Winter Solstice~ Your Time to SHINE! Two Years On..

This was written and posted in 2020, I can find no better words in which to express how important this Winter Solstice is, except to reiterate the importance and how powerful LOVE is… So this is an edited version of what I posted two years ago…

Creative Source Unknown

What ever is happening in the world right now, there is nothing more important than YOU in this moment in time.. For this is the very Moment you chose to incarnate here on Mother Earth.. And YOU dear friends each may think you cannot make a difference.. Well you can.. and its so simple.

Diana Cooper

At this crucial beautiful time in our planets alignments, we are now seeing the destructive forces trying to divide and conquer us in their deep plans laid out for generations. Those who are awake know of what I speak. And they too know this portal is a crucial one. Love is All powerful.. LOVE Conquers ALL.. Because those Dark forces could not foresee the courage, and the strength, the love and devotion, and the tenacity of the Human Spirit. And the power we hold when we are united in love.

All you have to do is be yourself

Open up our hearts, and embrace the Love within, know you are loved, you are unique and you are here right now at this crucial time within this Consciousness battle of Light over Darkness.. And tomorrow on the Winter Solstice is our opportunity to help facilitate more Light into our world by sending out our thoughts and prayers of love, unity and harmony into the world..

Photo by Pixabay on

You do not have to join a meditation, you can just light a candle, or you can go out into Mother Nature, or you can stand for a few moments where ever you are and just give thanks. Because we are ONE with our Mother Earth.

We need do nothing more than give our thanks and send that love into the centre of our Mother’s Heart.. I am still taking time out right now… but comments I shall leave open and I will dip in and out of the internet when I can… Know each of you are special and we have all been drawn together for this very exciting time in our lives. I thank each and every one of you for your love and your friendship and your support throughout. Each of you are Special and unique remember that.

While you read the poem, perhaps you would like to listen to some beautiful music created by Estas Tonne… I hope you listen as about half way though his Winter Solstice Lullaby, he speaks from his heart..

Be at One with yourself

Be at one with the world

Be at One with Nature

And see your life unfurl

Close your eyes and imagine

The beginnings of a New Earth,

And Open your eyes to your beauty

Breathe in and give Birth.

For you are One and part of the Whole

Not a separate Unit , but a Beautiful Soul

United within the One Divine love

And part of that cosmic hub.

Share your love along with your Light

And Rejoice in Gratitude

Use your sight

To see a world in Beauty and Grace

You are stronger than you think you know

Spread a little Love where ever you go

Shower your peace and sprinkle your heart

Into the rivers of life send a ripple a spark

Be Calm, knowing all is well

Keep breathing in Peace for inside it dwells

Know you are where you are meant to be

Open your eyes

Come on now See

For we are ONE and it’s time to Unite

Stop all your hating, and judging and strife

Find your heart and clear out your mind

Seek out yourself

And Wisdom you’ll find

Let go of torments and allow the Joy in

Come on now people

It’s time to begin

Be One with yourself

Be One with the world

Be One with nature

And Let the Universe Spin

For the Spiral is turning and

Peace will Win..

By Sue Dreamwalker 2012-2022


💖 Love and Blessings to all…. 💖

Believing In a Better World..

EmilysQuotes.Com - miracle, dreams, fear, energy, inspirational
I am sure that many of us wonder just where we are heading in our world which on the surface may appear to be more violent and aggressive every day.. Despite all the horrors I still believe in Miracles..
For those who are regular readers will know, I speak often upon the Earth Changes and how best we can help bring in positive change into the world.
So instead of surrendering to the Fear and joining in the judgements of others. I remind myself of my own story and focus upon my own creations. We need to stay centred within our own Peace, and stand in our own Truth.
It is up to us who believe in Love and miracles that Change for the positive is possible. It’s up to us to spread love and not get embroiled in the Fear Games we are seeing being played out by the few.. We do that by Believing, and knowing that we live by our own choices.

I know I choose Love and Caring, Not Fear and Hatred..

I truly believe that eventually love can overcome all, because each holds within us a Divine spark of our loving creator. And no matter how deeply that spark is buried within Anger and Hatred, Prejudice, Greed or Programming, I know that deep within us all there is that need to be loved..
Lightworker’s around the world are connecting together in ever greater numbers, and amazing pieces of our puzzles are slotting together as synchronicity is at work, I know I am connecting here on WP with some beautiful souls who share in my dreams of Peace.
Humanity is experiencing a dramatic shift in consciousness, and as with all change, we have to let go of the old before new ways of being can materialise. The transition is likely to be a bumpy ride. But if we join in the fear and anger it will only amplify and attract more of the same.

I can sympathise with those who maybe feeling restless as change seems unbearably slow. We have long known about the ‘Shift’ well we are the ‘Shift’.. We are the ones who have to change our attitudes and our perceptions. But it is no good waiting for the outcome of our world to change in the distant future..

For WE are the Change,

and what we think and do now with our intentions and Actions, Are the outcome..

I will leave you with Dr Bruce Lipton’s thoughts on how our minds are programmed.. And what we need to help the next generation realise that they are Loved..

Let us learn to once again CARE and Live from our Hearts as One..




Warriors Of Light Walk Free


We are fast approaching a huge awakening, where by those who have ruled beneath our feet have held us within their grasp of fear and their darkness for thousands of years. WE are now challenging them by the LIGHT, and the banners the TRUTH of who we truly are… We are all now stepping up, speaking out, and becoming our own saviours, as we SEE through this charade of fear, invoking decisions to be taken by those who live in fear of what is being projected out in the world right now, which is meant to divide us even further as Human Beings..

Easter reminds us of Rebirth, of Ascension, and the Glory of God/Source and the Miracles of an emergence out of a sealed tomb, into the Light. We are now emerging from our shadow selves, into the LIGHT of our Pure selves.

Soon my friends… I feel very soon when we gather in our own Christed Light in Unity…. As our True Hearts gather in ONEness, we will then begin to create our reality, to bringing Harmony into our inner worlds and then it will be projected out into our outer world… We do that by letting go of our Conditioned indoctrination of being a Victim… Stepping out of our self imprisonment to step into our Power of our true Natures…. We are Sovereign BE-ings…. Responsible for our Thoughts, Actions, Deeds. We are the Ones we have been waiting for, and only We, can set ourselves free of being victims in allowing our Lights to be extinguished by those whom think, they are in control of us.

The poem Below I wrote many years ago now…. I wrote within a few minutes within my spiritual circle as I asked everyone to tune in and write from their hearts… Many wrote poems, while others wrote short stories.. But the theme of all of them had at there core was Love and Light, and being true to ourselves..

Its amazing when we gather collectively how often our thoughts will unite and generate similar themes.. Just think of the power we can create if we all of us harmonise and send out that love to bring about harmony, to stop the divisions now purposely being created to cause conflict.. How powerful is Prayer, look to the Power of Eight

I hold no judgement for others actions, as frustrating as these times are, for we each play our parts into bringing about our worlds rebirth. Including those who are playing their darker roles, for they are helping us see this is the duality of our natures.. We hold both. I am now seeing further down the road in our timeline, and it maybe many will still not understand or even contemplate the level of transformation I see, or understood why these choices were made… For many will sacrifice themselves in order for the Light to shine in this fork in our road. The choices each of us choose is going to be a difficult one for many to bare, as we part company with those whom we thought held light, but were hoodwinked by fear...

Many in our future months will be in shock at what our reality is, it may be some will never comprehend the level of our inhumanity to the most purest souls on earth, our children. Or comprehend how many children go missing in the world and why? A subject many will skirt around and not wish to see. As I said in previous posts, that I would start and speak of is truth, and many may think this is not of the Light… But this darkness now has to be brought up into the Light for us to rid the world once and for all of this evil..

I don’t ask any of you to believe me, in fact I would rather you go away and do your own research and find your own truth, or find something to disprove me.. In fact I challenge you to go and find your own information. Because we should not rely upon one source to tell us our daily news… And when you understand why that is… you will have cracked a huge code of misconduct by the mainstream media.. But its not for me to tell you, You have to go find your truth for yourselves.

Because we now need to step up and become Warriors, and that means shining our Light in darkened corners others may wish to leave alone.. It means not agreeing with the narrative, it means speaking our own minds while we still have free speech, and it means using our reason and discernment and not being coerced or indoctrinated by fear or fines.. It means critically thinking for ourselves and not being told what to think or how to behave and how to live. It means I breathe in God’s given oxygen, and it means I hug whom allows me to hug them…

So, I am seeing a huge separating of energy… As we see the choices being made through Fear take hold of hearts which within my own circle of friendships, I had thought these hearts were understanding of Light vs Dark…. But through their own fear, they have made their choice… As have I…

I choose Not to stand in Fear. But stand in Unity and Love, and the Truth of my own Health and wellbeing.

Warriors Of Light.


Warriors of Light are you on Earth,

Looking for answers searching for re-birth.

Look not to the Heavens for your Answers.

But look within stop taking chances.


You’ve embarked upon your journey this is true.

All that’s surrounds you is created by you.

Lead by example of Truth and of Good

Stop your worrying, stay out of the wood.


The wood that blinds you full of material things.

Trust us we’ll help you our fellow Earthlings.

You’re Warriors of Light, of this you’ve been told.

Be brave of heart, be steadfast be bold.


Hold up the Banner of Truth and Love.

You are your own Saviours, not we up above.

To change your world of the plight it is in.

Know how to master your thoughts you think in.


To reshape and build you need to create

With vision of hope, get rid of the hate.

We surround you with Love, release your Ego,

And the Warriors Cry will be for PEACE LET GO.


Happiness after all is just a state of mind

Allowing it to happen brings joy you’ll find.

Caretakers you are of this world called Earth.

Imagination and Vision are yours at Birth.


Know you are but spec’s who light up the way,

The journey is long you are Warriors we say.

We bring you our shield of transformation.

Your beginnings are small but spread to All Nations.


Hold up your Banner Of Truth and Love.

You are the Saviours, we observe from above.

You’ll pierce those hearts with Light of Truth.

We bless you and leave you Warriors of Youth.

©By Sue Dreamwalker2008

I include here the great artist Akiane Kramarik as she paints FREEDOM, I see us all holding high our light as we delve deeper into the unknown darkness of what has surrounded us for Aeons, which is now being brought out into the Light…. I see this too as a sign of those who are Warriors who are rescuing Children at great risk to themselves from around the world right now.. Some of you may know of what I speak, those who do not will have to dive deep into some deep underground tunnels to expose that Darkness…. Hold your lights High my friends….. Hold onto your TRUTH…. But most of all Hold onto your LOVE and Compassion…. We are all of us going to need each others hands to hold onto.

Out of Shadow into Light

Crocheted blanket throw


 I had thought to head my post in the same words as the title that came in my poem…“ Dark to Light!”   But, I am seeing lots of headers with the same title recently, So,  I chose Out of shadow into Light…. Why?, well,  I pondered many hours while working upon my blanket throw, about what makes certain people choose those Darker paths? And it is going to shock many around our world I feel as these darker paths are going to be exposed, in the not too distant future, and who has walked them. But that is for another day.

 Many of us have lots of compassion within our natures, and yet we are witnessing how  quickly our compassion becomes clouded, revealing the ugly natures of people, when insecurities and fear surrounds them. Their Anger suddenly flairs, because of their fear. They are quick to point their fingers at others, while not seeing their own reflections are being mirrored back to them, especially within the last twelve months. 

And Yet, most of us are not Dark at all…. Most of us are born with a good heart.

It’s now time to put our good hearts to use.  Because it is, WE who need to gather together to create change… 

 So many right now are being driven to make choices based out of fear…

So often our shadow side lives in fear, and we forget we are Beings of Light!… That we belong to Mother Nature, sadly over time, we have separated from our Mother, her natural healing and her natural laws and we’ve forsaken her ways of Unity and Co-operation. Instead we have thought we know better than Nature, and explored ways to duplicate her natural ways, and in the process we have contaminated, and alienated, poisoned and killed many species that are now extinct from our planet…  And no doubt created many abominations we as yet are not fully aware of. And I dare say before long, our own species will find the mirror reflecting back at ourselves and our own demise, if we do not open our eyes to what is occurring in our reality. And wake up and question the unquestionable topics being censored right now.   

We really all need to wake up to what we are submitting to as a world.. And understand the consequences of those choices being made right now on this planet.. For there are dark forces at work, whom are interfering in nature and natural law, whom have a dark agenda for this world.  That do not hold our Human species interests at heart.. In fact I often ponder if these beings have a heart at all? 

Many who read here have done lots of their own Inner shadow work… We have all of us lived through many Dark times through many lifetimes.  It is time now to stop living in fear… It is now time to stand up within our Power of who we truly are…

We are All Powerful Human Beings who have lost our way in understanding our True Natures. We have to understand we are creatures who Create… And we do so not just by the crafts of our hands… We do so with the Power of our Minds… We create into our reality that which we think… So if we are continually thinking with fear…. We will keep creating it within our realities.. 

My reality may be a slightly different creation than some of those who continually live in fear… Remember like attracts Like… And we pull to us our experiences… 

I am planting seeds right now, growing plants, I go out in the fresh air and I breathe deeply unafraid, I allow my smile to radiate upon my face… As others scurry to cross the road with their smiles hidden.. And yes, I care deeply for others, but others have not researched or dived as deep perhaps as I have into the Darkness of the realities of this world we are being subjected to right now… So I hold no fear!  But soon my friends, I feel very soon… New Light will be brought to this world… Those who are aware, already know this Light is penetrating many places, many hearts, and it is going to illuminate many shadows that have been kept hidden from us.. 

We ALL chose to be here at this pivotal point in our Earths evolution. And no one is here by mistake. We all chose to be here to witness this New Birthing process. But before a New Earth can be fully born, the Old has to be dismantled..  And yes.. Some will choose the Light and others will choose the shadow… 

Be Not Afraid! 

 We are all of us right now emerging from our shadow selves… We are either stepping up into our own courage, or we are submitting to the Fear…  I step up, in the light of who I am… This is the splitting of the Wheat from the Chaff… 

I AM, a Sovereign Human Being, with Free Will to Choose the way I wish to live, so long as I do no harm to others…  I chose long ago my path, and it many have taken many life times to arrive in my here and now one. But I chose to be here right now within this experience, and so did you!..

The world needs our Hearts to join in harmony, not fear.

  What is your choice? or has it already been made?  

It is now time to choose Freedom! or live in Fear! 

 My poem below  Dark to Light..  A title I have seen in many places recently.. Let us change this world from Dark to Light! 


Dark to Light.

How many raindrops have fallen through the years?

Splashing on windows in rivets of tears.

Running and merging without making a sound

All of them returning, to soak in the ground.


A candle flame burning, as energy is sent,

To those who are needing, whose energy is spent.

A Cat curled in slumber, in the crook of the chair

As the Rain falls faster creating floods of despair.


A crochet hook twisting the yarn in a hand

Subduing a mind that ponders Life plans

Each stitch that is woven another thought that embeds

As the Old world unravels revealing its threads


The threads that were woven in bygone of days

That shaped our existence within today’s matrix maze

A one world order of chaos to bring fear

The raindrops reflecting the millions of tears.


But nothing is separate, not even the rain,

For each drop that falls upon various terrain

Was once part of the ocean and part of the Whole

We are all here together one unit, one soul.


Now that maybe hard for some to comprehend

The Dark and the Light both created to ascend

But with out seeing the Darkness of Evil descent

We would not raise our vibration with Good intent


For soon we shall know how deep the darkness went

And we’ll all need our strength, as we view our governments

We’ll witness the changes, seeing manipulation and control

It’s now time to unite, to stand up and be bold.


Take nothing for granted, use your intuition and Grace

Remember in history those whose idea was a master race

Think before you relinquish your Freedoms to BE

 Remember Gods Law, we are HUMANITY. 


So, question and seek, see not just of the rain,

But see the spheres of Light through all of the pain

Know that through turmoil, struggle and strife

We wake up to truth, through the shadows of life.


Because it’s time to re-join the stream, the ebb and the flow

Where all comes together, it’s time to let go,

Where the Dark is exposed, In the Light of Earth’s Sun.

New Earth is here, and we warriors have Won.


Written 4th March 2021 © Sue Dreamwalker

Winter Solstice~ Your Time to SHINE!

What ever is happening in the world right now, there is nothing more important than YOU in this moment in time.. For this is the very Moment you chose to incarnate here on Mother Earth.. And YOU dear friends each may think you cannot make a difference.. Well you can.. and its so simple.

At this crucial beautiful time in our planets alignments, we are now seeing the destructive forces trying to divide and conquer us in their deep plans laid out for generations. We are seeing those Dark forces build up more fear, and those who are awake know of what I speak. And they too know this portal is a crucial one. But I feel they have already lost that battle, For as above so below… Love is All powerful.. LOVE Conquers ALL.. Because they could not foresee the courage, and the strength, the love and devotion, and the tenacity of the Human Spirit. And the power we hold when we are united in love.

All you have to do is be yourself… Open up our hearts, and embrace the Love within, know you are loved, you are unique and you are here right now at this crucial time within this Consciousness battle of Light over Darkness.. And tomorrow on the Winter Solstice is our opportunity to help facilitate more Light into our world by sending out our thoughts and prayers of love, unity and harmony into the world.. You do not have to join a meditation, you can light a candle, or you can go out into Mother Nature, or you can stand for a few moments where ever you are and just give thanks. Because we are ONE with our Mother Earth. We need do nothing more than give our thanks and send that love into the centre of our Mother’s Heart.. I am still taking time out right now… but comments I shall leave open and I will dip in and out of the internet when I can… Know each of you are special and we have all been drawn together for this very exciting time in our lives. I thank each and every one of you for your love and your friendship.

So today I wish to share a poem I wrote back in 2012….If we want our Freedom and Sovereignty we need to use the Power of love and unity. The Rebirthing, that final Push into the Light is up to ALL of us.. No one else…. While you read the poem, perhaps you would like to listen to some beautiful music created by Estas Tonne… I hope you listen as about half way though his Winter Solstice Lullaby, he speaks from his heart..

Be at One with yourself

Be at one with the world

Be at One with Nature

And see your life unfurl

Close your eyes and imagine

The beginnings of a New Earth,

And Open your eyes to your beauty

Breathe in and give Birth.

For you are One and part of the Whole

Not a separate Unit , but a Beautiful Soul

United within the One Divine love

And part of that cosmic hub.

Share your love along with your Light

And Rejoice in Gratitude

Use your sight

To see a world in Beauty and Grace

You are stronger than you think you know

Spread a little Love where ever you go

Shower your peace and sprinkle your heart

Into the rivers of life send a ripple a spark

Be Calm, knowing all is well

Keep breathing in Peace for inside it dwells

Know you are where you are meant to be

Open your eyes

Come on now See

For we are ONE and it’s time to Unite

Stop all your hating, and judging and strife

Find your heart and clear out your mind

Seek out yourself

And Wisdom you’ll find

Let go of torments and allow the Joy in

Come on now people

It’s time to begin

Be One with yourself

Be One with the world

Be One with nature

And Let the Universe Spin

For the Spiral is turning and

Peace will Win..

By Sue Dreamwalker 2012-2020

💖 Love and Blessings to all…. 💖


Waking Up takes Time! But we need to see it and feel it for ourselves before we believe it.


 Most of you who follow my site, know I am for the most part,a rational human being, with common sense, who has Spiritual connections that over the years have developed also into an ‘Intuitive Knowing’ as I ask and connect to that higher realm to which all of us are connected to. …

I cannot explain it other than you just KNOW… And yet you cannot say how you know or explain it… I am adding some more of my automatic writings at this time.  This was written way back in January 2007.  Little did I know then the deeper meaning to these words I posted way back, which on re-reading would drive home more urgency as to the message this group of beings were trying to convey back then. 

Now, as I read this channelled communication  again, it brings me added comfort during these challenging times..   The words were written quickly within my journal as you see them presented below. I never pause to think for in doing so puts your own left brain into gear which can influence them..  My invitation for those words to form began with me asking the question in blue italics .. 

To those of you who want to understand more about Automatic Writing my good friend Debby over at wrote an excellent article on the subject.

Photo by cottonbro on

5th January 2007.

Happy New Year Book.

I welcome those from the higher realms. I ask that you bring forward any wisdom you feel I need to know at this time……….


Child of light you need not fear. Many of us at this your Earth time of need are gathering on the outer reaches of your Universe, making ready with the preparations needed shortly for the energy shifts needed within your sphere of existence.

We are not of your solar system. But have been chosen in part for our neutral observations. However there are a collective of us that have formed a Council, who now wish to oversee the changes. And help with guidance towards lightening the denseness from your planet. You must realise that your vibrations felt as a whole within the planet is having repercussions in the Ether.

You cannot possibly  be aware of what is liken to an invisible grid that not only connects your earth energies together around your own planet, but it also extends outward into space. These invisible grids you cannot see carry sound or Light waves. These are made up of energy. Your planet is likening to an electronic pulse. And resonates within a certain frequency. The beat is on a low-key level and to align it to the grid, the key or vibration needs to be lifted higher to another level. So allowing the density of matter to switch and become lighter. The vibration will then alter.

We are a Council of watches who want to make your Earths transition less chaotic.

You child of light and many more like-minded are helping with this transition. Now is the time for your programming to awaken. And to fulfil what your incarnation intended.

Many such souls as yourselves will act as beacons of light. And knowledge will pour down into pools of light energy centres.

You may find yourself facing ridicule and tests. But keep your resolve and stand firm.

You will be given proof of undeniable proportions if you stand firm.

You will deliver a truth of much importance and it shall be spoken to many.

All we ask child of light is to keep the faith, and let not thy fellow man put you asunder.

The human mind wanders, we are aware of this. Keep vigil over your energy, your Light bodies. We send you many teachings within the mind. But you as yet do not have the key or code to access the information. We down load it through the light waves. But you are mostly unaware.

The energy changes are afoot. And have started to change in form. Your bodily DNA is now in a stage of transformation. Your scientists are aware of subtle changes within the body’s makeup. Many of your newborn will favour this change and sense more, and communicate with thoughts.

We would ask that practice of such will be beneficial and you will be amazed at its success. We ask it not to be as a game. But in serious tones. Do not use frivolous means. But use matters of the heart, these will carry more vibration of feeling, and can be attuned to better.

So your success in retrieving information from each other will be more accurate.

Global warming as ‘you’ say is having its affect. But your vibrations are far more dangerous to the well-being of your planet.

Many times your planet has almost shut its self down and rejuvenated itself to once again the living library of the Universe, as you know it.

We are not as you. Our home is not as your planet. And yet our planet is inter-linked with yours, as every thing is inter-linked.

We say Child of light. Sit and let the higher Rays float down into your conscious mind. And speak unconsciously the words given as you allow them to flow from your pen.

Be not afraid. And do not judge, least yourself, do not judge, for wisdom will abound. And Trust will be needed. But we child have faith.

You also need to keep the faith. And let the Light of Truth Flow free.

You Council of Elders who sit and watch and are awaiting the Light.

And so it shall be.


So dear friends the words above were added confirmation from those Higher realms, that  my pen may well take on the challenge of Trusting again the words that deeply flow..  Words that need to be spoken, in Truth and within Love, for we all of us now need to Wake Up and think outside of our boxes and prepare to be awoken to the reality of our existence and the games being played with our lives, and those of our Children’s Future..

We now need to step up to the plate and be counted, as we owe it ourselves to dive deeper not only into ourselves, but to research deeper into All the information we are fed. When you search outside of the box, you may well be surprised to learn a whole different reality than the illusion we are presented with. 

Many thanks for reading and I look forward to hearing your thoughts. 

True Awakening Stories Part III ~ Puzzle of Life ~Final Pieces.

Barbara over at

has invited others and myself to take part in the continuation of our stories on our Awakening journey. She asks us to tell us where we are right now on our awakening journey.  

The posts of which are linked on Barbara’s Blog post entitled can find the ebooks on Barbara’s site or the bottom of my own

Part Three of my Awakening..  Fitting all of the Pieces Together  .

When does our true awakening begin? Looking back over time, there was no flash of inspiration, no NDE (Near Death Experience) that brought me to my awakened self. There was no Light bulb moment where I got some mystical revelation. 


We are never truly Complete, until each of those separate pieces wake up and return. Understanding we are all God Parts.

Like most of us who wake up, it can be gradual process, it’s not until you look back at the beauty of this orchestrated life, and see how one thing leads to another, and how people you meet, places you go, all lead you on the path you are meant to be on. Then you can look back and see how far you have come as all of those pieces of the puzzle came together. 

 It shows you how childhood was the learning ground that set you on your emotional journey of discovering yourself. I was lucky… I was guided and listened to my inner promptings …. Many are not. And it shows me again and again how we should all nurture our young children for they carry so much within their emotional bodies for the rest of their lives which shape their thinking and perception of the world about them and their own self-worth.

I don’t wish to repeat what I already shared in parts one and part two of Our Awakening process, for they can be found in Barbara’s eBooks.  But I can pin point a pivotal turning point that allowed me to travel along my own pathway of discoveries.  You know how sometimes, you just know you are being guided, Well that is how this ‘Sign’ jumped up at me, when searching for job vacancies, the advert a Meditation Class just JUMPED off the page. The first of many signs.  And if I had not seen it, I am certain I would not now be on this path. When you begin to wake up, to see how everything is connected you will see an escalation of ‘Signs’ Synchronicities, and you will start to notice numbers that keep repeating, and marvel at how once you open your mind how connected and orchestrated this Universe really is. Because we then begin to see how Thoughts are Energy. 

All seeds emerge from the darkness into the Light.

Where am I now in my awakening experience? Some would say I am deeper down the rabbit hole than ever before. And if I were to tell you of what I have discovered about the world and it’s history along the way many wouldn’t believe me, so I won’t even try..

What is important is your own soul journey, and waking up to all You can be.

The pieces of my puzzle have been coming together all of my life. We experience how the universal plan unfolds for all of us. And it’s only through our choices we live and learn. We were given Free Will after all!…  

Our waking up is not an easy journey, it takes work. It can be a painful process, there will be tears too. Painful memories which we think we have dealt with will often crop up again when you least expect it as something triggers a deeper subconscious memory deep within. Only recently at the beginning of the year, more digging deep  I had to do, as those childhood emotions of unworthiness  I had thought dealt with surfaced yet again. This time I looked at them not from my perspective, but I tried to look at the  reason why I kept hanging onto them.  So I revisited my childhood through my Mother’s perspective. And why she had perhaps not been able to show me and one of my sisters as much affection as she did my other three siblings. And I was able to extend more compassion out to her than before. And this time around I truly believe I forgave her treatment of me. And I was able to hold that inner child to reassure her she was loved by her Mother, but for what ever reasons, her Mother found it hard to give of herself.  

 Flower Petals created this bird each a separate piece to create the whole. Nature continues to create and just BE seeking no praise for doing so. 

It takes courage to dig deep to bring those hidden wounds to the surface. They’re many layers, and often many tears as raw wounds need to be dug out and exposed to the light of day.   

We have to Learn to forgive, and that is not just others, but we need learn to forgive ourselves and the guilt we so easily pile upon ourselves. Sometimes we discover it’s not just the guilt of this one life time. And after experiencing Past life Regression, I learnt I was carrying many things over from one life into the next.

And so it has to be with you, I cannot tell you how to awake, I can only tell you that you have to begin to trust a deeper ‘knowing’ Follow your intuition. Let go of old programming that holds you trapped within this ‘Matrix’. And as you begin to let go of the emotional baggage we carry around with us, you will also discover this world is not all that we have been programmed to believe it is. 

When you wake up you come to look at those who wound you in a different light, as you try to fathom what lessons did we learn and where it shaped our paths to take a different route. Some of our biggest enemies maybe are our greatest friends. As they perhaps agreed to be part of your wake-up call.

Creation is Constantly Evolving

All was meant to be, as I tried to unpick those childhood feelings of unworthiness which hung deep within.. And I would not then have learnt how to move blocked energy or delve into past life regression. Or read the books on Self healing. 

Solving the Puzzle is an ongoing process. We will never truly find all missing pieces, because we are all of us creating new experiences as we grow and evolve.

But to wake up, we don’t all need a spiritual path, we can come from ALL walks of life, From vagrants on the street, to Doctors and Scientists.  No one is higher or lower. We have all come to  Re-Remember who we Are as we raise our vibration and learn that we are Energy Beings,inside our Human shells. 

Each of us are on our own individual journey’s as we wake up to the world around us and as we discover the Universe is far beyond what any imagination could visualise. When you start digging deeper into searching for answers, you begin to uncover for yourselves that you are ALL so much more that we have ever been led to believe.

We are Powerful Eternal Beings who have been held trapped within this dimension for far too long. Held within our perpetual wheels of this merry-go-round. Now is the time to break this cycle. As we let go once and for all of this material realm, as we raise our vibration in love. 

Waking up means you have to be prepared to step out of your box, and you have to be prepared to be able to accept that which you find. For many things will take you outside of your comfort zones.  But you have to search to find yourself and your own answers, for its your journey, your awakening.

We are all hear to remember! That which we know, but which most of us forgot.

 We raise our vibration Through Love.  

To Love ourselves.

I learnt to let go of ALL of that which you think is important.

I Learnt to Let go of the past, the hurt, grief, guilt, judgement and open your heart

I learnt to live with what I have within my grasp right NOW.

We have to stop blaming the past, and try to stop worrying about the future

For the only Moment we live is in this moment of NOW.

And I learnt to embrace the peace and beauty,in the minutest details from micro flowers to ants.

You have to Learn to love that Inner Child again, Laugh, play, and enJOY.  

And as you do, as you let go of thinking that this material world is all that matters

You shed the bonds that have kept us captive via our own ego’s and the deep emotions we have held within us.. A new sense of Freedom suddenly surrounds you. 

We came back to remember, and when we do, when we really remember WHO it is we are, No fear can stop us, for we are Eternal BE-ings of Light.

All photos taken by Sue Dreamwalker  ~Flowers and birds are from a Well Dressing. 


Look UP! and Soar…

When you awoke this morning, did you look in the mirror?

I did.

I looked deep into my eyes beyond my eyelids

I travelled back in time before technology took hold

Before it sucked us from reality, into its social media fold


To a time when children would play outside in fresher air

When parents wouldn’t worry about the dangers out there

I went back, before we numbed ourselves in computer game fads

Before we were swamped in consumerism, and online shopping Adds


I travelled to the family dinner table, where all gathered in discussion

As their days events unravelled in polite conversations

Exchanging news, while eating their meal

While today, no one speaks, except for text spiel


No one looks up at the sky anymore

Earphones plugged in, downloads the score

Is it any wonder Nature is a mess?

She just reflects back our own destructiveness


We’ve forgotten to Respect, Care for and Love

The very gifts that were given from Source, above

So, this morning I gave thanks, as I travelled back in time

For the gifts I need to nurture, and resurrect as mine


When we become Creative, and align with our true essence

We’ll find ourselves in the flow, of our Now experience

Synchronicity will astonish, when you Dream a better self

Your Intention creates an Outcome, creating pure wealth.


And I am not speaking of Gold, or monetary gain

The wealth I speak of is much more plain

When you give birth to your dream, when aligned with your heart

Believe in its Magic,

Look in the mirror

Make a Start!.  

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I hope your year has begun in its own high flying start. Some of you may have noticed I am not on line as much. I am just embracing each day, going within its flow. I took myself off for a  lone walk in the chilly sun this afternoon. It was a great afternoon for blowing away cobwebs. 

And often while walking, I ask for Sign that I am on the right path. And sure enough I saw this buzzard, it looks further away on the photo slides than it was, and I was able to tell it was a  UK buzzard by the pattern beneath its wings.  Part of what Buzzard is teaching says this~

“( …… It is time to soar above your perceived limitations. Are you currently undergoing an internal death and rebirth cycle? Are you ready to assert your actions from your ideas? Buzzard will aid in transforming knowledge to bring the unconscious to conscious and teach how to soar above it and bring the transformation you are needing at this time. Are you ready for these lessons of awakening? ……. (He teaches efficiency in actions and promises that changes are imminent. He shows how to restore harmony of thoughts and feelings so one can reach new heights with little effort. Buzzards will aid in uncovering truths, clarifying previous conceptions, and allow to see and hear subtle hidden qualities using intuition and awareness.)  “

For those interested in finding the  Full Totem meaning you can find it at this link, just scroll down alphabetically to Buzzard.   Our UK Buzzard looks like this 

Are we ready to soar?

Are you reinventing yourself? 

Are you following your Dreams?

We are all of us filled with wonderful capabilities. Sometimes all we need is to trust in the flow and go with it. 

I am in the FLOW 

Love and Light!


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Sue Dreamwalker

Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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Part Two E-book of True Awakening Experiences, complied by Barbara Franklin and WordPress Friends.


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