Finding Inner Peace.

The Web of Life ~And Death of the Old.

“Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.”

Chief Seattle


Spiders Web 1

Time seems to stand still, as I revisit again words I wrote in 2012. I not only marvel on the web of life , but how in the last ten years since writing these words, how everything seems to come full circle. For ‘Time’ is irrelevant when all things are in the Now!.. Confusing?…. Maybe to some, but maybe my ponderings in 2012 helped me evolve into my now space. As I see the emerging patterns we created, and how those explorers of Energy, Time, Grids, Ley lines, and the Ethereal are all bound together as One.

Below is what I wrote in 2012.


I often marvel at Spiders and their Webs. Often appearing as if by magic over night as they weave away creating a master piece of intricate fine threads. I once watched the beginnings of the making of a spiders web as she spun away. At first glance, seemingly no method as lines are anchored here and there making you wonder just how did they attach them to such places.

So too is the Web of life with the many threads in which we weave. Often we take various routes along our journey, not always understanding the direction our paths are leading us. And it often isn’t until we have completed various stages in our Life’s Plan that we can begin to see a pattern emerging.

I am often within my talks speaking about Energies, and how we are all of us connected within that Energy Grid.. Just like the Spiders Web, so too is our Earth connected via various Energy Grids, Ley Lines, and the Megaliths and Pyramids and Energy spots such as the Bermuda Triangle along with various other places are all now known scientifically to be connected via Grid lines around our Globe to specific points that are in line. ( Go look them up).

Many people are sceptical, But just because we can not see something doesn’t mean its not there. This is why many deny the existence of Spirit and Guides, etc. I can vouch first hand at saying without a doubt that our Spirit World does exist, and is not UP or OUT there, but is right here, among all of us and we are all of us connected via the cords of our Being, our Consciousness. We may not see the Breath we breathe in, but we cannot deny it is there.. It is natural and exists. So too do different Dimensions within this reality.

Spieders Web2 I Marvel at the web, its structure as it’s built to allow the wind to blow through and water droplets to hang from it as well as to catch its food. It is Strong enough to withstand a good wind, and yet all to often they get destroyed and the poor old Spider has to start again. I try now to avoid destroying anything, and especially a Spiders Intricate Web.. for I think just how long it took to make, all that effort as she starts again from scratch. 

What we see, and do not see, may just be a matter of perspective. To the Caterpillar who crawls about the cabbage patch all day, his world is a maze of Cabbage leaves, he sees nothing much beyond.. It isn’t until he transforms and becomes the Butterfly that he then sees a whole new world. So too as we transform and alter our way of perception we will see many new things and possibilities unfolding before our eyes. As we begin to understand our Reality is not what we perceive it to be.

Some people are more gifted at accessing those realms which others cannot see, And many young children see through the veils of those dimensions until our well meaning adults tell us to stop imagining things,  telling us they do not exist as they play and talk to their invisible playmates.

All of us have this ability to see, given an open and willing heart anyone can tune into those invisible realms and begin to find their way.

The Web of Knowledge is there for all of us to connect to. Each of us when we use our ‘Intuition’ are tuning into our Ancient abilities we once upon a time all of us had.. As we connect within that Pool of Knowledge which is held within the Universal Grid of Consciousness of which we are all still connected, All are still a thread within it. Just like that Spiders Web. We radiate out from the centre as we have journeyed to explore through our own  experiences.. But we are still part of that Gigantic Web, we are all upon our own various threads of life, but all of us are connected to the WHOLE the Centre of our BEing.

And just like that Spiders Web when its prey gets caught within the sticky web , the vibration of its struggle travels along the various threads as it alerts the Spider usually sat in the centre that she has caught her supper..

So too we Humans with our thoughts and emotions affect the Grid of Consciousness as it travels out around the world.


“Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it.”

and as Chief Seattle so wisely understood He knew that what we do to  others will ultimately affect ourselves.

  “Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves”.

“ All Things are Bound Together”

All things are bound together.. Such is the Matrix of life, as we destroy our environment, our Oceans, our animal kingdom, so many species becoming extinct. So too will we, if we do not wake up to ourselves, as we pollute ourselves with Poisons, drugs, Chemicals, Food Additives, Air Pollution. The list is endless. We see our Health in decline as our Environment is being destroyed as you can see in my page Environmental Issues just how much destruction we are reeking upon ourselves and our Planet.  

We need to see the Web of Life we are building, and we need to start to understand that we are each of us connected to one another.

We need to see what we are doing to our World and ourselves.

As we destroy our environment so too do we destroy the fabric of our own existence.. We will begin to see the Threads which have held our Web of creation together start to break..

One thread at a time.. they are breaking down.

“All things connect”

We may not all of us realise it, but the Signs are already here.. As the Wind howls and Earthquakes rock our foundations and our weather patterns eat away at our Earth. We are ALL of us Connected. Both to each other and to our Earth Mother.

We may not see the Threads Break as we pollute our World 

We may not see the Threads break as our Economy fails, and our monetary systems collapse..

We may not see the Threads Break as we Judge and Condemn, Control and Conquer.

We may not see the Threads Break as Wars and discontent break out around our world.. 

We may not see the Threads Break One by One.. Until The Web of Life we created is no more..

And we will ask, just as we ask now.. about those Ancient Race of Beings who built those Megalithic Stone Structures and wonder who and   

What Happened to the HUMAN RACE?

Will we Destroy our WEB of Life and Way of Living?

Will We have to start again from Scratch

Like our Spider?


Thoughts are Living Things..

Create your Threads of Thought within the Web with Care..


© Sue Dreamwalker – 2012 – 2022 All rights reserved.

  Note: I found a website today that matched many of the things I spoke of above back in 2012.. The Grid systems the ley lines and many of the Megaliths etc.. HERE Nothing is ever by chance.. All is Connected!


Hanging by a Thread

The world Hanging by a Thread

Life hangs on a thread in the web we weave

Open up your eyes do not be deceived

Our World, our Rock, our Ocean of Life

Is in dire need, facing great strife


Look around you, can you not see?

The pollution, the extinctions, it’s not just me

Who cries for the Forests, the Oceans, and Birds

And laments for the wild beasts long lost herds


Look Up! Be aware, please wake up

Stop burying your heads in your coffee cups

It’s time to STOP! Take stock and account

For our actions of choice is paramount


We worried about ‘The End’ in 2012

We have witnessed nothing yet as we destroy ourselves

Fukushima a time-bomb ticking

The calendar for the future, is our conscience pricking?


What mess are we leaving our Children to come?

Who would have thought Man could be so dumb

His desire of Greed will be the end of the line

As his species too will shrivel and decline.


What goes around comes around, So True

Do you think this Cycle does not apply to you?

Well listen well and think on this

As the Oceans Boil and the Mountains Hiss


Because all is a cycle and all do connect

What we do unto others the World too reflects

So clean up your act, conserve and retrain

The way that you live, honour your domain


Pick up your litter, recycle your waste

Honour our Mother-Gaia awaits

Show her respect; get rid of your sprays

Lengthen your lives by altering your ways


The scales now tip as we hang by a thread

Please heed my words of what I’ve just said

The time is right NOW! You can no longer ignore

That Nature’s Power will devour Man’s flaws


He thinks he’s so mighty, he travels in Space

Yet he destroys his own planet and the Human Race

Nature is patient, and Nature will renew

The poison man brought that killed him off too


And the Cycle begins for another Billion years

As the Earth starts anew forgetting Mans tears

Is this what you want, Is this what you seek?

Then be responsible for your actions


By Sue

© Sue Dreamwalker – 2013 All rights reserved.

While I try to remain positive, sometimes you have to shout out at the world to wake up to what we are doing to ourselves,

Fukushima has been on my mind recently and with good reason. as the Government in the U.K. gave permission for the go ahead of building of a Massive Nuclear Plant in Hinkley Point. Protests are underway!and they have my support. 

My poem speaks my Heart.

Wake Up People and help wake up your neighbours to what we are doing to our Planet of Choice!

Thank you for reading, and I leave you with these Two Videos. The longer one has more disturbing information. 

Beyond Tragic and Beyond Urgent !
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2012 in review

Many Thanks to ALL who contributed to Making 2012 a successful Year for Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary.

May I also Thank all who are following this Blog both old friends and New, I hope to get around to visit as many as possible in 2013..

Happy New Year To you ALL

Here’s an excerpt:

4,329 films were submitted to the 2012 Cannes Film Festival. This blog had 34,000 views in 2012. If each view were a film, this blog would power 8 Film Festivals

Click here to see the complete report.

My Soul Journey~4

I never intended this journey of mine to read like some sort of Biography. And While I need to explain how I opened my own self-awareness and how I found myself upon my path, I’m still a very private person.

The Journey of discovery first starts with oneself.

Wolf Reflections Within

And to find oneself, sometimes you have to lose yourself if only for a little while in order to find yourself again. I did that too…. Many years later experiencing A nervous breakdown… through stress, over work, juggling career, family, guilt, inadequacies, rejection from my Mother, a whole range of emotions.. 

I wouldn’t wish that upon anyone.. the feelings of isolation, sorrow remorse, guilt, panic attacks,  all rolled into one big ball, making me  a twitching blubbering emotional wreck as my limbs literally would shake taking on a life of their own as I tussled with myself over the years of working  through guilt while my children were small…Feeling I wasn’t a good Mother as my own Mother who now had been one of the triggers rejected me which resulted in her not speaking for 10 years despite many efforts to begin with to heal the rift.

I came to understand I was only hurting myself even more by trying to mend that bridge which had grown  ever wider, only to find another door of rejection slammed in my face each time I tried, which would bring on more hurts and more wounds which needed inner healing. The last time I tried she ran in the opposite direction and 5 months later she had died, the rift never having been mended. Which again led to more healing work.

It was during that time of my nervous breakdown that my real journey of self began.. when I asked the question..

WHO am I?

It matters not what caused my breakdown, but it was how I recovered that is important..

The journey of Self discovery led me to understand that we are more than our Bodies, that in fact our Minds create many of our problems through our emotional body. which affects our Physical Bodies causing our Dis-ease with life, resulting in our illnesses.. 

It was then I was introduced to a book by Louise Hay  You Can Heal Your Life, I took to saying affirmations  which were put upon my mirror and fridge everywhere where I could remind myself I was a worthy being who needed to love myself.

Healing one’s self is never easy.. and as I explored the Inner Me, I understood that throughout my early childhood I had never really felt loved  and in fact I didn’t really love me..

As I explored my re-occurring illnesses that had dogged me all my life..  the Depression from my early teens, the severe Migraine attacks that would leave me bed bound in a darkened room, the constant Cystitis infections that eventually needed an operation to put right .. All these illnesses had been telling me something.. Even later on as various aches and pains took their toll from Raynaud’s Disease  which at one point was so severe even the temperature change from one room to the next would trigger a painful reaction in my fingers.

My Career path had led me from sewing machinist working on piece work rates, on a production line and for those never working in a factory,’piece-work’ meant you only took home what you made, so the faster you worked the more you took home in pay.. I worked hard, and worked my way up to become sample machinist working with designers in the manufacturing Industry to become head of Training over a period of 18 years. The climb wasn’t easy..  

I would not only be in charge of first production samples overseeing first production lines but also be responsible for quality, recruitment,  the Training School, Time and Motion Study/Method Technology improving Methods and Quality.  I could sit and sew and show others every Machine operation going in the manufacture of garments within the industry we were in. I would often stand with stop watch, but I earned the factory girls respect as I  would never ask anyone to do what I couldn’t prove I could do myself and would happily sit and show them and time myself just to prove it was possible… And yes I could keep that pace up for most of the day helping to get production moving if an urgent order was required to be out on time.

  I also assessed NVQs through Qualifications for Industry. as well as Mentoring in Schools  helping put on Schools Fashion shows …Life was busy busy..

So when every thing went Upside down my life did ‘break-down’, it hit doubly hard as I had always felt in charge and in control.. and to be left feeling this blubbering wreck was something alien..

But it taught me  I was More than my symptoms ..I started to see I could heal..And that the only one that could heal me was ME..

In the beginning I needed medical help, but I soon realised that Pills were not the answer.. And I swapped the Pills to Homeopathy, I didn’t just snap out of it.. I had lots of help from Family and friends, But even they couldn’t lift me up.. I was the one who needed to dig deep to the core of my illnesses, and that’s why Louise Hay’s Book helped me so much to see just what I had done and was doing to myself through the way I was thinking.

An important part of Waking up is that we wake up to ourselves.. and that we learn to stop blaming ourselves, To find ourselves we need to find our inner selves and understand you are neither Good nor Bad, you are simply you…

© Sue Dreamwalker – 2012 All rights reserved.



New Beginnings

Today I had a wonderful mornings Peaceful meditation as I linked into our Earth Mother sending her my thoughts of Healing Peace..Today an important date upon our Earth’s Calendar, As we embark upon a new Era of Energy…

While in Meditation I felt a surge of energy enter the top of my head that created heat, as my heart centre filled up with such love it brought tears to my eyes…

I had sat with a note pad near me and as I came out from my tranquil state I just let the pen flow across the page..

This is what came forth..

Peace begins in each Heart

Today is the New Beginning each of us must start

Hold your love and Light

No more tears of bitter fights

butterflies-6.gif image by DREAMWALKER_05

For Now is the Moment of Love

Let the Energies pour forth from above

Allow your thoughts to drift

For each of you we bring a gift

butterflies-6.gif image by DREAMWALKER_05

Let go of Past, Let go of Fear

Today is the Beginnings of a New Era

Let Love and Light stream through your minds

You are the Change to help Mankind

butterflies-6.gif image by DREAMWALKER_05

Peace begins with each loving thought

Let your love blend with your Earth’s Mothers Heart.

For now you begin your journey so Bright

Open your Hearts

For within each is contained the Light!

© Sue Dreamwalker – 2012 All rights reserved.

Blessings to you ALL..

Dreamwalker is Back!


dovewitholivebranchlgclvk4.gif image by DREAMWALKER_05

Circle of Lightworkers Unite.

Circle of Light

Now is the time to unite our thoughts in love and light.

I just want to thank all of you who have contributed to Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary.. Your comments are very much appreciated.

I May be absent for a few days, and cannot get around to moderating your most welcome comments, or get around to your own wonderful blogs… Please leave me your comments and I will get back to you as soon as possible.. And I will get around to visiting your own important posts as soon as I can..

I would just ask that each of you stay focused in love and light, Keeping your thoughts Positive, and please try not to get caught up in all the negative News which is replaying over and over…  But keep your hearts full of light and love..

I want to leave you with a poem that I wrote in 2007…. Know that the media plays its part in delivering much of our negativity into our lives.. I would as that you all be aware and understand our thoughts play a huge part in our Mass Consciousness of this Planet.. So please open your awareness to how we can be manipulated in our thinking and choose Only the Highest of thought vibrations of Love,Light and Joy… We are what we think!.. 

The Media ( I wrote in 2007) 

Has the world gone mad, gone mad today?

If you switch on your TV’s just what does it say?

Murder, Assassination, Benazia Bhutto was shot,

Can you tell me what’s happening, have we lost the plot?


Teenager with Gun goes out on the rampage,

Killing at random in ‘Shopping Mall Rage’.

Blood-curdling tales now reads the headlines

While cameras watch the most horrendous of crimes.


Has the world gone mad, gone mad today?

Can I tell you what I think, if I may?

We sit in our homes watching a box that is square

And much of the violence pours forth from there.


Spreading out tendrils for film stars and fame,

Beatings and killings and mind chilling games.

Our children sit glued memorised by its lure,

The X Box and Wii, can they ever be cured?


The violence is fed in the home from a spoon

Even cartoons for infants are filled with such gloom.

Have you ever wondered how different life would be?

If this little box beamed out Love to you and me.


Tales of joy not often does it tell,

Instead were kept fearful, with tales of more hell.

If I had my way shall I tell you what I’d do?

I would have a ‘Good News’ channel and beam it to all of you.


Showing all the good deeds and that many of us care.

And that Love and Compassion are out there to share.

If we didn’t have ‘the box’ or the film within a can.

Today we’d be no wiser as to what happened in Pakistan.


Its fine to have the news beamed live around our globe

But would our lives be any worst if we were never told?

So next time you reach out and grab at the remote,

Remember the good things, which bring a lump into your throat.


So try not to spread sad tales that add to the worlds gloom.

But share the happy times, make it shine and make it bloom.

By Dreamwalker.


© Sue Dreamwalker –2007- 2012 All rights reserved.


The Rose is Cut

The Rose is cut, and dies

As the child of innocence dreams

Do you not hear their cries?

As the Rose is cut and dies.

The world their playground where

Laughter echoed is now silent

Look no further than yourselves

As we lament

For we are all responsible for their tears

As the Rose is cut and dies,

We are the ones with hatred,

We are the ones who judge

We are the fearful with weapons in our clutch

The Rose is cut, and dies

What a world we have become

As we see the thorns of our barbed thoughts

Where innocents is so distraught

The Rose is Cut

and Dies….

In Tribute to Children Everywhere who die needlessly through  Violence, Abusein the home, Starvation in various places   and  War. in various Lands .. 

Its happening every day everywhere to our CHILDREN…

When are WE going to CHANGE OUR WORLD?

Its Everyone’s..Responsibility

We are ALL of us Responsible..

Wake up People to who we have become!.. and ask yourselves this question.

What kind of a World do you want to live in the Future.What kind of a world do we want our children to grow up in?

Embrace Peace and Unity within your own hearts and start and live from your hearts in Joy and love not from Fear and Anger.

Lets stop our Hatred of one another, our Judgements and Prejudices, our Greed and Control,

Lets stop condemning society and remember

WE are the Society.. We are the Community…

We need to start and live as ONE.. For your pain is My pain. 

Its up to YOU-ME- I- ALL-  EVERYONE of us to want to change this world to embrace each other in a world built on Love and Harmony.

It begins NOW in each of our Hearts.


© Sue Dreamwalker – 2012 All rights reserved.

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Sue Dreamwalker

Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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