Divine Mission-Possible~ Seeking Truth.

Mission Possible Linda’s challenge at Litebeing Chronicles 

This is my contribution to Linda’s Mission-Possible  Blog Challenge 2018 the points Linda has asked  us to write about are if we think we are Star-seeds, or Lightworkers and what we think our Mission on Gaia, this Earth is.. The full requests of this challenge is included at the end of this post.


Am I a Star-seed? … To be perfectly honest I don’t know.

We can give ourselves many labels as we want to ourselves. But labels put us all in little box’s for others to point their fingers at and make preconceived judgements given on the labels they read.

Am I Lightworker? Maybe..

But what I try to be, is a ‘Peace Maker’.  This I have known I’ve always been, from my early childhood. As I would step between arguing parents, as I would stand in the middle of them and shout ‘Stop!’

Later I would become negotiator and mediator in my work roles, and often others would seek me out to settle disputes because I brought calmness and reason to their differences. I was even a mentor in a large School Academy in my business and education role. Later still a Care giver for nearly twelve years to Adults with learning difficulties, such as those suffering with Autism, Mental Illness, along with Downs Syndrome, Asperger Syndrome and Adults who had brain damage from constant beatings and abuse as children. 

I could give myself a whole lot of fancy labels during my life, from; Sewing machinist, Supervisor, QFI  Assessor,  Training Manager, from Medium, to Intuitive Empath, to Clairvoyant, Clairsentient, Trance Medium, to Healer and Psychic, To Support Worker.   

But all of these labels put you into a BOX, to be judged by preconceived ideas of what the label says

Maybe I am none of them, but then maybe I am all of them and more.

But so are YOU,

Every one of you who are reading this right now you are all Truth Seekers, like me.  It is just some of us wake up knowing sooner rather than later, remembering at an earlier stage, who we really are.

But as my About Me page states, I am but an ordinary woman with a Knowing…. I knew from a young child, I was not of this Earth, and along the journey, between being- Wife and Mother, working a full-time job, I served Spirit and learnt how to traverse both worlds.

We all serve spirit in many ways, by listening and caring, healing, and nurturing others. While others volunteer to shake us awake to the light by creating the shadows they cast.  

Being a Lightworker for me means seeking Truth. But when you uncover the reality of that truth of the world and ‘wake up’, you have to be prepared to receive a shock. You have to become strong, because at first learning the real truth breaks you, it tears you down and rips you apart, especially if your wake up involves understanding all the truths at once.

Because this world is nothing like we have been taught. This world is an illusion, with the grains of truth hidden for us to find. That is why many are waking up bit by bit, as they see this reality and delve into history to uncover what is withheld in history books. To have all of this knowledge at once is often too much and in the beginning, I couldn’t comprehend what I was learning because it took me way out of my comfort zone… This is why many shy away from the Truth, because they can not handle it, so would sooner stay cocooned within their own world where they don’t have to think.

But the world is waking up and more and more now are beginning to see and sense things are not right, so the lies are now being exposed, bit by bit. Slowly we are waking up to this Huge deception, and those whom many thought were Godly and of high places also are being exposed for what they  truly really are.

My Mission: I think I have always known, is ‘Communicator’ (it took me a long while to find my voice, and no one was more surprised than I when people wanted to listen to my demonstrations and talks in spiritual centres)

Start by planting a seed

If I am a Star-seed, a Lightworker, then my mission is to get people to ‘Think’ outside of their boxes by planting a thought, a seed to grow. All seeds start their journey from the dark.  Many do not see themselves as emerging from the darkness, until they learn to plant the seed of love within their own hearts. It is then that the Light work begins.  As they wake up to the love of their own Christ Consciousness within.  

It is not my job to change anyone’s beliefs, because we all of us have Free-Will and choices to believe what we choose. I am not here for that. We all have eyes to see and ears to hear. But when we understand we ALL need to come from that point of love, only then will our external world begin to change into a more peaceful one. 

So we choose what we want to believe, given that we have knowledge and deeper understanding of All the Knowledge available, to make those informed choices.  Yet many do not seek outside their boxes, so only see their truth from their own perspectives. All of us have pieces of truth, and we are all of us trying to assemble them into greater understanding. And we all perceive our pieces differently, given our various backgrounds of knowledge.. 

No one is right, and no one is wrong, but when you come to understand the real truth. You just Know it for what it is. Truth..

Not everything is Black or White, and deception goes along way back, way beyond our many life times. For we have been here many times, repeating this same illusion over and over.

But if you ask me what I believe. I believe am a soul-part of many. And my Higher Divine-Self knows my soul part better than anyone else, because my Higher-self My God part-self Knows all of my other soul parts..

I believe there are Star-seeds, Star-Beings, Lightworkers and Aliens walking this planet.. Can I prove it?.. no… Can you prove otherwise?… No…  But I have come to understand many things which blow your mind on this Earth plane.

And I truly believe that those of us who are on this Planet RIGHT NOW all of us have a Mission..

And all of us have chosen to be here at this time. We chose to be here on Planet Earth at this time of transition of Gaia and ourselves.

We have to begin to wake up to what we are doing to ourselves, and to Gaia, and that many beings are watching what we are doing with our Free-will right now. Because this Planet is important, It is a living library that many Star-seeds have taken an interest in over Aeons of Time.  And NOW is the Time to Choose…

Now is the time to unite, stop finger-pointing and look in the mirror.

Now is the time to go within and re-connect with who you are, and find again that ‘ Christ-Consciousness’ within your heart. Which is your own LOVE Seed..  And you need to allow that love to grow within yourself and spread out that love to your family and friends and project it out into the world.

And Watch it grow.

You need to understand we are eternal beings held within our human form and that there is no greater power on earth than love in overcoming fear that is created to keep you trapped within this matrix.

And when you awaken further you will see how Fear will be used as weapon against us. So Hold light and love in your hearts. Even when the world seems to be going crazy, because this is why LIGHT-WORKERS all around the globe are uniting and waking others up. For they are exposing the world of darkness for what it is. We need to keep focused in that love vibration and not allow ourselves to take sides and be even more divided by the agenda of hate.

And its like the scene I showed a couple of posts back in The Matrix film. It is up to each of us as to

Which Pill do you swallow?

The Future of your Souls.. and this world is in your hands, it is up to all of us to choose wisely.

Our Mission-Possible is about to get Serious.

Lets Make it Together

In love and Light and Peace.

Linda’s Challenge Points

1 – Write about your spiritual mission here on Gaia. Are you a lightworker, Star-seed, forerunner, Indigo, or none of the above? What have you incarnated to do or to be? Describe your mission and your journey to achieve it. Are you delighted to be here? There is no correct answer, by the way. Make it your own.

2- Pick a date and inform me here in the comments section.

3- Include ” Divine Mission-Possible blog challenge ” in the text and link back to this blog post.

4 Copy the blog badge and add it to your site.

Link to this Challenge and other contributors is HERE 

There are only Two Dates left in November left to fill, so I invite any of you to hop over to the link above and book your Mission-Possible..


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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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