My Truth as I See it.

My Truth as I see it. What is your Truth?

Geraniums with Buddha

The below I wrote in 2010, as Time has been short over the weekend. I hope to show you what I have been up to in my next post . Since  I wrote what you see below, even more Truths have been revealed as we have seen corruption and Lies unveiled around our world. 

Now it is even more important to send out your LOVE and HEALING thoughts into the world, 2012 may have come and gone, But THIS is the Change… WE are in it NOW…  Help make it a PEACEFUL one.. You can Add so much just by not getting embroiled in FEAR and keeping yourselves centred in LOVE and Compassion as we live from our Hearts not our Heads,  for WE ARE THE CHANGE! WE are all ONE…

Love and light


How do you explain a truth that you know beyond doubt exists, and yet for many that Truth is rejected.  Because they see only their truth… That is fine, for each of us are on our own journey, each at a different level of perception of what our reality is.

For many years my own perception of reality was like many more on Earth today, We are born, brought up to believe in one kind or other’s Faith, ‘God’.. Follow his commandments/rules, work hard and you shall prosper, Say your prayers and be good, you will then go to Heaven, or be bad and you’ll go to Hell.

So for a lot of my early childhood/teenage years I did just that, I went to Sunday School/Church, read the Good Book, worked hard and hopefully was good!…. But even as a child as I looked into the night sky with the billions of stars I knew…. I Knew that there was something more, something unexplained, just out of reach of my memory. And so my search for ‘Myself’ began..

I knew that there was more to life than I had been told, so I questioned and I read.. Something’s I absorbed in, while others things I discounted, believing at the time that they were far-fetched ideas from Wacky people… But over the years, even the things that I had once discounted, kept cropping up again and again, with little bits of evidence to back them up, making more and more sense as the pieces of the puzzle came together, slotting in the missing links, making sense of the whole picture of ‘Life on Earth’ and my origins and proving that the Gut Feelings from that child, Me… who had looked upon the night sky were right all along.. We are Far greater than any of us would believe possible..  

For some who take the trouble to read my words they may agree, for others they may think I’m the Wacky one, well that’s fine also. For once upon a time there were those who thought that the world was Flat, as they told others they too were crazy for they would sail off the Earth as they disappeared over the horizon..

Our perceptions alter with the knowledge we gain, and what was my truth yesterday is not my truth today, and it may alter again tomorrow, for one thing I always keep is an open mind, for everything is possible.

Its 3am as I write this, and yet I am wide awake as I need to speak my truth as I see it, and I will try to keep it simple. For when we came to Earth in our original form it was supposed to be a simple experiment..

This planet was originally created to teach balance between the physical and the Spiritual world. In order for the Universe to evolve it is also important for Planet Earth to evolve also.. But the souls who came to experience in physical bodies, this became the planet of Desire, and like quicksand were swallowed up in the density of their thoughts and emotions, which hold us in a continuum of reincarnation. For this is the Karmic Wheel. Holding us within the circle of Karmic debts, for many desire, greed, hate and enjoying the physical pleasures consumed them, and they no longer wished to evolve, creating a kind of bottle neck.. So around and around we go…

It is important that we evolve, It’s important for the level of consciousness of this planet to be raised. We have forgotten that we are Energy beings..  That we are all vibration and that we the Earth and all living things upon it, and the Universe are all interconnected. We have for so long now thought ourselves separate beings as we forgot why we came, and where we are from..

Because when souls came to Earth they began to feel they had substance, which they didn’t ‘FEEL’ on other Planets. And so in their soul recycling and reincarnations they refused to leave Earth..

This planet was meant to be a living library to experience the physical form. When we understand our connection with the Universe through our minds, and disconnect from holding onto the ego, we release the veils of illusion. This disconnecting goes through stages, and when enough souls become enlightened, leaving their density of negative energy, then the critical mass in humankind also shifts and in doing so also moves the Earth forward into her next phase in evolution as we transcend up a level, escaping the bottleneck we created.

That is why many ‘Light-workers’ are here now helping to bring about this shift.. For if this shift doesn’t happen then the contamination from Earth will spread to the Universe. That is why those from other planets are watching, and will assist if necessary.

Transcendence is the releasing of souls from the bondage of being trapped within this cycle.

Planet Earth will not be totally destroyed as a Planet, but our life-force is destroying it, and our life force is what is bringing the downward spiral of destruction of Earth, as it’s our negativity that is dragging our Earth Mother to destruction, along with our Greed as we plunder and rape her over and over again. Never giving back, always taking… Our very thought process which many don’t realise is the Energy that is creating the problems we are all facing. We drag ourselves ever further down by our negative thinking. 

Many think how can we help Nature and Mother Earth to heal, we forget that we are so much more than our physical bodies, we with our Minds, Our thoughts are energy in creation, as we think so we create. When we realise and understand the Truth of ourselves- we help raise our consciousness and contribute to the Whole..

We have to understand we are reaping what we have sown over hundreds if not thousands of years. Within the acceleration of the Energy shifts now, new truths will immerge lifting the veils of illusion as we address that balance once again. For the darker side/negativity is gaining its foothold and we have to remember who we are and lift ourselves back into that positive frequency whereby we help ourselves and Earth to ascend to a higher vibration and ultimately connect back to the source of our Divine light once again.. Bringing the Balance back to the Earth plane.

Many Truths have been hidden from us, from our governing bodies, scientist and religious faiths, they too will slowly be revealed as we become more enlightened, and once again our perception of the world we live in will be re-evaluated.

When we truly understand Who We Are. And WHY we came to Earth and have the courage to speak our Truth we help not only ourselves in our progression but many other souls also to transcend in this transformation of Earth to our rightful place as Spirit beings  to once more to be at One with All… 



32 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Eddie Two Hawks
    Aug 27, 2013 @ 17:20:38

    You speak truth Dreamwalker! This is the season of lies exposed; reasons examined, fear and doubt exploited. What is the best action; the best defense? You and I and millions know but countless millions do not and they suffer daily. Pray for all life; pray for ourselves; pray for the Earth regularly! New days and new ways ARE coming!
    from my heart, Eddie



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 29, 2013 @ 14:44:25

      Yes Eddie, both you and I know! understanding comes at a deeper level than for some who do not see the True workings of the world. New Days and NEW ways ARE indeed a coming Eddie, whether we are prepared or not… Living from our Hearts ~Dreamwalker x



  2. marina kanavaki
    Aug 27, 2013 @ 18:41:39

    Words of wisdom… which is the only kind I can expect here!
    Happy Tuesday, my dear Sue!



  3. LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words
    Aug 27, 2013 @ 20:47:09

    wisdom of long ago brought by your memories…
    I always wonder how so many people can just accept what they are spoon fed with out questioning the spices or lack of spices in the soup…
    Wonderful post Sue…as we journey further into the year which doesn’t seem possible it is almost at an end again….*sigh* I can’t decide if time is speeding up as the truths are unveiled or if time is losing its hold on us…
    Take Care…You Matter Much…
    Blessed Be



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 29, 2013 @ 14:49:47

      If only we could heed some of those words of Wisdom Maryrose from our ancient ancestors. If you take a deeper look which I know you do, you will see how dumbed down we have become…. accepting and never questioning, as we sit in front of our little Zombie Black-boxes, being Spoon fed… 🙂 Many thanks for your wonderful visit 🙂 Hugs Sue xxx



  4. prenin
    Aug 27, 2013 @ 23:30:04

    The baggage of our past must be left behind to attain our future.

    Love and hugs!




  5. livingsimplyfree
    Aug 28, 2013 @ 00:01:17

    Sue, thank you I needed the reminder that others who don’t see the destruction we are causing have not found their purpose and are in the dark yet as to why they are here. I like you was raised in a similar faith and soon found my questions weren’t being answered by the traditional faiths around me. I find we are kindred souls in our belief systems today as well.

    I too have felt we are being watched and hold hope that they will intervene before we do too much more damage. I think from time to time if all the weapons around the world would mysteriously disappear one day at exactly the same time if those in power would take the time to interact with each other from a position of love rather than struggle and dominance.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 29, 2013 @ 14:58:26

      Wouldn’t that be a Fine day Lois to have every Nation to be disarmed simultaneously. 🙂 I am so pleased that we are kindred spirits in so many ways. Without our Questioning we no longer evolve, All things change, and to not question or to follow blindly is to stagnate within the confines of the narrow boxes we have built around ourselves.. I try to at least Peep outside my own Box and sometimes it may ruffle a few feathers of those who fly by.. But I love feathers! and when we gather enough of them maybe We will learn to fly! 😉 hehe!



      • livingsimplyfree
        Aug 29, 2013 @ 17:12:31

        Sue, what a lovely way to use feathers in your analogy. I will never again look at my glass of feathers quite the same way again.

        I think I was born questioning everything. It may have drove the adults crazy, but I wanted to absorb everything there was to know and still do.

        I’m so glad we found each other online, you really do help me when I get frustrated with the current situations.



  6. marja
    Aug 28, 2013 @ 08:13:29

    Wow what a wisdom and I completely follow in your footsteps. I am on the same path but couldn’t have expressed it in such a great way as you do.
    I so think in some way hell and heaven exist on earth. If you focus on your positive side and send out love you connect and life becomes more like a heaven. If you do the opposite you make life more of a hell



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 29, 2013 @ 15:01:06

      Yes Hell is here on Earth in many places and within many a heart unfortunately Marja, Sending out our love and compassion and living from our hearts is all we can do to help create our own little piece of heaven here on Earth, as we try to be more caring and kinder to people and ourselves xx Love to you Sue xox



  7. gingerfightback
    Aug 28, 2013 @ 08:20:07

    Such wisdom



  8. giselzitrone
    Aug 28, 2013 @ 09:44:23

    Hallo liebe Sue einen schönen Tag wünsche ich dir, eine große Weisheit liebe Sue was du wieder schreibst.Aber ich denke alles wird gesehen und auf Irgend eine Art und Weiße Versuchen sie zu helfen,nur der Mensch ist verantwortlich für das Was er tut. und er sollte nachtengenGrüße dich noch lieb.Gruß und Freundschaft.Gislinde



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 29, 2013 @ 15:35:05

      Danke Gislinde, ich freue mich, Sie verstehen, und ja, wir müssen unser Licht der ganzen Welt verbreitet, um mehr Liebe in die Welt statt Krieg und Hass zu bringen .. Ich wünsche Ihnen einen guten Tag und schicke Dir meine Liebe Sue



  9. beverley
    Aug 28, 2013 @ 11:55:50

    I have some of the post above and i haven’t rejected the rest because of what you have written but because it is rather long. However we are greater than our parts and ‘hell’ will be one day after this life is over that we could have done better, been better, been more than our parts. The earth was made for us a school, a place to walk by faith, find God, and learn all that we can, because knowledge is the only thing we can take with us into the next life. Bev xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 29, 2013 @ 15:11:04

      Thank you Beverley, the only thing we DO take with us as we pass through the next doorway IS what has been held within our Hearts… Our memories, our emotions, as we either take with us Love, or Bitterness, Happiness or Sadness, Anger or Peace, the choice has always been ours.. Thank you for leaving your views, And I agree, WE are Greater than our parts, we have in fact forgotten how great we are as we allowed ourselves to become Slaves to others as we now reap what was sown some time ago. Love and Blessings to you ~Sue xox



  10. cheryoncake
    Aug 29, 2013 @ 07:28:14

    The eloquence with which you write show that you are far from “wacky”. I don’t share all your views but we are connected because I too believe we should be centred in love and use that as our guiding force x



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 29, 2013 @ 15:19:15

      If we all held the same views Cherry, what a boring world it would be… as we would be walking around nodding at each other a little like robots 🙂 I just love to get the grey matter ticking, and like those books I read in the early 90’s I discounted many of them, and yet here I am many years later with mind open and still questioning the origins my beginnings and I do not mean my family heritage! I find only by digging and delving into facts, facts that are often right there in front of our eyes, and yet we are so blinded to the Truth because we do not think we would be lied too…Especially by those people who swear oaths to keep us safe.. I so agree, LOVE is our guiding force and yet I see so many whose only guiding force is Power and Greed… Let us hope Love prevails in this turbulent world… Thank you Cherry, ~Sue x



  11. Valentine Logar
    Aug 29, 2013 @ 12:03:01

    Wise words, truth. I kept going back to this statement:

    ….believing at the time that they were far-fetched ideas from Wacky people…

    Now I know you were not referring to the ‘Big’ religions of our time, however I am more and more thinking this statement could be talking about the incarnation of the “wackiness” we are seeing all around us today. This isn’t I don’t think about how we find faith, spirit or how we find peace. Rather it is how we become so disconnected from the very things necessary for us to become compassionate and walk within the spirit.

    As always Sue, you speak truths we all need to hear and feel in our hearts. Thank you.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 29, 2013 @ 15:33:05

      Yes Val, our disconnection from caring for one, as we seem to have become a society hell bent on the Ego’s path of Self as we for the most part now care not about the community, but so long as [ I’m al-right Jack the rest can do as they please so long as it doesn’t interfere with what we are doing! ] We see so many of those who decree to the rest of us that they are following in the Faith of their supreme ‘God’ and decry to the rest of us that we are the sinners yet these very same are exposed for abusing choir-boys within their own temples of worship… Faith I hold in the Universal Laws which no-one can escape from. But we have to dig ever deeper to see how the world and its governors conspire to keep hidden from us that which has long been known as Truth and to what lengths it goes to, to keep us in a state of confusion and conflict! … Many thanks Val, Big Hugs to you ~Sue xx



  12. natswans
    Aug 31, 2013 @ 12:37:54

    Words of Wisdom Sue good Post xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 01, 2013 @ 18:02:14

      Sheila, thank you, I saw those beautiful yellows in your photo of your garden and thank you for leaving your ‘Glow’ here upon my page Sheila, Will be around to take a closer look very soon. Hugs Sue



  13. jacksjottings
    Sep 01, 2013 @ 12:40:59

    Sue you have put a lot of thought and effort into this post and it is commendable. It is so difficult to put our personal thoughts into words. It is so easy to be misinterpreted words are an imperfect medium. Still you have clearly and honestly pointed the way to understanding.
    I think it is a crime the way major organised religions supress open minded thought and to promote their interests and create aggression to other beliefs.
    During Europe’s dark ages the Ottoman empire was at its highest point in arts and science. middle ages brought the Crusades, two religions Islam and Christianity both fighting in the name of their same God. Who would side with either party both are disobeying their own God’s commandments.
    Sue I would not care about being thought crazy by people that cannot think or others with vested interests. Most people turn to religion out of laziness or desperation.
    (A jesting comment from Jack.
    Dreamwalker I am pleased you ware wide awake when you wrote this post and were not reciting a poetic message from an angelic visitor. We can do without another Koran or a virgin birth.)
    In all seriousness your post is like a light on a dark night.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 01, 2013 @ 17:58:05

      Jack I bow most humbly to your most gracious compliment upon my post and you so understood its message, I thank you most sincerely.. To this post yes I was Wide awake, 🙂 and I hope it adds light to those who care to be illuminated LOL 🙂 Blessings Dreamwalker 🙂



  14. shreejacob
    Sep 03, 2013 @ 15:50:32

    Wow Sue! And here is a perfect example of synchronicity for me! I’m doing my catching up with blogs marathon (hehe) but you know, it’s exactly the right time for this!!! In fact, I tried clicking on your latest post (my style of catching up is going backwards from the latest post) but I couldn’t load the blog….I tried this one and voila it worked.
    First of all, you’re not wacky! Second I totally agree with you and what you have written is like a summary of all what I’ve been reading!
    It’s even more profound for me because I had a realization this last Friday as I was driving to work about love and fear…something that I wish to share on my blog too! Basically I realized that there *is* an “opposite” to love or in other words the absence of love is fear, but when we remove fear from the equation, we are then able to love!!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 03, 2013 @ 21:47:07

      So love this comment Shree, Yes thats my style of catching up, working my way backwards, I often read the end of a chapter of a story before the beginning on posts lol, But get there eventually..
      Yes interesting too I watched a documentary on how in the early days of studying peoples emotions experiments were done on young monkeys, and how Love and Fear were present, but how Love the emotion was stronger .. Too long for me to go into here, But Yes the absence of Fear is Love and the absence of love creates Fear…
      Looking forward to reading your post! 🙂 xxxx



  15. Inese Poga artist, writer and life sciences specialist
    Nov 10, 2018 @ 01:11:28

    We can have our own truth. I suppose the only thing we shouldn’t do is to try to convince somebody else that our truth is the only truth and way better than theirs. Beautiful post!

    Liked by 1 person


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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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