Transcending Through ~~This Time Line..

 This Muse I first shared two years ago with you.. But there are those new  here who have since joined who may wish to read..  I have been too busy within our allotments  to create a brand new post.

The world is in a strange place right now, but it is also giving us all a great opportunity to reevaluate our lives. I Recently read a great article called  The Coronation By Charles Eisenstein   For those not wishing to read, there is also a Podcast to listen to here  as his essay is read out loud.. Charles says right in the beginning of his essay   

 Covid-19 is showing us that when humanity is united in common cause, phenomenally rapid change is possible”  

That change begins within each of us… As a collective we have been given a great opportunity of space to go within, to see what is really important in our lives..  And as I am seeing within my own community, I am witnessing great things in sharing and caring both in resources  and skills being  shared with good will and Love..  Neighbours who barely knew each others names before are looking out for each other. 

When we move out of Fear Into Love we all have great opportunities to make great strides forward in unifying and harmonising our world..  But we need to move out of the Fear..  Charles Essay embraces many facts and spiritual thoughts  and I hope you find it as enlightening as I did.. 

Enjoy!. As I include below my own thoughts as we Transcend on Through!. The words ” This Time Line” I have added to the original title , because we can either create a great world where we learn to co-operate and share, in Love and Harmony, or we can create a world of Fear and Control with Greed and Separation at the Helm..

It is Now Our Time to Choose!..  



Light shaft over a loch in Scotland

How does one start to express one’s thoughts except to say them as they tumble from the mind

A mind that has for years reached out searching, never really understanding what it is that it yearns for but knowing without doubt it’s incomplete.  But then, are we not all incomplete? Are we not all that lonely spark of light searching to grow brighter as we try to cast a beam of light into the world. And when we do, do we not feel ‘lighter’ in Spirit?

I wrote these words contained within a small room. A room within my mind, the one where no one enters, where only I have the Key.. 

Locked within this room, are thoughts and dreams, promises, and desires, joy and sadness, hope and despair. And love and emptiness… Strange that these two I should pen the last, ‘Love and Emptiness’, for if one has love, how can one feel empty?

Sometimes I have wondered if I, this lonely spark of Light, who still gazes through those self-same childhood five-year-old eyes  yearns too much, to belong, to go ‘Home’ to all that is.  To become One with ALL.. Maybe I have always been wishing for this beautiful feeling to wash over me for so long, that I actually repel it, by my own very thoughts of ‘Wanting’… so here I stay,  ……. Wanting…. Yet  I reach out,  grasping the Moment.. The Only Moment there is.. Now!.. 


To understand that I’m an infinite being of light, that no possible harm may befall me, that I am my own true light within. For I am free to travel the Universe, touch the stars and dance on the Moon, leaving behind shadows of doubt, the past and the future. I open my arms wide to embrace like minds, who also travel the Universe in search of that Spark of Light, holding hands with faith and that which we call the Divine Spirit of Life Eternal, Creator of all life.

And so we dance in our searching to uncover the truth of our existence, we seek knowledge, ‘out there’.. Yet seldom do we realise that ALL knowledge is held within. Each question we ask, when we learn to turn the key within the right lock. All answers come forth.  Yet often we are too afraid to go within, to sit within our Silent Space, and LISTEN..  Because we then might have to face what we find.. 

Each of us searching, each of us reaching out in the hope of understanding our existence as we fathom the depths of human failures. And pondering upon our cruelty and greed.

Fate works her magic, never ceasing to amaze, as the tangled webs are woven pulling us in, tightly entwining her threads of knowledge, encasing us in her wisdom.

And Yet the more I learn, the less I know, for so many possibilities then come into focus. So I hang there….. Softer than silk…… Dormant…… Struggling to break free, I wait…………… and wait..and wait.

My silken coat hardens, protecting me from the turbulent emotions, as I neither feel, nor know, who or what I am or what it is I search for.. I lay dormant…. Hanging by a thread……. Encased in the masks we all wear, We all of us are blown by the wind..  A thread of Life..

Until one day I felt a stirring within, and slowly over time the struggle begins. As slowly little by little I struggle to free myself. To break free of the threads that once bound me, I pull and push, I pause to gather strength…. and start once more to break free of the cocoon that has held me tightly over the years. Seeing how this reality is not all that is seems. So as each thread breaks I look through new eyes from a different perspective.

I see the Old Earth decaying, falling away, as we who hold light within hold a vision of A New Earth, as we spread our Love and Compassion to help bind and heal the cracks we have created.

The Highlands of Scotland

I know what I am, I’m almost there, yet so far away.. As I emerge to spread out my wings I first need to rest… I need to gather more strength before I flex my shimmering wings… Basking in the sunlight of discovery…… I fly……

And so…….. I close my eyes……..

I feel the wind beneath my wings and I’m lifted up into another realm of thought. Whereby I’m transported to another world. One where I’m no longer confined or suffocated by the cocoon which shielded me. But where I am free to explore my feelings that I have buried deep within for so long.

To write the words upon the paper to give them life and see them dance like shafts of light each word then dances in delight like ripples upon the water, as at last they too are free.

The words are now given voice to those inner most secret desires where one is able to create a world where dreams come true.

I want to remember and ‘Feel’ who I am… I want to come to know the child, that five-year-old, the child within, I want to once again get behind her eyes to see the world once more as a world of Freedom and Love in innocent expression. And to express both love and joy and the emotions that I’ve kept locked within for so long. 

We each have the Key to open up that small room we have all dwelt in for so long…

Now all we need is the courage to take that key, place it within the lock of our hearts and open the door to the emotions within, trusting in ourselves to break free of the confines of Earth.

And so, this is the beginning.

As I go forward within my own journey of words into a realm of our united thoughts…..

 I stop now…..

But I will turn the pages again tomorrow, and tomorrow, and all our tomorrows. 

I  will start the next chapter of my journey. Until then.

Stay Blessed

Note: Photos of Scotland taken this year, Other sky photos taken above my home. Keep looking Up!

A Muse of thoughts as we go deeper within Self.. And Meditate upon Life.

111 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Eliza Ayres
    May 12, 2020 @ 19:41:03

    Reblogged this on Blue Dragon Journal.

    Liked by 2 people


  2. litebeing
    May 12, 2020 @ 19:41:24

    Hi Sue! Enjoy this Taurus time of garden tending and greenery. So glad you included the Coronation article because it is one of many articles I have read or stored away and forgotten.

    love and grace to you with hugs,
    Linda ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  3. JanBeek
    May 12, 2020 @ 19:41:48

    Your muse is beautiful! ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  4. rabirius
    May 12, 2020 @ 19:45:40

    Beautiful words and food for thought.

    Liked by 1 person


  5. Visionkeeper
    May 12, 2020 @ 21:14:49

    What a wonderful read DW….So many good thoughts to ponder. Yes we are in a very strange place, but ya know, I find myself asking my ‘self’ within, what I need to know and understand about the world today to fully understand the truth of what is happening and it feels very right what my inner being is saying to me. It’s all about trust in the process going on. It’s tough to get on board with a great deal of what is going on, but if we trust in the process we are saying I trust and believe in my ‘self’ as well…We are being able to witness the downfall that is taking place and that will be imprinted upon us forever. We are witnessing something we have never done before. Things will continue to ramp up from here on out I believe. Oh joy. But trust we will that what we feel within is indeed correct and the energies will continue to blow through us. It’s quite the journey, no? There are hidden gems within the chaos. I heard someone say the other day that one of the positives about wearing face masks is the fact it finally forces us to look at one another’s eyes. Interesting perspective. I like it. Be well my friend. Happy days of gardening for you. Thinking of you. Hugs and love…VK ❤

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 13, 2020 @ 16:43:39

      Eye contact has certainly been lacking in the past VK for sure… 🙂 And yes we knew things would become chaotic perhaps not in this way… But when you think about it, what better way to get people to go within their own ‘Space’ than to Pause the World for Inner contemplation…
      Sending Love and Many thanks VK… Oh Yes very Happy Days of Gardening.. ❤
      Much love returned

      Liked by 1 person


  6. thespiritkeeper
    May 12, 2020 @ 21:46:01

    Beautiful message and the string there are two and that is one to free ourselves and the other is Love is all there is and love is all the ever was. Timely article. Thank you. Have a great day or rest of the day your time or evening. ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 13, 2020 @ 16:48:44

      Thank you Joseph, Yes Love is all there is… And we create ALL there is, including what is not love… So to experience All that IS love.. A mind blowing concept…
      Many thanks Joseph…. Hope all is well in your world my friend 💜💚🙏💚💜

      Liked by 1 person


    • thespiritkeeper
      May 13, 2020 @ 21:39:26

      I agree. I think we are on our journey more and more to feel that love. A matter of changing thoughts. Perhaps one day we will all feel that love and one can imagine what we would be capable of doing such as total healing. Hope you are having a sunny day and enjoying it. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  7. Mark Lanesbury
    May 12, 2020 @ 22:16:15

    Life is the key to that freedom dear lady. All of its experiences will give us that final direction within…and a love unconditional.
    Beautiful words Sue, your butterfly is the heart of that journey for us all. And you are flying beautifully 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋

    Liked by 1 person


  8. Aneesh
    May 13, 2020 @ 01:32:53

    Hi Sue!! Longtime! Its interesting isnt it we have a key and search all around but the door to the key is within us. Even if we realise we still have to struggle to open the door!!!

    As always awesome post..

    How are you? Hope you and all around you are safe… Take care

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 13, 2020 @ 17:54:52

      It has been a long while Aneesh, but Oh how lovely it is to see you again..
      I am delighted to see you back within the blogging community again… And hope to read more beautiful stories from yourself…
      We are well, and hope also you and your own family too are safe and well..
      Many thanks for dropping in and look forward to reconnecting… 🙂 🙏

      Liked by 1 person


  9. Writing to Freedom
    May 13, 2020 @ 01:52:30

    Thanks for continuing to champion love and unity Sue. And thanks for sharing Charle’s article. I’ve read it several times and appreciate his refreshingly broad and bold views. Maybe we can emerge from this challenge wiser and more compassionate, ready to live in a world where we care for each other as one.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 13, 2020 @ 18:32:11

      I hope so Brad… So pleased you read his words.. I first read a while back and since have listen to it again in the podcast… It resonated even more deeply… And Yes, may we emerge into a world where we learn to care and respect each other and the planet..
      Thank you Brad🌈🙏🌈

      Liked by 1 person


      • Writing to Freedom
        May 14, 2020 @ 00:03:57

        You’re welcome Sue. Every time I read his article it helps me find hope and sanity. I’ve been distracted with some of the alternative ideas bordering on conspiracy stuff! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          May 14, 2020 @ 12:14:36

          There are always two sides to any tale dear Brad.. Learning to discern what is truth is always hard my friend, because there is so much Dis-information out there…

          But what I am finding disturbing is that when certain medical professionals are speaking up revealing their truth as they see it from being hands on, in the thick of it… And they then are being silenced and censored.. So one then has to ask WHY? and follow where that leads..

          Nothing is ever as it seems… And you can be sure the louder certain media shouts, there is usually something being whispered in truth in the background, that they deliberately do not want us to hear..

          The research is there all of it If one takes time to dive deep into it… but it takes a lot of sorting the wheat from the chaff…. And this has happened for centuries…

          But my rule of thumb is to ask your heart what ‘It’ Feels, What is our Gut Instincts telling us… And then if you want to , you dive deeper into this Pit.

          But when we do, we have to be prepared, because it can uncover some truths we would sooner not have known… But that is the price of becoming a Truth Seeker…

          Also Truth changes… What is my truth today will change tomorrow….. Because as we expand our Knowledge, and the parameters of exploring and seeking, the ingrained belief systems, and many of our perceptions and beliefs also alter and change..

          Because we then have a new set of insights in which to base our belief systems on which have changed from what we thought we knew…
          And many of our beliefs have been ingrained throughout the centuries as we are told what is and isn’t… Because text books and History books and our education systems say it’s so…

          Like the new discoveries of Science and Quantum Physics today are crossing boundaries of the old school of thought within science, expanding modern day science.. Yet the text book science is still being taught from 100 yrs and more ago within education systems even when they now know this thought process is no longer valid, because new science has proved otherwise… So when we suddenly come across new information which clashes with what we have been taught.. We disbelieve it.. Because the whole system has been geared to teach us one thing and distrust anything that is of a different opinion.. And we all should ask ourselves who gave the first label of being Conspiracy theory its name? and when you find that out, it leads you down another rabbit hole Lol..

          So, Charles’s article makes a lot of sense… and he is right when he says NO one knows for sure…. It’s all a matter of what we believe and how we are fed that information of what to believe… And how each perceive it..

          If you go back to the Spanish Flu… Far more people worldwide perished… But people then did not have instant communication as we do today.. So again different circumstances..

          Sorry to have gone on a bit here Brad… I seem to have got the bit between my teeth this morning.. Must be that early morning Frost in the air when I went to the plot LOL.. 🙂
          Sending love and well wishes and I will climb down of my soap box… and get some lunch. 🙂 ❤ 🙂 🙏🌈💖

          Liked by 3 people


          • Writing to Freedom
            May 14, 2020 @ 16:03:30

            Ha,ha. No worries Sue. Your comment sounds like a couple of recent posts that I wrote after diving into one of those contrary pits! But I decided to not post them and continue spreading love, hope, and joy. Meanwhile, it’s good to remember we don’t know the whole truth and do the best we can to stay open and humble. Enjoy your lunch and garden today! Hugs and smiles….🌺

            Liked by 1 person


  10. dgkaye
    May 13, 2020 @ 02:01:32

    The muse is wise Sue. Yes, I can feel the pull, another shift and my resistance to step out of my small room Sue. It’s all unfolding as we live each day. Still hanging on tight and so reluctant to let go, but we must move forward. Stay safe and grounded my friend. Hugs, my dear friend. ❤ xoxo

    Liked by 1 person


  11. JoAnna
    May 13, 2020 @ 03:19:38

    So many powerful thoughts! One that drew my attention was that maybe wishing for something hard might actually repel it. I think that has been the case with me when I felt desperate for something which comes from a place of fear. But when we rest with love, knowing that God/Goddess/Spirit/The Universe has a plan and wants us to be happy, we allow that plan to unfold. We just need to be open to the possibilities of love.

    Liked by 2 people


  12. robbiesinspiration
    May 13, 2020 @ 06:02:26

    I loved this post, Sue. It is wonderful to read about the sense of community that exists in your home town. It is not like that here and I fear the way this virus and lock down is being implemented here is driving wedges between our different peoples and cultures. There is a lot of resentment at government’s heavy handed and complete lockdown, disallowing people from seeing relatives and helping them with food and other necessities. It is very sad.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 13, 2020 @ 19:22:05

      Yes its hard, and being handled differently all over the world… But the separation is being pushed left right and centre throughout… And not always as I can see if for purposes of isolation of the disease… But then that is me seeing more than I should.. As I see a bigger picture of the future than I care to… And its not good in many places…

      Maybe my own immediate world is what I want to see… But I am witnessing a great togetherness here at least around me…. Which is really good to see…. The Podcast link is very good, its long, but I enjoyed the female readers voice…. As there are several who have left podcasts reading outloud his essay… Which touches upon our thoughts on separation… and its consequences..

      Liked by 1 person


  13. J.D. Riso
    May 13, 2020 @ 08:31:40

    Such beautiful vulnerability in your words, Sue.

    “ Yet often we are too afraid to go within, to sit within our Silent Space, and LISTEN..  Because we then might have to face what we find.” —I believe this is the challenge so many are facing right now.
    I’ve heard that domestic violence and suicides have sharply increased. Depression, anxiety, and mental illness have also skyrocketed. The real toll of this virus is indirect. The result of so many generations of cultural conditioning. It’s good that people finally are forced to confront the things they’ve been denying, but so tragic when they are so overwhelmed that it destroys them.

    “I know what I am, I’m almost there, yet so far away.” This is where I’m at now. I observe emotions as they bleed out. The periods of immense calm are starting to last longer than the painful states. I’ve detached from taking the pain personally, and give myself all the time I need to process it.

    I’m so grateful for your presence and the words and images you share. This time has been so intense. It’s good to know I’m not alone. ❤️

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 13, 2020 @ 19:40:17

      Yes I agree with you Julie, Lots of knock-on-effects that will emerge as a result of this time… Children I feel for so many vulnerable little ones suffering more so …

      “I know what I am, I’m almost there, yet so far away.”

      becoming the observer of everything while trying to be detached of emotion, while feeling every emotion under the sun… Is when I retreat often… Mother Nature, her healing balm, her calmness and her presence, brings me back into the present Moment…

      It’s difficult this journey Julie… for those of us especially who FEEL… because we have to learn to separate that which is our Pain from that which is the collective…

      So I meditate, go within and shut myself within my own little ‘Room’….

      This is where this piece came from… After sitting within that silence… Looking Deeper than Deep… and understanding its all about our choice….

      Seeing that it’s OK to Feel pain, OK to feel Sadness, and It’s OK to Cry, It’s OK to want to shut it all out…

      But as you have also discovered by your comment… It is learning that we do not need to continue to Carry it… We can Detach.. We Can Let it GO.. We can Forgive… We Can Move through it… When we give ourselves permission to do so…

      And when we also give ourselves permission to LOVE ourselves… Understanding that we ARE here to LOVE, and Learn to Love ourselves…
      When we do that we learn so much more… And we love ourselves warts and all…

      The World has many warts…. And we have to also that realise that even the most darkest of hearts still is on their own journey to discover love no matter how dark they are… There is still room for light and love to enter…… no matter how removed they may seem to be…

      It’s taken years of peeling back those masks… Years…
      We have to be patient with ourselves, and nurture ourselves… It’s all part of remembering who we are…. And the multitude of Layers we have been.. and still are…

      Wonderful to know my words have helped… Yes it is an intense time.. No one is ever alone..
      Sending LOVE and Blessings Julie and thank YOU for your beautiful comment..

      Liked by 2 people


  14. New Bloggy Cat
    May 13, 2020 @ 09:07:35

    Thought-provoking post, my dear Sue. Love the photos. Our lockdown is extended to June 9. I guess more time to reflect and look within self. Love and light,

    Liked by 1 person


  15. Erika
    May 13, 2020 @ 10:54:49

    Another deep and thought-provoking post, Sue. Throughout reading your post I thought that it is crazy. The moment comes when we realize that there is more, that we are not meant to be controlled by others, to live by other people’s approval or to carry the trauma of the past with us forever. In that moment when we are ready to step out of that trauma we feel a big relief. But that also means that we take responsibility for our feelings and cannot blame others for what we do, who have become, or how we feel. In that moment when we break free from the prison the challenges only begin… lol. But it is different anyway because then we feel alive and life is not our director anymore but our partner. I might have digressed here but you inspired me a lot, Sue. Thank you very much 💖

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 13, 2020 @ 19:47:30

      You digress beautifully as always Erika, and I understand you perfectly my friend.. For we then see we have to co-operate … BE in the FLOW….. Not be dominated or be the controller but truly live in harmony… With who we are….. But so many have yet to find who they are… And this is often the battle… As ego takes control or keeps them in fear… Flight or Fight…
      Humans make it complicated… But then we have also to understand that its inbuilt within us as a programme that has kept us from truly knowing ourselves..
      Many thanks dear Erika… so loved your comment.. ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  16. Jane Sturgeon
    May 13, 2020 @ 10:56:25

    A beautiful muse, lovely Sue. The need to be in nature and for silence, as we ask deep within is strong. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, beautiful photographs and wisdom. ❤ Here's to staying grounded,, balanced and loving as we feel our way forwards. ❤ Much love flowing to you both, always. ❤ ❤ and more ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  17. inavukic
    May 13, 2020 @ 11:58:47

    Without love, without unity no moving forward, truly! Great article and insights Sue!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 13, 2020 @ 19:51:28

      Thank you So very much Ina… such a compliment from yourself on my writing… May we all learn that Unity it is the only way to move forward.. So true Ina…
      Much love and many thanks ❤



  18. -Eugenia
    May 13, 2020 @ 14:49:01

    What a powerful and inspirational post, Sue! Thank you for the much-appreciated enlightenment. Peace and light! 🌻 🌞

    Liked by 1 person


  19. peggyjoan42
    May 13, 2020 @ 15:06:37

    Wonderful post Sue. Love and kindness has been in abundance during this pandemic in our area. Makes me wonder why people can’t be this way unless calamity is shaking their world. I do pray to God and hope that the love will continue when the world finally returns to some stage of normal. I hope someday you find the happy state in your life where everything comes together for you and enhances your life – giving you peace and comfort in your soul and your mind. Love and hugs to you my friend.

    Liked by 1 person


  20. PlantsandBeyond
    May 13, 2020 @ 15:13:15

    Love your blog and your soul. You do so much for humanity. Thank you Sue

    Liked by 1 person


  21. anotherday2paradise
    May 13, 2020 @ 15:13:52

    “We each have the Key to open up that small room we have all dwelt in for so long…” So inspirational, Sue. I really enjoyed reading your thoughts.

    Liked by 1 person


  22. Bela Johnson
    May 13, 2020 @ 19:33:55

    Yup. Love Eisenstein, as you likely know. As for the wanting too much. Aaarrgghh. I used to think I was jinxing myself by wanting something too much. And while I don’t think that way anymore, it still feels punitive somehow when I have clicked into alignment, followed all the signs and prompts, and then have a giant ‘pause’ button implanted in the center of my forehead. But I keep telling myself that is selfish, which it is, and that it’s not just about me, which it’s not. So waiting has become the new action. I’m sure there is purpose in it, globally for sure, as one may note:

    One Love. Enjoy your gardening! 🐝🦋🌱🌷❤️

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 13, 2020 @ 20:17:33

      I am sure your own personal patience is being tested Bela. 🙂 but then it will be well worth the wait..
      As for the global pause…. I am sure Gaia is knowing exactly what she is doing, even those there are those who think they are manipulating events.. She is taking a BIG Breath as she clears and cleanses in many ways, helping ourselves to unravel at the same time..
      Loved your link… Yes the atmosphere is healing by the day… 🙂 wonderful to read… 🙂 ❤ Sending LOVE and yes happy Gardening to us both.. ❤ ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Bela Johnson
        May 13, 2020 @ 21:03:20

        Indeed! Wish I could send you Some of our delicious white pineapples, something you will get nowhere in shops. Avocados are coming, and the pamplemousse are thriving and consistent. The greens are plugging along and papaya close to ripe. Different worlds! And frankly, I’d give just about anything for a fresh goose berry or strawberry. Sending you love dear, and thank you so much for your support, always! 💞



  23. New Earth Paradigm
    May 13, 2020 @ 21:20:03

    Thanks Sue for sharing this one again, I would have missed it otherwise and it is one I am happy to have received. The struggle is over for many of us now; we are spreading our wings and feeling the freedom of our Souls’ calling, Alia



    May 13, 2020 @ 22:48:25

    Thank you sue for sharing this point.

    It will change people for the good or bad. But, how things are going…it will split different cultures away from each other because of this contagious of a virus. I get it, being health-conscious is important. But, what about the connection we need as a people and unite?

    Our new normal.

    Nine Inch Nails – Your New Normal (Audio Only)

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 14, 2020 @ 16:20:05

      Dear Charlie, I thank you for for reading, And yes there will be those whose aim is to bring the ‘nine inch nails’ Lets hope not all those thick planks of wood they are aimed to be driven in to will be so accepting.

      I listened to a round table of thoughts from a group of women from the Divine Roundtable, the other evening Link embedded HERE and you know Charlie there are many more of similar thoughts from male and female light-workers, who are just observing holding the peace and the space of New Earth’s Birthing process. The conversation is long and is wide ranging, but these women are conscious beings in their own rights who are standing up and speaking their truths in order that others may come to understand how this transition works… We are it…. Its here, and this is the process of change.. How it changes is up to each of us and how we add our energy to it..
      It is a multi layered jigsaw of many parts… And what people may not always realise is that they are being drawn to fit together, sometimes even through conflict, and chaos, because this then is the trigger to motivate change.. Even though they may feel like they are standing alone or it may appear they are being driven apart.. And those at the helm using their power that be are seemingly driving wedges will ultimately fail. Because this is a time the Native Americans spoke of and its a time of standing in unity for our Humanness … Our Sovereignty over our lives, our bodies and our rights to choose..
      Which is why I continually keep repeating we need to choose from our hearts, not our heads, From LOVE, Not Fear…
      And when we come together from that place of love, we will unite a more harmonious world.. We forget we are from the Earth, we are seeing that Mother reacting.. She is asking us to reevaluate go within and take a look at what is really important…. I hope we are all learning! Many thanks dear Charlie for your support and interest… 🙂


      Liked by 1 person


  25. Baydreamer
    May 14, 2020 @ 00:08:58

    Your muse is beautiful, Sue, and after reading your thoughts, I have been transported into a Calm sense of being. Thank you for sharing Charles’ wisdom of which I agree regarding this nasty virus. There is tragedy in those who have lost loved ones, and we can’t know how that feels unless we experience the loss ourselves. And yet, I see Good, too, in the loving, the caring, the helping of others. There has to be light that emerges out of the darkness or hope would never reach the surface for us to hold onto.
    Here is a saying that ties into what you said, “No matter what came before or what will come after, be present and be here now.” That’s all we can do. Be present, breathe deeply, have faith, and put one foot in front of the other. Sending hugs your way, my friend, and thank you for sharing. 💗🌷

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 14, 2020 @ 17:34:24

      So pleased you were transported into Calm.. There is only one place in time where any of us can reside.. And that is in the NOW Moment…
      Bless you for reading, and thank you Lauren.. Take care, sending Love and Hugs my friend… ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  26. stephensmustang1
    May 14, 2020 @ 05:21:09

    Beautiful pictures. We should all let the light within us shine. Focus more on living and loving. “Be present and be here now” that. Sometimes, it’s difficult for me to do..but needed. Love and hugs, my friend.



  27. Miriam
    May 14, 2020 @ 05:54:38

    Hi Sue, what a wonderful post. I read the article The Coronation a few weeks ago and a couple of times, it deeply resonated with me. Faith instead of fear is something I hold onto every day. Trusting that we’ll all emerge from this with more compassion and kindness. Thank you for sharing your beautiful words and wisdom. Hope you’re well dear Sue. My garden has been my sanctuary these past couple of months. Sending love and blessings to you xxx 🙏

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 14, 2020 @ 17:28:09

      Wonderful Miriam you read Charle’s essay, and is so resonated with me I thought to share it…
      Like you Miriam that is my hope also that Humanity takes a new fresh look at the way it was heading and emerge a better species for its experience..
      I am pleased your own Garden has been your sanctuary.. Don’t know what I would do with out ours… Its my safe haven and place of refuge…
      Many thanks dear Miriam for your beautiful comment… Lets hope we will grow in compassion and kindness my friend..
      Love and Blessings always in your direction. ❤ 🙏💚

      Liked by 1 person


  28. macalder02
    May 14, 2020 @ 06:17:00

    There are many questions I ask myself as a result of this confinement. and more now that quarantines are being released: will we change many or just some of our habits or will we go back to the old habits and make them worse? Have we learned anything from this experience, or will we also have to deal with a worsening of our social conditions caused by an economic crisis or will there be an unexpected recovery? As I read the news from various countries, the incentive is latent because there are no clear rules . Those of us who live in big cities see with concern that many people break the rules. They have become selfish and have no regard for their surroundings. In short, it is not pessimism, but one has that fear of what may happen later.
    In small communities, joining is more feasible and communication is more fluid.
    We can only have common sense and be governed by behavior adhering to health standards and consider people as such.
    As always, reading your blog is finding a guide to do the best things and reflect with ourselves from within.
    A big hug with a lot of love

    Hay muchas preguntas que me hago como resultado de este encierro. y más ahora que se están liberando las cuarentenas: ¿cambiaremos muchos o solo algunos de nuestros hábitos o volveremos a los viejos hábitos y los empeoraremos? ¿Hemos aprendido algo de esta experiencia, o también tendremos que lidiar con un empeoramiento de nuestras condiciones sociales causadas por una crisis económica o habrá una recuperación inesperada? Mientras leo las noticias de varios países, el incentivo está latente porque no hay reglas claras. Aquellos de nosotros que vivimos en grandes ciudades vemos con preocupación que muchas personas rompen las reglas. Se han vuelto egoístas y no tienen respeto por su entorno. En resumen, no es pesimismo, pero uno tiene ese temor de lo que pueda suceder más tarde.
    En comunidades pequeñas, unirse es más factible y la comunicación es más fluida.
    Solo podemos tener sentido común y regirnos por un comportamiento que cumpla con los estándares de salud y considerar a las personas como tales.
    Como siempre, leer tu blog es encontrar una guía para hacer las mejores cosas y reflexionar con nosotros mismos desde dentro.
    Un fuerte abrazo con mucho amor



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 14, 2020 @ 22:22:44

      Sé exactamente a qué te refieres Manuel. Lo que veo en mi vecindario inmediato es una comunidad más cercana. La gente se preocupa y se ayuda mutuamente, comparte y es considerada.
      ¿Cuánto durará eso? Bueno, espero que así sea, pero como dices, los viejos hábitos tardan en morir …
      Y tan pronto como las personas vuelven a su rutina diaria, también se olvidan de sus vecinos y vuelven a satisfacer sus propias necesidades …

      Pero tengo muchas esperanzas de que se haya despertado más sobre cómo puede funcionar una comunidad pequeña. Veo que las tiendas agrícolas se utilizan más, y la gente aprecia sus jardines, y otros comienzan a ver lo importante que puede ser cultivar los tuyos. comida … Como hemos visto secarse el suministro de semillas, la gente ha comprado más semillas este año para plantar …

      Espero que el sentido común gobierne, y continuamos considerando a otras personas. Solo podemos vivir y dar nuestros propios ejemplos …

      Muchas gracias de nuevo, querido Manuel. Siempre es un placer saber de usted y saber que lee y encuentra mis publicaciones informativas. Me siento honrado de que lo haga.
      Bendiciones y cuídate Manuel
      Gracias Sue ❤ 🙏

      I know exactly what you mean Manuel. What I am seeing within my immediate neighbourhood is a closer community.. People are caring and helping each other, sharing and being considerate..
      How long that will last? Well I hope it does, but as you say old habits die hard..
      And as soon as people get back to their daily grind they also forget about their neighbours and go back to serving their own needs…

      But I am very hopeful that it has shaken more awake to how a small community can work.. I see farm shops being used more, and people are appreciating their gardens, and others are starting to see how important it may become to grow your own food.. As we have seen seeds supply dry up as people have bought more seeds this year to plant..

      I hope common sense does rule, and we continue to consider other people.. We can only live and set our own examples…

      Many thanks again dear Manuel.. It's always a great pleasure to hear from you and know you read and find my posts informative.. I am honoured that you do..
      Blessings and take care Manuel
      Thank you, Sue ❤ 🙏



      • macalder02
        May 14, 2020 @ 22:45:59

        I think it is a relief for me to have found your blog because it brings me to reality. You bring me down inside and I look at my life from another perspective. More real because sometimes I live from my inspiration traveling through unknown worlds that are only illusions to be able to write.
        It is true, it only remains to wait patiently to see how the content will move when the quarantine is over. We have to take care of ourselves and think about the people around us.
        Thank you Sue for your words of encouragement. I am lucky to be able to read them.

        Creo que es un alivio para mí haber encontrado tu blog porque me lleva a la realidad. Me traes adentro y miro mi vida desde otra perspectiva. Más real porque a veces vivo de mi inspiración viajando a través de mundos desconocidos que son solo ilusiones para poder escribir.
        Es cierto, solo queda esperar pacientemente para ver cómo se moverá el contenido cuando termine la cuarentena. Tenemos que cuidarnos y pensar en las personas que nos rodean.
        Gracias Sue por tus palabras de aliento. Tengo la suerte de poder leerlos.



  29. AmyRose🌹
    May 15, 2020 @ 13:14:41

    Oh, Sue, another post filled just filled with so much to ponder upon. Yes this timeline we chose to experience is for one purpose only and that is for us to face every single one of our fears so that we learn how to become empowered within ourselves. I was taught many years ago NOT to listen to outside sources for truth but only my Inner Guidance. To have walked for weeks, months saying without compromise that what we are being told is NOT true and this virus is not as bad as they are saying and coming up against adamant people who right out tell my I am crazy, has been a true test of Will! I will NOT compromise! And now now that Real Truth is being seen and heard I rejoice for my Inner Guidance never wrong is proving to those frozen in fear that what I have been saying all along is true. To wrestle with the inner demons is so hard, Sue, yet when we let them go in LOVE we come away from that experience empowered and so so much lighter. I am SEEING more people waking up! Oh for the JOY! I will not stop. I will continue finding my own truth as is the responsibility of all on this earth!
    I read a few comments and I’d like to add that not only medical professionals are speaking up but some are committing suicide due to being forced to treat people the WRONG way. So much tragedy coming forth from this time of history. That is what is so heartbreaking yet did not those very same people choose to be here at this time on earth? Their actions I believe are shaking many up and so this is another means to get through to those who believe the lies.
    I LOVED this post. Bless you for showing us we are NOT alone. We can and we will overcome this blight that has threatened our beautiful world.
    Sending LOVE to you!! xoxoxoxo

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 16, 2020 @ 22:09:10

      Thank you dear Amy for your lovely response..
      Likewise with more people waking up, I am sure there are more ‘Lighworkers’ working silently in the background holding the Love frequency high which is helping to combat the fear..

      Yes you are right Amy we all chose to be here at this time, and be part of the experience.. The Fear part is all part of the letting go of what has been held within the collective I believe…
      I will email you a wonderful discussion I listened to with a group of ordinary people holding light and love from around the world and listening to what each of them were speaking of within their experience of this Pandemic shows we are far from alone in our thoughts.. And KNOWING..

      So take heart dear Amy… And thank YOU for your contribution to this post..

      Much love your way Amy and thank you 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  30. marina kanavaki
    May 15, 2020 @ 15:58:52

    My dearest Sue, we are indeed incomplete but with the wise words you share we move towards a fullness, with kindness and love. Thank you, my sweet friend. Bless you and be well and joyful always. Hugs & Love your way! xoxoxo

    Liked by 1 person


  31. insearchofitall
    May 17, 2020 @ 18:46:32

    There is so much here, Sue, I almost don’t know how to respond. I do agree with you that we are searching for our way back home. I’m going to get there soon enough and like you, I know who I am. I will miss the contrast of this dimension. I think that’s why I hold on so tightly. I love all your photos of Scotland and hope to visit before it’s no longer possible. As Abraham Hicks said, contrast is a requirement so I don’t focus so much on others but put myself in as many positions to spread a little light to those who are open to it. When the student is ready, a teacher will appear. Some struggle all the way through and others float blissfully unaware that there is more. It’s only in ourselves that we can create the new world. I hope Mother Nature will take care of the rest. I did get your note and thought I replied but will send another today. Keep doing the Lightworker’s work.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 20, 2020 @ 22:44:59

      Thank you Marlene.. Yes the ‘Contrast of this dimension’ is what is so appealing in our exploration and experiences.. Both light and Shade needed to experience both. I agree with you Marlene about Teacher and Student. One thing I am happy about is that Mother Nature is taking this time to regenerate herself.. I hope some of us also find ways of regenerating ourselves.. Into kinder, and more harmonious Human Beings.. Many thanks dear Marlene.. Sending Love and well wishes your way 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  32. wilsonagaba
    May 18, 2020 @ 04:19:58

    It so well done! Thank you for sharing with others!

    Liked by 1 person


  33. kentuckyangel24
    May 20, 2020 @ 09:26:11

    Hello Sue. I’ve been a long lost soul lately, never knowing from one day to the other if I would be up to turning my computer on or not. This post is wonderful! You have such a lovely gift of words that I seem to have lost lately, but time and healing words from friends are helping me find them again. Just over 3 months ago I fell and broke my left leg. Now I have a rod in it with a screw in the bottom and a bolt at the top and I’m capable of setting off alarms all over town. Lockdown had just started over here and 3 months later I’m still quarantined, most of it because I don’t think the pandemic is over yet and it frightens me to think people are going out too soon and it will mutate into something even worse. Yes, this is a brand new world full of threats and promises, and I pray we will make the right decisions this time around. I spend more time in my own mind lately, watching while other people are deciding the fate of the new world we are entering, mourning the loss of some of the old world and praying for strength to live in the new one. I’ve always known we couldn’t go on tearing down Mother the way we have been doing, but never thinking we would come to this pandemic and all the things we took for granted for so long now lost to us, some temporary and most of them gone already. I long for the hugs we took for granted, the visits from friends, just going out into the public areas with no thought of what a treat and privilege it was to decide I wanted to visit friends and just go down and sit in on the morning coffee meeting and greeting. So many I haven’t seen in all these months, outings that have been cancelled, my aunt being in closer quarters than I and unable to go visit her. Hoping for world sanity when this is over and we begin building our world again, spreading peace and love as we go on.

    Peace be with you, Sue!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 20, 2020 @ 23:17:31

      So sorry to hear you have been going through such a rough time Angie.. I can only imagine what a horrible experience that must have been for you.. I hope you are healing well and not setting off too many security alarms with your bionic bone!… 🙂 Not funny I know… But I know you, and you will always try to find a funny side to every situation..
      Likewise with not seeing our nearest and dearest as often.. And one can only hope and wish that out of all of this, it has given people the opportunity to see what they had got… Because people often don’t see, until its taken away… And I feel many more privileges may well be taken before this episode is finished..
      One good thing out of this is that Nature has thrived in lockdown and really singing and blooming… Blue skies, and I feel Mother Earth is healing.. Which is what we now need to do, from the inside out..
      Sending HUGE hugs and well wishes your way Angie.. I so hope you are well on the way to mending.. as I know how you struggled as it was..
      So take care.. and much love your way.. And thank YOU for finding me again…
      Lots of love. Sue 🙂 🙏💜

      Liked by 1 person


      • kentuckyangel24
        May 21, 2020 @ 00:07:04

        This really did appeal to my funny bone, Sue. And even though I still don’t bounce I almost didn’t get to go into therapy after the surgery because I was walking in the hall at the hospital 2 hours after the surgery. Medicare said I was doing too well to need therapy. Three months now and doing well with at home therapy to help with my balance issues. They are never going to be great but every time I walk up and down the hall adds another layer of confidence.

        I am waiting for more warm weather and sunny skies so I can go out again. It’s probably an extra layer of protection that we have had more clouds than blue skies around here lately, but that is also par for the course every spring in this area.
        I was really happy when I found you again. I’ve missed you. Hugs! ((()))



  34. Barbara Franken
    May 22, 2020 @ 11:48:18

    Always a beautiful story Sue, experiencing freedom, sharing that it is truly possible to the Human who loves to sleep and search❤️ Thankyou for sharing my friend, love Barbara x



  35. Jennie
    May 24, 2020 @ 14:25:56

    True and beautiful, Sue. Thank you!



  36. Aussie Emu
    Jun 04, 2020 @ 10:35:49

    A pleasure to read your words and Muses Sue, the world is revolving at a rapid pace, and each day it seems to speed up faster, thoughts and emotions are confused, our minds are experiencing unbelievable stress from outside sources, and sending us to the internal security mental isolation, however there is always a light or a beacon of revelation that will shine one day, beautiful post Sue.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 05, 2020 @ 10:19:59

      Thank you Ian… Yes we have to each find our own internal light beacon right now…. And for some this is going to be hard.. But we so need to choose in love… because what we are creating within this moment is what we will experience in the next moment so to speak… May we all choose well…. Many thanks again Ian.. always great pleasure when you visit and leave me your thoughts my friend..

      I was horrified to know that there has been a great injustice done the aboriginal people with the The Juukan Gorge cave, a 46,000-year-old sacred indigenous site in Australia, was blown up by Rio Tinto mining company… How do you mistakenly do that?… But there is a war on consciousness and the ancient teachings and sacred sites… Because of the knowledge they hold.. I was so saddened when I heard..

      Sending thoughts your way my friend.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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