now coming to the surface to wake us up from the perceptions we hold about our existence here on Gaia.

Wings finding nourishment..

 Very soon I feel more important revelations will come to light, and when they do, some will disbelieve and stay asleep in ignorance, while for others it will trigger them even wider awake than before. But each have a chosen path to follow and each of us have our roles to play, and those whom we think may have chosen negative rolls are also working their way through their own layers to their higher consciousness and helping others raise to theirs. No one is a loser, for we all evolving at our own pace.  

A Shady Corner

When we do not listen, and we ignore the signs, then a bigger wakeup call is going to be shaking more of us to sit up and listen to see what is important in our world.  And I am reminded of the wisdom of our Native American brothers when they said,

“ When the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, and the last river poisoned, only then will we realise that one cannot eat money”.

For those of us who understand what I am talking about here, I find it important right now to speak out on what I am feeling as we collectively now begin to open our hearts.

Some say I cannot bury my head and ignore what is going on in the world. Believe me I far from ignore it. But as an empath I am seeing I need to become more the observer, as I try to detach from the stories being played out. My heart is so open I feel too much for my own comfort, as the tension transfers emotionally.  My Body then reminds me of what I need to do, to let go. For just as those who are holding light in this world, there are those who agreed to wake us up via opening hearts in compassion through such traumas as they take their transition into the beyond.  

Unity in Form. Many Hearts now need to open.

I often ‘Feel’ the grief of many hearts, but I now also know while my tears fall easily, this is also part of the cleansing process, for deeply buried within each of us we need to clear out the deep grief of being separated for so long.  I often feel helpless in the grief of seeing how imbalance is causing anger and conflict in society as we humans battle with emotions now being dragged up to the surface to be cleared.  But then I see how we have created it all, as we have in part become like drones, as ‘we’ switch on our devices, and plug into our virtual realities games that click after click kill and destroy.


Each Petal- person placed in perfect order

From my meditations I see it stems way deeper than any of us realised, as again and again triggers bring things to the surface to be cleared out as we learn to let them go. This clearing out seems never ending. But I now realise this is not just this life of clearing, but our past lives that we have carried forward. ALL now is needing to be cleared.

So, for each of us the best thing we can do to assist the new energies is to try to embrace themselves within pure love, nurturing themselves within Nature. For nature is assisting us in our transition as she helps clear and dissolve those dense thought systems. Which is why when any of us spend time out in nature or near water or on the coast we feel so refreshed for our energy bodies are being re-wired so to speak as we unplug from the weight of the de-pressed dense energy that is generated by our consumerism that is literally consuming us.

We are never Alone.. Open your hearts and Bloom.

And as I learn to let go of old programming, I am finding a new sense of peace, as I nurture self-love..

There really is no time like the Present to gift yourself that time to spend with yourself and your loved ones out in Natures Healing Balm.  Go treat yourself to some LOVE. as we all learn to re-connect in Unity.. 

Peace and Blessings.

All Photos Sue Dreamwalker’s of my Garden and on Walks taken.  Keep  clearing and connecting to your Inner selves..  Enjoy Life and Living!…

Worlds Within Worlds

The Woman watched the ant struggling as her fork disturbed the soil where she had been clearing weeds.

The unseen world that lived beneath the earth which was oblivious to the human world suddenly awoke, as it was exposed to the Light.

Soon more ants sensing their world was under threat came rushing to the surface ready to defend it. Each ant courageously taking up their positions as they tasted the air. Each one ready to do battle with what must have felt like an earthquake as their whole world was turned upside down.

They swarmed to the surface, a mass of black, running around in what appeared to be confusion. Yet the woman knew they were far from confused and were rapidly assessing the damage and working out how to defend and repair their world. 

The woman squatted down, leaning on her fork as she sat back on her heels, she looked more closely at the mass of ants. She took off her gardening glove to wipe her hand across her brow as the heat of the Sun rose in the morning sky.

As she did, she noticed that an ant must have run up the fork handle and was already on her wrist. She made an involuntary movement with her other hand as she went to brush the ant off her hand, and in a split second the ant was no more. She said a silent sorry to the insect kingdom as she had unintentionally killed the lone soldier ant with her automatic reflex. 

 She sighed as she stood up, levering her weight onto the fork to help her stand. She stretched and arched her aching back and was aware of her shadow across the freshly dug earth.

She walked back to the garden shed, dragging out a wooden chair she placed it in the shade as she opened up her bottle of water, she drank thirstily thinking of the ant. How courageous he was running to defend ready to sacrifice for the good of the whole. And now his bravery was no more. Gone with the brush of a hand.

The Blackbird who had been keeping her company for days as she had dug the earth landed by the ants. Seeing his opportunity, he gathered more food for his chicks.  She had thrown him the odd worm over the days and the woman had seen his expert eye pick out the wire worms that she could hardly see.  He would fly off with beak full to return near the woman’s feet to see what else the woman had dug up and so the two worked in silent unity, respecting each other’s territory. The woman marvelled at the unspoken trust the blackbird showed her as he hopped so near her folk and hoe.   

Sitting watching the Blackbird gather in this new prize, the woman thought how her actions of turning the earth had set in motion a series of events.  She had a pang of regret. Then stopped herself, was not the black birds chicks now benefiting?

Life and Death went side by side.

Worlds within Worlds kept going around her head.

Were we not like ants? Building our communities and cities. Making our homes, rearing our young, each doing what it takes to survive. Were we not rushing about looking confused? In our chaotic world, as we rushed to work, and drove our cars along the routes we made.

We were all going about our daily lives, thinking ourselves safe, until something bigger than ourselves over which we have no control comes along to cause havoc and upheaval. She thought of the recent volcanic eruptions and thought how small we were compared to natures might.

She stood to begin weeding on another patch, giving the ants time to settle.

All of us are part of Natures Natural World we are no different than Ants.  And in the scheme of the Universe we were minuscule tiny atoms of carbon, floating about like molecules in the space-stream of the Cosmos.  A Sobering thought, as the woman knelt down, pulling up a stubborn weed. She shook the soil from its roots. Taking off her glove, she ran her hand within the soil, thinking we all return to dust, and pondered upon the miracle of life.

We were all made up of the same Elements of carbon and various minerals that were found in the Earth and Stars!.  She looked skyward, shielding her eyes from the Sun, and smiled, yes..

we are All One.

The woman wondered if the human population would be as resilient if their world were turned upside down like the ants..  

She tried to put that thought from her mind as she stretched her legs as she turned her attention to the job in hand.  

Worlds within Worlds, she thought.

Sowing and Reaping,

Harvesting what we Sow

Yes,  Worlds within Worlds

Wheels within Wheels Forever Turning!

The Woman started on her next patch, the Blackbird sang his Song, the woman smiled some more.

All is well in my world as she said her favourite mantra silently to herself,

 we were all of us heading in the same direction….


Note:- Thoughts that came while digging in our allotment.  For those of you who are interested in gardening, More Photos of the Allotment Plot and its progress can be found HERE

Love and Blessings

Amid the Blooms.

Hollyhock as a storm brews

Among the scents of the cool evening air

I sit amid the blooms where the gentle breeze stirs

The nodding heads of petals with nectar and pollen ripe

Attracts the Bee and Butterfly and Moth by night



The Fairy Lights are twinkling by the trickle of the pond

As a deep Sigh escapes me, this is where I belong

The Earth beneath my feet, as stars do shine above

Sitting among such beauty within a garden that I love


It could have been an open meadow that holds a babbling brook

I close my eyes and upon a journey I am took

Deeper now I am breathing, as I recall my day

Seeing Butterflies and Bees in a field rich with hay


In gratitude, my thanks to all creatures do I give

For all of Natures Blessings, that enable me to live

And the Spiral keeps on turning as Seasons come and go

Who could miss such beauty, as Mother Nature gives her show


Content a deeper sigh escapes with thanks as I say Goodnight

Tomorrow is another day to welcome in the Light.

Written 19th July 2017.

©Sue Dreamwalker

The above photo’s were taken from the Hydrangea’s in my garden.. The bees have loved these flowers. And although I have not seen as many butterflies this year, I was so happy to spot this Red Admiral 


I hope you all continue to enjoy Nature and make time to connect to her healing energies . And I thank each and every one of you for the Love you bring here to me. 

Love and Blessings 


Peace and Tranquillity

Spending time out in Nature for me is one of the joys of life. And in June of this year, I got to go to the fabulous RHS Chatsworth Flower Show.   During Summer I spend more time out in nature tending our allotments and our home garden..   This last couple of weeks as you saw in my last post here on Dreamwalkers Sanctuary  I have been busy watching Wimbledon, and what a fortnight it has been with some amazing tennis played and some remarkable wins.

 So along with some Photo’s I took of the flower exhibits at Chatsworth here is a poem I wrote some years ago now that you may find elsewhere on my blog , as I looked and as coincidence will have it I re-posted it around this time last year.

 Enjoy the flowers.. I hope too you find time to go out into Nature and enjoy all she has to offer, as you find your own corner of Peace and Tranquillity. Sending you All Love and Light as I gradually work my way to repaying your lovely visits.. xxx   


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Tranquil Garden

Sitting in the garden, as Blackbird sings her tune,

Summer is here, as we welcome the month of June

Foxgloves are in flower, as the Bumblebee explores

And new growth is around us, this time I just adore.

The fountain in the garden is tranquil, hear it flow

As peacefulness surrounds me, As I drift in Sun’s warm glow

The wind chimes they do tinkle, and the breeze just gently blows

And the pigeon in the tree top her cooing never slows

A neighbours cat is cooling, laid out beneath the shade 

Oh how I love these tranquil, peaceful lazy days.

The grass appears much greener, or is it just my eyes,

For when we are contented, nature gives us our best prize.

We just have to take a moment in quiet thoughtful pose

To enjoy the bliss around us and be thankful I suppose.

Do we ever take a moment to give our heartfelt thanks?

For somewhere people are fighting and living with enemy Tanks.

So Bless those quiet moments of peace within your home for you never know when it could be shattered, and darkness soon enclose

So enjoy the moments of each bright new sunny day

As we say goodbye to rain-clouds in this last day of May,

©  Sue Dreamwalker 2014-2017 

Love and Blessings Sue xx 


Anyone for Tennis?

Hello beautiful people, it has been a while since I did an update on my blog.. Summer is speeding by and I am making the most of these wonderful Sunny Days here in the UK..  Life is for living, and enjoying and that is exactly what I have been doing.. Spending time with family, and enjoying several birthday celebrations, and of course the allotments have been getting lots of attention with picking berries, and preparing produce for the freezer..

I also started a knitting project too, which has stopped my hands from pounding the keyboard of an evening. A project in progress that has the back and one front completed..

Tennis too has been on the agenda, and no, I am not that sprightly, lol, but may invest in a swing ball for the lawn, as I know one little lady who will enjoy the game with me..  But Wimbledon is on for another week, and you will find me most afternoons watching Tennis this next week, as I root for my favourite Tennis Stars.  So I have been up extra early and down the gardens before it warms up and gets too hot to work.

So as I share lots of photo’s over on my gardening blog on the progress on the allotments.. For a change, I will share a little of the allotments here with you.


Enjoy, and I will I hope gradually work my way down the reader and find you.

And remember to love, laugh, and BE Happy..

Hydrangea’s in our home garden

See you Soon! 

How does your Garden Grow?

Just wanted to update you how things in the garden are progressing, some days I have been so tired I have slept in the afternoons, especially in this heat we are not used to this time of year.. It’s definitely growing weather for weeds which have invaded the garden along with aphids, white fly, and a bug which flew in from Europe which is spreading fast throughout the UK.  To view all the news and pictures  please click the link HERE   On my garden blog.



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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