Joining the Light often leads us through the darkness first.

Life is often fraught with setbacks and the last thing most of us want to hear or think about when we are dealing with profound feelings of sadness is that deep learning can be found in this place. And how can you explain to someone who is grieving the loss of their loved one, or who has lost everything they own that in the midst of our pain of our overwhelming loss, to look for anything resembling a bright side to our suffering. Still, somewhere in our hearts we know that we will eventually emerge from the depths into the light of greater awareness. Remembering this truth, no matter how hard this seems, can help.

The other thing we often would rather not hear when we are dealing with intense sadness is that the only way out of it is through it. Dealing with our sadness takes the courage to believe that we can come through it to a brighter place.

Sadness and compassion are great teachers and through the Chaos and grieving processes of experience it often offers us the gift that at first we cannot see for the many tears we shed.

Many are shedding tears in the wake of Hurricane Sandy… this storm like many other violent storm that has raged across our planet through out time taking lives and homes leaves one asking the questions of why, as many awake to the Might of Mother Nature.

My heart goes out to all who are suffering and grieving after this huge storm and who are now trying to piece their lives back together.

Sadness is something we all go through, and each of us learn through our own individual experiences of sadness, which carry their own unique lessons, the implications of what we learn are universal.

Compassion for others who are suffering is one of those lessons and its only by going through our own pain we can understand and allow for someone else’s.

We gain much wisdom from going through the process of feeling loss, heartbreak and deep wounds.. each experience gives us access to the heart of humanity.. In the great symphony of life, we all have important parts to play. Now more than ever we need to use that instrument, our hearts, to build harmony within our world. 

Anything we do begrudgingly limits the flow of our energy and closes us off from the good that is available to us in every situation. But by giving the best in us to make the world around us better, we open ourselves to receive the best from the universe in return.

Our Earth Mother is showing us we need to pool that Compassion,helping us to open up our hearts to each other as we build those bridges of separateness to understand we are all one, and now is the time for humanity to pull together as One.   We are being shown we need to care and open our hearts in helping one another….We need to join together in  Light and Love ..

Joining The Light

The shafts of Light filter through my mind

Helping me see, illuminating the clouds of dark I find.

They shimmer and dance before my eyes

Cutting out the echoes of Human Cries

They shed their beam of truth

Lighting up the corridors of Time

As a knowing surrounds me, for I travel along its Ray

Listening and absorbing in all it has to say

It heals with its warmth,

As its colours reflect the prisms of thought.

Rainbows of light surround me, illuminating where shadows are naught

I ride upon it thread, as it takes me out from my shackled shell

Floating now in a sea of pure love

Forever here I wish to dwell

No Body,

No Time,

Just endless Peace,

What sweet release

I Dedicate my poem to all those affected and  who have lost loved ones in  Hurricane Sandy ..

© Sue Dreamwalker – 2012 All rights reserved.


67 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. morristownmemos by Ronnie Hammer
    Nov 01, 2012 @ 21:31:07

    I know people who have homes in southern NJ. They have no idea what condition their homes are in, or even whether they’re still standing. The lack on ability to communicate is the most frustrating part of this situation.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 02, 2012 @ 12:04:01

      I can only imagine their frustration Ronnie, We have become so accustomed to our communication devices and Electricity, Those whom I connect with in the World of Spirit have been saying to me for some years now that we should not under estimate the power of Nature and we have for so now been oblivious to her might until she hits home hard.. I feel mankind will have to get used to many more huge storms upon this scale as our Planet goes through the changes needed to get us all back in Balance with what is the most important aspects of our experience here…Love and Oneness…



  2. iamforchange
    Nov 01, 2012 @ 21:34:59

    A beautiful poem and post you share, your courage and embracing of the darkness and the gifts of light it brings are inspiration to many and brings a great smile to my soul. Thank you Sue for truly being you and sharing the loving energy that comes from within. You are a light for many on the path to unconditional love and the light of our Creator and the love of creation.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 02, 2012 @ 12:16:58

      Bless you for saying so my friend, But I am only one among many who see Change and understand that it is at times the rough road we travel in order to see the light. Without our own experiences of trauma and understanding loss and pain, we cannot begin to feel the compassion others go through.. Each of us have been in a dark place at one time or another, and without the darkness when would we know it was ‘light’? we need both in order to experience each of them.. One cannot exist without the other… Such is the Nature of the Universe.. we have to have opposites for we live in duality, experiencing both Negative and Positive.. Both Energy, Its a matter of which energy we wish to gravitate towards… for Like attracts like.. In order to experience Love, we also have to understand its opposite… The time is upon us when we are now being made more aware that we are so much more than our human form. And such tests such as these will teach us so much more about our resolve and strengths .. Blessings to you ~Sue



  3. Tom (Aquatom1968)
    Nov 01, 2012 @ 21:38:19

    Very nice post, Sue.
    A quote that keeps cropping up for me at the moment came to mind as I read your post, one of Winston Churchill’s: If you’re going through Hell, keep going.
    We can be resourceful and strong when we need to be, which is comforting to know especially as we head through the darkness.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 02, 2012 @ 12:28:43

      You are right Tom, yes, we are more resourceful than we give ourselves credit for. We have become so reliant upon external aids throughout our progression through the age of technology both in communication devices and electrical equipment, and have forgotten how to rely upon ourselves and our instincts. So we can I think feel as if we are going through hell when such disasters occur… But I know that its only by being tested to the limits that we are also shown just how courageous we are and our strengths of pulling together as one will once again come to the fore. For along the way of living in this modern age where our neighbours have become strangers.. Such disasters such as this always pulls people together, closer, and they then come together stonger as a community helping and caring for each other… Something I fear that has been lost along the way as we got so caught up with our lives and living to gather together ‘Things’… Things which now for many have been swept away… Which again is another Lesson as we are taught to let go within our material world we have put so much emphasis on .. As we see the real value and that is Life itself!…



  4. CMSmith
    Nov 01, 2012 @ 21:59:50

    That’s good of you Sue. It’s hard to imagine the devastation these folks will have to work through. I think we are all connected, and never are we more aware of it than in times of great trial.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 02, 2012 @ 12:33:39

      Hi Christine, yes we are all connected more than we understand, And for those who can do nothing but send their thoughts and prayers then we need to send out love and compassion to uplift and strengthen whole communities into becoming One with one another.. The way forward is in love, not fear and greed.. Once we can all understand that message we help the whole world become balanced as we learn to live from our hearts again.. Thank you for adding your thoughts xxx



  5. zendictive
    Nov 01, 2012 @ 22:38:48

    I was thinking how far advanced we have come in just the last 50 years, imagine the progress in the next 50. In order for the world to work toward a better tomorrow we do need the light of compassion and caring for mankind, working together… I love this ideaology and always enjoy reading you!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 02, 2012 @ 12:52:54

      Hi Art, that makes two then Art for I always love your own enlightening posts my friend, Yes as I have stated in previous answers to comments upon this page, we have come along way in the last 50 years if you think in terms of technology and communication throughout the world.. And yet along the way we have built up so many more barriers of distrust and ownership as greed has overtaken the hearts of many.. In the ‘I Haves’ over the ‘Have nots’ in this world. Profits come before people in many work places around the globe, Compassion and unity is needed now to bring hearts together again.. We may have progressed in some ways, but our spiritual progression still has some way to go.. unfortunately it is at times by only experiencing such chaos as this that we find our hearts once again in one another as we join together in helping each other…
      many thanks Art xx



  6. purpleskyz
    Nov 02, 2012 @ 01:13:02

    This is awesome Dreamwalker. I hope you don’t mind if I put this up. 🙂
    Hope all is well by you. Have a wonderful day.



  7. Red
    Nov 02, 2012 @ 01:25:59

    The poem and the sentiments are beautiful, Sue. Hugs and Love to you and prayers of peace and understanding for those affected ❤ xxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 02, 2012 @ 13:15:51

      Red, thank you so much, Yes we still all need to send our positive healing thoughts, each thought adds its own light energy to the mixture of healing those affected. many thanks again xxxx



  8. giselzitrone
    Nov 02, 2012 @ 11:08:52

    Hallo liebe Sue grüsse dich Herzlich eine schöne Lüriy hast du wieder geschrieben.Ja in Amerika das war ganz schlimm,die Armen Menschen die alles verloren haben,man kann es nicht fassen.Wünsche dir ein schönes glückliches gutes weekend und die besten Grüsse von mir.In Freundschaft Gislinde.



  9. Visionkeeper
    Nov 02, 2012 @ 12:12:41

    As always DW, great post and your poem was well done! It is always so much easier to realize you must go through the pain and look for the good when you aren’t in the middle of the tragedy…I wish it were more accessible during the crisis though. We get washed away by the grief and good sense seems to leave us temporarily. Hopefully we will learn soon. I mentioned in my post yesterday that the people I see being interviewed on TV in New Jersey who seem to be holding up well are the ones that have been able to release their loss and see great hope for tomorrow. This is such a testament to what we are all trying to grasp and learn about not holding on and going with the flow. I know they are all hurting deeply and all we can do is send prayers and love and envision them receiving the message to release and let God…Thanks DW. Happy weekending! VK



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 02, 2012 @ 13:24:06

      Yes a agree VK, letting go and learning to start anew is something we are all trying to achieve all be it spiritually.. But when you see those who have grasped the lesson and through their own hurting understand that tomorrow will be a better day and one which will be filled with hope is a truly remarkable testament to going with the flow of consciousness, considering what they have endured.. My thoughts especially go to those who have lost family and loved ones, But My thoughts as I know you send out your own, go along way in helping the healing process as our energy helps lift those caught in the depressive wave of loss and despair.. I will be around later for a catch up my friend.. Wishing you a peaceful weekend also DW xx



  10. Michelle
    Nov 02, 2012 @ 13:59:43

    Such Perfect Timing is this Post for me. I’m coming back to it, and if I don’t very soon, I hope you’ll come knocking on my blogging ‘door’ Sue, because I need to read it when I’m not in a rush.

    Will return!

    xoxoxo (((hugs)))



  11. WordsFallFromMyEyes
    Nov 02, 2012 @ 23:07:11

    An excellent poem, Sue – and your dedication : I didn’t know people had lost loved ones. I hope the number isn’t high. It’s frightening when nature has a rage.

    I did know the subway is under water & I just can’t help thinking of the mayhem, trying to get to work. Thank God for all I have.

    I’d hate to lose all my photos & videos of Daniel in his early life, my diaries….. imagine dropping all that & starting anew? That would be like having a whole different life, to me – like a memory being wiped (physically).



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 03, 2012 @ 09:11:40

      For many that is what it has been like, they lost everything even loved ones, and that I think is part of the process as we learn to LET GO of our Material ‘stuff’.. Letting Go of the wounds and hurts is much harder, but its all part of growing and moving forward at this moment within the energies of the world.. Yes I think its near on 90 souls lost in USA and around the same number in the Caribbean also where the storm hit, but news coverage of their plight hasnt been so publicised as NY and NJ The Election in the USA is now taking off again..
      Lovely to see you again my friend, and happy to see a new Gravatar photo of you too 🙂 …



  12. Androgoth
    Nov 03, 2012 @ 01:46:08

    As always you offer such a lovely poem
    and one that shows your innermost thoughts,
    I am sure that there will be many that find
    your words positive my great friend 🙂

    It was a most tragic disaster and I too am
    thinking about all of those that are affected
    by the Hurricane Sandy…

    Andro xxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 03, 2012 @ 09:14:38

      Good Morning Andro, thank you for your most encouraging comments Yes the Caribbean also affected greatly and lost a similar number of people in the same storm that swept over their lands too.. We need to think and send them our thoughts also as they havent got the infer structure as the USA has to rebuild and help those with nothing…

      have a great weekend ~Sue



  13. Eclipse
    Nov 03, 2012 @ 15:07:15

    No body, no time, just endless peace… so simple yet strong words. Beautiful poem once again Sue.
    Yes It is terrible what happened there, and it seems it’s not over yet.. Our thoughts are with those affected. My daughter in law is in NY right now and we hope for her safe return soon…
    Have a peaceful rest of the weekend Dreamwalker.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 05, 2012 @ 20:00:47

      Thoughts sent out to your daughter-in-law Eclipse and a safe journey homeward… Yes this I feel maybe just the beginning of Changes we see within our weather and environment.. But let us hope that through such sorrow and destruction,here is the beginnings of People pulling together as One!… We are taught many things through traumatic lessons….
      Wishing you a wonderful week my friend.. and thank you Eclipse for your encouragement..
      Love Sue xx



  14. chicasl10
    Nov 03, 2012 @ 16:04:15

    The horrible images on tv The result of a part of nature..Nature can be so beautiful but ohh so hard. The imagies reminded me after tsunami. Boats on land.Can u imagine what a power nature has. It gives and it takes. Lives Ppl in pain.
    A prayer for those who gave their lives.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 05, 2012 @ 20:04:44

      Yes I have not forgotten the Tsunami that swept Sri-Lanka, many people I was acquainted with when I went out there were not so fortunate as many lives were lost along with homes…Nature gives and Nature Takes…. and Mankind will never match her force… Unless he respects her and lives in balance with her… For as we both know, MJ, we have abused her long enough… … My prayers are always being sent… Love and Blessings xx Sue



  15. LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words
    Nov 03, 2012 @ 17:11:51

    Beautifully scripted DreamWalker….as always….
    we live in a world connected by threads of heart
    now evermore energized by crystals in our computers
    to view the world, as your words will carry the power of heart language
    they will touch many who will never say so…but I think you will feel
    them …
    Take Care….
    You Matter….



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 05, 2012 @ 20:06:03

      You will not know how those two little words ” You Matter” have touched my heart this evening Ladyblue, for I needed to hear that this day.. Thank you xx



      • LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words
        Nov 05, 2012 @ 21:04:26

        I was wandering outside and thinking about something you wrote the other day….
        I am not even sure what now,I just know the energy of the words seem to be wandering inside me, not sure if that makes sense…but as I read your kind words….
        this popped in my head….

        ashes of yesterday, blow on the wind
        finding the dreams of tomorrow to begin
        in between yesterday’s memories and tomorrows dreams
        burns brightly the fires of today’s passion for all to see

        I sometimes wonder if anything I say reaches anyone, and then I come here and you made me smile deep inside…
        Thank you….I needed what you wrote as much ….
        Take Care…DreamWalker….



  16. dontchawannadream
    Nov 04, 2012 @ 22:25:15

    This poem is amazing, Sue. “It heals with its warmth, As its colours reflect the prisms of thought” Wooahh. I really, really love it.
    Have a wonderful evening!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 05, 2012 @ 20:14:05

      Thank you Cha… I wrote this poem a while back after a meditation in which I felt I was being swept up into another dimension, It made me think of what it would be like when we pass into that other realm of existence, and I am told from those who have passed over its a beautiful experience. So I envisaged the light as rainbow prisms as they surrounded me in my meditation and the words of the poem are the result.. They came just as effortlessly too, as most of my inspired poems do.. I know if I labour over a poem, Its ME that is trying to form the words, and not those who wish to imprint their words via my mind.. So I am always grateful when my poems receive such a wow factor, because I know they touched who they were meant to touch.. 🙂 And Im eternally grateful to pass on their messages from Spirit side.. 🙂 Hugs and have a brilliant week Cha..
      xxx Sue



  17. Angelwings6
    Nov 06, 2012 @ 08:21:16

    Love the poem Sue and the thoughts that went behind it….



  18. Eddie Two Hawks
    Nov 06, 2012 @ 14:33:36

    These are beautiful words I read Dreamwalker. You have written with pure heart and spirit giving us a glimspe of the wonder of life with joy. Success is near if all can hear the whispers in the wind. with love, Eddie



  19. Sabina Brave
    Nov 06, 2012 @ 22:17:40

    Only love, and light can change this world.
    Love, and hugs.



  20. summerrain63
    Nov 07, 2012 @ 06:48:24

    My thoughts and prayers to all those suffering from Sandy…its hard to see light when there is so much loss…even years after some of my losses I still fail to see the light…or the reason…but perhaps one day…

    Nice post as always…



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 07, 2012 @ 20:09:59

      Loosing loved ones and family in any disaster is the worst possible Loss .. Possessions can be replaced, People cant… Learning to let go of the material things is hard, but its a lesson that teaches us many things… We come with nothing and we leave with nothing and spend a whole lot of time worrying about keeping what we have after working so hard to attain it….When really what we should all be working hard upon is the memories we make, the love that we give and the gifts we have been Given that often we take so for granted.. Such as the our health, our family and just being able to see, feel, and be happy..For when one of those are taken.. No amount of money we have saved or possessions we have gathered will replace them..
      Thankyou Summerrain for adding your most welcome thoughts… xxxx Much love



  21. The Emu
    Nov 10, 2012 @ 23:10:35

    Always a pleasure Sue to wander through your words of wisdom, they are so true not only for major Earth/Life events but even down to the minor trivialities of life, everything we do or experience is a lesson of the self , a learning process.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 11, 2012 @ 15:17:18

      Yes you are so right my good friend, the older we get, the more we see how those twists of trivialities have woven us in the mould of who we are today..Experience even in those times which have been hard, have given each of us strength…. and I thank those moments, for I would not be who I am today without them……..
      Blessings to you and Ana..
      Sue x



  22. lesleehare
    Nov 11, 2012 @ 16:15:56

    Sue, thank you so much for your lovely site an words! I found you through VisionKeeper’s blog, and am so delighted, encouraged and uplifted to have landed here. Thank you and Bamasté, Leslee



  23. Sue Dreamwalker
    Sep 13, 2017 @ 21:16:32

    Reblogged this on Dreamwalker's Sanctuary and commented:

    It has been a while since I felt like writing a deep post. There are so many people in the world we are becoming aware of, who are in need of our thoughts, as they are going through their own dark tunnels right now..

    I was looking back through my archives for inspiration and came across one of my past posts.. It says all I need to bring my thoughts to the fore. It was written in the wake of Hurricane Sandy.. And now another Major Storm has affected thousands of lives with Irma..
    I know many of my Blogging friends have felt her wrath, and my thoughts and prayers have been with you..
    I will leave you with the words of my Past post written in 2012..
    Love and Blessings Sue

    Liked by 1 person


  24. thespiritkeeper
    Sep 13, 2017 @ 22:42:43

    Hand in Hand Hearts in Hearts is the way we get through those nasty little bites that sometimes life offers. Stay well

    Liked by 1 person


    Sep 13, 2017 @ 23:43:48

    Hey sue, I wrote this comment on your other post:

    “Powerfully moving and we as humans should all unite and be there for one another in these harsh times of our world and the people affected by these horrible hurricanes. My our prayers be with them and peace and love.”

    Liked by 1 person


  26. -Eugenia
    Sep 14, 2017 @ 14:37:00

    These are beautiful words, Sue. Thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person


  27. vanbytheriver
    Sep 14, 2017 @ 23:07:06

    It’s hard to believe that Sandy was 5 years ago. This was a lovely piece to share once again. Thank you, Sue, for your sensitivity in difficult times.

    Liked by 1 person


  28. Sageleaf
    Sep 16, 2017 @ 02:43:36

    Beautiful post and poem, sweet Sue! I feel the sensitivity of your heart, and the aching pain that you felt for those victims of Sandy. And I feel your loving thoughts for the people who have endured more hurricanes. Sigh. I hate it that folks have to witness these things. My heart also aches for the suffering. I have intentionally had to distance myself from the news so as to not descend into despair. Another sigh. At least I have a hope: that in these kinds of times, the capacity for the human spirit to come together and help initiate and progress the process of healing can be so remarkable. Here’s to healing, and sending out love and light. And sending YOU big hugs! xoxo

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 16, 2017 @ 10:08:29

      Thank you dear Cynthia, yes, like you I detach often and take myself out into the healing arms of Mother Nature, whose balm really does heal,.. She has two sides.. Making us sit up and take notice of what we are doing to ourselves, She roars loud at times and cries oceans of tears that we may listen..
      But she is also our healer, providing the herbs and medicines, and cures for diseases, and her energies heal us, and bring us peace when we know how to link into her soft beauty that surrounds us all.. We just need to see, that like We humans, she too is a conscious BEing, and is also evolving.. Moving and shifting, settling and growing..
      We think we know her, yet we know so little.. And yet she is also helping to teach us about knowing ourselves, as she brings us together through compassion, as we learn we are ONE, as we reach out to help each other along our journey..
      Love and Blessings.. And Thank YOU..
      Sue 🙂 ❤



  29. robbiesinspiration
    Sep 17, 2017 @ 17:03:01

    Very true and uplifting words, Sue. Your poem is also very inspired.

    Liked by 1 person


  30. Maniparna Sengupta Majumder
    Sep 20, 2017 @ 04:00:16

    Beautifully said. Whenever I visit your blog, my soul gets uplifted; with peace and happiness. You know how to inspire people when they are dealing with darkness, disaster and negativity…. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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