Golden Paths~ Taking Time To BE…

Golden Paths

Hello my friends, So what has been happening in Dreamwalker’s World..   Well I have been surrendering to the higher power and those intuitive feelings we are all a part of..

I am seeing many of my WP friends who are also embracing their intuitive feelings as they too step back to go within their own space to BE.. 

For me I am no longer feeling the urge to be communicating here as often..  Why is that?… I am uncertain.. Whether it’s the changes within me, or the collective needs to regain its balance..I am not questioning it… I am just following the flow of my own compass, concentrating upon my Inner Being… I am playing my part in finding my own inner balance.. After all, the only thing is this world I can change is ME. 

Maybe if we all of us took responsibility and went within, followed our Heart’s calling other that what we think others expect of us, and spoke our own truth rather than what we think others need to hear. Maybe our paths would be less complicated as we make detours in others expectations of us. We often  seek approval of others rather than approving of ourselves, and I know from my own journey in peeling back the layers we come to a whole new level of self awareness when we finally acknowledge, we are perfect as we are..   

So I am following my own intuitive changes in living in the moment of my own flow..Which may mean I spend weeks in silence away from the internet, and at other times I plunge back in with enthusiasm ready to share my experience and knowledge..

Tuning out of the world wide web doesn’t mean I am not aware of what is happening in our world.. But it means I am no longer allowing my energy to be taken.. Being an empathic Being I can share my compassion and my concerns, but how am I helping the whole if I allow that to drag my energy into the negative frequencies being projected..

I am trusting my own inner being as  I simplify the changes to just Be within my own creative space 

We are all responsible in this world, to find our own way, our own balance and seek out our own truth.Within each of us we have a huge responsibility in following our hearts, to promote the beauty within and the beauty of the world..  And not promoting the negativity and fear.. The choice is always ours. 

So I have been reconnecting in the NOW of the moment within my creativity activities and when we change our perception and our way of life, we enhance that joy within. Attracting those around with the same frequency..  What we focus upon is what we create..

We all are here right now for a  purpose, it may not mean we can all remember what that purpose is, but if we all embrace our level of awareness in that we are all worthy, we all have a mission to play in awakening each other.

More of us can feel that time is getting closer and closer. And we need to unite our hearts in that harmony of  sharing and caring for each other..

Here in the UK we have had so much rain in the last few weeks rivers are flooding and whole villages have been flooded under rivers that have broken their banks..  Many area’s both near here and further away have had properties flooded.  One thing that stood out among these communities was how everyone pulled together in the face of these disasters  and how they helped each other out.. Isn’t it sad that it takes us to experience a disaster before we pull together to get on, learning the names of our neighbours before we pull together…

But dear friends, this is what our Mother is showing us, she is shedding tears as we have abandoned her and nature as we have swapped our priorities in protecting nature to protecting our ‘Things’. She is showing us we all of us need to co-operate both with Nature and each other.. Things are Temporary… But we are eternal and we have come here to remember who we are on our final leg of our journey.  

And sometimes we we are being shown that we all need to step back in our hearts… and trust… I am just following the Magic of Being..  As I step back into my heart to BE…  

A poem I wrote When ‘Magic begins to Happen’


Magic begins to happen without a sound,

When you walk barefoot in nature upon the ground

Connecting back to mother from whom we have been lost

You then begin to see and count the cost


Of how each generation has lost its way

As you sit beneath the trees golden canopy

The Silence becomes your friend, the only music from the birds

With the occasional swishing as the branches are disturbed


While below the Golden Carpet is lifted from the floor

As the Enthral swirls the leaves, as it dances through the door

A Portal of unseen worlds that exist within our dust

We are ONE, and cannot separate, for in the source I trust.


Watching the whirling circle, as the invisible energies dance

I’m here at this time to witness, and nothing is left by chance

The Voice inside my heart, speaks loudly to my head

The Magic has never been lost, its only fear that made it dead


Each if us are Magical, supreme, creator sprites

Suppressed into submission of forgetting all our Light

Our Mother is calling us, as her tears land upon our shores

For us to remember our roots as we all confront our sores


The wounds now need to heal as we unite in times of need

It’s time to come together, by planting caring seeds

Divided we shall fall, united we will stand,

It’s time we come together, in love across our lands..


Written 13th November 2019..

© Sue Dreamwalker

Much Love To You All 



175 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. IreneDesign2011
    Nov 14, 2019 @ 15:36:29

    I hear your call, dear friend. We do all need to learn to stand together, also without we need bad things to happen first, I agree.
    Some people are very interested in co-operation and others absolutely not…
    Sometimes I feel the need to stay away from the world too, but force myself to remember to live every day too. A real balance.
    Much love to you, dear Sue ❤

    Liked by 3 people


  2. bwcarey
    Nov 14, 2019 @ 15:39:29

    great rhythm Sue, that’s a song straight from your heart, you are seriously blessed, amen as for being, it’s where our direction comes from, have a great week

    Liked by 2 people


  3. House of Heart
    Nov 14, 2019 @ 15:52:39

    I understand that feeling of needing to step away, thank you for such inspiring words and beautiful poetry. Take care dear Sue. Sending love! ❤

    Liked by 4 people


  4. Elaine
    Nov 14, 2019 @ 16:05:36

    You need to follow your soul, sending you much love ❤️😇❤️

    Liked by 2 people


  5. utahan15
    Nov 14, 2019 @ 16:26:33

    magic carpet ride
    do not run nor hide
    the uk
    has boris
    your trump
    you are missed
    which is why i have kissed
    you with words!

    Liked by 2 people


  6. Ka Malana -
    Nov 14, 2019 @ 16:33:05

    All your words spoke to me, especially these, “It’s time to come together, by planting caring seeds.” There are so many ways to care for one another. Just being that gentle presence, as I feel from your poem. I love that golden carpet and the music of the birds and the rustling of the branches… I was here with you 🙂 thank you! Wishing you a wonderful weekend ahead…. being creative, free from burdens…. and flowing where you want to flow…. 💗

    Liked by 2 people


  7. Writing to Freedom
    Nov 14, 2019 @ 16:39:10

    Lovely poem and reminders Sue. I’m glad that you’re continuing to follow your heart and intuition. I’m learning to do the same. I have no doubt the earth will heal with or without our help. The question is will we learn to live in harmony with nature and each other. Hugs and stuff… ❤

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 14, 2019 @ 17:41:00

      The more of us who try I believe we will spread more energy for others to try Also. When we heal ourselves we are healing our planet. I know you are learning to listen within. Once we do we become more in alignment and that flow becomes easier when we stop fighting the current.
      Many thanks dear Brad. 💚🤗

      Liked by 1 person


  8. Eliza Ayres
    Nov 14, 2019 @ 17:03:29

    Reblogged this on Blue Dragon Journal.



  9. robbiesinspiration
    Nov 14, 2019 @ 17:25:54

    I suppose it is natural that people would unite in times of need, Sue. It has always been that way, look how the British were during the war. I think people just don’t see a need at other times. Not everyone is attuned to other people or as sensitive.

    Liked by 2 people


  10. JanBeek
    Nov 14, 2019 @ 17:44:03

    Beautiful poem … important message. Enjoy the NOW. It’s really all we have besides the Promise of Eternity. Touch base with your core. Enjoy its flavor and honesty. On or off the net!

    Liked by 2 people


  11. thespiritkeeper
    Nov 14, 2019 @ 17:52:53

    A lovely poem for a call of rejuvenation of the earth and ourselves as well. Staying the computer was not easy when I decided to wean myself off of social media. Alas I did break that addiction. I now experience peace often as I am sure you do Sue. It is surprising how much you can do without the internet. I have a lot of writing to do. At first, I thought oh no! I am almost finished my book and I will have nothing to do. Ha! Three more books crept into my to-do list. Enjoy your peace Sue and may others follow your example. ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  12. inhiscare753
    Nov 14, 2019 @ 18:09:43

    Much love to you Sue. This is lovey, so heartfelt, beautifully penned. Thanks for sharing🤗🌸

    Liked by 2 people


  13. peggyjoan42
    Nov 14, 2019 @ 18:26:31

    I was just thinking of you this morning. My thoughts: Sue is taking more time for herself- she has backed away from the internet and is doing what her heart and mind like to do. You stepped away from the internet and when you return I can tell you are a happier and more relaxed person. Good for you.

    Liked by 2 people


  14. Mark Lanesbury
    Nov 14, 2019 @ 20:35:53

    When we finally reach that inner point we finally see its purpose. The world is doing exactly as it should, so that we can find ourselves and let go of what we think we need.
    And in that letting go is that ‘acceptance’ of our journey, acceptance of ourselves by letting go of those lifelong fears in truly understanding them and loving the one person we have struggled with all our lives…us ❤️
    And the amazing thing about it all is that we will attract exactly as we require to do just that, each time having our buttons pushed until we finally break through and see the magic in this journey.
    Your ‘conditions’ have been met dear lady, enjoy the ‘unconditional’ as it settles into your being ❤️



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 18, 2019 @ 10:42:21

      Wonderful wisdom dear Mark, Thank you my friend for your words.. And yes we have all chosen our paths, and all is as it should be.. As I surrender to what will be will be… Many thanks again Mark… Take care down under with those fires my friend.. And I hope the rains fall soon.. 💚🙏

      Liked by 1 person


  15. dgkaye
    Nov 14, 2019 @ 22:49:51

    I totally hear you Sue. You never have to apologize for your retreats to revitalize and energize. Something we all need to do at times. Yes, the world is crying out with floods and fire, but alas I think the world has awoke. The purge continues, and soon a newer day will come to us, it’s the process that hurts – growing pains.
    Stay blessed my friend, and I always look forward to your appearances. ❤ Love across the pond coming your way. ❤ xoxo

    Liked by 1 person


  16. J.D. Riso
    Nov 14, 2019 @ 23:03:40

    I understand the urge to be with your Self for a while. I only post on WP every couple of months or so, so I will continue. I have stepped away from Instagram a little, the only social media that I do. I wouldn’t be on there at all if it weren’t an extension of my blog. Even though I have positive interactions on there, I’m just tired of it. I prefer to spend my time in my snowy woods. 🙂

    “I am no longer allowing my energy to be taken.” I’ve been in slash and burn mode for the last few days, especially since 11/11. Severing ties, closing doors. People, places, and situations. Some of my friends have been doing the same thing. The time has come to move away from trying to help those who are content in their slumber and focus our precious energy on supporting those who are doing the hard work.

    May your time to BE bring you into ever deeper realms of wisdom. Sending so much love you way. ❤️



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 18, 2019 @ 10:52:30

      I can understand your desire to be by yourself in ‘snowy woods’ Chords are now being cut within many as we shift to that next stage of awareness.. Knowing that while we we desire to bring others awake, they can only do so when they themselves desire to let go..

      The Internal hard work you speak of has taken us years in stripping back those multi-layered emotions we have clung onto.. Now the focus has to shift to our inner being, and work harder on raising our own frequency.. A task I often feel I am failing with..
      But the solitude We all sometimes need to delve within is required..

      So happy we have met Julie, and long may your own wisdom continue to develop .. Much love returned ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  17. laurabruno
    Nov 14, 2019 @ 23:21:46

    Beautiful, Sue! Yes, what a different world it would be if everyone tuned into themselves before engaging willy nilly in all the manufactured craziness. Peace in, peace out. Much love! Laura



  18. dreamweaver333
    Nov 15, 2019 @ 00:31:06

    Reblogged this on dreamweaver333.

    Liked by 2 people


  19. smilecalm
    Nov 15, 2019 @ 02:05:35

    i know you are there, being, Sue
    and that makes me happy!
    i also find myself away from wp
    & offline much of the time, now.
    in these times of virtual relations
    i’m focusing on the old fashioned kind
    where i am present for others,
    physically & otherwise,
    & more or less they are present for me.
    it is nice, from time to time
    to share inspired creativity,
    such as the music video you kindly reviewed.
    wishing you happiness in your safe garden
    of dwelling in the present moment,
    smiles, david 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 18, 2019 @ 10:57:54

      Being present for others David is vital.. We all too often are caught up in the ‘virtual’ world instead of focusing upon those nearest and dearest.. And I loved your creativity of your music and song accompanied by the sights you explored.. Sending many thanks and wishing you also quality time to those whom you are devoting your time and energy too.. Their hearts will thank you..
      💚🙏 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  20. Renee Espriu
    Nov 15, 2019 @ 02:25:03

    A lovely write and beautiful poem, my friend. It does usually take something happening within nature that is too much or a tragedy to bring people together. History always repeats itself in this manner where human beings are concerned. Perhaps, reminders to all of us how important it is to care about each other at all times and not just those that are heart wrenching. I have moved everything out to my studio but still need to go out and sort through, arrange and organized before I can settle in and begin to create. I did it almost entirely by myself so took nearly four months to do so I am ready for a break. In the Spring…if I can wait that long…I will do floor and trim. Do take care and I always look forward to reading your sites again after you have taken a break. We all need one from time to time. xoxo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 18, 2019 @ 11:09:00

      Bless you Renee.. and well done you in doing all of that work with your Studio, and I know you will accomplish all you set out to achieve in kitting it out exactly as you envisage it. Big smiles.. I know its been a long time in the planning.. And yes a break away always does us good… I will not be a stranger that is certain.. And as to your first words here, yes I agree, we should care about each other all of the time, sadly though when family do not even get on, its easy to see why the world doesn’t ..
      Sending much love your way Renee, and don’t forget to pace yourself… Sending much love ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  21. JoAnna
    Nov 15, 2019 @ 03:18:20

    It’s such a different feeling when we follow the flow of our hearts, our truth, and our higher power. The call is easier for me to hear out in nature where the only sound is bird song and breeze. The path is clear when I’m among the trees. If I can just carry that understanding and vision with me when I come back to the electronics. It just now occurs to me that maybe the percentage of my time in nature and with electronics is reversed from what it should be. Maybe I will turn off the TV sooner and pick up a book. Or turn off the computer and play one of my old vinyl record albums. Mother Earth is calling. I love the sound of her voice. Thank you for helping me realize this, dear Sue. Sending much love and hugs to you. ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 18, 2019 @ 11:12:47

      I agree with you JoAnna.. Nature’s call is strong, and is a place I am much more comfortable within these days than in crowded places.. Shutting down the electronics is what I have been doing on many days, shutting off the swish in my head from WiFi, and yes picking up a book, or with me its my knitting lately, is pure bliss, like going into your own silent meditation zone to just be .. Keep listening to Mothers voice JoAnna.. She is calling to many.. Sending much love right back to you and Thank YOU.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  22. Welcome to My World
    Nov 15, 2019 @ 04:18:23

    Your words always resonate with me, Sue, and these even more so. I too ” spend weeks in silence away from the internet, and at other times I plunge back in with enthusiasm”.
    I have always had a great urge to save the world. Now I realise it is myself I need to save. Only by rising from the dream myself will others be drawn up alongside me.
    Thank you for your wonderful encouraging words. I am inspired to continue with following my heart. Love and blessings always xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 18, 2019 @ 11:33:50

      This is so true my friend.. Likewise… we cannot change anyone other than ourselves.. As much as I have wanted to wake others up to themselves and the world, there are always going to be those who slumber and will never see from our perspective, or view our Mother Earth as a living entity to which we are all connected..
      I have come to see that I still need to do so much work upon my self.. And this needs our silent zone away from distractions.. And the more we lift our own hearts and vibrations the more we are in fact helping the whole..
      Many thanks, so lovely that you dropped in to leave me your kind thoughts and encouragement to BE…
      Much love returned your way and thank you again ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  23. sibyltowers
    Nov 15, 2019 @ 10:32:38

    XXX Lots of Love and Peace of mind, Intrinsic and Divined

    Liked by 2 people


  24. Trackback: The Mother’s Voice | Anything is Possible!
  25. -Eugenia
    Nov 15, 2019 @ 14:46:17

    I hear you, Sue. There is life outside of blogging. I always look forward to your inspiring posts so don’t be a stranger. Peace and light and lots of hugs! 💚

    Liked by 2 people


  26. lorriebowden
    Nov 15, 2019 @ 22:39:21

    Ah, Sue, I so understand! I think that there has to be a healthy balance…I have not found it yet. I am bombarded with the fallout of our political situation here in the States…I can hardly stand to have the television on the news channels. It just doesn’t feel right. But it is what it is…and it has awakened a very strong discord between humans that I don’t see softening in our lifetime.
    I have been blogging less than I used to. I try to post at least once a month…and when I do I reconnect with souls I have come to treasure. You are one such soul, and I will miss you of you are gone for too long. But I know that you will guides by your intuition and that means I will connect with you exactly when we are supposed to connect.
    So enjoy yourself…and CREATE! I just know you will make/write incredibly beautiful things🌝
    I am sorry to hear about the rains and flooding near you…and yes…it never ceases to amaze me how wonderful it is when people come together in a crisis. It’s like they forget about their differences and focus on what they are in together. Shame we can’t figure out how to realize that we are here together and that we, no matter what we look like, we are the same!
    Sweet blessings my friend. I am always here for you should you want to connect outside of WP. Again…I so wish we lived closer 😉



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 18, 2019 @ 11:46:32

      Likewise Lorrie, and so pleased our paths crossed and we have kept our kindred spirits alive in each other..
      We follow the flow of our being, and the world is struggling right now in finding its balance.. Conflict, and division coupled with anger and frustration that is being perpetuated via the controlling mechanisms of this world via the media coverage of political agenda’s that are meant to divide and conquer our spirits..
      So tuning out of it all and tuning into our own inward balance is I feel needed to help hold the balance of energies being projected out into society right now..
      So by following our own inward peaceful flow, we are here to keep some of that balance I feel from spilling too far over the emotional scales….
      Sending much love your way too Lorrie.. And likewise if we lived closer our chatter would be none-stop.. ❤ over a cuppa.. or three.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • lorriebowden
        Nov 18, 2019 @ 13:27:12

        Thanks Sue! I needed the confirmation that our energies do make a difference. Sometimes it feels lonely and I want to fall back down in the well for protection. I never really thought of the well as protection before…I only thought it was a prison. But the energies can be so consuming…and AGGRESSIVE at times. I don’t want to fight any more…but I won’t lie…when provoked enough I can go right there with them and then I fell just terrible. Self-control…a fruit of the spirit…and I continue to work on that one 😉
        I have to believe that we can be an anchor that holds peace and love together. Because it sure feels like there are factions that would tear it all apart.
        Many sweet blessings to you, my friend. I hope you take the time you need and that it is filled with good things 💜

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Nov 18, 2019 @ 13:35:51

          We are human after all Lorrie and all need to vent at times.. But stepping back into that well, to that place of solitude not dark pit as I went to years ago with my break down.. But into that peaceful velvet calm of solitude… Where we shut out the noise of the world.. I think sometimes we need that.. And we are then not engaging in the farcical game of the blame game… We are holding our own centres within our own peace.. And thus we are creating not only the balance within ourselves, but we are holding balance for our outward world too…
          Sending much love right back… and thank you for that lovely feedback … And so pleased I caught your reply while I am in WP answering comments this afternoon.. ❤

          Liked by 1 person


  27. CarolCooks2
    Nov 16, 2019 @ 05:15:54

    Beautiful, heartfelt words, Sue…We all need to just be at times for however long it takes…My dream is more people will just be and come together as one as needed as it is something this world surely needs at the moment…Take care 🙂 xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 18, 2019 @ 11:53:27

      I couldn’t agree more Carol.. Unity consciousness is what is needed, but the drive to divide us is still strong.. Thank goodness for our WP community, for we here most certainly come together in our love and support of each other.. I so thank you for leaving me your kind thoughts Carol.. I know your busy life, so appreciate your time.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  28. rabirius
    Nov 16, 2019 @ 12:07:59

    Being is important. But sometimes hard, as we try too much to be.
    Excellent post, Sue.



  29. Jennie
    Nov 16, 2019 @ 14:07:41

    Lovely, Sue. I’m glad you’re embracing letting yourself just BE.



  30. inavukic
    Nov 17, 2019 @ 05:27:08

    Simply wonderful ❤



  31. Krishna Chaitanya
    Nov 17, 2019 @ 11:06:46

    Lovely poem Sue ma’am. Your blog posts are always exemplary!!!

    Sue ma’am check out recent my blog. This blog is open for your critics and opinions to improve upon.

    To read the blog, click on the link below:



  32. prenin
    Nov 17, 2019 @ 12:31:08

    Hi Sue! 🙂 ❤

    I have come to accept that, as and Empath I feel too much and care too much, but circumstances have reached the point where I am isolated because of changes in the people around me.

    I am still battling the bad guys over 30 years since this mess started, but my experiences have made me stronger.

    As for the flooding, this is going to happen more and more often, yet houses are being constructed on flood plains despite knowing the inevitable consequences.

    Global warming is now a fact of life and we are seeing the consequences.

    Hopefully you will not see the consequences, but think on this: Pumps have been provided to pump out homes and businesses including high-power units that can barely keep up with the incoming water by philanthropists – while other less well intentioned people have been caught trying to steal them.

    Sometimes I despair for humanity…

    Love and hugs!


    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 18, 2019 @ 12:26:16

      Happy to hear your experiences have made you stronger Prenin.. I feel we all go through our own various initiations that are meant to strengthen us in one form or another.. And yes it brings out both the good and bad in all of these situations.. Fortunately there is more good that is always there but often never focused on within the media circles..
      Wonderful to see you and keep on keeping on my friend … Take care 🙂 with hugs right back

      Liked by 2 people


  33. Visionkeeper
    Nov 17, 2019 @ 14:42:10

    Great words and poem DW!!!! So well said. I know exactly what you mean about staying away. I go online very little now, really just when I post or if there is a comment I need to answer. I find my interest is more focused now on staying sane in an insane world! That begins with pulling back from everyone and everything it seems…I can’t even try to make sense out of nonsense anymore. I stay put at home and now that we are freezing cold and covered in white again I am inside trying to stay warm…..I read so many books I hope I have eyes that still work when all is said and done with the deeps state….It all seems to just keep dragging on which I guess is why I have dropped out. Our atty General did say the Fisa Report is finally coming out and then heads will roll as there are apparently indictments attached to the findings so people will be going down and the truth will come out at last. Should be interesting…
    Stay warm my friend and stay peaceful within! Glad you are finding peace away from the internet. Enjoy! I hope all is well with you and hubby and life is being a wee bit kind to you! Breathe deep and get lost in your wonderful creativity! Sending you love and hugs…..Much love….VK ❤ ❤ ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 18, 2019 @ 12:42:43

      Thank you VK all is well in our world… And yes staying within our bubble, is the only way in detaching from this intended confusion and deliberate manipulation of mind-sets into side taking to divide society and weaken it.. So deep breaths are being taken, as I pick up my knitting.. 🙂 or go take a walk… Sending Huge Hugs across the ocean.. ❤



  34. Erika Kind
    Nov 17, 2019 @ 15:34:57

    It made me smile and gave me such a good feeling to read how you simply follow your inner compass regardless of anything you have done before or regardless of anyone being fine with what you do. With this part, you totally summed it up: “We often seek approval of others rather than approving of ourselves, …” Many (including my person) are still feeling so obliged to continue what they started because it would bring changes for others too. And what comes from that is the fear or insecurity to be questioned about it. So, if you already have a slight feeling of guilt, being questioned throws you off track and you either squeeze more in (which only increases the problem) or you try to silence your inner voice. Gosh, I am amazed again about the similarity between our current feelings and thoughts.

    As you said, we may not know our purpose but as long as we are following our inner compass we can be sure to live it the way it is possible right now or that we are on the straight path towards that purpose.

    “Stepping back into our hearts to BE…” That is all it needs. When we do this then we are on purpose and that means we are in alignment with a plan which connects all purposes… and Mother Nature will not have to shed so many tears again…

    Thank you for this wonderful post, dear Sue. Lots of love 💖



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 18, 2019 @ 13:16:29

      Dearest Erika.. I am never amazed at our similar thinking, why?? because we are of the same spirit, tapping into our higher selves learning as we go, and as we learn to shift gears within ourselves we see what corners need to be navigated in order for us to truly complete our journeys.
      I look back and see just how much I sought approval and in understanding I need no one’s approval other than my own, it releases a burden of that guilt you speak of.. For we do hold onto so much guilt of not pleasing other people or letting other people down.. Or the guilt of pleasing ourselves… Its a constant inward battle…
      There is so much we do not understand in service to others verse service to self.. and while we think we are serving others best interests by our various actions.. On closer inspection I see how I have also been serving Self.. there are so many layers interwoven through past conditioning of our indoctrinated ways we have carried with us through our life times, its hard in today’s world to distinguish our reasoning, as we often feel obliged in putting others feelings first.. At the expense of our own. Thus we battle with the guilt..
      Stepping back, into our silent spaces has and is allowing me to dissect more of my own inner being as I then allow the flow to BE to unfold, rather than forcing anything or thinking I should do this or do that..
      I am learning such a lot right now as I reconnect both Spiritually and Intuitively again with that Higher Part of our Selves.. That over Soul who whispers in our hearts that we often push aside as we listen to our heads..

      So my compass is set… My course unknown.. But my heading is true..
      My heart knows my destiny.. So I go within the flow to BE, that which I am meant to BE… And so it is.. lol

      Much love returned dearest Erika.. and Thank you ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Erika Kind
        Nov 18, 2019 @ 18:54:08

        Yes, exactly, Sue. We want to go left or further but those feelings of guilt are taking us right or holding us back. Truly inner battles. And even though we know that we are entitled to walk our individual path like we grant it others too, we still hesitate.
        That liberating feeling of cutting that cord, of letting go of that weight and feeling the lightness of our free being is undescribable. And since we experienced those restrictions before the effect of that breakthrough sets an even greater energy free. We truly feel unstoppable. Life changes in an instant.
        Actually, we need to walk our path because only then others around us are forced to walk theirs. If we only please them we don’t do anyone a favor. We may be the “bad guy” but you and I know that there is a higher context in everything that happens. Everything that happens, happens for a reason and affects the development even though it may not be understood right away.
        I love the setting of you compass, simply following it step by step and going with the flow. That is all it needs and we will always arrive where we are supposed to arrive.
        Thank you for your priceless inspiration and that you pour your heart’s wisdom so generously over us, Sue💖



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Nov 21, 2019 @ 11:53:36

          Exactly Erika.. we both are on the very same page my friend

          Actually, we need to walk our path because only then others around us are forced to walk theirs. If we only please them we don’t do anyone a favor.

          So true, and yes at times we may appear the ‘bad guy’, but all things have a higher purpose, and we may not always be privy to seeing that higher purpose in the weaving of our stories.. Which is why its so important for us to hold back on our judgement of others because we only see through our perspective and not that of the collective..

          Many thanks again dear Erika for your patience also, sending much love in your direction as we continue to travel along the flow of our hearts path.. ❤ ❤ ❤

          Liked by 1 person


          • Erika Kind
            Nov 21, 2019 @ 19:25:51

            I couldn’t agree more, Sue. Regarding being on the same page but of course, because of that higher purpose we may not see right away. That is mostly what makes me hesitate to take certain steps because knowing to be the bad guy scares me a lot. And that although know that there is no good or bad but only “there is”. And what “there is” only is in order to keep us developing. But I think those hesitations too have their eintitlement for certain developments. As you said, there is a highter purpose and I believe that nothing that is, is not meant to be in order to become something.

            Haha, you see, how I love our inspiring conversations. Lots of love and appreciation your way too, dear Sue 💖



            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Nov 25, 2019 @ 15:25:56

              Big smiles dearest Erika and couldn’t agree more with your words here my friend

              And that although know that there is no good or bad but only “there is”. And what “there is” only is in order to keep us developing. But I think those hesitations too have their eintitlement for certain developments. As you said, there is a highter purpose and I believe that nothing that is, is not meant to be in order to become something.

              still smiling.. May we keep inspiring each other and all whom we meet.. We are after all ONE… ❤ and the Same.. 🙂 ❤

              Liked by 1 person

            • Erika Kind
              Nov 25, 2019 @ 19:34:51

              It is so funny how we always get a little bit deeper and more into detail during our conversations. Indeed, extremely inspiring… lol To sum it up: Basically, all that is, is in perfect order … an order in motion. Life (in all its meaning) is amazing!


            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Dec 09, 2019 @ 15:03:21

              Wonderfully said Erika.. and thank you for your patience in my reply.. So true ALL IS in perfect Order, even if we cannot always see it as such at times..
              Love your new Avatar picture too my friend…
              I have missed not being here.. It seems sometimes the Universe conspires to keep us away longer than we intended.. As I fought off a nasty virus infection this past week.. Thankfully I am much improved and feeling more like engaging in conversations…
              And have missed our chats.. 🙂 ❤

              Liked by 1 person

            • Erika Kind
              Dec 09, 2019 @ 19:29:05

              Hi, Sue, I am glad you won the battle against the virus. I understand that you missed being here but everything has its time. Nothing has changed (except my profil pic… lol).
              Have a lovely evening, dear Sue 💖


            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Dec 10, 2019 @ 15:09:29

              Bless you Erika.. You also my friend.. Enjoy your week in love and peace.. ❤

              Liked by 1 person

            • Erika Kind
              Dec 10, 2019 @ 19:49:51

              Thank you, dear Sue! I really do. I also love coming here so much more since I decided not to fulfill an obligation anymore. Amazing. Almost doing the same but with a completely different feeling. Humans are funny … lol!

              Liked by 1 person

            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Dec 15, 2019 @ 11:58:20

              Yes giving ourselves that permission often takes away the pressure we put ourselves under.. ❤ And thank you…

              Liked by 1 person

            • Erika Kind
              Dec 15, 2019 @ 12:15:40

              Yes, indeed. That makes it obvious again that it is not what we do that stresses us but how we think about it! 💖

              Liked by 1 person

            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Dec 15, 2019 @ 12:18:14

              Exactly Erika.. 🙂 All is Perception!!! 🙂 and how we Perceive .. ❤

              Liked by 1 person

            • Erika Kind
              Dec 15, 2019 @ 12:21:11

              How wonderful to see this proved. It feels like a big relief time and time again to be reminded. We forget so quickly when caught in our daily routines.
              Have a lovely Sunday, Sue 💖

              Liked by 1 person

            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Dec 15, 2019 @ 12:22:14

              🙂 You too dear Erika.. ❤ ❤ 🙂

              Liked by 1 person

  35. michnavs
    Nov 17, 2019 @ 15:42:09

    I feel you Sue..what matters most is the now and our inner being…this beautiful poem has inspired me to re evaluate my own self too and whether i am living my life fully to “now”.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 18, 2019 @ 13:44:18

      Mich i know you are achieving so much in your own ‘now’ my friend… Just continue to do what your heart directs you into doing and never feel you have to re-evaluate.. But take that time for self.. and with it will come your direction… We all to easily jump in and judge ourselves too harshly at times… I know I do… Your own projects you are involved with have made such a difference Mich.. just continue to BE…. And everything else falls into place.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  36. stephensmustang1
    Nov 18, 2019 @ 04:03:29

    Wishing you lots of love and peace.

    Liked by 1 person


  37. litebeing
    Nov 18, 2019 @ 17:00:57

    Hi Sue,
    It is clear to me that the changes you have made are helping you ground more and receive more guidance and clarity, which is a delight to witness! While I miss your regular presence, it is important to follow your heart and seek your true path.

    Love to you, Linda

    Liked by 1 person


  38. The Coastal Crone
    Nov 18, 2019 @ 22:51:49

    Simply trust in yourself!

    Liked by 1 person


    Nov 19, 2019 @ 04:58:47

    Sometimes the need to be away from the world wide web is a refreshing thing and take the time to reboot ourselves, take in the energy that is surrounding us and be at one with ourselves, connecting, and communicating with that energy itself.

    I really love and support what you have expressed and I feel happy that I read your amazing poem and words of wisdom my friend. 🙂

    I miss you sue. Hope all is well. 🙂



  40. Jane Sturgeon
    Nov 19, 2019 @ 14:22:21

    Dearest Sue, yes, my lovely to balance, quiet and going within to Be. I feel drawn to drop some of my spinning plates and to start a community project. I am not rushing into anything just yet. Your magic words are a healing balm. Sending much ❤ ❤ to you both, as we create together. I am venturing into making socks and the yarn that is available for that now holds much joy. Bliss…. Hugs for you both. ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 21, 2019 @ 12:33:47

      Socks most worthwhile.. And I have not knitted a pair in ages… The Yarn we can purchase today is amazing.. Though I dare not purchase any more until my large stash is used up a little… I am afraid I cannot pass by a wool stall or shop without at least going in and buying a new pattern or gazing longingly at the varieties of wool.. But I am being good and using up my yarn stock..
      Keep enjoying those Blissful moments Jane.. There are going to be some HAPPY FEET when you are done.. 😉 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  41. ^.^
    Nov 21, 2019 @ 17:50:31

    That sock conversation above made me smile and made my cat Theo Thunderbutt purr 🙂
    I’m all thumbs, when it comes to knitting, friend Sue. Was recently gifted a few pairs by a true knitting wizard relative of mine. Have gifted most of them to my people. Kindness has wings 🙂 Much love as always, cat.



  42. ^.^
    Nov 21, 2019 @ 18:05:12

    The year 2019 is coming to an end, and time again to delete my Blogger posts soon. Thank you for stopping by, friend Sue. May 2020 be good to us all. Love, cat.



  43. roughwighting
    Nov 21, 2019 @ 22:00:54

    I will be happy to see you here in the blogosphere whenever you choose to come. I must admit, I love reading your words of calm and spirit, and beautiful reminders to all of us to let go, breathe in, and feel the Universe within. Your poem is BEAUTIFUL.



  44. Annika Perry
    Nov 23, 2019 @ 17:35:20

    Dear Sue, I lost my first comment to you, so I’ll try again! It’s always a delight to see a post by you and a treat that you connect on WP when you feel able. I too blog on / off as I now feel is right for me … and where before I would have worried about losing people along the way, I know many will understand and often feel the same way.

    Your post shines through with your wisdom and I find it enriching to read your words, thoughts about the world, our place in it. One sentence struck a particular chord with me: “Maybe our paths would be less complicated as we make detours in others expectations of us.” How true … as we seek for other’s approval, validation we all fall to unease and untruth in our lives.

    Your poem reminds me so much of Greta Thunberg and her message; may we work together to heal the Earth’s ills.

    Love & hugs ❤️

    ps. The comments here are amazing, so thoughtful and full of care!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 25, 2019 @ 15:37:15

      Bless you Annika for sticking with the comment gremlins.. Nothing more frustrating when you write a long comment and it then vanishes on you.. Thank you so much and yes I feel many of us now are following our instincts to come and go and and by doing so we are becoming more intune with ourselves.. We are exploring those new freedoms to BE without those obligations we often feel obliged at adhering to.. Thank you so much Annika, I know how your own time is valuable especially with your new publication…
      So Thank you my friend… And yes, the comments and my ‘WordPress/Tribe/Family here are AMAZING!!
      And I love you ALL

      Liked by 1 person


      • Annika Perry
        Nov 25, 2019 @ 16:01:12

        Sue, thank you so much for remembering aobut my new book … I’m just in the middle of final cover design discussions! Stressful but so exciting and out soon!

        Oh, your posts are always a treat to visit … for your post and comments from your ‘WordPress/Tribe/Family’ – love how you describe us all and just how I feel. I’ve tried to explain to non-blogger friends about the community here but without much luck – I might use your words here to try and enlighten them and give them a sense of sharing and unity! hugs ❤️



  45. macalder02
    Nov 23, 2019 @ 18:14:47

    Ojalá que nunca dejemos de pasar una noche sin luna por falta de cooperación. Los propósitos de tu poema tiene mucha lógica porque abogas por una necesidad humana muy convincente para la convivencia. Tal vez el resplandor de tus versos ayuden a comprende que lo podemos hacer juntos. Sin egoísmos ni mezquindades. Es muy hermosa tu poesía. Una pieza de inspiración que la vamos apreciar porque es lo que hace falta para tener un mundo mejor. Un gran abrazo.



  46. Andrea Stephenson
    Nov 25, 2019 @ 17:39:12

    Listening to the wise voice inside will always be the right thing to do and those ebbs and flows of different ways of connecting are just part of that.



  47. The Emu
    Nov 27, 2019 @ 08:25:18

    Your words and thoughts are always welcome and a pleasure in my world Sue, I can understand your thinking on the energy taken to post on WordPress or any other internet site, sometimes I wonder if my words do actually reverberate in a positive form, or am I only sharing entertainment. I think at the end of the day Sue, here on WordPress we are actually sharing positive energy, which when shared, is a breath of mutual harmony all in accordance with positive vibrations.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 09, 2019 @ 15:07:45

      Your words DO resonate in a positive format Ian.. Always full of love and humour… My thoughts are with you, and I hope too all is well down under my friend… Those fires and heat are devastating…
      And yes you are right Ian… Positive Energy is being exchanged here within our WordPress Tribe… And we have a beautiful community of friends here..
      Thank you Ian… Much love also to Ana.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  48. Trackback: When A Moment Completes The Picture – Share Your Light
  49. Lisa Hutchison LMHC
    Dec 03, 2019 @ 23:08:27

    Sue, once again we are connected. I am feeling a more inward pull on social media. I am undergoing a deep processing and some health issues. I, like you, don’t want to engage with the outside world as much. Many Blessings to you. Enjoy the sound of silence! Lisa xx



  50. Miriam
    Dec 15, 2019 @ 11:38:08

    Sue that is such a profound poem and I can feel your energy, your concern and your heightened spirit throughout this post.
    So much change and chaos in the world right now. Floods in your country, devastating fires in mine. We can’t bury our heads in the sand, we’re all connected and we need to be there for each other during these times, but we can choose not to drown in the negativity. I so understand the need to step away every now and then.
    Poignant uplifting post and, as usual, I share much of your sentiments. Take care my friend. xx

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 15, 2019 @ 12:10:00

      The need to spend some quiet time with my creative projects for Christmas was needed Miriam… And I am only just dipping back into WP this weekend to try and catch up with my WordPress Family…
      The fires in your country have been devastating, Brazil also, and so many part of the world have been flooded..
      Being empathic I often find I need to channel my energies and focus in on other things to keep my own balance..
      Thank you for dropping in to read and leave your always kind and constructive thoughts Miriam.. We often find ourselves on the same page…
      Much love your way… ❤ and you too take care and enjoy your Holiday Season.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  51. kowkla123
    Dec 16, 2019 @ 11:05:33

    nutze die Woche gut zur Vorbereitung auf das Fest, Klaus

    Liked by 1 person


  52. Sue Dreamwalker
    Apr 18, 2021 @ 15:50:43

    Reblogged this on Dreamwalker's Garden and commented:

    This may go some way in explaining how I have been feeling since I wrote this post on my other blog back in 2019. And the longer gaps here on my gardening blog. I have felt the urge to go within and in many ways disconnect, while reconnecting back to nature, and my authentic self… My inner guide which has taken me back within my arts and crafts..

    My next post here I hope that I can show you more, of those painting and crafts. But I am taking the internet in bitesize chunks these days… So for those of you still with me here within my garden blog.. I thank you …. Its now time I feel all of us got reacquainted with our Inner Selves and those skills and dreams we put to one side…
    Much love … Sue ❤



  53. robbiesinspiration
    Apr 18, 2021 @ 18:36:07

    It is always love to see a post from you, Sue, with your lovely poems and messages of encouragement. Stay well dear friend.



  54. Rabia Akram
    Apr 28, 2021 @ 15:52:05

    I like what you said that we are here on this world on purpose. Awareness is a key ingredient. I am new to your blog but love the concept your shared with all of us.



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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