Changes within Ourselves and the World. ~Part One.

Part One is exploring our Emotions and looking deeper into the cycles we all go through on this earth. 

This post has sat within my drafts for quite a while now, its long and so I have split it into readable sections. It’s now time for more of my thoughts to be aired and hopefully some of you may make sense of them.. I have written within these sections, that I ask you not to believe one word I speak, so it may seem like I am repeating myself. 

In fact I would prefer it if you didn’t believe my words and source out your own evidence, information and knowledge, for far too many of us take the word of others for granted and fact, and never question or challenge it.. We should all question much more and challenge that which we are told, that which we are taught, and the look deeper into the workings of our world and past history. 

And those who are interested in seeking out more knowledge may take the time to explore the links I will embed within my posts, and those who don’t, that is fine also, it means you are not ready to explore deeper. 

I am not educated, to high standards, I never went to college, I don’t have degrees, but what I do have however is my common sense, and my instincts. Something I feel many of us fail to use our instincts these days, as we are driven by the herd mentality. Many  seem to have lost their way in their addictions to commercialism and their gadgetry, as well as all the material additives that take us away from truly knowing ourselves.  Because once you start diving deeper, it can be  a painful process as we discover who we are and see what we have become.  

Most of you who read my posts are already awake to this reality, in that we perhaps perceive things maybe a little differently than most.

Those who have a deeper grasp and understanding that ALL things are connected will not be surprised that many of us are now feeling certain symptoms heighten in our bodies, each experience differently than others, because we are all unique in our makeup. But there is no denying that things seem intense as these pulses of energy trigger certain responses to those of us who are sensing them. Energies which are penetrating our Earth’s atmosphere. And many are finding ourselves reacting to them as we clear out and prepare for the next phase within our evolution.

We are all witnessing how extreme weather patterns are becoming more frequent, noticing too, how our patience is perhaps wearing thinner. And how those who rule our lands are seemingly losing the plot, as we see our systems of governments break down. Much like the pot holes on the surface of our roads! Our reality is literally crumbling before our eyes.

And those of us who understand deeper into this physical reality of this Matrix, also understand we are so much more than our physical bodies. That we are frequency, and vibration.  And that what we think and how we react also have an effect upon the world as a whole. 

Those who are awake to that fact, also understand how our thinking and holding onto stress affects the circuitry of our bodies, causing depression and ill-health.  We all come to this reality on Earth to learn, but seldom do we understand that we have become stuck within its wheels of karma, as our vibration has become clogged, weighted and held down within this 3D, Third Dimension reality within these negative dense energy patterns that have repeated over time.

I have spoken many times about Cycles and how planetary cycles not only affect our planet and our earths atmosphere, weather etc, but also our Moods. This was featured nicely in a video from Gregg Braden who now has scientific evidence that we are affected by the cycles of planetary shifts. And how our emotions, affect our surroundings. We are a living breathing planet, and all is connected. And our emotions create the world around us.  Which is why Fear is generated constantly for it keeps us in controllable  manageable conditions.  Another interesting fact is that our very hearts our own pulse, feelings generate a response within the earths own magnetic grid system, this was recorded in the spike on the day of September 11, 2001.   You can also research to find your own evidence of this from other sources. 

Many who read here would be aware of the big push which the Spiritual community made for the year of 2012.  You have only to look  and type in 2012, back into my own posts back in those years to see I spoke even back then of this shift we are witnessing now which is looming closer by the second.

While many viewed the ending of the Mayan Calendar as the end, then poo pooed it as being bunkum, when nothing apparently changed. This was but the mark in the end of an era, another cycle, and the beginning of another on this planet. Dates and times are only how we as humans perceive. But planetary shifts have been recorded, and when you know where to look, we have seen many such cycles come and go.  And as Gregg Braden proves, you have only to look deep into the ice-cores to see this planet has endured many changes during its existence.  But 2012 drew many together, it was a time when many more souls woke up, as they started in earnest to clear out past karma, learning to let go of the many layers which we have over lifetimes built around ourselves. We started to think Beyond this existence into Higher Dimensions. 

Our roots go deep, but our branches reach Higher..

It triggered many throughout the subsequent years to dig deeper not only into themselves but into the deeper Spiritual Truths and the world-wide web became a platform in which to share these truths. We began to recognise synchronicity, as our awareness expanded. We were led to knowledge, and others of similar thinking to explore deeper into the possibilities of our potential, as we opened a deeper understanding into ourselves. We began to notice Signs and many saw repeating numbers and we were led to read books that opened up our awareness to other possibilities and realities which was never taught in text books. 

We began to learn just how powerful our thoughts and intentions are, as we healed from within. As we began to understand we are so much more than our bodies.

We instinctively learned to clear out our baggage, observing our linear attachments as we saw how ego ruled as we learned to navigate our way to our higher selves, as we raised our vibration by cleansing out the negativity, each hold onto. We learned to meditate, and look within, by letting go of the past and some delving even deeper into past life traumas and programming which have incarnated with us to carry through this present life, until we finally learnt to dissolve it and let it all go.

Below for those of you wishing to embark upon this journey of discovery is an enlightening video into these steps we have grown through, the video explains about these times of extremes and the patterns behind them..

In my next post I hope to explain more threads that this ordinary uneducated woman has come to weave together throughout her own awakening process.. The findings are not all good, they can be painful, to see how we treat each other, and how those behind the scenes manipulate and deceive. But when you begin this journey there is no going back, for what you thought was truth suddenly crumbles and when you begin to open your eyes and wake up, you understand the depths of this deception and illusion we are all part of.

This journey is not an easy one, and I know speaking personally, once you think you have cleared a layer of wounds, something comes along to wake up another deeply embedded hidden layer.  Most of us who are awake and waking, do this by going inward, into that silent space as we truly begin to understand what is important in this world. And what is important, it’s not wealth or status, but it is the state of our souls..   

And that my friends is what this journey is all about..  The state of our Souls.. 

To Be Continued: 


141 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. inhiscare753
    Apr 29, 2019 @ 18:12:18

    Great read, very insightful and informative. This for sharing, it is well researched beautifully laid out filled knowledge. Reflective sign of times spoken.

    Liked by 2 people


  2. Welcome to Wales
    Apr 29, 2019 @ 18:44:13

    What a great start on your new series of articles. My awakening began in 2002 when I slipped into a past life as a Native American girl and met my spirit guide Daniel Silver Wolf. He has continued to guide and help me through many traumas, dilemmas and rites of passage. He has taught me many truths and tells me I am now ready to share them. I feel I’ve connected with you for a reason and I’m looking forward to learning more from you. Thank you so much xx

    Liked by 1 person


  3. AmyRose🌹
    Apr 29, 2019 @ 18:53:27

    Oh, Sue!! Do I have tears stinging my eyes right now! Painful this journey? You bet it is! Since Cuddles’ death it is as though the Universe has been signaled to sweep out every decrepit part of my life, getting every single dust bunny out of each corner. The betrayals, the lies that have been uncovered, the deceptions that have left me stunned to my Soul, people who I truly believed I could trust I discovered I could not, my emotions all over the place, and then my anger swept ferociously to the surface as lava does in a volcano (see my LAST post) and I blew as I have NEVER before. I have been swindled and lied to and hurt and betrayed too many times and now, now, Sue, I am so done! Yes I was wrong how I exploded but ….. many Blessings came from out of this. I am going deeper and what I see as I told my Sister I no longer even recognize myself at times. So much pain in so little time frame has left me raw, bleeding, and ready to throw the towel in. And then …. people all around me took knives and stabbed me in the back. I’m flying at warp speed these days, with continual lessons and more aspects that have to be cleaned one after the other without letup, coming at me from all directions. I seem to have stumbled into a wasp nest. I pray, OH how I pray this phase is over!

    THANK YOU for the links. I will watch them. I know that I know that I know this point in my life is a great turning point. Nothing is being held back. Nothing! Getting to the Real Me in all Her Glory is the exact reason why all this is happening. Cuddles seemed to be the Gatekeeper. And here I thought my Mother was. She was in a way, but Cuddles? A FLOOD hit, with a huge tsunami! (He died Feb. 4th)

    Bless you for writing the truth. People must wake up! I am seeing people without cells in parks and a new hush of respect is coming forth for Mother from these very people, where I used to see loud and boisterous disrespect. There is this HUGE CHANGE and I honestly have no name for it …. Perhaps it is not meant to have a name. It is meant to be experienced. Much LOVE and HUGS to you, dearest friend!! 💜💜💜

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 29, 2019 @ 19:01:33

      Dearest Amy, I feel your heart ache, and have in the past had the knives in my back the betrayals and worse still a Mother whose wounds dug deep into my soul.. The lessons have come in thick and fast over the years and if that wasn’t enough like you being empathic we feel so much more for the destruction of our Earth Mother.. And the sadness I felt of late comes from the world and her ignorance.

      But we are on the last leg Amy, the Anger has to bubble up the tears have to be released.. Like our Earth Mother who is about to shake more awake, and her tears that are flooding many lands, are all part of the waking and cleansing process my friend..

      We are witnessing many now preparing to stand in their truth, and speak up. And when enough of the collective understand that by doing so, and that by sharing our love with one another as we are here to create CHANGE.. And we are witnesses to it..

      Sending HUGE hugs and much love Amy.. ❤ ❤ ❤

      Liked by 2 people


      • AmyRose🌹
        Apr 30, 2019 @ 13:31:27

        Bless you, Sue. I am witnessing in my own life “new” people who are honest, trustworthy, smart, and you have “heart”. I’ve waited a LONG time to finally be surrounded by those people who more or less are on the same wavelength as I am. These rough waters where everything gets dumped out of the apple cart, has been far from easy and I really hope that phase is ending. I watched a video yesterday featuring Brene Brown speaking on vulnerability. You cannot have courage or be brave or really LIVE without vulnerability. It was also stated, LOVE hurts, yet so many today have opted not to experience Love so they don’t get hurt. When you live in the arena, taking risks, taking chances, being bold enough to show the world who you really are, standing up for what you believe in, you will get your ass kicked and then some. The world doesn’t like those of us who are brave enough to do this. Hopefully more and more people will climb into the arena to show the world who they truly are, taking off the masks of mundanity. We who are in the arena, can only HOPE. Much Love to you, dear Sue!! XOXO

        Liked by 2 people


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Apr 30, 2019 @ 14:01:06

          Well said Amy, We all have to take risks if we are to find love and that means also taking the knock backs, and we have both experienced those.
          I truly believe Amy that we have all found courage within each other, as our stories have unfolded during the years we have known each other and we have gained strength from each other..
          I also see as these energies move more into the collective feminine that we are going to share our love, our compassion, our caring more.. But a womans energy is also strong, it can stand pain, it has to, but it is also determined, but she also says, I will not tolerate things any longer, And she will Not be ignored..
          Our Earth Mother’s own feminine energies are also telling us, she has been abused long enough and its time now as she stands in her power to show us she too is not going to tolerate us raping her anymore.. Taking her resources. poisoning her waters.. polluting her skies..
          Its TIME.. And we are all finding our voice..
          Mother Earth too will make her own voice heard loud and clear very soon..
          Thank YOU Amy for being on this journey with me.. Love and Blessings right back ❤ ❤

          Liked by 1 person


  4. Eliza Ayres
    Apr 29, 2019 @ 19:08:30

    Reblogged this on Blue Dragon Journal.



  5. House of Heart
    Apr 29, 2019 @ 19:16:43

    You couldn’t have chosen a better time to post this Sue. We need to think and act on this philosophy. Thank you, sending love and hugs! ❤ ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    Apr 29, 2019 @ 19:22:42

    Sehr gut geschrieben. Freundliche Grüsse. Wolfgang

    Liked by 1 person


  7. rabirius
    Apr 29, 2019 @ 19:27:57

    Beautiful food for thought.
    Excellent, Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


  8. litebeing
    Apr 29, 2019 @ 19:42:07

    Loving this Sue, just what I needed and Astrologically timely, with Pluto and Saturn both retrograding, a time to re-view and re-collect our power and lessons and limits that have emerged, especially since the 1980s ( for those who were alive then, lol!)
    I sense that the truths you have been chewing on of late have been disturbing and frustrating. You are not alone!

    Looking forward to the next installment. much to you , my extraordinary friend ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 30, 2019 @ 10:45:12

      Big smiles your way Linda, and thank you, Yes these truths have sat with me many years, but now is the time to voice them.. And I hope I do my thoughts and that which I am inspired to say justice, as i try to formulate how best to present them.. Big Hugs your way Linda ❤



  9. Writing to Freedom
    Apr 29, 2019 @ 19:43:50

    Thanks for bearing your soul and sharing your wisdom Sue. No need to make yourself less for not going to college. Life experience and learning from it are what brings wisdom. I have lots of book knowledge, but that means little. May we wake up, release the fears and programming, and keep choosing more love. Hugs and blessings…

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 30, 2019 @ 10:50:05

      Thank you Brad, I left school aged 15 which was the school leaving age then, to go straight into factory work. You are right though many who have tons of knowledge can still have tunnel vision and not be ready to accept or perceive things which defy logic or takes them from their comfort zones to ‘SEE’ outside their boxes..
      Many thanks for your encouragement Brad, it means a lot.

      Liked by 1 person


  10. sibyltowers
    Apr 29, 2019 @ 20:19:08

    Sue, I’m devastated at how many people have suffered through being stabbed in the back by Loved ones you’d never dream could do such a thing. It happened to me too. I don’t wish them any harm but I never want to see them again (my two sisters). The thought of their betrayal scares me. I am the eldest of five siblings, and we three girls were very close.
    Anyway they no longer have the power to usurp me within the family because there is nobody left.
    Sue, phenomenon happened to me when I was sixty, so it was easy for the sister I confided in to go behind my back and convince my other siblings that I was going mad. It didn’t work with my own family. But because I didn’t know what she was doing it was too late when it came time to defend myself and I was traumatized with grief.
    I’m anonymous because nobody knows how far I’ve come but my Intuitive Daughter and Confidante, who is struggling to cope bringing up her four Beloved children on her own.
    That’s how bloody hard it is to survive here and stay sane.
    Lots of Love Sibyl XXX

    Liked by 1 person


  11. Erika Kind
    Apr 29, 2019 @ 21:05:02

    I wish I had seen you in a lecture or workshop once. When I read your words I can almost hear you talk. They are so vibrating. I feel everything you wrote here. But what resonated with me instantly was the part of being kind of stuck. I never saw it that way but that is how I feel for months and perhaps even years. Stuck in myself and life. Although I know that I developed a lot. Still, there is something in me which I cannot describe and which keeps me kind of chained.
    Amazing words which reach deep. Very awakening and whatever you write is like a reminder of explanation of what we actually knew.
    Sending you huge hugs, Sue 💖

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 30, 2019 @ 11:19:05

      Yes my fifteen minute slot to speak my philosophy at the services I gave Erika just flew by. Spirit never left me short of words, and never let me down ever… The Karmic Wheel is something Spirit spoke to me some years ago..
      The Post is here

      They told me years ago its now time to let go of Karma, and when we really look at how quickly what appears to be karma returning we begin to see time is running faster for us to learn from our choices in life. Now I fully comprehend that message, more so today than back then.

      Many thanks for that huge compliment Erika.. it means a lot to me.. Thank you .. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


    Apr 29, 2019 @ 22:18:10

    Thank you for posting this sue…It’s the perfect time to post this incredible and uplifting moment.

    Here’s a quote that fits this post.

    There was something undifferentiated and yet complete, which existed before Heaven and Earth. Soundless and formless, it depends on nothing and does not change. It operates everywhere and is free from danger. It may be considered the mother of the universe. I do not know its name; I call it Tao. ~ Lao Tzu

    Liked by 1 person


  13. Mark Lanesbury
    Apr 29, 2019 @ 22:46:57

    Words of wisdom Sue from a very heartfelt journey. You have become a glow in the wilderness for others to be guided by dear lady 😀
    It is interesting that our world has become quite distinct in the ‘enlightened’ and those fighting it. Our lives are bombarded harder and harder by the media that we need this and that, but that very same media has shared the lives of one such as you to show that there is another way, something that all have been searching for but never seeming to find.
    Keep the light on my friend, it will guide as it will so that that new cycle can be found and set them free ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 30, 2019 @ 13:39:00

      Aww Bless you Mark for that wonderful comment.. Yes we have much to thank our communication links within this media platform for Mark.. And we have met many souls upon a similar journey to that which we came to experience..
      Keep your own Lighthouse lit Mark, it too is Beacon that guides many who are lost and searching..
      Thank YOU for your continued support and valued comments my friend 💚

      Liked by 1 person


  14. Visionkeeper
    Apr 29, 2019 @ 23:27:55

    So well put DW….It has been such a trip we have been on and how we all somehow found our ways to each others blogs and shared our ideas about where we were going…I don’t think any of us truly and sincerely realized what lay ahead for us. Talk about a walk on the wild side!! I am just thankful I have had you DW and all our other people there to walk the walk with. It has made the journey memorable and yes unforgettable. It does indeed take courage to examine life for the truth, both the world’s and our own. I pray soon the changes begin and that they will be worth our efforts to get to this moment in time. Great words DW and know you will always have good people at your back….We are all one! Love to you friend…VK ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 30, 2019 @ 13:34:32

      Yes VK what a journey it has been, and it still amazes me how we find each other and how long we have been on this journey together, Its a remarkable one of ups and downs but the roller coaster is all part of it. For it is shaking us awake, None of us can get off, we are all here for the ride.. Some may scream in terror, while others scream in excitement..
      And when ever we get off, we will look back and I am sure we wouldn’t have missed the ride for anything..
      Many thanks VK for your continued encouragement and support my friend. Your friendship on and off blog land means a lot to me. Thank uou..

      Liked by 1 person


  15. smilecalm
    Apr 29, 2019 @ 23:37:14

    gratitude for your continued
    courage to share truth
    and help inspire humanity
    to act as if our future
    depends on it.
    i’ll explore missing links, further.
    hope this finds you well.
    seems my comments have been
    ending up in other’s spam folder 🙂



  16. Infinite Living
    Apr 30, 2019 @ 00:03:14

    Dear Sue I am so deeply silent at reading your post …and at the same time my whole lifetime flashed into my background. I would say 2 lifetimes because life as I knew it and lived it, ended for me completely by 2012. 2013 onward were the time of tremendous shift and awakening for me – Truth became bare to me, it was a painful journey. You as if mirror my life and my being in your words – I am unable to pick and choose any. I too had to grow to trust my instincts and common sense – my knowing is not easily recognized without any higher degrees to show any by societal standards. I am forever sitting on what I know and continually trying to show up in the world so I don’t keep hiding in isolation.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 30, 2019 @ 13:30:49

      Dearest Pragalbha, I have since first coming to know you here in blogland come to understand how difficult you at first found it to speak and share your light my friend.
      Never think you are in isolation or alone, Many of us are now forging new paths within our own feminine energies which are now once again shedding the shackles of past dominance as the energies shift. We are coming into our own.
      And although we both find solice in our solitude of moments, whereby we have to self preserve our inner peace, We both of us have learnt that these quiet spaces allow for more knowledge to enter our being and enable us with new strength to communicate that which we feel we must..
      Thank you Pragalbha, For your support and for BEing YOU. ❤
      Much love returned ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Infinite Living
        Apr 30, 2019 @ 19:09:31

        Your words touched me deep and moved me Sue. Here’s the truth – I have now found comfort in being myself in the blog land, it has become my comfort zone. I am now moving towards the expansion of Being myself out in the physical world – face to face with physical bodies. I am playing my edge for wanting to hide forever vs being out there, find my ground, claim my space and not feel alone. My power is subtle and easily taken for weakness. I am having to continually discern if I am wanting the solace of solitude or simply escape in my cave. It is taking courage for simple things – just like how it felt with each of my initial posts. I perhaps repeated myself a bit there. I am so grateful to have a friend in you.



  17. dgkaye
    Apr 30, 2019 @ 01:25:43

    Oh my wise friend I do believe you are spot on as I feel the same winds changing around us so deeply. This was most poignant when you said “We should all question much more and challenge that which we are told, that which we are taught, and the look deeper into the workings of our world and past history. ” It would do everyone good to educate themselves on what in fact is going on in their countries politically as well as with our planet and change. I never second guess you Sue. Bless you my friend. ❤ Keep holding on! xoxo

    Liked by 1 person


  18. insearchofitall
    Apr 30, 2019 @ 04:57:19

    Keep speaking the truth here, Sue. So many need to know it. I’ve read and listened to everything I can get my hands on that Gregg puts out for us. He has been a fellow searcher just like we have been. I’m catching up but know it’s my vibration that calls the shots. I feel the energy shifting a bit and it’s feeling somewhat better. A rebound effect, I think. Keep taking care of yourself. Hugs and love.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 30, 2019 @ 13:21:30

      Like wise with the wisdom of Gregg Marlene. 🙂 Likewise this week is the first week so far since the beginning of April I have not given into Sleep during the day.. So things are definitely moving energetically .. Many thanks again Marlene and yes looking after ourselves is a must.. Take care too Marlene.. Much love ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  19. prenin
    Apr 30, 2019 @ 07:36:45

    Another HUGE post full of wonder Sue!!! 🙂 ❤

    Blessed Be!!! 🙂 ❤


    Liked by 1 person


  20. David
    Apr 30, 2019 @ 10:26:58

    You are so right Sue, that so often we take the words of others as gospel, especially when seen in print. To question and challenge takes courage.
    I value not so much instinct but in wisdom-based inspiration. If we all can listen to that little voice that continues to guide us, life would become far more understandable so long as we attribute the inspiration to its source.
    As far as gadgets go, although I have a degree equivalent diploma in electrical engineering, I often think that I was born in the wrong era as my daughter and grandson are masters of the tech and leave me wondering – what’s it all about Alfie?
    The connections we have already are growing with source, though us as individuals all the time and through those who watch over us. Our current preparations to move to a new house and home confirm that no matter we are, and we have moved many times according to our calling, the connections are eternal, and this time of immense change can pass by those who do not take the time to look within.
    I bless you Sue, together with Gregg and like-minded friends who try to lead us forward with the connections to the physical world for those who need that kind of proof, but I seem not to need that kind of certainty because I need not to believe, I know.
    With much Love, David

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 30, 2019 @ 13:18:48

      I thank you David, and yes, I value too the wisdom we have both been privileged to share via Spirit my friend. And I thank you for your kind compliments David..
      And yes WE KNOW.. which makes all the difference..
      Hope your getting more organised and things are now slotting into place with your move David..
      And may our connections remain steadfast way into the beyond my friend 🙂
      Much love to you both. ❤



  21. derrickjknight
    Apr 30, 2019 @ 10:38:02

    Much common sense displayed here, Sue

    Liked by 1 person


  22. valentinelogar
    Apr 30, 2019 @ 13:37:44

    Always you are wise Sue. As I begin to read and write again, I came searching for you and of course found exactly what I needed.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 30, 2019 @ 14:02:41

      How wonderful Val that you are finding your voice again, and we are always guided to that which we need..
      I look forward to listening to your voice again Val..
      Much Love your way. ❤



  23. -Eugenia
    Apr 30, 2019 @ 15:07:19

    Education helps but it’s common sense that gets you through life. Excellent and inspiration post, Sue!

    Liked by 1 person


  24. Ka Malana -
    Apr 30, 2019 @ 17:30:42

    This is both a shining and tender message, my friend. You have tremendous wisdom, knowledge, and instincts. You demonstrate strength and advise all to be self-aware; while yes, we acknowlege the movements (beyond Earth and even this galaxy) and communities (movements in the New age) which are also taking form in re-forming us. So many people find comfort in your words, which is entirely evident here. I found especially tender your closing words, “once you think you have cleared a layer of wounds, something comes along to wake up another deeply embedded hidden layer.” It seems to be you are so honored and honorable and that is very much doing justice to all that you offer and you are very deserving of all the time and space you need as you experience what you experience and you offer yourself so greatly beyond.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 30, 2019 @ 18:21:54

      Bless you Ka. I am touched by those kind words my friend. My hope is that Spirit is using me this way 🤗 and I hope that I can help others make a little sense to these times and perhaps allow them to look from another perspective.
      Much love and thank you Ka so much 💚🙏🧡

      Liked by 1 person


      • Ka Malana -
        Apr 30, 2019 @ 22:13:36

        I can’t imagine any of us not wanting Spirit to use us!!! Even people who aren’t aware of Spirit! 🙂 I really see nearly everyone and all people as wanting to be of service to the greater of all there is. Even if I’m wrong! I love how you do that here, being you, sharing your wisdom and knowledge and great talent, and when you are also in your garden or knitting or with your granddaughter, or all the time with your wonderful blog friends! Happy Beltane, soon!

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          May 03, 2019 @ 14:51:52

          Thank you Ka.. I had a special May day being as it was the day I chose to incarnate.. So all the more special for me.. And thank you for that beautiful comment .. Enjoy your weekend also. ❤

          Liked by 1 person


          • Ka Malana -
            May 03, 2019 @ 18:27:08

            Sue! A belated Happy Birthday 🎁🎈 to you! (And Solar return!) I remembered your birthday was around this time, but I don’t think I ever knew the exact date. Is it the 1st?

            I truly enjoyed the Gregg Braden missing links episode. I have been aware of Gregg’s work, but haven’t been following closely. His presentation is very clear. What a wonderful video. Also, he’s got a lot of material on

            Years ago I met Swami Beyonananda (aka Steve Baerman) at a Unintarian church – I think it might have actually been in 2012. Bruce Lipton and Steve Baerman had written a book together, and Gregg Braden and Bruce Lipton are colleagues and friends. Also, I saw Bruce Lipton speak at orientation (along with Joe Dispenza) at a college I was looking at and it was a great to hear them. Thank you for bringing these phenomenal people back into my orbit of awareness, specifically with this video you linked. Great minds, tapped in, leading the way with clarity.

            May you have a wonderful year and beyond! 💗💖💗 and certainly a fabulously peaceful weekend, too.

            Liked by 1 person


            • Sue Dreamwalker
              May 03, 2019 @ 18:36:06

              Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden and Dr Joe Dispenza Often give talks together, Known as the Three Amego’s And yes Gaia. com a great site.. Glad you enjoyed the video.. And yes you were correct with the date 🙂 And thank YOU.. ❤ You too Ka.. ❤

              Liked by 1 person

            • Ka Malana -
              May 03, 2019 @ 18:42:23

              I believe you would enjoy Steve Baerman as Swami Beyondananda (a humorist/comedian and with economy wisdom because of our conversation, i got that idea). i am listening now because I miss him, and because I can right now. i am getting over a cold (a surprising one that came from “nowhere” 😉). I dont have the link readily but it’s on Science & Non-duality, “Origins of Self” (youtube)

              happy for our sharing 🙂💖 and thank you again 💚

              Liked by 1 person

            • Sue Dreamwalker
              May 04, 2019 @ 11:38:29

              I found a podcast of this man speaking to Alison Rose Levy on connecting the dots .. And will look for the Youtube link you mentioned..
              I hope your feeling much brighter now as your cold virus heals.
              Thank you Ka.. I am listening now and he makes sense.. 🙂

              Liked by 1 person

  25. Billybuc
    Apr 30, 2019 @ 17:43:10

    I was so unaware in my youth. Oh, I protested those things I deemed worth of protest in the 60’s, but my knowledge of such things was elementary at best. Today I am acutely aware of the connections you speak about. My Great Awakening happened in 2006, a bit late for this old man, but at least it finally happened. Now I spend each day doing my part to make this world a better place. Thank you for this message, Sue!



  26. dreamweaver333
    Apr 30, 2019 @ 18:02:07

    Reblogged this on dreamweaver333.

    Liked by 1 person


  27. peggyjoan42
    Apr 30, 2019 @ 20:21:41

    In Arkansas they call common sense – “Good Old Horse Sense.” Like you I have no degrees, nor did I go to college, but I sometimes find those with degrees are not as smart as they think they are. Good post Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 03, 2019 @ 14:39:27

      Haha.. Peggy, I agree, about the smartness of those who often only see the truth of text books which often only hold a narrow view point.. And I am all for ‘Good Old Horse Sense!’ . 🙂 lol.. Many thanks Peggy.

      Liked by 1 person


  28. roughwighting
    May 01, 2019 @ 12:55:22

    I read every word, and although I didn’t just believe each word because you wrote it, I FELT the words because I believe in the information you’re sharing. We don’t need a “higher” education to feel a higher power, a source of the light of our Souls. We just need to sit and feel. To be a part of something that is always around us, vibrating, if we just sit, meditate, love, smile. BE.

    Liked by 1 person


  29. thespiritkeeper
    May 02, 2019 @ 06:31:31

    Your post sitting in your draft folder speaks to me as perhaps it needed to wait until now as you may have tweaked somebody into awakening and it was the right time to do so.

    Your words are like butter to me. I understand all that you say.
    It is important to have a critical mind (challenging) not to be mistaken with a negative mind. A critical mind allows you to poke holes after you research what you may want to challenge.

    I think it is important to have common sense and instinct. I also think that self-reflection is just as important.
    Our ancestors knew about celestial alignments etc. Forgotten in the looping of civilizations.

    I feel free from the world. I don’t feel sucked in by the negativity that is out there. I send love to those areas. I feel joy and I feel very peaceful. Otherwise, I am trapped by money as you need money to survive in this trap.

    Gregg Braden – a favorite. His video was informative. It is interesting about is an explanation of the warming of the earth. The C02 in the air like we have never seen. I think this would translate into more drastic weather. One example about the solar flare of the sun reaching peaks which coincide with wars etc. in my opinion lacked evidence. IT would be interesting to see other conflicts that have arisen with these solar flares when they were not at their peaks.

    Love your lines.

    And those of us who understand deeper into this physical reality of this Matrix, also understand we are so much more than our physical bodies. That we are frequency and vibration. And that what we think and how we react also have an effect on the world as a whole.

    Living in the matrix means to me living in virtual reality

    A delightful post as always. Sending peace your way and I hope your week will be splendid with joy. Enjoy the rest of your week. Stay blessed. ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 03, 2019 @ 15:14:41

      I am learning more and more to detach and send just love out Joseph, and understand that often what I feel is not my pain but the energy of others.. This too is coming to show me how I must make a choice to honour myself and comes to show me we are each responsible, we each hold a choice in life.

      I am delighted you are now held within that ‘Freer Space Joseph, that is the space we are all aiming for.
      And indeed our Ancestors knew much about these ancient cycles which Gregg speaks about..
      Many thanks for reading Joseph and it matters not when you arrive, ALL is perfect timing..
      Keep Enjoying your surroundings my friend.. Enjoy your weekend..
      Special thoughts your way 🙂 💜

      Liked by 1 person


      • thespiritkeeper
        May 04, 2019 @ 03:44:13

        I agree wholeheartedly with what you say. To be free from the world was a lot of work. As an empath I am still working on that but I am close to not to be affected. Personal life well there is alway someon acting out that sets you back. I don’t think we would ever be free from our personal life dramas unless we live as a hermit. Be well ❤

        Liked by 1 person


  30. simplywendi
    May 02, 2019 @ 15:24:11

    Sue……….thank you so much for all you do for others, teaching, encouraging, answering questions an lifting up the human race as a whole. You have helped me beyond words and I continue to grow daily. I am so excited to read each of your posts as there is so much to learn…… happy and thankful you are here.

    Liked by 1 person


  31. thespiritkeeper
    May 03, 2019 @ 15:58:07

    My freer space is the world. Still seeking to disengage from events from my personal life. This is coming along. This is more difficult than expected. Other people’s imbibed frrlinhs almost there. I’m sure you will get there as it is layered. Your post are welcomed firstly they are informative and secondly they are a litmus test for myself.
    Enjoy your upcoming weekend and hope what you are working on in your interior comes to fruition and will manifest itself in a twinkling of an eye.

    Liked by 1 person


  32. Playamart - Zeebra Designs
    May 03, 2019 @ 23:50:41

    My dear Soul Sister
    When time to soar out of this present body, we won’t be asked our level of formal education or the assets we accumulated. Our compassion for others, our patience to listen and to share and help others will be the most-important assets – those assets of our souls.

    This was a beautiful post, one that I loaded when online but waited to read when at home. I especially appreciated your advice: ” We should all question much more and challenge that which we are told, that which we are taught, and the look deeper into the workings of our world and past history. ”

    Trips back to the cosmopolitan world affect me in various ways – some positive, but most of the people – as Thoreau stated long ago – ‘lead lives of quiet desperation.’ They are so close to that life that owns them that they don’t realize they’re trapped in a false life. The idolization of the i-phone/pad etc technology worries me – it’s great to have an itty bitty computer that does so many amazing feats, but its power seems a bit too … hmmm, powerful. Since I’ve not had television or telephones for 20 years, I am out of touch with most of the cultural interests. Recently a friend urged me to watch the first program of — I think it was the ‘game of thrones’ — she laughed when I innocently said ‘thorns’ instead of thrones…. when we watched it, i was inwardly concerned that so many people tuned in to this horrifically graphic series, where beheadings and sex became normal parts of the show — and i realized how easily one could be desensitized to the violence…. and if people were desensitized, then they would also not be too affected when it happens in real life… ‘oh.. just another mass shooting.’

    It troubles me greatly.

    I also witnessed extreme tempers of impatience at an airport; passengers, who were enduring an unexpected problem w/an ‘aborted’ flight, emergency landing, return to original airport — and some passengers were screaming at the representatives of the airline. Because I also witness survivors of earthquakes and refugees, I realize when people are hungry or thirsty, they can also become violent – strictly for basic needs – or else they might die. If passengers in an airport show such disrespect for other humans, most people have no idea what it would be like in a true crisis – if another carrington event or a weather disaster hit a country in below-freezing temps.

    At the airport, one person’s temper affected several others, who joined the protest, then more began to complain. Four security officers edged near. One who protested loudest, and with the most-vile language, was a yoga instructor!

    I was one of the first called to be handed a food voucher and new boarding pass — for almost 12 hours later… As I edged through the group, I stopped every so often and said, ‘Don’t shoot the messenger, but here’s where we are…’ and told them the ’12-hour’ news. Then I would smile and mention the book of Job, and perhaps the devil was at work trying to own our souls… One issue they were shouting was why couldn’t we leave sooner — and I reminded them that the FAA didn’t work that way, and pilots were required to file flight plans, and our unscheduled arrival might affect others – and be dangerous…. and that instead of being back where we started, we might be in the ocean waiting for rescue had the pilot not had made the choice he made. (That comment helped a lot!) I also stated that sometimes we think we’re doing ok, and then Life gives us a pop test to see how we handle unexpected challenges. Smiling, I breezed thru, said ‘See you at the gate’ and spent the day wandering the airport.

    What a relief it was to finally reach home sweet home – to the serenity of the sounds of nature and to remember how blessed I am to have found a way out of the maze.

    Sorry this was quite the epistle.. feel free to keep it in moderation or trim it!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 05, 2019 @ 10:21:22

      Dearest Lisa,
      Thank you my friend for that wonderful comment. And for telling us about your experience in the airport.
      People have become very impatient, and selfish, in that it is all about them, instead of understanding how such a complex system works to fly planes and get rid of backlogs.

      Your referral to how others reactions were affected by one person’s excessive anger, just shows how the transference of energy works.
      This is how crowds become incited and I too at the age of eleven also saw how mass hysteria affected one as I remember seeing clearly hundreds of others crying at an evangelistic event I went to with my Chapel Sunday School at the time.
      Emotions run high ..
      We only have to look back to see how what was called the Arab Spring take hold and rise up in that part of the world.

      I sympathise with you totally about not wishing to travel among such energies… I especially do not like crowded places and constantly put myself in protective bubbles..

      Your calm and wise approach to these volatile people I am sure defused a challenging situation Lisa. People do not look further than their own noses and can be very obnoxious at times, and this is how anger bubbles.. I have witnessed road rage on the increase here.

      And I would never dream of moderating your comment Lisa.. Its just the sort of thing people should be aware of, because we are all being affected one way or another by the changing frequencies, many not even aware at WHY they are feeling anger and frustration.
      And do not always understand that we are all one and all are going through this metamorphosis of Change.

      Much love to you Lisa, take care my friend ❤



  33. Dalo 2013
    May 05, 2019 @ 10:19:06

    Another fascinating post, Sue. The amount of research and thought you have put into this post is special and again you hit the high standard of getting the reader to think and wonder about the world around and how we are so interconnected. From it all, I always get a great feeling of hope for the world and for us all ~ which is why your posts are always special. Wishing you a great day, Sue. Take care ~

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 05, 2019 @ 10:34:11

      Dear Randall, wonderful to be in my blog the same time your comment came in, and I thank you for seeing the effort these types of posts take to put together.. And for seeing that yes there is hope for the world.. If we understand that it is what we put in, is what we get out..
      We have to have a vision for a brighter better, fairer world, but to get to that stage much of the old paradigms have to be stripped away, because these old systems are not working, and for most part are only working for the 1% not the 99% of the population who struggle to daily and who have forgotten their inner power.. A power that can manifest and a power that has the ability with their power of intention to create a New Earth..
      Instead people support the violence by watching violent films, TV, Media News and think that this is their reality..
      We all have the ability to create a different reality for ourselves.. When we learn to go within our hearts-space, reconnect with Care, Compassion, Love, and Respect.. When we find that within ourselves, it then starts to manifest in our outer world..

      By the way, I love the reality you create my friend.. Your photo images show us deep truths only Nature shares.. And your insightful words that accompany them show a wise mind behind the lens that takes them..

      Thank YOU.. 🙂



  34. JoAnna
    May 05, 2019 @ 15:40:07

    From my perspective, you are no ordinary woman. You are an extraordinary woman open to possibilities. Education comes in many forms. Thank you for offering this education from your wisdom and experience as we awaken.

    Liked by 1 person


  35. robbiesinspiration
    May 05, 2019 @ 18:27:55

    I really do enjoy, Sue, how you seem to put into words thoughts that I have lurking unformed and unfinished in my mind. I agree that this world has gone through many times of changes and civilizations have risen and fallen. I also believe we may have tipped the scales and have moved so far away from the important things in life that we may be on the way down again. Hopefully, we will regroup and rise again.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 06, 2019 @ 21:10:08

      Many thanks dear Robbie, Like you say,this world continues to find its balance, the Yin and Yang has always been in play, the earth is a living breathing planet, evolving just as we are. Throughout time here on this planet there have been great nations that have risen and fell.. It is what we learn upon our journey, and hopefully when this experiment is over, we learn and do not repeat the same mistakes..
      Thank you again for taking time, out of what I know is always a busy schedule..
      Much love ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  36. aFrankAngle
    May 06, 2019 @ 12:18:35

    A wonderful read not only filled with personal insight, but one that hits a spirit within all of us. BUT … please, please, please … give yourself more credit because you are very educated. Otherwise, you couldn’t write this.

    Liked by 1 person


  37. Sageleaf
    May 06, 2019 @ 16:32:31

    Sweet Sue, I am so glad you finished this draft. I love how you encourage all of us to find out for ourselves our own truths. It reminds me of a conversation I had with someone this weekend. He kept saying that I needed to turn to God, get out of the bedrock, and get really emotional and cry and plead and just really get down to the nitty-gritty of emotion. I respect him for that. And knowing that he would respect my truth, I replied in kind to him. I told him that his path is already laid before him. But my path is different. I told him that I do not see myself doing that, that I see a different path laid out before me. We all have our own path, and it is up to us to find what resonates and evolve as we are meant to on our journey. We each have our reason for being here, and what we are drawn to is because of our higher purpose. In the same way that I would turn my back on my spiritual calling five returning to the university and directing the afterschool program as I once did, for example, if I let others always swaying me and what they think that I should do, I think I would go crazy.
    In that same vein, I so respect your journey and path. I love the way you invite others to come along. But you do it in a way that also respects the reader and their path. And this makes me respect you even more. And you inspire me. When I talk about meditation, I hope to invite others. I have come to determine that I will not “sell” to people, so much as invite them on a journey. But in doing so, I want them to find out for themselves what resonates, and leave behind what doesn’t.
    Ha ha, I’ll tell you what. I never knew that you didn’t go to college, but with your common sense in your intuition and instincts, you deserve a PhD. The way you write, and create, supersedes what book knowledge would ever give: a true connection to higher energy, and a higher consciousness.
    In that you section about people losing their way, I see that all the time. It breaks my heart. For I know that they just need to make a few tweaks to their lives and everything would be completely different. I watch about one hour a day of TV, but it is a show that my husband and I mutually enjoy. It’s a sci-fi show, made in the early 2000s, and that’s one thing we watch. We watch it online, and we don’t watch commercials. Though my husband still watches the news, I have all but eliminated it from my life now. When you don’t watch a lot of TV, and you’re careful about what you do watch, you begin to really change. It’s much easier to be happier because you’re not comparing yourself to everybody else has. Furthermore, inviting the silence into my life is change things, too. I feel lighter. I don’t feel this desire to chase material things. It’s quite freeing, really.
    In my research about the chakras, I learned that perhaps I still do have blockages in the lower ones, inhibiting the energy from traveling up to the crown. Reading about being stuck, this is something I am really working on. And as much as we humans might try to deny our connection to the natural world, I believe that nature will force us to reckon with her and actually partner with her in the future if we are to continue as a species on this planet. And yes, the planet truly breathes. Have you ever seen the video of earth breathing?
    Thank you for this beautiful post. I’m looking forward to watching the video more. Here’s to the journey. And to awakening.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 08, 2019 @ 09:15:43

      Dear Cynthia, thank you for sharing of your thoughts with me, I truly appreciate our conversations.
      I agree with you about your friend, we are all on our various paths, no two alike, and each with our own perceptions and reasons for being here. Some we will perhaps never fully understand within our life time until we return home.

      Being true to ourselves is so important, for many years I would jump when others said jump, and would always try pleasing others in that I would put myself out to help them and get tasks completed.
      When I finally learnt the power of that little word ‘No’ and then not to feel guilty for saying it, was another well learnt lesson in my life.

      What each of us perceive is part of our own journey and I respect everyone’s right to ‘See’ from their own perspective and their own beliefs..

      To Preach, would be wrong, because we all have Free Will, in which to choose, and it is through choice we make those decisions in life..
      Not all roads we choose to our eyes may seem the right ones, but again that is but OUR perception.. Because sometimes those wrong turns often lead us to a better road..

      So its again ALL Perception, of what is right or wrong..
      I am so very pleased that I inspire, for you inspire me..
      If we were all the same on earth thinking the same thoughts we would be no more than zombies carrying out the same actions. What fun would that be 🙂

      I had to laugh at me deserving a PhD lol… 🙂 Thank you, very much.. I like to think my knowledge is GIVEN me, from those working alongside of me.. As I just trust, and the words come.. Like my poetry.. Which by the way has taken a back seat recently since writing deeper..

      I am with you all the way about TV and its effects, and some of those early Sci-fi shows hold much hidden truth within them.. When we open our eyes to see the messages. 🙂

      Many thanks dear Cynthia.. I am blessed by your friendship.. Thank you. ❤



  38. Christy B
    May 06, 2019 @ 22:46:28

    I started to think about what you said about clearing out baggage, Sue. I am thinking it’s not just the physical kind, although clutter can certainly weigh on us. Instead, I’m thinking of mental baggage and it became apparent yesterday that I have more than I realized. I’m going to do my best to release at least some of it this year. Thank you for a post that really spoke to me today xo

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 08, 2019 @ 09:57:24

      Yes the baggage is within Christy, the wounds we carry, the scars we hide.. Something I know you carry.. When we begin our internal work, it can be a painful process for it brings to the surface our vulnerabilitouy, and along with it all the emotions that we hold onto.. Releasing our Baggage can take time, so be gentle with yourself.. Forgiveness is hard to come by, but when we truly do, it is liberating..
      Love and well wishes Christy… Much love to you ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  39. J.D. Riso
    May 07, 2019 @ 01:15:28

    Wow, I’m so delighted to have found your blog – saw your name/comment over on Amy’s blog and was intrigued. This post sums up so much of my own path through the landscape of the soul. I don’t consider myself highly educated or particularly intelligent, either, but I feel that it’s important to find one’s own way as much as possible. So true about peeling back the layers and going ever deeper, how painful it is, and yet so rewarding to work through it all. I believe there is a separation in progress – between those who are receptive to the triggers that start the healing process and those who choose to remain in the world of illusion. Those of us who have embarked on this incredible journey are beginning to find each other. So easy to feel alone, and so beautiful to discover that we are not. Warm wishes-Julie

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 08, 2019 @ 10:50:36

      Welcome Julie, I am so delighted you chose to click my name on Amy’s wonderful blog and leave me your comment.. And I was delighted to discover the more deeper side of you too as I read your amazing post ‘The Island of Truth and Lies’.. We are indeed beginning to find each other and connect our hearts as we remember who we are, and uncover the hidden truths of the lies to which we have believed of ourselves and the world..
      We are far from Alone, and we will only grow in strength as we begin to discover our true Power is held within..
      Many thanks and Much Love, I am so pleased we connected.
      Sue 🙂



  40. Betty Hayes Albright
    May 08, 2019 @ 02:36:57

    Just now getting to this post, Sue. Thank you so much for posting it! ❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 08, 2019 @ 11:48:33

      It will remain here for your leisure time to read Betty… Never worry on time scale my friend.. I am the worlds worst at being on time on anyone’s posts.. Living and LIFE comes first.. ENJOY making memories ❤



  41. The Emu
    May 14, 2019 @ 09:47:44

    Excellent writing Sue, much to ponder over again in your words, however the theme remains the truth, the never ending cycle of our existence, both physically and spiritually. I appreciate you mentioning 2012 as the role that date played in our changing, I had failed to comprehend it as more of a spiritual change as opposed to the Apocalypse the physical existence predicted.



  42. Miriam
    May 16, 2019 @ 08:40:47

    Sue, this is such an informative and thought provoking post. And yes, this journey can be a painful one as I’m finding at the moment and over the past four years. Growth, change and waking up to a new reality. Thank you for being here and sharing your insights and knowledge. Much love and hugs to you xx 💙



  43. Bela Johnson
    May 25, 2019 @ 04:13:05

    I think I was born with the words “question authority” stamped inside my eyelids. 🙏💕



  44. Billybuc
    Jun 08, 2019 @ 15:19:13

    You are a fascinating person,my friend. I would love to sit down with you over a cuppa and discus life.

    I do so love people of depth, people who care, people who do not accept things as they are, but who feel compelled to question and delve deeper. You are one such person, and I’m proud to call you a friend.

    Blessings always


    Liked by 1 person


  45. Jussara Luna
    Jul 13, 2019 @ 19:03:01

    What a beautiful post, dear Dreamwalker!
    I hope you are fine, my precious friend.
    Love and blessings to you.
    Take care 🙂
    Jussara ❤



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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