Meaningful Monday’s~ Bullying~

When I  was in school  in the days before the internet, I knew what it was to be bullied at an All Girls School, by girls in the school. 

I was the child with a home-made gingham summer  school uniform that my mother had made. It had  an extra  deep, doubled rolled hem and a bought lace collar along with pres-studs down the front. With buttons sewn on top. At first I was so proud of my new dress, because it had a fancy collar made of lace, not plain like the others. And I proudly went off to my new School aged 11.My dress started out miles too big. But  each year as I grew the hem was let down, you could see the material hem marks of each layer…  And it was a good thing that it was in those later  years, the mini skirt was in fashion.

My winter skirt, was the same, and by the time I left school, aged Fifteen,  it was shiny black with the amounts of washing and ironing.. It was then passed down to my  middle sister  who also had to wear it. 

 That dress got me into so much trouble. The headmistress had me in her office often, as she would single me out of assembly, making me blush, and cry, as she stood me in front of the whole assembly, not once but often telling me that is not the correct uniform. She would single another pupil out who wore the correct uniform and continue her verbal lashings of the Do’s and Don’ts of what not to wear. 

I would go home with a letter from the headmistress and my mother would rip it up and say, we cannot afford new dresses, that is why my red and white checked gingham dress was home-made in the first place.  I became to feel ashamed of the dress,ashamed of my shape, and felt everyone was looking at me. I learnt too who were friends, and who were not, as my uniform was made fun of. 

Children can be so cruel, and we as adults should know better.. But we are talking in the days when corporal punishment was allowed  and it was normal to  have the chalk board rubber thrown at you if you were lacking paying attention!.  

That summer dress I kid you not lasted me the whole four years at secondary school, it  fit where it touched. My Shoes also lasted for three years, they were second-hand off a cousin to start with, and filled with cotton wool because they were too big, and when at last the sole got worn and had a hole in them, I though yipppeee!… Now I get a new pair,  But no, my Dad re-soled them..  And for many years, I always felt~ Unworthy.. For it seemed my middle sister and I had to make do, while my three other siblings  always seemed to have newer things. 

Words Wound, and scar, and leave those who are bullied feeling so hurt and alone.. imagine being in today’s climate on your phone or computer in your own safe environment and how that impacts upon a young child or teenager who is already feeling insecure ..

Where ever I go, what ever I do, I try to become aware of how my words may impact upon another, I am not always successful, I have my outbursts too..  But I try to leave Kindness, Upliftment, and Praise for others… If we all found just one small thing in which to compliment another human being, What a difference that could make to their feelings of worthiness. 

We are all responsible for our thoughts, words, deeds and actions..

Lets Make a Difference with the ones we use..  



This Post has been Scheduled and I will not be able to access replies until the weekend.  Many thanks in advance to all who take the time to leave me your welcome comments. 

Thank you.

See you Soon 


Sink Deeper Still


Close your eyes and sink into the velvet dark

Now concentrate, can you see that spark

Of light, that pin-prick hole

Sink Deeper Still, to the centre of your soul


Shut out the din, that constant clatter

Of who said what, and media chatter

Flick the switch, turn off the noise

Sink Deeper Still, into inner poise


And when you reach those velvet depths

Allow your heart, in beats get swept

With Cosmic waves of Peace and Love

Sink Deeper Still to float above


And as you rise up out of self

Your body’s functions no longer felt

That pin-prick hole now expands

Sink Deeper Still, to far off lands


For now, we’re free to fly afar

Remembering we are made from stars

Each holding codes of long-lost Light

Sink Deeper Still, now out of sight


And so, it is we ebb and flow

Experiencing Life in Cosmic Glow

Breathe in, breathe out, The Push and Pull,

Sink Deeper Still, in silent lull.


When reaching Deep and Deeper Still,

As hearts expand with love to fill

That tiny Light you first did see

Explodes in Joy, For One are We.


© Sue Dreamwalker 2017



Meaningful Monday’s ~’Senses’

Shadow of my hanging crystal in the window and prisms on the wall.

The Sunlight cast her golden glow through the gap in the treeline, sending her light to to catch the hanging teardrop crystal that hung in the window.

A multitude of tiny rainbow prisms danced along the wall, as I caught the crystal as I drew open the curtains to greet my day. It was a while before they settled their dance and left their bright rainbows along the wall, each a perfect spectrum of light. 

The frost had magically transformed the lawn to white shards of glistening glitter as the Sun’s rays caught them. The Blackbird already well into eating breakfast was pecking the left-over corn and mealworms left out yesterday.

The Robin was perched in his usual favourite spot on the fence serenely surveying the garden, while the sparrows busied themselves as they frantically battled for positions pecking each other out of the way on the fat-ball feeder.

A neighbour’s cat at that moment took his usual shortcut through our garden and in an instant, there was not a bird in sight, as they had swiftly all flown into their invisible hides within the bushes.

I smiled as I breathed in deeper, as I greeted my day. Knowing that as soon as the cat was out of sight, the birds would be back to fill up for breakfast.

The kettle came to the boil, and the aroma of the toast popping up from the toaster brought my attention back to my tasks in hand, as I prepared my own breakfast.

I took my tea and toast to sit by the patio window as I watched the garden life resume, as one by one the sparrows popped their heads out from the bushes and their cheerful chattering once again saying the coast was clear. While the rainbows continued to shine in their magnificent hues along the wall.  

Crystal rainbow prisms on wall

Today’s post is being merged with a challenge set up by Linda, over at Litebeings Chronicles    on her challenge of Litebeings Sense-sational Challenges  

I wrote the above, because each day we use our senses, and if we lost one of them it would alter our lives drastically. and within that first few moments of waking, I had used all five of them.

We take each of them for granted, and are so very blessed with being able to see, hear, feel, taste, smell, and yet, there is one in which we all of us have, and often are unaware of how to use it, and that is our  sixth sense.

Feather- Crystal Rainbow Prisms

This sixth sense is one that we have all been born with, but we have long since lost the ability to activate it successfully. And when we do, people are fearful of it, so you either tend to hide this ability or if you are a child, you are soon told it is nonsense and it is not to be practised, so like any muscle, if you do not use it, you soon lose it.

I have been very privileged in using my sixth sense and developing it during my life time. And have used my Inner Knowing, our inbuilt intuitive system that when you tune in correctly, helps us to explore our deeper connection beyond that which we can see. 

Rainbow Prism on wall~ Perfect. We are all colours within the rainbow, None are separate.


I am sure there are many of you who have stories of when such sixth senses kicked in, when you had that feeling of something was about to happen, or you had an unexplained encounter, premonition, or simple knew who was on the other end of the land line before you even picked up the phone.

Linda’s challenge asked. Which senses bring you Joy and delight. In short, they all do, I could not paint, sew, cook, knit or garden without the enjoyment of ALL of my senses that come into play.  Linda’s second question was, How do they help you live a meaningful life? They all bring meaning to my life. Each and every one of them. For each are important.

But my sixth sense is also very important, for in learning to connect deeper, and activate this hidden sense which we ALL of us have, it has allowed me to explore not only my own inner worlds, but worlds beyond, which so many are afraid of touching. And when you learn to traverse this new sense, you also find a whole new world waiting to be explored, that brings deeper understanding to why we are here and who we are and to our Mission here on Earth. 


One  sense that I wish to embrace more, Is my Sense of ‘Vision’… Not within my own eyes, but the Vision I hold for the world. One where our dreams of what is possible outweighs our uncertainties.  Where we can leave the past in the past, as we embrace and engage in the experience of Now. Breathing in beauty, creating beauty within our thoughts, as we share common good with our community. A Vision, where no one lives in lack, and where ALL life is precious, where all are equal, where no one starves, and one where we grow to respect each other and all living things.

Yes, you may say I am a dreamer… 

But without Dreams, we have no Vision.

 Our thoughts, and our actions are what bring about our future, so today’s Visions are our future tomorrows.

Thank you Linda for your Sense-sational Challenge, and if you want to join in I know she has some dates left for November if you should wish to and pick up your Badge.  And if you should think is art is familiar, I donated this piece of art for Linda’s Challenge to create the badge. 

What sixth sense have you experienced?

The next on the list in the challenge at the moment of  publication to take part Is Leigh on the 15th Nov’

In Love and Light

Sue .

Thank You ALL, ~ Enjoy your Quite Moments

Many thanks to All of you who have left me your Joyful comments..  Each and every one of you are so very special. 

This short five minutes video is dedicated to you..   

You truly are All Wonderful in that you spread your own joy, encouragement, and inspiration through your own unique blogs around this wonderful Community we have here on WordPress. 

I have been absorbed in my own quiet time, picking up my paints again, and  helping hubby with final things in our allotments, 

I  already have put a post Scheduled  for Monday which was written last weekend,  but  as yet I  still have many of you to reply to and return the visit..

You know  I always get around you in time.. 

But my eye once again has flared up yesterday, and it’s being medicated again with drops.  So my time is being spent resting it, and even my paints  I have had to leave alone for a while..

So you may appreciate  I  am taking concentrating  in small bites, while it heals.   Maybe it is asking me to take a LOOK at myself.. or Maybe I am not SEEing what I am meant to.. But I am nurturing this valuable sense and taking time to rest it. 

Either way, I will be sure to reply and land upon your blogs very soon 

Have a Wonderful Weekend, as you do your own special things, as you spread out your love.

The comments on this post will remain Closed while I take time to recover. 

Your love is felt..

and I thank you all once again for being so special. Enjoy the Video!

Love and Light




Meaningful Monday’s ~ JOY..

Hello Beautiful people, today my Meaningful Monday is a double celebration, Why? Well you see my last post “Listening to The  Echoes Within”,  happened to generate this logo from WordPress


My 1,000th Post Milestone. Whooo hoo..

So you have no idea how this also was so well timed as I already had this post in my Schedule box entitled JOY!..   I just want to thank ALL of you, for the Joy you bring here to my little world in Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary when you interact and leave me your thoughts and well wishes.. 

Many Thanks Again..  and now for today’s post. 


Today I am sharing a video, thanks to Brad over at  Writing to Freedom and if you do not know Brad, you should check out some of his weekend Awesome Stories,  Along with some of his humour and lovely poems..

This video is from one of them. He highlights lots of beautiful people and some amazing stories he finds on the internet. 

I found this five-minute video inspiring, I wanted to include in my new Meaningful Monday posts, as it shows through  a simple act, how it can unite people  who are strangers, who a few moments before wouldn’t look at you.

Such a simple thing unites them into joining in laughter, having  fun, as they share joy with each other. 

May  we bring more Joy and laughter into the world !

Thank you Brad, for always bringing us those awesome moments through love and joy. 

I may be a little late in getting back to answer comments this week, as I am partaking in my own Joy, as I pick up my paints again..

Wishing you ALL So Much JOY.. and thank you for sharing your love and  joy with me.. 

Love and ((HUGS))



Listening to The Echoes Within


Can you hear the echo of Silence Within?

Is it shattering through this chaotic din?

Of political missiles of control and power

What kind of thoughts do you launch within an hour


Do you wonder where those thoughts might land

As you create ‘Matter’ from the ‘Force’ at hand

Projected missiles each moment we send

As out into the Universe our thoughts do blend.


Creating our future, we constantly weave

Each thought born, with intent conceived

Which side of the pendulum do your thoughts swing?

Is it positive or negative energy you bring?


What noises are you sending out?

Is it Peace and Calm or do you want to shout

Remember the Echo rebounds to bounce back

What thoughts are you sending, is it Love or Lack?


Have you felt the change, or don’t you care?

Are you breathing in deep, Natures air?

Are you listening to the echoes of your heart?

If you are then you’ve perhaps made a start.


Are you listening to your Inner Chatter?

What you are focused upon really matters

The power of your thoughts is what we create

Take a moment, to Pause, and Meditate.


What outcomes to you wish for this world?

Is it Peace or War you wish to unfurl

Now is the time we Humans Must Unite

To envisage Peace, we must reach for the light.


© Sue Dreamwalker 2017


Within today’s world, we are seeing many truths now being exposed, as those whom we are supposed to look up to, are now finding their own Lies, echoing back to find them out.

We  all of us at times join in the gossip train, that travels out, gaining momentum and speed, stopping at various destinations, it gathers on board more passengers, who add their own little flourish to the journey.

I caught myself on this journey only the other week, which led me to stop my inner chatter, for our thoughts, like our words, are also powerful, and travel out, to create their vibration.. Which is why I wrote 

Are you listening to your Inner Chatter?

What you are focused upon really matters

The power of your thoughts is what we create

Take a moment, to Pause, and Meditate.

I hope you pause, and take a moment to see what thoughts are being sent out.. For believe me.. They Echo right back to the source of their creation, it may not be straight away.. As the train timetables vary.. So Listen to the Echoes of your  Heart..  I hope we have all made a start…  Hold your vision for the World.. 

Love and Blessings


The Photo I took  At Whitby Abbey in 2010.


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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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