Surrender and Acceptance of Self.

Sadness is something we all go through, and we all learn from it and are deepened by its presence in our lives. While our own individual experiences of sadness carry with them unique lessons, the implications of what we learn are universal. For the World too is going through its own unique lessons as we grow through the experience.

The last thing most of us want to hear or think about when we are dealing with profound feelings of sadness is that deep learning can be found in this place.
The other thing we often would rather not hear is that the only way out of it is through it.

Sometimes being empathic means we do not always realise if the feelings of melancholy are ours or we are feeling the energies we link into.

I was feeling low of spirit way before my Dear Aunt passed away. I had already prepared a post in my drafts about Nature making us feel better, which I will post at a later date..   I had taken a walk on the Saturday taking snap shots for the post.. And went out again on Sunday to recharge my batteries again as I had felt much refreshed by walking in Nature ..

Yet not 5 minutes out of the car, I tripped and fell heavily meeting the concrete path from the car park with a crack so loud on my chin I thought I had broken my Jaw.  Luckily I only badly bruised my chin(Bruises: The little bumps in life. Self-punishment.)   and sprained my wrists.. ( Sprains: Anger and resistance. Not wanting to move in a certain direction in life). Which left my muscles feeling very stiff over the last few days, (Stiffness: Rigid, stiff thinking.) Life is showing me the ‘Signs’

Self analysis is also a painful business, and over the last few days I guess I have been reflecting upon the direction of my life. I embraced early retirement with so much gusto, and threw myself into the allotment, decorating, and knitting projects.. and yet I have still to find what fills that empty space..

I guess I am resisting being in my comfort zone of being ME…  

Sitting with our sadness takes the courage to believe that we can bear the pain and the faith that we will come out the other side. Sadness teachers us the ability to surrender and the acceptance of change go hand in hand.

I just need to change my thoughts and follow the above quote I guess I am still in the process of adjusting and the lessons are coming in thick and fast.

Thank you for reading Love and Blessings




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All we need is a Little Faith.


 After Visiting some blogs today, I resurrected a poem I wrote in 2009..  I know from experience how at times our Faith in Humanity can be shaken.. And how Faith in ourselves and in others can be diminished. Having come through some dark tunnels of my own.. I just want my blogging friends to know  that  We can overcome any obstacle if we have Faith.. Know we are all Co-creators we are All of us God and Goddesses.. 

Trust in the Universal Plan 

And know the Power of your Strength Lies Within. 

Love and Blessings  


My life so far has been so good

Although at times I couldn’t see trees for wood

I’ve had my troubles and I’ve had my pains

But through it all more strength I’ve gained.


You see I have this Faith unseen

That is always with me, wherever I’ve been

That inner voice that talks me through

It’s there in all, it’s there in you


I’ve seen the darkness of despair

Where I would hide, and not comb my hair

I’ve cried until my eyes ran dry

I’ve raged and cursed, and would want to die


But even in those darkest days

I now recall in memories haze

My Faith was such, I spoke with God

As to why upon my road I trod.


I see it now, I see it clear

And as with each new passing year

I give my thanks to all I share

For richness abounds beyond compare


I just open up my eyes and See

That all God’s gifts are here for me

The Miracles of all new life

Of loving children, a much loved wife.


To cuddle close in firelight glow

Within the arms of love and know

That you are safe, secure and free

And feel the peace wash over me.


My Faith inside keeps me strong

To help keep love, to heal, and belong

All comes right, if you Believe

And with my Blessings,

I now leave..

© Sue Dreamwalker 2009-  2014 All rights reserved.

Be At One with Yourself

Be at One with yourself

Be at one with the world

Be at One with Nature

And see your life unfurl

Close your eyes and imagine

The beginnings of a New Earth,

And Open your eyes to your beauty

Breathe in and give Birth.

For you are One and part of the Whole

Not a separate Unit , but a Beautiful Soul

United within the One Divine love

And part of that cosmic hub.

Share your love along with your Light

And Rejoice in Gratitude

Use your sight

To see a world in Beauty and Grace

You are stronger than you think you know

Spread a little Love where ever you go

Shower your peace and sprinkle your heart

Into the rivers of life send a ripple a spark

Be Calm, knowing all is well

Keep breathing in Peace for inside it dwells

Know you are where you are meant to be

Open your eyes

Come on now See

For we are ONE and it’s time to Unite

Stop all your hating, and judging and strife

Find your heart and clear out your mind

Seek out yourself

And Wisdom you’ll find

Let go of torments and allow the Joy in

Come on now people

It’s time to begin

Be One with yourself

Be One with the world

Be One with nature

And Let the Universe Spin

For the Spiral is turning and

Peace will Win..

© Sue Dreamwalker – 2012- All rights reserved.

Passing Through: a Poem

Heavens Gate

Passing Through

Listen what can you hear?

As wind howls and rains down tears

Tell me as you pass through

What story do you hold true


Listen what can you hear?

Our ancestors foretold these years

Tell pass you pass through

What is it you will do?


Listen what can you hear?

Keep your Faith, Reject the Fear

Tell me as you pass through

What are the Signs, they give a clue


Listen what can you hear?

That Inner voice it needs your ear

Tell me as you pass through

What’s in your heart it’s up to you


Listen what can you hear?

The Time is close let’s all be clear

Tell me as you pass through

What’s in your heart yes–

You you


© Sue Dreamwalker – 2012 All rights reserved.

Weekend Away with Spirit

How can I convey a weekend full of wonderful light as I met old friends from previous gatherings of like minded individuals whose aim is working for the Spirit World to bring illumination and understanding into this realm of existence,  to prove that there is no death.. that we are All of us Spirit first and foremost.

PhotobucketHow can I express the joy and delight of listening to those departed souls who lived their lives as you and I going through their own experiences of living within the human form, and recounting their transition into that next vibration as they shared their stories of what awaits every soul.

Where do I start in telling you of the unconditional love of Spirit as they endeavour to communicate to us our lost ways, when much of humanity has Exited God Out with his EGOtistical ways

What can I write to convince my readers that those across the divide are trying their hardest to reawaken that Spirit within as we remember from whence we came and where we return.

How can I convey that all I’ve been writing about has been confirmed by Spirit to be Truth.. That our World is changing- rapidly so now, and that within our life time Money will cease to have value, And that much more chaos will be felt before we find our Spirituality again as a race of Human Beings..

And how throughout all of this they ask us to Trust in its process and not add our Fear to an already Out of Balanced world where Fear has been a key force in holding the Human Spirit down. As they ask us to love each other more and care..

How do I make all of you see that each of us are agreed to be here at this time of Great Change. We came to Free ourselves from the constraints we’ve created as we fell from our intended pathway of experiencing this wonderful Planet, this Living Library called Earth.

How do I tell you the excitement of of hearing from my own Father today who has been in the spirit world from 1998. He brought evidence through direct voice of a cockney boy Daniel. who relayed his message.. Letting me know to the exact time I called the Dr the night he took his transition .. 

He also brought evidence of his illness,and a memory only I remembered and which had been a family joke for many years when I was a small child. My Dad had taken me on a bus journey into a small town near our village and along the route ran a railway track, back then there were stream trains, and Dad said to me, I was 5 years old at the time.. “Look there’s a Chew Chew….” I apparently look at my father and said “ Daddy that’s not a chew chew .. Its a Train’… and the people on the Bus started to laugh… He told me that story over and over when I grew up saying I had made him feel so small that day with my grown up talk and his baby talk.. Smile  Today, he came through and said to Daniel, tell her about the Chew Chew train…. .. my heart leapt and tears sprang for this confirmed everything.. He also told me of his tobacco box he kept odd screws and bits of things in And a photo album that was battered which I have of his. And he said “ Girl, you will be alright, you will be fine Girl” those words to me are everything..

After a whole weekend workshop from 10am to 5-30pm and two evenings of talks and demo’s I more than tired, But so full up with love…and so very blessed to have witnessed the wonderful Physical Mediumistic Skills of Scott Milligan again both in Deep Trance and with Ectoplasm, as direct voice was used along with the construction of the voice box external to the medium whereby those from Spirit can blend their energies and speak in their Earth voice once again. We heard the Voice of Judy Garland who has been perfecting her skill at using the voice box as she sang with her pure voice for 5minutes in a range which is enabling the voice box to be developed so that soon loved ones who have passed to spirit can come and talk directly with sitters in the séance room…

My thanks go out to all those who helped bring our two worlds together this weekend,

And I shall be around to visit all my friends sometime soon during the next week.. Please have patience with me..

Love and Light to you all.. Sue Dreamwalker


The Beginning.

The Journey~

Where does one start? I’m told the best place to start is at the beginning.. But just where did it begin? Did it start when I was a child who went into her shell, the one who spent time alone inside her head. The one who was the eldest child of 5 who was nicked named ‘Little Mother’.

Just when did my searching begin? Was it through the bed time stories I would make up to my siblings as I lay in our bedroom shared with 3 other sisters, and my brother across the landing that would spin a little magic each night. Or was it the nights I lay with curtains wide open looking up at the Moon and Stars? Feeling alone, and just wondering about all those different planets out there.Yet at the same time feeling a Knowing within that I couldn’t explain.

Maybe it was the Night when aged around 12 when out playing on a winters evening with friends as it grew dark and yet the snow made it lighter on the ground as it sparkled like diamonds, reflected by the Moon  and with one sparse street lamp, when we saw something flash in the field next to our homes and the street lamp and electricity failed for a few moments as the power cut out. And we all felt something eerie.. and we ran on home.

Or could it have been when my Father came home in a panic  saying something strange had followed him home down a lane he often walked at night, saying he felt he was being watched and that something seemed to hover above the trees, as he heard a low hummm .. I remember how spooked he was, and Dad was never one to be spooked.

Then again it could have been the time around 13 yrs old when I was walking up our stairs and saw a Nun in full habit cross our landing. I was told not to be so silly.

Perhaps it may have been when I got all emotional aged 11, I was allowed to go to with a Chapel Day outing for a long long day out at London Wembley Stadium, when I joined in the hysteria of others who cried out loud at a Billy Graham Crusade.

Or was it when my brother  came home to not quite believing what he had seen, as his mate had died aged 18 in a lone car accident on a lonely country road, and yet two days after his funeral, he and 2 others saw him as large as life standing on the Village Cross, as he waved to them all then disappeared.   

Then again it could have started when I would lay at night with ear trained to the floor, with heart in my chest beating loudly as I waited for parental arguments to start.

When ever my journey started, I learnt to pray.. I learnt to send out my thoughts. For Prayer is sending out our thoughts into the Cosmos as we link with that which we are one with.

I would pray for the arguments to stop, I would pray that everyone would be alright.I learnt to pray for lots of things.. I learnt to send out my thoughts and Listen back, for I wanted to know my prayers were being answered.

As a small child to 15yrs old I went to Sunday School at our local Chapel. Religion, Bible study as a child played a Huge role in my upbringing. And as I’ve mentioned before in other posts I thought of GOD as this white bearded man in a heavenly cloud, listening to all I had to say..

Today my perception of our Creator has changed, so too has the world grown with knowledge gained.  We now know that we don’t fall off the edge of the ocean as we’ve discovered the world is no longer flat. But long ago, such were our beliefs.

It isn’t until we are given knowledge and like those first explorers be brave enough venture a little further into the unknown, that we make new discoveries. The boundaries are being pushed all the time, as our view of the world and our perceptions change. To those that sailed off into the unknown, many thought they would fall off the edge of the earth, for such were their perceptions given the knowledge they had at that time..

Now our perceptions are based upon the knowledge we too glean from our parents, our surroundings, our History books etc.The Media, our Newspapers, We all assume that what we are being told is the Truth….

I remember too when my Mother told me I was born under a Gooseberry Bush, and I got into a heated argument aged 6 with my best friend defending my Mum who was right, and said No! I didn’t come out of my Mummy’s Tummy as her Mummy has said..beacause  MY MUM was right and Her Mum was wrong..

You see we get into this indoctrinated way of thinking, for we have always been told its this way or that way, and why would we need to question it.. When our parents pass down their thoughts and beliefs. This has happened throughout many generations.. 

 I have known from a young age that I needed to seek the Truth, I needed Answers, I have to explain that I have always looked up to the sky and known I come from Way up there somewhere… there is this connection, even as a small child I felt I was on a kind of Mission. I knew that there were ‘others’ out there, listening, Watching, waiting.. So maybe that was the beginning of my journey, as all of these life experiences made me think, question, and sit within the silence of my own thoughts and just wonder.. Why are we here?

The Journey of discovery first starts with oneself.

And to find oneself, sometimes you have to lose yourself for a little while in order to find yourself again. I did that too…. Many years later experiencing A  nervous breakdown… through stress, over work, juggling career, family, guilt, inadequacies, rejection from my Mother, a whole range of emotions..

It was then that my real journey of self began.. when I asked the question..

WHO am I? …in fact just who are WE? …and Where do we come from, and What are we doing here, and Where are we going?

Questions I know Many more are now starting to ask.. and as we Wake up to the Truth of who we are, we see that what we have been told we need to Question. And find out those answers for ourselves..

The journey has begun~ As  in coming posts I will share my own thoughts… and I hope you too will share yours, and remember you don’t have to agree… For YOU too are on your own Journey..

Together I hope we find some Answers.. 🙂

My Truth as I see it.. What is Your Truth?

My Truth as I see it. What is your Truth?

How do you explain a truth that you know beyond doubt exists, and yet for many that Truth is rejected.  Because they see only their truth… That is fine, for each of us are on our own journey, each at a different level of perception of what our reality is.

For many years my own perception of reality was like many more on Earth today, We are born, brought up to believe in one kind or other’s Faith, ‘God’.. Follow his commandments/rules, work hard and you shall prosper, Say your prayers and be good, you will then go to Heaven, or be bad and you’ll go to Hell.

So for a lot of my early childhood/teenage years I did just that, I went to Sunday School/Church, read the Good Book, worked hard and hopefully was good!…. But even as a child as I looked into the night sky with the billions of stars I knew…. I Knew that there was something more, something unexplained, just out of reach of my memory. And so my search for ‘Myself’ began..

I knew that there was more to life than I had been told, so I questioned and I read.. Something’s I absorbed in, while others things I discounted, believing at the time that they were far-fetched ideas from Wacky people… But over the years, even the things that I had once discounted, kept cropping up again and again, with little bits of evidence to back them up, making more and more sense as the pieces of the puzzle came together, slotting in the missing links, making sense of the whole picture of ‘Life on Earth’ and my origins and proving that the Gut Feelings from that child, Me… who had looked upon the night sky were right all along.. We are Far greater than any of us would believe possible..  

For some who take the trouble to read my words they may agree, for others they may think I’m the Wacky one, well that’s fine also. For once upon a time there were those who thought that the world was Flat, as they told others they too were crazy for they would sail off the Earth as they disappeared over the horizon..

Our perceptions alter with the knowledge we gain, and what was my truth yesterday is not my truth today, and it may alter again tomorrow, for one thing I always keep is an open mind, for everything is possible.

Its 3am as I write this, and yet I am wide awake as I need to speak my truth as I see it, and I will try to keep it simple. For when we came to Earth in our original form it was supposed to be a simple experiment..

This planet was originally created to teach balance between the physical and the Spiritual world. In order for the Universe to evolve it is also important for Planet Earth to evolve also.. But the souls who came to experience in physical bodies, this became the planet of Desire, and like quicksand were swallowed up in the density of their thoughts and emotions, which hold us in a continuum of reincarnation. For this is the Karmic Wheel. Holding us within the circle of Karmic debts, for many desire, greed, hate and enjoying the physical pleasures consumed them, and they no longer wished to evolve, creating a kind of bottle neck.. So around and around we go…

It is important that we evolve, It’s important for the level of consciousness of this planet to be raised. We have forgotten that we are Energy beings..  That we are all vibration and that we the Earth and all living things upon it, and the Universe are all interconnected. We have for so long now thought ourselves separate beings as we forgot why we came, and where we are from..

Because when souls came to Earth they began to feel they had substance, which they didn’t ‘FEEL’ on other Planets. And so in their soul recycling and reincarnations they refused to leave Earth..

This planet was meant to be a living library to experience the physical form. When we understand our connection with the Universe through our minds, and disconnect from holding onto the ego, we release the veils of illusion. This disconnecting goes through stages, and when enough souls become enlightened, leaving their density of negative energy, then the critical mass in humankind also shifts and in doing so also moves the Earth forward into her next phase in evolution as we transcend up a level, escaping the bottleneck we created.

That is why many ‘Light-workers’ are here now helping to bring about this shift.. For if this shift doesn’t happen then the contamination from Earth will spread to the Universe. That is why those from other planets are watching, and will assist if necessary.

Transcendence is the releasing of souls from the bondage of being trapped within this cycle.

Planet Earth will not be totally destroyed as a Planet, but our life-force is destroying it, and our life force is what is bringing the downward spiral of destruction of Earth, as it’s our negativity that is dragging our Earth Mother to destruction. Our very thought process which many don’t realise is the Energy that is creating the problems we are all facing.

Many think how can we help Nature and Mother Earth to heal, we forget that we are so much more than our physical bodies, we with our Minds, Our thoughts are energy in creation, as we think so we create. When we realise and understand the Truth of ourselves- we help raise our consciousness and contribute to the Whole..

We have to understand we are reaping what we have sown over hundreds if not thousands of years. Within the acceleration of the Energy shifts now, new truths will immerge lifting the veils of illusion as we address that balance once again. For the darker side/negativity is gaining its foothold and we have to remember who we are and lift ourselves back into that positive frequency whereby we help ourselves and Earth to ascend to a higher vibration and ultimately connect back to the source of our Devine light once again.. Bringing the Balance back to the Earth plane.

Many Truths have been hidden from us, from our governing bodies, scientist and religious faiths, they too will slowly be revealed as we become more enlightened, and once again our perception of the world we live in will be re-evaluated.

When we truly understand Who We Are. And WHY we came to Earth and have the courage to speak our Truth we help not only ourselves in our progression but many other souls also to transcend in this transformation of Earth to our rightful place as Spirit beings  to once more to be at One with All… 



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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