Do You Choose Love Over Fear?

Love or Fear the Choice is yours. photo one_love_heart-1280x720_zps825d54a4.jpg

Remember those Prophesies of “2012” I posted many of my thoughts upon this timeline  which I thought was to mark the end of one era and the beginning of the Next- Maybe those ancients teachers didn’t know whether we would rise or fall as they marked the end of their calendar. Maybe that fate awaits us still depending upon our choices we make in the Now dependant upon our Next actions!. But as we read through those  teachings of ancient prophecy  you will see also they speak  of transformation. Transformation requires Change, and we are being urged now to Think! outside our boxes as our comfort zones are now being tweaked as we become ever more sensitive to the Energy Shifts within our World.

Whether we realise it or not we have incarnated with a ‘Soul Mission’ even though we caught amnesia after we were born.  But more and more of us are thankfully waking up as we begin to remember who we are. It may have taken many life times and lessons to align with our present purpose as we pass through various stages on our journey, often not understanding the reasons for painful events and experiences.. It isn’t until later that we look back and see the gifts and healing which were given to us through them as we learn to grow, letting go of the past as we step into the Now..

Giving Birth is not without pain, and our new earth is only now going through her own birthing pains. .. We see it in the spasms of conflict, the wars, Hunger, poverty, displacement of refugees and the destruction through pollution of Mother nature.  Pains which are now being experienced which we humans have carried with us over many life times which emerge as we have built up Fear and Prejudices.

The choices are simple we either choose Fear or Love. Even while writing this a sense of peace has swept over me as I smile to myself. I recently read an article which said […we incarnate with these wounds and at a soul-level choose to encounter those whose actions catalyse us to resolve and heal our soul wounding] Which made me smile even wider as I have long held the belief that our enemies are our greatest teachers helping serve our soul’s growth as we learn the various lessons such as patience, kindness, love, forgiveness, and compassion.

We are each of us now experiencing shifts in our emotions and lives, as we feel the ‘Shift’ in energy within our Mother Earth who is calling us to wake up and remember who we are as our vibrations alter.

When I first started my blog back in 2007 I stumbled almost by accident to open my blog page.. But it was no accident!, in fact my very first post was an experiment was called Smile I wanted to make a difference even if it was only by the words of a poem.

As we ‘Lighten Up’ letting go of what we no longer need we lift our vibration, higher,as we leave behind the wounds of the past. We are Energy Beings.. and its time now to realise we each are a part of the Whole, that Oneness that permeates all things with the same Energy.

We are now ‘Shifting’ from duality to Unity Consciousness, this was brought home again to me on how many of us are thinking similar thoughts even here on WP we see similar themes as we link into the Mass Consciousness as we join together our thoughts as we link subconsciously to the Cosmic web of thoughts..

We need to be aware of the Power of our thoughts and how we can assist in raising our planets vibration and our own collective Consciousness..  

Much has been spoken upon Ascension, but first we need to ascend through our own layers as we climb ever higher, leaving behind the things that no longer serve us.

We do that by not getting swept up in conflict.. by being more loving and tolerant and being compassionate rather than  being judgmental holding hate and anger.

We need to put the Care back in the world and if we embrace and choose Love over fear  and we stop looking who to blame, but start to set examples of living in harmony and unity, then the true magnificence of who we really are can begin to manifest that ‘Golden Age’ which was once prophesied to bring about Peace..

But its up to us to pledge to change our own lives, because if we don’t maybe those prophesies will come to fruition after all…

The Choice is Ours

Choose Well..

Love and Gratitude

Sue Dreamwalker..

49 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Symbol Reader
    Jun 17, 2013 @ 21:30:33

    Beautifully put. I definitely feel the shift inside me and around me. I wish your vision came true. Your words touched me very deeply today.



  2. superduque777
    Jun 17, 2013 @ 22:36:53

    Love is always the paper who defeat the fear and the stone.



  3. livingsimplyfree
    Jun 17, 2013 @ 22:40:20

    Sue, you are so right about birth coming with pain. I hope the wars, etc we are experiencing now will pass to a better future. Fear held me back for so long, I don’t want to revisit that feeling. Today I put myself out there as I am, with love to all i encounter.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 18, 2013 @ 19:06:40

      Yes we are brought up with so much to be fearful of.. and yet when we understand the power within each of us.. And understand the Universe and our part in it.. we see we are Eternal Beings, and we have nothing to fear but Fear itself 🙂

      Thank you your comments mean a lot… ~Sue



  4. cat
    Jun 18, 2013 @ 00:32:51

    So much to think through here … mmmh, I wonder why you chose the word “Fear”, rather than “Hate” … I guess Hate stems from Fear … Thanks, my friend … I know, I love you and your words, that’s for sure … Always, cat.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 18, 2013 @ 19:18:13

      Fear is an emotions Cat that is projected throughout so many things.. Right from an early age we are taught to Fear.. Fear of failure… Passing exams! Fear of retribution especially in some religions!.. Fear of loosing our jobs, Fear of disease, Fear of death.. Fear, Fear, Fear, is projected into Films, the News, at every turn….
      Fear helps keeps us locked within our boxes.. Don’t do this because this is the consequence! Fear keeps us trapped and controlled, We even fear Love!… for fear of loosing it, or someone taking it away!…….

      Hate is a word I do not like.. I try to erase the word hate from my vocabulary.. And use instead -Dislike!… something similar but different.
      Hate is also an emotion born of fear, and lack of compassion, or tolerance..

      I am pleased you gave my post some thought Cat.. For I love hearing your thoughts my friend… and I am always thrilled when you voice them.
      Love and Light my sister! 🙂
      ~Sue x



  5. lorrena
    Jun 18, 2013 @ 04:51:59

    Beautiful words Sue,An Apple tree needs only the one seed to grow and the right ingredients to flourish and to fruit,This “Fruit of the womb” from Religion or “Tree of Life” no matter how it is portrayed simply brings one to understand this seed or the ultimate we will come to know as unity consciousness.Fear cannot promote this unity only love can grow it,simple.All life is one as is the essence it holds forever.There is no fear.



  6. LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words
    Jun 18, 2013 @ 06:08:43

    as always your words are meant to be felt as well as heard…
    there are days I know exactly who I am and why I am here…
    then being human I stumble…picking myself up I begin again and hold back the dramas of the world…I choose to be more than I was when I stumbled…
    Wonderful post DreamWalker…
    Take Care…You Matter…



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 18, 2013 @ 19:43:09

      Yes, it often takes a while for us to learn who we are… And then often the Human element gets in the way of our Spiritual side.. But those times we fall Ladyblue were there to help us grow, and only through growth to we progress ever higher through those realms of discovery we set ourselves..

      Often I am so saddened as I view the world and its drama’s and then I understand also that if it were not for those drama’s human kind would not have evolved as it has.. Even all be it seemingly so primitive in its progression.. Without those Dark patches we would not be illuminated with the patches of bright skies.. as the Sun shone upon us to let us know the Light and warm of all that is good..

      Thank you kindly for your always welcome comments Ladyblue which warm my heart..



  7. prenin
    Jun 18, 2013 @ 08:12:35

    Good piece Sue! 🙂

    My life is improving day by day despite the ongoing mind games of my tormentors and one day they are going to give up and walk away.

    The attacker must overcome.

    The defender must merely survive.

    Love and squishy hugs!




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 18, 2013 @ 19:44:52

      Glad to hear that Dear Prenin, and know that you grow in strength is truly good to know… We can all learn a great deal from your good self who has gone through so much..

      Thank you for taking time to comment and of course for my squishy hugs!



  8. Eclipse
    Jun 18, 2013 @ 10:04:08

    The title have immediately reminded me of a song I used to like a lot…
    ” … Battle of the minds
    Cries below, cries above
    You must pick a side
    Will you choose fear? Will you choose love?… “- (Flavor by Tori Amos)

    Great post Sue…
    Hope you are having a wonderful day



  9. marina kanavaki
    Jun 18, 2013 @ 10:51:40

    I pick “Love and gratitude with a smile” …anytime!
    Thank you for this inspirational post, Sue!



  10. Visionkeeper
    Jun 18, 2013 @ 12:46:10

    Amen to all you speak to DW….Great post! The beauty at the core of everything when all else is stripped away, is the simple fact that the choice is always ours. We are free to choose whatever life we choose. Talk about freedom. We have it already and don’t even realize it! Thanks for these great words my friend. As always you set the mind in motion….Blessings and love….VK



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 18, 2013 @ 19:49:38

      Bigger smiles this end VK as your compliment sets my smile to an even wider grin!… We are on the same Wave length I feel and here’s to FREEDOM .. We have only to think it.. and so it is! 🙂



  11. penpusherpen
    Jun 18, 2013 @ 13:36:59

    It amazes me Sue, that people would chose to be hateful/unloving/unkind to others, when the choice to share, be open and kind is far easier and gives an uplifting feeling of happiness shared. When you smile at a stranger, and get a smile in return you feel the warmth, in fact the feel good factor doubles and triples etc.. as it’s passed on throughout the day, and Wow!! What a fantastic knock-on effect. The choice to be caring, loving and giving has always been there, it’s up to every individual to pick up the baton and pass it on. Lovely and loving post my friend, lets hope everyone of us will choose wisely. Love and Light,. xPenx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 18, 2013 @ 19:51:18

      Pen What more can I add, you have said it perfectly my friend.. Yes lets challenge everyone to ‘Pick up the Baton’ and Pass it on.. Paying it forward!
      Many thanks my dear Pen.. 🙂



  12. Eddie Two Hawks
    Jun 18, 2013 @ 20:23:38

    Nothing will happen without our active participation. As you say we cannot expect change without being changed ourselves. This all is started by our actions. The word is work!
    peace in our time, Eddie



  13. Eddie Two Hawks
    Jun 18, 2013 @ 20:27:07

    forgot to mention that I loved your post Dreamwalker. You brought home the point very well.
    with love, Eddie



  14. cheryoncake
    Jun 19, 2013 @ 06:44:26

    Love has to be the force that motivates us all. It’s not a coincidence that so many religions use love as their base. It’s just such a shame that so many people believe that somehow love makes them weaker than actually, so much stronger



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 20, 2013 @ 12:02:54

      Yes agreed, instead of it making us weaker it does in fact make us far stronger… It takes greater courage to love those who have done you wrong… A lesson the world has yet to learn… and to see how futile and destructive a force is such anger and bitterness as it only curls back in on our selves … What goes around… Comes around……. as this is the nature of energy! ..



  15. starproms
    Jun 19, 2013 @ 16:24:04

    Well said Sue 🙂



  16. Cat Forsley
    Jun 19, 2013 @ 19:05:42

    Only Love xoxoxoxoxxoxoxo amazing sue sue xo



  17. Alex Jones
    Jun 19, 2013 @ 20:45:48

    Life is a series of choices, people tend to make choices based on fear and love in my opinion. Taking back choice is the first step to freedom.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 20, 2013 @ 12:05:42

      Yes Alex its all about CHOICE!… and we can not then blame others…. for each of us are responsible for our thoughts, which lead to our Actions, which determines the Outcome…. We each Reap what we Sow! 🙂



  18. lavendermoongirlblog
    Jun 19, 2013 @ 23:02:15

    I love your post. On 12.12.12 my husband and I sat on a bench in a quiet spot to experience the energy shifting and to wait to be told our purpose. It was an amazing experience. As we sipped our tea, we noticed the light change and how peaceful nature became and I felt surrounded by a golden light. It was very special and I have felt more connected to the Universe since. There have been challenges since, but I feel it’s going the right way now and it has never been a better time for us healers to be really needed in the world. There is so much work to be done. Namaste



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 20, 2013 @ 12:16:15

      Hi Lavender Girl! 🙂 yes those who just sit and link in via their senses can ‘Feel’ the subtle changes our Earth gives out.. When we go into nature, whether it be sat near a tree or on a beach near the ocean we can link into those pulses of energy which vibrate within our own being… And we can tune into the breath of life… Learning to breathe in Unison is something we have long forgotten how to do, thinking we are separate and alone. And yet we are ALL linked… I think we have all of us been challenged recently some more so than others… But through those trials and tribulations we grow.. And there are MORE Healers I think now waking up to themselves, be it through their compassionate thoughts, musings, or poems. I see many now become aware perhaps for the first time in the Injustices we see in the world.. Once we wake up to these facts and understand we are all of us equal regardless of monetary stature we then start the healing process.. But the work is only just beginning.. For there to be a New Beginning there has to be an Ending of the Old ways… this is why we are seeing the collapse of the old regime of Monetary Power… as why we are now witnessing the Fall and exposure of many corrupt business practice… We Are the Change .. and we chose to be here to be part of it.. We Live in Exciting times of Change…
      Much Love and Gratitude for your contribution… And Long may you continue to use the energies to help heal……..
      ~Sue 🙂



  19. europasicewolf
    Jun 20, 2013 @ 00:57:55

    We are all responsible for our own destinies! xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 20, 2013 @ 12:17:06

      So very true Wolfie……. we keep turning those pages within our lifes Book… 🙂 xxx



      • europasicewolf
        Jun 22, 2013 @ 23:27:40

        I need to start turning the blog pages rather quickly too don’t you think? lol 😉 Your posts are in my inbox awaiting my Wolfie attention and I hope to get to them by tomorrow. This past week I seem to have lived, breathed and dreamed (literally!) coursework and assignments and deadlines! I am exhausted! And this was supposed to be a week’s leave from work!! Can’t wait to go back Monday for a rest! Have a beautiful weekend my lovely and special friend 🙂 Supermoon this Sunday so look out for it! It will be extra large 🙂 I will be howling from Europa if you’d like to join me! I should get a fangtastic view of it from Europa! Wolfie hugs 🙂 xx



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jun 23, 2013 @ 17:45:07

          Wolfie, lovely to receive your howwwwls my fury friend… my case is packed and I am off to the sea in the morning.. I hope Work is kind and you can get some of that Wolfie time to relax…
          I saw the Moon last night Sat’ and wow! it was beautiful I took some photos which were disappointing.. But it was a delight to see and the garden was lit up with its light.. Very surreal last evening…
          Love back and a big Hug xox 🙂



  20. giselzitrone
    Jun 20, 2013 @ 13:15:47

    Hallo liebe Sue wünsche dir einen schönen Tag,jeder von uns ist für sich selber verantwortlich und für sein tun,und die Welt wird sich so schnell nicht ändern.Wünsche dir alles Liebe und ein gutes glückliches Wochenende.Große Umarmung.Gislinde



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 21, 2013 @ 14:35:20

      Ja, Sie haben ja so recht Gislinde, sind wir jeder für uns selbst verantwortlich .. Ich hoffe, Sie haben eine wunderbare Samstag … Viel Liebe gesandt hast deinen Weg .. Sue xxx



  21. The Emu
    Jun 20, 2013 @ 14:02:37

    Hi Sue, fear is one of the greatest obstacles that blocks us from progressing in our spiritual journey, fear blocks us in the material world from making choices that are attuned to our elevation in the spiritual world.



  22. shreejacob
    Jun 23, 2013 @ 01:33:58

    Hello Sue! I dropped over to your blog from Tom’s blog 🙂 I’m so glad I did! Loved this post so much because it relates to what I’ve been thinking about. Not so much at a global level but on a more personal note. Love the way you put all the pieces together so seamlessly!



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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