Feeling Excited and Ready

Another sleepless couple of hours, so I went to make myself a drink of camomile tea, then wandered over to my bookshelves in the spare bedroom and ran my hands over the spines of the many books I’ve read and half read.

My intuition leads my hand to pull out a book in the semi darkness, as the only light on is from the landing. I take the book and flick through the pages as I settle back in bed to drink my tea.

The Book is entitled “ When Everything Changes, Change Everything” by Neale Donald Walsch, a book about the very nature of change and how life itself works, it reveals why change happens and speaks of the many changes we are each experiencing and seeing occurring and how we can change our experience through altering our perception of change. Which many now are doing.

So imagine my smile as I flicked through this book I had first read when it was first published in 2010 as the very page it flicked open at was page 206.

This is the sentence that Jumped off the page at me.

F-E-A-R= Feeling Excited And Ready

When this sentence jumped out at me this was answering my own wakeful thoughts, as many things about our planet and changes had been running through my mind as I tossed in my sleepless night.

I closed the book as I felt I needed to write, so I picked up my Pen and my Journal and before you now are the words I wrote.

We all of us fear changes. Change can feel chaotic because we Fear the unknown.

We are all of us now treading in uncharted waters as to these Earth Changes, and many of us are ‘Fearing’ because change is now starting to have an effect. We see the changes taking place in our society, our Towns and Cities, life no longer feeling safe and secure. Many who are facing job losses and loosing homes that are facing hard times perhaps for the first time in their lives.

We are feeling something is changing, we sense ‘Time’ running faster, we See the Weather patterns changing, and we are now more aware of the scale of our Global Climate changes which are having huge knock on consequences to our Natural World and Animal kingdom.

Our Western World had enjoyed in the last 5 decades growth and prosperity. But it’s very true you know what they say about everything being ‘circular in motion’. “What goes around comes around” is one of my favourite sayings.

We see how we have through the centuries exploited, ruled, governed other nations, none more so than Great Britain, who now is no longer Great and no longer is Rule Britannia. And no longer a British Empire.

I see how our industries have gone overseas again in the bid to exploit cheap labour and now those countries which were once classed poor are climbing the spiral as they well deserve to prosper while we decline back down the other side… Such is the Circular Motion.

So what has this to do with why that sentence made me smile and want to write about it.

For those who read my post regular, you will know I am always going on about Energy. Energy is circular in motion. Energy transforms, it cannot be destroyed.. And it returns to the point of origin. ‘What goes around comes around’ Our very thoughts are energy based, What we Think we Create

I thought about the energy I put out when I put together my poem. Fragility of Life and saw how many also see and fear the future we are creating. And it bothered me, because you see I too have had visions of our future and I’m only human, that’s why I’m here, to learn and grow by experiencing my fears and joys.

So when F-E-A-R=Feeling Excited And Ready, jumped from the page I smiled. Because I know I am an Eternal Being, here to experience these Changing Times. So whatever they bring I know I chose to experience them. And I also know Collectively we have come to share in that same experience.

I can worry about the future, or I can live in my Power of Now and change my perception and enjoy every moment and Feel Excited And Ready, because WE CREATE our reality through our Thoughts and Perceptions.

So  lets Change our thoughts and let’s stop Fearing FEAR and let’s start and get Excited and Ready and Enjoy Living.. And now I’m Feeling Excited and Ready for Sleep!.

Blessings Sue~Dreamwalker

69 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Red
    Feb 22, 2013 @ 06:03:28

    Rest well, sweet. Such a beartiful message. Indeed, let us create a better reality. Much love and F-E-A-R! xxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 22, 2013 @ 14:34:02

      Thank you Red, I often get those nights and when I do, its much better turning those sleepless hours into something positive… I wrote in long hand then got on the laptop to post it was 5am before my head hit the pillow! But reading back today, It was a night well spent. 🙂



  2. wolfgangpowerpoint.wordpress.com/
    Feb 22, 2013 @ 06:51:00

    Ein schönes Wochenende wünschen wir.
    LG. Wolfgang



  3. Alex Jones
    Feb 22, 2013 @ 09:21:09

    Your rules about energy are principles of how the universe spins. If people learnt such principles and in all their actions and choices took those principles into account they would be in harmony with the universe, thus life would be creative and less painful to them. Great post.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 22, 2013 @ 14:40:35

      Thanks Alex, yes unfortunately not all see that, and are all out for themselves, but the Laws of the Universe can not be side-stepped, they catch us all up.. Sooner or later.. 🙂



  4. prenin
    Feb 22, 2013 @ 09:28:12

    Good post Sue! 🙂

    I fear and therefore I am! 🙂

    The crap is finally hitting the fan as the governments who were unwilling to do anything to reduce the impact of humanity on the planet now see their own countries hit by worse weather and cities choking on their pollution.

    They were warned, but chose to ignore the warning, so now we must all suffer…

    Love and hugs!




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 22, 2013 @ 14:44:53

      Lets hope dear Prenin by our Right Thinking and Right Action we can create a Better World… One step at a time, One ripple in the pond, we each of us can and do make a difference so Let that Feeling Excited and Ready feeling begin, And lets all be F-E-A-R Happy.. 🙂



  5. giselzitrone
    Feb 22, 2013 @ 10:06:08

    Hallo liebe Freundin ein besseres Leben wäre gut,aber die Menschen sind noch nicht so weit.Wünsche dir ein schönes weekend,und alles liebe und einen schönen Freitag.Gruß und Freundschaft.Gislinde



  6. dreamingthruthetwilight
    Feb 22, 2013 @ 11:30:19

    What goes around comes around….scary and filled with hope at the same time. Scary thinking of all the consequences of our past actions. Hopeful because the present moment is filled with so much potential to change things for the better or rather make better persons of ourselves. I am FEAR:-)



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 22, 2013 @ 14:53:35

      Yes especially as energy of like mind collects together.. So hence the saying ‘What comes back does so 10 fold’ So lets hope we can spend more time sending out positive energy and it return 10 fold, 🙂 and I am FEAR also dear friend, I feel that the ‘Shift’ spoken of is happening as more and more like-minded people come together and open their minds and hearts to the good and positive… We are all of us tuning in to those higher vibrations and we need faith that this world has much to offer and we are going to change this world for the better..



  7. starproms
    Feb 22, 2013 @ 11:47:50

    Yes, we should embrace change. It’s what makes the world grow.



  8. Eclipse
    Feb 22, 2013 @ 12:27:02

    Another great posting dear Sue! Love the message… (and that chamomile tea —-always does the trick, doesn’t it… 😉 )
    Love your way!



  9. lserf13
    Feb 22, 2013 @ 13:12:02

    This post couldn’t have come at a better time as I am dealing with my own fear of the unknown personally. I am finding myself on an unstable bridge between what I know and what is unknown in my future. I have a chose to continue to live in what is and forever fear change, or to take the risk and be excited for what is to come…thank you for reminding me to be excited for the future! Many blessings to you..



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 22, 2013 @ 15:01:37

      I am happy that this posting spoke to you, I often find that don’t you? when looking for answers something just pops up and jumps up to speak to you.. Just like the lines in the Book for me.. Glad you read it and I hope it will clear your thoughts a little to help you along your journey.Blessings sent your way, Trust that the Universe has a plan, even though we do not always see it…



  10. Visionkeeper
    Feb 22, 2013 @ 13:19:41

    Love Neale…He always inspires my mind into growing and creating the new. Great way of looking at FEAR…We once again were sort on the same page in our thinking and our posts DW…I am finding that occurring all over the web now. It shows me how connected we are all becoming now and quickly! The oneness is unfolding before our very eyes and it is indeed exciting! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and love and thanks for being on the same wave length that I am 🙂 VK



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 22, 2013 @ 15:04:42

      Big smiles here VK, I read your post via email and will be over shortly to comment.. YES! so love it when our Collective energy taps into that well of knowledge which is out there waiting for us all to reach out and dip our big toes into.. 😉 Such is Mass Consciousness, and its moving ever faster as more and more tune in!…. Big hugs DW 🙂



  11. Sam373
    Feb 22, 2013 @ 15:06:30

    As often you guide, even me Thank you. http://wp.me/pBKhv-gH



  12. penpusherpen
    Feb 22, 2013 @ 17:43:17

    Hi Sue, It’s great to be back to read your words, and I’ve a confession to make, as fear was the reason why I’ve been away for so long. Fear of change and fear of what the future could bring with the decisions I’d made in my life. There was a ‘wrongness’ I felt , and I soon found I couldn’t run from myself, or my responsibilities. Silly to think I could outrun the ‘me’ inside and be like the Phoenix, reborn and facing the world anew. I’m a happier person than I was, accepting but also sure I can do better with my life as is. Change for changes sake is never good, but a change in perspective is always helpful. Have a wonderful weekend my friend. xPenx



  13. livingsimplyfree
    Feb 22, 2013 @ 19:16:39

    Great post Sue, I lately have found so much good from friends online. I see a much younger generation rejecting the ways of destruction and this gives me hope for them. I think each generation tries to learn from the past generations to do better, unfortunately at some point better took on the mindset of bigger is better, but the younger generation seems to have seen the mistake in that and is rectifying that in their lives. I don’t fear the change from that, I fear not changing in time.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 23, 2013 @ 13:04:24

      Yes I so understand that… Not changing in time.. I am sure though that as I can see within my Grandchild that determined streak at only 2 yrs old, you will have noticed in your own grandchildren how independent they want to be.. I think this trait will help our future, for they will need to be strong…. Blessings to you~ Sue



      • livingsimplyfree
        Feb 23, 2013 @ 18:24:59

        Oh definitely independent!! I think the little things we share with them now will help them in the future. For instance, the children learning to repair furniture because it’s fun right now, or playing in the garden and learning how to grow their own food. These children will be the ones to look outside the box and find a new way to move forward.



  14. Ruth Nina Welsh
    Feb 22, 2013 @ 20:09:57

    Hi Sue, I did enjoy this post. I agree how important it is to get excited, get ready and enjoy living – they are great words. I also think fear is important too though, but maybe it’s about balance, or seeing what is real fear and what is imagined? If fear paralyses us then this is a disaster but it can also protect us and alert us to danger and it can focus us on what is truly important and help us to act. Lovely to share some thoughts with you Sue. 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 23, 2013 @ 13:10:00

      That instinct I think Ruth is built within us all that ‘Flight or Fight’ but I see so much Fear-mongering going on today, repeatedly driving home the negative aspects of living… And if we look we can find so much Good in the world too.. And if we were all to check our thoughts on a daily basis and weigh up our negative thoughts against the positive I think the negative would win.. We All of us seem to look on the black side of things rather than seeing the silver lining.. That’s how we have been taught..And to change our Thought Processes and Perceive things in a more positive light takes practice… But I live in hope! We can change Fear around.. 🙂



  15. davidtenn
    Feb 22, 2013 @ 20:35:17

    Yes dear Sue fear is the biggy and fear of the unknown, even when you know where you need to be, the unknown getting there can lead to that time of terror as i well know. Thanks for these inspiring thoughts. Love David



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 23, 2013 @ 13:15:43

      Thank you David for taking time to comment.. We can all feel that terror of feeling lost in the unknown David, I now trust the Universe has the blue-print and Trusting is a key component when walking the Spiritual path, knowing that all that happens does so for a reason, even if at first we cannot see why.. we are sometimes our own worst enemies, because we have forgotten the basic tools we were given… And those are our thoughts which in turn create our reality.. 🙂



  16. iamforchange
    Feb 23, 2013 @ 03:41:18

    FEAR… Simple and sweet! Love the posts Sue… Thank you for the support the inspiration and the smiles. 🙂



  17. bibuji
    Feb 23, 2013 @ 13:20:59

    A lovely photo of the glass of tea and the book. Feel Easy And Relax!



  18. Eddie Two Hawks
    Feb 23, 2013 @ 13:36:12

    Fear holds back so many from life’s full experience. Joy came to my heart as I read this and found your advice so needed in our desperate world. Many people find “fear” the number one problem in life. Fear of this; fear of that; relinquish fear and live free! A wonderful posting Dreamwalker on a topic that needs to be discussed more often. thank you, Eddie



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 23, 2013 @ 13:45:05

      Many thanks again Eddie, I am always Blessed with your wise words and so treasure your comments.. Yes we each of us allow fear to rule our lives Myself included, I am by no means perfect.. But when I catch myself, I turn the thought around, a small thing,but if more did just that, and looked not to the Fear but changed that Fear around into F-E-A-R!… then alot of negativity would be dispelled from our lives.. And in turn the world would change accordingly 🙂
      Thank you again~ Dreamwalker



  19. Paul Handover
    Feb 23, 2013 @ 14:34:26

    Wonderful post, Sue.



  20. zendictive
    Feb 23, 2013 @ 14:43:05

    well, funny thing is… I am feeling excited today, I may start the motor I have been rebuilding for the last year in my old truck, and here I read about, “get excited” … okay!!!! (~_~)



  21. andrewmstevenson
    Feb 23, 2013 @ 15:59:38

    I experience a revelation 7 years in the making, since my ‘death’ between heart ops; a feeling of tremdous joy and love far beyond any felt before. It was triggered by my twitter friends sharing their,my, love one afternoon. The outcome is my ‘priority’ now is to share the love and, yes, joy in my heart with all Earth’s souls. I am concerned about the state we live in. No, I do not believe any amount of worrying will change it. Whatever trials to come, and their will be many, only Love for each other will pull us through. Love will win the day!
    Thanks Sue. Sorry for not catching up on your posts. Your e-mail ellerts will now remind me. My love to you,



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 23, 2013 @ 16:04:59

      Thank you Andrew for stopping by, Yes those OBE can have profound affects upon us as we are shown the way forward… You are right, love will win the day… we each need to learn how to once again embrace the love within many have forgotten as they love not themselves but the material ‘Things’ around themselves..
      Thank you for taking time and adjusting your alerts 🙂 I have many come in weekly and so take a while myself at catching up.. but I promise I do get around eventually also 🙂



  22. europasicewolf
    Feb 23, 2013 @ 20:56:04

    Living in the now, is a lesson we can learn well from the canine world if we choose to observe. It is the fact that we don’t live in the now that causes problems between dogs and humans. An interesting post! 🙂 xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 25, 2013 @ 14:08:01

      Yes Wolfie we can learn much from our Animal Kingdom and especially Dogs, who live in the now and who show love and loyalty … Have a Happy Hooowwwling Week my wolfie friend and keep those paws warm in this chill-wind… And who knows one day I may knit some paw-warmers! 😉 … Hugs to you



      • europasicewolf
        Feb 25, 2013 @ 19:56:27

        It’ll be summer by the time you get round to it! lol 😉 By which time I’ll have such bad frostbite of the wolfie paw that they will all have dropped off and no paw warmers will be necessary! lol ;D



  23. Kourtney Heintz
    Feb 23, 2013 @ 21:22:55

    Sue, it’s so cool how intuition led you to exactly what you needed to read. I love that acronym for fear. What a revolutionary way of thinking about it! 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 25, 2013 @ 14:12:51

      I think Kourtney, we are often given the ‘Signs’ we need in life, but all too often we miss them.. Which reminds me I saw a number plate yesterday on a car in front of mine.. I had been thinking on a deceased past friend her name popped up on the plate with S33 in front of it.. Being as my first name is Sue I need to look up the meaning of 33 🙂 You just reminded me:-)



  24. Tom (Aquatom1968)
    Feb 23, 2013 @ 22:43:28

    Another positive post on the changes we are all experiencing Sue… thank you once again! I read a book many years ago called Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway, and a line I always remember from that book is ‘the only thing to fear is fear itself’. Which seems, in itself, to be going full circle. I do like to Feel Excited And Ready, though – so that’s a good direction to head in!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 25, 2013 @ 14:16:19

      Hi Tom, I have seen that book but never did buy it.. But its words are so correct .. We are so conditioned to react in fear, instead of Feeling Excited and Ready for the changes to come.. 🙂 Hope you have a god week ~Sue



  25. WordsFallFromMyEyes
    Feb 24, 2013 @ 00:27:26

    I love this post, Sue. I really feel it.

    So weird how it always flipped to that page. I love moments of weirdness about life, like that!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 25, 2013 @ 14:20:25

      HI ‘N’, When we really look at life, its made up of many instances like these ‘N’ but we often miss the ‘Signs’ life is giving us all the time.. I have learnt throughout the years to take more notice of these moments when a book opens at a certain page, or a song is played on the radio and the lyrics speak to you.. Or you think of a friend and the phone rings and there they are… Live is teaching us all the time..

      ( I hope too that your data was saved and all in tact…) I was thinking about you… Love Sue



  26. summerrain63
    Feb 24, 2013 @ 09:42:26

    always nice to stop by and be inspired over here….



  27. Deliberately Delicious
    Feb 25, 2013 @ 02:53:15

    Sometimes we stumble upon exactly the right message from the Universe, whether it’s choosing a book and a page at random, or, like me, clicking on to your blog from Kim’s “Afternoon Storm.” I have been nearly paralyzed by fear for the past couple of months, afraid to move forward in one part of my life. But what a lovely way to reframe the idea of fear! It’s liberating to tell myself, “I’m excited and ready,” as opposed to, “I’m afraid…” Thank you.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 25, 2013 @ 15:19:53

      You are welcome DD and yes the Universe knows exactly what it’s doing, it is only we who loose our way and need a nudge and a gentle reminder from time to time… The Universe is giving us ‘Signs’ to follow all the time, would we pay attention LOL.. And I am delighted that you dropped by from Kim’s Blog.. Again showing the Universe is always guiding us to that which we need… Many thanks for taking the time to comment DD… Wishing you a wonderful day as you can now get the Feeling Excited And Ready for any changes that are coming your way! 🙂



  28. Duma Key
    Feb 27, 2013 @ 06:17:56

    Change flows and you have a point things seem to be moving faster, I dont know if its just my preception at the min but I am finding that I speeding through people around me, some are stagnant, locked and will never move, some are slowly awakinging and others are racing ahead or around me…..!
    Reminds me of something I once read, cant quite place it but at 6am in the morning with zero sleep, I may have to let that one slip!
    I digress I seem to recall this kind of awaking before a major change, people coming together seeing things at different stages and completeing the whole with parts to play….bugging me now that book!!
    I dont know what is coming or why, just kind of feel like I need to be ready for something….sounds a bit weird that….but I have been “sleeping” for far to long and no suddenly seeing things very differently!
    All I know at the min is this system, this way of life is so messed up, so wrong….and so lost it can not carry on…..people starve to feed the few, so few take so much and think its so right to leave so little for everyone else….and the wars…pointless killing….I even saw a video on the internet yesterday of some drug gang actually cutting of the head of another human……what is wrong with these people? The act, the video…..the mindless pointless violence……



  29. Sue Dreamwalker
    Feb 27, 2013 @ 15:39:29

    “”All I know at the min is this system, this way of life is so messed up, so wrong….and so lost it can not carry on…..people starve to feed the few, so few take so much and think its so right to leave so little for everyone else…””

    Yes Duma, the world is gradually waking up to itself and seeing it can no longer keep heading down the same road.. It has to change.. and We Are sensing, seeing, and have that inner knowing that we are changing.. And that something, is about to catapult those changes within our societies, and we each of us need to be alert and ready to embrace those changes..
    Life as we know it will not last for ever… But by altering our perception and not embracing the Fear which is thrown at us from Media, Films, News Bulletins, and our political arena’s.. We can see that if we start and embrace our Hearts and not keep letting the negative swamp us all the time, we do indeed start to change the world.. We do it individually because we want the right choices and life-styles for our families.. We can no longer just look at the surface and think ‘Im alright Jack!’ because for many around the world they are not alright.. We are all of us connected and need to see how interrelated we all are…
    Thank you Duma for adding your thoughts here today.. and I hope you find that book title which escapes you.. I so dislike that when that happens 🙂



  30. Bodhirose
    Feb 28, 2013 @ 03:56:43

    I like where you ended up with this, Sue. Yes, the power of Now. We need only keep reminding ourselves and each other about Now and we’ve got it made! 🙂

    Love to you…



  31. The Emu
    Feb 28, 2013 @ 07:18:52

    Wonderful writing dear Sue, one of my old mottos from my army and war days was ADAPTABILITY, I have found throughout life to accept that word and live by that word as I have found it is calming and negates the fear of change, it takes a while to learn the art of adaptability but once understood it does bring on a calmness to the mind.
    Great writing Sue.



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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