Apocalyptic Days of Progression

Many I speak to are asking me “ What do you think of the ‘End of Days’ prophecies?” I tell them its not always about what we know- I could say I know many things, but its more about how we feel..  How do you Feel?? What are your thoughts??

Change is in the air.. we all of us ‘Feel’ it as we pass comments upon the unusual weather, the time speeding up, the mass extinctions of our fish- Dolphins, birds,etc. not to mention all the upheavals and unrest around our planet that is gaining momentum. 

Nature seems to be out of sync too as she too reflects that change.. Many plants last Autumn flowered and fruited again giving double crops. This year spring flowers already in full bloom, we have temperatures rising here 16DegC today in February.  Insect life, Bees around and about already. People are seeing the changes and are beginning to feel it, for they too are changing.

There seems to be an urgency as time appears to be running faster. And many would say that time is running out for the reversal of Mans destructive forces which is destroying our Earth Mother.

People are sensing now that we are fast approaching a crucial turning point, and that it is up to us, ‘This Generation’ to help our Earth complete her task as we complete our own missions here upon this planet.

We either learn to Heal, bringing in those energies of Love and light or man will plunge himself into further chaos.

Many things have to alter as that healing starts to take affect as things fall away within our present social structures to enable that Change and Healing to take place. 

This is what we are ‘Feeling’ as we witness our world as it struggles with the material selfish greed it has woven itself so tightly in.. We are seeing those threads now snapping  one by one as the structure is breaking down.. We are seeing in in our  failing banking systems, we are seeing it in fallen dictatorships, we are seeing it as the Media is exposed in its corruption of reporting, we are seeing it in our Governments own exposures of failings and its abuse of power..Each time a thread breaks it is losing its grip upon the control of the masses. So we see new scenarios take shape, New fear tactics, on and on this Game goes on.. as Fear is spread. 

But as we are changing we are discerning the Truth . We are recognising that we have to shed the fear, For basically there are two emotions,

We can either live in Fear, or we can Live in LOVE,

People are coming together now and are joining in unity of thought as they topple dictators, as they stand together and voice their protests of injustices.. Our Consciences are starting to prick and more and more of us are uniting together within the Mass Consciousness around our world As we change our way of being. 

Change has to start from within each of us  

We ‘Feel’ it, and we know that this Earth cannot carry on as it is.. Each of us are changing, and as we acknowledge these changes from within..we are  beginning to understand just who we are, and as we connect to our inner spirits once again, we then begin to change our Outer World..  For Both Inner and Outer Worlds are connected..

Remember what we think so we create.. We manifest our Reality! ALL of it.  

We are all of us Powerful Beings and are beginning to find that Spirit within us to speak our truth, that inner core,which is a droplet of the Divine source and as such we can never be extinguished.

Our Light outshines All Darkness,

We just have to learn once again how to Shine! 

We need now to understand our roots, and in my earlier posts I said I would take you upon a journey, one that may well seem like science fiction.. But the Signs have been there for us to follow throughout History left there by the ancients, But this Historians never taught this in any of our Schools…

We are the creators of our destiny..

So what sort of a world are YOU creating?

What sort of a World do you want to Live in?   

Myths and fairy stories all over the world tell us of similar stories, of the souls descent from those higher realms to the denseness of matter here on Earth with all its limitations.. Stories of the Star People, And inside you and inside of me, the ‘Soul’ knows the Truth, each of us need only go within and find it..

In those Ancient times our ancestors made this knowledge available to all who wished to seek it.. Its there upon the Pyramid walls, its within the Cave Drawings, its within our Native American Wisdom, It is within the Aboriginal teachings, it is within the African cultures. It has been passed down via word of mouth in Peru.. Tibet. India.. All over the world. Its even within the pages of the Holy Scriptures if you look for it..  

We have been blinded by the rule of Material possessions. We have lost our Spiritual Path.. And I do not speak here of following any one religion..

 I speak of LOVE of our Earth, I speak of LOVE for our Animal Kingdom, I speak of LOVE for one another.. I speak of LOVE for oneself.  

We have lost our way and we are out of balance.. We need to WAKE UP to these facts and the warnings our forefathers foretold is happening NOW…Right this minute,

We Now more than ever need to address those changes within ourselves and lead by example, and bring about a more Balance into the world whereby we nurture and love ourselves and our Earth Mother..

Look within your own hearts and ask yourself what is it you need to do to help this world.. Share your Hearts and live from them. What can we do to help spread some Love and Light via our thoughts and actions.. But

Do not get caught up with its Fear.

The Great symbolism of the Apocalypse is that it pertains to a New Advent, A New dispensation, seen in great perspective of our Past and our Future… And here we are within our Present Age at that crucial turning point.  Let it be turned to Progression

Let us help our Earth within this Shift as we Shift our own awareness as we send out that Love

Blessings~ Sue Dreamwalker

Return of the Ancestors P 5


© Sue Dreamwalker – 2012 All rights reserved.

48 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. raymond alexander kukkee
    Feb 24, 2012 @ 15:43:04

    “Do not be caught up with it’s fear” is the revealing key, Sd. Fear limits thought, love, creation, and spirituality. A well written and beautiful message for all. Be at peace within and quiet the mind to concentrate on what must be done. ~R



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 24, 2012 @ 15:49:12

      Thank you Raymond.. I think we shall all need to reflect and try to stay within that peaceful sanctuary of our minds soon Raymond. I so hope that Mankind will gather his thoughts together for Peace.. Blessings wise friend



  2. prenin
    Feb 24, 2012 @ 16:14:38

    Lets hope we can change the outcome soon – when the crap hits the fan it’ll be too late…

    love and hugs!




  3. Visionkeeper
    Feb 24, 2012 @ 16:55:28

    Yet another good one DW….So right on. It seems to me we do best when we adopt the ‘all is as it should be’ idea. I think there has to be an equal part of awake and an equal part of asleep for if too many awakened we would be out of balance yet again. It is also why this awakening seems to be taking so long. If we were to become awake too quickly perhaps we would not handle it well. The mystery continues to unfold. I believe we shall all do what we are meant to in the timing we have chosen and in doing so all will unfold equally and in balance. Lets hope so anyway. All I know for sure anymore is that i am thoroughly enjoying this journey and I am drunk on the excitement…Wonderful to be alive. Thank you for these wise words. May they help those who search…Have a good one and enjoy the respite from work…VK:)



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 24, 2012 @ 17:11:03

      Thanks VK…it is difficult sometimes to explain as we ‘Know’ and ‘Feel’ so much and to us many of it seems second nature now.. But to those not ‘Knowing and Understanding’ this may not always make sense.. Balance and understanding our world is fabricated with manipulation of thought is at times too hard to grasp.. It will be even harder to explain other anomalies which we know to be true also.. to those who see this world not as we do.. But we are I think VK getting that balance right as we prod away with our thoughts which I hope will make those who read our posts take note and question as they start to seek answers further.. and in the process I hope they open their eyes from their slumber and awaken up to add their own conscious thoughts to the ever growing Consciousness of Wakefulness.. DW xx



      • Visionkeeper
        Feb 24, 2012 @ 18:42:44

        So do I DW, so do I…It can’t all happen soon enough for me. It is getting grueling at times plodding along waiting and wondering. Then again it is all so glorious and exciting. A great deal has already changed but because we are living it it is hard to see. Like having a kitten or a child and friends stop by and remark on how much they’ve grown. We don’t see it like they do. We are definitely being taught patience and trust that is for sure! We shall prevail in the end and we will party together in 5D when all is said and done and laugh about all we have gone through. Until that time lets keep on keeping on and be there for those that need us and for each other. Blessings…VK



  4. rosemarymonteith
    Feb 24, 2012 @ 17:06:21

    Power words Dreamwalker, resound with truth, truly words of the light, for those who are willing to hear.



  5. cat
    Feb 24, 2012 @ 17:36:38

    Progression and Regression … wolve and sheep … beware of the wolve in the sheepskin … beware of transgression and agression by cultivating compassion … I know, I know but words are my passion 🙂 Inspiring read, Sue. Love, cat.



  6. granbee
    Feb 24, 2012 @ 21:41:45

    I am beating my drum harder and harder for more and more light and more and more love! We make our world what we are inside our own souls! Wonderful, much-needed post here,Sue! Dance on, dear Spirit Sister!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 24, 2012 @ 21:52:51

      Oh Im Dancing, The camp fire is lit. and the drums are being beaten, and the Peace Pipe is being smoked.. and the Medicine rattle is being shaken… And Im Shouting out my Warriors Cry…. We need to all join in the circle of love and create a band around our Earth Mother.. For she needs our LOVE and Healing Prayers …. Dancing Away! 🙂 xx Glad you are dancing with me..



  7. Sabina Brave
    Feb 24, 2012 @ 22:15:20

    I agree, that all changes we should start from within…
    Have a peaceful weekend Sue. 🙂
    Love, and blessings,



  8. Androgoth
    Feb 24, 2012 @ 23:42:30

    An excellent posting that encourages everyone to sit up and take notes, if only the majority of peeps would do this then there wouldn’t be so much negativity in the world… But with positive attitudes and a will to strive higher than those that are unwilling to listen to reason, the world can be a much happier and brighter place to enjoy… Have a wonderful rest of evening Sue and keep adding these delightfully written postings, oh and do try to relax over the weekend too or else? 🙂

    Androgoth XXx



  9. mysterycoach
    Feb 25, 2012 @ 00:46:12

    Very nice 🙂 I also love the new header picture you put up. (I’m absorbing what you said also) ….

    You do know, by now, what bothers me Sue. It’s the way people are and you know, sometimes we extend a hand and other people aren’t ready for it. Even me at times I may not want to hear something… it’s disheartening to me.

    Back and forth I go like the zen story (I think it’s the Zen story) with doing my personal best to maintain and spread my personal integrity. It’s not that easy sometimes… very frustrating. XO 🙂 Have a good evening.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 25, 2012 @ 12:43:00

      Mystery thank you for adding your thoughts… Sometimes I think we can try so hard to change others we forget to look within the mirror and take stock of ourselves.. I can sit and type up my thoughts here and many will think how wonderful this lady appears to be.. But If I do not change my own thoughts and my own actions they are but empty words.. And If I hold onto prejudices and hatred, and Fear and Guilt, I only add more of that into the world..
      Releasing our emotional baggage isn’t always easy, and again I say I am far from perfect.. But understand that every negative reaction, every argument, every time we gossip and spread a malicious thought, We are adding to that Negative Pool. And every kind deed we do without praise of, every time we send out a thought of love and caring.. Every deed we do which is in service of others instead of feathering our own nests so that others think good of us, Those are the things which are adding Light to our world.. We but need only change our selves to change the world..
      Love and Blessings sent your ways and hope the tooth-pain has now eased xxx



      • mysterycoach
        Feb 25, 2012 @ 14:20:00

        I understand what you’re saying. For myself I’m not going to include venting to let off steam as negativity. Because it’s important… to process things so we can let go of them. I think this is my confusion at times. We’re not always going to react kindly to certain things.

        Can we work towards being better? Yes. I think so. I do it all the time (after I vent LOL) I don’t think, and if someone knows a better way by all means… some people are reachable by positive things. For me there’s a mixture of people wanting to change, being the change and actually changing. If this makes sense.

        It’s like, myself, as an example. I do the best I can, I stick to my integrity (I vent) I recenter myself but there are those who don’t get it, they’re stuck in a particular area in their life (heads, due to experiences and the like) and reaching them or making any change is … difficult. Like that woman Nog at my job. She wasn’t going to change and I don’t like people like her. Yet, day after day, they say “I” have to change. I understand that my reaction to her made me feel bad however her actions were what created the reaction I had. Therein lies my issue with these thoughts…

        It’s not, seemingly as … uhm… fine tuned. The good news, I think is that there are people who are not like that evil manipulative kind. (May my next job have more of those than the later) … And people have to see the value and change. In the meantime, they have to go way over there. 🙂

        I take stock in myself all the time. For saying so’s sake. What disgusts me personally is the very real fact that others do not. I’m hungry 🙂 I will see you later, my tooth is still throbbing, I’m hoping by Sunday it will be more back to normal. Thank you for asking.

        M.C. XX



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Feb 25, 2012 @ 14:32:13

          Some People will never ‘Get it’ Mystery… So I after I knock a few times and no ones home.. I let them be… They/you/me have to see how they appear to others and often ‘They’ never see themselves.. because they dont have the same mirror.. Hope your weekend is a better one.. ~Sue 🙂



          • mysterycoach
            Feb 25, 2012 @ 15:23:48

            I think I’ll keep my mirror. 🙂 It gives me lip now and then but it never lies to me. LOL

            Thank you honey, have a great weekend yourself!



  10. dogkisses
    Feb 25, 2012 @ 01:49:38

    Hi Dreamwalker,

    I love the easiness in the way you shared your views about this time on our planet, or rather, your feelings. The video is good too, and also easy to hear. Thank you. As always, I’m glad to visit your blog.

    Times have been hard for me personally lately. I wonder if many people are feeling this. I remember growing up, and hearing my grandmother talk about what the Bible says regarding the ‘end of time’ –She said families would fight; brothers and sisters against each other, etc., I thought this was so horrible to imagine and that never would it happen to us. But, it did. Now I don’t know how much it has to do with this particular time on earth, but it’s sad to me.

    Fear does seem to be the enemy. And I know it’s true that what we think is powerful. I find it very hard to let go of certain feelings. I guess, now that I think about it, fear is the main feeling behind most of the suffering I personally feel. Fear of things not getting better, or getting worse! Sigh…

    The video is uplifting. My spirits are low, as you can probably feel, so again, I’m glad to have taken just a moment of time to stop by your blog. Thank you.

    Your friend, and so grateful I am for that, big hugs to you,
    Michelle xoxoxo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 25, 2012 @ 12:28:50

      Once you can learn to let go it gets better Michelle, Letting Go has also been one of my own biggest lessons, and still it haunts me.. I am by no means perfect believe me I have many faults.. But little by little if we can see that what we hang onto is false.. This life is full of illusions and we are creating those illusions every moment of every day.. I would ask that you get out your Drum again my dear friend and with your Son start to beat a new Tune into your thoughts and that is one of perfect Wellness… For we are all Perfect!.. We just burden ourselves and carry so much around with us it de-presses our spirit, we become dis- at – ease with our thoughts and we then create the Disease within our bodies as our energy becomes unbalanced…
      We are the Light at the end of that tunnel… we are the ones here and now who will take this earth forward and also ourselves.. We just need to have faith and shine that light upon ourselves and say we are deserving of that love also Michelle.. Love and Blessings my friend x Sue xxx



  11. Renee Espriu
    Feb 25, 2012 @ 05:28:04

    I do not believe it is for us to know and changes are always a certainty. Tomorrow’s journey may not be what we expect but to have expectations is to not live freely and one’s Spirit lives in the moment of each breath that we take. This is to be a part of all of creation to not add our own sorrows to the future but to only take the experience and to learn and growth will always be added to. This will enrich our lives and all those around us. Thank you for your post.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 25, 2012 @ 12:04:52

      Hi Renee, thank you, you are correct for if we truly knew our own destiny would we not side step it and take another path?, It would alter our course and with it our lessons and learning so we would continually avoid those necessary lessons. I am always saying over and over, what we think we create.. If we think the end is nigh then it will be the end. For we will have created it.
      Each of us along this journey has to understand that we are all of us connected, and each player contributes to the end game.. We can either set out our plan of attack and say we need to change for the better, or we sit and do nothing and continue to see the world destroy itself with power, greed, wars, pollution.. Or we can change our ways.. We can only change OUR ways, no one else’s, We can be more environmentally friendly, we can conserve fuel, we can share our love, and help our communities, we can look in the mirror and learn to love what we see reflecting back.. And when we do all of those things.. We Change our World, for the Outer world will also reflect back to us a more caring society one that thinks of the whole not of the self.. This is why we so need to love ourselves and the world. For we then alter the Mass Consciousness of mankind.
      Many Thanks Renee, for adding your most welcom comments here.. Many do not see this journey as you and I Renee as experience.. and those lessons as much needed Growth..
      I hope we all learn and Grow together Renee, and embrace each other more with love and Light..
      Blessings to you ~Sue xxx



  12. marja
    Feb 25, 2012 @ 07:34:25

    Beautiful post. The earth has stirred us up but for the good Lots of possessions here have been destroyed but also gave many people the opportunity to see that they were not important We were shaken to reality and lots of good has come from that. Therefore I know there is hope and I am sure that we are going to survive



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 25, 2012 @ 12:16:41

      Marja, as someone who has gone through the experience of a Devastating Earthquake. You have witnessed firsthand how people soon realises their priorities. And what becomes the most important.. And it comes back to family, That Unit of looking after each other and caring for one another.. Material possession take second place.. You cannot replace a loved one. Only then do we suddenly start to get that community spirit.. As we pull together as a unit, as one, helping each other within our communities to rebuild.. I saw it here last Winter when all pulled together to dig our street out in the snow… many speaking together for the first time.. We have becomes strangers and untrusting of one another and this all stems back to possessions as we lock ourselves away behind our doors.. Thank you Marja for dropping in to comment xx



  13. natswans
    Feb 25, 2012 @ 15:07:54

    Sometimes I slip and feel the fear in me DW all the change that is going on around the planet makes me feel sad, very. People are living at a pace I can’t keep up fast and furiuos. I try to understand but fail to do so. Your words are strong and I start to have faith once more. Sheila xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 25, 2012 @ 15:23:45

      Arrgh thanks Sheila, we are all at times so caught up with what we are given as information.. But if we can view it as changable.. We need to see how by our very thoughts we can change even the most negative situations into postive ones.. Look at Marja’s comment, Many in Christchurch NZ lost homes and loved one in the Earthquake, and it put into perspective what is important in life.. We often just live in Fear of the ‘Maybe’s’ and the ‘What ifs’ in life.. and forget to embrace and enjoy the Now.. Life is for living and enjoying too, and its ok to feel sad.. I often feel very sad for this Earth and her people.. But I also know I have the power as do you and others to make it a much better place.. One thought at a time, One step at a time and together we make Giant leaps.. Love and Blessings to you xx



  14. Christy
    Feb 25, 2012 @ 15:19:59

    Although change can be scary, we need to get ourselves back into the driver’s seat and modify our environment! You are a motivator Sue, let’s change our surroundings for the better by continuing to increase the consciousness of people around us!



  15. europasicewolf
    Feb 25, 2012 @ 18:17:02

    There will be no peace without justice….and no justice without peace….and it has taken us centuries to bring the Earth to it’s knees so it will take an equal time for us to restore it. And even that we cannot do until we have restored ourselves both as individuals and as a collective. No one knows when the end times will come. That is not for man to know. We can but avoid being asleep when the time does come – be always aware mankind,but remember…we cannot be prepared for no-one knows the day or the hour…it will come like a thief in the night. And it will come whether we save the planet or not!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 27, 2012 @ 20:51:35

      I agree with you my Wolfie friend, no one knows the day or the hour… We may not know that time, but we can all prepare within our hearts.. And that is what each of us need only do… live now from their heart and then it matters not what time of day or hour, for then we are prepared.. Love and Light to you my four-legged wise one.. 🙂



  16. Raven of Leyla
    Feb 25, 2012 @ 19:13:55

    Aho Dreamwalker,
    Last evening I was discussing our DNA relationship to our brain and spirtuality with connectiveness to our history/ ancestors. I remembered something from a dream.
    Remember the theories on 12 Helix DNA? As the Shift comes into place our Light Being is related to our Higher Being becoming through the 12 Helix blueprint to who we really are.
    My dream: My late cousin who was/still very connected to me, (I have told you of him before) He said, “there is a Butterfly in my window…it is accelerating my dear” this was Winter in the dreamtime. The monarch butterfly which instintively travels from South America to Canada and back again, taking four generations to make the journey, a touching synchronized life cycle.
    I love this my dear lady xox



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 27, 2012 @ 21:00:07

      Aho Raven yes I understand all about the 12 Helix DNA, and that dream telling you about the cycle.. is all but here.. We are the ones flying through it.. Yes the I AM Higher self knows all.. and our DNA is changing as is our Earth for we are all of us connected.. We live in exciting times of discovery and things are now accelerating into motion Raven and I feel as we go through our Spring Time of renewal many things will spring out of the woodwork to reveal themselves as we will view new information with open mouths.. All shifting together towards a New Earth.. but before we do some of the old patterns have to fall away.. Thank you Raven xx



  17. lorrena
    Feb 26, 2012 @ 06:09:12

    You have said it all Sue.I know deep within those who have discarded this science and discerned the various religions and looked way past the myths as more truth simple know.
    It becomes just like that gut feeling and intuition within,ones light begins to swirl and we calculate and solve it all within our “selves”.
    I know the balance has been upset,everyone with open eyes of the mind sees this .And the cosmos have spoken before as is written many times over by the hand of the ancients,left for us to see for ourselfs,
    We have become a culture the world over with this sense of infallibility. We will learn to embrace fear and defeat it with love and we will understand that balance comes from within and the way we were supposed to embrace the the greatest gift of all ,the simple love of Mother Earth and all its living kingdom.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 27, 2012 @ 21:17:26

      We have become a culture the world over with this sense of infallibility. We will learn to embrace fear and defeat it with love and we will understand that balance comes from within and the way we were supposed to embrace the the greatest gift of all ,the simple love of Mother Earth and all its living kingdom.

      Lorrena how true that is.. Many are joining in this shift of awareness Lorrena, we are now no longer alone upon this journey.. And as each day passes more and more are joining in that light of love… Many thanks for you comment my dear friend.. Love and Light to you and yours.. ~Sue



  18. The Emu
    Feb 26, 2012 @ 10:35:34

    A very powerful writing Sue and words that can only ring true in the ears of those who comprehend the changes occuring and can seek and use the wisdom from the ancients to conform with the changes in a positive manner for the harmony and betterment of all humanity
    Aussie Ian



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 27, 2012 @ 21:21:37

      Ian, more and more people I come into contact with are in agreement over the fact that they ‘Feel’ it within their being that change is in the air.. even if they cannot put their finger upon what that change is.. I ask them not to fear it but to embrace it, for we are all of us part of that change.. And by adding our love and light, we create that harmony which will be for the betterment of mankind.. Many thanks for adding your comments here.. ( Grandpa! ) 🙂 love to the new arrival..



  19. Poetically Undone
    Feb 28, 2012 @ 14:55:21

    You can never go wrong when love is your motivation. Lets just pray that people have the same understanding as what you encouraged in this post. Keep posting.



  20. jennygoth
    Feb 28, 2012 @ 23:09:56

    saddens me when i see things on the news mankind killing each other without any guilt whatsoever teenagers beating up others for no reason i never can understand why it seems theres more hate than love these past years that it why time is flying past because the negativity is ovetaking the masses we all need to stop slow down and think but what will be will be the innocent get dragged in until we find peace in ourselves then nothing can change xxjen



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 29, 2012 @ 19:29:27

      You are right Jen, we need to find that Peace within ourselves… it all starts and ends with Us.. For we are the Change!.. and we can either change it for the better by adding our love. or let things carry on as before.. WE all need to stand up and change the way we are and allow the love back into our hearts and communities.. Hugs Jen xx



  21. Angelwings6
    Feb 29, 2012 @ 09:32:43

    Another very interesting post, The world about is indeed changing…..



  22. giselzitrone
    Feb 29, 2012 @ 13:17:36

    Einen lieben Gruss mal liebe Sue Ja wir sind alle auf einer Reisse schön hast du das beschrieben.Wünsche dir einen schönen Tag und ich Grüsse dich Herzlich Gislinde.



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Sue Dreamwalker

Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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