Hoodwinking Ourselves? Part One.


I have been very quiet and reflective of late, I’ve been observing, digesting, absorbing information from all kinds of sources. Just sitting in my own quiet space of contemplation as all around me unfolds.

We may think we know the world in which we live, until the world in which we live starts breaking apart. Then you peer into the cracks that you thought held the fabric of our civilisation together. Only to realise the glue that was holding it altogether was nothing more than your perception of what you had been taught and programmed to See.

I have been peering into those cracks and deep crevices for over Twenty Five years. Yet in all of those years of deep diving not only into my inner-core of my own faults, as I purged out past traumas of unconscious and subconscious emotions. But as I peered deeper within Earth’s History, our Ancestors, and that which has been hidden from sight for thousands of years. I cannot even begin to express the deeper wounds, which many of us still have to purge out, that still have to surface. Nor can I even begin to tell you of the traumas and the horrors still happening to millions of innocents across our globe right now.  

This is a deeper write than many of my posts, but I need to write it. Because I need to expose those cracks, and flaws, because if I chose to ignore them I could not in all honesty face myself in the mirror, if I sat silently by while our Human Sovereignty of our rights as Human Beings, along with our freedoms and liberties which are being so severely threatened, and are being dismantled. And once taken, if we do not wake up, will be forever lost.  

My Sanctuary here is precious, and I in no way wish to contaminate it with negative thinking. But the Light of Day, also has the Dark of Night… We cannot live in the world of Light, ignoring the world of Darkness… We know that within this realm both exist.

Balance as I have always stated is the key within our dualistic reality. But a war has been waged, and we are now within this war. It is like no other war we have experienced within our past. This is a war on our Consciousness. It’s a war on our Souls, it’s a war on our Humanness our Spirits. It is a war on our Minds, and the weapons are not guns or rockets. The weapons being used are Phycological mind games.   And if you have not woken up to that as yet, I urge you to do your own research, do not take my word. In fact, I would sooner you didn’t… Because everyone owes it to themselves to find out the truth for themselves. And see just how hoodwinked we have really become..

Image credit Encyclopaedia Britannica


So why am I speaking these words right now? Because dear friends, I cannot keep silent, while I watch those Dark energies who are wanting to destroy our world of our freedom and liberties and our very humanness.  We know that only in the brightest of Light, expose’s those Dark Shadows…. And our mission as ‘Light Workers’ not only involves spreading light. But it also involves exposing those shadows with our light.. 

Now is just such a time, when those Shadows are being brought to the surface as those who work in the Light bring them into the awareness of others.  So its time for me to step up, speak up, and if you do not agree that is fine… your path is yours to choose, just as mine is mine to choose. And you need read no further…. As yet we all have free will to choose.. But believe me, if these Mind Games continue without our becoming aware of what is behind them, then our freewill is in dire jeopardy. 

The uncovering of Darkness, is never easy to expose, for we would sooner see all that is good in the world. And yes, there is much goodness, but there is also so much that has been hidden from Humanity, that our awareness of seeing this evil for ourselves has become blinded by the indoctrination of our perceptions…

To show you what I mean, before I go further with part two of this series I will enclose a clip of falconry and how they train a bird of prey… And how the expression to Hoodwink someone came about.  And you will see just how easy it is to hoodwink a whole population 

Enjoy your weekend… Until next time in Part two where I speak about our own Shadow work and how we are finding ourselves being triggered. 

💖Much Love to you All… 💖 

Oh and just as I was about to press publish I got this message from WordPress I transferred my blog here ten years ago but I have been blogging since 2007.. How time is flying!… Make the most of Every Moment!  Each moment is precious!

10 Year Anniversary Achievement

 Happy Anniversary with WordPress.com!

You registered on WordPress.com 10 years ago.

Thanks for flying with us. Keep up the good blogging.


190 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Colleen M. Chesebro
    Oct 02, 2020 @ 23:12:43

    There’s a lot going on in the world right now, Sue. I’m being very cautious and careful. Things happening before our eyes might not be the truth… I’ll watch and wait. Hugs and love to you, my friend. Please stay safe. ❤

    Liked by 3 people


  2. Infinite Living
    Oct 02, 2020 @ 23:40:36

    Forever clearing our perception, peeking through the cracks so we get to more and more light, learning and unlearning, relentlessly seeking the truth of what we see, feel and speak is the gift of a journey through this lifetime. Positive and negative are often mere judgments and preferences subject to change. As followers and seekers of truth we are more willing to look at the unpleasant for what it is than choose not to look at it. So many wounds to be healed, we are breathing and being through all the chaos and trauma – that’s only how the light can shine, for us and through us. There is indeed so much to absorb, contemplate and reflect on. I look forward to your next post.

    I was pleasantly surprised on a recent morning with an inspiration to come back to this space and start posting. I hope I am here to be around regularly now 🙂

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 03, 2020 @ 21:48:50

      So pleased to see you return dear friend, and I agree, we look deeper than most because we are unafraid of looking outside the box. We see both sides as we learn to observe and navigate this material reality, Trying to walk that fine line as we hold our truth, not wishing to preach, but showing another perspective, that many have lost in their ability to see from… As they only believe what they are told, by those in authority or positions of power… Never believing they wouldn’t have their own best interests at heart..
      That is what is the mind changer…. When you see and observe and you know the lies out there..
      Many thanks dear Pragalbha… Your return is most welcome… and well timed my friend ❤ ❤ ❤ 🙏

      Liked by 2 people


  3. Wendy Gillissen
    Oct 02, 2020 @ 23:41:15

    Dear Sue, so glad to see you post again. I so agree with you.

    If we used our light only to shine on the things we would like to see, the pretty stuff, and ignored all that was dark, our vision and therefore our view of the world would be incomplete… and we would be helpless and oblivious like Bambi in the woods.

    That said, to see the enormity of the manipulation that is going on is mind-blowing and staggering. The censorship, the scare tactics, the manipulation, the deceit is now on a scale that has become bizarre.

    I am sometimes struggling to keep my vision elevated to the point where I can see the bigger picture, of how this whole process of dark trying to smother light is part of a purging process, a healing crisis for humanity that can lead to the dawning of greater consciousness, healing and joy.

    Like an old, festering wound that must be purged and the toxins released into the light.

    Sometimes I succeed, and sometimes the enormity of it all gets me down and I realize I have more work to do on personal unhealed trauma, both from childhood and ancient past lives.

    It is amazing how much the attempted coup of consciousness, the blitz attack of dark forces resemble my narcissistic and psychopathic father. The same scare tactics, manipulations, blitz attacks, fear mongering, and ultimately: the futility of it all, because nothing that is false will ever truly remain. Like my father, who died an unglamorous death and was mourned by no-one.

    Oops, sorry for the rather dark corner my thoughts turned there 😉 No, we must keep laughing, and see the humour of everything as much as we can, because to see the humour in things is to align with cosmic consciousness and our divine spark that is for ever free! ☺

    Much love to you Sue, and I am looking forward to part two of your blog post! ♥ Big hugs, Wendy

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 03, 2020 @ 22:04:28

      Dearest Wendy, never apologise for speaking your mind… I understand completely having felt a similar emotion on the death of my mother… I found it hard to mourn given I had mourned her loss for the ten years prior to her transition. Indeed Events are bizarre is just touching on the extremely well manoeuvred and well executed planned End Game in their game of chess… They most certainly had their key pieces well polished and kept in their pockets, so the mere pawns could fall as sacrifice..
      The censorship is escalating and if we do not stand together and shine out our light into these dark souls agenda’s then while I know we have won on an energetic level in some Time line… We are still having to experience this 3D time line and do not fancy participating in their plans they have for humanity…
      My next posts has a few embedded links and if WP do not censor or kick me out ( Fingers crossed ) I hope it allows those who are willing to follow the link trail to see at least how this is so multi layered in how those we know little of become key players in the webs of the Big Money trails….
      Many thanks dear Wendy… I so appreciate your comment and seeing how from time to time, we have to expose the Dark to Light! ❤ 💖🙏💖

      Liked by 1 person


      • Wendy Gillissen
        Oct 04, 2020 @ 21:27:10

        Thanks dear Sue, yes it is an immense challenge because as you say, the game has been extremely well prepared while many of us slept… and yet the game has been played for millennia. It is an ancient game and things are now coming to a head… I so appreciate the work you do in unearthing the truth. Lots of love and strength to you ☺♥ Big hugs! ♥

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Oct 04, 2020 @ 21:38:43

          Yes this Game has been well planned for many decades…. And true the game has gone on for 26,000 years, and this cycle is almost up, to begin anew…. These next months are going to be the most challenging…. And Thank YOU for our support dear Wendy… it means a great, Great! deal to me… I hope others begin to dig deeper, because the money trail is there, and the swamp! as it got termed by one, really does need draining and that is what will shock people the most.. As to who was in the swap and the horrors which is so sickening I sometimes cry just thinking about it.. But yes…. We are placed here right now at this time, and I am being called to speak… I just hope I do it coherently.. Already I have changed my part two draft several times…. But it will come together when its meant, Its sat again waiting as I contemplate editing it as its rather long… I thought of doing a part three… But still not decided 🙂 lol…. Thanks for listening … ❤ huge hugs back

          Liked by 1 person


          • Wendy Gillissen
            Oct 04, 2020 @ 21:45:36

            Lol and a part 4 and a part 5… Who knows! 😉 Ah, yes thank you for reminding me: we ARE placed here in these times just for this purpose. I sometimes catch myself playing the world’s smallest violin and feeling sorry for myself, and then I hear myself saying: ”but this is exactly the reason you came in these dark times in the first place!” Duh! Haha. Oh, the money trail and the truth: I don’t think anything can shock me any more, having discovered my father was a sadistic psychopath with a civilised facade. But people who have grown up in more ”normal” circumstances will indeed be shocked and experience severe cognitive dissonance. That is why the truth needs to be given in small doses, otherwise they will be overwhelmed. It happened to me when I discovered my extremely traumatic past. It has to go step by step, otherwise the whole system goes into shock, denial and disbelief. Take it from me 😉 Go slowly but surely, don’t sugar-coat but don’t overwhelm either! Good luck!!! Big hugs!! ♥♥♥

            Liked by 1 person


            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Oct 04, 2020 @ 21:51:02

              Bless you, and thank you for that Wendy… You were meant to be on WP tonight and give me that piece of advice dear friend…. Spirit I know work in and through you… as with me, But often we doubt ourselves…. Together united we weave a strong protective blanket… alone our threads are easily broken…. May we continue to weave blankets that spread light, love and warmth, but most of all Truth, Harmony and Peace.. ❤ ❤ ❤ 🙏
              Good night my dear, friend… ❤

              Liked by 1 person

            • Wendy Gillissen
              Oct 04, 2020 @ 21:59:49

              So happy to help and be part of the same blanket! ☺♥♥♥ Good night dear Sue! ♥

              Liked by 1 person

            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Oct 04, 2020 @ 22:02:28

              ❤ 🙂 (( Hugs ))

              Liked by 1 person

  4. inavukic
    Oct 02, 2020 @ 23:45:52

    O Sue – thank you so much for this post and the video embedded! We are I think seeing that manipulation of social behaviour more than ever, with the Covid issue. What a brilliant analogy here with the hoodwinking and capturing the ending sentence “it is possible to hoodwink the whole worldwide population”. And it political propaganda has almost perfected the art of hoodwinking…what a sad state across the world. The only antidote is courage to speak and show the truth, to reveal the darkness. I say – BRAVO! ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 03, 2020 @ 15:53:34

      Thank you dear Ina, Indeed what a sad state indeed…. And thank YOU for your encouragement of standing in the truth I have found… Many people do not want to face the reality of it.. But we cannot ignore it, for our children’s, children’s sake… Many thanks dear friend… It is much easier to fool some one than convince them they have been fooled ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  5. Writing to Freedom
    Oct 03, 2020 @ 00:59:29

    Thanks for spreading love, light, and truth Sue. We’re on similar paths. I just posted about our growing loss of rights and freedoms as part of the same games you’re alluding to. Stand tall in love and truth.

    Liked by 2 people


  6. Carrie Cannady
    Oct 03, 2020 @ 01:04:07

    Your post makes perfect sense to me. I have been watching as well…for quite some time…years. I will continue to follow your posts. In the mean time, be well.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 03, 2020 @ 22:40:52

      Many thanks Carrie, I think we are both healers at our core, and while we wish the world to heal, we also see it has to go through its own process of its own dark night of the soul.. But we haven’t much time left to keep playing the victim… Which is why I decided to shed a little light on the dark… 🙂 so to speak… Many thanks again… Love and Blessings 💖🙏

      Liked by 1 person


  7. House of Heart
    Oct 03, 2020 @ 01:41:33

    Dear Sue, we are being lied to and so many can’t
    recognize a clear and present danger in the world.
    Thank you for the wonderful post. ❤️🥰

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 03, 2020 @ 22:44:05

      Agreed Holly…. Science is not telling us the truth, and we now have many Drs and Nurse’s Professors and even Lawyers who know what is happening is a Lie… So thank you dear Holly for your thoughts and for agreeing there is a real, real danger if we do not wake up to what is happening with our freedoms and our health sovereignty as well ❤ ❤ ❤



  8. ReginaMary
    Oct 03, 2020 @ 02:45:22

    We are in a battle, Sue. There is much at stake. I have to be very vigilant about what I let into my home; it is my sanctuary too.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 03, 2020 @ 22:48:36

      Agreed Regina…. Lots at stake.. Many have already paid the ultimate price with their lives and with losing their livelihoods. So many business’s collapsing let alone the debts etc….. Nothing you will read here will bring such horrors into your home Regina… But the truth about what is planned for this pandemic may wake people up to think again what is being proposed to be put into our bodies… Without our Consent, And without any liability what so ever!!!…. More of these reveals in part two…
      Sending Love your way… Huge hugs ❤ Keep those knitting needles clicking!!! …

      Liked by 1 person


  9. Soul Gifts
    Oct 03, 2020 @ 02:57:59

    We are living in a time of – dare I say, unprecedented – change. Bringing into the Light that which must be exposed and changed. Flooding the world with the transmuting power of Love. A necessary cleansing to welcome in the new. Stay strong, safe, well.

    Liked by 3 people


  10. dgkaye
    Oct 03, 2020 @ 03:13:30

    Everything you said Sue! I feel all of what you speak – hence the staying buckled for some time now. There’s a mist in the atmosphere of darkness trying to take power in many places. It’s like a disease that spreads invisibly. We must be very aware – as you and I always are, but also keep centered and focus our minds to stay in the light. I have to admit, I have my struggles with that from time to time. So I most certainly look forward to part 2. And now I will watch the video. Stay safe and balanced my friend. And in the light! Hugs xox ❤ xx

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 03, 2020 @ 22:58:46

      Yes I also agree with you Debby some days I have really struggled… and found myself with so much frustration knowing what we know, seeing what we see, and feeling what we feel… Keeping our balance is key… But so intense has this game been, it has almost broken me at times… But that too I realised is all part of the game plan… To break up those who work IN the LIGHT…. Part two has several interesting links… Some referals to Canada in the last video on the post… But I am sure you will find the information as no surprise.. Regarding DNA, and those needle pushers of cures… 😀 .. The second part draft almost complete… It seems I was waiting for certain videos to be published only yesterday to make a point.. 🙂
      You too Debby much love ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  11. Timothy Price
    Oct 03, 2020 @ 03:42:58

    It’s really hard to separate fact from fiction, but any sane person knows that there is way more fiction than there are facts about most everything reported today.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 03, 2020 @ 23:02:58

      There is a lot of Disinformation for sure Tim out there… But also a lot of Truth… And when you have been digging around as long as I have you know when you hear truth and when you hear fiction… I just wish some of those so called reporters would dig out Facts instead of reading from their scripted dialogues off the same cue sheet.. 🙂 But then we know the media is now mostly fiction as you rightly say being pushed as fact.. Thank you kindly Tim.. 🙂 I really appreciate your thoughts

      Liked by 1 person


  12. Nihar R Pradhan
    Oct 03, 2020 @ 05:18:10

    Dear Sue, just couldn’t have agreed more on this pressing idea that we are all under unauthorized scanner and we are being subjugated to mindless streaming of agenda driven thoughts. Indeed the origin of the term “television programme” are agenda driven, and millions of us who believe on the establishment for working for the good of mankind are gullibly falling prey. How unfortunate that may sound but that’s how we all stand and stand to lose unless we wake up and speak out. Never easy as it needs courage and the conviction to work your ways and get your voice heard far and wide. Though there is no death of media or medium to reach out and anybody can do but the good voices gets bullied and battered under the constant hammer of cacophony surrounding us. We are deeply encircled and we have become entrapped. The cracks outside are wide open but being trapped inside we have limited our sight to see such flaws and these are flowing with impunity, and nobody raise a red flag, pretty unfortunate indeed.

    And there is this beautiful interplay between light and darkness of nature, and that’s what defines our life. We wonder on such miracles of nature but we are now forced to wander on things that are happening black and white around us. We are being pushed into the zones of darkness and those trying to takes us towards the light are being hijacked, There is an ulterior agenda under operation and we all have become guinea pig. There was semblance of hope much before this pandemic arrived but this wide spread break us broken the minds of millions of people and there is such deep agony and suffering, any sensible thoughts have become the raw and ruthless casualty of this agenda driven assault.

    The clip on falconry is such an apt representation of what is happening to the world and how media has taken over the mindless control of the population and mindfulness has been systematically sabotaged. When there is such an imperative need to be mindful we are being bombarded with mindless stream of thoughts merely to hoodwink the population at large. nevertheless, it is so fascinating to see how a falcon gets trained and how human can establish such close relationship and communicate with birds and animals, and horse is one such example and nobody can take away the relationship man has with dog…being faithful, and ironically the faith in humanity is missing!!!

    Hope all well Dear Sue, nothing can be more joyful then being ensconced in the real beauty and bounty of nature. The more we distance ourselves from these cacophony of glaring media and silently get connected with nature – the more we nurture our wounded senses and the more mindful we become of our surrounding and inner self. Take care and have a wonderful weekend!!!

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 03, 2020 @ 23:34:08

      Many thanks Nihar for your insightful and in-depth thoughts dear friend, Indeed the interplay of light and dark are forever intermingled. But I do believe in the spark of our human spirit, and our resolve to strive for goodness is more powerful than the evil that thinks it can control and win.. IF that is people wake up to the fact that they are being mind-controlled and played, in this ‘ masquerade ‘ with enforced prison like conditions, separation to break bonds of emotional contact…. Dancing, gatherings of celebrations etc.. Anything joyful or which could cause people to unite on common ground or unity of thoughts, without the Fear of reprisals affecting their livelihoods etc.

      I am pleased you enjoyed the clip of the Falconry and the breaking down of the word Television Programme 🙂
      We are well dear Nihar, I trust you and your family are also my friend… Wonderful to connect and converse again my friend…. Enjoy your Sunday also 🙂 🙏💚

      Liked by 1 person


      • Nihar R Pradhan
        Oct 05, 2020 @ 11:43:58

        Indeed, there is a mysterious mind game at play and there are vested interest in operation and nefarious forces trying to take undue advantage of gullible and helpless state of mind, unfortunately many are are in and that’s how the evil provokes the good. There has to a collective effort and it is only when the collective consciousness is awaken that we will get the power to fight the mighty evil forces at work.

        We are all confined, this is hitting hard at the heart of humanity and the social engagement which breaks the monotony and mundane of daily life is under deep seize. There is a desperate need to break free and break away from the gloom and doom trying to dance its way into the happiness and harmony of humanity.

        Thanks as always Dear Sue and good to hear everything fine at your end. Take care and stay safe. Hope you had great weekend!!!



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Oct 06, 2020 @ 17:57:43

          Many thanks dear Nihar… And yes there most certainly is “mind game at play and there are vested interest in operation and nefarious forces trying to take undue advantage of gullible and helpless state of mind,….” So true dear Nihar..
          Many so mind controlled they do not even know they are being controlled. The powers that be are breaking anything that may create enjoyment… No music in places, no dancing.. no gatherings here only 6 in a home or on the streets 6 ft nearly 6inches apart aprox two metres.. The numbers are interesting symbology in themselves if it were not so serious as we see crimes against humanity being driven here with the cure..
          My only comfort is that many are waking up, and now reading between the narrative and beginning to question with Drs and other science professionals other than those in tandem with the WHO, showing evidence that these testing kits are not accurate, and were never intended to be used for the purpose by its inventor, and the figures of deaths are nothing like when the Asian, Spanish flu was rampant. Argh well dear friend…. I only hope the truth will come out and these individuals who have these nefarious adgeda’s are brought before a council of a human rights court… Because countless of elderly died due to Health officials returning ill patients back into nursing homes..

          Sending thoughts your way dear Nihar…. And my weekend was peaceful and relaxing thank you.. Enjoy your own new week… 🙂 🙏

          Liked by 1 person


          • Nihar R Pradhan
            Oct 07, 2020 @ 15:34:12

            Indeed, there is something beneath the surface and we are all locked in the glaze and leaving us with less space to think sensibly. Our senses are being hijacked and our thoughts are being redirected. In other other words we are all dancing to the tune of invisible masters playing the tunes to their advantage and we are all trapped.
            Though the official figure states 25M but the actual numbers are unofficial comes to 750M almost 20-25 times and what is the real scene and what is happening on the ground is not really known. So regarding the testing to the current line of treatment to the vaccines under trials – so much is coming nobody knows the truth and when we all in panic everything gets its distorted color.
            Let’s pray for all and hope sanity returns and mankind gets back on its feet and let the world wake up and run with a new vigor for a much better tomorrow…
            Take care Dear Sue and thanks so much for you good wishes. 😀

            Liked by 1 person


  13. Mark Lanesbury
    Oct 03, 2020 @ 05:31:08

    Happy Anniversary dear lady, your garden in heart and mind has been cultivating our thoughts for a considerable time. Glad you are still here digging into the deeper layers and giving us more air to breathe.
    Much love and light Sue, may that energy bring more to the light 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 03, 2020 @ 23:38:39

      Many thanks dear Mark, who would have thought still here after all of this time.. 🙂 Always digging dear Mark, if now here on the plot with the veggies my friend…. And hope to cultivate a few minds to see from a different perspective… But I am mainly talking to the converted here…. But it makes me feel better than keeping silent…
      Spirit have moved me to speak up and take courage… So you know I always follow the flow 🙂
      Sending love and Light right back Mark… Enjoy your Sunday, 💚 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


      • Mark Lanesbury
        Oct 04, 2020 @ 00:50:06

        Thank you Sue, and even us in the ‘know’ can still take on things ‘unknown’. Keep sharing your heart it has much love to express dear lady, and within it we will take on those things to find that balance 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋



  14. Barbara Franken
    Oct 03, 2020 @ 08:10:40

    Like yourself I’ve been observing what’s going on and waiting patiently for my next move on my mission. A beautiful post Sue, sharing how everyone is so easily being controlled❤️ I’m still chilling, looking after myself and will be updating past posts this weekend about how loving self and knowing self is the only answer to bringing in NewEarth and living a great life🥰 Thankyou for you dedication and for all your sharing, much love barbara x

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 04, 2020 @ 22:02:01

      Many thanks Barbara, I know you have spoken your truth on this world situation and understand totally where I am coming from… I have been nurturing myself also, and sending the love out.. For those behind this Hoodwinking! truly need our empathy and compassion as their own lack of love in their hearts is in dire need of our prayers… But I feel there well be some who have passed this realm of needing our compassion, as they have sold themselves to another for their crimes against Humanity..
      I look forward to catching up again Barbara this week…. As I once again travel around my friends again here in WP…
      Much love dear Barbara… and thank you for your light and love.. Oh and Loved your last video by the way… 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Barbara Franken
        Oct 06, 2020 @ 21:06:40

        Glad you’ve been relaxing, how else can we get through these times! It’s all playing out for each one of us to focus within, keep ourself well and joyful… tuned into our sovereignty and know our next move. All part of the collective consciousness to get Humanity to finally quantum leap beyond this mess we’ve managed to make! I’m excited to see how the truth spills out sooner rather than later… but many are going to be so shocked! Our loving presence, our example of embracing it all, forgiving it all and embodying our sovereignty and moving into our new experience of harmony will help lift others into their own light and knowing how to act next❤️ Here’s to holding the light, Thankyou dear Sue for being here too🥰🌈💃🏼💃🏼🙏



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Oct 06, 2020 @ 22:50:22

          Indeed Barbara, I am waiting patiently for that truth to spill out its well overdue… But all will happen when ready and I feel our patience may well be tried a little longer… But as I travel around the techno world I see many waking, many now questioning, and totally agree, holding fast harmony, love and unity is crucial….
          Many thanks dear Barbara… Much love to you dear friend ❤ 🙏💜💚

          Liked by 1 person


  15. derrickjknight
    Oct 03, 2020 @ 08:58:30

    Deep thoughts and excellent video

    Liked by 1 person


  16. marina kanavaki
    Oct 03, 2020 @ 09:50:57

    As you know, my dearest friend, I’m with you and indeed we must open our eyes to the truth as we are being intentionally blindfolded and gagged (literally!). Wishing you a beautiful weekend! Love and many hugs.

    Liked by 1 person


  17. Visionkeeper
    Oct 03, 2020 @ 11:16:51

    It is almost hard to put what is taking place into words DW. As time goes on we can more clearly see the distinct differences in regards to the old paradigm and the new one emerging. I can’t even understand how the old paradigm thinks anymore my thoughts are so drastically different. It’s an odd place to find oneself. Trying at best, overwhelming most often. Like you I have just stayed quiet and disconnected from the chaos to protect my mind from being sucked into fear. in other words I refuse to wear a hood! Great video btw. Great words DW. I watch what is going on over there and I am stunned by the bold moves being taken to strip away your freedoms. We have craziness here, but more along the lines of lies, rioting, fires and destruction which are dreadful, but not so much the punishments for not going along with their program like you guys. Stay strong dear friend and keep alerting the slumbering masses. Our work is still very much in progress. Hugs and tons of love to you. Give my best to hubby…. VK ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 04, 2020 @ 22:21:05

      Hi Dear VK…. Yes I so relate VK as to keeping within our own sacred space… My garden and nature has been my saviour…. As I have found sanctuary in both …. I think I have been quiet to gather inner strength.. Now is that time to share, as it feels right… And you know me… follow my instincts… ❤
      Lots of love your way dear friend…. Sending Love ❤ and well wishes…. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  18. Visionkeeper
    Oct 03, 2020 @ 11:19:48

    Odd…I kept hitting the like button but I don’t see where I m being recognized. Not sure why. Anyway, I LIKE IT DW 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  19. rabirius
    Oct 03, 2020 @ 12:32:03

    Unlearning some things is a good tipp. But also hard to achieve.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 04, 2020 @ 22:45:26

      I agree, but it seem we are easily led to learn new things and think them as the now normal?….in such a short space of time….. Lets hope common sense prevails.. eh.. 😀 Take care Rabirius…. keep creating your music… We need new inspiration.. 😀



  20. Jennie
    Oct 03, 2020 @ 12:48:52

    Well said, Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


  21. peggyjoan42
    Oct 03, 2020 @ 14:06:58

    Man has been Hoodwinked from the beginning of time. Evil men have been in control in this world for a long time. We need to let our light shine to push the darkness aside and find the truth between good and evil. It is extremely hard to live in this world and not let depression bring us down. There is much evil that we do not know about or even see, but if we saw every evil person or event we would be overwhelmed. We need to find a safe quiet place to deal with trials that plague us in this world in order to find the strength to fight for good.

    Liked by 2 people


  22. -Eugenia
    Oct 03, 2020 @ 15:37:46

    Know the truth and it shall set you free. Happy Anniversary dear, Sue! ⭐️ 🌟 ✨

    Liked by 1 person


  23. Eddie Two Hawks
    Oct 03, 2020 @ 16:57:41

    10 years, oh gosh you too? Of course! My goodness Sue, I remember
    times we shared. There have been many and there will be many more.
    Blessings to you dear heart, love, Eddie

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 04, 2020 @ 23:01:05

      Yes dear Eddie, how time does fly.. We have come a long way since those early days in Live Spaces.. I remember all of those wonderful Native American photos you shared and then somehow they all got lost… And yes many more to come Eddie… Much love right back dear friend 🙂



  24. Renee Espriu
    Oct 03, 2020 @ 18:59:47

    I enjoyed the write and thank you so much for the video. It is true that across our global world entire populations are being ‘hoodwinked’ into believing that the wearing of ‘masks’ and ‘social distancing’ is going to prevent/halt a virus from spreading. The truth of the matter is this virus has been around since the ’60s and perhaps even longer. We have most likely been living with it for years and will have to learn to live with it again…without the wearing of ‘masks’ and ‘social distancing’. People are not meant to live in this manner for it is an unnatural way of looking at our world. The social media is, indeed, making it possible to spread fear and anxiety faster than ever before. In the past months I have chosen to not listen to the news except when truly necessary and I have tuned out what the leaders of the world are saying…to include the leaders of the Center For Disease Control and Prevention. While some of those included in these groups may have the good of the general populace in mind, most have their own personal agendas for promoting what they are telling us is the ‘truth’. I have no doubt there is a virus but as to the ‘out of control’ spread of it?!? That is the sticking point and yes, I believe millions of people have indeed, been ‘hoodwinked’. That is more than obvious here in the US. Once they began ‘mandating’ that ‘masks’ be worn and that there would be penalties to both individuals and business owners alike, that is when I took more than a second look at the social arena. But from the beginning I have not believed much of what has been spread through the social media ways i.e, papers, television and internet. Well, I think I’ve probably said more than I will say again. But your post states exactly what it is I believe to actually be the ‘truth’ of the matter. Do take care. xoxo

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 04, 2020 @ 23:21:41

      Bless you dear Renee for speaking your truthful thoughts my friend… You hit the nail on its head.. and yes I have looked into facts and figures and your CDC backtracked on its own figures to admit the death toll was wrong… And that it was only 6% of the all of 153,504 deaths recorded were actually of Covid … Which meant only just over 9,210 actually died of Covid.. The other 94% had 2 or 3 other serious illness’s and an overwhelming majority were of a very advanced age… I have been looking on our government website at total deaths from flu in previous years.. and this is NO pandemic…
      Sending love and Blessings dear Renee….. And if we who are Grandmothers can figure that out.. What are those in power whom we put in Government actually doing???? It seems the more academic you are the more the wool is pulled..
      Sending Love and Huge hugs.. So pleased to see your painting again…. Loved it.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  25. stevebArt
    Oct 03, 2020 @ 23:00:45

    hi sue, please forgive me but i have read through this and dont have the foggiest idea what you are saying, what i cant understand is , if we have all been hoodwinked all this time , who is going to tell us the truth, and would you believe them, how do they know as they could have been hoodwinked, or maybe they are the hoodwinkers(is that a word). It all sounds a bit too deep for me..

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 03, 2020 @ 23:11:30

      Aww dear Steve….. this is the problem, most people have not got a clue and that is no fault of yours, but the way in which this world has been manipulated… And for those of us who have been ‘Awake’ as we term it… have understood for many years the deceptions going on throughout the world… To go into details here is not the time or place…. Maybe after you have seen the next post and watched the last video especially… You may then get a clearer picture of the whole agenda world wide which has been orchestrated with precision engineering If you watch the video of the Falcon it may explain a little… Part Two will maybe reveal more, or you may just dismiss it…. Like I said, when the truth outs as it always will sooner or later, people will be shocked…. on many levels as to our world, how its run, who really runs, it and how we are all pawns in this game of chess… 🙏

      Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 04, 2020 @ 21:18:36

      Hi again Steve, just been over to look at your latest battalions you painted, superb! I would have left a comment on each but your comment section on the all now closed… Just wanted to add loved how you are explaining the history about them and didn’t know about the history on your last post The Battle of East Stoke Fields… Loved the map too 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


      • stevebArt
        Oct 04, 2020 @ 21:31:08

        Thanks sue, I think it just helps place the figures in context to what they are portraying, it was brutal times in the war of the roses.

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Oct 04, 2020 @ 21:47:10

          Yes the wars back then brutal, the wars today brutal…. We think we have progressed…. I wonder!…. Have we learnt anything from our past mistakes??? …. It seems not..
          Sending Love and Light Steve… Keep painting and being the moment… 🙂

          Liked by 1 person


  26. fauquetmichel
    Oct 04, 2020 @ 15:16:33

    However we have to love the world , No, Sue ?




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 04, 2020 @ 23:44:57

      Indeed Michel, we do indeed need to love the world… Warts and all… and send Love especially into the hearts of those who have lost that capacity to love and have replaced it with anger and hate…. Evil and greed… They need our love most of all…. ❤ 🙂



  27. Bela Johnson
    Oct 04, 2020 @ 15:38:23

    Having a college major in Jungian Psych, i have long realized that the path to higher consciousness lies in integration of Shadow and Light. You are right, we cannot ignore Shadow and simply strive for the Light.

    There is also the Toltec concept of the Nagual – the darkness – the nothingness from which Creation emerges. If we are not comfortable with it, we delay this integration further.

    I wish human history were different. I would like to believe that somewhere we have a point of reference to remedy the horrors we see today. But I don’t think it exists, historically speaking. And so ‘we’ must fashion a new model, but I am having a hard time with the collective energies seeping into my own seclusion, here on this mountain. And if I am challenged, then these undesirable elements exist within as well. And so another day begins; another moment in time, another breath in which to clear and cleanse and reset. Again and again.

    Astrologer Pam Gregory says this is the hardest two months of human history. There are so many planetary factors that urge humans on to a Fifth Dimensional awareness for the first time ever on Planet Earth. It is so important to hold the vision; to be exceedingly mindful. Sometimes I despair that I am not up to the task, then I begin. Again. And again.

    Blessings to you, sweet friend. Glad you’re still contributing to WP. I have written poems, here and there, but am not yet ready to recommit. Hope to do that one day soon. Love you.

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 04, 2020 @ 23:54:22

      Wise words dear Bela.. so lovely to see you, and you do right to retreat into your Mountain Magic… I doubt many of us working with our empathic selves have not felt that despair Bela…. Many tears I too have shed in sheer frustration….
      But we have created all of this within our own Dream spell of entrapment within this dimension we have found ourselves perpetually going around like mice on the spinning wheel…. Though I now feel its time to jump off… As my guides said some years ago.. The Wheel is now full…. and we have to choose…
      I know my own imperfections are many, as are many others… But I will not give up on Humanity.. for at its basic core is love and kindness… And I will fight not to see our empathic nature taken away by manipulation and design of a few..
      I continually look at my paintings on the wall of my bedroom before I sleep and as I wake Bela.. and repeat their titles.. UNITY… NEW EARTH and TRANSFORMATION… And I hold the vision within my being… Sending Love dear friend.. Enjoy your renovations of your new Home… within your New surroundings… And create your own New Earth within and without dear friend… ❤ ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Bela Johnson
        Oct 05, 2020 @ 02:14:02

        Thanks, dear Sue. Maybe I should begin doing pastel paintings again. I do need an art outlet, not just writing. I just have to find my pastels at the moment. Found the paper! Omg. Still so much in chaos, but far less.

        Felt better after walking about 5 miles today through the forest. Came home, read some, walked out with a cross-body bag to collect sage and juniper. Now there are sage and juniper bouquets throughout the house! And no water. So when they dry, we can burn them for smudge.

        Take good care, sweetie. Every day seems different, and I’ve got to discover how better to hold my center. Acupuncture helps. I think I’ll keep at it every two weeks as well until … Yes. Love!



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Oct 05, 2020 @ 22:31:29

          A walk in nature certainly clears the mind Bela, and heals and rebalances us… The bundles of sage and juniper sound delightful… I have an incense stick burning at the moment.. White Sage… And love the smell of sage smudge sticks, and have burned a fare few in my years Lol..
          Painting, pastels, and art creations sounds just the thing.. I have a painting half started… half finished… 🙂 words it seems need to come out before I can settle back down to painting it… Maybe the two are connected we shall see..
          Even Hubby said the other day, why don’t you start another knitting project.. As he knew I was restless and couldn’t settle… I said there were things I needed to get off of my chest.. lol… in with written word… So I wrote a letter to my Member of Parliament, Not that it will do much good but it made me feel better pointing out some facts and asking some questions.. As some MP’s in Parliament now beginning to question the narrative!
          And so I do what I feel I need to do… Some days its nothing but gardening, others reading fiction, another day furiously cleaning the house.. 🙂 As my mind doesn’t want to settle or even think.. Other days the words come clear and fast, and I listen, capture them and write them down…. Acupuncture I know has also been a life line of my own… Sending Love dear Bela… hope you like the MPs speech I linked in.. 😉

          Liked by 1 person


          • Bela Johnson
            Oct 06, 2020 @ 23:34:45

            Yes, looks like you’re in as big a mess there as we are here. Country wise I mean. Although… I don’t know. I still think the US leads in moronic leaders. I wasn’t able to see your letter, however. Maybe they removed it? The comments link just leads to ads about strange personal items. 🙀

            I am glad you are feeling moved to the written word. Likely because of all we’ve had to do since the move, I can’t say the same. But we are getting a lot accomplished, and all of that feels quite good.

            Sending you love across the miles! 💕



            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Oct 08, 2020 @ 11:05:31

              I re-clicked the link Bela.. There are adds before the speech in the Commons of the MP who is telling it like it is… The video is still there, Where one member of parliament at least is speaking his mind.. That it is not acceptable given ‘Other Professional evidence’ of lockdowns and these ‘Draconian’ Measures.. I dare say if you had not got so much on your plate with the move Bela, you poetic voice would have risen to the occasion lol… Stay in your beautiful bubble of isolation, beauty, and creativity my friend.. It is the best place while we are able to remain there.. ❤ ❤ ❤

              Liked by 1 person

            • Bela Johnson
              Oct 08, 2020 @ 15:02:28


              Liked by 1 person

  28. boundlessblessingsblog
    Oct 04, 2020 @ 17:28:19

    Happy Anniversary, Sue and such a profound post. Such a reflective video.



  29. The Coastal Crone
    Oct 04, 2020 @ 20:07:07

    Congratulations on ten years and more!



  30. seaangel4444
    Oct 04, 2020 @ 20:14:03

    Thank you so much for your enlightening insight and wise words, dear Sue. I am looking forward to Part 2. With love and blessings, Cher xo

    Liked by 1 person


  31. Baydreamer
    Oct 05, 2020 @ 00:42:45

    Wonderful, insightful post, Sue, as always. Thank you for shining your light to remind us that finding a balance in between the darkness and light is essential. I, too, have been overwhelmed at times, feeling almost a sense of dread. But that feeling only lasts a few seconds before I awaken into keeping myself busy and not dwelling in that dark place. It’s enough to bring us all down, for sure. What a year 2020 has been and it had such a magical ring to it, didn’t it?
    And Happy Anniversary, too! I received the same message but didn’t really become active until 2011. You reminded me to do a post, as well. 😉 This week’s been super busy, so I’m moving slower in blogland.
    Sending big hugs and lots of light to you for the week ahead. xoxoxo

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 05, 2020 @ 22:10:22

      Thank you Lauren, Yes our blogs I think for many have taken second place as life takes on a whole new meaning and we don’t wish to waste any seconds of time.. Congratulations also Lauren… Our friendship here has been longstanding… 🙂 As for the year… Yes 2020 Vision as they say, an Insightful year of many revelations and perhaps the greatest yet to come as the year ends.. Keeping busy is the key… And focusing in the Now… While being aware and observant of everything around us, but now becoming a victim… As we stand within our own Sovereignty and learn we still have free will to say No is we so desire…
      Sending thoughts your way Lauren… and Likewise… I guess I have lots to catch up on with you too…. At the moment I am busy collecting my thoughts, while limiting my time here on WP as well as trying to write what will not stay quiet within my head…. As I deliver what comes from my heart..
      Sending LOVE over the airwaves…. Stay strong dear friend….. We need to keep sending out that Love despite all attempts to divide and create fear.. ❤ Much love your way ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  32. thespiritkeeper
    Oct 05, 2020 @ 02:18:55

    It is nice to sit with oneself in silence to let the thoughts perculate. I find if I am sitting quietly or most time when I am doing menial work that is where I get the greatest epiphanies. I recently was doing menial word and had someone come up to me saying that it was mind numbing work that I was doing. I asked him if he had done this type of work. He said no. I then said then you don’t know if it is menial work. The next day he said again mind numbing work. I replied why would you say that and he said it is nit picky work. Nit picky work isn’t mind numbing it means you are paying attention to detail. The third day he said to me. That is mind numbing work. Being human I said to him that he was mind numbing lol. No more comments were added
    Sorry went off on a little tangent to make a point. Yes, peering in those cracks can be dismal, upsetting as related to humanity. There are other cracks you peer in for me is reality and earth isn’t reality. I am looking forward to part 2 to see the cracks you are speaking of.
    I agree with you there is a war much deeper than the ongoing war that has been happening for centuries and I agree with you with the dualistic enigma of being human.
    I have found by observation that the truth is being unveiled all over the world. The dark ones are being exposed and we are seeing the corruption which is many.The video with the falcon is interesting and does explain how people can pull the wool over your eyes. The thing I can’t understand is all these followers are told what this leader does but they thin the leader would never do such a thing.
    Happy10 years of blogging that is quite a feat my friend. I know you will have a good week ahead and sorry the little outburst of me me me. lol May you feel the vibrations of love which brings peace ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 05, 2020 @ 23:03:39

      You illustrated you point perfectly… No task is menial, when it is done with dedication and love… Focusing on detail is often what is needed in life.. Obviously the person in question didn’t see that….. Having worked myself in what some would call repetitive mindless work, within a factory setting of sewing thousands of pieces of material over and over, day in day out all be it different colours and shades…. But these pieces are the pieces life is made up from… We wear them as garments…
      The garments of life is now revealing to us that which we have kept hidden, and there will be many who still do not see the details, or the patience to which all has to unfold.. Because they have cognitive distancing, seeing only that which they want to see…
      But the blinkers are about to fall off, and when they do, they may well have to see the details for themselves as those cracks open wider revealing the work needed by the few who do those menial tasks no one else wants to do, so that others may walk in the Light of Truth and Freedom…
      Many thanks dear Joseph…. sending right back my friend 🙂 🙏💚



  33. J.D. Riso
    Oct 05, 2020 @ 12:04:11

    An incredibly powerful post, Sue. The greatest obstacle, I believe, is the willingness to admit that one has been “hoodwinked”. The ego is a most effective prison warden. The pain of betrayal is more than some can bear, and they prefer to go on believing the lies. Thank you for having the courage to peer into those cracks. Sending you love, dear one.💖



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 06, 2020 @ 21:49:49

      Many thanks dear Julie, I agree with you there Julie, most do not even realise they have been hoodwinked unfortunately… I truly hope as the truth is revealed slowly little by little they will see just how we have all of us been betrayed, and lied to, and played in this Game of Chess as mere pawns to be sacrificed and moved here and there for their own gains..
      Some cracks I shy away from, for peering too deeply is too shocking for even the most courageous of us I cannot go there, I delved to the tip of that tunnel and no deeper…. The world will not believe that some major players of this Chess game have been household names… whom they worshiped and respected… But those cracks need to have all of that slime brought up from the deep swamp..
      Which is happening to many right now, as the deep traumas, the deep wounds and hurts are being brought up within us all to face the light of day…
      Only when we delve deep within and make peace with our own shadows, will we project outwardly a different reality.. For what we perceive inwardly is what we create outwardly…
      Much love dear Julie sending love and Huge Hugs your way ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • J.D. Riso
        Oct 07, 2020 @ 15:31:11

        I shied away from those cracks, too…I know enough of what’s there. I took a peek and stepped back. Too much immersion is soul-killing rather than liberating.

        As you know, I’ve been focusing on my own shadows, especially the past few months. It’s been one of the most difficult periods of my life, and I’ve wondered whether it’s really making me a better person or simply destroying me. But the shadows are dissipating, slowly, and I’m beginning to understand the reason why I had to experience certain things. It’s funny how I’m now able to observe others without becoming enmeshed anymore. So many are really having a hard time. They’re trying to avoid the shadows any way they can. I work as a bartender, in a historic hotel in a beautiful area, but still I witness so much desperation. So many look to me to fill their voids. I refuse. Rather than upset them with my very firm boundaries, my presence seems to calm them. But there is a noticeable difference between those who have the capability to grow, and those who are truly entrenched.

        Thank you, always, for sharing your loving presence. I always see pure white in my mind when I think of you. Wishing you a magnificent autumn, dear Sue. ❤



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Oct 08, 2020 @ 11:46:36

          Yes the divide is visible and you can now see it and feel it.. This is sorting out the wheat from the chaff so to speak…. Those who are able to reason, use common sense, and perceive from a higher perspective… While there are always going to be those held prisoners in victim mode… Of blame, guilt, anger, hatred, while not willing to look deeper within themselves to change themselves….
          We were all given a great opportunity and space to go within and take time out to look in our mirrors… We, did that, years ago, and are still works in progress, as we face what comes up for us in the moment..
          I am learning to step back, observe… and in some ways detach.. .. But what drives me is my Passion… my passion to serve, and bring a spark of awareness.. I know many will never wake up… This is why I feel so many lives have had to be touched this way.. Its given them their opportunity in which to wake up…
          I can change no one but myself… But I can plant a seed here and a seed there to perhaps make them better equipped to see behind the curtain of this play we are all characters within, playing our different rolls..
          And in doing so, as others have helped me to see myself… We all grow as we ‘innerstand’ it is we who creates our own reality…

          Love and Blessings dear Julie… Keep being the beacon you are, in sharing your own truth and light dear friend..
          Much love ❤

          Liked by 1 person


  34. Jane Sturgeon
    Oct 05, 2020 @ 14:54:05

    I stand with you, dearest Sue and my brothers and sisters. ❤ Your hawk video share expresses it beautifully. I have also been researching and the documentary on Netflix, The Social Dilemma is part of the awakening. Moment by moment. We stand together in loving peace. ❤ ❤ ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 06, 2020 @ 21:56:43

      Many thanks and Bless you Jane.. The hawk video was a lucky find which I was directed to which struck me as the perfect find to explain my thoughts… And yes, we have to go through these patterns in order for society to see for themselves what is going on… I just hope more wake up and are not like that lady in the street who spoke to your Mum…. Step my step, we carry on, doing what we feel is right… And no doubt that lady also felt she was doing the right thing…. Given the indoctrination which has taken place this last year on the subject…
      Much love returned… ❤ ❤ ❤



  35. Maria Wind Talker
    Oct 05, 2020 @ 19:21:34

    Excellent post, it is not a negative post Sue it needs saying. Keep shining Sistar I love you ❤ xxx



  36. JanBeek
    Oct 06, 2020 @ 19:34:39

    Wow! You’ve been blogging here even longer than I! Thank you for hanging in there and continuing to shed your light on this world that’s growing darker by the minute. Yes, it is our responsibility to expose the shadows and eliminate those we can with the light of wisdom and Truth. “We know that only in the brightest of Light, exposes those Dark Shadows…. And our mission as ‘Light Workers’ not only involves spreading light. But it also involves exposing those shadows with our light.” I’m with you … and I appreciate you. Thank you, {{{Sue}}}. ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 06, 2020 @ 22:18:51

      Yes time has flown and it hardly seems possible how the years mount up Jan.. So pleased you picked out that particular sentence Jan… Not all work for the Light is as simple as holding love… In order to expose the world to wrong doing, the wrong doers need exposing so that the world can rectify what is wrong..
      A child only learns by experiencing, and some times climbs recklessly, and she/he falls, wounds himself, and so next time he is more careful…
      Humanity has been highjacked long ago to nefarious entities. And they now need outing from their parasitic traits. The world’s energetics’ is now primed within the celestial bodies and the signs in the heavens are forming humanity to stand up to the task in hand… As we shift from the old into the new… The upheaval we witness is not pretty, nor will it be easy, but we came here Jan, for this time… And I am up for a challenge.. 🙂
      Sending love and Blessings Jan.. thank care my friend ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • JanBeek
        Oct 07, 2020 @ 19:21:22

        I am up for the challenge, too, {{{Sue}}}. Yes, Humanity has been highjacked to nefarious entities. We do need to escape from their parasitic traits! We need to find the “Peace that passeth understanding” and spread the “Love that knows no barriers.” Together we can make headway… keep on keepin’ on!! ❤



  37. JoAnna
    Oct 07, 2020 @ 02:30:54

    Interesting food for thought. The video clarifies in part why I love nature and animals so much. Happy anniversary! May we see clearly and walk in the light. ❤



  38. Shakti Ghosal
    Oct 07, 2020 @ 09:03:17


    I found this an honest and gut wrenching post.

    Indeed, the way the world shows up for us is a function of the beliefs we hold about it and all exists there. And as you say, to attain and achieve lightness, we need to unload and jettison the baggage of past hurts and traumas that we carry within. However the other way that I have found that works is to consciously shift the context that we are using to observe any aspect in the world.

    Reading your post somehow reminded me of the “Matrix” movie and the make believe world of 1999 it was stuck into, As Morpheus said to Neo, “”What is real? How do you define real?”
    “This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.”

    With blessings

    Shakti Ghosal



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 08, 2020 @ 11:09:26

      Thank you Shakti, it is perhaps no coincidence that in the past I have both mentioned the red pill and the matrix, and Travelling down the rabbit hole, I have done that also 🙂 I was red pilled long ago 😉
      Many thanks Shakti, I appreciate you reading and your views.. 🙂 🙏



  39. Dalo 2013
    Oct 07, 2020 @ 11:15:39

    This is a pretty intense series of thoughts in this post, and so important and valuable for people to realize and understand. In part, I think the environment we’ve all been living in this past year has giving us some valuable time to observe and digest all that is going on outside as well as inside, and give us more understanding of ourselves allowing us to question the insanity many people turn a blind eye to. Be safe, Sue, and take care.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 08, 2020 @ 11:23:00

      Many thanks Randall, always a pleasure when you drop by to read my thoughts my friend… This indeed although tragic for many has to be seen for what it now is.. And how its been used..
      We were in fact delivered a Gift, an opportunity in those first early stages of isolation, to reassess and re-evaluate our lives, our purpose, and see how we could alternatively work in a different way… But we know it has been highjacked, manipulated for a more serious agenda of the few, who care little about the suffering of the many..
      Many turn a blind eye, because of fear, and challenging the establishment.. Fear imposed in this instance with fines, hitting people who are vulnerable enough with the insecurities of their jobs, and ridiculous fines at that. One eating place here in the UK got fined 1,000 pounds for serving a burger four minutes after curfew at 10 pm.. The order was placed before 10pm…. but obviously had to be cooked.. Someone took it upon themselves to report this…
      Neighbours are being encouraged to snitch on neighbours by our government no less, as we cannot gather more than 6 in our homes our outdoors.. In shops we have Distance Marshalls, making sure you comply with wearing masks.. if not you get fined.. And keeping distance… These are all small steps, people are being mind controlled into accepting for the good of keeping others safe.. When Drs are stepping forward saying we have been hoodwinked… the facts are not as the so called ‘Science advisors’ are giving is correct… But these doctors are being threatened with being struck off, some have been arrested for voicing their concerns publicly.. A nurse was suspended, she then resigned because of speaking her truth…… So many now need to wake up… And stop turning that blind eye.. Or ALL of our freedoms world wide will vanish… And worst still we will have enforced ‘Cures’ which are linked with AI which is going to track and trace and hold you ransom…
      So thank you Randall, it is so very Important for people to realise and understand…. So, so true..
      Many thanks for adding your thoughts and listening to mine.. 🙂 💖🙏💚



  40. AmyRose🌹
    Oct 07, 2020 @ 13:40:55

    Sue, there are days I cry as I see so many fall under the “spell” of hoodwinking. I am becoming more aware it seems with each day and SO sensitive that to see the not too future destruction of our world as we know it brings panic to the surface. What exactly must happen before people wake up? I’m reading a book taking place in 1939 America and something stopped me cold as someone was explaining how the start of eliminating Jews started. The word “essential” is what stopped me cold as those in power decided which Jew was “essential”. This is the very same word being used today. How about the temperature guns being pointed at the foreheads? These masks that are making people more and more compliant, just wearing everyone out with all the fight kicked out of them. The cruelty displayed in medicine horrifies me and the modern day Gestapo in place demanding masks be worn in order to gain entrance into a business makes my blood boil. Those of us who See, are tired. The criminal activities everywhere and the filth being exposed right now is enough to send anyone of a sensitive nature into a tail spin. I am being told by my Inner Guidance to maintain peace, to maintain faith, and to keep focusing on the beauty and good, bringing that into not only my reality but the reality on my blog. I will NOT bend my knee to evil. I will NOT write posts that invite the filthy censorship and darkness from attacking me. I won’t do it. So I continue to See yes, and cry yes, but then to get a hold of myself, hold back the panic, and continue to CREATE LOVE. If that is not enough, ….. that is all I can do. And then hold on to faith. Bless you for writing this post. It is not on you if others are still hoodwinked. We know we are not. xo



    • AmyRose🌹
      Oct 07, 2020 @ 14:39:28

      PS I just heard our Gov. wants to shut down SYNAGOGUES. Coincidence? No! What I am seeing at a certain site confirms the light is explosively exposing this evil …. the LIGHT is NOT going to allow this evil to remain!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 08, 2020 @ 11:36:05

      I hear you Amy… and think of the children.. Children develop using their senses, to perceive each others emotions we do that through our facial expression.. A baby who cannot see its mothers face cannot perceive her emotions.. A young child in school, does not know then when we are using humour, or being critical, or laughter or joy… We are being made to be FACELESS, valueless human beings…. The emotional damage to children is HUGE Amy… let alone we know the medical implications of wearing a mask all day…
      I know my Son has to wear a mask as an adult for hours during his working day.. Each day he too is subject to having his temperature taken… But to refuse means his job… This is not the work of a Pandemic.. we would all willing do what was needed Amy to keep ourselves and our families safe… Using our common sense…
      This is as we know far from being a pandemic, the figures are now showing us the truth of that… This is about control, the cure to control and cull… Which is why I will speak in my own way… I cannot spread any more fear than the media is doing right now… But what I can do is point to the truth as to why we are being fed the fear.. And what is and has been hiding in the shadows… I now feel more than ever.. even though I know many may not agree with me…. I do this, for I have to be responsible for my own actions… And if I stood by watching all unfold as I know it will if we do nothing.. I could not in all honesty live with myself..
      I see now why my researching all these years, as I gathered here and there all bits of information, are now so important, for they have set my mind on course, to follow my heart… And my heart is telling me, now is that time to speak what I am given to share..
      Much love dearest Amy…. Your love and Light, your blog of beauty is also so very much needed…. We each are called to work in different ways…. You do it beautifully…
      Stay Blessed dear friend ❤ 💚🙏💜🌈💝😍

      Liked by 1 person


      • AmyRose🌹
        Oct 08, 2020 @ 12:59:00

        How I pray that with the message our President gave last evening, that these lockdowns and this inhumane treatment of people will cease. I hope this link is right:

        The ramifications of what is going on will be seen for years to come. And how these children grow up to adulthood with this mask nightmare in their past, I know will leave deep scars. This has got to cease! I have FAITH the movement here in the USA will be felt worldwide and that the world at large will be open soon with NEW restrictions with certain countries relative to the USA. Sue, your part in all this is perfect for you. My part in all this is perfect for me. I will not stop pushing against this dark. I will not cease to radiate my light and love wherever I go and with whatever I do. I will not cease praying. And most importantly of all, I will not give up hope that this evil will be eradicated. Sending you much love over the waters this day. Be blessed and be happy. xoxoxoxoxo

        Liked by 1 person


  41. simplywendi
    Oct 08, 2020 @ 15:53:02

    Thank you so very much for bringing up the darkness in our world. While I was on break, I felt the darkness strength gaining hold of the world…….of our liberties and freedoms and I am now meditating against it. Happy Anniversary Sue……our world is a better place with you here.

    Liked by 1 person


  42. robertawrites235681907
    Oct 09, 2020 @ 16:12:36

    I always find your post very thought provoking, Sue. I am also aware that were are embroiled in a web of lies and deceit and that the facts do not stack up at all, but I don’t believe this has ever been any different. We have always been under the thumbs of the few who control most of the money and have the power. We have always been abused and pushed down. Now, the abuse is taking a different form, but it is still more of the same.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 09, 2020 @ 17:12:10

      Agreed and when we begin to look back in history to unravel it all, we then begin to see where these controlling thumbs come from, and just how the dots in all of this are connected…
      Many thanks Robbie for taking the time to read.. I appreciate your time…. Knowing just how busy you are.. Lots of Love right back ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  43. Ka Malana - Fiestaestrellas.com
    Oct 11, 2020 @ 00:22:35

    I don’t think I knew the origin of the term “hoodwink” and falcons are the most magnificent creatures. I could never think less of them, even knowing how they kill. Happy blogging Anniversary! I have been unable to catch up with all the going ons in the blog sphere. Another blogger mentioned The Social Dilemma, which is a great film on Netflix, clearly shows the trouble with social media. You are speaking from your place of your own knowing, and I think it’s important to share your opinion and perspective. All my best wishes to you, Sue!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 11, 2020 @ 15:56:59

      So good that you were able to discover something new within this post Ka.. And yes Nature is both beautiful and cruel… Hawks are magnificent creatures..

      Thank you for your thoughts Ka… Indeed the social media now seems to only support one narrative, alternatives to their owners own thinking has been censored, which shows the trouble we are in… As free speech is now censored unless you agree with one, you are thought to be against the other… No room for debate or dialogue where reason is used…. Sadly we are seeing more of this…
      So each opinion should count and each perspective be shared… As we are trusted to judge, and make our own rational discussions based on the truth presented…
      Some truths however will upset some, and they will be called lies… But The truth remains the truth, no matter how many lies are weaved.. It will stand up to the rigours of those wishing to debunk it… And as the old saying goes… The Truth has the power to set us free.. 😀
      Sending love your way Ka, and to your little one, who no doubt is now not so little and growing fast…
      Lots of Hugs to you both.. ❤ ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  44. writegardener
    Oct 11, 2020 @ 18:57:21

    Thank you for sharing your time transofrming views and expertise, Sue. Admittedly, when I read your posts, sometimes they feel cryptic to my inexperience and are way over my head. Still, I appreciate your sharing and also love the video. No wonder I’ve been mesmerized by hawks for so long… Sending gratitude, love and warm wishes your way — 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 12, 2020 @ 22:23:26

      Thank you dear WG… I guess my dialogue is because I write from the perspective I feel … And I suppose I expect others to feel/know what I feel and know…. And for those who have not come to my perspective its difficult to communicate that, So I try not to shock by being blunt… Expressing the truth what I have found out…
      We have to rethink, and look differently at reality.. I found Lorrie Ladd’s recent video a great explanation..
      Hope she makes some sense to you.. Glad you love Hawks as much as I do 🙂 Much love MG..

      Liked by 1 person


      • writegardener
        Oct 13, 2020 @ 03:03:32

        Thank you for understanding Sue. Apologies if I am too blunt but I do better with clear and direct communication rather than cryptic or guessing but that could also be unsafe I suppose on this wild wild internet. My commentary, I can assure you, is not said with ill intent but deep concern. 🙂 Love and well wishes to you always.



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Oct 13, 2020 @ 12:32:31

          No, you were not blunt at all WG…. I appreciate your feedback, most of my readers here know from which angle I speak I hope, but some have new to reading have also said they do not understand what I am speaking of.. lol… The links embedded within the posts may help you resolve that which I speak of.. And the journey of self discovery goes way back in years here within my blog, when I refer to inner shadows…
          Sending much love your way…. 💖🙏

          Liked by 1 person


          • writegardener
            Oct 13, 2020 @ 12:49:41

            Ah, thanks for taking time and being patient with this student, Sue. 🙂 I much appreciate your sharing your perspective, experience and wisdom to help open the eyes of us newbies. :-)💖🙏

            Liked by 2 people


            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Oct 13, 2020 @ 12:53:51

              Its a difficult walk as you have to unlearn all that you have been taught… I am far from wise.. I speak what comes from my heart, and that which I have found to be true.. It is not for me to make anyone believe me, or become a teacher… We are all students and we are all teachers…. It’s up to each individual to do their own researching and delve that little bit deeper to that which we have and are being told in the now…
              I was just heading over to yours when your comment came in.. 🙂 Synchronicity 🙂 lol


            • writegardener
              Oct 13, 2020 @ 13:21:02

              I do believe each of us has our own truth, and it unravels as we open our eyes, ears, and hearts. Yes, there is much to unlearn…and challenging when surrounded with so much propaganda. Love that synchronicity too — no surprise, Sue. 🙂

              Liked by 1 person

            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Oct 13, 2020 @ 13:41:17

              🙂 ❤ 🙂 lol…


  45. Ben Naga
    Oct 12, 2020 @ 21:53:35


    You are being
    lied to and
    day after day.

    Being expected
    to conform to
    empty rituals.

    But at least
    on a brighter note
    there isn’t
    a deadly virus.




  46. Miriam
    Oct 16, 2020 @ 02:30:54

    Ten years with WordPress, wow, congrats to you, and so many years awakened. Dear Sue, the whole world needs to wake up now, in the light of all the deceptions both past and present. Thank you for speaking your truth, for being a wayshower and beacon in these times of turmoil and eminent disclosure. I’m so grateful to be connected to you here across the oceans and air waves. Much love, peace and blessings to you my friend as we navigate forward. xxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 17, 2020 @ 10:46:01

      That connection dear Miriam is returned my friend, And yes sometimes along the way I almost gave in… Yet now more than ever before my mission of holding strong in the knowledge of love and light will prevail is stronger than ever…. All of those yrs of delving, digging, and working upon my own inner self… Has not been in vain… For now that knowledge, those pieces which often in themselves way back did not always make sense.. Now begin to fit more perfectly than ever into the big picture of how all of this begins to unfold…
      I know deep down that we have already won…. But we are going through the motions of clearing oh so much scaring of wounds held so deep. Its going to take time to heal, and for those who are only just embarking upon this journey of discovering who they are, and what this matrix is. For they will need time to adjust, digest, and overcome the shock of knowing those whom they trusted, and admired, and in a sense worshiped as their idols within the Hollywood industry… They are going to be in denial and reject the truth.. Because the truth is unbelievable.. But these exposures are slowly dripping out as we dive ever deeper into the swamp of corruption and pure evil..
      Much love to you also dear Miriam… Hang tight, Hold Faith, and keep love in your heart… ❤ ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Miriam
        Oct 17, 2020 @ 11:23:25

        Oh yes, I feel the truth in your words Sue and you’re right, many will find everything too hard to handle and to believe. But there’s no turning back. Thank you my friend for all your kind words. Rest assured I have faith and love in my heart. Big hugs xxx ❤️🙏

        Liked by 1 person


  47. macalder02
    Oct 16, 2020 @ 19:36:30

    I think it is the moment
    to make a great reflection of what happens to us in life.
    Right now, most of us are living a new reality, we are at home, living together, trying to deepen our connections. The moment we are living is a great opportunity to reconnect with you, reconnect with the people you love, show affection, show empathy, listen and be heard.
    But what we see and read daily is an anarchy of opinions
    Each one more crazy than the other in relation to the virus. Then it comes to light what the political class is made of. All a terrible falsehood. You don’t know how to digest what happens.
    When we read you, there is only the hope of receiving the light that will clear our minds and we will not allow ourselves to be contaminated by others.
    It was enriching to read to you, my dear Sue.
    Manuel Angel
    P.S. I’m trying to catch up on your blog.

    Creo que es el momento
    para hacer un gran reflejo de lo que nos pasa en la vida.
    En este momento, la mayoría de nosotros estamos viviendo una nueva realidad, estamos en casa, viviendo juntos, tratando de profundizar nuestras conexiones. El momento que estamos viviendo es una gran oportunidad para reconectar contigo, reconectar con las personas que amas, mostrar afecto, mostrar empatía, escuchar y ser escuchado.
    Pero lo que vemos y leemos a diario es una anarquía de opiniones
    Cada uno más loco que el otro en relación al virus. Entonces sale a la luz de qué está hecha la clase política. Toda una terrible falsedad. No sabes digerir lo que pasa.
    Cuando te leemos, solo queda la esperanza de recibir la luz que aclarará nuestras mentes y no nos dejaremos contaminar por otros.
    Fue enriquecedor leerle, mi querida Sue.
    Manuel Angel
    PD Estoy tratando de ponerme al día con tu blog.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 17, 2020 @ 11:55:57

      Mi Estimado Manuel, muchas gracias por leer mis palabras y los elogios que le has brindado a mi escrito. Aprecio mucho tus pensamientos.
      De hecho, a TODOS nosotros se nos ha dado una gran oportunidad para unirnos y encontrar nuestros propios niveles de paz interior durante este tiempo. Como vemos lo que es importante en la vida ..
      Muchos de nosotros nos enfrentamos a inseguridades, incertidumbres, como confusión …
      Vemos tantos informes contradictorios y todos estamos haciendo malabarismos con lo que es verdad y lo que es ficción …

      Pero creo que, querido Manuel, TODOS en el fondo, sabemos que esto es mucho más que un virus, si investigamos por nuestra cuenta las muertes reales, verso las muertes, digamos de Turbuculosis cada año, o Malaria cada año …

      Este virus tiene una tasa de supervivencia superior al 98% … Muchos ‘casos’ son personas que ni siquiera saben que lo tienen … Entonces, o la prueba es incorrecta … O las personas han desarrollado una inmunidad … Y sí, cada año cuando las personas reciben la vacuna contra la gripe, los ancianos se enferman y cada año vemos que la gripe se cobra más vidas que este virus.
      Así que tenemos que cuestionar … Tenemos que buscar nuestro propio entendimiento … y mientras lo hacemos, vemos una y otra vez que aquellos a quienes ponemos en el poder no sirven a su pueblo como nación. Ellos se sirven solo a ellos mismos. en su propia corrupción y estos ahora están saliendo, y saldrán por TODO el mundo … A medida que la Verdad salga, exponiendo las Mentiras …

      Me complace, querido amigo, que hayas podido leer y comprender mis palabras … Y espero poder visitarlo durante el fin de semana entre otros amigos mientras me pongo al día con todos …
      Mucho amor … Sue ❤
      My Dear Manuel, many thanks for reading my words and the compliments that you have paid to my writing. I very much appreciate your thoughts.
      Indeed we ALL of us have been given a great opportunity to unite, and find our own levels of inner peace during this time. As we see what is important in life..
      Many of us are facing insecurities, uncertainties, as confusion…
      We see so many conflicting reports and we are all of us juggling with what is truth and what is fiction..

      But I think dear Manuel, ALL of us deep down, know this is far more than a virus, if we do our own researching into the actual deaths verse deaths lets say of Turbuculosis each year, or Malaria each year…

      This virus as a 98%+ survival rate.. Many 'Cases' are people who do not even know they have it… So either the test is wrong.. Or people have developed an immunity … And yes each year when people are given the flu vacination, the elderly become ill and we see each year the flu take more lives, than this virus has..
      So we have to question… We have to seek out our own understanding… and as we do so, we see again and again that those whom we put in power serve not its people as a nation.. They serve only themselves in their own corruption and these are now coming out, and will come out ALL over the world… As the Truth Will come out, exposing the Lies…

      I am pleased dear friend that my words you were able to read and understand… And I hope to be calling in on you over the weekend among other friends as I catch back up with everyone…
      Much love… Sue ❤
      ❤ ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • macalder02
        Oct 17, 2020 @ 17:15:20

        It’s a great relief to read you Sue. As you say, it is better to be prepared to see beyond our eyes to see the truth of things. A pleasure to greet.
        Manuel Angel

        Es un gran alivio leerte Sue. Como dices, es mejor estar preparado para ver más allá de nuestros ojos para ver la verdad de las cosas. Un placer saludar.
        Manuel Angel

        Liked by 1 person


  48. poeticallyyours360
    Nov 20, 2020 @ 23:23:04

    The power of persuasion with propaganda and lies is rooted in deception and false freedom. that world or the powers control. Real freedom is not being held hostage to fear. your post is radical to some, because it is not traditional. A change will come when a challenge is met. Great post



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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