Beauty is Within us All.

During the night I awoke, and wrote so many thoughts down as I tried to sift through the debris cluttering up my mind as I had woken up yesterday to the radio in the morning of the terrible news of the London  Flats Tower Block Inferno.. 

Sometimes we only see the harsh exterior of the world, through the lens of those whose camera’s try to tell us this is our reality. As it seems the media flit from one tragedy to another around our world. And yet amidst all of this tragedy I am witnessing so much LOVE.. 

The Cube Chatsworth Flower show 2017 click image  to take you to the link for more information.


For most of the day, I sort out solitude in quiet contemplation and prayer to send out my love to all who were experiencing grief, and loss of their loved ones friends and neighbours.  I also kept sending to our WordPress Friend Irene.. Even my husband said I looked liked a lost soul, as I seemed to feel so many hearts bursting with tears.. 

In the evening we had company, and as we discussed the terrible events. But what was emerging  was that how brilliant it was to see the London community come together.. It mattered not what race, religion, or if they were Poor or Well off.. Each story that I had seen unfold told of many hearts giving to others that in that moment were in need of love and healing..

Looking through the tiny holes in the granite to the garden held inside the cube.

Some gave money, others gave clothes and food. Lots who didn’t know what else to give, just handed out huge HUGS.. To comfort those still awaiting news of relatives and friends..

The images I have chosen to accompany this post I took on my visit to spend the day at the RHS Chatsworth Flower Show not far from my old village where I grew up at the end of last week . If you click the Chatsworth link you can see the many gardens that won medals etc.. It was such a beautiful Day. One that will last long within my memory ..

Foxglove inside the cube

The Foxglove happens to be among one of my favourite flowers, And I have several shades of them in my front garden. I do not have them in my back garden where my granddaughter plays, as they are poisonous..  Strange as  I write of the heart, that these flowers in particular hold chemicals that affect the heart,  Digitalis is poisonous; it can be fatal even in small doses.

We are all us being fed toxins that affect our hearts one way or another, as we allow ourselves to be led into division whether that be through politics, religion, or race.. 

Foxglove inside the cube, another pin hole view inside the cube.

So I choose the share some of the memories of my Beautiful Day, as I thought these pictures apt, Showing us that no matter how dark our world may seem or how stark it appears on the outside, no matter what chaos we face. When we join together in Unity and we really Look within, and when it matters the most and others are in crisis, the beauty within comes spilling out… For We all hold this Beauty  of Love deep within ourselves..  This has been echoed so beautifully in the wonderful prayers and responses to Amy in my re-blog of her appeal for healing to send to Irene..

 Many thanks to all of you who have held Irene in your prayers. Amy says she is slowly responding, but far from well as she is still in an induced sleep..

Isn’t it just a shame it takes great tragedies to bring that kindness and love out of ourselves..  This brought home again, just how Love unites us All..

My love and heartfelt prayers are being sent to all in West London who have suffered so much loss..

Love and Blessing

 Hymn to Annûmara




Open your Hearts to the Gold Within ~ Love

Gateway at Chatsworth House

Gateway at Chatsworth House in Derbyshire. A place recently re-visited.

Gateways, Tunnels, Spirals and Time

Leading us forward, beyond as we climb

Evolving, progressing, Following the Light

Life to experience was never meant a fight

Density of matter holding us down

No longer flying our feet touch the ground

Separate and lost, minds disengaged

With ego and greed, possessive with rage

Direction diverted, mutated and changed

Only a tenth of us working, DNA rearranged

Controlled and herded lost like the sheep

It’s time to awaken and come out of our sleep

Remember the Game- The Plan that we set

The Elders now gather, releasing knowledge they kept.

Crystals in Caverns , it’s all held in the sound

It’s time to look skyward and lift from the ground

Listen within to the Om’s of your heart

Now is the dawning, A new future to start

Remember your dreams and let go of your fears

This is the Time we’ve waited for years.

Possessions will flounder, like Whales on a beech

Earth will remind you, to each she will teach

Material Wealth will take second place

Until we remember to live with good Grace..

I wrote this poem some 5 years ago now… May we all keep listening to the Oms of our Hearts, and remember each of us hold the keys to the gates our future..  I thought I would resurrect it especially as recently I have had lots of new followers and those who were not with me 5 yrs ago.

And I so thank all of my regular readers, many thanks for all  you contribute here to Dreamwalker’s. It is all of YOU, who make all the difference and keep me writing and posting..

Many Thanks to you my friends.


In Unity We Stand as ONE.




Yet again the world stands still

To senseless carnage our hearts to chill

Another statistic in the crime of hate

I ask for a moment that you don’t take the bait

To react in Anger- An eye for an eye

And feed the Darkness with more war cries

How many thousands across distant shores

Die each day in such senseless wars

Just another number in a far off place

Until it strikes home and hits us in the face

Those who deal in death yes we must fight

But to extinguish darkness we need more Light

As we come together across our lands

In Unity Consciousness as we hold each other’s hands

As hard as it is to find Peace in our hearts

These are the ‘Signs’ – We truly must start

I know my heart aches and is filled with tears

For all of humanity who suffer through the years

This now is our chance- To join as one together

In prayers and thoughts in this endeavour

To show those who deal in death most clear

Our INTENT to overpower them is with LOVE not FEAR.


Copyright Sue Dreamwalker 2016.


Thank you also goes to Erika whose own words I read this evening HERE  inspired my own

Love and Blessings


In Love and Gratitude

Love Love LOVE

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.

[Thanksgiving Day Proclamation, 1963]
John F. Kennedy

Many of my blogging friends in the USA are celebrating Thanksgiving at this time of year. 

While only a few weeks ago other friends of Mine across the world were celebrating  Diwali,  the festival of Light, “Diwali is one of the largest and brightest festivals in India. The festival spiritually signifies the victory of light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance, good over evil, and hope over despair”

We all of us Have much to be grateful for in our lives, and Mary over at Walking My Path really captured the meaning of Gratitude and  all the things to be grateful for in our lives in her Post  Giving Thanks  I hope you go and read.. 


May we all of us remember the many things we should be grateful for in our lives, as we also remember those who are not so fortunate as ourselves.  

May we start to open our Hearts to the gifts we already have.

And May we join our Hearts as ONE

As we send LOVE and PEACE out into the world.. 

In love and Gratitude  

And Happy Thanksgiving to all.. 




Vibrations of Love over Fear.

For those who have been with me at Dreamwalker’s for some time  you will have heard me talk about the ‘Shift’ within our frequencies around our Earth and speak about the Earth Changes many times.

Science is now discovering more and more about the fields of energy which surround us all. They tell us that these large electromagnetic fields are generated by our heart, which when analysed show that emotions are encoded within it.


Often my more deeper posts will contain within them that ‘Thought Creates’.. If you doubt that thoughts create our reality then for one moment just look up from your computer screen and see the things about you.. All were once someone’s thought, which through ‘Intention’ was then created by ‘Action’ within this reality. 

The minute we are born our senses are imprinted with emotions, as we grow we take on board either love or fear which subsequently shapes our thinking and perceptions through our emotions.

When I look at what is surrounding our children and grandchildren today, I see constant ‘Negative Vibrations’ fed by TV News rooms, Films, Cartoons, Comics, and Newspapers of destructive darkness, destroying, Killing, and violence.

Is it any wonder the ‘Field’ of energy surrounding us is comprised mainly out of Fear, which we see escalating ever faster as our world appears to spin ever faster before our eyes into the abyss of Fear.  

“What we think We Create”

I wonder what would happen if those who wrote their dark plots about the destruction of earth and all within it decided to write a different script. And wrote instead of destruction, we were taught to embrace Love and Kindness, compassion and care. Embracing All of Nature and her species showing how nature heals, gives life, brings beauty and plenty for all. No one owning the land, but sharing and cooperating for the Unity and Good of ALL.

I chose the name Dreamwalker because I have a Dream. And I believe fervently if we who wish to see our world transform and ‘shift’, we have to start and bring our intentions into our hearts. We do this by sharing love, focusing on the beauty not the ‘beasts’ we see projected daily into our hearts of our living rooms via the media.

With our Intent we can impact upon this field of energy that science now recognises can be generated by our collective thoughts which mirror our emotions via our hearts. Discoveries show us that which ‘Lightworkers’ around the world are already aware of, that we are ONE, and that ALL living matter exists within one vast ‘soup’ called the Matrix or Quantum Physics  where everything is connected to everything else within the life force. ( I hope you ‘Observe’ the Quantum Physics video ) 

Our hearts need to beat as one, we can do this through our meditations, prayers and actions.


The Native American Indians have within their colours, Red, Yellow, Black and White. May we all come together in One Mind, One Spirit, One Heart and One People regardless of race or creed.

We all need to come back to our centre’s learning to find our inner Peace, Balance and Harmony 

We are One

Please take up this Drum, and Beat out your Love


And spread out our intentions to create a future of Harmony and Peace.



Getting in Tune with Your Self

Silence of One

This Piece of writing I wrote in the middle of a sleepless night as I listened to the Silence .I have no doubts the words were inspirationally given in the early hours before Dawn, Below is what flowed from my pen….

Often we walk within libraries seeking knowledge from the pages of books. We tap into those words which seem to resonate within us as we walk upon our never ending journeys of seeking truth. The pioneers before us laying down those foundations of inspiration as they seem to have found those missing keys of which many of us still seek to unlock our own levels of understanding.

If you are one of those who are still seeking, and still piecing together those missing pieces of the puzzle of life. Now is the time to put your books down for a short while, take a break from another’s thoughts and sit in the silence of your own, and LISTEN. 

Listen not to the Mind and its ramblings, for your Ego will often take you along a false trail cluttered with debris of doubts, fear and pride. Listen instead to the Beat of your heart, and then listen to the silence between the beats. As you listen, really listen, become  then that silence, feel your blood flow through your veins, feel your pulse, feel it beating and understand we are all a beating pulse at our Earth Mother’s Heart.

Within each beat of her own living heart we vibrate within her being. We have forgotten to breathe in Mother Nature’s Magic. We have forgotten to breathe in her perfume, Listen to natures sounds and  really see her wonderful colours.

We have forgotten how to use Light and the Spectrum of colours of those beautiful rays which our Sunlight reveals to all.

Many of us do not see the Power contained within these Three Senses.

Perfume- Sound, and Colour.

How many of us have a memory stirred within a perfume, maybe its new mown grass, or roses, or the woodland. How many times can a scent evoke the memory of a loved one passed to Spirit?

Sound too with its vibration heals and soothes and lingers on long after the instruments have finished being played within the room and  it carries on playing within the corners of our minds replaying over and over again, long after the music has ceased playing.

Some Music may sound disjointed and Heavy, but even Heavy metal music has its part to play as it creates its own vibration in breaking down various mental conditions and clears a path for renewal. So too in life when we see Chaos, it all is helping clear out old patterns clearing the way for renewal, even the Ferocious Fires we are witnessing now out in Tasmania Australia as devastating as they are, nature always finds a way to regenerate and renew.

Pheonix and Change

~Out of the Ashes the Phoenix Rises~ Colours each are a vibration and like the musical notes on the scale each colour vibration works with the chakras of man’s own vibrational chart. You only need to look within our own changing aura’s to see how colours swirl and are constantly changing.  

If you could combine the colours with music you would see how each note produces its own colour vibration. Look to Nature and see her Beauty combination within the Sounds of the Ocean and the rushing of a waterfall. The Song of a Bird, and the Hum of an insect.

When we Sing we Vibrate at a Higher Level and we are all of us Energy Beings each of us held within our own level of attainment within the Physical Body

So each of us produce our own Notes, for we vibrate within our own level of Being- we produce our own individual sound/pulse/Energy. We send this Vibration out every day without even realising it. Through our Thought!. 

When a Musician tunes up his instrument prior to a performance it can sound anything but sweet as each player in the orchestra individually tunes up. And yet when all are in tune, and each understand and read the music before them what harmony they create as we listen to the masterpieces created by the Great musicians as they play as One. Have you heard of the Mozart Effect, I listen often to classical Music and for me it can transport you to another planet, to a realm of Peace.

Colourful Notes

As Individuals we have become ‘out of time’ with Nature, we have lost our Colour and forgotten the Music in our lives, We have forgotten to Sing and smell the perfume of the Roses.

This is why each of us needs to find our own Heart-Beat. And when we each learn to tune into our own Silent Vibration we then can once again resonate with the Whole.

We then become complete. No longer are we then the lone musician, we become the orchestra of Life as we join the Conscious Stream of our Harmonic Evolution.

A concert I truly need to be a part of, and one in which I need to be putting in as much practice as I can, ready for that day the Curtain Rises for the Performance of a Lifetime. So I need to pick my thought tunes carefully!

So let us all at least try to Tune our thoughts into those Higher vibrations of Being as we embrace the Positive elements around us.. Allow yourself some space as your Tune up your own Instrument within your Conscious Thoughts, Let no other influence your Thought process, but go within and seek out the Knowledge that is found within No pages of a Book.. But Dig Deep within the recesses of your heart and Feel within your True self what is right for you.. And follow not your head, but your Gut so that it may lead you to a greater understanding of

Who you are…

as your Trust in the Orchestra of Life.  

Blessings ~Sue Dreamwalker

My Wishes for This New Era For YOU!


My wishes for you as this New Era Starts

Is that everyone can Heal and and be a part

Of sharing love like sisters and brothers

To care and help one another 

As we understand our Earthly Gifts

Lets mend our quarrels and heal the rifts

That break our hearts and cloud the mind

Let us embrace each other to find

With Peace within we can truly shine

Let’s begin again to find Man-Kind!

For we lost our ways in Control and Greed

No longer our Soul-Spirits do we feed

We Strayed off from our rugged road

Forgetting Love- For the Debts we hold

Both Karmic heads and tails we spin

In a Game of Life some never win

But that’s because we forgot the rules

As we lost the Map of the Universe Jewels

We forgot the Laws of Cause and Effect

Our Earth we plundered- Materially bedecked

We gave up our rights to be one and Free

As we staked our claims to own Earth and Tree

Our Hearts became shackled locked in by greed

As we scramble over each other in our bid to succeed

NOW is the Era- Its time for a Change

Our DNA stretches as our Hearts rearrange

The Feminine Power once again works for Peace

As the last of the Dark-Ones battles will cease

Hold out your hands as you welcome in Love

For Now is Our Time- The Stars tell us above

Let go of Bitterness, Anger and Fears

In Unity of Love we will shape our New Year

We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for

If we want Change to happen we have to Care more

Each shine your Light and refuse Fearful Thoughts

Grasp hold of your Dreams, don’t be so distraught

For We are Eternal- The Strongest of the Strong

Let 2013 be the start of our New Era’s Song


Lets all make a start


So Open up your Hearts!..

© Sue Dreamwalker – 2013 All rights reserved.

Happy New Year to all who have visited Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary throughout 2012.

I Thank Each and Everyone of you, for it is YOU who have taken the time to comment that have encouraged me to keep Blogging..

And it is YOU who have made Dreamwalker’s what it is today..

Many Many Thanks

and Bright Blessings to all for 2013

Love ~Sue



Circle of Lightworkers Unite.

Circle of Light

Now is the time to unite our thoughts in love and light.

I just want to thank all of you who have contributed to Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary.. Your comments are very much appreciated.

I May be absent for a few days, and cannot get around to moderating your most welcome comments, or get around to your own wonderful blogs… Please leave me your comments and I will get back to you as soon as possible.. And I will get around to visiting your own important posts as soon as I can..

I would just ask that each of you stay focused in love and light, Keeping your thoughts Positive, and please try not to get caught up in all the negative News which is replaying over and over…  But keep your hearts full of light and love..

I want to leave you with a poem that I wrote in 2007…. Know that the media plays its part in delivering much of our negativity into our lives.. I would as that you all be aware and understand our thoughts play a huge part in our Mass Consciousness of this Planet.. So please open your awareness to how we can be manipulated in our thinking and choose Only the Highest of thought vibrations of Love,Light and Joy… We are what we think!.. 

The Media ( I wrote in 2007) 

Has the world gone mad, gone mad today?

If you switch on your TV’s just what does it say?

Murder, Assassination, Benazia Bhutto was shot,

Can you tell me what’s happening, have we lost the plot?


Teenager with Gun goes out on the rampage,

Killing at random in ‘Shopping Mall Rage’.

Blood-curdling tales now reads the headlines

While cameras watch the most horrendous of crimes.


Has the world gone mad, gone mad today?

Can I tell you what I think, if I may?

We sit in our homes watching a box that is square

And much of the violence pours forth from there.


Spreading out tendrils for film stars and fame,

Beatings and killings and mind chilling games.

Our children sit glued memorised by its lure,

The X Box and Wii, can they ever be cured?


The violence is fed in the home from a spoon

Even cartoons for infants are filled with such gloom.

Have you ever wondered how different life would be?

If this little box beamed out Love to you and me.


Tales of joy not often does it tell,

Instead were kept fearful, with tales of more hell.

If I had my way shall I tell you what I’d do?

I would have a ‘Good News’ channel and beam it to all of you.


Showing all the good deeds and that many of us care.

And that Love and Compassion are out there to share.

If we didn’t have ‘the box’ or the film within a can.

Today we’d be no wiser as to what happened in Pakistan.


Its fine to have the news beamed live around our globe

But would our lives be any worst if we were never told?

So next time you reach out and grab at the remote,

Remember the good things, which bring a lump into your throat.


So try not to spread sad tales that add to the worlds gloom.

But share the happy times, make it shine and make it bloom.

By Dreamwalker.


© Sue Dreamwalker –2007- 2012 All rights reserved.


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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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