Listening to The Echoes Within


Can you hear the echo of Silence Within?

Is it shattering through this chaotic din?

Of political missiles of control and power

What kind of thoughts do you launch within an hour


Do you wonder where those thoughts might land

As you create ‘Matter’ from the ‘Force’ at hand

Projected missiles each moment we send

As out into the Universe our thoughts do blend.


Creating our future, we constantly weave

Each thought born, with intent conceived

Which side of the pendulum do your thoughts swing?

Is it positive or negative energy you bring?


What noises are you sending out?

Is it Peace and Calm or do you want to shout

Remember the Echo rebounds to bounce back

What thoughts are you sending, is it Love or Lack?


Have you felt the change, or don’t you care?

Are you breathing in deep, Natures air?

Are you listening to the echoes of your heart?

If you are then you’ve perhaps made a start.


Are you listening to your Inner Chatter?

What you are focused upon really matters

The power of your thoughts is what we create

Take a moment, to Pause, and Meditate.


What outcomes to you wish for this world?

Is it Peace or War you wish to unfurl

Now is the time we Humans Must Unite

To envisage Peace, we must reach for the light.


© Sue Dreamwalker 2017


Within today’s world, we are seeing many truths now being exposed, as those whom we are supposed to look up to, are now finding their own Lies, echoing back to find them out.

We  all of us at times join in the gossip train, that travels out, gaining momentum and speed, stopping at various destinations, it gathers on board more passengers, who add their own little flourish to the journey.

I caught myself on this journey only the other week, which led me to stop my inner chatter, for our thoughts, like our words, are also powerful, and travel out, to create their vibration.. Which is why I wrote 

Are you listening to your Inner Chatter?

What you are focused upon really matters

The power of your thoughts is what we create

Take a moment, to Pause, and Meditate.

I hope you pause, and take a moment to see what thoughts are being sent out.. For believe me.. They Echo right back to the source of their creation, it may not be straight away.. As the train timetables vary.. So Listen to the Echoes of your  Heart..  I hope we have all made a start…  Hold your vision for the World.. 

Love and Blessings


The Photo I took  At Whitby Abbey in 2010. Enjoy Pink Floyd… 

The above poem I wrote in 2017, along with my thoughts above.. The quote I flipped through a book of insights just now, by Susan Hayward called A Guide for the Advanced Soul, full of little quotes.. I Closed my eyes and opened the page and the quote you see below is what it opened at.

You will have wonderful surges forward,
Then there is a time for consolidating before the next forward surge.
Accept this as part of the process
Never become Downhearted.

EILEEN CADDY ~ God Speaks to Me~

Keep your Vision on what you wish for the world.. Not that which holds you in its fear..

My own world has been busy within its creations. to be found here full of Autumns Bounties

💖 Wishing you all a Wonderful weekend.. 💖

Breaking the Silence..

It’s been several months now since I last posted anything here within my blog… Those who have followed me throughout the years, know I often take short breaks… We need those breaks to reconnect within ourselves as we gather inner peace and listen to our inner wisdom, that the outer world of noise often closes in, which can detach us from that inner peace.

That outer chatter  can drain the empathic soul of energy, as their sensitivity feels the energies of others who are experiencing troubling times. So, we need to recharge, revaluate, and reconnect back within our purpose, as we reconnect back to our inner guidance of why we are here.

Are we in service to self? Or service to others?

So while my spirit was willing to return some time ago, I guess the Universe had other ideas of how short or how long that break would be.  But again, those who know me here also know I follow my intuition,  my gut instincts… And each time I made the slightest thought of returning, something cropped up that stopped me, and my inner knowing knew it was not yet that time to break the silence.
So, I listen to the silence, that space within, that has always guided me through out my journey here. For when I have not listened, I have often regretted not following my first instincts.

I am sure many of you now, once again are tapping into your inner guidance, that is telling you by the feeling in the pit of your stomach, that something is not quite right. You know it deep within your being, but as yet you are still in fear of voicing your thoughts out loud, in case it goes against the narrative.

That fear maybe have driven many to make choices to feel included and not excluded from society, thinking they are not only serving others, but are protecting others…  Each of these choices have been individual soul choices.

My  own instincts right from the onset of this last two years period have held me in my own sovereign power of freedom to choose to think, to be objective, to think outside the box, and also have an open mind to see all points of view. Except it seems of late one isn’t allowed an opinion that is outside the box, which brings in discussion or debate.  I have seen so many good honest people get censored, and silenced, because they had an alternative view, or brought clarity and facts to the fore.  But that is all about to change, as I have a feeling in the not too distant future, those who have been silenced will be proved to have been speaking the truth all along.  Time as they say will tell. And History no doubt will report to our future generations of this time, this War we are in right now.. For make no mistakes… This is a spiritual, consciousness war on Humanity as a species..

I have always been diligent in my research to define perception within our reality of this Illusionary world. For we have each of us from birth been brought up within the paradigms of how we perceive within this vibration of our 3 D reality on Mother Earth.  All is perception.  But that 3D reality is now shifting rapidly,  and we too are being shifted into those frequencies we at a soul level have chosen to resonate within and experience.

Most of us do not know the truth of this world… How can we?  For we each of us are just experiencing our own little pieces of life, our own reality, our own creations.  We gather our perceptions via how we experience, how are taught, what we are told, and mostly today what our media platforms inform us with about what is happening on a world wide scale. We seem to have lost the ability to critically think for ourselves to discern what is truth from fiction.. Relying instead on being told what to think, and no longer question.

So, like when we were in school and we asked WHY?? so many times, to Question the teacher.  We were told Because, that’s how it is. And if you were bold enough to have a different view point, or point out something you thought was different, often times your teacher would say you were being disruptive and you were punished.

So gradually you learned not to question… You kept silent… Because fear stopped you for voicing your own opinions..   That was my experience… I remember vividly getting the blackboard chalk thrown in my direction as I questioned something I didn’t understand.  As I was made to look stupid and was made an example of, as my school friends laughed… So we are made then to feel shame and guilt so we keep silent and comply.

Learning from our history books, we rely on historians bringing us the facts as They see them and research them. We don’t question them because we believe we are being told the truth.  So we learn the dates parrot fashion of major historical battles, Kings, Queens, and Presidents, along with the famous explorers and those whose names and dates you would have to remember. And we think, because we are told to believe this is truth that this is the truth..   

And of course, we believe it because we are told it happened and how do we know otherwise. What happened 200 years ago, no one was alive today to experience it.. So we rely upon those books to shape our view of history and how it was… I ponder on how History will record this timeline we are currently experiencing now? I ponder upon that a lot. 

History was one of my all-time favourite subjects as a child in school…  And once I left school to become an adult. I thought I knew a lot about our world..

How wrong I was…. I know Nothing!.. Because Nothing is what it seems …

So dear friends, those who still may be here to read this Dreamwalker’s thoughts, who after all, are just thoughts, just perceptions… They are neither right or wrong, just as those who perceive their reality is neither right or wrong.. They are how we perceive our world through the time line of our perception and our experience..

I’ve spoken before about a split happening within our world… The Hopi Indians also spoke of that fork in the road… That time is now firmly upon us… And so the Silence within has now brought about the time now to speak…

So my poem was below was written last month…  


When to speak and when to rage

When to shout out from within your cage

The Time is NOW, each voice to be heard

So take up the arrow, to pen with our words


For we each need to stand in our corners of truth

If not for yourselves, then for our children and Youth

For if you’ve not yet awoken to deceit and lies

Then our future’s Children will cry out WHY?


Ask yourself why do things not make sense

Its time to stand up and get off of the fence

Stop listening to narratives, research for yourselves

You’ll be surprised at the truth, if deep you delve


Let go of your fear, which separates and kills

Break free of the Matrix programable pills

Which one did you swallow, the blue or the red?

It matters not now. It’s our Future, and the seeds we spread


Do we spread Fear! Control, and Hate?

Or do we spread Love, and Be more Compassionate

The choices we make, ALL have consequence

As our world is now shifting from this old Third Dense.


The old is no more, the New is yet to evolve,

The corrupted systems first though, must be dissolved

Each are responsible for the sovereignty we hold

So it’s time to stand up, speak out and be bold..


We are a People, whose strength knows no bounds,

Our voices are our vibration, so let’s make our sounds

Imagine if you will, the power of the Heart

As we unite together as a New Earth we do start.


We now stand at those cross-roads, it’s up to me and you

Now is the time to choose our pathway, the choice is yours to do

I choose to live in my heart, which isn’t ruled by my head

I choose by being Love, letting go of fearful dread


When liberties are taken in a world that’s gone astray

The mirrors of reflection show us just how important is our say

Its not until we are restricted within the prison of our own fears

Let’s not lock our children and Grandchildren into more slavery years


The Signs are clear to see when you look at prophecy

They say everything has purpose within society

When all stop complying and the Fear you Let go

To change, it’s all so simple, like a little word called NO!

©Sue Dreamwalker November 14th 2021.

Growing Season Within & Without

Hello again to those of you who bare with me through these times of shifts and changes. So much is happening within our world, both within a consciousness level, and within our own personal lives. In which so many lives have been tipped upside down within this Upside Down World.

We each have had to learn to navigate through these changes and shifting energies as best we can. And while the outer world is plunged within the fear, I have for the most part been able to ground myself within the growing season of planting and tending our large allotment plot. As well as connecting back within, to the things my heart is guiding me to, such as my painting and crafts.

Like any one who starts out creating a garden, you have to put in the hard heavy ground work… We have to dig and overturn the Earth. The soil needs to be fed nutrients. And we need to plan our crop rotation. So as not to take too much out of the soil, and learn what crops give back the nutrients into the earth.. We learn what crops grow in harmony together, and what plants to mingle within them, to offset damage due to aphids etc. And we mustn’t be afraid of getting our hands dirty, learning what to keep and what to discard, or that we get aches and pains within our bodies through all the efforts we put in. Gardening teaches us many things, and while we have many successes, we also can expect some disappointments. Not all gardening is a bed of roses. Such is Life

Navigating Life means we also have tend our inner garden, in preparing our Inner world. As we reconnect with our Hearts. As we strengthen our connections with those around us, as we use our discernment, our compassion and our awareness. Along with our love and our common-sense of reasoning via our internal compass using our in-built gifts of Intuition! We learn to separate from our Heads of our indoctrinated teachings, back into our Hearts, which connects us back to Source. This is always difficult because of our ingrained thought patterns, we have to be prepared to view life from alternative perspectives. As we learn to let go of our Ego minds to be right.

The world is going through some of its own heavy turmoil right now, as we Unearth the Truth of our Reality. People are digging and weeding out their own information, and having to learn to navigate and separate the disinformation from the truth….. The Wheat from the Chaff When you plant your seeds, be it of what ever variety, you have to be patient… You plant them in the dark, cover them with Earth, and you wait… If you neglect the seeds, and don’t water them, then they perish , if you over water them, that too can cause them to rot.. So learning Discernment is vital, for what we focus upon is what we create.

We need to tend to our thoughts right now, and weed out that which we do not wish to create, and only cultivate the thoughts we wish to manifest within our New Earth

The world reflects back to us all the time what we are manifesting. And if our roots are not strong or we neglect to nurture ourselves, we become overwhelmed by the weeds within society which for the most part, not all, for some weeds are useful. But many can choke out and overtake that which is wholesome and good.

A good gardener knows patience. My fruit trees have taken several years to bare fruit. And this year I thought with all the blossom we would have a good crop of apples. But they are covered in leaf mildew, such has been the weather. You have to take the good with the bad. We grow organic, so we don’t use any chemicals. I mixed up a spray from natural ingredients. We wait and see if this has helped. Patience is at the core of any gardener. This year here in the UK we certainly have been pushed way beyond our Patience Barriers and people have had to adapt. And Humanity is going to have to adapt within these coming changes and shifts. For many as yet do not foresee the challenges yet to come. So we have to hold steady in the belief of our future New Earth and what we wish that to look like..

So we need to harness those visions of how we can change ourselves and the world for the better, not focusing on what is always wrong with it.. But pulling upon our strengths not our weaknesses, looking for new ways in which we can unify and heal, and work in cooperation with each other instead of competition. Just like when you plan your garden, you hold a vision of what the end process will look like… You see your crops delivering a good harvest.. You see your flowers and shrubs in full bloom, as you plan how your garden will look once it is mature.

And although your garden will hold many different varieties, of flowers, each plant is unique. Just as we are. You will learn what plants thrive in shade or direct sunlight. They care not what labels WE give them. All, if nurtured correctly should thrive, given their roots are firm in a well tended environment and they have enough light, water and nutrients, specific to their needs.. We have much to learn from our Gardens, and while many plants have many fancy Latin names, they all belong to the Mother Earth. As we Humans do, We All have our needs..

It matters not what labels we give ourselves or others.. We are ONE family, The Human Race. We need to understand the importance once again of being Grounded within Mother Earth instead of giving each other labels and pointing out our differences. For this is how we are kept separated. We have to find our commonalities. Rediscovering our communities, and our inner wisdom. When you look at nature, each and everything is unique. We now have a unique opportunity in which we all can grow through these bitter sweet times. As we grow from the Inside Out!

Within our world there is always going to be the Bitter and the Sweet!

Bitter to Sweet!

And when the world finally wakes, there are going to many bitter pills to swallow. In that we trusted those whom we thought had our best interests at heart. When the seeds so many tried to sow, to show the world the truth of their understanding, which was censored and thrown out, like weeds on the rubbish heap. So many are going to need our help.

We who hold within our being, the conscious Light of Knowing. For it is then the Lightworkers will be needed to heal, to bridge the wounds, as we connect with each other around the globe to unify in our common purpose of why we incarnated at this time in our Earth’s Evolution. We then will need to rely upon each other more than ever and learn new skills, not only in new ways of living in harmony within a community, as we adapt to the changes to come. But as we rediscover just who we are and our inner abilities which stand us apart as Human Beings. As we rediscover our connections back within Mother Nature.

The Seeds of Knowledge  come to us in many ways, just like our jigsaw pieces making little sense on their own.. But when we plant nurture and tend them they grow and flourish. 

We are all seeds….. Each of us upon our own journey each of us appearing as separate, and yet we are all of us linked together.

It is now time to gather together and spread out our own seeds of love compassion and understanding, and sow them and nurture them. For our Earth and our Brothers and Sisters around this Earth need to feel that love.. We really do now need to start and visualise and live from our hearts as to what type of world we want to live… It is as simple as learning to live from your Heart.

We are Many, Each a separate head, but each connected to the same Heart and Root. Which is LOVE.

Love and Blessings to you All

Listening to The Echoes Within


Can you hear the echo of Silence Within?

Is it shattering through this chaotic din?

Of political missiles of control and power

What kind of thoughts do you launch within an hour


Do you wonder where those thoughts might land

As you create ‘Matter’ from the ‘Force’ at hand

Projected missiles each moment we send

As out into the Universe our thoughts do blend.


Creating our future, we constantly weave

Each thought born, with intent conceived

Which side of the pendulum do your thoughts swing?

Is it positive or negative energy you bring?


What noises are you sending out?

Is it Peace and Calm or do you want to shout

Remember the Echo rebounds to bounce back

What thoughts are you sending, is it Love or Lack?


Have you felt the change, or don’t you care?

Are you breathing in deep, Natures air?

Are you listening to the echoes of your heart?

If you are then you’ve perhaps made a start.


Are you listening to your Inner Chatter?

What you are focused upon really matters

The power of your thoughts is what we create

Take a moment, to Pause, and Meditate.


What outcomes to you wish for this world?

Is it Peace or War you wish to unfurl

Now is the time we Humans Must Unite

To envisage Peace, we must reach for the light.


© Sue Dreamwalker 2017


Within today’s world, we are seeing many truths now being exposed, as those whom we are supposed to look up to, are now finding their own Lies, echoing back to find them out.

We  all of us at times join in the gossip train, that travels out, gaining momentum and speed, stopping at various destinations, it gathers on board more passengers, who add their own little flourish to the journey.

I caught myself on this journey only the other week, which led me to stop my inner chatter, for our thoughts, like our words, are also powerful, and travel out, to create their vibration.. Which is why I wrote 

Are you listening to your Inner Chatter?

What you are focused upon really matters

The power of your thoughts is what we create

Take a moment, to Pause, and Meditate.

I hope you pause, and take a moment to see what thoughts are being sent out.. For believe me.. They Echo right back to the source of their creation, it may not be straight away.. As the train timetables vary.. So Listen to the Echoes of your  Heart..  I hope we have all made a start…  Hold your vision for the World.. 

Love and Blessings


The Photo I took  At Whitby Abbey in 2010.

Are You Listening?


Have you listened to the Silence?

The symphony of the stars

Can you hear the music beat within our Earth Mothers Heart?

It’s Time: Time to join the orchestra of her Song

And sing the long-forgotten notes of Dreamers

Be not afraid of standing alone and singing solo

For we are many joining in Harmony

Standing up in Unity of our forgotten heritage

Remembering the tune which has been deeply buried and obscured

We now open our hearts, finding our voices

To sing the forgotten Truth

Have you Listened to the Silence?

Has it not touched your heart

Illuminating your soul as the layers fall away

Revealing who we’ve always been

And who we are to become

Can you not feel the vibration?

Stirring those strands of your DNA

Do you not feel your molecular rivers?

Flowing within the molten heart of Compassion

Use your breath, as you breathe deeper into the New Dawn upon your Horizon

See how the Golden Glow of unification of open hearts dissolves  the shadows of fear

Its Time: Time to awaken, tune up the instruments that you are

For you are each an integral part within the orchestra of life

Its Time: Time to play the melody you came here to Sing

So, open your hearts to the love your Earth Mother has always given

For each breath, she gave you

Every sip of water Sprang forth from her springs

Each seed she grew to nourish you

Every forest she gave for shelter, food and warmth

So, listen to the Silence……………..

For our Earth Mother is calling us to remember your Ancient Ancestry

For we are not separate…… WE ARE ONE

Have you Listened?

And did you Hear her Song.

© Sue Dreamwalker 2017

I wrote this on May 2nd.. It came during the night, as I had to sit up and ‘listen’ as the words wrote themselves… I felt I had to share them..

For it’s TIME..

Love and Blessings


The above photo I took in 2015 in March of the partial eclipse as the clouds grew darker and the air became cold.. More of the photos of the Eclipse  can be found here

We are the New Earth.

A painting in Acrylic..  of a Hare  I did earlier this year.  I want to convey the message of my poem below.. And say.. 

Be at One with yourself

Be at one with the world

Be at One with Nature

And see your life unfurl

Close your eyes and imagine

The beginnings of a New Earth,

And Open your eyes to your beauty

Breathe in and give Birth.


For you are One and part of the Whole

Not a separate Unit , but a Beautiful Soul

United within the One Divine love

And part of that cosmic hub.

Share your love along with your Light

And Rejoice in Gratitude

Use your sight

To see a world in Beauty and Grace


You are stronger than you think you know

Spread a little Love where ever you go

Shower your peace and sprinkle your heart

Into the rivers of life send a ripple a spark

Be Calm, knowing all is well

Keep breathing in Peace for inside it dwells


Know you are where you are meant to be

Open your eyes

Come on now See

For we are ONE and it’s time to Unite

Stop all your hating, and judging and strife

Find your heart and clear out your mind

Seek out yourself

And Wisdom you’ll find


Let go of torments and allow the Joy in

Come on now people

It’s time to begin

Be One with yourself

Be One with the world

Be One with nature

And Let the Universe Spin

For the Spiral is turning and

Peace will Win..

© Sue Dreamwalker – 2012 -2017 All rights reserved.

You can find out more about the Hare Totem Here   among other things the hare totem depicts that

 “Many fables and tales speak of Hare’s quickness of foot. Hare people must learn to be patient and simultaneously be ready to react in a timely manner and advance in leaps when necessary.”

I have been busy this week in the allotments.. And as soon as the rain clears again this is where you will find me.

Have a good  week all of you

Love and Blessings

💕 Sue 💕

Mothering Sunday, Spreading LOVE and LIGHT.

Flowers from my Children.

Today is Mothering Sunday here in the UK.  And while we share our Love with our Mothers, or in remembrance of them.  I wish also to share the love for the Mother of us ALL.. Our Earth Mother.. Without whom these beautiful flowers would not have grown to be given with love today.. 

I also wish to share this poem I wrote in 2012.. As we share love and Unity around our globe.. Never has there been a better time to spread the light.. And in doing so each of us can help create a better world.. 

Also I  want to introduce you to Tom’s Blog. Beyond The Sphere   Where he is sharing one of his creations, on  post entitled Sharing The Light  

 He invites us to share his Candle creations  upon our blogs as we spread the Light around the world as we embrace the Lighter Side of Life as we step out of the Fear… I have chosen this one.  I hope you go and choose yours, and let yourself be known to him.. I will add this one to my side bar later.. 

I know I have a few comments yet to moderate, and apologies if you clicked a previous post in your email on Mothering Sunday  that had an error message.. As I pressed Publish before I intended.

 I hope you will have patience with me in replying and attending to moderate comments today, as I spend family time.  Ok here is the poem..

Enjoy your day whether you are Mothers, Fathers, Brothers or Sisters.. For we Are ONE. 

 Earth Mother

We hear your cries beneath our feet

As upwards your blood rushes to greet

A New Dawn which begins to break

Earth Mother, oh Earth Mother We Awake


We feel your tears as you cleanse your own eyes

We feel your winds as your sky heaves sighs

Each day spins faster as you vibrate

Earth Mother, oh Earth Mother We Awake


We are united with a common goal

For we are One together One Soul

Each of us bound by the cords we make

Earth Mother, oh Earth Mother We Awake


We shall let go of Greed and Fear

And it may be hard as we shed our tears

But our love for you we’ll never forsake

Earth Mother, oh Earth Mother We Awake.


Our Wake-up calls have almost but gone

As we remember how bright we once shone

Renew our Hearts, teach us to Give and not Take

Earth Mother, Oh Earth Mother..


  © Sue Dreamwalker  – 2012 -2017 All rights reserved.







 While I was absent from WordPress as I gathered together my thoughts and energies I spent some time painting in watercolours..

I had been given a wonderful gift by my friend Cynthia Sageleaf over at her Intuitive and Spiritual  Website of downloading a colouring book  of Mandala’s that she had created.. So I decided to print one off and paint it with watercolours.. 

I have spent many minutes gazing into its middle depths as I meditate,  I seem to get sucked into the flower within its centre.. Reminding me of the Lotus .. 

The lotus grows in muddy water,  it is this environment that gives forth the flower’s first and most literal meaning: rising and blooming above the muddy murky waters to achieve enlightenment.

Most of us have often found ourselves confronting our own shadows from time to time.. Its only going through our own dark places that we then begin to rise up as wake up to the Light which surrounds us all..  Only the brightest of light enables us to see our own shadows. And it is often only going through those darker days do we then begin to rise up to see our truth worth.. 

I found a meaning of the colours here of the Lotus flower the site is linked below.. 

“The color bears importance in the meaning of the lotus flower in Buddhism. A white lotus flower refers to purity of the mind and the spirit. If a lotus flower is red, it refers to compassion and love. The blue lotus flower refers to the common sense; it uses wisdom and logic to create enlightenment. The pink lotus flower represents the history of Buddha and the historical legends of the Buddha. A purple lotus flower speaks of spirituality and mysticism. Finally, the gold lotus flower represents all achievement of all enlightenment, especially in the Buddha.”

I had no idea of the meanings of the colours while creating it.. I just went with my own intuitive flow.. To me the colours of harmony are represented in earthy colours too. The center golds and oranges of the wheat-like shapes, to me represent corn and the importance of planting and harvesting. Not only through our gardens but the seeds we sow with our our thoughts and words which are followed through by our actions.. Reaping what we sow is what we harvest back in the deeds we have sown.  

The green which threaded its way throughout the mandala spoke to me of the grass lands.. The many species of grasses which are a staggering  11,369 separate species which bind our earth together.. I can not image  a world without its meadows and grasslands.. 

The coloured circles represent to me completeness, because it has no beginning, no end and no direction. Its also the shape of many seeds of creation reaching out with the blades of grass growing in-between. 

The outer petals containing the rainbow of colours that bent and sways like the ripples of the waves in the ocean with the inverted flame.. Forever burning in all of our hearts..Should we care to rekindle it.. 

I did not know what Cynthia thought as she drew this wonderful Mandala.. But I hope my own interpretation and coloration did her wonderful artwork justice.. 

This is the first Post of the New Year and its Heading is fitting.. For I so Wish for Harmony to prevail in all of your lives this year and well into the Beyond of all of our futures for we are One with Each other along with our Earth Mother.   

May 2017 Bring you your Dreams, Your Desires, and as you take each step 

If we are Facing the right direction, all we have to do is keep walking” ~Buddha~

Love and Blessings for a wonderful New Year 








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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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