Healing From within~ Qi Gong


“ To breathe and know you are alive is wonderful.

Because you are alive, everything is possible.

 ( Thich Nhat Hanh,)

Recently I made the decision to retire from work.  I have over the past few months become very lax in my daily routine.. Of cleansing and meditating.. And to be honest my body is letting me know as certain aches and pains return within my muscles.. 

I know that I have to get my own house in order ..

When I became very ill several years ago I put myself though a daily ritual which gradually increased my health and fitness and mental alertness.. While I was ill I joined a Qi Gong class, me being me I was going to try anything to help my FMS. Fibromyalgia  And it worked along with positive thinking, affirmations and a belief in my own bodies ability to heal.. I went from Fatigue and not being able to walk far and full of pain, to walking a total of 8 miles in one stretch. This didn’t happen over night, but over several months of altering my life style and thinking processes and  practising Qi Gong.. I practise Spring Forest Qi Gong at home. I still have regular Acupuncture sessions each month which I can whole heartedly recommend.  

So why have I let myself back slide??? I guess because we become complaisant and I took on more work within my job role. Also sitting down and not exercising is as bad as overdoing things too, For muscles cease up and joints become stiff.   The stress of my job which has over a series of months built up to a pitch where once again my body has reminded me to slow down and take stock.. And led to my decision to spend quality time with family. Tension has a profound effect upon our muscles as we do not allow our body to relax as it should. We should also look at what we put into our bodies too. Diet has an important roll to play in our well-being.  

Qi Gong is very gentle exercises with controlled breathing techniques that help the body become more supple and the mind more active.. The breath when you breathe deeply oxygenates your blood stream more fully, and I needed that oxygen to flow to my muscle tissues. When I joined the class I was surprised that some ladies of 60 plus attended, and now low and behold I have also reached that magic six O..  and one bless her was in her late 70’s.. Even more surprising I found that the eldest lady could touch her toes and was once upon a time reliant on a Zimmer frame, and could hardly walk let alone touch her toes..

So Once again I will begin,, And start to heal from Within.



Qi Means ‘Breath’ and ‘Air’ as well as energy.


Gong Means ‘Work’, ‘Skill’, and achievement.


Qi Gong Therefore means ‘Energy Work’, ‘Skill of Breath’ or ‘Energy Skill’.

Qi Gong helps you to cultivate your energy, and thereby cultivate your health.


How does this work?

Each of the movements and breath along with visualisation techniques has meaning. During the exercise a message is delivered that invokes a reaction within the body. The body then responds by toning, strengthening or nourishing a specific area, or the entire metaphysical system.

Chinese medical philosophers uphold that perfect health is the result of Qi Flowing through out the body via a series of channels called the ‘Meridians’.

Ill health is believed to be caused by blockages within these meridians. The meridians have twenty major channels. Twelve, which are linked to the human organs, and eight whose function is to act as conductors, and reservoirs distributing energy. There are also many more minor channels linking up to this grid.


Regular practice of Qi Gong will help to improve neuromuscular co-ordination, fine motor control, and central balance, whilst the simultaneous breathing practice contributes to a relaxed state of body and mind.


I can speak from experience that it has helped greatly with my own muscular condition. And helped to get my mind back on track.   So why not give it a try.


I will leave you with this quote from

 Lao Tzu.


Thirty spokes together makes a wheel for a cart.

It is the empty space in the centre of the wheel

Which enables it to be used.


Mold Clay into a vessel;

it is the empty space within that creates the usefulness of the vessel.


Cut the doors and windows in a house;

It is the empty space inside that creates the usefulness of the house


Thus, what we have may be something substantial,

But its usefulness lies in the unoccupied empty space.

The substance of your body is enlivened by maintaining

the part of you that is unoccupied.




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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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