A Time of Gathering.

Autumn colours as I walked yesterday

Walking out in Mother Nature is a gift I treasure, watching the changing seasons, absorbing each one with all her different merits, from Spring, through to Summer. Now Autumn is truly here, and its that time of harvest, of ‘gathering in.’

The heather shows us her colours~ What colours do we show the world I wonder.

  As I walked, I thought about how I love harvest time.. I love reaping in our harvest. And we all reap that which we have sown. 

Yesterday we harvested some of our first carrots.. A success story, as we often do battle with the  carrot fly, and pests, as we do not use any kind of chemical pesticides, So the carrot fly  has in the past rendered our carrots inedible.  This year with forethought and planing, we set them late, in a separate bed, covered them with a fine-mesh and left them be… Yesterday we lifted our first bunch of the season, they were perfect once the soil was scrubbed from them. 

Freshly picked yesterday

I wonder what forethought we put into our lives.. How well do we prepare our own Beds? And how often  do we allow those pests, those negative thoughts to gnaw and eat us away?

Each of us are unique individuals. Each different, yet we all belong to the same family.

Nature provides, and Nature takes.. Working close to nature gets you to see this fine balance that is working all the time.. Some years things will thrive, others not so. You get to see close up those spiders and their webs, I avoided some very large spiders yesterday as I picked Dahlias, they had weaved them between and only a trained eye spots them. And I have been caught out a time or two and received a nasty bite, that I had destroyed their web.  So I am mindful of them, and respectful as I can be, of the amount of effort that goes into weaving them.. 

We humans forget the power of Nature until she reminds us  with the might of her storms, as she bites into the fabric of our own homes, and wipes away all that we spend our time and energy in putting together.. We think we are all powerful, yet she can in seconds reduce us to rubble, reminding us she is never more dangerous than when we fail to respect her Power and  Might. 

While out walking, seeing the berries for the birds to harvest, and nuts for the squirrels, in between the blackberries, I spied something that at first glance looked pretty..

Deadly Nightshade more can be found about this plant here

But in fact the above plant is pretty deadly, and their single berries should NOT be eaten.. It  can often be found growing along side Wild Blackberry bushes, so care should be taken when harvesting, though their Single cherry like berries are easily distinguished.. 

Life holds both shades of light and darkness..  Both grow side by side… Learning to discern and differentiate is what sets us apart.  But if we did not have the dark we would not then know the light.. 

Learning to bridge our differences~ Railway bridge.

We are living in a world where we travel across Time Lines, visiting far away countries we see cultures that can be very different from our own.  Yet within each nation, no matter what culture, people experience both Joy and Sorrow, learning to overcome obstacles just as we do.  We are all of the same family, the Human Race. 

We need now more than ever to build bridges instead of walls that divide us. We do not need to wait until Spring to sow seeds.. We sow our seeds daily, in how our thoughts go out into the world.. We sow them with our compassion and with our love.. 

Gaia gives us daily our breath, our food and water.. She shows us how intricate we are weaved together.  She is also showing us how through our fragility we can Unify and grow together. She shows us how to reach out to each other, stretching a helping hand, as she brings us through her disasters, to help one another.. 

Her own time lines are altering, shifting, evolving as are we.  We can hear her rumbles.. 

When we gather together, and we align our hearts, when we each generate out Light and Love from our hearts. Those thought patterns  go out into Nature and into our communities we are sowing that which we each would like to reap. May we understand all is experience within our Human Heart Grid. The Web is what we weave around the Earth. 

I hope as we each begin to understand, we are all of us co-creators upon our Earth plane. That we gather our strength in our Oneness, Our Unity Consciousness. Sow that which we want to reap. Then may we gather in the harvest that we sow.  

May you all safely Gather in 

Love and Light


144 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Sue Dreamwalker
    Oct 01, 2017 @ 19:38:21

    Reblogged this on Dreamwalker's Garden and commented:

    I took a walk Yesterday, and added some thoughts.. I posted this on my other blog.. Enjoy and Enjoy your harvests..
    Happy Gardening

    Liked by 1 person


  2. misifusa
    Oct 01, 2017 @ 19:42:38

    I loved this post and the photos! I truly felt such serenity. Thank you. Much needed xo

    Liked by 2 people


  3. seaangel4444
    Oct 01, 2017 @ 19:44:22

    Lovely, lovely, lovely, dear Sue! Regarding the spider’s web; I used to ‘shooh’ them away when I was a child. Now they hold such reverence and meaning. The simple spider, as we can see, is not so simple after all. A ‘home’ of complexity; and yet, a majestic wonder. Thank you, and blessings to you as always, dear Sue! Cher xo

    Liked by 2 people


  4. House of Heart
    Oct 01, 2017 @ 19:50:37

    I love you wonderful messages and uplifting thoughts Sue, the photographs are so amazing , the spider web so awesome! Mother nature does not cease to amaze us with her beauty and sometimes with her fury. Perhaps we are a lot like our mother.
    Sending you so much love and hugs too. xxx ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  5. Writing to Freedom
    Oct 01, 2017 @ 19:50:46

    Nice reminders from you and nature. Thanks Sue. May we walk in harmony on the good red road. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people


  6. Erika Kind
    Oct 01, 2017 @ 20:04:46

    We are all living on this planet without being able to escape from here so we should definitely find a way to get along with each other and to create an environment to live happily. I love how you said that we should build bridges, not walls!! That sums it up. Thank you for this wonderful post.
    (Uhm, you were even bitten by some spiders? 😝😬)

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 02, 2017 @ 11:36:16

      Hi Erika, yes getting bitten is a regular occurrence for me.. While my hubby may be bitten by midges and bugs, and not even notice, I happen to have allergic reactions to insect bites, And while most spiders are harmless here.. I have had the occasion to react, where the bite swells and needs treatment..
      Learning to work with long sleeves helps.. The spiders web was taken last Autumn, and as you see it is between the raspberries.. As I walk between them often, in normal day light you can not see them.. A misty morning shows just how many criss-cross where I walk to pick them.. So no wonder they get cross LOL.. I try my best to avoid breaking a web and when I do, I am often heard apologising to the Insect Deva, They all have a message in them.. Thank you Erika.. May we continue bridge building in all walks of life… 🙂 ❤ ❤ 😀

      Liked by 1 person


      • Erika Kind
        Oct 02, 2017 @ 19:06:34

        Oh, yes, those spider webs are tricky…. and so yucky when you run into one 😝
        But I like the way you look at the webs and how you care not to destroy them. Interesting, I never heard about that there is a message in them but I love the idea! Thank you for sharing this, Sue 💖

        Liked by 1 person


  7. IreneDesign2011
    Oct 01, 2017 @ 20:05:53

    I love this thoughtful post, Sue ❤
    Mother Nature do offer us everything, we just need to learn to see this with open eyes and mind.
    Lovely photos, dear friend.
    Send you love and peace ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  8. litebeing
    Oct 01, 2017 @ 20:15:40

    Hi Sue,
    I have to say this is absolutely one of my favorite recent posts of yours. You seamlessly weave a narrative between the inner workings of nature and the teachings for us homo sapiens housing spirit. I do wonder who planted the nightshade though! It looks so lovely, Sometimes what appears beautiful may not be inside, lol!

    Autumn and spring have been my 2 favorite times of year and Autumn has finally arrived here in PA, with the bluest of skies. I love the area you live in as it seems so peaceful and enchanted. The carrots look so wonderful too!

    Thank you for your elegant words of wisdom and truth.

    much love, Linda ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 02, 2017 @ 11:49:21

      Big smiles Linda.. Happy you enjoyed, And yes we are extremely lucky where we live, a five minute walk and we can be out in the woods or down the allotments.. Many areas around here have been transformed into Nature reserves and small fishing lakes. They were all once upon a time Huge Slag heaps from the many Coal Mines that dotted around this area.. So when the Pits closed, they planted trees and made lakes and paths for cycling and walkers..
      The top photo is of one such place as it the heather that is on top of an old pit heap.. You would never guess would you.
      Yes as for the Nightshade I had a rouge one grow between some shrubs a few years ago, Good job I grew up in the country and my Dad taught me early on what it was.. Birds I think can transfer seeds.. I am not sure.. But yes There are many poisons in nature as well as many cures.. Yin and Yang.. Light and Dark permeates through Matter..
      Much Love returned Linda. xxx ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  9. David
    Oct 01, 2017 @ 20:27:13

    Beautiful Sue, I just love your use of words with different meanings allowing you to weave such a colourful fabric into your take on Gaia, in short wonderful! Love, David

    Liked by 4 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 02, 2017 @ 11:51:08

      Many thanks Dear David.. It was something written on the spur of the moment, as I loaded each photo.. Sometimes we get help from the beyond when we link deep within lol.. Love and Blessings 🙂



  10. marina kanavaki
    Oct 01, 2017 @ 20:43:03

    Ah, how beautifully said, Sue and I know of one person who will “Gather in Love and Light”: YOU, who sows love and light abundantly, always! Love to you and xxxxxxxxxxx

    Liked by 2 people


  11. Lynz Real Cooking
    Oct 01, 2017 @ 20:48:43

    This is so full of wisdom Sue! Very nice. the carrots are gorgeous and yes planning and thoughtfulness! Nature is amazing and we can learn so much if we observe, look and listen! Lovely

    Liked by 3 people


  12. Infinite Living
    Oct 01, 2017 @ 22:17:20

    That is such a beautiful spider’s web! And it is indeed a wonderful representation of the web that we are weaving on this planet. Your post brings this peaceful space and reminder of how we are a part of it all. I wish we all stay conscious of the threads of thoughts we are contributing to our precious web.

    Liked by 3 people


  13. MrsCraft
    Oct 01, 2017 @ 22:31:16

    I love your message, as well as your harvest! We had a walk today and my little one had her wellies on. She had a whale of a time splashing in puddles and kicking leaves, a reminder to me to just enjoy the moment sometimes. Take care, may your harvesting continue to be fruitful x

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 02, 2017 @ 12:06:15

      Aww thanks Mrs C… Yes these moments with little ones are very precious, and very many fond memories are created while walking and kicking leaves.. They grow up far too quickly… So enjoy your NOW time..
      And thank you, Yes, I have been doing more walking, and knitting, than blogging recently.. And I will look forward to my catch up with your own crafts.. You Amaze me at times with all the projects you have on going.. And your blog is a delight to visit.. ❤



  14. Paul Handover
    Oct 01, 2017 @ 22:48:16

    Fabulous photographs. Especially that one of the dew on the spider’s web!!

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 02, 2017 @ 12:07:29

      Thanks Paul I took many photo’s that particular day on the allotment when I took this one.. And it is not until the dew falls that you get to see just how many are around and the funnel webs in the grasses too.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  15. thespiritkeeper
    Oct 01, 2017 @ 23:14:53

    Beautiful post and I am always reminded of the bounty of harvest on reaps as they have sowed in the spring. I’m a pumpkin favorite and I love the photo of the spiderweb. I have never been bitten but people around here were bitten and there skin bubbled up with specks in the water. It was gross and they had backaches nausea. It was pretty traumatic for them. It is admirable how much work you put into your garden.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 02, 2017 @ 12:14:20

      Thank you Joseph.. The spiders here are not as venomous as the one’s perhaps where you live. But as I am allergic to insect bites and some leaves… I come up in rash every time I pick kidney beans.. lol.. They come up in lumps, and weep and if not careful can get infected.. So I tend to be wary and alert.. And keep the Insect Deva on my good side.. 😀 .. I have seen some pretty terrible wounds and holes left in skin from a spider bite that went wrong.. And a friend once had to stay in hospital a week from one.. So I respect them..
      I once saw the tiniest of a thin little black beetle on my wrist once, nip me, and a sharp little sting, turned into a huge lump within minutes.. Yet I have been stung by bees and wasps, and while painful, these have never reacted.. So go figure.. lol..
      Many thanks for your Huge compliment,, I will pass that on to Hubby too.. 😉 He says thank you very much.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  16. Soul Gifts
    Oct 02, 2017 @ 00:30:41

    What a delightful post, Sue! We have so much to learn from Nature 🙂

    Liked by 2 people


  17. Ka Malana - Fiestaestrellas.com
    Oct 02, 2017 @ 00:57:05

    Wow! I can feel so much in here, and your strength in communicating from a place of deep meditation. The spider web pictured here blows me away with its intricacy. Wonderful my friend, you are calling us all into our hearts. Lots of love, Ka

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 02, 2017 @ 16:29:34

      Many thanks Ka.. Sometimes we do not appreciate the beauty in such intricacies of the things we perceive to be fearful..

      But each thread woven, is all connected, be it the negative Warp or Positive Weft!… All names given, but all part of creation.

      Overcoming the fear of spiders as a child was a great hurdle.. Learning to see them in a new light and from a different perspective helps one see just what important little creatures they are.. And how when we take a closer look what they have to teach us..

      Many thanks dear Ka.. loved your comment xx

      Liked by 1 person


  18. dgkaye
    Oct 02, 2017 @ 01:47:38

    Beautiful reminders and photos Sue. So glad your carrots grew with no pests. Great plan to cover with mesh, as sometimes us humans have to learn to do too. Many lessons as always from you my wise friend. Oh, and despite the bites, that spiderweb was magnificent! Happy week ahead my dear friend. 🙂 xoxo ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  19. The Belmont Rooster
    Oct 02, 2017 @ 02:49:29

    GREAT POST and PHOTOS! Your carrots look NICE! The photo of the spider web is AWESOME!

    Liked by 2 people


  20. Val Boyko
    Oct 02, 2017 @ 03:50:48

    What a wonderful time of year … great reflections … and awesome photos Sue. Embrace and enjoy it all 💛

    Liked by 2 people


  21. balroop2013
    Oct 02, 2017 @ 04:32:36

    I felt I was walking along with you, admiring the Fall colors, harvesting those carrots, relating the pests and negative thoughts, respecting all the creatures around us…this post is more like a stream of consciousness Sue. It is a fine comment on our role towards flora and fauna and our own well-being, which is interconnected with Mother Nature.
    Thanks for sharing those lovely thoughts and pictures of harvesting. Love and hugs.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 04, 2017 @ 11:06:11

      Bless your heart dear Balroop… I am over the moon with your comment.. 🙂
      I hope more get in-tune with that stream of consciousness very soon dear friend.. We need more to align with her and learn to re-connect both to ourselves and to our Earth Mother.. She is constantly sending us reminders to listen..
      Much Love my friend xxx 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  22. Mahesh Nair
    Oct 02, 2017 @ 04:48:28

    Great parallels drawn here, Sue. This post teaches us that we should always be grateful to one another, that we should love and protect nature the same way we do our family and friends. Love this: “So I am mindful of them, and respectful as I can be, of the amount of effort that goes into weaving them.” Respect everyone.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 04, 2017 @ 11:29:31

      Exactly Mahesh.. What we give out we receive back.. And learning to be mindful takes only a second to think, that ever action has its own reactions.. And learning that we are each of us responsible for our actions.. no one else..
      Many thanks for taking the time to read fully into my words Mahesh.. I appreciate the time taken and your comments

      Liked by 1 person


  23. derrickjknight
    Oct 02, 2017 @ 10:44:44

    Beautiful photos, philosophy, and prose

    Liked by 2 people


  24. Jennie
    Oct 02, 2017 @ 12:43:35

    Mother Nature is the greatest giver. We just have to stop and look.

    Liked by 2 people


  25. -Eugenia
    Oct 02, 2017 @ 13:58:43

    I love this post. It set my positivity for the day. 😃

    Liked by 2 people


  26. prenin
    Oct 02, 2017 @ 14:05:50

    I used to love harvest time at my grandparents farm. 🙂

    Gran could grow a stick of firewood we used to say!!! 🙂

    Glad you did so well with the pests!!! 🙂 ❤

    Love and hugs!


    Liked by 2 people


  27. Annika Perry
    Oct 02, 2017 @ 16:02:18

    Sue, a beautiful reflective post…like the spider’s webs interweaving various elements of the natural world, our reaction to it…to never take it for granted and to learn to live in harmony and awareness with our environment. Lovely atmospheric Autumnal photos to accompany your writing…perfect combination! xx

    Liked by 2 people


  28. Sophia's Children
    Oct 02, 2017 @ 16:06:02

    What a magnificent spider web! Many thanks for sharing this update and sharing the bounty of where you are. Blessings, Sue. Love Jamie

    Liked by 2 people


  29. The Coastal Crone
    Oct 02, 2017 @ 21:27:35

    Beautiful harvest – you sowed well! The spider web was magical as is your world. Love your parting words, “May you gather in love and light.” One cannot ask for more.

    Liked by 2 people


  30. charliezero1.wordpress.com
    Oct 02, 2017 @ 21:35:38

    Reading and looking at the photos. It’s times like these I wish I saved enough money so I can move out of L.A. and go far away into another beautiful field of country.

    Blessings, Sue and peace and love.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 04, 2017 @ 14:06:00

      Yes, I can see why Charlie.. And I am always grateful for the fact that although I do not live in the place I really love, where I was brought up in the Derbyshire Dales.. I am fortunate to only be five minutes walking distance from countryside and and woods.. So I am very happy you enjoyed the photos and post..

      Liked by 1 person


  31. JoAnna
    Oct 03, 2017 @ 06:36:24

    Building bridges has been a theme for me since I heard the same story twice last week and shared it at a meeting yesterday. The short version is that a farmer asked a carpenter to build a wall separating his property from that of his estranged brother. Their property was already divided by a creek. The carpenter agreed to build a fence, but instead built a bridge across the creek. The farmer’s brother walked across with open arms, thanking his brother for the gesture of forgiveness, and their relationship was healed. Let us build bridges and respect the earth, and be healed.

    Liked by 1 person


  32. Sageleaf
    Oct 03, 2017 @ 12:52:07

    Would you look at those beautiful carrots! WOWZA! How gorgeous and wonderful and such beauty in the harvest. In the spring, I always say it’s my favorite time of year, but now in the fall, it’s my favorite time of year. Giggle. I love the colors, the bounty of the Earth and what she has given us.
    I have always been rather scared of spiders but your experience here makes me wonder what there is to be afraid of…I suppose it’s an irrational fear…
    I love the line up there about the dark and without it, we wouldn’t know the light. I believe in Indian tradition, people will pray to Shiva to give them “life’s storms and to show them their true self” – where they, in fact, confront their darkness to help them see their own light.
    While I don’t “call the storms” I do recognize that they make us better people. They give us the lessons we need to move forward. In this season, I’m reminded of this time to look within, but with bountiful gratitude.
    I’m grateful for you, sweet friend! Sending you big hugs! Alas, I want to write more, but I’m off to work this morning. Know that I’m smiling and thinking of you during my days…

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 04, 2017 @ 14:12:28

      I think those are the exact words lol my hubby uttered when he dug this first handful of carrots up, lol WOWZa indeed.. LOL..
      And yes, Spirit have also told me the more problems and obstacles one seems to have to overcome, the greater the progress of the soul.. Not sure I want to experience any more storms , but they certainly build our strength..
      Happy Day to you Cynthia.. and many thanks for sharing and reading,, I know you are busy.. And thank you for your other Long LONG reply.. Loved it.. xxx

      Liked by 1 person


  33. InfiniteZip
    Oct 03, 2017 @ 15:58:03

    what a lovely jaunt through your nature paradise, and that spider web is magnificent indeed. Nature is a calming ointment that soothes….still collecting feathers and trying to let the small stuff go….embracing the good and breathing in and out. Lovely post Sue, indeed! ❤ ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    Oct 03, 2017 @ 17:47:15

    So thoughtful a post with lovely photos dear Sue!Your commentary conveys strong and soothing messages.Sad events bitter our souls,almost everyday,we cannot bear more … Sending Love & Peace your way,dear friend 🙂 ❤ xxx

    Liked by 2 people


  35. Lisa Hutchison LMHC
    Oct 03, 2017 @ 22:11:06

    Sue, thanks for the reminder of the cycles in our lives. Nature is a great teacher!

    Liked by 2 people


  36. Renee Espriu
    Oct 04, 2017 @ 05:01:29

    Beautiful photos Sue and the spider web looks as though someone did a very fine crochet and left it hanging there….maybe a very big garden spider. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people


  37. MoJo
    Oct 04, 2017 @ 05:25:31

    Spectacular post Sue! I love that you grew those gorgeous carrots and of course all the pics were lovely. I greatly look forward to reading more of your blog. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  38. kiwi
    Oct 04, 2017 @ 07:08:39

    a beautiful post It is indeed a time to build bridges and find our shared humanness
    You pumpkins and carrots look good and nice all these other goodies. Still strange to see your autumn while we are in the middle of spring. Enjoy your autumn and take care. Arohanui (lots of love)

    Liked by 2 people


  39. pommepal
    Oct 04, 2017 @ 13:28:58

    So beautifully woven together Sue and an ode to autumn in all it’s glory of gathering and winding down of natures cycle

    Liked by 2 people


  40. natswans
    Oct 04, 2017 @ 15:51:03

    Hello Sue love this post your hard work has paid off. Nature is wonderful and also scary . I have never been bitten by a spider, but love to see from my window in September as the wonderful display of their weave. I was lucky to watch a spider in action , as he was on my window pane.
    Hugs and best wishes
    Sheila xx

    Liked by 2 people


  41. Wendy Gillissen
    Oct 05, 2017 @ 13:13:54

    Beautiful and thought-provoking post dear Sue! And lovely pictures. Dark and light, the rose and the spider’s bite, they all exist next to each other in Nature… and all is needed for the balance. thanks for sharing! I wish I could take a quick trip to England and roll about in a lovely field of purple heather ☺♥

    Liked by 1 person


  42. Christy B
    Oct 05, 2017 @ 21:38:56

    I like what you say about building bridges instead of walls, Sue. May we connect deeply across cultures to help build harmony ❤ The photo of the pumpkins and your caption for it really struck a chord xx

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 06, 2017 @ 14:53:46

      Thank you dear Christy, You are a dear friend.. And yes the pumpkins each different some not all that well formed, some not mature and one was rotten lol.. that we threw.. So it struck me.. Each different, yet all of the same family… all from the same pumpkin from last years scooped out seeds too.. A lesson in that photo alone.. May we keep building bridges between us Christy xx

      Liked by 1 person


  43. thetruthaboutmentalhealth
    Oct 06, 2017 @ 05:59:29

    Wow those carrots look amazing!.. and that spider web is so pretty! Home grown is the best… and as always you have so much wisdom to share. Peace.

    Liked by 1 person


  44. Teagan R. Geneviene
    Oct 06, 2017 @ 17:56:40

    Beautiful, Sue — purely beautiful. And such lovely photos to go with the post. I loved the one of the carrots, and the night shade, but the spiderweb took my breath away. Gorgeous! Hugs.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 06, 2017 @ 18:15:16

      Thank you Teagan.. And I will let hubby know about his carrots.. They were tasty.. And yes the spiders web was a photo I took last autumn, along with many more Huge ones among my raspberries.. The morning dew just makes them so magical.. and wonderful .. Thank you Teagan.. xx

      Liked by 1 person


  45. Bela Johnson
    Oct 06, 2017 @ 19:56:48

    As usual, sister under the skin, you offer simple yet profound reflections on nature and our own Being. Love to you ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    Oct 07, 2017 @ 23:15:44

    Amei as fotos,natureza é tudo de bom mesmo,e amo cenoura e essas estão lindas,e abóboras também. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 09, 2017 @ 10:17:53

      Amor que você gostou da minha postagem e gostei da foto … Sim As cenouras são boas. e nós adoramos cultivar nossa própria comida …
      Enviando muito amor à sua maneira e obrigado novamente por ter tempo para ler e comentar .. Eu realmente sugiro isso ..
      Amor Sue xxx ❤



  47. robbiesinspiration
    Oct 08, 2017 @ 15:19:55

    Your garden is lovely, Sue, and you draw some very meaningful analogies between how we tend our physical garden and how we should be tending our spiritual gardens. Beautiful and thoughtful post.

    Liked by 1 person


  48. Somali K Chakrabarti
    Oct 08, 2017 @ 16:34:32

    Congratulations, Sue on the first harvest of the carrots. You must have put in a lot of efforts to those and the other plants without the use of chemical pesticides.Thank you for taking us around through your garden. It looks lovely in the bright colours of Autumn. Being close to nature brings so many positive vibes, and we are fortunate to get a feel of those energies.
    Btw, I found the video by Gregg Baden fascinating. The correlation between the emotions in the heart and magnetic field around us is so interesting to know, fascinating. Thanks for sharing it, Sue. Live & Regards, Somali

    Liked by 1 person


  49. Array
    Oct 10, 2017 @ 04:57:46

    Great post and photos.
    I love fresh veggies from the garden. We were warned as children to be careful the berries we ate..but fresh picked berries? YUM!
    Love and hugs, my friend.

    Liked by 1 person


  50. Mary Strong-Spaid
    Oct 22, 2017 @ 19:53:21

    I lived in Virginia for over 20 years. The 4 seasons were always very distinct. Now I live In San Antonio, Texas and it is still 80 degrees at the end of October. No leaves are falling. Where is autumn? It still feels like summer……

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 23, 2017 @ 09:51:22

      Hi Mary, and yes the seasons are getting all mixed up, so much so even the plants no longer seem to know what to do.. As they are getting fooled as to what time of year it is by the temperatures.. Thank you for dropping in to leave me your thoughts.. Sue



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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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Part Two E-book of True Awakening Experiences, complied by Barbara Franklin and WordPress Friends.


2012 Acrylic Painting Acrylics Akiane Kramarik. Allotment Allotment. Self Sufficiency Allotments Answers art Arts and Crafts Ascension Automatic Channelled Writing Avaaz Awaken Awakening Awards Awareness Balance Books Butterfly Caring change Changes Children Choices Climate Change Community compassion Consciousness. Consciousness. Community Consciousness. Illusions Conservation Crafts creativity Darkness Diving Deeper Dreams Earth Earth Changes Earth Day Earth Mother Earth Shift Elder Tree Emotions Energies Energy Enlightenment Environment. Faith Family Fear Flowers Food Freedom Friends Gaia Garden Gardening Gifts Gratitude Gregg Braden Growing your own Grow your own happiness Harmony Healing Health Heart Hearts Hobbies Illusion Indigenous people Inner thoughts Inspired Intuition journey joy Kindness Knitting life Light Lightworkers love Manifesting Mankind Mass Consciousness Matrix Mayan Calendar Media meditation mind Monsanto Mother Earth music Native American Indians Nature New Earth News Ocean Oneness Painting Paintings Pastel Drawings. Peace Personal Responsibility Perspective Planet Earth Planting Poem poems Poetry Pollution Positive Positive Thinking Prayer Remembrance Day Scotland Seeds Self Sufficiency Shift Short Stories. Signs Soul Sound Spirit Spiritual Spring Storms The Great Purification thoughts Time Trancend transformation. transformation. Energy Travel Trees Truth Unity Unity Consciousness Universe Vegetables Vibration. Vision Quest Walking War Watercolour Painting Weather web world World Peace

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