Earth Day Should Be Every Day.

A painting of a Stag I painted in Acrylic for my Sister.

Creating Positive Possibilities with your HUM.

The original video has been taken down, to watch the reply of this video please go to this link

Thinking Kindness Back into Man-Kind!

Taking a deep breath, and pausing from the hectic confusion of information that pours forth daily into our lives, can give us all headaches and heartaches if we let ourselves absorb it.  That is why I take regular breaks to be out in nature, to plant bare feet on the ground, earthing myself into Mother Nature and her life-giving Prana of energy…   For those wishing to see more of what we have been creating in Mother Nature, you can follow this link to my other Dreamwalker’s Garden Blog.

Creating Peaceful Surroundings

I believe Cyril hinted that I could speak more on ‘Time’ in his last update. I thought long and hard upon what poured out of Cyril’s beak, and Do I have anything to say about time? I do not know… But we are all of us I feel, internally know and feel Time is certainly running faster than ever, as we see, the weeks months and years fly by at ever-increasing speed…

So, I delved into my Archives in WordPress, and sure enough back in 2011 I wrote a post I posted in January of 2012 which touched on Time… Entitled ‘The Quickening’ what the Native Indigenous American Indians call The Great Purification …  Again, little did I know back then, how this ‘Quickening, and the cycles of change was going to develop, or pan out.. Or perhaps I did on a Higher Soul level.

A paragraph I wrote caught my attention in that article ..

“ I know around our world, we are seeing many who are rebelling as we are seeing breakdowns in systems of governments, exposures to lies, and cover-ups. And the greed of banking systems corrupt policies is exposed. ……………and I went onto say………. “The Birthing process is always going to be painful, and many will choose to turn their backs and bury their heads and buy into the Fear of it all, as the Woe is me syndrome takes it grip, but each thought we create, creates its own reality, and for many their reality will be chaos. 

On the face of it that article I wrote in 2011, it sounded much like doom and gloom. But its message was about Transition. and I finished off that article by saying this.

“But remember all you have ever needed has always been with you, from your conception in Time and It matters not what creed or indoctrinated thoughts we adhere to. We are merely transcending to the next natural level on our evolutionary path.
We merely need to trust and follow our own natural instincts above all else. Instincts which we all need to get back in touch with. “Know Thyself”. And let the Light of our Good Intent open our heart centres to each other and our Earth Mother, as she will carry us through to the next phase in our Universal Journey, as our Consciousness once again lifts us up to new Heights of our experience.
So let us transcend to the next cycle of our existence.”


Growing your own

This is why we, as we shift gears into aligning with our higher mission or perspectives of what is important, our paths along with our goals and intentions change, as we outgrow that which we no longer need, so, we choose different paths as our inner intuition speaks loudly for us to follow.    
It is why we, my hubby and I grow our own food, we have always done so, it is instinctive, as we could see the chemicals applied, to grow food, were in fact doing no good to our health. We have always been independent and creative, relying upon ourselves, our instincts, and our connection via nature along with our arts and crafts.. 

And above all else it is why WE are creative BEings, We are Human BE-ings in our Human Experience as we exercise our Inalienable Rights to be Free.  A short video showing how these rights are being taken away can also be watched here  

I feel it is now time that we each follow our higher guidance of intuitive thinking. Today is such a day, as I speak out my thoughts.  Many Astrologers are saying that this New Moon and the Summer Solstice is a high activation point to bring those Dreams, and manifestations of what Kind of world we would all like to live in… Remember Thought creates, so be mindful of where you place your focus of intentions.  Because focusing upon that which you do not want can also be activated.  But if we require change, then we ourselves must be prepared to help bring those changes about.

Crocheted Afghan Blanket

The Great purification first comes from clearing out the debris of old systems and indoctrinations which have not been for our highest good. These have a multitude of layers, which will not easily be removed with both inner and outer work in clearing that which no longer serves.
 It is now up to each of us to create our own reality, finding our own inner Joy and Peace. Connecting with our hearts, that which we instinctively know, Feels right.  We all of us are weaving our own individual threads into the tapestry of life as we Evolve and move into this New Earth of Enlightenment.

  But first we must each become enlightened to that which no longer serves Humanity. We have to SEE the Truth and expose the Lies, and we can only do that by opening our eyes, and hearts, to become that which we were always intended to be… KIND…. Man-kind,  can no longer bury its head in the sand. But we always must be compassionate to all concerned.
We have to Think Kindness back into Human KIND..  

I only ask you to look within your Hearts, for we are ALL upon this threshold of Discovery…

Much love, as we create harmony and unity together.  



What do you see in this Reality?
Does not your eye’s view what is real to see?
Can you not touch this tangible fusion?
Or do we gaze into the ethers of illusion,

What trickery mocks us as we take in the lies
Binding our thoughts in roots of indoctrination
Following the herd, bleating like sheep
Held captive, half asleep.

What happened to the land of the Free?
Conform or suffer, or pay the penalty
What is your reality?
Come, let me walk you through the misty vale.

To where this illusion significantly pales
We are magnificent magicians whose thoughts cast their magic
Where all is possible, where to doubt is tragic
Seek and find, let go of fear

Dance in joy as Light penetrates our sphere
For you have forgotten our Time’s lost spell
As into the abyss of darkness you dwell.

Open your eyes and open your hearts.
Let the Light dispel all dark
Fear nothing, hate less, embracing ALL
Seek a new illusion before you fall.

Stop following blindly, grasp hold of Love today
Remember your tomorrows, forget your yesterdays
Reach for the memory held high up in the stars
And heal from within, let go of all your scars

Sit in the silence; begin to know who you are
As illusion drifts away revealing Ancient Stars
Your time is but a moment, live each moment well,
For soon the illusion shatters, broken like a spell.

Creating dormant memories, the Codes of Lightning strikes 
As each of us remember our Cosmic Powerful Light 
So, hold that Love within you, as you visualise deep peace 
For soon this Illusion will shatter, as each of us are released. 

© Sue Dreamwalker  2010-2022 All rights reserved.

Time to Rebalance the Maze of Life.

Right now, it appears like we are trapped within a maze, each of us are searching for a way out. We may appear lost, going around and around in circles. We often see others pointing their fingers, and blaming each other, as we formulate our own opinions about the world as each of us shout to be heard.

 We jump up and down with our heads bobbing over the hedge as we try to see beyond our own path, to see if there are any shortcuts to find a better way.  Yet all the time we may fear what lies beyond.

We constantly give our power away, by allowing others to overshadow our thinking, we have not only got lost within the maze. So engrossed are we, within the machinery of our illusionary world of Hollywood, computer games, iPhone’s, advertisements and politics, we no longer know what is true, false or fake. 

For our world is fabricated, manipulated, as our senses are constantly being bombarded from all angles by those who wish us to be distracted, dumbed down and hoodwinked, to live in constant fear from one thing or another.  

We need to step out of the dark holes within the maze of our minds which we have created for ourselves and learn to focus upon our inner world and our own energy and the beauty of creation, as we learn again to love and respect ourselves. Treating others too as we ourselves wish to be treated.  

Our own ENERGY is so important..

Stepping out on our own can be daunting, for we can find ourselves feeling alone and lost. Others will still be pointing their fingers at you, saying you are not fitting into their patterns and programming. So, you are made to feel different, an outcast, just because we perceive differently. 

As humans we fear change, so we may still want to cling onto the maze, the old patterns, our old ways of being, for they are our comfort zone, so we hang onto our guilt, our prejudices, blame, and our victim mentalities and old habits. 

But once you are free of this thinking, you will find yourself detaching from fear, that twists our insides, as we break the illusion that has been  binding us within its spell casting within our current matrix.

Once Free, you then begin to pull in the energy of love, the love of self, and the love of Nature, as you begin to embrace Unity Consciousness.  You then see the world in a new perspective. As you understand we are all of us going through this process, all be it in different time zones, through our various experiences. 

Nature is asking us to engage in Oneness. She is showing us with all of her beauty just how at One we all are. She is showing you with her clouds, rain, storms, rainbows, earthquakes, Sunny days, and chilly days,  just how small each of us are within the scheme of the Universe. 

Yet she is also showing you how valued each of us are from the tiny insects to human kind, for each one of us is connected to the other. You just have to observe, from that silent place within, and know each of us affects the whole.

Our ripples, how ever large or small, be it thoughts or deeds reach out to touch another.  The Ripple Effect has begun.. And many as yet do not even see how important a role they are playing in this Awakening..  But the more who can open their hearts, then the more love will radiates around the world. 

For each of us are affecting the WHOLE.

When you step beyond this Maze, this Matrix, the spells which have been cast upon our mind to control and cloud the truth of our thinking, you will find yourself trusting your own instincts more, as we go within the flow, as we cleanse and let go of belief systems. As we let go of past wounds, and inner conflicts and the divisions which have deliberately kept us feeling alone and separate with the labels society and those in elite places have decided to put upon us.  

Once we begin to trust our own inner compass to guide us, we then pursue the things which will empower us, and bring us fulfilment, as we reconnect back to our creative magical selves. We are all powerful beings who have been robbed of our true heritage..  Once we break free of those chains that have bound us , and we no longer allow others to overshadow us, keeping us prisoners,  We then step into our Full Sovereignty as Free Human Beings.. 

But only we hold the keys to unlock our cell doors.. It’s up to us to turn the key to unlock our hearts..  

So, as we unlock our hearts, your world opens up, as New Realities present themselves. Showing you a New Earth, an exciting place where Synchronicities take place. Where you meet along your pathway like-minded souls who have travelled through their own dark mazes to emerge into this new world. Where we let go of the past, and we learn to forgive those who caused us pain and forgive and heal ourselves. 

We then learn to walk into the Light of our own hearts again.

This journey is by no means an easy one to travel,  the only barriers are ourselves, each step leads us to discover more wonders about ourselves.   As we learn to work through these old patterns as we embrace Love, Unity, Peace and Happiness. As we let go of those traits of feeling unworthy. 

 We are all working through the Quantum fields of Unity Consciousness.

This journey will be different for each of us, for no one is the same, we are each unique. For we all have different agenda’s and pathways to work through.   For me right now, I am allowing my creative flow, I am writing more as I find myself writing in poetic stories. So, I am embracing what is coming forward as I go within its flow.

I am sleeping more, if I feel like a nap in the middle of the day, I embrace it. I awake feeling refreshed. My sleep patterns are fitful, I know in dream time I am working more, as stories come forth of the past, I feel I am releasing and letting go, as I meet in sleep state those I need to help and those who are helping me. And I often ponder upon which time line, which parallel life I may be accessing for we are also multidimensional Beings, housed in our Earth Body for this Earth experience. 

 I have always embraced nature, but I make time to spend more time out in nature, blending, feeling the beauty of Mother Earth.  I notice minuet things, petals, insects, Bees,  grass, pollen etc,   as the flora and fauna show me how interconnected we are.  If it were not for the Bee… our food supply would diminish, and yet we seldom think of the chemicals we pour over the land which is drastically affecting the Bee population.. All is connected, and all eventually will have a knock on effect.

Some of you may be finding a new focus in your life, or taking a step back to relax and be in your own space more. Whatever you do, do it with love in your hearts and embrace your moment of Now. For there truly is no other better one than this moment to start the changes needed to change the rest of your Life.

When we embrace and respect our lives and all that we have been given, and we learn from a point of gratitude, and not waste our opportunities, we need to make our lives count.  Each of us now are beginning to discover our purpose. Make the most of yours and in doing so, you help each of us make the most of ours.. 

The photos were taken on a walk in Chatsworth Gardens in Derbyshire inside the house garden grounds back in 2017, the same time most of these words were written.

 It was a perfect day to reflect and be at One..

As is Every Day..

Love and Blessings


Are You Listening To Your Heart?


Connecting~Cooperating~Creating, We are One.. ~ Watercolour and Ink Art by Sue Dreamwalker


 Stepping through the Mirror, leaving her shadow-self behind,

 She reflected upon the moment and her place within mankind

She saw the fractal image as she observed the Hologram

Of how each was Participating in the Universal plan.


We are the building blocks, as we keep looking to discover

Creating all with energy the thoughts we each uncover.

The choices are reflected, reacting to our minds

Through feelings, thoughts and attitudes to each of us it binds


For nothing is separate, we are the space between the flow

An Energy of Chi, the Qi that makes us glow.

You then understand the importance of your hearts-math

As you unravel the coding imprints of your Ancient past.


And once you uncover the Truth behind the smoke and mirrors

There is no turning back time as you see our time isn’t linear

Your mind will want to explode when you discover just who you are

And you will never look at the world without thinking of a star.


But here’s the thing you see, as you delve and dig around

You have to be prepared to change your perceptions of the ground

We all were brought up believing a set of rules not always true

And the cycles are now going to open up new parameters to view


When you understand more deeply the Truths we all should seek

You’ll begin to see the parable of Heaven inheriting the meek

We each of us have choices and it all comes down to this

Do we want to live in Fear, or choose the path of bliss?

© Sue Dreamwalker 2020.


 We Each Can Make a difference  to our world by living from our Hearts!. 

 Where we Focus our Intention, is where we Create our Reality. 

Silent Contemplation~ One Stitch At A Time

Sometimes you’ll discover the ALL in its unerring intelligence as the love within you, as it endows you with its benevolence. Soon you will discover the ALL is everywhere, within everything.

All you need do is open your heart to what it brings, like your very breath, you see not where it comes from or where it goes. Rising and Falling—Dying and Growing— Evolving and Changing—expanding in consciousness as we learn both Empathy and Forgiveness.

We share laughter and sorrows, reflecting, conjecturing, analysing, memorising. Striving, Failing, Weeping and Wailing.

The ALL is ALL of Everything! Within the Field.

—Sue Dreamwalker.  From my Journal— 4th Jan 2019

The Light Spirals Outwards from within~


The woman sat as she often did by the window catching the warm rays of Sun as it warmed her skin. The rainbow prisms of light danced around the room from her hanging crystals that were caught by the breeze from the open window.

The chatter of birds filled the air with their morning songs as she watched them squabble on the feeders, some dipping their wings for their morning bath in the stone birdbath.

A Sigh of contentment escaped her lips as she rested her knitting on her lap. Closing her eyes, the woman drank in the moment, giving thanks for the peace she’d been given.

It often took others to point out her gifts, and she was so thankful for them. She thought back to the times of her deepest despairs and disappointments, they all seemed so long ago now.

But the woman understood how the Universe often took us to those darker depths before we could rise up and face those inner demons which pulled and toused, twisting and distorting our thoughts, creating our fears which were made to hold and weigh us down within this dense existence of our Material Matrix Construct.  She knew sometimes we had to reach those deeper depths before we could begin to rise and lift our spirits up.

She looked down at her hands, no longer supple and smooth, but she saw ageing also brings wisdom. She hoped she would exit this world wiser for her journey within it.

The rainbow prisms danced some more as the breeze from the partially open window brushed against her face.  She thought how little the Human Race  really knew of its existence and origins.

We only saw our reality through our own little prisms, our own spectrum of Light. Viewing Life from our own perspectives, via the knowledge we were taught. Believing ALL we were told as Truth. But she had become a questioner a seeker!

A smile crossed her lips as she thought on the similarity of words we use to describe very different things. Language! was a special tool… And sometimes there were not even the right words to describe what she knew or felt.. So limited was our vocabulary in many respects..  

Prisms, and Prisons… She chuckled to herself, argh, if only people would wake up to the Prisons, they now hold themselves within. ‘If Only’… those two little words which meant so many things.. 

The programming went deep, so many were not even aware of the distortion, the lies, the controlling had been subtle over a long, long period of time.

But there was Hope, more now were waking up as communications grew and these new star-seeds were busily planting more seeds that made others begin to question and seek out the truth. So many more were waking up to their potential. So many now were questioning and were now speaking up as these energies began to motivate peoples awareness. 

This wasn’t going unnoticed as those in control were feeling their grip on humanity slipping away. New measures were now strategically being put in place to censor those who sort only the Truth..  Creating more fear in the process.

Rainbow Prism on wall


The woman understood this play to which she had chosen to be born. She saw how prophecy was playing out. She had been the observer for many years and had uncovered many stones along her path. Her disgust at what she had found beneath the surface had shocked her in the beginning, it tore at her heart and it rocked her foundations.

But the woman knew nothing was by chance, and it was why many of us journey within this dense realm of matter.  Her quiet time was always productive. She knew she was Eternal and this time around she had discovered what we were all here to discover. And that was how to love Unconditionally.

The woman also understood she was far from perfect in perfecting the lessons needed to take her out of this construct. But she was trying her best.

All we need do is but try our best.

But like many things on this Earth realm, it took practice and patience much like her knitting on her lap.

Each stitch carefully placed, each thought juggled and realigned into a new perspective. Each row, like each year of her life, following a pattern. Some easy bits, while others had been difficult to master. All taking concentration and effort. Each segment to be carefully sewn together to make the Whole..  The End product.. Completed.

She also knew nothing was created in an instant, the world like her stitches needed to be first cast on, a pattern had to be followed, and patience was needed as each idea/stitch was developed. All took time, One stitch, One Thought, One Idea, One Action, All coming together to complete the project in hand..  

The woman knew there would still be mistakes made,  but she wasn’t worried She knew others too in this world were making bigger mistakes, but were these also teaching others not to make theirs? Such was the duality of this world.  

Just like her knitting there were beginners and there were more experienced who made less errors.  Sometimes one had to unpick many rows/years of work, because of one bad miss-stitch/error.  And there were those who miss-read patterns that didn’t follow the tensions/advice given who found all their effort went for nothing as their creation didn’t turn out as they expected.

They then pointed their fingers of blame on everyone other than themselves. After all, each were given our free will to choose what patterns and which colours our desired creations would be. We made the choices and have to take personal responsibility for our actions.  

The Source of Creation has infinite patience. Time is of no consequence. The teachings taught that without those dropped stitches, without our mistakes, ALL of it is part of our learning process as we develop our skills as we evolve.    

All are on their journeys each playing their part within the whole..

 All we can do is take life, One stitch/Step at a time

and enjoy ALL we create with LOVE..

Freedom to Fly. Look UP!.

What happened to the Sun that misty skies now shroud

Has anyone looked up to see beyond the clouds?

The weather patterns changing, with the lines made in the sky

Have you ever stopped to question, or ask the reason why?


They talk about pollution, from diesel fumes to plastic

Green Taxes, so called solutions, Green Papers and statistics 

Yet all the while what goes up is falling from our sky

Look up from your Devices and open up your eyes


Fluoride in our water Aluminium in our heads

Electronic waves of WiFi microwaving us in our beds

Is it any wonder we feel depleted, drained and confused?

As technology re-wires and short-circuits, as we blow a fuse. 


Gameshows on the increase, as T.V. zombies clone

While overhead keeps belching those cloud seeding drones

Some day I want to shout, Scream, Rant and Rave!

Instead I go within, reconnecting my inner Sage


I used to shout ‘WAKE UP!’ but I wonder if I am too late

One only has to ‘LOOK’ to see the Human State

We’ve separated from Nature, wrapped up in material greed

And yet I’ll keep on planting, illuminating seeds


To flourish as a planet, these seeds need to grow

For each of us are responsible, of the seeds each do sow

Each has a choice, Free Will, to pick and choose

I hope we make the right ones, if not we all will lose. 


This week I will be busy in on my plot, and I have a painting I need to finish..

So Have a Beautiful  Summer Solstice.. 

And Enjoy this painting video of Akiane’s …

The Poem I wrote when chemtrails got the better of me one evening.

Remember  we may not have wings, but all of us can fly…

Just use your imagination.. And Soar..

You will find me floating in the flower beds and among  cabbages. 

Love And Blessings!  

[Comments Closed] 

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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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Part Two E-book of True Awakening Experiences, complied by Barbara Franklin and WordPress Friends.


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