Which Energies are We feeding?

Sometimes we have to switch off, Step away, and reground ourselves as our energetic bodies need to unplug and re-wire themselves from the lower frequencies of this Matrix, which so many are now beginning to awaken to. Also, they sense a big shift is coming. I do, I feel it deeply, do you feel the changes that are ramping up the vibrations?

Which kind of energies are you feeding?.. 

We who volunteered to be here at this time, and all of us now on this planet are meant to be here at this time, we need to wake up more of those who are ready to listen, and let them see that they are so much more than they ever thought possible.  And that through our thoughts we can help create massive shifts.

We are seeing that the very act of compassion and empathy of others is creating a vibrational shift within our human consciousness. Learning to send love from your heart into others and the world is a key factor in raising vibration and allowing peace to reign.

But as we lift our vibration higher, we also have to understand that there are those who are doing their upmost on the planet to lower them. So do not be fooled or get dragged into conflict, or fear mongering to panic the population to fear one another.

Those of us who are awake to the ‘Systems’ of this world for sometime,  whose empathy and sensitivity allows them to feel with their hearts and sense much deeper the truths of this reality are now being called into action as we unite our energies.

Do you not feel it within your hearts, that we now have to step up, and lift our vibrations higher still? Can you not see the media programming now at work as it spreads its own viruses?

I’m always in awe of how beautifully orchestrated our synchronicities happen How we often here especially with my WordPress friends, find our like-minds dipping into those same pools of information and Light-Codes which have triggered us along similar themes within the posts we write.  I love it, knowing how our vibrations are linking us in unity.

This journey is not an easy one, and our waking process doesn’t happen overnight, there are those of us who have been on this journey for years, uncovering the truths of this reality.  And if you are only just opening your eyes, then what you find can often be a great shock to the system as you begin to unravel what has been hidden through deception.

Waking up means you uncover things which you would sooner not know, and its hard, its painful and its disturbing. For you are not only waking up to the world, but you are also dissolving the many layers you have held within over many life times as well, as you heal your own energetic bodies..

But when you understand your role, you than have to learn not to play into the hands of Fear.  You have to observe and see everyone here on Earth right now has a role, a purpose. Its hard to become neutral, but when you truly awaken, you see how this world is designed to divide and control setting one against the other. So try not to judge, but stand back and become the observer to what is happening.

That is the hardest part for me.. Witnessing the events unfurling, feeling others suffering. So I have to unplug, turn to creativity and nature as I lift my vibrations by meditating more and sending healing into the world.

And this exchange of energy is a two-way experience, because I receive back more energy and upliftment in return, which brings me back to my own Centre of Peace.

I look forward to reconnecting to all who visit with me here, and I thank all of you who have left your love vibration, I greatly look forward to visiting you on your posts very soon. 

In love and Light

Sue ❤  

115 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. robbiesinspiration
    Nov 20, 2018 @ 17:46:02

    You have expressed some wonderful thoughts here, Sue. We are certainly at a strange crossroads in the path of humanity right now. It will be interesting to see what surprises the G20 conference has in store for us on Friday. I hope it will be positive.

    Liked by 4 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 20, 2018 @ 17:51:34

      Thank you Robbie, I do not hold my breath, has it really made a difference in the world? There are still starving children dying of disease living in slums, and countries are still spending more on weaponry then on medications and education. So if we want the world to heal, I doubt very much that the G20 will contribute any more than they have in past years..
      Politicians are very good at the talking.. But even here in the UK we have Food Banks, and poverty and Homelessness… I wish, truly wish our Governments listened with their hearts.. But I am afraid its Profit before People in many cases.. But like you Robbie, I live in Hope… 🙂 ❤ Thank you so much for reading.. ❤

      Liked by 8 people


  2. utahan15
    Nov 20, 2018 @ 18:17:39

    to be
    the but
    of them
    but i
    too am cruel to others

    Liked by 2 people


  3. House of Heart
    Nov 20, 2018 @ 18:18:47

    Wonderfully soothing Sue, we need that now for sure. Many of us feel we are up against a brick wall and figuratively we are. But as you so succinctly tell us it is a time to resist the negativity and bring as much positive as we can, we can’t hide away now and allow the power hungry and brainwashed to prevail.
    Lovely and uplifting post for us Sue. Sending love well wishes your way. ♥️🌺🤗

    Liked by 4 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 20, 2018 @ 21:45:28

      Aww thank you Holly, yes the world is at a crossroads of confusion, and we are bombarded with the media who is also as confused in that it is always focusing on the Negative.
      I instinctively feel we may all have other things to focus upon shortly other than our political agenda’s. Its as bad here in the UK as across the pond with the division of Brexit and its constant battle of wills, of who is right and who is wrong.
      But then when you begin to SEE the bigger picture, we are often blind as we are stuck in the middle of it all.. These systems of our politics are now being outgrown, and they need altering and changing, and people are fed up with the same two and fro, and nothing changes.. So the old is crumbling world wide.. It has to, for the New World to evolve. But for those of us living through it, these times are going to be tough.. Which is why we have to not get caught up in the drama, and keep our Peace..
      Sorry for the long winded response 🙂 I hope to get around to see what I have missed in your poems very soon..
      Love right back dear Holly.. Take care my friend ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  4. Sageleaf
    Nov 20, 2018 @ 18:59:48

    I love your journey, my friend. You gave me an idea…I want to orchestrate a synchronized meditation…I’m going to put some thought into it, but perhaps on the Solstice…
    Your high vibrations have influenced me. In turn, I know that I’m influencing others, too. Thank you for your beautiful words of wisdom. Thank you for your wonderful ripples of energy that are powering many peaceful thoughts across the lands and seas – truly!
    Your example inspires so many, this I know. As soon as I finish my course (hopefully this week) and can then begin to schedule some down time from the internet. My soul and heart have been gently asking. I need to step away. Especially because of recent events in my life, I need to rekindle and care for my heart.
    Sending you big hugs, my sweet friend! May you have a wonderful week ahead. xo

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 20, 2018 @ 21:38:49

      When more people understand their power be it through their thoughts, intention or prayers, And when one or more gather amplifying that same thought and intention it really does affect the whole, to where that intention is being directed.. So I would Love to join in a joint meditation.. Which I took part in last week.. I felt so empowered and uplifted all at once along with a cleansing and renewal of energies I have not felt in a long while.
      I too am going to curb my internet and turn off the modem much more than I do now.. often its left on during the day.. But I always turn off when I sleep.. A disturbing report was brought to my attention by a dear friend. Even though I knew this information before, It confirmed for me just how bad the WiFi waves and phones are… A post to share in December I think as people conciser buying new phones etc..
      Sending Continued love and Blessings and you are held in my healing thoughts my friend.. ❤



      • Sageleaf
        Nov 21, 2018 @ 17:42:49

        I’m going to have to plan that meditation. First, I must finish the web course. But then…BUT THEN. Hehe.
        You know, I might have to experiment with turning off the wi-fi and modem. They are in a separate room and not that close to our bedroom, but I often wonder…especially since they are located in my office and when I’m working at home, I’m often in my office.
        Now…to find a way to hold myself accountable to get offline for a few days at the end of December…hehe.

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Nov 21, 2018 @ 21:43:10

          I am going to post something in December regarding WiFi etc and mobile phones… Even if you turn off at night… I always turn off and my phone… And I know it is difficult given your work.. But where there is a will there is a way for some time away from it for a while at least… And you may just feel different.. Like when you walk and hike where no signals are present.. 🙂 Sending LOVE

          Liked by 1 person


          • Sageleaf
            Nov 24, 2018 @ 16:33:34

            I love that! Can’t wait to learn more. I’ve heard about a lot of the EMF waves they emit…and I recently heard that people are on their phones on average about 80 hours a month on their phones.
            That’s staggering. But…then again, they don’t say what KIND of activities people are doing. My phone tells me that I spend about 4 hours per day on it, but alas, I’m not actually “on it” that much. I use my meditation timer for 1.5 hours at least – so it’s just timing. Or, I might listen to some calming music while working. Hehe. And I definitely used it bunches for both things while flying and on layovers at airports this week.
            But yes, I’m on my computer *so* much. However, I do have some strong boundaries in place. After I finish my workday, I essentially get off the computer after 7pm each day. I don’t get back on it, quite often, until 10am the next day. I take many breaks, use eye drops. No tech in the bedroom. And when I go walking, or hiking, even if I decide to take my phone (for photo purposes), I definitely try not to use it. A lot of times I leave it behind.
            I have a feeling, though, that most folks aren’t meditating with it. They’re probably reading the news, doing social media, and playing video games. Because I’ll do all those things to a much lesser extent sometimes.
            But I know it’s not enough. I need to spend DAYS without it. But yes, in my line of work, it’s difficult. I was researching about the blue light rays all electronic devices emit and it’s crazy what those can do!
            And I’m not far from the router and modem during the day when I work at home. Something tells me you’re gonna tell me to stop it. Hehe.
            Sending you hugs! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend.



  5. thespiritkeeper
    Nov 20, 2018 @ 19:11:13

    Wonderful to awaken people and to further awaken others. There has never been a time like we are seeing today with humanity at a crossroads to choose. Love is all there is and love is all there ever was. Yet humanity makes it all so complicated . Yet once we recognize this we can then tip the scale in our favor. Be. Well and stay refreshed.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 20, 2018 @ 22:19:42

      Thank you Joseph.. So true, yes love is all there is, and it is what we are all meant to be and discover, share and care… but we have been sabotaged with the greed of ego and corrupted and blinded by the indoctrinated world we live in.. Waking up to these facts tests us, but strengthens us in the long run.. Its an ongoing process, has been over a great many generations.. But I do feel now is that Time.. When we have to step out of our boxes and take a look at the bigger picture and see the world from a different perspective.
      No one has the whole truth, because we are all the parts busy discovering the pieces.. And each of us look at the world from a different view holding a different opinion.
      There are no rights or wrong views, but when you uncover truth, then the Truth of the world will reveal itself regardless of our thoughts.. It is the people then that i will feel sorry for, Because they will not have a clue what is happening and then their fear is locking them within this dimension..
      Thank you for your thoughts Joseph… I hope you soon get rid of your cold my friend.. Take care and stay blessed..

      Liked by 1 person


  6. JoAnna
    Nov 20, 2018 @ 19:14:21

    I can always use reminders to not be drawn into conflict and to step back and observe. When I do this, life is much less stressful and I see things so much clearer. It doesn’t always happen that way. Communicating, even disagreeing without drama and with kindness is a skill I have worked on a lot in my life. Right now I just want to avoid it and as you say focus on creativity and nature. I felt a tingle when I read the part about “our like-minds dipping into those same pools ….which have triggered us along similar themes within the posts we write. I love it, knowing how our vibrations are linking us in unity.” As always, thank you for your wisdom. Good wishes and hugs to you, Sue.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 20, 2018 @ 22:23:28

      Thank you dear JoAnna… indeed I love it too, it means we are connected to that field of energy which is steering us in the right direction.. And yes it is difficult and not always possible to choose that middle ground.. But sometimes stepping back into our own space gives both sides if we should find ourselves in conflict, time to reflect and see from a different perspective.. Or see a view from another’s eyes ..
      Many thanks for your valued thoughts JoAnna… Sending much love your way ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  7. laurabruno
    Nov 20, 2018 @ 19:37:12

    Love, peace and blessings to you, Sue! Thank you for shining your own light and love in this wild world.

    Liked by 2 people


  8. The Coastal Crone
    Nov 20, 2018 @ 20:14:10

    We must turn away from the darkness and walk to the light in whatever form we see it.

    Liked by 2 people


  9. Dewin Nefol
    Nov 20, 2018 @ 21:03:23

    Namaste Sue 🙂

    Your energy is as ever infectious, your words poignant and purposeful. Truth has become a much diminished commodity in this day and age of lies, deceit and the spreading of mis-information. Those unable, or indeed unwilling to open their eyes to truth remain complicit in maintaining the old-world-order: an order that attempts to keep the vast majority living in servitude and denial. But you are right to suggest that the world is ready for great changes: the shift has begun and will accelerate more rapidly to become a tidal wave washing away all that was dirty, grubby, and filthy, replacing such debased idealism with compassion, Love, understanding, acceptance, and many other human-centred concepts that self-serving capitalism has tried to erode through successive regimes expressing only fear and contempt for humanity. Such a wave will only gather more and more energy as it grows, matures and blossoms and is finally restored in the hearts and minds of one and all.

    There will always be those whose greed and avarice stains the world but they will be silenced for their words will fall on stony ground and fail to grow. For too long humanity has waited to be resurrected and now is the time when new shoots will rise and a new-world-order will come into play: one that places the sanctity of life – of all life on God’s beautiful planet – first and foremost to leave a positive flourishing legacy for humankind’s future generations to enjoy. If we do not take this opportunity as a collective species then human-kind will fail. This is a time when the people must show great strength and greater resolve, where they must come together to ensure progress is made and humankind evolved to the next level, it is long long overdue. We must never stoop to the level of those whose purpose has been self-serving at the expense of the vast majority and at the expense of Mother Earth.

    Articles such as yours Sue penetrate the veil of illusion to create an ever-widening path for others to discern for themselves and follow. Long may you continue to blossom as a light in the dark for others to follow. Thank you for showing others the way.

    Hoping all is well wherever you may be. have a wonderful evening.

    Namaste 🙂


    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 20, 2018 @ 22:40:40

      Why thank you dear Dewin for that wonderful comment.
      I was nodding my head with every word .. Especially this paragraph my friend

      ” For too long humanity has waited to be resurrected and now is the time when new shoots will rise and a new-world-order will come into play: one that places the sanctity of life – of all life on God’s beautiful planet – first and foremost to leave a positive flourishing legacy for humankind’s future generations to enjoy.”

      I hope so.. However this ‘re-birth’ is not going to pleasant in any shape or form, but it is why we need the ‘truth’ exposing in many quarters.. Its already begun in many areas, from Governments, Hollywood, to religious circles… The corruption is deep and has long festered in dark places of high standing..
      Many thanks for you kind indepth comment Dewin, The rabbit hole is deep, and the Mad Hatter has his watch ticking.. 🙂
      We all shine our lights where ever we can Dewin.. Its now time to step up and speak that which we find..
      Many thanks again..
      Sending well wishes and gratitude 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


      • Dewin Nefol
        Nov 21, 2018 @ 19:14:49

        Namaste dear Sue 🙂

        Thank you…I think with a little push in the right direction from caring friends I may have taken first tentative strides along that same path that you’ve illuminated for all others to follow. Thank you, Namaste ❤

        'The rabbit hole is deep, and the Mad Hatter has his watch ticking.'…well indeed, but this time out we are ALL invited to the t-party lol 🙂

        The old-world-order, for that is what it is, is being exposed little-by-little, layer-by-layer until there is no place for those buying their way into power to hide. Once at that point the game is all over for them, their memory like their legacy will fade leaving the world – and humanity – more able, better prepared, and readied to evolve and grow under a new Sigel called Love. It will be the first great leap of faith forwards human-kind has made for thousands of years: but together we will prevail. It is essential that we succeed long before we ever consider branching out into the infinite void to colonise new worlds. This is only the beginning of the greatest story ever to be told. It is not just about redemption but rather the inevitability of natural succession. I know you're already packed and ready to ramble 😉

        Love and Be Loved Sue. Namaste ❤


        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Nov 21, 2018 @ 22:17:03

          So glad you are also packed and all aboard this next great journey Dewin.. Indeed.. And you are right about the thousands of years .. We are talking about Soul survival…
          And I am sure there are those in the outer realms who are watching the choices we make with our free will..
          We came for this great show… Now its up to us to play our parts. ❤
          Thank you for that dear Dewin.. we are singing off the same page I think.. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person


  10. Paul Handover
    Nov 20, 2018 @ 21:50:46

    Dear Sue, welcome back. I found this really inspirational and full of profoundly beautiful ideas. Paul.

    Liked by 2 people


  11. dgkaye
    Nov 20, 2018 @ 23:24:32

    Witnessing events unfurling, vibrational shake-up, you name it, I’m feeling it big time and I’m not liking it. Like you, I just want to crawl into a hole, although I will still be sending out light and love to the world. ❤ xoxo

    Liked by 3 people


  12. aFrankAngle
    Nov 21, 2018 @ 02:58:04

    Negative energies work hard on human psyche … but they can be overtaken. It’s a lot of work, but posts like this helps anyone willing to listen. Well done, Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


  13. Soul Gifts
    Nov 21, 2018 @ 12:26:44

    At this time in history it is more important than ever that we use all the tools at our disposal to shield and protect ourselves from being bombarded by the negative. This will free us to focus on Light Work – raising the vibrations for ever more clearing. Thanks Sue, for this post.

    Liked by 2 people


  14. insearchofitall
    Nov 21, 2018 @ 13:55:48

    I read this yesterday and it sent me off on a journey that is as yet, incomplete. I found one book of at least 2 that I have on how to raise your frequency. It’s so easy to fall into the malaise of hopelessness. We all create so much suffering for ourselves and others that it’s important to find tangible ways to overcome. So the book is now sitting at my bedside. Penny Pierce’s book on Frequency is almost at arms length so I will bring it closer also. Thank you so much for the shake up. We get caught up in the day to day and get lost. But then, there you are. Waking us up once again to be ever vigilant of our apathy. Giant squishy hugs, Sue.

    Liked by 2 people


  15. -Eugenia
    Nov 21, 2018 @ 15:57:14

    Your inspiration is contagious, Sue. We can’t waste our energy being concerned about what we can’t control. Our energies should be spent on caring, loving and hope. A positive force is our only option, IMO. Sending lots of hugs and well wishes, Sue. As my mother used to say about negativity “rise up above it”. ❤️

    Liked by 2 people


  16. Sophia's Children
    Nov 21, 2018 @ 17:14:39

    Always a good reminder, Sue, particularly at this time of year when so many more people are feeling even more stressed and/or lonely (etc). May compassionate presence ripple out as a healing balm for all. xo

    Liked by 2 people


  17. Robert Matthew Goldstein
    Nov 21, 2018 @ 22:28:21

    I’m convinced we’re in the middle of a battle. Some of us are warriors for compassion. Compassion is action in everything we do. Thank you for being part of the light, Sue.

    Liked by 3 people


  18. Infinite Living
    Nov 21, 2018 @ 22:42:52

    Oh today is such a gift that I receive this post and your words generously and speaking so straight clearly to me! I have been pulled back into my heart, away from all worldly actions and still there is enough to engage to fill the day. As I go about my tasks I am finding my inward journey having a parallel unfolding. Yes I am sensing so much that I am having to just take the time to allow the waves pass through me. The energy dynamic is just incredible and I am actively practicing faith in the perfection of the divine design or else the fear is creeping up rather easily.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 21, 2018 @ 22:55:39

      Try to keep that fear at bay my friend.. and take each moment step by step… Those energies will become more intense and you will witness things which seem to be chaotic.. Hold steadfast within your heart and Trust that inner guidance.. We are eternal beings breaking free.. Sending much love… ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  19. kowkla123
    Nov 22, 2018 @ 12:18:18

    beste Grüße für dich und danke für die guten Wünsche für meine Gesundheit.

    Liked by 2 people


  20. Miriam
    Nov 22, 2018 @ 21:11:10

    I feel the changes Sue. I’ve felt them for awhile and the swirl of emotion and energy that seems to get stronger within me each day. I know that I cry more than I ever have before and I feel things more intensely. I’ve also let go of judgement but still at tines feel the discord. Thank you for this beautiful post and for expressing your energies in such an enlightened way. As you said to me and now I say to you “you’re a beautiful lady with a beautiful soul”. Blessings to you my friend xx 🙂🙏

    Liked by 2 people


  21. jacksjottings
    Nov 23, 2018 @ 05:12:00

    G’day Sue nice to see you visiting Pauline at retired from gypsy life.
    Also that you are continuing to inspire people with your kind thoughts.
    I am not posting on my blog but have not given up on trying to change the world to a better place free from fear and hate. I am concentrating on my own enlightenment as that seems to be the best place to start. Smiles are infectious we will start an epidemic. _/\_

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 23, 2018 @ 22:40:20

      Wonderful to see you and communicate again with you Jack.. 🙂 Big smiles my friend, and so good that you hopped over to have a quick natter. 🙂
      I have dropped by your blog several times just to see if I had missed anything.. But you are wise.. The internet takes a lot of valuable time up, and is not good for your health.. lol.. I am in the process of putting a post for Dec about the dangers of WiFi etc…
      Yes I will keep on keeping on telling the world to LOVE and Unite in Harmony.. 🙂 and that our Thoughts Create.. each and everyone of them..
      And I say you are Wise dear Jack.. Because really the only Enlightenment we all should be concentrating on is ourselves.. Going within and connecting to that Higher Divine space of Love whom we are all connected to.. Yet so many have become separated from..
      So I thank you for those Infectious Smiles and you remembering my very first post.. I so appreciate you dropping in.. And I often send you a thought my friend..
      Sending Well wishes
      Much LOVE Sue _/\_ 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  22. CarolCooks2
    Nov 23, 2018 @ 07:00:30

    So many events currently going on in the world from genocide to wildfires, storms of such ferocity and so much more…Looking back that has been man’s and natures legacy for a very long time…Am I saddened? of course, Do I have hope? Of course…I have to believe that things will get better that man will live together in peace and harmony with their neighbour no matter their religion or colour. Namaste x

    Liked by 2 people


  23. michnavs
    Nov 23, 2018 @ 07:39:45

    You expressed lovely and profound thoughts here Sue…especially when humanity now is at lost…at war …and in state of great confusion.

    Liked by 2 people


  24. rabirius
    Nov 23, 2018 @ 17:30:16

    Good question.
    Intersting text.

    Liked by 2 people


  25. Teagan R. Geneviene
    Nov 23, 2018 @ 23:18:21

    Wise words, as always Sue. I love your energy. Hugs on the wing.

    Liked by 2 people


  26. da-AL
    Nov 23, 2018 @ 23:33:13

    such a great post! feeding the soul — & the body now that the holiday season is upon us…

    Liked by 1 person


  27. Bela Johnson
    Nov 24, 2018 @ 15:13:24

    Well, a brief web search doesn’t result in jogging my memory – but years ago, someone called these feelings around mass awakening ‘birthquakes.’ An apt term, I think. ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  28. smilecalm
    Nov 24, 2018 @ 16:17:01

    thank you for feeding
    the hungry hearts
    that they may
    better love, Sue 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  29. Wendy Gillissen
    Nov 24, 2018 @ 20:40:23

    Well said Sue, so true! For me it’s turning off electronics, especially TV and turning to my crystal friends when I am too tired to go out and visit a wood. Their gorgeous energy, their wisdom, and their beauty help me reconnect with my soul and the wisdom that’s both in the Earth, all her creatures and Source. Love and hugs, Wendy ♥

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 25, 2018 @ 15:53:44

      Oh I am with you there Wendy, I turn off the modem regularly, and I am limiting myself much more to the hours I spend on the internet.. And Crystals and I too are old friends.. So you are most certainly in the best of company Wendi.. Mega Hugs ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  30. kowkla123
    Nov 25, 2018 @ 11:42:37

    genieße den Sonntag, auch wenn das Wetter nicht so toll ist.

    Liked by 1 person


  31. Sunshiny SA, Kavitha
    Nov 25, 2018 @ 16:26:42

    Being an empath can be draining. My friend Elaine tries to tell me not to feel so much, that it does not concern me. Not easy.
    Escapes are necessary. 🤗



  32. Betty Hayes Albright
    Nov 28, 2018 @ 01:33:53

    Sue, thank you for posting this important message. We can’t be reminded often enough that we need to hang in there with whatever positive energies we’re gifted to express.
    (I too find it hard to observe so much suffering, so much cruelty in this world. Yet we must remember that this polarization is to be expected during great transitions….and bear up, doing what we can, but not letting ourselves be drawn into despair and negativity. It’s hard!!)
    Thank you for all you do! 💗💗

    Liked by 1 person


  33. Baydreamer
    Nov 28, 2018 @ 14:23:22

    Thanks for such a wonderful post and message, Sue. We’re surely at a time of polarization and crossroads. Without going further into negativity, let’s stay positive carrying Hope in our pocket, and maybe, just maybe we’ll be pleasantly surprised by some positive changes. It’s hard to fathom, though, but we have to keep our chins up and try. Otherwise, the darkness will lure us in. I find that as much as I want to be informed, I can’t watch the news all the time. It’s a good cause for anxiety. :)Thanks for shining your light on us, dear friend. Sending love and hugs…xoxo

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 28, 2018 @ 19:47:49

      My chin is always raised to the highest of expectations, What we think is what we create, Which is why we so need to feed the positive outcomes in all situations..
      Many thanks dearest Lauren, the news I find is nothing but a means of spreading negativity it finds nothing good, Yet this world is full of goodness.. We have to remember that.. Even on those darkest of days..
      Love and Blessings my friend, ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  34. colettebytes
    Nov 30, 2018 @ 12:01:56

    Sue, I think many people are feeling the vibrational changes.
    There is a lot of stuff that we cannot control, but trying to keep our own harmony and be as loving as possible in the midst of chaos, will ultimately protect us, and those we connect to, from the worst.

    Sageleaf had a good idea with the synchronized meditation. The more people who connect, the more they will withstand the wave of energies that push people into negativity.
    We are warriors against, what exactly, I don’t know. 💕

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 30, 2018 @ 18:02:45

      Yes keeping in the middle road, no judgement and keeping calm.. I feel it within my bones that we will all be shortly tested..
      And feel it the right time to step up with that connection now Colette.. Sageleaf/ Cynthia is a beautiful soul.. and yes, last week I was on a meditation fest, on line.. very powerful.. And you know when things just fall into your lap, Another wonderful blogger Marlene, shared a video link with me about Lynne McTaggart, which led me to the Power of Eight Book.. So I do feel we are all moving, and gathering together, helping each other by nudging us in the right direction..
      “We are warriors against, what exactly, I don’t know. “.. Unfortunately I have known for many years what that evil force is.. Yet to voice it, would attract even more Labels.. LOL.. So we don’t feed into the fear, and we hold fast to Love..
      Many thanks dearest Colette.. so pleased you dropped in to leave your thoughts.. ❤



      • colettebytes
        Dec 01, 2018 @ 05:44:29

        Lynn Mctaggart is advertising an on line power of 8 course at the moment. Will end up with an actual physical meet (but that might be expensive depending on the travel arrangements.
        Go to the ‘What Doctors Don’ t Tell You’ website that she runs with her husband to find out more. PS they also do Podcasts but I haven’t listened to them. Because I think a subscription might be required. The site is free though and signing up allows you to look at two documents a day for free.

        Liked by 1 person


  35. prenin
    Dec 01, 2018 @ 15:34:04

    Hi Sue!

    My tormentors are still at it.

    it’s been nearly 30 years and they’ve run out of friends and family to betray me (I have stopped talking to my mum completely), so they are using our local shop.

    I feel sorry for the staff: They are so uncomfortable! 😦 ❤

    Love and hugs!


    Liked by 1 person


  36. Jane Sturgeon
    Dec 03, 2018 @ 07:57:43

    Your loving words and energy are so welcome Sue. Nature and creativity flow to re balance us. Change is around us all the time in nature. This shift has been building for sometime and the chaos is evident on the political world stage. The bigger picture is there behind all the rhetoric and accusations and it’s founded in love and acceptance. You have been flowing with this for a long time. Hugs and much 💗 💗 💗

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 07, 2018 @ 18:18:11

      Yes the chaos is evident and is about to bubble over.. I am sick of the word Brexit this week, And yes the bigger picture is there and not always what we are told it to be.. lol..
      We have to move through these times regaining our balance, through love and not by blaming.. These events, especially in the political circles are meant to Divide..
      Many thanks for reading Jane.. Sorry I have not answered straight away, just back on my blog today after a week.. I just needed some time out away from it all.. So I have been healing, sleeping and creating lol..
      Feel brighter today, So got my tapping fingers out again .. Love your way ❤ and take care. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  37. Mary Strong-Spaid
    Dec 26, 2018 @ 23:46:16

    I definitely need some grounding.
    With the house that I live in, it seems I am always uncovering things that I really didn’t want to know. Need some more strength!

    Liked by 1 person


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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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