GUEST BLOGGER FEATURE… Sue Dreamwalker over at Me My Magnificent Self..

My sincere thanks go out to Barbara  Franken over at 
for her gentle promptings, encouraging me to contribute to writing a guest feature post on her website about about New-Earth. To which I finally finished in July. 
Barbara has invited guests to speak on their thoughts on New Earth.  Barbara also has compiled several E-books on our awakening journey to which I and others  have been honoured to contribute to over the years.  The first one was complied in 2014… Goodness Barbara, how time has flown, and the the second one Part Two came two years later. As well as others books Barbara has written. 
Those E-books of our True Awakening Experiences, can be found free to download on Barbara’s website. or at the bottom of my own blog.   Barbara and I met in the blog-sphere quite some time ago, our paths were meant to cross and we soon found we had much in common…
Thank you again Barbara for your patience in waiting for my final transcript.  Barbara’s beautiful soul enlightens and enriches us with her positive spiritual awareness. Her website is full of beautiful posts and beautiful guests. Barbara also has a Master Creation online Class, and much more.. Along with some beautifully created  video’s on her YouTube channel. .
Many thanks again Barbara, for your invitation to be your guest. In Love and Gratitude 

IAM honoured to welcome our dear Divine and Magnificent friend Sue Dreamwalker as our Guest Blogger on this platform, Me, My Magnificent Self. A quiet and sacred space in which to inspire and support one another as we all journey through this Great Shift of Consciousness together.

As most of you know, and in Sue’s own words, she has the gift of words, compassion and understanding and spreads them around like confetti, showering others with love and encouragement, instilling that ALL is as it should be.

Sue is a loving Earth Warrior who beats her drum to the rhythm of Mother Nature, diving deep within herself, within All That Is, sharing all her adventures and excitement with us all. Especially now, as we find ourselves gathering together more and more for this very special Celebration as Human Consciousness explodes to release the millennia of darkness and uncovers Sovereign Divine brilliance that is ready to be experienced by All who dare!

Sue and I were both born and bred in the same neck of the woods. The Derbyshire Dales in the Peak District, England. For me it felt very special to meet together online and share our similar passions and mission, holding our individual unique visions of NewEarth high for all to resonate with, joining others to create one harmonious beat.

Sue’s spiritual gifts of clairvoyance and clairsentient began as a child, when she would see with her naked eye people no one else saw. Around the age of 12, as Sue was walking up her family stairs, she saw a lady with a huge white billowing hat dressed to the floor in black, walk across her landing.

Sue later learned she was a nun, one she had not seen before as she wore a triangular mantel head dress. She was told she was imagining things, but a special bond had been made and although she never saw her again with her naked eye, she would often turn up in her internal vision. Whenever Sue suffered with stress or depression her nun was always somewhere in the back of her mind, sensing her presence, Sue would talk out her problems with her.

Her Nun was confirmed to her over and over by others who had mediumistic skills, even describing the unusual headdress.

Sue is grateful for her Nun’s patience and staying with her over the years and feels even today, when the outer world gets too much that it her Nun’s presence that resonates with her to retreat into a sacred space of silence. The sacred space of her garden and allotment plot where she grows her own fresh produce AND contemplates.

Over the years Sue has magically weaved her true stories with colourful pens and brushes, to share with all, her many experiences and excitement to be here now at this most critical time, daring us all to follow our passion and fulfil our mission here on Earth.

If you’ve never met our Sue, I urge you to visit her websites, linked below and sign up to receive her weekly musings that will for sure give you courage to walk the path of the Earth Warrior at this most exciting time on Earth, and be part of a great Celebration and shift of Consciousness that is taking place now.

Now it’s time to sit back and enjoy Sue’s musings about her Magical New Earth, to inspire YOU to imagine and visualise YOUR own grand dream of absolute happiness and harmony being Your most Magnificent Self.

Sue shares her Story… Magical New Earth

To Continue Reading Click Here 


Dry Your Tears! You have a Mission!

Clematis and – Everlasting-Sweetpeas

 The Woman lay looking into her heart, trying to fathom its depths. This melancholy ache of sorrow that swept into her bones, penetrating every cell of her being.

The silence once her beautiful friend, now devoured her in its void of blackness. No matter how loud she called, only the perpetual hissing of static crackled in her ears.

She wanted so desperately to escape her self-imposed prison. Each new day she gave thanks for her countless blessings, giving thanks for natures gifts.  She would work with Mother Earth, tilling the soil, tending her garden, smiling at the miracles of growth as she watched the seeds she had planted grow and mature to bare fruit.

She was given the gift of words, of compassion and understanding, which she spread around like confetti, showering others with love and encouragement, that all was as it should be…

Yet where was her encouragement, where was her guidance?… She had travelled along this road for so, so long, on her lonely journey. Knowing this day, this ‘Time’, would arrive…….   

She knew all her strength would be needed; her inner light now more than ever needed to shine out to guide others to encourage them.  Gaia was counting upon thousands of star-seeds, lightworkers, way showers, whose internal coding was now being activated to help tip the scales that enabled Gaia to open up her own heart that had been trapped and sealed deep within her core by the grip of evil that had penetrated her in long ago Lemurian times which we still all held within our Inner knowing of our memory.

Shamrock~ like the countless stars we are.

The woman turned over, drawing her knees up into the fetal position. A sigh escaped her, releasing her breath she had been unaware she’d been holding.

She had laid there for half a day, too tired to even think. Her eyes leaked salty brine that she tasted upon her lips as she once more sent out a silent plea to her higher self for guidance.  And then, in that moment came a voice.

“ You have to be Strong”, came the answer, “You have to be brave! . You need to call upon your Warrior Spirit, because no one other than you Humans can do the work set out before you”…..  The woman listened, holding her breath, as the inner light behind her closed eyes danced in purple spirals.

“ You signed up for this very moment”… the voice within continued.  “We cannot do it for you. Yes we can give guidance, we can point a way.. But YOU, and only you Humans can dismantle the time line you in essence have created”..  

 The Woman understood only too well, ALL that was in the world in this very moment, was the result of our creation. And it now no longer served us, it was broken. The systems in place no longer served the many, it was designed to serve but a few.

 But we had been so ingrained within its programme, it had taken a Pause, in our Sacred Isolation, to see just what pollution, what damage, we were doing to Gaia and ourselves. 

For the first time people craved open spaces, fresh air, and began noticing birdsong, blue clear skies no longer covered in a web of lines…

The Shift had begun, People became creative, using initiatives, overcoming problems, helping neighbours, finishing projects they had promised themselves for years, but their workloads had left them little time to do.  Here now was Time on their hands.  While others became angry, lashing out in fear.. 

The split showed the differences in poverty and how in places near and far the suffering of those without means got greater, and yet it seemed their governments aid, like always, seemed to neglect those in most need. The Split is showing how the few were wanting to control the masses. The Spilt is showing those who were instigating the divisions…  The Split is showing just whose hearts were in fear, and whose hearts were remaining in love and unity. 

Dahlia’s and Marigolds,Both different, Standing Side by Side.[ Dahlia is a member of the sunflower family (Asteraceae)] But both of One family, Like we are One family the Human Race.

Fear was bombarded over and over, in a world that was splitting in two as the broken system revved up it’s pharmaceutical machines in the background ready to pounce.  While chaos is what those deep controllers want to achieve. As they want to disrupt Unity Consciousness, and hit every Human’s heart as they separated them from family, with Fear of keeping each other safe.     

 We were programmed within a system of greed, control, fear and suffering.  And the controllers of the deep, knew that Gaia was about to rebirth along with humanity in its Consciousness. For now they waged war on every cell within our human consciousness as their grip of fear that in itself was turning back in on itself, causing a Split… 

The split was now showing up more and more, as questions, were posed, as people’s awareness opened up. You could see the divide as you walked down the street.   That something isn’t quite as it should be. Yet fear keeps them silent.

Sweetcorn standing to attention!

 And it sometimes needs a huge event to create the catalyst for the masses to awaken. It may still take more suffering, before those still asleep will begin to question.  We had moved so far from Nature’s purpose on planet Gaia.  We saw only competition, survival of the fittest. When in fact Nature from the macrobiotic Mycelium, the atoms within our cells cooperated and lived in balance with one another.  And it wasn’t until something disrupted that balance those very same cells become the enemy within. Let us not become enemies of each other.    

We Hold the Future within our Hands and Hearts.

Were we not the living organisms upon Gaia? …  Were we not once, aeons ago living in harmony, until Gaia herself was hijacked, plundered, raped, and trapped within this Matrix Construct that has evolved into what we see before us today, by those malevolent forces?

All of these thoughts tumbled through the Woman’s mind. 

“It’s now or Never, to take personal responsibility,”  the voice continued. “ You, along with others, have ALL the Knowledge within you. You cannot rely upon the outer realms. To do so would only create what happened in the past.. You would see them either as Gods or as Enemies. Beware of False Gods! Your Technology is far in advancement of what you are told”

The woman already knew this from other sources, she understood too many things she had never voiced before.

“This is Your Mission, Own it! Your future timeline is up to each of you and how you want to evolve, but remember also, the power of your intent works two-fold. That which you do not want, which you focus upon, also manifests into your reality timeline. Be very careful what you wish for”

She rolled over and sat up. Suddenly she knew…… She thanked her Higher-self-voice.  The fog within her mind clearing. Her tears, now dried.  It was now beyond the time of side-stepping what she knew to be right.. This was a full-on battle within the Consciousness of Humanity… And she no longer could keep silent… She no longer could Consent.. In fact, she didn’t Give her consent.  And would NOT consent to their agenda.

She only hoped others too would emerge out of their cocoons, no longer remaining silent.

The Truth, however painful for Humanity to see, needed exposing. Because so many were unaware of this underbelly of deceit and lies. And the horrors of how this evil game was played.  The Split which those same dark forces were encouragingly igniting. Would be the same self-destruct mechanisms that would implode back in on themselves to devour them in their own webs of deceit.   But first people had to be aware of those horrors… Which none of us want to accept as truth, to be real..  These wounds the woman had held within her own heart for too long..

The woman stood, opening her arms above her head, she pulled in the energy from above, pulling her hands down in the prayer position before her heart, giving thanks for all she had, for all she was, and all she was yet to become..  She gave thanks to Mother Gaia, to all the Nature Spirits, and Guardians of the Flora and Fauna, and for the first time in weeks, the woman hummed softly to herself the song she once sang within her own circle of light..  

All photos belong to Dreamwalker’s Garden:

Creating a Better World.. Inside and Out..

Petals create this bird each a separate piece to create the whole.

Below are  some of the words I wrote back in 2013, with a few little tweaks..  I know many of you may not have read them back then.  Since writing this post six yrs ago I  have worked hard on clearing the trauma’s of emotional baggage we all of us carry in my own healing journey..  And I have come to understand oh so much more about our reality, that is as I have said before, Nothing like we have been taught… 

And if I can discover the truth, anyone can, if they have the courage to dare dive deeper into History of this Earth, as well as diving deeper into themselves.  Because we all first need to go within and discover the hidden truth about ourselves. For only then, as we learn to let go of past conditioning. and as  we re-learn how to love and respect ourselves.. Only then, will we be capable of respecting and loving others in this world..

Since retreating into my creative cocoon last month, I have found it even more difficult to emerge, and communicate what is at my heart. So when in doubt, I don’t.   But the one thing I wish to convey more than anything else at this moment in time, is to say we are all of us Co-creators of this world.. What each of us are thinking, how each of us are acting, is creating our future reality.. 

If we join in the blame game, and we allow ourselves to get stressed, taking sides in judgemental finger pointing in this deliberate manipulation of mind-control-games, we are playing straight into the hands of those negative beings who think they control us. 

This world is evolving just as we humans are, and its been constantly changing for trillions of years. This is but another stage in that transition process. And whether we remember it or not, we chose to be here at this time to help ourselves remember and raise our frequencies to move us beyond this third dimensional level we now find ourselves held within. 

We are a collective, and the more of us who embrace the frequency of love, kindness, compassion and tolerance, the more we will find we will create that into our immediate existence.. What we think is what we create.. We all of us have such great powers to tap into that we have no concept of our abilities in changing our reality.. 

Its all so very simple… We dear friends are VibrationAnd that which we focus upon is that which we create..  So if we are focusing our intent on this outer chaotic madness, anger, frustration, division and lack, that is what we will attract and create in our reality.. But if we focus our intent on inward peace, loving ourselves,…. sending love into the world and feeling harmony and balance within, this is what we will generate into the world..  This Choice is ours..  WE are the Change, and We have to learn how to change our ways of treating each other. 

You dear friends who have landed upon this page to read, are all so very important cogs in this evolutionary wheel we are all upon.. For it is our choices which will create our New World.. And I know which  kind of world I wish to live out my remaining years here on Earth. I hope you will understand If I do not get back to your comment immediately on this post only, as I am still taking time out until the New Year and this post is scheduled to post, but don’t be surprised if I land upon your doorstep, I am gradually reconnecting with your posts when I am able.. 

Sending you all so much love and gratitude as we continue upon our heartfelt  journeys which have joined us together seeking the same pathway back to the source of Love.. Our Great Spirit~ Prime Creator.. 

Many, Many Thanks  to you All.. And wishing you all a very Happy 2020 and Beyond!

May we all Be the Change we want to see in Our World

Below the post written in 2013.

We are one, this I have said many times, and we are One with the Universe whether we realise it or not.  But once you understanding this it helps our spiritual growth and allows us access to those higher realms.

Save our Earth.. we are One And once our awareness opens to the fact  that we are more than just physical beings living this one life in one place of time, we see that we are indeed connected to that Cosmic Energy. And we are Infinite Beings upon our own particular Journey’s 

Many are now starting to Re-awaken to the truth and take a step forward, and upward, on our soul’s journey. This  movement upward is  what many call ascension, because the more we remember who we are as we open ourselves up to the Truth of who we are, the higher our energy vibrates.. We are all of us Vibration, a subject I have often spoken of before.

Many people are not even aware of such ideas, while  others are opening up and finally seeing the signs and are at last paying attention to them.. We are seeing, and feeling these changes in our world, our sixth senses are telling us something is happening, and yet many can not quite put their fingers on it..While many more are opening up and seeing Change is needed if we are to progress, and are understanding what those changes are.  They see that our monetary systems and governing powers need reform. And that Kindness needs to be put back into Mankind, as the corrupt are uncovered. 

Light-workers and Spiritual guru’s have devoted their lives to deepening our understanding of the truth. All these people are on the path of ascension, but we each are on our own particular journey of ascension at different rates. We do not suddenly get lifted to exit this planet, we ALL have to do the internal work on raising our own vibration. Which means we need to check our thoughts, look at what is reflected back at us daily, and begin to understand we raise our frequencies by becoming more tolerant of others, as we stop our judgemental attitudes of labelling each other into different classes.. We are all part of the whole, each fragment experiencing their own experience which we create.. 

Many thought something spectacular would happen with the Mayan calendar date of Dec 21 2012 and many I  know were left kind of in limbo of what happens next? 

Each  of us chooses its own  particular path. Many are finding past emotions surfacing and triggering trauma and emotional responses. Its as though we are being given an opportunity to face our fears and also complete unfinished Karmic debt, as the wheel is now fullas I explained in one of my previous posts..

Remembering who we are and why we are here isn’t that straight forward, for we are all of us subject to amnesia once we enter this Earth realm. But we are helped and are being guided by those in spirit.. We are being nudged to remember, and we are all of us sensing we need to change… We know we are damaging our world beyond repair, and are witnessing our weather pattern changes as a result..We are seeing the Respect for each other and our animal kingdom eroding.  We need to change our ways and time is running short.

But what we must not do is to buy into Fear.. for Fear lowers our vibration..

In recent days I have been re-reading many of books which opened up my own thinking way back in the early 90’s. These authors  are at the forefront of an important process of raising the energetic vibration of the whole planet.

While I could give you a long list of those authors, reading another’s words will not awaken you fully.. You have to dig deep within your own soul and by adding those pieces of information which we gather along our journey  we then come to our own state of awareness which opens our hearts to understand we are infinite beings evolving through our experiences upon this physical plane of material matter,the vibration of which is also dense..  We are constantly striving to raise our vibration higher as we evolve and seek to join the light. 

The earth is made of the same energy  as we are, and is also undergoing this shift along with us. This evolutionary process, while it may seem chaotic, is a natural process such as that which unfolds a flower from a seed and we are all part of it. We are all of us part of that Flower of life.. And we are pushing our way through some tough times to bloom..

The best way to help this process in yourself and in the world is simply to relax and be open to its unfolding. Listen to your inner guidance, and let it guide you to the path that brings your heart the most happiness. Follow your intuition and listen to that Inner voice.. Its there to guide you at all times

And know we are here at this time because we chose to be here..

And if we want the world to become a better place for our children’s children then its Up to Each and Everyone of us to take a look at making sure our Choices count for a better World to Emerge..

Blessings Sue Dreamwalker


Garden of Life!

I hope you have all had a wonderful Easter Break.

May I just thank all who are my regular readers here for all of your wonderful contributions to comments I appreciate you all. Also may I say welcome to all new followers  which have been many who have joined this year. I hope you enjoy browsing and reading.

Over the Easter weekend, we have spent many hours in our garden, planting seeds and weeding out.. So time for writing a new post has been limited.. So looking for inspiration I looked through my WP archives and came upon this aptly named post. Which I will re-schedule and post again .. Enjoy..


 Today I was reminded once again about Seeds, as I was updating and deleting many of my  Old Word Documents today I came across this piece I wrote back in 2007. And as nothing is ever by Chance!  It was part of a post I did on a forum. It didn’t have a title and I can’t even remember if I posted it .. But I will give it a title today..

Scattered Seeds of Thought.

Are we not all seeds? Have we not all been scattered?

Some may have fallen upon what is termed ‘the good earth’.

Whereby some may feel they have had all the benefits of a rich material upbringing.

Some seeds scattered may have felt they missed the ploughed furrow, the less fortunate circumstances,  but have still had a good foundation in which to grow.

And others have fallen upon the rocky edges where they have struggled to extend their roots to draw upon the nourishment and courage to grow, and have shriveled in their insecurities.

While others get entangled within the weeds, as they flounder, seeking to find themselves but being overshadowed by others until the wheat is no longer recognizable.

We may feel that it is the farmer’s hand of fate which determines where we shall fall?

But does not every seed have within it the same potential of growth?

Does not each seed no matter upon which ground it falls extends its roots downward searching for that nourishment which to feed from?

Does it still not lift its head and bend searching for the light?

Each of us has that potential to grow to bloom no matter what path we find ourselves upon.

I have witnessed many beautiful flowers that have fallen into crevices upon my concrete pathway, which I have marveled that they have taken root and bloomed.

And I have often wondered at the strength of the weed, as I have seen the dandelions push there way through solid tarmac growing healthily and strong.

And I have planted many a good plant in good fertile earth, fed and fussed over it, only to have it wilt and die

We have many fertile fields awaiting us. And that there are millions of different seeds we can sow.

But we must bring to our attention to the seed within, the strength we need to find starts within that centre of our Being.

To unfold ourselves to the warmth of the sun

We need to reach forever upward to allow ourselves to absorb that life giving


It is only ourselves that give us Labels. It is only ourselves who determines what is a weed and what is a flower..

Within Our Earth Mothers Garden we are all equal in beauty all of us grow from the same beginnings.. We each of us start life as  a seed..

The Harvest of Life is  soon about to show us 

What we Sow, so shall we Reap..

May we Keep Planting LOVE, HARMONY and PEACE. 

© Sue Dreamwalker – 2012 -2017All rights reserved.

Finding Balance within our World and within our selves.

Striking the right balance between our physical and spiritual selves is one of the most challenging aspects of existence. It has been such a rewarding journey along my road of both serving Spirit within my role as medium for over 20 years. And my decision last November to retire from my Demo’s in Spiritualist centres, And this year in my retirement from serving in my job role in supporting others with Learning difficulties and in Mental Health.

The transition at first was one that took some getting used to. But we are dual beings by our very natures, both spiritual entities bound to earth by our physical bodies. And we also have a duty to nurture both physical and spiritual  selves with equal devotion and love. So I decided to nurture me more and enjoy Life and the new found freedom Retirement offers as I get up to plan my day ahead.

Browsing the ‘Web’ of life if we are not careful can drag us into all sorts of Drama’s.. None which are our own.. Yet we are drawn to give our compassion and also our gratitude that we are born to walk our own pathway and not that of others in life who seem to be going through such turmoil and strife … And yet each of our separate stories are unequivocally connected.  Together we are all upon our Collective Path of Evolution as we traverse this Time of Change as We shift within our collective consciousness.

In my view it is the responsibility of each person on the planet to unite and balance their physical and spiritual selves so that the  aspects  we view as being different bring out the best in each other, creating a vibrant, dynamic, and workable whole. As we learn to start and Care again for each other and our world.

So much emphasis is being put upon the differences in our cultures right now, which is escalating Fear within many.  It matters not to me who you worship or that you worship at all.. All that matters is that our thoughts and feelings can determine the frequency at which we vibrate, and our vibration goes out into the world and attracts to us energy moving at a similar frequency.

We are the one’s who create our own reality, which is why we can cause a positive shift in our lives by raising our vibration.  Or we can cause a negative shift, as we lower our vibration to be in Fear and react in Anger and with prejudice.  Be that from War campaigns or Disease zones.   How we feel profoundly influences how we perceive our reality. It is important to remember that none of us are born with instruction manuals and that learning lessons is a lifelong journey. But it is also important to know that as we buy into Drama’s not our own, We give out our energy which adds to the whole. Which in turn then creates more of the same within our experience of reality.. 

No one is perfect.. We would not be here upon our Earth’s Experience if we had learnt all there is to learn. I have spoken upon the subject of Trusting the Universe before, and we are all of us engaged within that relationship with the Universe which responds to our Thoughts and Actions. I hope as you live in your own Now moments, you choose which vibration you wish  to attract into your lives for all of your tomorrows.. The choice really is up to us.. 

We truly need to but Treat the Earth and Each Other Well to bring about positive changes to our World. We are all of us responsible for our Actions and our  Thoughts that precede them 



 Love and Blessings



Vibrating As One!


 Below is a post I wrote back in 2008. As time is short this week due to some study work I have to do,  It ties in nicely with January’s theme as we wake up to the Laws of the Universe.


The Law of Vibration


All things move, vibrate, and travel in circular patterns. Each and every thing has its own unique vibrational frequency. Frequency is defined as the number of times of oscillation; no two things are the same.

The differences between ‘matter’ and ‘energy’ are really the differences between the vibrations of each. For example we have electricity, heat, Light. Then we have trees, flowers, animals and humans, minerals etc.

If we were to look closely at wood, metal and stone, blood and tissue through a high powered microscope, you would see each oscillating at a different vibration as each is a different density.Moving in-between these particles is Energy which is in ALL things.

When things vibrate very slowly we hear no noise. Physical objects vibrate the slowest. As vibration is increased we begin to hear lower pitched sounds, and if the vibrations are increased further they ascend like the keys on a piano until they get so high they go off our scale of our hearing.

So too is our ability to see colour, we can only see the range of colours contained within our spectrum of Light– the rainbow starting from the lowest of a dark red through the spectrum with Violet vibrating higher into ultraviolet where we then no longer are able to see as it goes into Infra-red.

Each of us has our own vibrational sound unique to us, through our thoughts and feelings, desires and will. My guides have told me through my writings that that is how they can tune into us, and we them. And if we became still long enough to connect with this sound— [we think of as silence]–we would discover our true perfect self.

This is why Mediation is helpful in finding one’s self.

But our world today is so full of noise and disruptions, and busy lifestyles, and the material, such as T.V. radios, telephones, many of the vibrational frequencies compete and disrupt us from connecting to that perfection, of peace within.

Our thoughts and emotions send out vibrations to the Universe and every thought has a corresponding rate  of vibration, the higher the vibration, the longer the lasting effects are. The lower the vibration the more potent the effects are in the short term.

Optimism resides on a higher frequency, while Pessimism resides at a lower frequency. Optimists tend to expect more of the world, and this is communicated to others and likely to be realised. While pessimists expect the negative, they anticipate gloom and doom, and actually help to create it.

Vibrations not only affect us, but people around us, and the impact of our behaviours on others is not always understood. We can be a positive force working for the betterment of our organisation or mankind, or be a negative force and tear down what is being built.

We all can relate to feeling great in the company of someone who makes us laugh, and we come away feeling good. So too if we are in the company of someone with problems who continually moan on and on, we too begin to feel depressed as their feeling rub off on us.

Our goal is to try and keep our vibrations as high as possible being positive, this means trying also to not let other’s negative attitudes penetrate our feelings. Something that is very difficult in today’s climate as we are constantly bombarded each day into our very living rooms by the negative vibrations of the media News reports. Which in turn add to the constant pool of more negative vibrations already encircling the Earth.

Even Earthquakes, Tornado’s, floods etc, events that we call natural disasters are but movements of elements from one polarity to the other. The Whole ‘Birth-Death Cycle’ is part of this movement, [Natural Law].These are the rhythms of Life, and everything in life is subject to them, Because Life itself is a rhythm.

It’s a wave… a vibration, a pulsation at the very heart of

ALL That Is  

The ancient ones knew that the greatest power resides in the ‘Light’. They understood the Law of Vibration.

The Ancients knew that Higher Vibrations

Consume and Transform Lower Vibrations.

El Morya says

The More Light [Positive] one assimilates into the Body, Mind and Spirit, the faster the acceleration, The higher the vibration, enabling one to control life and manifest the perfect reality all around.


All who are experiencing an accelerated path to become One with the Higher Self, shall instantly grasp the notion that when the Law of Vibration is understood fully, they will be able to apply this Law, and Manifest a Heaven on Earth. [Which is using]

The Secret’

Since everything is a continuum, this mission then, is to move from the plane of dense matter and duality up to the plane of Oneness.

This is accomplished by experiences that have caused discomfort and pain, and sadness and replacing them with higher thoughts and experiences of Love, Joy and Peace. All that is experienced in life is nothing more than events designed within the Law of Vibration to provide opportunities to learn either to remain on that level, digress to a lower level, or aspire to a Higher one.  

Once an individual moves to a higher level, that which was experienced on the lower level is never experienced again as a test of learning. The higher vibrational level assimilated within the nine bodies [by the choice the individual has made] serves to consume and transform the lower vibratory frequency, Consequently since each thought, action and emotion is assigned its own unique frequency all that is of a lower nature is burned off. This phenomenon serves as to purify all of the lower nature within the subtle bodies and rests at the heart of purification.

Therefore when one experiences the Higher and the lower natures at battle, it is important on the road to mastery to acknowledge BOTH sides of duality, and walk the middle road.

In Oneness, ALL must be addressed and understood. Nothing can be omitted. The Key to transformation then is not to attach any emotion to the lower vibratory patterns, but to only feel the strength of the Love and Higher energies,

Once this has been accomplished, the individual will move quickly through the experience, enabling manifestation of the higher kingdom of Light and Love to be realised more quickly.



Nothing rests, Everything moves, Everything Vibrates… The Kybalion..

What are your thoughts?..


© Sue Dreamwalker  – 2008- 2014 All rights reserved. 

My Awakening~ The Signs.


This post is part of Awakening to who you truly are… Whereby bloggers are posting each day in January their own experiences of awakening. In Barbara Franken’s Awakening Month..

Waking up does not always mean a spiritual awakening, of becoming aware of those energies and the life force’s ‘Chi’ around them.. We are all of us capable of feeling these forces, but most of us have forgotten upon entry to this world how to use our Mind and Energies. Plus our young minds are often suppressed at a young age to forget the nonsense of invisible playmates.   

Barbara asks us to give us a brief description about our backgrounds. That is is the easy bit.. The harder bit is telling you what constitutes to the Awakening process, as its a very different set of experiences for all of us.. 

I don’t wish this to sound like a biography, so for those wishing to learn more about my early soul journey they can read more in My Soul Journey series in my first draft of that series Here.. I wrote

“Since being a small child I felt I had a mission to complete……”

For those interested enough you can find in part 2  of My Journey  my early life experiences in my spiritual awakening, where I saw spirit in the form of a Nun, which many years later was confirmed to be one of my guides helping me through my young life.

I was destined to follow the ‘Signs’ to follow my spiritual path in the form of a Newspaper add  which literally jumped out at me as I wanted to de-stress.  That’s how I first came to  go to a Meditation class held in our Local Spiritualist Centre.  From there one step led to another as I enrolled in development and awareness classes as I re-discovered my mediumistic abilities and became a Spiritual Healer.. Later taking classes of my own .  The story of this Stage can be found in Part 3 of My Journey .

Finding oneself and waking up! often means we need to lose ourselves first

This came in the form of a Nervous Breakdown which can be read in more detail Here in part 4 of My Journey.  What isn’t discussed there is how I  healed,  and what inner work I did upon myself..


‘Signs’ are everywhere if we take heed of them.. But at that times I was blind to them, I had been given a ‘Sign’ in the form of my breakdown, I had been given a Sign when I was made redundant, and I was given the ‘Signs’ many times,which I ignored and sometimes these come in various forms, such as the time on my way to interview as someone drove past my car knocking the wing mirror off..  Another ‘Sign’  not to be on the road I was!..But I ignored it and took a job I regretted from the very first day.. . I should have followed my gut I knew even at the interview the job didn’t feel right. But I had ignored my ‘Gut’ .. I left after a few weeks.

So I climbed down my ladder, I had had enough responsibility so thought OK, I am going back onto Machines, and just going to sit and sew. I knew all the machine processes and could use each one, so  I can go back on Piecework  and go to work and come home and forget about it.. I did this for another 3 yrs being made redundant twice more as the textile industry in the UK came into decline as work went more and more overseas… The places I worked were also going down hill, as they were nothing but sweat-shop types of factories.. Still not listening to the Signs of my redundancies! as factories closed I hung onto what I knew… ..  During these 3 yrs my health took a dive to the point I would sit and cry in pain at my machine as my muscles felt like they were being shredded and fatigue would sweep over me.. 

A Dr finally diagnosed I had Fibromyalgia after repeated visits to the surgery with muscle pain, the hospital confirmed it and I had 6 months off work.. This time I Listened to my body.. I had not listened before to change my career direction, and as I have so often found if we do not listen to the ‘Signs’ they keep being repeated until we learn the lessons.  So this time my body had made me take notice and stopped me literally in my tracks.  Plus throughout all of my day job working life I was still working with Spirit, I was still serving Spiritualist Centres giving messages from loved ones from the other side…  This too I put on temporary  hold so I could heal from within..

You might ask How if I was so attune to Spirit ,and healing with the spiritual realm did I not get answers to my own pathway or at least glimpses of an easier way physically and emotionally.. Believe me I did ask .. And I was told quite simply from spirit, we are each on our own pathway to learn through our experiences…  I am no different than anyone else in learning lessons and through them we discover ourselves in the process, This is the Awakening Process.  Many are now going through these dark tunnels as they discover who they are..

Knowing what I did, being a Spiritual Healer, I spent the time off work nurturing Me.. I painted more, I set about clearing the Raynaud’s Disease, you can found our how I did that in my Past Life Regression part 1 and my healing of the symptoms in part 2 .  What I have not really wrote about is healing my Fibromyalgia.. Healing which took me from fatigue and intense pain out of breath and hardly managing my stairs to back to full health and walking for miles in the countryside.. I still need to pace myself, and not over do the muscle strain.. but I am 100% better than I was and its up to me to keep it that way.

To heal the body, we first need to work on the mind… I did that with You can Heal your Life with Louise Hays book.. with affirmations  and I also started upon Spring Forest QiGong.  This was another ‘Sign’ which I followed as I bought Master Chunyi Lin tapes and video which offered his unique method of healing with some amazing testimonies of healing miracles can be found too if you look on the net..This literally dropped through the door one day in some ‘junk-mail’ as it too leapt out at me to be read, it turned out to be the best ‘Sign’ I followed..  

It didn’t happen over night, I meditated daily and I would do my Qigong exercises and deep breathing and focusing my intent.. My pains became less and my fatigue diminished, I pulled in energy and felt more alive than I had for a long time…  I had Gong Baths from spiritual friends, I embarked upon a course of Body Talk too and learnt the art of tapping my body for answers, and incorporated it to help others.. I had Spiritual Healing,  and Reiki  I also joined a self help group which my Dr had put me in touch with The Expert Patience Programme for those with Chronic  Conditions.   Which showed me to take small steps and achievable goals..

Finally I knew I had to change career paths, A ‘chance’  ( I have learnt nothing is ever by chance! ) conversation with a colleague about where her daughter was working in Support came about and I decided to apply for an interview as they were recruiting.. It felt right! and the interview felt right.. I was honest with my condition and left nothing out including the need to have Sunday ‘Service’ nights and Monday group nights off… Everything fell into place..  That is some 10 years ago now, 8 yrs I have been working in supporting adults with learning difficulties within their shared homes. And 2 yrs with my present Support work.  Now once again, the Signs are pointing me to take another look at where I am and what I wish to do… This time I think I am going to listen!  

We Wake UP to so much along our journey, I see the world as being connected, and how each of us are a vital piece waiting like a giant jigsaw to be fitted together when the time is right.. Sometimes it takes us a while searching for the right piece until we fit. We may turn over our pieces many times until they slot together with the right one..  

Slowly as we join together we are at last I think realising that we are ALL ONE and ALL part of this Giant Universal Plan in which our lives are part of the process as we evolve along with Earth .. We are now each of us waking up to ourselves and our potential as we understand the Power of our Minds and that our energy is all connected in the Matrix of those invisible realms that pulse through us all… We are Beings of Light.. and its time to wake up to who we really are..   Thank you for staying the course if you are still reading.. The next in this series tomorrow is

 SeeingM ../…Life through the eyes of M

24th    M…          –
25th    Brian G    –
26th    Dotta       –
27th    CW          –
28th    Laurie       –
29th    Debra       –
30th    Linda        –
31th    Michael     –
1st      Leigh        –
2nd                     –

 Thank you for reading  



Our Vision ~ Our Future ~Lets Be Ready!

As we wake up these First Days of the rest of lives as we go into 2014, I want to share some thoughts.. This past year here on WordPress has seen a community of people from all across the world from so many varied backgrounds unite together…

I know all of you who visit here share similar thoughts.. We all wish for a more Peaceful World, whereby we can stop destroying the very planet that gives us breath..

I truly believe by our unity of thoughts, our vision of a future which will eventually herald in a time of Co-operation, Peace, Sufficiency for All, but like all New Beginnings there is a time when we have to let go of the old.. My year ending saw me fighting off a flu-type virus which rendered me in bed for a while I saw it as an end of a year clearing… I needed to cleanse all that yuk and gunk out of my system…

As we move into 2014, I see on the horizon many interesting developments, I sense them within my Being. On the surface it may appear 2014 will be starting off Chaotic as we head into the New Year, But everything has purpose. YOU need to Believe in your Dream! Believe in a Future world where there is no poverty, no famine, no wars… It may seem  to some who are going through traumas around the world that such a dream will never be.. But all New Beginnings need to clear away the old…

We are witnessing such clearings around the world, We saw it in the financial collapses, the revelations about corruption, the revolts of dictatorships, the clearing out of those that do not align to the highest good will start and happen..  The frequencies of our planet are altering, and as they do they are bringing forth more honesty, and openness, as we awaken spiritually again.

Its not going to be the over night success story, no we are seeing the birthing pains as I have mentioned here before on my PostDo You Choose Love Over Fear?  I wrote this in June of Last Year. 

Where I wrote Quote:

Giving Birth is not without pain, and our new earth is only now going through her own birthing pains. .. We see it in the spasms of conflict, the wars, Hunger, poverty, displacement of refugees and the destruction through pollution of Mother nature.  Pains which are now being experienced which we humans have carried with us over many life times which emerge as we have built up Fear and Prejudices.

When we women give birth, we have many contractions, each one getting more and more stronger.. So too we will see as we move through the coming years events which on the surface to many may seem to many of us chaotic, disturbing, and which may impact upon ALL our lives.. But we choose to be here at this time of Change..

WE are the Change this Earth has been waiting for… and to read more of my thoughts on thisI wrote back in 2011 Embracing Changes

With our thoughts, and our intentions of creating a more peaceful and eco friendly world we will need to see the clearing away of the old as her water breaks.. ( Floods) 

The post that illustrates this best for your reading is a post I did in 2008  Called Gaia-The Earth Changes Here I share some channelled writing I had given me from 2006 from those realms who inspire us from Spirit to set us upon our path as they awaken us to to the reasons why we came to Earth again.. A quote from this channelling reads..

“More are awakening, more are remembering, and saying I Am, I Am All that there is. I Am a Devine being, I Am Eternal. More are recognising who they are, whence they have originated from, and to where they will return.

And that Light permeates All things.

The stages of evolution once again are set. Mankind will be witness to this next stage. For many this stage will be Transition, for others Transformation, for others it will be Travesty.”

Our Vision along with our Actions are what will help this transition be a smoother one… If we allow ourselves to get embroiled in FEAR we fall straight into the hands of those who wish to continue to Control by Fear… But if we join in unity, love, care, sharing, helping, giving. Then my friends we are creating a world of co-operation not Corporations…

Already I am seeing how we are all linking via our thoughts and joining as One, but I will leave that for another post… 

So how about it, are you ready with your Vision?

What World are YOU going to create for our FUTURE?

Love and Blessings


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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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Part Two E-book of True Awakening Experiences, complied by Barbara Franklin and WordPress Friends.


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