A Ghostly Tale..

While I call myself a Medium who can connect that unseen world in which we all travel to when we vacate this earthly shell of a body of flesh I am but an ordinary woman who has a small gift. I lead an ordinary life and a day job as Support Worker to those who need extra help in this world.

I just happened to be able from time to time link those two worlds together and for the last 22 yrs have gone around spiritual centres in my spare time as a Spiritual Medium connecting love ones together again. I don’t do this for any monetary gain and only charge my petrol expenses..

I have been asked several times by friends to share with them my experiences, I am often asked…..

1, “ Do you see Ghosts?” 2,“ Do they come and speak to you all the time”? and “ 3,Don’t you get frightened?”

Today I will answer the First Question in more depth, “Do you see Ghosts”?, I wonder what are your Ideas of Ghosts?  Maybe they’re not the Ghoulish Macabre type some may perceive them to be.. and here is a little story about some facts on Ghosts

Ghosts exist, fact. What is sad and that they all have in common is that none of them know they are dead! For their own personal reasons, Ghosts refuse to transcend to the ‘Other side’ and stay Earthbound. In their minds they feel they are as alive as we are, because they cling to this dimension after death. And they are the easiest residents of the spirit world for the rest of us to hear and see.

Ghosts tend to enjoy attention, or maybe our reaction to them. As most of us hold fear about the unknown. And many Ghosts, although not all are usually full of guilt, anger, or remorse, for these emotions can be the main cause for them not going to the light. Some stay behind because they are searching for loved ones.

In Sylvia Browns book ‘The Other Side and Back’ she describes meeting a Ghost.

She was filming with a crew for the Unsolved Mysteries programme. She found herself talking to a woman, who was sad and anxious, dressed in blue, with a large hat tied with a scarf, who introduced herself as Mary Ellen Morley. She said she had been in a terrible car accident near Moss Beach Distillery, and was roaming searching for her three year old son. Her hairstyle and clothes had been out-dated decades ago, but she clearly thought only minutes had passed since the accident. Time has no meaning after death, even for those who don’t move off to the light where they belong.

The film crew and a couple of Moss Beach employees went to the local library, where they found after looking though old newspapers the obituary of a woman named Mary Ellen Morley, Cause of death. Car accident. Her husband and three year old son had survived her.

That Ghost stayed behind in the delusion that her child was still three years old and needed her.

As Sylvia says, ‘ the least we can do for Ghosts we meet, is to try to convince them that they’re dead, and urge them towards the light. Spirits on ‘the other side’ make every effort to bring them ‘Home’ as well. And while we push the other side pulls, and sooner or later in either minutes or hundreds of years, ghosts will find their way to the light.’

Have I seen a Ghost?… Yes I think I have many, many years ago I worked in a very old run down building that used to weave fabric years before I worked there. The building was still used in the textile trade where I was learning to machine garments..I was a young 16 year old and had been there since I left school aged 15. There was always stories told about The Ghost who would switch off lights late night and there was a dark twisted back staircase that wound its way up to the attic which no one ever walked up alone.. It would always have an eerie feel to it, and my neck hairs would stand on end if I ever had to go to the floor above me. This floor was strung with beams of wood and the story was someone many years ago had died up there.

Now you may say being a young girl at an impressionable age could have had her experience coloured that day. Or was craving attention, But I swear to you that I was a quiet little thing way back then, who didn’t say Boo to a Goose,- Let alone Boo to a Ghost!..

And I had my head down working hard, on piece-work ensuring my work was of good quality or else I had them returned to unpick to re-sew. So the last thing on my mind that day was any Ghosts.. But as I sat sewing I was aware of a figure staring at me, We had a cloak room door straight opposite where I sat to my right, this door was the only door in or out to this cloak room..I felt someone watching me so I looked up to see a man with bald head with his face pressed up against the clear half glass door that was pale and sort of distorted… I stopped machining to look again harder and I can still see his image in my mind’s eye today, the moment I realised what I was looking at I screamed, he disappeared in that instant..

Workmates came rushing,The room was searched, Manager’s were called and I remember well we had a young Irish manager who asked me Did I believe in Ghosts.. as he said he did, he tried to reassure me, and confessed that he too had had some strange experiences in that building when locking up last thing at night.. He told me, ‘Ghosts can’t harm you.. Only the living can do that’.. Words I often remember.

2”Do I speak to Spirits”? Yes all the time… But they visit me through the enthral and I blend my senses to communicate as I feel them within my Aura as I feel their essence and see their form they wish me to see through my inner eye, not my visual eyes.. And we have a mutual agreement.. They only link with me when I link with them, as if not life could get a bit hectic and congested. I will speak in more detail on this sometime in the future..

3 “ Do I get frightened?” The answer to that is a simple NO.. And having shook hands with those in spirit in physical circles who have manifested within ectoplasm, I’ve always had a huge smile upon my face and a big welcome upon my lips.. As they transcend the difficult journey back through this denseness of matter to say hello and prove beyond any doubt within my own and many others mind – Life Continues After Death —

I invite you now to share any stories you may have to tell us of evidence of Life After Death.. Whether that be People or Pets.. For our animal kingdom transcend and survive death also. 

44 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Lady Jude
    Sep 21, 2011 @ 01:56:57

    Enjoyed reading this, as you know I’m also a medium,,, Thanks for sharing your spiritual journey with me…



  2. becca givens
    Sep 21, 2011 @ 02:08:26

    Sue Dreamwalker, at this very moment I am on a 5 “sister” retreat in Sedona, AZ visiting the vortices, holding energy for Mother Earth, in an effort to assist her healing. Amongst us are 2 Native Americans. The house we’ve rented for the week is in the middle of a vortex and a cemetery behind the house. Although, I have not sensed spirits from there, 3 others have! Many blessings to you! becca



  3. marja
    Sep 21, 2011 @ 11:09:18

    wow that’s fascinating you have these gifts and experiences. I never had any but I had a colleague friend who told me a lot about his wife (who had past away) who had these experierences of seeing ghosts all the time. He had one experience himself and I was always glued to his lips wen listening to these stories..



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 22, 2011 @ 20:31:12

      Hi Marja… Yes many have witnessed this Spirit Forms and things that are not easily explainable by science.. But they exist none the less.. Sometimes it takes great courage to voice ones experiences as many ridicule these sightings as imaging’s.. Thank you for adding your own thoughts here Marja..



  4. europasicewolf
    Sep 21, 2011 @ 20:46:03

    You certainly lead an interesting life! A little different to the norm 🙂 Interesting to read of your experiences in such matters…



  5. Androgoth
    Sep 21, 2011 @ 21:49:27

    Thank you for adding such a well written posting, and one that offers everyone an opportunity to add their thoughts upon an often rather taboo subject matter. I suppose that many peeps are frightened by the thought of seeing a ghost, probably because of all the horror movies that are churned out over such themes, or maybe they just don’t believe in them at all, but when one considers all the many different stories that one hears regarding ghosts, it stands to reason that not all of those stories are fictional.

    Of course there will always be some that add false statements claiming to have seen a ghost and not take the subject seriously enough, but as with all of these phenomenon one has to keep an open mind and not be led astray by television or the movie industry that often portray ghosts in a rather ghoulish fashion. You know, this posting should have a very good response to it as it is offers the option of adding some personal experiences or just some general thoughts on this excellent theme…

    Have a great rest of evening
    now Sue and be good, or else? 🙂 lol

    Androgoth XXx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 22, 2011 @ 20:54:27

      Hi Androgoth thank you for taking the time to comment.. Those who communicate in this way on TV have to adhere to the tag (This is for entertainment purposes only) As the Media are soon quick to try and discredit a medium.. So do many who are afraid of the unknown in any subject, they would sooner shroud it in fear or taint it in some way.. And while I know there are many who are charlatans out there claiming this and that for Monetary gain..There are many who are not.. And I think Many do not wish to comment upon such subjects as they fear the unknown.. Or they think perhaps as I have been accused of by those who profess to be of a higher religious background that I’m in cahoots with the Devil.. Which is laughable.. But that’s how some view mediumistic skills.. Wishing you a Great Friday Androgoth. 🙂



  6. Renee Espriu
    Sep 22, 2011 @ 01:34:43

    I, too, have a story and could not believe it true until it was confirmed. Years ago when my children were small and my husband worked nights, I began to think one of my children (one of my daughters to be precise) was getting up and wandering about. I would look and they would be there and the next minute, gone, and when I went to look for the child, all the children would be sound asleep. This child always appeared in the hallway close to the bedrooms and never anywhere else. I found it unsettling and one day was in the process of asking my neighbor about it and had not even got the question out, when she said, “So, you’ve seen her too, haven’t you.” I was amazed she would know. She had seen the same aparition and wondered who had lived on the property before the houses were built and it turned out a farm house had stood there. She couldn’t really get enough information from the city to know who had lived there but apparently a child like the one we saw, most likely did. She never seemed to want to cause any problems but more likely it seemed she was watching over or looking for something. An odd experience but I believe it to have happened and to have given me pause for thought about the things we don’t know about that may very well exist. Thanks for this post.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 22, 2011 @ 21:02:41

      Hi Renee.. Thank you so very much for sharing your experience with us here… Yes its very common for small Spirit Children to be seen and they come near especially when there are young Earth Children present.. That is why many young children have invisible play-mates… maybe they are invisible to us as Adults.. But children still do not perceive the world as we do and are more open to the ethereal energies and memories, as often they can recall past lives too at an early age… But we as Adults suppress that telling them not to be stupid and silly and so their natural instincts and senses can soon get dulled as Adults tell them to Grow up and No one is there… If we did encourage children more in this early development they would continue to develop their mediumistic abilities which all of us possess from birth.. I have no doubts at all you saw a Spirit Child … 🙂



  7. lorrena
    Sep 24, 2011 @ 01:42:57

    The term “remote viewing” applies much better then paranormal.
    And both sides of the spirit world see each other and beyond.
    Just “imagine” as we never could the reality that actually is beyond such imagination and blends manifestation of the consciousness .Wraps it all together and becomes those whispers were we see and feel,hear and smell,and taste and lastly use our “thought”.
    As it is this “thought” that becomes the energy combined with all these senses that lifts us past this reality and shows us the underworld and the other worlds .
    These are the dimensional folds that exist between these worlds and within them.
    And those who dare travel the spectrum of the consciousness will be entertained beyond the earthly realm and what it has to offer,For you can never believe in the spirit if you do not become one here in and on this world.Experience all the sufferings and all the loves we do as these inhabit us and foster this yearning.
    The yearning that lets those who accept the beyond and are unafraid of the unknown.
    A believe system that becomes a “knowing”,these spirits come back and visit just as we visit them and others through the folds of the etheric worlds.
    Brush aside all fear and embrace them as we are all kin and folk of the same energy field were plasma swirls and eddies with pure intelligence.
    Haunted indeed my friend!!..And what a beautiful word when viewed with all the open mind we all posses but sometimes fear,



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 26, 2011 @ 13:34:24

      Hi Lorrena.. “And those who dare travel the spectrum of the consciousness will be entertained beyond the earthly realm and what it has to offer”….. So true Lorrena, so true, I have seen many things beyond this Eartly realm that would scare those with a closed mind.. And it is a very beautiful World when we all learn to let go of fear.. Unfortunately for many the Fear is built into many things in which we get entrapped to think is the truth.. When in fact the workings of this dimension is vastly different to what we have been brought up to believe.. Wishing you a Very good week.. 🙂



  8. The Emu
    Sep 25, 2011 @ 13:03:42

    A facinating story Sue and I completely agree , have I anything to add , yes , many years ago I was a soldier and aged about 35 , I was posted to Anglesea army barracks in Hobart Tasmania , these barracks were the first where soldiers were quartered after escorting the convicts from England in the 1800s , this was back in Englands days of sending their convicts to establish a new outpost in the new world known as Van Diemans land , the overcrowding of the Hulks on the Thames in England forced the English government to establish a penal settlement in Australia , to cut a long story short , I was a health inspector in the army based at the old original barracks , my office was an old converted cell , brick walls with convict imprints on the bricks , heavy huon pine 6 inch door with a spy hole , a drainage system that carried heat from a furnace below, the door was curved as was my office, Many times I felt a feeling of being watched during the day but one night working late the building was empty ,I heard the sound of footsteps below ,I never saw anything out of the ordinary but felt a great feeling of sadness and coldness but at the same time felt calm like an acceptance of what I dont know , I workeed a number of years in that convict cell and always felt a calming presence over my shoulder , now years later I have learnt more about those barracks , some convicts actually were able to commit suicide in them by manually strangling themselves while lying on the floor due to no rafters or beams , they were hooded and lived a despairing life , no I never saw a ghost but believe I shared a ghost from many years ago , it was his cell and he accepted me.
    Aussie Ian
    Further truths on this statement Sue can be found even today if you google ghost sightings of Port Arthur Tasmania Australia
    Your writing bought back mamorys



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 26, 2011 @ 13:43:43

      Thank you Ian, for sharing your experience with us all here.. I believe many such places exist and those who are sensitive feel the presence of those who are no longer held in the confines of this dimension.. I’m sure as they watched over your shoulder Ian they were aware of your healing qualities…And so you felt the calmness Im sure your own aura exuded around yourself. The distress those inmates in that prison must have been too awful to contemplate.. and I will Google Port Arthur to find out more… Thank you for your most interesting Comment Ian..



  9. Ann Best
    Sep 25, 2011 @ 18:04:30

    Thanks, Sue, for stopping by the other day and commenting on my blog.

    I agree with your comment above. Children do have sensitivities that we older earth children have lost.

    I do believe in life after life. I not only believe, I KNOW there is “life after life.” I believe that when we die, it is simply like walking through a door to another room, in this case to the “spirit” world where we will then inhabit a temporary spirit body that is more pure and refined and can’t be seen by our mortal eyes. (I also believe in the eventual and literal resurrection where everyone who has ever lived receives a final and perfected physical body of flesh and bone and spirit).

    While generally we cannot see those who have died, I do believe that at times, and for certain reasons, there are those here on earth who do sometimes see a “departed” person. They’re often called ghosts. Ghosts. Spirits. In my view, they are simply those who have moved on to a sphere of existence that we usually aren’t allowed to see. My daughter and I have had some experiences in this regard, and I’m a believer n this.

    As always, I love coming over here to your beautiful and “ethereal” website. It really does reflect who you are, a compassionate woman who is more in tune than I certainly am to all life that surrounds us, both the visible AND the invisible.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 26, 2011 @ 13:58:54

      Hi Ann… Welcome back.. so nice of you to comment upon this subject.. Yes some of us KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that there is Life after Life.. Yes we all transcend to that other dimension Ann just as you describe and there are I believe there are also many more layers beyond even that, as we seek our way back to the source of all Light and unconditional love, back to the source of our Devine Creator, The Great Spirit, For that is the source of ALL creation within the infinite and it does not carry any one religious label… In fact one does not even need to belong to any religious faith.. For Faith comes from your inner Knowing belief and belonging to the World of Love and Light…. It comes from Living from ones heart in love and kindness,.. For we are ALL of ONE, within the make-up of the Consciousness of Light.. We’re merely are all at different stages as we experience and seek to learn and grow … Even the lowliest will progress back eventually..
      Thank you Ann for your beautiful compliment… And Ann you are very much in ‘Tune’.. never put yourself down… we all of us have our paths and parts to play .. And you have more than enough compassion my dear new friend.. 🙂



  10. 4 ♥ 1 ♥ Love
    Sep 25, 2011 @ 20:37:21

    Your mind is open and love the way you share on this blog. Your spirit is felt here. Enjoy every day!



  11. jussaraluna
    Sep 25, 2011 @ 22:04:20

    Hello my beautiful friend Dreamwalker.
    Very interesting post, I always like
    reading about ghosts.
    You are a very sensitive person
    and you have important spiritual experiences.
    I had some experiences, but always with dreams.
    Thank you for your true friendship.
    Wish you a lovely new week, sending hugs to you
    Love always, Jussara



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 26, 2011 @ 14:04:11

      Thank you Jussara, Dreams play important roles too within our journey of this life.. And when in sleep state we often visit those realms of spirit.. We don’t always recall those in detail. but merely get snatches of them within the mixture of our thoughts…. We should all pay attention to our dreams for they can tell us many things once we learn how to follow the signs they tell us.. 🙂 Thank you my dear Jussara for your comments here. xx



  12. jussaraluna
    Sep 25, 2011 @ 22:05:07

    I miss you my precious friend:)))



  13. marciento
    Sep 26, 2011 @ 17:28:46

    Hello! I wish you a happy week!

    Autumn – Jesień



  14. douginator
    Sep 26, 2011 @ 18:01:14

    Though it seems with seeing, perceiving spirit people I certainly do believe in. After all, I was born with this gift from my great grandmother, grandmother, and passed to one of my sons, and two of my grand children.

    Do I get frightened?

    I honestly believed I did when I was a small child, they would come to me and I was fearful. That is, until I understood my gifting from someone else who was spiritually much older.

    I joke when I say that Deadwood, South Dakota has just as many spirits or ghosts as England per square foot. But there is a lot of truth in it.

    Organized religion seems to put a hamper on the belief even though it is in their perceived and highly debatable holy scriptures. However there is of course sources in 1 Samuel, 2nd Samuel as well as in the New Testament of Mark where Jesus himself warns Peter and the others, “Behold, I am not a Ghost…”

    I have never met a ghost that I didn’t like, save one when I was a child.

    That’s another story for another time…

    Your friend,




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 27, 2011 @ 22:37:04

      Thanks Doug for adding your in-depth comment here… I would love to hear your story when you have time my friend… Yes I see with my spiritual eye those who have transcended this realm.. more than my physical eye.. And communicate via thought .. And I trust those in spirit I think far more than some mortal men 🙂 on this earth realm..

      Children are especially open to seeing Spirit and I am pleased you received your ‘Gift’ Doug as a child and passed it down a generation also.. I think also that more children are being born with this Gift as we progress and open up our hearts and minds to other dimensions and I think young children should not be discouraged or spooked by taboos which adults often put on them by telling them they were imagining things etc. Take care Doug and thanks again for dropping in.
      Sue ~Dreamwalker



  15. Christine Grote
    Sep 27, 2011 @ 02:00:18

    I have a very small little thing in my memoir where my sister Carol feels she is in the presence of our deceased sister Annie. For myself, I can’t say that I have.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 27, 2011 @ 22:43:22

      Hi Christine, some people like your sister can feel the presence of loved ones who have passed because they are perhaps a little more open and sensitive thats all.. I am certain Christine that some of our loved ones are around us alot of the time especially when we are in need of healing or help or guidance, they draw close.. And they can leave us signs we often ignore….or dismiss… I am sure though Christine that Annie knows all about your new publication and will be grinning ear from ear with pride .. 🙂



  16. Sabina Brave
    Sep 28, 2011 @ 22:14:45

    I do believe in ghosts, although I didn’t see any. Once, when I was teenager, we moved on to new appartament. My father wasn’t home, so I was waiting for him. I was in the bed ad very sleepy, but I’m sure, that it wasn’t a dream.
    Close to midnight, my coverlet, under feet, started going up slowly for a half of metter, and then, also slowly, .went down. It happend 3 times. I was like numb. I could’t move or say anything.
    After that night I was afraid of falling asleep. I had nightmares. I was waking up afrid of falling asleep again… but since long time nightmares happen very rare. And when they happen, I’m falling asleep again.
    To win with fears sometimes it’s enoght to trust God or believe, that nothing bad can happen. And it wont happen.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 28, 2011 @ 23:11:23

      Sometmes Sabina we are in that inbetween state of sleep and wakefulness.. it is at these times when we can experience lucid dreams… and when we are also aware of travelling from our physical body.. as we can astral travel at these times too… I have also experienced that Numbness only being aware of moving my head… I did not see Spirit at this times and its happened on several ocassions .. But I was aware of a deep Humm a sound which vibrated outside of my self to begin with and then seemed to overpower me in my head and become part of me…. I know of others too who experienced the same type of thing..
      The thing that makes us fearful is the uncertainty and the Not knowing what is happening..
      I have honestly never been affraid of those in Spirit.. But have been quiet fearful of those still here in the body on earth.. LOL.. But positive thoughts and trust are both very good protectors..



  17. beautifulchaos2
    Sep 29, 2011 @ 19:55:51

    Wow absolutely fascinating post!! Seeing that ghost in the factory must have been so scary, certainly something one would never forget! The story about the ghost of Mary searching for her little son is so sad, I would hope its true that all ghosts eventually make it to the other side, the sooner the better for the poor tortured souls looking for lost loved ones like mary.
    What a perfect story for Halloween season too, I think it would be wonderful to have you join in for the halloween guestbook signing. I hope you’ll come by. Hugs, Nikki



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 30, 2011 @ 20:56:38

      Hi Nikki… thank you so much… You know after writing this post I drove back to this old factory I used to work today.. and hours ride away by car.. Just to see the town and take a walk along some old memory lanes.. I was amazed to see this place has been gutted and made into blocks of flats.. I wondered if the ghostly man I saw still walked in his new surroundings? But Like you I hope he eventually moved on to the Light of the place he was intended to be.. Thank you for the invite I will be along soon… and see what your Halloween Guestbook has in store? Many thanks for dropping by..



  18. Bodhirose
    Oct 02, 2011 @ 02:43:27

    I am here at your blog through a reference of our mutual friend, Androgoth, and I happened to come across this posting of yours. I am fascinated with this subject and I believe in…well…I think, everything!

    I have had a recurring experience with my father after he passed away. I wrote about it some time ago on my blog–here’s the link to the story if you’re interested: http://bodhirose.wordpress.com/2010/08/27/goodbye-dad-or-is-it-hello/
    I’ve not seen him but I’ve felt him on my bed at night. I thought at first it must be my cat, it was such a pronounced “pounce” and then stepping–but no, it was not. I immediately identified this as my father paying me a visit. I was never afraid. Then I found out after sharing the experience with my mother and a brother, that they too were having a similar experience. I’ve also spoken to “him” and told him to go on his way but he’s been slow to go!

    Thank you for sharing your story here and allowing others a safe place to share theirs.

    Gayle ~



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 03, 2011 @ 13:52:04

      Thank you for sharing your experience here Gayle~ I too have a story about my Dad.. it may help you https://suedreamwalker.wordpress.com/2009/11/24/signs/ As I too have had a similar experience.. Later after my dad had died some months had passed I was at a low ebb.. I too felt him at the foot of the bed along I felt the bed depress with weight as if he sat.. I also have felt the spirit of my cats who from time to time visit in half sleep and walk upon the bed and I feel them purr in my ear.. And I swear this is no dream either.. I will be around later Gayle to look at your entry.. Many Blessings for dropping by with your story



  19. Bodhirose
    Oct 03, 2011 @ 17:17:00

    Hi Sue Dreamwalker–I’ve now read your link to your Dad’s passing story and have left you a comment over there.

    I know what I experience is not a dream either. I am totally awake–just lying down getting relaxed and here comes the pounce and stepping!

    Thanks again for sharing with me–I so enjoyed hearing about your experience and telling you mine.



  20. mariewilliams53
    Jan 20, 2018 @ 15:16:53

    Yes I know … another ‘older post’ … lol Today seems to be the day for me catching up with your older posts Sue, and it’s such fun! I could tell you so many stories …in one house, I think there must have been several spirits (or may be it was one pretending to be different people – I don’t know), but in the end I was forced to sell up and move out – it scared the hell out of me. At one time I heard what I thought was my 3 y.o. daughter outside my bedroom door (which was slightly ajar) calling me: ‘Mum … mum … mummy’. For some reason I did not answer. When she did not come in, I eventually called her name two or three times, each time getting louder wondering why she did not come in. Frustrated, I got off my bed, she was not outside my room and I went along a few feet away to her bedroom where she was fast asleep in bed, and the covers not disturbed in any way. She had obviously not left her bed and was obviously not the ‘person’ who had been calling me. I was a little freaked out! My daughter would often tell me that someone called her every night I put her to bed, and I (foolishly did not believe her) thinking that it was her way of wanting to prolong bed-time, but having heard the ‘voice’ that evening, I could see she was not making it up.
    We eventually left that house as the number of things that happened escalated to the point where I became frightened of being there on my own. But I have had other experiences though that have not upset me as much in other houses and I’m trying not to be too overly affected to the point of having to move home – which can be quite costly! 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 21, 2018 @ 17:50:55

      I fully understand you when things get out of hand so to speak and fear takes hold… I am loving that you caught up with many of my old posts Marie, and I too moved home one time even though I was aware of Spirit as even my hubby got unnerved by noises, etc.. It started when some work outside was excavating a large hole in the road, to sink a new sewage system and pipes as wide a car were being put in. Our homes were old terrace houses ours being and end terrace.
      At first I saw what appeared like an old ready break advert, lol with a glow around a shadow in our bedroom.. My hubby worked nights often, so I was on my own.. A figure built up who appeared in uniform an oldish looking man who appeared sleeping in a chair. The soldier looked to be first world war, I was not afraid and as one of grandfathers had served in the war, I wondered could it be him.. I spoke, Is that you Granddad.. The Image vanished as I spoke..
      My Son who was only around 6 at the time spoke of seeing people in his bedroom that at the time because it was only two bedroomed property he shared with his four yr old sister.. I dismissed what he saw as fanciful, As he said it was a man with a dogs head.. Something I did not like the sound of. And this was in days before I had any interest in the internet, it was then something no one had.

      Later I would see skulls, and get horrid feelings, and noises and cracks would make themselves heard in our bedroom.. No amount of jumping up and down on lose floorboards could replicate these noises and my hubby heard them and he felt uneasy..
      It got to the pitch where I said we had to leave, ( this was in the days before i was so Spiritually minded and went to develop my mediums skills. But all these things sparked an interest which led me down a path further on in life..

      Now flash forward to the present day, Last year in fact, as my daughter is also very spiritual and has been on her own mission of enlightenment for years.. She has always had an interest in Egypt and was told she had old priestess connections in past lives. Last year someone did a reading on her and told her about a tare in what I will call a portal, where by it unleased energy when she was a child. This person saw a big hole or tunnel.. Now my Son saw man with the dog head.. Later he said it was the one on Egyptian hieroglyphs and said it was stood by her bed.. He still says it is true what he saw.. Look up Anubus in this link
      There are stranger things than we know.. And just as there is light, so is there dark.. The only thing I have found that gives it power is FEAR.. So learning to stay in that vibration of Love protects us.. xxx ❤
      Thank you so much and forgive my own lengthy reply

      Liked by 1 person


      • mariewilliams53
        Jan 21, 2018 @ 18:29:32

        Sue. I will not have you apologising for a lengthy reply – I LOVE long replies especially when they are as interesting as this. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences with me – so, so fascinating. I hate that you felt so affected that you too had to leave that home, but my goodness, just reading about it freaks me out a little – and I’m sitting here cosily wrapped up in my own home. lol I try so hard not to be fearful Sue, but I am a very fearful person when it comes to stuff like this, but I am getting better. At my last house, but 3 (yes!!! moved around a lot), I heard someone coming in and putting keys down on the hall table. Initially I was not afraid because I was on my own and literally thought, oh it’s my daughter coming in. It happened a few times during the day, and when I looked and saw it wasn’t her, I felt a little unnerved. But one night it happened – door opening, keys on hall table, someone going into the kitchen and cups clinking – I heard nothing for a while then went to investigate. Downstairs was in darkness and no one was down there. I was seriously freaked out!!!! I turned on all the lights and sat in my bedroom nervously until my daughter did eventually arrive home about an hour later.
        I realise now that children are rarely making stories up when they tell you about strange things that happen to them because of my own experiences. My daughter too is a little psychic as am I, I suppose to a certain extent, but I don’t think either of us want to delve any further, but we both love sharing experiences. I will look up the link and thank you for sending it. Love, Marie xx

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        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jan 21, 2018 @ 18:42:23

          Understand imprinting also helps Marie, and we would have had to have moved sooner or later as our children grew, it just moved us sooner rather than later.. I too would often think my hubby had come home early, and in those early years we had no stair carpet, so I would hear steps coming up the stairs. lol..
          But Imprinting also means sometimes vibrations are held within certain places, and those who are sensitive to them pick them up, so that is also what may have been happening.

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          • mariewilliams53
            Jan 21, 2018 @ 18:56:48

            Yes, I did not know about imprinting (in this sense), Sue – so yes, something to think about. And yes, I am very sensitive to things like that. Not to start a new thread, but early one morning (in that same house) I came downstairs to get a drink and out of the corner of my eye, saw a figure in a full bluish coloured skirt, and a bonnet on her head – she disappeared as soon as I turned fully to look. I wonder if it was someone who lived there at the early part of the century or the late 19th century. for some reason, on that occasion I was not afraid, but I have to say I wasn’t alone in the house, which I guess helped me to feel safe. Thanks for the new info. 🙂 X

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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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