The Good, Bad and Indifferent.

A couple of evenings ago I wrote a lengthy piece in my journal. I just wanted to get things off my chest and so I wrote and wrote.

 I spoke about our thoughts, I spoke about our judging of others. Saying we all judge, be it by status, gender, wealth, colour, religion, nationality.

I spoke about Truth, and how we seldom stretch ourselves to see the Truth of the world. This illusion, which holds us prisoners to become slaves to greed. As we buy into the beliefs of consumerism and debt. That never ending carrot which is dangled before us, that ties in so many to be forever slaves to debt.. I spoke how the commercial world Soft soaps and dupes us by clever advertising that lures us in, to make us believe we need all the things we can quiet easily live without that often many go into dept for just to keep up with the latest trends..  

I spoke about our thoughts, and how they spin us into the creation of our future, and how we constantly judge, and cannot see the Ugliness of our own thoughts that spin out in judgement on a daily basis. Be they to criticise how someone looks, dresses, speaks, behaves, We all of do it constantly, in condemnation, discrimination, that then turn to jealousies, bullying and hateful behaviours that stain and taint and blacken our natures, that drives bitterness and vindictiveness to sour our world.

I spoke about education. And to what we are exposing our children to.  How children are no longer allowed to be children and play. And how pressure of parents and education are pilled ever higher upon their young shoulders to succeed. So, the education systems often lose sight of the child as they become statistics as schools are rated by performances.

I wrote on how the film, media and gaming industries promote violence, war, murder, and rape. And then we wonder why the world is mirroring back such acts of violence.  And why we have become so desensitised, so we barely blink an eye in response.  Why so many live in a surreal world of virtual reality. And I wrote about how many are turning to escape the realities of living as suicides increase in our young, and more synthetic drugs come into their possession.  

I went on about living in our own little boxes, to which we categorise, label, then often shutting the lid, we try not to think about the suffering on going in so many parts of the world. So in recompense, to appease our conscience’s, we can often be seen tossing a few coins into some charity jar to make us feel we are doing something worthwhile to help the world. 

I spoke about how those who have become King of their own particular Forests no longer see the trees that surround them. They no longer see through eyes that reach up to the heavens to see why acid rain falls to Earth. They do not see the burnt forests or the indigenous lives destroyed. While smoke settles on the wind out of lands that drive families across borders with nothing other than their lives. All they see is their own importance as their own greed consumes them so their hearts are as black as the scorched earth they have devoured .. 

I asked what kind of a species have we become.. and to what are we turning into that we can watch our Children suffer as we destroy their future world.

In fact my writing was quite a rant!! Which is toned down for this post.

But then I went on to speak about HOPE.. That all elusive word that keeps us hanging on..

HOPE, Hope is a word we use often. How many times do we rely upon Hope

H – Helping ourselves to

O – Optimism in times of

P – Pain, we hope against hope that

E – Everything will turn out just fine.

 Well, I have said enough about all that is Bad… Now what about the GOOD. 

That is the theme for next time..

101 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. InfiniteZip
    Sep 20, 2017 @ 15:51:30

    HOPE is everything, and love too, don’t forget the love….and beauty, and joy…oh I Could go on but you already know all about the good stuff ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 3 people


  2. Seenorway
    Sep 20, 2017 @ 16:02:23

    Without hope? Then Trump would be right? Somebody are on their way to hell!
    And why not? Without hope there’s no life ahead?! At least not a life we’d want, right?

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 20, 2017 @ 16:10:33

      Yes HOPE is something I will not give up on Svein, nor will I give up hoping that there is More GOOD in the World that we are being allowed to believe exists..

      In the heart of many their is far more good than Bad.. But the world prefers to keep us within the Halls of Fear..
      Which is why we need to open our hearts to all that we feel is wrong.. And begin changing that which we can within.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  3. Somali K Chakrabarti
    Sep 20, 2017 @ 16:05:33

    Hi Sue, It appears that you went through a phase of reflection where you paused to analyse all that is wrong or may not be the ideal thing to happen. After analyzing enough now you are again looking at the positives now. A question that comes to my mind is that why do people sometimes to go through such reflective phase? I think that’s because unless we go through these phases, we will not know how much and what is wrong and how it impacts each of us much. After the churning of thoughts, the conviction that some things still seem right must be making you mentally stronger and more optimistic than before. Love & Regards, Somali

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 20, 2017 @ 16:12:46

      You are so wise Somali.. and yes, these reflections indeed inspired those thoughts through these phases.. And my next post will indeed reflect all that is Good and the reasons we have to Hope, and have love in our hearts..
      Many thanks for reading Somali.. and digesting it so well.. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people


  4. thespiritkeeper
    Sep 20, 2017 @ 16:19:23

    Love the acrostic of hope but I don’t believe in the word hope.. Hope is for those that lost faith and well faith in essence is a little bit like hope. I usually use the word confidence. It is a stronger word and not of a weak nature that we have lost control.
    All that you have said in your post is that we are a pair of bookends. The thing with thougths is that I think it is 3% that is emitted electrically and electromagnetically and that emitted from the heart is 97% meaning feelings or emotions. That is a lot. So if you’re bad thoughts swirl in your head it is less dangerous than having them swirl in you heart and when they swirl in your heart they become that more dangerous but when the words pass your lips that is when they are made manifest.
    Love is the only way. Hand in hand, heart in heart we will see this through.

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 20, 2017 @ 17:45:26

      Loved your thinking on this Joseph.. and yes I see where you are coming from on Hope.. Its a little like that carrot.. Dangling.. Which is why Hope must be made more than Hope.. We can all hope until the cows come home.. But unless we put ourselves out and alter and change things within our hearts and with our actions.. We will never change anything.. Which is also why LOVE is so powerful when put into Action.. For the exact opposite happens When LOVE Manifests.. We forget the power of our thoughts, and that is why those who know this keep us continually fearful.. For if we exercised that Power.. We really could Change our world Consciousness 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  5. robbiesinspiration
    Sep 20, 2017 @ 16:42:49

    What a lovely post, Sue. The ending about hope was absolutely great. I feel like you peeped into my heart and wrote this post to guide me. Thank you.

    Liked by 2 people


  6. Denzil - Life Sentences
    Sep 20, 2017 @ 16:56:32

    That must have taken you some time to write all that down Sue. But so many of these topics we also read about in the daily news. I see, for example, that UK is facing its largest personal debt crisis, which of course ties in with the rampant consumerism. Looking forward in hope to your next post!

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 20, 2017 @ 17:49:06

      Thank you Denzil.. Yes, I am so thankful I am not caught within that loop of dept.. But its made so easy today for people to get loans that then can entrap them. And thank you Denzil for reading, I appreciate your comment.

      Liked by 1 person


  7. The Coastal Crone
    Sep 20, 2017 @ 17:05:28

    Without hope we are lost!

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 20, 2017 @ 17:56:21

      Yes, I also wonder though Jo how long is that piece of string that we keep on hoping the world will change.. I am very sceptical at the moment, and yet at the same time. I
      have to be HOPE-ful.. But it hinges upon us changing . It is no good is hoping the world will change, if we ourselves continue judging, etc.. And not many are willing to get off their comfort blankets to help make a difference. But when it comes to a crisis.. I see many getting off their comfort blankets and diving in to help others without thought for themselves.. And may be, just maybe this is what is happening as we come to a crisis point in our Earth Journey that Mother Earth is helping teach us to look with compassion. and to give with our hearts..
      I so Hope we are not Lost..
      Much love Jo.. and lovely to see you xxx ❤



  8. Rotimi Elijah
    Sep 20, 2017 @ 17:36:22

    Hope keeps us alive. It’s everything we’ve got. We hope to do everything.

    Excellent post.

    Liked by 1 person


  9. The Belmont Rooster
    Sep 20, 2017 @ 17:47:02

    Very good! I have several drafts where I have done that but it seems like I never finish them. My fiance lives 7,500 miles away and we talk on Skype every morning and every evening. She is very easy to talk to but… I can talk to dad, but he is 86 and very hard of hearing, stone deaf without his hearing aids. I have been on several sites where you can chat with others, but they just lack everything. I need someone I can chat with about certain topics but there is no one so far that I have found… When you start to see life differently than you have before, your old friends are like you were before, so you can’t talk to them about the way you are becoming. It is like I am saying to the universe, “SO, now what? You have brought me here, so now talk to me.”

    Writing is a great way to express yourself and share your opinions, but sometimes we really need someone to talk to, sometimes someone we don’t even know (yet). Now, I feel another post coming on, but my blog is a gardening blog… It is somehow strange, but when I read your posts, I get this urge to talk!

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 20, 2017 @ 18:10:17

      Thank you Mr R.. When you begin to wake up and see the world through a different pair of eyes, You quickly discover who and who not to talk too 🙂 And which is why my gardening blog is separate lol.. Of which I have neglected of late..
      You perhaps can open up another section on your blog.. addressing your thoughts.. You may be surprised how often others may agree with you.. and be interested in hearing your thoughts.. 🙂
      Thank you for speaking up today 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  10. IreneDesign2011
    Sep 20, 2017 @ 18:04:03

    Great and also important post, Sue 🙂
    Sometimes it feels necessary to reflect about life and what feels good or bad about it.
    What can we do to change our own behavior? It is important.
    Much love ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  11. vanbytheriver
    Sep 20, 2017 @ 18:13:00

    You rant in such beautiful ways, Sue. I will never give up the hope that we can be so much better than we have been lately, or at least better than the media would have us believe. We can do this. Look forward to part 2.

    Liked by 2 people


  12. JoAnn Chateau
    Sep 20, 2017 @ 18:39:04

    Maybe Hope is vision. And like The Spirit Keeper says, we should put the weight of faith and confidence into it. Looking forward to your next post on Hope, Sue!

    Liked by 2 people


  13. Bela Johnson
    Sep 20, 2017 @ 19:49:46

    All of this, all – is simply speaking Truth. We sensitives feel and see it most acutely, yet even the most shut-down among us needs to awaken in order to shift the collective balance (and thus we see Mother Nature stepping in, doing her shake and shimmy). I think it was prophesied somewhere significant – that in these ‘last days’ we will see the dark become darker. Well, then it stands to reason on a planet of polarities that the light becomes lighter. And what then do we do with that? I notice this in my own nature – my tender, abundant, all-encompassing love toward our new pup, for example – and then he does some naughty thing as pups will do – tearing into a planting or soaking himself in the bird bath – and I feel a surge of anger arising that surprises me. So I know this dichotomy in a kinesthetic, personal sense. And I have more and more compassion toward those who simply cannot get a handle on these diametrical emotions.

    It is easy to be outraged – easier than ever these days. But I realize if I’m outraged, I am expecting something from humans that we might not be collectively capable of – uniting those polarities I just spoke of. And so I’m back to realizing ‘expectations are like premeditated resentments.’ I try and relax around this knowing, and accept the beauty of another day. I don’t force encounters with others – when they come, I tread lightly. And I write. Far more than others will read, yes – this we share. But I write. This keeps me sane and clear enough to be of help where and when I can. Sweet Sue – keep the faith. We are blindfolded, holding hands, headed for an unknown destination. But we are not alone. And once in awhile, the blindfold slips a little 😉 Aloha and love ❤

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 20, 2017 @ 20:05:51

      Bless you for this Bela.. Completely do you understand… Your empathy and understanding.. And also seeing how volatile are our energies. And how Mother Nature is also a mirror.. For we can not see we are ONE.. And that our consciousness is combined..
      Thank you Bela… yes we are far from alone.. And I am reminded strongly of our indigenous Native American Brothers who long foretold what we know is coming..
      May we keep on writing to keep our hearts in alignment with the Truth..
      Much love..
      Sue 💜

      Liked by 1 person


  14. Erika Kind
    Sep 20, 2017 @ 19:59:15

    I think sometimes we need to get lost in a rant in order to liberate ourselves from all the things we cannot understand and get back to a state of peacefulness where hope arises. I love your definitions of the letters. We have come here to learn and there will always be hope for us. Some learn earlier and some later. Some need support and some will only learn when they experienced the consequences. BUT the potential to learn is here and that is why hope is alive!
    Thank you for this wonderful post, Sue!!💖

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 20, 2017 @ 20:16:55

      Yes, the rant to myself was worse than the one I published lol.. We are learning from such lessons.. And yes you are right also Erika when you say “Some need support and some will only learn when they experienced the consequences.”… I hope the rest learn by opening their hearts more, and seeing just how strong we can be when we hold onto love and learn how through altering our thought patterns we can change not only ourselves, but we can then begin to change the world.. xx ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Erika Kind
        Sep 21, 2017 @ 06:51:35

        Yes, I hope too that learning from the positive experiences or simply from more openness will become more “popular”!! And for sure, when we realize that we are able to change our lives due to a conscious change of our attitude we see that this can change the world. It starts with each individual!💖

        Liked by 2 people


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Sep 21, 2017 @ 11:31:19

          Yes agreed Erika.. I think as I wrote, I just had to get off my chest all that was bothering me about the world at large.. And as I continued to write i then felt a calm, and my writing then changed.. i think I wrote for four hours solid in my journal, SO much so I needed to buy a new journal lol..
          But what came forth next is what we see when we have come through the tunnel.. But as we both know, its how we navigate the tunnels in our lives that determines our abilities to see the Light at its end.. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person


  15. Lynz Real Cooking
    Sep 20, 2017 @ 20:10:33

    A very nice post full of so much thought! I love the last part about hope!

    Liked by 2 people


    Sep 20, 2017 @ 20:51:30

    A huge shift in your writing. It’s a good and this line got me:

    “I asked what kind of a species have we become.. and to what are we turning into that we can watch our Children suffer as we destroy their future world.”

    You’ve nailed a big message here that will forever live inside my heart.

    As humans thrive on danger and their children watching suffering all around. It’s no wonder why…ummm…let me put it this way.

    I don’t know who quoted this quote so here:

    “History doesn’t repeat itself, Man repeats history.” unknown author.

    Liked by 1 person


  17. Tom Merriman
    Sep 20, 2017 @ 21:06:18

    Ah yes, Sue… replace the bad with the Good and focus on that. Tiny steps can overcome!

    Liked by 2 people


  18. Ka Malana -
    Sep 20, 2017 @ 21:50:54

    Right now I am not seeing the good/bad dichotomy. Feeling sick and fortunate to have class also be canceled – and my thoughts are more about joys and sorrows and how they are inextricably related. Also I don’t think that we are so awful as humans. I think we are inextricably a part of nature, and nature just relentlessly fluctuates and encourages our direct participation. Much Love to you Sue, Ka

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 21, 2017 @ 12:17:14

      Sorry you are feeling ill Ka.. And yes, my own thoughts usually are on the positives, But I found myself saying it like it is, or how my perception was,
      Nature too speaks, though I doubt many of the Human race really listen to the vibrations she is also venting right now, Until it affects them directly..
      And I guess that was the point. We have become detached in many respects, desensitised to the horrors we inflict upon each other as a species..
      And I wanted to dig out that which was bothering me, to expose it to the light, and take it a step further, to expand it, and show ourselves this is but a portion of the world…
      The rest is harmoniously doing amazing things that help, heal, bring joy, and hope to the shadows we inflict upon ourselves..
      That is the part to follow.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  19. litebeing
    Sep 20, 2017 @ 21:59:13

    Hi Sue,
    Yes journaling can help unravel our thoughts and feelings, giving expression to what may be hiding somewhere within. There is a TV show on Netflix called Black Mirror that highlights a world in the near future where technology has gone even further and people have even less privacy and more dependence on devices. The show alludes to a Matrix concept where we are all part of a computer simulated existence. I find this show upsetting and fascinating, because through its exaggeration it brings home how intertwined humanity is with machines and out of touch we are with our surroundings and ourselves. I look forward to hearing how you see hope emerging through the clouds…

    love, LInda

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 21, 2017 @ 13:16:29

      Thank you Linda.. Yes, it is amazing how many such TV and films portray a future that is bleak and freedoms are curtailed by the Machines that have taken charge so to speak.. My Son gave his Dad a series of vids to watch in The Divergent trilogy.
      I was not surprised to see micro-chipped humans, and segregation into camps of usefulness.
      And while we may think these things are pure fiction.. I do not think it will be long before we are chipped and put into our own boxes… We are already micro chipping babies of a fashion as they are already experimenting with files of vaccines that are due to slow release a cocktail of vaccines over a period of time.. So the next stage will be a chip of some sort.. no doubt disguised as a necessity for our own good. Sigh..
      There is nothing we can not imagine into Being..
      It all depends on how prepared we all are to be shepherded via the dumbing down of our minds, via devices that make our decisions.. Already we have search engines that are enabled via voice control.. Machines that scan eyes, finger prints… We are cloning embryos, and doing research on human eggs that are just fertilised.. these are things which are out in the open,
      While its good that disease and hereditary illness are helped by this research, this is just the tip of the iceberg, for genetics have been ongoing since pre WWII .. And Goodness knows what is happening behind the scenes..

      Each a step towards that fictitious world we think is make-believe, yet it is already becoming our reality..

      On the other side of the coin, There is a lot of Good in the World and I will endeavour to shine a torch through the clouds we build around ourselves… 🙂

      Much love Linda.. Good Luck with your interviews my friend.. and take care.. as a friend always would write at the end of her comments.. You Matter..
      Love and Hugs
      Sue ❤

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  20. Mark Lanesbury
    Sep 21, 2017 @ 00:01:10

    We must see one side of life to know and recognize the other side Sue. To really appreciate where our hearts are at, that balance must be found or a true understanding will not be reached.
    Your post most certainly came from a well balanced place 😀

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 21, 2017 @ 11:45:57

      Thank you Mark.. As I told someone else my writing went on an on… But it became calmer, and it turned around to show me both sides of the coin.. Something we both know is the case for us to experience both Positive and Negative vibrations. And I thank you that you thought my post balanced.. ( you would not have thought so reading my original script in my journal LOL ) But it needed to be released.. And when its down on paper in black and white, You can then dissect it further to put it into perspective.. And when we do that, you then begin to see a different picture than the one we are shown.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  21. Joss
    Sep 21, 2017 @ 04:36:04

    Sometimes a good rant is like a clearing out of a cluttered closet and we choose what to kerp, what to give away and what to burn. While doing so we come across old pictures that make us smile with melancholy and old letters, too painful to read. Once it’s done a cup of tea, a nap under mama’s favorite blanket and we wake up, still domewhat tired, knowing tomorrow will somehow be a better day.

    Liked by 2 people


  22. New Bloggy Cat
    Sep 21, 2017 @ 05:35:31

    Thank you for this food for thought post, Sue! May we all be forgiven for all the unhealthy thoughts we have on others, and we often failed to see our own weaknesses. May we continue to do our little part to create a better world for the future generations. Much love and peace, (*’∀’人)♥

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 21, 2017 @ 13:22:37

      We are all of us guilty to this Pat.. it is part of our human nature .. Recognising how our thoughts affect us and others though is our first steps in altering our thoughts to be more positive, that then goes a long way in helping our world be a more positive place..
      We seldom realise that our thoughts are what is creating our future. For our thoughts are energy and they manifest the energy that there intent is focused upon..
      Which is why I first needed to vent out and See what i was venting.. to be able to change that around and look at it from another perspective.. Much love and thank you for your lovely visit and thoughtful comment Pat.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  23. derrickjknight
    Sep 21, 2017 @ 09:34:24

    I’m pleased you didn’t abandon the rant entirely

    Liked by 1 person


  24. Inese Poga artist, writer and life sciences specialist
    Sep 21, 2017 @ 11:29:31

    It’s hilarious how lots of people tend to blame something or somebody whether government or neighbor, or school, or workplace.
    The simple truth is that absolutely everything depends, starts and relies on us: on each person who is here on the Earth at first.
    I have written about harm of greed plenty times. Do you think lots of people pay attention? Verbally, sure, we do realize that, and then when it comes to winning a deal, or contract or save on somebody else’s expense, this all is forgotten. The simple world managing model is very basic: you take from somebody so that you have more or you give somebody and, therefore, you have less. It is supposed that one can clean their dirty consciousness by giving to charities, but as we know even in that case part of money that was intended to help somehow ends up in a wrong person’s pocket. Financial wealth is what most people are after, not only wealth, but so much of everything that one couldn’t even use it up in their lifetime. It is always more and more, and just grab and grab. I do realize money is important and it gives us freedom, but we are seeing so much exploitation in the name of equality. What equality? There isn’t any.
    Therefore, our only way is to bring back light and balance, and joy of living through mental and spiritual development.
    Is it possible to change the settings in the world that is guarded by wast amounts of money and where the financial wealth means so much more than an enlightened and rich mind, a deep an selfless soul? If we start with ourselves, it is possible. We cannot save these who do not want to be saved. Just as we cannot heal nobody who is has no desire to be healed so that he or she can keep complaining and blaming the unjust and unfair life. Life is fair. We make it unfair.
    Before I read your post, I just wrote about this on my art blog in response to you. Balance dictates that one can only become self-fulfilled, happy and rich mentally and spiritually if they go through self-cleaning and if they start making the right choices.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 21, 2017 @ 13:32:55

      This is a wonderful response Inese.. And all you say I concur with. And to change the world we need to change ourselves, a theme I have long been speaking of.. 🙂 Thank you for the time and thought you put into your comment Inese.. xxx Heres to our choices, which was another post of mine recently. 🙂 We think alike..



  25. Soul Gifts
    Sep 21, 2017 @ 13:50:06

    Hope, Love, Peace – a great triumvirate. As you know, we are on the same wavelength. It’s good to have a rant and clear the air. It makes room for Hope to move in !

    Liked by 1 person


  26. -Eugenia
    Sep 21, 2017 @ 15:18:45

    You do well at making us aware of the good in life, Sue. You’re very inspiring and I love it.

    Liked by 1 person


  27. dgkaye
    Sep 22, 2017 @ 01:55:59

    Sue, it almost feels as though we’ve been traveling the same wavelength lately. We need to rant out what ails us internally to find the hope. I’m still ranting internally, so I’m looking forward to your words of hope. ❤ Namaste my wise friend. xoxo

    Liked by 1 person


  28. stephensmustang1
    Sep 22, 2017 @ 02:56:56

    Great post. Well said.
    I kept finding myself saying, ‘yes’, ‘exactly’. etc. Can’t wait to read the continued post 😉
    Love and hugs, my friend.

    Liked by 1 person


  29. Mahesh Nair
    Sep 22, 2017 @ 06:25:57

    Hello Sue – we say and write, but also go back to who we were. The tendency to be corrupted in our heads is so high that we hardly step away from it to see or accept real truths. We are so full of ourselves that any benefit of doubt given to anybody else will – we think – waste our precious minutes; the minutes that we’ve slotted for our self-centered activities. It’s time we looked more inward than outward, more felt than thought, more lived than survived. Thanks for the brilliant post.

    Liked by 1 person


  30. prenin
    Sep 22, 2017 @ 09:54:07

    Hope is a bird that flies on swallows wings.
    Kings it makes Gods and meaner creatures Kings. 🙂

    Shakespeare was a dude… 🙂

    Liked by 2 people


  31. Visionkeeper
    Sep 22, 2017 @ 11:58:47

    Rants are so good to release DW…We all have so much frustration built up inside us if we don’t release it, it turns on us and creates illness to express itself. Not Good! I so agree with all you spoke of,, all the influences we must try to pull free of that are always waiting at every corner to snatch us in. I will say one thing though. Over the years I’ve come to like the word faith better than hope. Hope to me suggests praying what we hope for will come through for us in the end, while faith somehow connotes a sense of knowing that it always will….Either way, we need both to be successful on this journey….blessings and love your way my friend. May the dirt and sunshine heal your anguish even more this weekend 🙂 Hugs…VK ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 22, 2017 @ 17:20:47

      Hi VK, yes, I can so understand that about HOPE.. Hope is something we all wish for, But Faith is having a belief It will change.. And When we hold Faith and a Knowing.. We can also see that change has to come from within..
      And yes, got plenty of dirt under my fingernails in the allotments.. And its progressing well.. 🙂 Much Love right back.. ❤



  32. Sageleaf
    Sep 23, 2017 @ 13:11:47

    Sweet Sue! My journals have seen similar thoughts. The world – that we want healed so badly, and what we have done to it. So many deny that humans have had an impact..and the schools. You know, this was one big reason I left normal teaching: the standardized testing, the lack of recess, the lack of flexibility for students and for teachers…it was just so hard for my free-spirited heart to endure it for much longer than five years. Ah…I got so burnt out on it. I’ve always been a sensitive creative, though. I’ve always had a need to bleed onto the canvas and with words…
    I read recently that we humans actually need to be taught NOT to have prejudices, not to judge, and actually how to care. Our society constantly says, “when we are babies, we have no judgement” but silently, we all see how the system works and we learn to navigate within it. We become indoctrinated….
    I’ve been thinking for awhile how children need to just play and not be forced to sit hours in a desk. In no other modality in society do we require hundreds of people to come together to absorb information all day long and then regurgitate it for examinations. I wish we could take the Native American Indian way and let children explore the outer world, learn to honor what is sacred, allow them to run around…and use “unschool” techniques: as they show interest in things, bring in math or reading. Ah, well…this is my dream. A dream where they also learn about the oppression and plight of others and using their sense of empathy, actually create the means to help….
    We have done so much to this world…as if we have another to go to. I yearn for the day that humans treat bees with the same respect that they treat money. That the most vulnerable have the same love and respect as the most powerful…
    Hmm…I feel another poem in the making. My heart and mind have caught the poetry bug… 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 23, 2017 @ 17:23:11

      I am happy you have caught that poetry Bug dear Cynthia.. And yes, it must have been hard for you to endure such a system for so long.
      I see the pressure we put upon young minds. And I totally agree with what you say about the Native American Way, to teach the way of Mother Earth, Respecting all things within it.. And teaching how to adapt, work, create and live in harmony with Nature..
      So very important lessons that our future generation need to learn..
      Especially about our Bees..
      That is a most wonderful dream to have Cynthia..
      We should all learn so much more in ‘Earth School’
      Love and Blessings and thank you so much for your in-depth comment…
      Hugs Sue ❤



  33. smilecalm
    Sep 23, 2017 @ 19:09:03

    your hope is
    my hope, dear Sue!
    serendipity that we both
    were called to question
    comparing mind.
    may you be happy
    in your lovely garden 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  34. Playamart - Zeebra Designs
    Sep 24, 2017 @ 04:27:11

    Ah, my dear Amiga. I sometimes share those same concerns – and hopes. When driving ‘cross country’ as I did today, I look at the deforested landscape and feel distressed about what’s happening to our planet as well.. and I wonder, ‘what can I do?’ I wish I could wave a magic wand and help reforest the entire planet, but yes, we have to focus on positive……

    Willl be online for the next few days and look forward to catching up!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 26, 2017 @ 18:46:03

      Yes, viewing that deforestation first hand must be hard.. Seeing how that domino effects ALL creatures from the insects, birds and wildlife to humans..
      I hope all is well with you too.. And apologies only just getting back to your comment..
      I am having to back track through my posts as the notifications column is not functioning correctly as i know I have not answered many replies, yet it is empty saying I have caught up.. Gremlins at work yet again.. xxx ❤



  35. Nihar Pradhan
    Sep 24, 2017 @ 13:41:34

    Indeed Sue we all have become quite indifferent to things around us and we ignore or overlook things that ought to be corrected. We all have responsibility to be discharged and we all have to do our bit to make the world a better place…unfortunately with the changing time where money matter and materials govern us through consumerism and we are caught in the conundrum of industrial production and digital disruption, the cycle continues and we are trapped in the vicious cycle of the wrong side of life.

    We are all going through the motion, emotions has become immune to the vagaries of life and we are pushing our children to achieve what we have missed to do so and we are making them fight and compete with others for position and ranks, not on goodwill and art of giving and forgiving, all around us, it is about discrimination and destruction that is confining our thoughts, we are strangulated with imposed views and our actions are no more independent, and are no more driven by prudence and probity of life.

    This reflection of self is so important and we all do periodically, many out of compulsion and some out of choice, the later is always better option, either way the power of reflection is good for us and good for the people around us, as we keep minutely observing and critically analyzing things we otherwise would have sidelined or sidetracked.

    Education has become so hackneyed and schooling has become a mechanical process and learning is forced fitted into the child’s mind, the space to think, the room to understand and appreciate the beauty of learning is recklessly lost in the tussle of number and figure that is what we see, not the outcomes but merely the outputs which is devoid of the qualitative perspective of life and living…

    I will doing one such profound reflection like you did for this post and I am inspired by your deeper thoughts that brings so much into it’s rightful perspective.
    Take care Sue!!!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 26, 2017 @ 18:59:03

      Yes I do worry about the pressure we put our younger generation through, I know I was never under that amount of pressure to achieve, be top, and succeed as in todays world..

      In my childhood days, there was not much to go around, as my family had to make ends meet.. So we do tend to give our own children more or as much as we were able, almost like to make up for our lack.

      That is half of our problem, The world believes it lives in lack, so we strive for MORE.. We think our happiness is held within our accumulation of wealth.. So we teach our children to do well, achieve, to do so means success..
      We measure our success via our material wealth, our jobs, homes, bank balance, and all the trimmings we collect along the way..

      Yet none of these THINGS bring us happiness, they are things we use to fill the void while we do not address the void within.. We fail to look within and see that none of these things are ours.. They are bought with our toil and tears.. but we do not take any thing other than our memories with us when we take our final journey as we exit this plane of existence.

      I wonder how many really prepare and gather the ‘things’ that really matter.. Such as caring, compassion, kindness, respect.. and more..

      These are what really matters..
      Thank you Nihar for always bringing me your wonderful perception on life my friend..
      I will be sure to visit your wonderful posts tomorrow as the evening is drawing in here and I turning off my PC for the evening..
      Love and Blessings my good friend..
      Take care of yourself and have a wonderful week
      Sue 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


      • Nihar Pradhan
        Sep 27, 2017 @ 03:03:11

        Dear Sue, starting with wonderful line you have crafted “final journey as we exit this plane of existence”…it is conjures the essence of what life’s final outcome is and how we should be treating our life.

        I agree dear Sue, it is the tangible that eclipses the intangibles of life, hence as pointed out so rightly we run after the materials and money and we ignore and avoid the compassion and the caring that matter so much for our inner self rather than the former which are illusion in nature and in the ultimate analysis that gives nothing to us and instead it results in building more tension and anger and ego which we should have been separating from us.

        Yes in our childhood it was so much focus on the little things and we had very little to get swayed away and we were so much more happy as we understood and appreciated the limitation and the discovery of joy in those little things and not wanting what is not met for us and loving what is with us. The glamour and glitter and the external pressure and the cacophony around us provides very little room for us to genuinely maneuver and smartly manage our self and we are inadvertently trapped in the external happenings.

        Thank you so much dear Sue and have a beautiful week ahead.

        Liked by 1 person


  36. Barbara Franken
    Sep 27, 2017 @ 11:52:14

    AND hopefully we can each acknowledge and treasure these times we have created together… burn them and allow the essence, the seeds of love to unravel into a new Earth, for us to live a great life… love to you barbara x

    Liked by 1 person


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