The Web of Life ~And Death of the Old.

“Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.”

Chief Seattle


Spiders Web 1

Time seems to stand still, as I revisit again words I wrote in 2012. I not only marvel on the web of life , but how in the last ten years since writing these words, how everything seems to come full circle. For ‘Time’ is irrelevant when all things are in the Now!.. Confusing?…. Maybe to some, but maybe my ponderings in 2012 helped me evolve into my now space. As I see the emerging patterns we created, and how those explorers of Energy, Time, Grids, Ley lines, and the Ethereal are all bound together as One.

Below is what I wrote in 2012.


I often marvel at Spiders and their Webs. Often appearing as if by magic over night as they weave away creating a master piece of intricate fine threads. I once watched the beginnings of the making of a spiders web as she spun away. At first glance, seemingly no method as lines are anchored here and there making you wonder just how did they attach them to such places.

So too is the Web of life with the many threads in which we weave. Often we take various routes along our journey, not always understanding the direction our paths are leading us. And it often isn’t until we have completed various stages in our Life’s Plan that we can begin to see a pattern emerging.

I am often within my talks speaking about Energies, and how we are all of us connected within that Energy Grid.. Just like the Spiders Web, so too is our Earth connected via various Energy Grids, Ley Lines, and the Megaliths and Pyramids and Energy spots such as the Bermuda Triangle along with various other places are all now known scientifically to be connected via Grid lines around our Globe to specific points that are in line. ( Go look them up).

Many people are sceptical, But just because we can not see something doesn’t mean its not there. This is why many deny the existence of Spirit and Guides, etc. I can vouch first hand at saying without a doubt that our Spirit World does exist, and is not UP or OUT there, but is right here, among all of us and we are all of us connected via the cords of our Being, our Consciousness. We may not see the Breath we breathe in, but we cannot deny it is there.. It is natural and exists. So too do different Dimensions within this reality.

Spieders Web2 I Marvel at the web, its structure as it’s built to allow the wind to blow through and water droplets to hang from it as well as to catch its food. It is Strong enough to withstand a good wind, and yet all to often they get destroyed and the poor old Spider has to start again. I try now to avoid destroying anything, and especially a Spiders Intricate Web.. for I think just how long it took to make, all that effort as she starts again from scratch. 

What we see, and do not see, may just be a matter of perspective. To the Caterpillar who crawls about the cabbage patch all day, his world is a maze of Cabbage leaves, he sees nothing much beyond.. It isn’t until he transforms and becomes the Butterfly that he then sees a whole new world. So too as we transform and alter our way of perception we will see many new things and possibilities unfolding before our eyes. As we begin to understand our Reality is not what we perceive it to be.

Some people are more gifted at accessing those realms which others cannot see, And many young children see through the veils of those dimensions until our well meaning adults tell us to stop imagining things,  telling us they do not exist as they play and talk to their invisible playmates.

All of us have this ability to see, given an open and willing heart anyone can tune into those invisible realms and begin to find their way.

The Web of Knowledge is there for all of us to connect to. Each of us when we use our ‘Intuition’ are tuning into our Ancient abilities we once upon a time all of us had.. As we connect within that Pool of Knowledge which is held within the Universal Grid of Consciousness of which we are all still connected, All are still a thread within it. Just like that Spiders Web. We radiate out from the centre as we have journeyed to explore through our own  experiences.. But we are still part of that Gigantic Web, we are all upon our own various threads of life, but all of us are connected to the WHOLE the Centre of our BEing.

And just like that Spiders Web when its prey gets caught within the sticky web , the vibration of its struggle travels along the various threads as it alerts the Spider usually sat in the centre that she has caught her supper..

So too we Humans with our thoughts and emotions affect the Grid of Consciousness as it travels out around the world.


“Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it.”

and as Chief Seattle so wisely understood He knew that what we do to  others will ultimately affect ourselves.

  “Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves”.

“ All Things are Bound Together”

All things are bound together.. Such is the Matrix of life, as we destroy our environment, our Oceans, our animal kingdom, so many species becoming extinct. So too will we, if we do not wake up to ourselves, as we pollute ourselves with Poisons, drugs, Chemicals, Food Additives, Air Pollution. The list is endless. We see our Health in decline as our Environment is being destroyed as you can see in my page Environmental Issues just how much destruction we are reeking upon ourselves and our Planet.  

We need to see the Web of Life we are building, and we need to start to understand that we are each of us connected to one another.

We need to see what we are doing to our World and ourselves.

As we destroy our environment so too do we destroy the fabric of our own existence.. We will begin to see the Threads which have held our Web of creation together start to break..

One thread at a time.. they are breaking down.

“All things connect”

We may not all of us realise it, but the Signs are already here.. As the Wind howls and Earthquakes rock our foundations and our weather patterns eat away at our Earth. We are ALL of us Connected. Both to each other and to our Earth Mother.

We may not see the Threads Break as we pollute our World 

We may not see the Threads break as our Economy fails, and our monetary systems collapse..

We may not see the Threads Break as we Judge and Condemn, Control and Conquer.

We may not see the Threads Break as Wars and discontent break out around our world.. 

We may not see the Threads Break One by One.. Until The Web of Life we created is no more..

And we will ask, just as we ask now.. about those Ancient Race of Beings who built those Megalithic Stone Structures and wonder who and   

What Happened to the HUMAN RACE?

Will we Destroy our WEB of Life and Way of Living?

Will We have to start again from Scratch

Like our Spider?


Thoughts are Living Things..

Create your Threads of Thought within the Web with Care..


© Sue Dreamwalker – 2012 – 2022 All rights reserved.

  Note: I found a website today that matched many of the things I spoke of above back in 2012.. The Grid systems the ley lines and many of the Megaliths etc.. HERE Nothing is ever by chance.. All is Connected!


126 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Writing to Freedom
    Jun 24, 2022 @ 16:05:32

    Lots of wisdom and fun nature analogies Sue. Yes, we need to wake up and weave loving and harmonious webs along with nature and spirit. 🙏💕🌏

    Liked by 2 people


  2. Erika
    Jun 24, 2022 @ 16:07:26

    Thank you for reposting this. I never looked at it in this analogy. Indeed, often we make decisions or walk in to directions without having a rational reason (a spot to attach our threads). Still, it feels like they are attached and we continue weaving from there.
    However, I did look at the whole picture regarding the destroiment of our environment. It scares me off. Finally the world (or parts of it) began (tentative) to set measures to save our planet. But when I only look back at the past 3 months this all has reversed. Due to the Russian stop of delivering gas, countries like Austria plan on reactivating their coal-fired power plants, fires everywhere, climate change is noticeable everywhere…
    Lately, I am often just sitting their in a complete lack of understanding, why and how this could be possible. Meanwhile everybody knows how serious everything gis. Why does a person start such a stupid war against another country while we have so many other problems to solve that affect the existence of humanity.
    Only humans can be that stupid to destroy the bridge they are crossing.
    Much love to you, dear Sue 💖

    Liked by 4 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 24, 2022 @ 23:23:42

      There is a method in all of life lessons and Blue prints of life’s scenarios Erika… We just do not see the greater Picture of the overall plan.. As to the person starting such a war.. So much more beneath the surface as yet the greater public are not yet aware of.. Again All a matter of perspective. And I hope soon it will be brought to light why such focus by the media has been trained on that one country.
      The bridge is up to each of us to reach out to bridge the gap of intolerance, anger and hatred, torture, and atrocities to all living beings is awful, if what we are all being told is true. So many horrendous things in the world we who are empathic feel… It’s so hard to let go of judgement; For what we are being told as I said in my last post a lot of illusion and distortion is manipulating perceptions around many things right now.

      Sometimes we have to feel it in order for us to make changes.. If Humanity didn’t ‘feel’ it, would it make changes to prevent the pain and suffering? I doubt it… They would carry on, Being I am alright jack, because it didn’t affect them.. Like the many third world countries that have undergone famine, war, disease.. We turn a blind eye, while we waste our resources and food. While all the while our nations rape theirs, such as Africa, for Diamonds and Gold, A rich country yet kept in poverty! Did any of our nations care during the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia and the genocide there? Where approximately 1 .7 million to 2 million were brutally murdered.. So many injustices… The lists are endless at man’s inhumanity to man..
      It seems we all have short memories.. and forget how our grandfathers believed in what they were doing was right fighting for freedoms.
      Remember there is no right or wrong. We get caught up within the narrative’s of others, but the threads we pull vibrate and affect others… What is the truth? we who really listen, none of us knows we only assume. For we are all only going on hearsay, of who is right and who is wrong..
      The World is going to shudder when it really learns what has been hidden, and who has been hiding it.. and why..
      All we can do dear Erika as frustrating as it may seem as observers to this mayhem and madness, is send out love, focus upon Joy for the future world and envision a more harmonious future for mankind… WE have to be that Bridge… By holding our hearts out in love, compassion and kindness. When we do just that, by being the best versions of ourselves we are helping our world evolve.. Sorry… I didn’t mean to get on a soap box.. But when in the flow.. Let it flow LOL..
      Much love Erika and thank you for caring and sharing your heart .. ❤

      Liked by 3 people


      • Erika
        Jun 25, 2022 @ 17:12:13

        You pointed this all out so detailed and clear, as I couldn’t do it. Yes, I see it exaclty the same way. I mean, you know or see more than I do but still, I am so aware that there is more behind everything which might even be completely connected and has one and the same origin. Everything that happens, happens for the one reason to take us closer to awareness. From everything that happens, we have the chance to learn. Have we learned and is it only the next level, and we only think we haven’t learned? Or are we still as blind as we have ever been? I don’t know and I don’t need to know. All I am obliged to do is doing MY best, is trying to make the best of what I think I learned and BE THE CHANGE I WANT TO SEE IN THIS WORLD. Not more not less. We can only go along with what happened and try not to repeat the same things of what I believe has only brought sadness. That’s why I try not to feel hatred against those who have brought sadness, when I even cannot help it to feel (sense) the deep pain, desperation, and insanity where so many have been going through.
        We will see, when the time has come that the world will know about what lies behind this all…
        As you said, until then we must not cease to build bridges to rebuild the structures of love, and to strengthen the faith in humanity.
        Thank you for letting it flow, Sue… lol 💖

        Liked by 3 people


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jun 26, 2022 @ 09:36:16

          Exactly Erika… and I loved what you said here, you really should make it into one of your quotes

          . Everything that happens, happens for the one reason to take us closer to awareness.

          So profound is that one sentence alone for that is exactly what our experiences are all about, the Good the Bad and the Ugly ones..
          Yes I understand our empathy and our feelings for others who are suffering.. and its taken me along long while in keeping my own emotional reactions in check..
          This is not to say we do not feel.. But learning to acknowledge that feeling of compassion for others while not holding it within ourselves.. For then we are only wounding ourselves and keeping our own vibration in a lower state which ultimately isn’t helping raise our Earth’s Consciousness, it’s keeping us stuck in suffering!..
          My opinion is that we are needed to ‘SEE’ and yes feel, in order for others to wake up to what we have become.. And even those darkest souls in a sense have agreed to play their roles which in turn are leading more to wake up to what they DO not Want in this world..
          Many changes I feel will begin to topple many dominoes, and many will be shocked at what they are about to discover about the true nature of this reality and those who have been keeping both history and healing technologies hidden.
          Until then we have to hold faith in our own knowing that LOVE and Respect and Co-operating with each other will build bridges as communities start to re structure solutions to solve our own problems and not give our power away to others thinking they hold our best interests at heart, when in fact they don’t..
          Many thanks again Erika… Love our thoughts and Synchronicities.. 🙂

          Liked by 3 people


          • Erika
            Jun 26, 2022 @ 11:08:06

            You are right, I will save this sentence right away.
            It is something I understood profoundly: We need to feel in order to understand but not to absorb the feeling which only weakens our power to strengthens those who need it. To strengthen ourselves for sharing the light the world needs. It is of no help or use for anyone. Feeling sorry is not the same like being compassionate. Just lately, I read something like: “Hatred cannot be eliminated with hatred, only love can do that. Darkness cannot be eliminated with darkness, only light can.” Love an light is the only weapon that brings love and light.
            Oh, so do I. These syncronicities are so confirming. Thank you so much for your important words, Sue 💖

            Liked by 3 people


    • SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ
      Jun 25, 2022 @ 03:40:27

      Dear Sue and Erika,

      I have perused your respective comments, and agree that the world and its human inhabitants are on a “collision course”, so to speak. I would like to add that there have been many outstanding issues preventing humans from relating well to nonhumans and Nature holistically. We humans are often too absorbed in our own affairs to notice two big elephants in the room: speciesism and anthropocentricism. Both are highly entrenched, and both are very widespread and often unacknowledged forms of prejudice, discrimination and bigotry. Despite years of fleshing out the (conceptual, philosophical, ethical, practical and/or social) framework in examining the possibility or plausibility of environmentalism meeting the needs and expectations of all humanity to help us to survive as a species, fundamental progress is still far too slow.

      As you probably already know, we are already in the midst of the Sixth Great Extinction. If you are interested, the main issue is twofold: speciesism and anthropocentricism. Until we critically deal with the main issue, even environmentalism in all its diversity may not suffice to turn things around, as discussed in my multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary post entitled “SoundEagle in Debating Animal Artistry and Musicality” at

      🦅 SoundEagle in Debating Animal Artistry and Musicality 🎵🐕🎶🐒🎹🐘🖼🐬🎨

      Being simultaneously witty and serious about a number of outstanding issues, the said post actually ventures far beyond whatever its title may suggest or mean to any reader, especially in the very long “Conclusions” section. Please note the ISEA Model that I have devised to analyse and describe the Instrumental, Spiritual, Pro-Environment and Pro-Animal/Plant perspectives.

      Like nonbinary sexual identity and transgender issues, interspecies interactions and communications are also very special in that they can and tend to transcend many boundaries and expectations imposed by human customs and belief systems. Perhaps you have heard of or studied such disciplines as zoo-anthropology or anthrozoology?

      Wishing you a productive weekend and a lovely summer doing or enjoying whatever that satisfies you the most, whether aesthetically, physically, intellectually or spiritually!

      Yours sincerely,

      Liked by 2 people


      • Erika
        Jun 25, 2022 @ 17:35:55

        Very interesing and I agree in many points. I think in the end, it all comes down to respect. Respect for all forms of life, respect regarding opinions and respect regarding the form of how someone decides to live their lives and how they identify themselves with who they are. It is love that creates respect, compassion, and support. It is love that makes us step back for a higher goal and a greater context.
        We need to learn how to love. How to love ourselves and to share this love, to be in that love… and everything else follows naturally. How do we learn this love, in seeing that nothing works out for the better that is not love. We only need so much time to get it.
        @Sue, the interesting thing is that I wrote exactly about that in my next Monday post. Although we had different topics, again, they connect. But in the end, it all is connected in some way. Still, it made me stand in awe again.

        Liked by 2 people


      • Sue Dreamwalker
        Jun 25, 2022 @ 23:34:17

        Many thanks SE… And for your link to your post I will take the time to view very soon. I agree about so many Elephants in the room….. Many do not know or see how the things you mentioned are also linked… And it’s not until one starts to investigate and dive into some deep rabbit holes you understand and see from a different perspective.
        I know I will find your own perspective very enlightening… And I look forward to reading ..
        Again many thanks for your thoughts on this subject. 😀

        Liked by 1 person


  3. marina kanavaki
    Jun 24, 2022 @ 16:17:08

    I love your thread of wise thoughts, my dear Sue and we are indeed all attached to the same web.
    Love and many hugs, my dear friend.💗

    Liked by 3 people


  4. Tom
    Jun 24, 2022 @ 17:03:00

    It’s surprising to see just how interconnected everything is Sue, when you look a little closer. Love this post… thanks for re-sharing it. 🙂

    Liked by 4 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 24, 2022 @ 23:32:48

      Yes Tom, Nature is a web of interwoven intricate miracles.. Each connected, each delicately balanced. and if one thread get broken, or one species suddenly exits, it affects another.. Like the foxes and rabbit population. or the Wolves, or Beavers.. Each have their place within nature, each insect, fly, spider, worm, ant.. All keeping the eco system and the biodiversity in balance… And We humans are affect all of nature… Many thanks for reading Tom 🙂

      Liked by 3 people


  5. Renee Espriu
    Jun 24, 2022 @ 17:26:37

    A wonderfully insightful write to be posted again, my friend. I love spider webs and the ultimate conclusion/beginning of the worm transformed into a beautiful butterfly as well. Thank you for sharing and I hope you are well. The search for a house continues. Take care. xoxo

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 24, 2022 @ 23:40:30

      Hi Renee…. many thanks my friend.. Yes the caterpillar and butterfly.. Each thinking their world was the only world.. And it took the caterpillar to dissolve into itself before it emerged into a new species… Maybe Renee, we are seeing the devolution, and dissolving of the old and right now we are in that Mulch of a cocoon stuck between stages… The cabbages are still there.. As is the blue sky.. We are in that transition stage.. We just have to be patient and see how we reform.. ❤
      ( I am sure something will turn up, at just the right time for you Renee, hold faith, envision it, see it, and then let it go, and the universe will provide I am sure of it )
      Much love ❤

      Liked by 3 people


  6. utahan15
    Jun 24, 2022 @ 17:31:05

    enter touch the strings of the web and stimulate music to add to the woven tapestry.

    Liked by 2 people


  7. House of Heart
    Jun 24, 2022 @ 17:50:23

    Always filled with wisdom dear Sue. Thank you ❤️

    Liked by 3 people


  8. michnavs
    Jun 24, 2022 @ 18:13:56

    You never failed to amaze me with your wisdom Sue… and your analogy on the spiders and their web to real life is really brilliant.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 24, 2022 @ 23:46:31

      Thank you Mich.. We are all threads weaving our own webs through life Mich… The trick is not to get wrapped up in our own emotional traps.. 🙂 And get devoured by our own dark shadows… Something I know we have both overcome..
      Sending LOVE and hugs your way ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  9. Val Boyko
    Jun 24, 2022 @ 18:36:41

    Thank you for sharing again Sue. We all need to be reminded again and again of the part we play in the universal web of being. I am reading a wonderful book that I think you would enjoy…. Or perhaps you have already read it. It’s “Braiding Sweetgrass” by Robin Wall Kimmerer. It weaves indigenous wisdom, science and teaching of plants all together in beautiful words and imagery.

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 24, 2022 @ 23:49:23

      Thank you dear Val.. No the book and the author have escaped me.. Sounds like one I would like to investigate, so thank you, I have made a note of the book, so thank you for sharing… Sounds perfect.. Many thanks again Val for reading I appreciate your comment 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  10. JanBeek
    Jun 24, 2022 @ 19:28:54

    (Man= Human). No man is an island 🎶 no man stands alone ❤️ each man’s joy is joy to me 😃 Each man’s grief is my own 🥲 We need one another… (Your blog, its quotes, and its analogy/metaphor of a web reminded me of this lovely poem/song. So true!! We’re all connected! And I live this quote, “…just because we can not see something doesn’t mean its not there.”

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 24, 2022 @ 23:52:12

      Bless you dearest Jan… You dear friend are one of the most Joyful people I know, no matter what befalls you, you always bring a smile and point out the positive in your life.. You are one beautiful lady… And thank you for that beautiful comment ❤ Hugs and enjoy your weekend wearing again your watch.. 😉

      Liked by 1 person


  11. fauquetmichel
    Jun 24, 2022 @ 20:09:47

    All our organs are related and interconnected like a spider’s web.
    Life is relationship.
    Very interesting post, Sue.
    Love ❤

    Liked by 3 people


  12. The Coastal Crone
    Jun 24, 2022 @ 21:10:25

    Yes! We are all connected. I enjoyed this post very much.

    Liked by 3 people


  13. Bela Johnson
    Jun 25, 2022 @ 00:29:39

    Good reminders, all. Thanks for all you do here to awaken. 🙏🌎🪴❤️👁

    Liked by 3 people


  14. Mark Lanesbury
    Jun 25, 2022 @ 00:33:02

    We are in a very big web indeed Sue, and I know we have to realize that. But I fear the when…after the web has practically been destroyed? I think we have had many attempts in the many civilizations that have collapsed because those who run them keep dragging them to this point with their greed and self centered attributes. Of which we are heading this way again…but…I’m seeing more and more ‘green’ movements and parties that are slowly becoming the norm in parliament. I’ll keep voting accordingly and try to beat that collapse…or at the least be buried in a forest somewhere and not a cemented, chemical, smoke filled jungle. Only one thing seems to be out of balance then…there are too many of us here for the resources. We will have to ‘invent or find’ something to handle that…or off to the moon/mars we go. And hopefully with none of those types of leaders…or is that attitude within us all, those fears of life…wherever it is? Great post dear lady, spot on and to the heart as always 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 25, 2022 @ 22:56:21

      Thank you Mark.. Yes I agree many civilisations collapsed ‘Reset’ and wiped clean. Understanding how we got here, and all those historical civilisations in-between a whole complex Web!… If one studies the Tartarian History.. Just one aspect of history that is when investigated is very revealing.

      I think Mark our governments around our world has to change full stop!.. We have seen first hand how power and corruption is taking control, and these leaders whom we elected in good faith around our world have in the main fell pray to their own shadow selves.. For many, not all, do not work on behalf of the people, but are puppeted from behind the scenes..
      So if we want change, then it really is up to us to begin those changes.. By creating a different system and it starts by vetting and holding to account those who are no longer looking after our interests, or the environments for that matter.. Many only seem focused upon power and lining their own pockets.
      I do not think the over-population will be an issue in the future.. And I feel within my own heart there are enough resources sufficient for the world. But our present systems have deliberately kept the separation of the haves and have nots. The problems are deeper than many of us know, as countries and people are kept in poverty while the elite handful have more than enough wealth…
      Solutions have to be found, I so agree, and this is not going to happen over night, nor in the next couple of years.. We each have to take responsibility for our thought, actions and deeds.
      The Breaking down of systems that are not working is going to cause lots of chaos and insecurities.
      As I mentioned to someone a while ago.. When I heard what Pam Gregory said on one of her astrological updates.. If we want a new Kitchen installed then we have to expect some disruption and the old has to be ripped out causing a lot of dust and rubble, before a new one is installed…
      We came here to witness this dismantling.
      Its how we prepare ourselves… how we choose what we want installing, and I am seeing many community hubs forming, forming grass roots initiatives which are starting to pull together, from Growing healthier food to Holistic medicines, to Education centres of Learning Children Earth skills/type home schooling. Which are pulling together skills and resources… Exciting times

      All of which would perhaps never have occurred if we hadn’t experienced the last couple of stressful years… When people have to pull together they will..
      You know me Mark.. Always optimistic.. ‘The Dreamer‘….. But I am not the only one Lol… 🙂 We can and we will do this…. I see it.. I envision it.. 🙂 and so it is.. 😉 💛🙏💜🦋✨

      Many thanks Mark… really appreciate you. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people


      • Mark Lanesbury
        Jun 25, 2022 @ 23:58:12

        And thank you kind lady, always a positive among the negatives, sharing that love to give hope so that we can all stand in it and share. And yes, it does take a phase of tearing down so that we can begin again. And it is bringing through many who no longer want a system that is so selfish so ‘they’ (whoever is in charge), are trying to become stronger to stop it…but our energy is stronger than that. There will be clashes simply because they will fight what we are…and their fear of loss in many forms, but we grow simply because of what ‘they’ are, something most are becoming aware of and no longer wish to be a part of that as they can see its continuous negative cycle. I pray it is all done with love dear lady, and free us all from our fears to understand it 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋

        Liked by 2 people


  15. dgkaye
    Jun 25, 2022 @ 02:03:17

    Absolutely more relevant now Sue. Do you think we choose our paths, or they’re mapped out already. Will our change of mind to another, change our life completely, or will we end up, via another route, where we were supposed to be? ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 25, 2022 @ 23:14:35

      Hi Debby.. “Do you think we choose our paths, or they’re mapped out already.” Well I think when we incarnate we have a blue-print in mind.. Can that blue-print be deviated from I would say yes… The blue print is like a road map… It has many routes to get from A to B… and you choose which route you want to take… You can take the straight route going via the Motor Ways or I think you call the Free-ways.. unsure!… Or, you can take the scenic route… Each is a choice of how you want to experience.. And some times along that route people lose the Map, and get lost in this life… And so they don’t fulfil all they set out to achieve, and perhaps created road blocks and had to do a U-turn because they messed up..
      But thats not to say they are lost for ever… For they get a new vehicle and a different blue print and set off on another journey next time to see if they can rectify or do things better that time around.. So no right or wrong.. Just different layers of of experiences..
      Some want all their experiences in one life time.. Hence.. it seems everything is thrown at them and we think how awful some lives have been, as they seem to struggle constantly while others sail by…
      Which is why we cannot judge, because we don’t know their story or their back stories.. We only see with our 3D perspective of black and white, right and wrong from what we have been taught…
      Its all a matter of Choice… We get that free-will to choose… and that is our experience.
      And you will then get others say, well this person was born with a disability etc.. Well we really do not know what those chose to experience!…
      And again.. This is My perspective! lol…. and others may disagree, that’s also fine.. 🙂 we all see from our various perspectives, given our learning and our social and environmental experiences
      Much love Debby.. and thank YOU. ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  16. Jennie
    Jun 25, 2022 @ 02:40:37

    Terrific, Sue. It’s a gigantic web, and we all need to make a positive contribution to the big picture, because every strand is important. The whole of life is all of our strands woven together. Doesn’t it make you feel good to know you are part of something so important? I feel that way, too.

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 25, 2022 @ 23:27:51

      Dear Jennie,
      You are one of the most positive people I know, for you teach your classroom of young children such wonderful principles of caring and respect. They way you teach these young students, swells my heart that I so wish the world were full of teachers like you.. And I really mean that Jennie..
      You have brought tears to my eyes so many times, as you share your love, your devotion to setting these young boys and girls on their education journey to become responsible young adults of the future whose foundations you moulded to not only respect, but question and not be afraid of voicing their opinions… You dear Jennie are a Light-worker, Working silently in your own unique field of education.. And I feel good just knowing You are part of those young children’s lives… For you are helping build Humanities future generation of Caring Adults..
      Bless you .. ❤

      Liked by 3 people


  17. SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ
    Jun 25, 2022 @ 03:41:35

    Dear All,

    Sending you a lovely song entitled “WEB OF LIFE” to resonate with the overall tenet and spirit of Sue’s post regarding the Web of Life:

    I would like to wish all of you a wonderful weekend!

    Yours sincerely,

    Liked by 1 person


  18. thespiritkeeper
    Jun 25, 2022 @ 06:53:23

    Me think the web is so disconnected and those who are awake spins their own web in the web for cohesion of humanity. What we have done to Gaia from time that has past long ago and worse today. It is almost like some of humanity are doing more harm nowadays and we are reaping that destruction. We are fleas on Gaia’s back and she will shake us off. Love the spider web analogy. Let us keep spinning our own little web in the bigger web. Much love ❤

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 25, 2022 @ 23:52:43

      Big smiles Joseph, as to the spinning of our own webs.. 🙂 Yes what we sow, we reap, and we are seeing the results of years of abuse, and manipulation of weather moderation in the form of Geoengineering or Stratospheric Aerosol Spraying SAS.. The skies are covered in Manmade webs, sadly not many are aware of what they are doing to our environment or our health.
      Gaia, has had to contend with much abuse over our recent existence.. She is a living library of species and I doubt she will allow one species to destroy her.. Whether that is Mankind or some other AI that is set on controlling this planet.. Gaia is a living planet and will scratch off her fleas if they don’t stop their biting.. 😉
      Many thanks Joseph…. We will keep spinning my friend…. 😀 of that I am certain. 💜

      Liked by 1 person


  19. CarolCooks2
    Jun 25, 2022 @ 08:01:12

    A timely re share, Sue and a fascinating look at how we are all interconnected …Love that you used the spider web with all its intricate weavings as an example love and hugs dear Sue I hope you have a fabulous weekend 🙂

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 25, 2022 @ 23:56:44

      Thank you dear Carol.. So pleased you resonated with this post.. We will keep weaving our own threads Carol in our own way.. As we each make a difference in our own small ways ..
      Wishing you a lovely weekend too ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  20. peNdantry
    Jun 25, 2022 @ 08:21:50

    The threads of life on Starship Earth
    Unravelling since before my birth
    Though it’s just me, I do my bit
    To try to stop it going all to shit.

    Mitakuye Oyasin 🙏

    Liked by 3 people


  21. Miriam
    Jun 25, 2022 @ 08:50:28

    Fascinating website you shared Sue. And I love your words here and from the past. Everything is a cycle isn’t it, love your analogy with the web and couldn’t agree more that we’re all connected. And creating our own reality in our thoughts, intentions and actions. Forever hopeful as we move forward, for us, for Mother Gaia and for joy for our future. Holding light and love for all and sending you tons of it my friend. Enjoy your weekend. 😊

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 26, 2022 @ 00:10:05

      Hi Miriam… Glad you spotted the website I linked to in the post.. 🙂 And you are living proof of manifesting your own reality Miriam… LOL….. And yes I am very hopeful as things are beginning to unfold and surface, I know the Light has won.. We just now need to be the ones who shine and keep it focused in beams of love..
      Much love right back Miriam… Have a super Weekend ❤ ❤ ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  22. dawnhub144
    Jun 25, 2022 @ 08:53:55

    BEAUTIFUL , to read your post, and I concur that we are part of an intricate web. Recently I have come to noticed that respect is not valued so much now, just the basic respect of sharing this earth with other animals. How its so easy to destroy a spiders web, to poison the fish, to squash a moth, to kill a pesky fly. yet their all part of this web of life. For me its time to turn and respect these small and important things that live here, thereby ultimately respecting my being here alongside them.

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 26, 2022 @ 00:20:02

      Bless you Dawn… I agree with you about respect is lacking… I now struggle with killing anything… I catch spiders and once upon a time I feared them…. All have a place, its difficult not to destroy some things especially in the garden… I often use the Ant analogy .. For if we disturb an ants nest. it seems chaotic all running around in a mass.. But each is protecting the nest.
      I see ourselves as Ants on the planet.. and how we would react if something HUGE suddenly overturned our immediate world…. We would run around looking confused as well… Yet each would be trying to survive and protect our own..
      It puts the whole micro world into perspective when I think I killed something unnecessary.
      Thank you Dawn I really appreciate your comment.. 🙂 ❤ Much love ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  23. David
    Jun 25, 2022 @ 09:24:03

    Hi, Sue, your insightful repost has plucked the strings of so many of us listening and feeling the sounds and vibrations of your post and our interconnections, and as usual inspires me to comment how as I am dipping my toe into the seventh age of mankind, as all my ancestors are gone, and I am left as the eldest of the family now. You will recognise the vibrations when I say that the garden teaches me so much about why things live, and others die, throughout the wide panoply of conscious entities across the families of living beings who share this planet with we humans. Hopefully we all forge our own pathways unless we fall into the trap of modern slavery. But even that holds a reason and a purpose if only to remind us of past existences where we may have sold others into slavery as slave masters. Asking others to help in the garden with jobs I can no longer manage I realise has consequences in that others may not approach plants with the same loving kindness that I would apply to all that I can do, ending in the premature death of otherwise healthy and normally long-lived trees and shrubs. As you say the many dimensions which many fear and believe are “somewhere out there” are with us and share all that we think and do, with our love and acceptance. Where to next? We are reliably informed that this is our last time here on Earth but not the end by any means of our Journey. We may meet again, as Vera would have it. Or as we believe “The Souls have it”.
    Love David

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 26, 2022 @ 09:11:24

      Dear David, thank you for that lovely thoughtful comment my friend… and sadly yes not all hold the same respect or reverence for our garden plants or its inhabitants.. Sorry to learn you lost some of your trees and shrubs to lack of understanding and knowledge.
      Nature is always doing a balancing act… And its hard to no longer be able to do the jobs we think in our minds we are still capable of..
      I know each year, we are thinking ahead on how to save ourselves as much work, kneeling down and just getting back up can pose its challenges some days lol… 🙂
      I remember our past spiritual conversations on both our guided messages about this incarnation being our last in this form. So making the most of our human-suit and the wonders this Miraculous Earth Mother offers and to protect her for future visitors is a passion, if only taking care of the little pieces of earth I have been fortunate to nurture.
      Many thanks David… Wishing you well my friend 💜

      Liked by 1 person


  24. Eugenia
    Jun 25, 2022 @ 15:11:44

    A beautiful and enlightening post, Sue. United we must stand in the light and shed the darkness. Sending peace and light! 💖✨

    Liked by 3 people


  25. Hannah Kaminsky
    Jun 25, 2022 @ 16:14:19

    It really is incredible to realize how many people and things are tied together in this world, when you stop to think about it. ❤

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 26, 2022 @ 09:22:51

      It really is incredible Hannah…. Each a thread.. From the Bee who pollenates our crops to the farmers and growers of the food, to the drivers who deliver the goods to the fuel we put in the trucks to people who stack the shelves, to the money we earn from our labours to the food we buy with our earnings, to the people to collect our waste and so the circle and threads keep spinning.

      And without the environment in balance the conditions to grow our food would not be right, or the insects and birds and animals to keep our earth in good shape to the trees who give us all oxygen to breathe… ALL are part of the whole…
      Many thanks dear Hannah.. ❤ Much love ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  26. Eddie Two Hawks
    Jun 25, 2022 @ 16:23:59

    Thank you for sharing with us that deep ponding
    of the drum like intent you say that grabs our hearts.
    With it comes the song of the angels. hugs, Eddie

    Liked by 2 people


  27. boundlessblessingsblog
    Jun 25, 2022 @ 19:13:10

    Wise and words of wisdom Sue. Love and compassion and respect is what our world requires at this time. We all need to grow up simultaneously with nature. Thanks for the inspiring post, Sue

    Liked by 2 people


  28. insearchofitall
    Jun 26, 2022 @ 01:33:34

    You always hit things spot on. Some of are awake, many do not want to wake up. I live in an area where most want to stay in the dark ages and not look at the other possibilities. But the other part of this area are a plethora of UFO sightings. There is so much uninhabited area of this mountain range and strong leylines especially in Sedona, AZ. We have a strong Yang tug of war with the Yin. Keep beating your drum, Sue. One day most will wake up and hear it. We are all entangled.

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 26, 2022 @ 17:12:30

      Thank you Marlene, I know we both have similar view points on certain topics and the UFO’s are indeed getting more sightings as our consciousness is now ready to take the next step of absorbing what has been around for eons ..

      What is that saying

      “When the student is ready the teacher will appear. When the student is truly ready… The teacher will Disappear.”

      ― Tao Te Ching… 🙂

      Are we ready???? Hummmm… Some can’t wait LOL… 🙂

      Sending love and Hugs my dear friend… Take care, and Keep resting in-between all you do.. ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  29. The Path to My Heart
    Jun 26, 2022 @ 09:26:57

    Hi Sue!
    We really do need each and every leg of the spider web that is our universe. It’s intricately woven, in and out of realms we have no idea of their existence, as well as in ones we do. I suppose if we take care of our little corner of web, it helps strengthen all the other legs. Your analogy is spot on!

    In human design, there is a massive change coming. We are moving from tribal (past 400 years) into individual. The more we are connected to our guidance, the better off we’ll be able to live in this massive change. The gate shift is taking place in 2027. I might write more about it in a post. Hopefully, even though we are moving into individual – people will remain connected!!

    Great post Sue! Much love, Donna

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 26, 2022 @ 16:16:35

      Thank you Donna, that is interesting to note about the individual shift..
      I feel intuitively we will become more ‘Self-reliant’ which is going to make us be more Responsible of Self, and our actions…

      This is occurring even now I feel as people are seeing the bigger picture, and how our local governing bodies along with our Central Governments who seem to have lost their own ‘Threads’ on what their roles are in protecting their citizens are. In favour of following their own political careers which have separated them from the real hardships many will be facing due to their mishandling of situations in the recent past.

      I do hold great faith, in individuals who are being drawn into their ‘Community hubs’ of Like minds are seeing the need to create their own solutions by joining together…

      I see this time as a great step forward in new initiatives and ideas from individuals to be shared with the collective…
      I keep those thoughts in my prayers Donna and hope that in the next 400 years this world may well just learn not to repeat the same mistakes for a while.. 🙂 Ever the optimist.. lol ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  30. Visionkeeper
    Jun 26, 2022 @ 11:31:10

    Great info DW….Spiderwebs of life! Seems we are caught in the web right now and trying to find our way clear. So much magic and creativity associated with spider medicine. It’s no wonder Ley lines enter in as well. All the magic and energy that are found within them. If spider webs were used to capture prey for food then why not capture the truth as well, hanging there within the web waiting for us to discover it. I wish I had more time to write but alas I do not 😦 Off to town now. Be well my friend and stay safe and observant. Lots of change coming towards us and not all good. The fight against Lucifer continues but the light will prevail for sure! Hugs and much love to you my friend….VK ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 26, 2022 @ 17:26:14

      Hi dear VK…. You explained that well, especially about the truth being trapped within the web too…
      I feel one or two threads of truth are now beginning to snap and create some reverberations around certain quarters.
      As yet most people are being duped by so called welfare issues, but I see the cracks appearing here and there, and the Fear of losing control will no doubt spark more fear-mongering as shortages are created.. Its long been in a plan that we see unfolding before our eyes.
      Didn’t we see it in the Movies!…. Divergence, and Hunger Games two films series come to mind.
      I feel VK the threads of truth are now being dangled for those with eyes to see and ears to hear..
      I saw a quote the other day..
      ” The Only difference between Truth and Lies, Is Courage and Cowardice. the quote was credited to JK. Rowling ..

      We need courage now dear VK…. as we stand in our power of who we really are..

      Much love my friend… Hope your weekend has been peaceful ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  31. Dalo 2013
    Jun 26, 2022 @ 17:53:27

    Time is irrelevant when all things are in the now ~ this is the absolute truth, even if wrapping our minds around this while pondering the past and dreaming about the future makes it so difficult. Wonderful post, Sue, revisiting old thoughts and finding the relevancy within today’s world. We have and are weaving our webs which we may think is a disorganized blob, but when stepping back it is something beautiful to admire. And the beauty of Chief Seattle’s words, “Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it…” sets this post off perfectly. Wish you a glorious summer!

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 26, 2022 @ 23:30:16

      Indeed Randall, Chief Seattle’s words so full of wisdom..
      We have no idea how even the most insignificant of encounters are all threaded woven into the tapestry of our stories,
      That small encounter, a kind word to a stranger.. A old school teacher’s encouragement.. Each planting a seed, to germinate within that we may forget until something triggers a memory.. And we realise the significance of how valuable that encounter made its impression..
      As each of now go through this Time line of experience, it is awakening within us our deeper connections to self and each other.. As Consciousness triggers our memories we are not alone.. And each affects the whole. And that by Uniting, even though for so long we have felt separate… We see how Unity Consciousness is bringing us all to our heart-centres, via our various threads.. And woven together we become stronger to withstand the elements of the conditions placed upon us…
      Many thanks for reading Randall, I so appreciate your visit.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  32. litebeing
    Jun 26, 2022 @ 19:08:26

    This post from 2012, another pivotal timeline, helped clarify for me a better understanding of all the division, especially in my country. Myopic worldviews are not getting us to move forward. Love always the answer, but sometimes it takes self love and empathy to get us to this place. Everything is energetic and interconnected, ACIM taught me this as a young adult. Separation is an illusion, albeit a very strong one.

    love, Linda ❤

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 26, 2022 @ 22:52:05

      Thank you Linda.. Yes many things are getting our world to move forward not all is what it may seem, and while there are many who want to divide us, we are held together with our Human Spirit which runs through all our veins, and ties us together even though some have chosen to break their threads and choose a darker existence… Even those are helping the rest to waken even faster..

      Many thanks Linda.. Hope your weekend was a good one ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  33. Infinite Living
    Jun 27, 2022 @ 23:39:39

    This is a moving post for me dear Sue – 2012 was the turning point for me, the end of life as I knew it and it is ever evolving gloriously since then. This decade is indeed a full circle, bringing us to the same questions and intentions in much more profound way. The metaphor of a caterpillar in the maze of the cabbage leaves as its world, then as a butterfly freed into the world – speaks depply to me. I wonder what that looks like for me and my existence. The invisible world is as real as the tangible one, yes – it is the current underneath everything that keeps moving along in existence. The fabric and the threads broken up unconsciously, and patched up by conscious intentions and deep healing and feeling into the oneness – these are true and real experiences of life, just for being alive.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 28, 2022 @ 16:22:52

      Yes 2012 held so much expectation as I woke up prior and in many ways this journey has seemed like a never ending web of woven roads, linking information, and enlightenment as we have travelled our paths.. Gathering knowledge, learning to discern truth from fiction and separate the disinformation and false guru’s. Who is real, who is fake? 🙂 Lots of navigating to do…
      No one map leads us to our centre…. All threads have to be explored… Not all hold water, some snap, and break and along with it so your trust is broken too…
      Our Journey to our centres are a personal journey.. Each as individual as we are .
      We have to come to understand only We can heal those hidden shadows of suppressed wounds..
      But once healed.. WOW…. once our heart truly open in awareness and we become mindful of ourselves, of our inner being and how we are all of us entwined…
      Then we begin to understand the vastness of this web… Not only the threads we hold, or create.. But how through all of the cosmos our threads have been interwoven through time.. Yet all is in the NOW..

      Many thanks dearest Pragalbha for being on this journey with me… Loved your words of wisdom here..
      Much love.. ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  34. Jane Sturgeon
    Jun 28, 2022 @ 08:47:51

    Wise words, my lovely. Thank you. May we weave our webs with love, always. ❤ Xxx ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  35. Billybuc
    Jun 28, 2022 @ 16:04:25

    This is so strange. I am working on a YouTube video about the web of life, and spiders’ webs, and I stumble across this beautiful posting and, well, if you weren’t already my favorite online blogger, you are now. 🙂 I loved everything about this, and I love that we were both on the same cosmic wavelength when creating our own thoughts. Thank you for sharing this. It is precious.

    love and hugs


    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 28, 2022 @ 17:18:29

      Aww thanks Bill, So good to have connected with your blog and channel today… And Synchronicities are falling along those paths whose webs of of the same kind of vibration.. Many thanks.. So enjoying your video blog 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  36. Trackback: Mitakuye Oyasin – all are related | Wibble
  37. robbiesinspiration
    Jun 28, 2022 @ 18:34:02

    HI Sue, I am very fascinated by spiders and their webs and appreciate your analogy here. The problem with mankind is that most people who want to lead and be in positions of power are greedy and selfish. It results in on-going disasters of one kind or another, for every form of life on this planet.

    Liked by 2 people


  38. JoAnna
    Jun 29, 2022 @ 04:08:54

    Thank you for these meaningful analogies! I’m reminded of one of my favorite picture books I used to read to my children, Brother Eagle, Sister Sky, with Chief Seattle’s message throughout the book about our connections with Mother Earth and all of creation. It is beautifully illustrated by Susan Jeffers. We still have it somewhere. Here’s a video of it being read aloud:

    Liked by 3 people


  39. europasicewolf
    Jul 09, 2022 @ 16:19:35

    Love the spider’s Web analogy Sue!

    Liked by 2 people


  40. calmkate
    Jul 18, 2022 @ 22:34:52

    an awesomely profound and wise post Sue! Aligns with my personal philosophy and strongly resonates with our traditional land-owners dreamtime and songlines … we may not see them but they sure are there 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  41. John Thomas Dodds
    Jul 25, 2022 @ 16:53:55

    Time’ is irrelevant when all things are in the Now!. Not at all confusing!

    Liked by 1 person


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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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