When The Universe Speaks I Listen ~Part 2

“We must assume every event has significance and contains a message that pertains to our questions…this especially applies to what we used to call bad things…the challenge is to find the silver lining in every event, no matter how negative.”  

James Redfield~ Celestine Prophecy. 

Watercolour Sleeping Cat

Watercolour Sleeping Cat  ~ My Artwork

So I trusted in the Universe as I allowed my laptop to be sent away, even though the nice man said if they can not get parts because its 7 yrs old it may be scrapped! I thought of the Data not yet backed up. But Trusted.. So I said “O.K”.. And a little voice inside said go with the flow.

This was a ‘Sign’ to get away from what can be very addictive blog-land and catch up with my knitting.. which I did.. But the Universe also pointed me to read.. Its been a while since I sat down to read a book cover to cover in a few hours.. And yes, that’s what I did..

I revisited by book shelf one sleepless night, and ran my fingers along the spines and thought there is something I need to read so I let my hand be guided as I pulled out a book at random in the half light.

I Almost put it back.. for it was one I had read, and at the time of reading I remember thinking how disappointed I had felt as the series of spin off’s from the original book had in my opinion not held the same impact as the first.   The First Book was the Celestine Prophecies by James Redfield . The book now in my Hand was The Twelfth Insight.  

Watercolour Sitting Cat

Watercolour Sitting Cat.. By Sue

Straight away I was gripped by this book.It made me sit up and view how I had been caught up in the negativity of the horrors of the world a few weeks previously which had made me feel helpless and so sad.

Here I was reading what was happening in the world right now yet this was published 2011. As extremists within religion was playing out their own Armageddon agenda’s .  It spoke of the  Synchronisicities which I was always familiar with.. but it spoke of the power of Unity and Prayer and Trusting in a Universal Plan.

Its strange as I visit the many blogs I follow how even over the last few days how many posts I have read contain the words ‘Universal Plan’ .. And who are following their own “Signs” as Synchronisicities play out.

I have always known there is  a plan .. Yet not always known what my part is within it.. As we can all from time to time even with all the Spiritual awareness we hold, still ask those same questions of ” Who am I, and Why am I here?”

I read this book in  a matter of hours and once finished, I followed the same process.. As I went to my book shelves and picked a book at random.. not really looking at the titles, just ‘Feeling’ with my energy where I was directed.. The Book which came next was to be another surprise. 

The Journey™ by Brandon Bays.. 

Watercolour Thoughtful Contemplation

Watercolour Thoughtful Contemplation~ By Sue

I had thought I had read this book previously, but I must have only read the first few chapters, for as I progressed I realised this was new. 

For those unfamiliar with Brandon Bays, her story can be found in the link above.. But my question which I asked myself.. ” Why was I reading it Now” What did I need to work upon? .. Yes I had been having stomach digestion problems.. What was it that I needed to revisit and work upon.. Surely I had done enough internal Inner work on letting Go of past hurts… 

You can find out in Part 3… 🙂 

Love and Blessings… ~ Sue 

110 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. 365dniwobiektywielg
    Apr 04, 2015 @ 17:33:05

    Is it by your picture?

    Liked by 1 person


  2. litebeing
    Apr 04, 2015 @ 17:35:40

    Hi Sue,
    I am really engaged with your series and am having major digestive issues too, so perhaps Part 3 will provide a remedy. Our friend Dewin suggested The Celestine Prophecy in a comment to me and I considered rereading the book ( there was a film too on TV a while back) Perhaps now would be a great time for me to reread that book. I may have the 12th Insight too, have more books that I know hidden away 🙂
    I am blog addicted too, but it is the healthiest addiction I have ever indulged in.

    love you and Happy Easter,

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 05, 2015 @ 15:22:45

      I wasn’t as impressed with the film as much as the book… But there are many ‘Lessons’ within the book which upon second reading I am sure will make you think again in a new light. I know the twelfth brought out my own thoughts again upon the subjects.. Yes Blogging is good.. And WP have given me a Huge spectrum of friendships…
      I will be over shortly to see your new posts.. I have been here 3 hours already catching up with the backlog of those I have not visited recently..
      Love back ❤ and HAPPY EASTER also Linda xxx
      Sue xxx

      Liked by 1 person


  3. litebeing
    Apr 04, 2015 @ 17:37:07

    PS love the cat art. Just blogged on my cat last night, coincidence? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  4. suzicate
    Apr 04, 2015 @ 18:04:21

    We are often guided where we are needed to be. I have also revisited books I once could not get into and later devoured. Funny thing about timing isn’t it? Things like this assure me I’m not in control but am where I need to be.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 05, 2015 @ 15:17:08

      Yes big smiles.. We are far from in control. For when we step back from ourselves we see how interwoven we all are within the Scheme of things 🙂 Thank you Suzie… Enjoy your day x



  5. Writing to Freedom
    Apr 04, 2015 @ 22:01:49

    I’m glad you are taking time to clarify your path, relax, read and ponder. I’m continually wondering what my path/ part is to play, but haven’t gotten clarity!
    So I work on what is in front of me! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  6. Val Boyko
    Apr 04, 2015 @ 23:25:03

    May we all let it unfold in its own time and trust we are exactly where we need to be 🙏

    Liked by 1 person


  7. sophiaschildren
    Apr 05, 2015 @ 00:15:54

    Beautiful, Sue. It’s restoring to take a bit of time away from the tech (or have the tech temporarily removed so that we might do so!). I enjoyed your lovely paintings of the felines! Thank you for sharing them with us. Love, Jamie

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 05, 2015 @ 14:41:57

      Many thanks Jamie for taking the time to visit.. Yes I guess in a way its liberating.. No guilty pangs of thinking you should catch up with everyone, which I never achieve, I just follow too many.. But so pleased you enjoyed the Cats Art 🙂 too



  8. cat
    Apr 05, 2015 @ 00:51:25

    Love u, cat.

    Liked by 1 person


  9. kp
    Apr 05, 2015 @ 01:00:10

    Hi Sue….Looking forward to part 3….I love the cat paintings!! Kim

    Liked by 1 person


  10. Mélanie
    Apr 05, 2015 @ 07:02:00

    2 words, Sue: excellent and magnifique – I’m a catlover, à la vie, à la mort… ❤ admiration and respect, as I have NO artistic talent… 😀 as a citizen of planet Earth, I'd like to wish you: may the Universal Spirit be with you, now and always! or/and: Merry Catholic & Protestant(reformed) Easter weekend! 🙂 whatever fits you, will fit me, as well: 😉

    “Open your heart and soul to the Universal Spirit…”:-)

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 05, 2015 @ 14:35:49

      Many thanks dear Melanie…
      Un grand merci chère Mélanie. Je apprécie beaucoup vos pensées. Et votre temps quand vous visiter le Sanctuaire de Dreamwalker.

      En vous souhaitant un week-end de Pâques Belle … et je suppose que je ne suis ni la religion .. Appelez-moi Spritual et un croyant dans la Divine Source de toute la nature. 🙂
      Amour et bénédictions ma chère Mélanie.
      Étreintes Sue xxxx ❤



  11. marja
    Apr 05, 2015 @ 07:33:51

    Yes wise to trust the universe and go with the flow. That is sometimes hard deep down I know it too be true I read both books by James Redfield and love the concept of synchronisity I had a lot of that for a long time but not much in the moment. Have to trust again I think. Thanks for your inspiration. Might reread my books again as well

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 05, 2015 @ 14:31:37

      Manybe Marja this is the prompt like I had to re-read a few of those inspirational books again.. Maybe then the sychronisities will then begin being noticed again.. I am sure they happen all the time… Its just we are often too busy to notice them occurring 🙂 Much love to you Marja x



  12. The Emu
    Apr 05, 2015 @ 07:39:48

    I like your water colours Sue, they are very defining, artistic and original.
    I have a Viet friend who is a painter, he concentrates on portraits, but his landscapes are more intricate, detailed and great, I have three of his landscapes in my collection, he is being hosted with an exhibition here later this year, he is actually using a painting of me in the exhibition, which is an honor, don’t know if you saw that particular blog over in Emu, would like your opinion.
    Ian and Emu

    Liked by 1 person


  13. Gray Dawster
    Apr 05, 2015 @ 13:56:14

    I love your artwork Sue,
    and your postings are always
    excellent no matter what 🙂

    Happy Easter my lovely friend 🙂

    Andro xxx

    Liked by 1 person


  14. Alex Jones
    Apr 05, 2015 @ 16:47:10

    Nice watercolours. It seems when events are beyond the individual’s ability of influence, it sometimes is good to trust that all will turn out find, which is often the case.

    Liked by 1 person


  15. Alex Jones
    Apr 05, 2015 @ 16:48:34

    Fine rather than “find”, but then the universe hides many good blessings, which the individual finds when they trust to it.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 07, 2015 @ 20:18:28

      Indeed it does Alex.. and Fine or Find,, I think if you hadn’t have pointed out the error I would have read it correctly anyway.. Such is the mind as we put in place that which needs to fit.. 🙂 Many thanks for your comment and visit Alex.. Hope Easter was great.. How about this amazing heat wave we are having! 🙂



  16. LadyPinkRose
    Apr 05, 2015 @ 17:41:54

    The Twelfth Insight I too do have, and have as yet not read it. My guidance has been seeking a book to read, and, Sue, now I know which one. Thank you. I will begin to read it today. I’ve been incorporating changes in my blogging style, for it began to consume so much of my time. I was getting away from Mother and BE and time for me, compromising my family as well, and I had to begin change. And so I have. Bless you for the Beat of your Drum, my friend. Keep shining. Love, Amy

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 07, 2015 @ 20:05:39

      Its a small World Amy.. and you will not be disappointed.. For me this book spelt out again why this world is going through its various traumas at the moment.. Including the extremism and the divide between Left and Right wings in politics.. All mixed in with Spiritual insights .. For me too Amy.. My blog was consuming lots of time as I like you spend lots of time visiting others and commenting.. and can spend hours on other peoples posts and not post any thing of my own LOL..
      We have to sometimes learn to share what insights we have gleaned.. But also remember that our lives too need to be nurtured.. And we need TIME for ourselves. in our busy lives..

      Now is the planting time.. digging and weeding.. And my hubby is not as well as I would like him to be.. Though he tries to tell me different.. So I need to spend more time helping him in the garden, more than last year.. So I am coming up with a plan also.. For I so love my WP blogging community.. And I do not wish to offend anyone who gets left out.. Thats often my trouble.. thinking of how others feel rather than pleasing myself.. 🙂
      But sometimes we have to be firm with ourselves.. 🙂 So I so sing off your same hymn sheet Amy.. I really do..
      Sending Love and Mega Hugs your way my lovely Friend.. .. And hey.. my light needs to brighten up considerably to catch up with the glow you create.. 🙂 Hugs Sue xxxx

      Liked by 1 person


  17. Michael
    Apr 05, 2015 @ 18:14:02

    I’m enjoying your series here, Sue. Looking forward to Part 3! It’s an awesome feeling to pick something up that always close by, and discover something that is needed! I read the Celestine Prophecy a long time ago and remember it had a big effect on me at the time. I remember later thinking (though I don’t remember the book now to know if this was accurate or not) that it didn’t address the difficulties that come up when we try and walk a path of greater authenticity. It kind of had me hoping for this magical road of synchronicities, and while they are undoubtedly sprinkled along each of our path’s, the way through does not always move from joyous discovery to joyous discovery. We do encounter some obstacles, some sticking points within ourselves that can be quite challenging to wrestle with…


    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 07, 2015 @ 20:35:45

      Hi Michael.. I am pleased to know you are enjoyed this series.. I hope you have some patience for part 3… I am struggling putting my thoughts together to condense it.. for I do not want it to run into part 4 LOL.

      Its amazing how the Celestine Prophecy came along at the right time to awaken many of us at its time of publication.. And yes the difficulties at least for me seem self induced at times.. But then am I repeating an age old patten?

      Part 3 I hope when its completed will show until we address our internal selves and pull out all the debris which clogs and clutters and entwines itself around our behaviours, thinking, and even at that deeper subconscious and Cellular level causing illness’s… Until we Dig DEEP within our Souls we will always skirt around issues.. Or keep our present perceptions in place… For we are taught from childhood which is ingrained within us within our cultures. or our beliefs.. And we do not realise the trauma we hold of some event within from early childhood that then may colour how we view the rest of the world..

      This is a difficult piece for me to write, and I may still have several more layers to dig at .. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  18. Karin
    Apr 05, 2015 @ 20:52:22

    I love the cat paintings. You are really very talented.
    About the horror when looking at the world’s problems:
    I have found that the universe guides me into inner peace. That means I have to choose inner peace no matter what happens on the outside. This seems to be strongly encouraged. I think this is the essence of the spiritual path. Because each time we choose peace even if there is turmoil in the outer world, we are remembering that we are not just a character in this virtual reality. But each time we choose peace, we withdraw belief from the illusion and remember who we are in truth. And then miracles start to happen.

    I also think that there is a plan. The plan is that we all remember that we are spirit, eternal, creative. And that we are one. What helped me most to find solace even if shit hits the fan, were the books by Robert Schwartz , Your Soul’s Plan and Your Soul’s Gift.
    They talk about pre-incarnation planning of our life’s challenges.
    I hope you find your inner peace even in face of the world’s horrors.

    I’m curious to read part 3 or your series

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 07, 2015 @ 19:56:32

      Hi Karin, Thank you for your lovely response and compliments over the paintings..As to a Plan.. I Know I am spirit and an eternal being… I have known that part for a long while.. The book the Soul’s Plan and Your Soul’s Gifts sounds an interesting read!.. I Know I have solved some of the mysteries of my Past life incarnations of some of the things I brought into this life, by regression..
      Personally I know I have a mission.. but my thoughts on what that mission is, well, at times like you say, I know I allow doubts to creep in and because I am empathic I also know at times I let other people’s stories invade my own life… As I feel their hurts…

      At times I am successful of detachment.. other times I am not so..
      I know I still have much more work to do upon my internal self.. I Know I am far from perfect.. but I am working hard to shed more skins as I learn to peel back the layers I have encased myself in over the years… This is part of part 3.. I am still trying to digest it so its readable and not so long.. But the process is still on going LOL.

      Stay tuned.. 🙂 But I hope you are patient.. As its a work in progress at the moment 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  19. TamrahJo
    Apr 05, 2015 @ 22:09:56

    Don’t you absolutely LOVE when past opportunities re-appear to provide exactly what you’re in need of, NOW?!?
    These synchronicities always reaffirms my heart’s faith in the beauty of the Universe, when my brain is only too inclined to remind me of why flipping a book to see where it opens, or sending a quote you were reminded of to another – etc. – might be a foolish choice! 🙂
    (Did you know WordPress spelling check doesn’t recognize the spelling of the plural of syncrhonicity? – or maybe I really can’t spell/search -LOL)



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 07, 2015 @ 19:45:01

      LOL… Tamrahjo… Yes the times I do spell Synchronicities.. and I get the RED line beneath.. I even sent it to the dictionary too on Google spell check and still it appears in red.. 🙂
      Glad you loved the post and related to it.. And Hope to be in my catch up zone real soon.. So happy to see you xxx Love Sue xx

      Liked by 1 person


      • TamrahJo
        Apr 08, 2015 @ 03:26:50

        ahhh….good….because, Ya Know – I could have just been drinking wine and THOUGHT what I spell checked was not, in fact, so – LOL – – So tired of Spell check having such a limited vocabulary – – – LOL I have to hand check so many words I use – BUT – totally on board with making up my own words, like “Fantabulous” because, If you make it up, spell check be durned and I can type it any way I wish – – –
        Making up your own dictionary/writing form didn’t work for Ben Franklin, so, why on earth! should it work for me? But I still dream of the day when ‘asinine” is recognized as a real word – – LOL – got so used to ignoring stuff – it may be a ‘real word’ by now – according to spell check – that still doesn’t take care of “Humour” or “Colour” if you live in US and don’t spend copious amounts of time tweaking your computer settings – – –
        Tell Me, Ms. Lives Across the Sea -is the English and American pronouncements of “harassment” spelled any differently? LOL

        And did you know, there may be some joshing/poking fun on added ‘R”s to words, but seriously, American Hillbilly speech says “warsh” instead of “wash” – “holler” instead of “hollow” – yet, those same folks will guffaw and poke fun at a British Academic on a BBC or PBS documentary for adding an “R” in when they think none is warranted –
        The evolution of humans has not progressed nearly enough in the past 40,000 years…to my mind…..LOL



  20. PreciousRhymes
    Apr 05, 2015 @ 23:22:20

    Trusting in the Universal Plan takes deep faith and courage Sue. To walk in tune with the heart doesn’t always seem straightforward but I feel is the only way if there is one. Thanks for the continuing gentle reminder. Hugs!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 07, 2015 @ 19:42:30

      Lovely thoughts PR, yes sometimes it does take courage and much faith.. I know when I have ignored the Signs, I have been subject to more trauma than had I listened.. But I suppose that is our Human nature as the Ego often has at times a louder voice.. But I have now for several years been tuning out of Ego and Into what I am supposed to know.. I still trip up,, I still will make mistakes.. But each lesson brings me closer to understanding the process of why I am here and what I am supposed to Learn..
      Thank you for your patience as I am well behind on my visits on many here on WP..
      Love and Hugs Sue xxx

      Liked by 1 person


  21. Dalo 2013
    Apr 06, 2015 @ 00:47:37

    Wonderful post ~ and the paintings / watercolors are incredible. A wonderful talent and this post is such a good read understanding how you flow and follow with what nature intends ~ a deep seated trust.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 07, 2015 @ 19:36:22

      I thank you Dalo I am happy you enjoyed reading.. Yes so many in this world are caught up within the pressures of life in the fast lane the modern world brings us to..

      Its essential to take time out, Like your mountain hike, to get back in tune with nature and all that is real. For the material we build around us, its fabric is fragile and when you come down to it.. The Material things, our Financial World, can not provide us with that Inner Happiness… Only we can tap into our Soul Journey, And to do that the Universe is always guiding us, Always providing Signs.. All we need to is take some Quite time and Listen well to what its saying… And then go within and Listen some more. 🙂



      • Dalo 2013
        Apr 08, 2015 @ 02:52:50

        This is so well said ~ life and society can move us so quickly that we forget to take time out, and before we know it we’ve absolutely lost our way. Nature is the perfect remedy to bring things into balance. Wish you a great week Sue.



  22. Sabina Brave
    Apr 06, 2015 @ 09:45:04

    Hello Sue 🙂
    Rading your post was a real pleasure 🙂 I also believe in some “universal plan”.
    Love, and blessings.



  23. giselzitrone
    Apr 06, 2015 @ 14:16:55

    Schöner Beitrag liebe Sue ich wünsche dir einen schönen Ostermontag und eine gute Woche lieber Gruß und Freundschaft Gislinde



  24. Shakti Ghosal
    Apr 06, 2015 @ 14:34:36

    Dear Sue,

    That was a lovely post!

    I too have often wondered the practice one needs to adopt to put trust in the intrinsic workings of the Universe. This led me to muse on what is it stops us from creating that trust. I found that mostly it is an innate attachment that we hold- to aspects in our life, to the status quo. So the question then is, what is it that we need to do that would allow us to shift out of many of our attachments. I suppose that place to begin is to bring in our awareness to our reactive thoughts and actions and see how they get connected to those attachments………




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 07, 2015 @ 19:14:11

      Lovely to see you Shakti…And as always you leave me your lovely questions..
      you said

      what is it that we need to do that would allow us to shift out of many of our attachments.

      Well, I have been digging deeper upon that very subject… And I wish I could answer it in a short reply.. I am still digesting the Journey it took me along, and pondering how best to put it into a post so it may be digested.. And even then the journey is still only half completed.. as I need to dig around some more to bring those attachments, emotions, we hang onto subconsciously or internally via our cellular memory to the surface.. Life is one continual work of Art I guess.. Always working towards perfecting it.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  25. stephensmustang1
    Apr 06, 2015 @ 17:16:41

    sometimes we just have to ‘live in the moments’…
    Love the cat pics/art.
    Happy Monday, my friend.



  26. megdekorne
    Apr 06, 2015 @ 17:41:45

    Sue ! Your water colors ! …so beautiful ! I didn’t realize the amazing artist you are too as well as a writer ….( I haven’t been receiving notifications from WordPress so I must get caught up ) hugs to you dear one ….love xxxmeg



  27. Visionkeeper
    Apr 06, 2015 @ 20:03:47

    Brandon Bays book is a wonderful one and so inspiring and of course Redfield’s books are magical…Love that journey you took. We all need to do that more often as in EVERYDAY! We follow synchronicity once and are entranced by it but soon forget the process and move on. Silly us! Love that you were painting cats!!! Just yesterday I was loving on my cats and thinking what an integral part of my life they are, sources of so much love and affection. Wonderful creatures. I totally agree with you on the listening to the universe but I also want to add that we have done an amazing job of staying sane in the midst of insanity and strong in the midst of weakness and we must give credit where credit is due for ourselves. If we couple our strengths with those of the universe it is a win win situation I think! Blessings and love DW….VK ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 07, 2015 @ 19:00:14

      Dear VK.. Good to know you have read both too VK.. You and I have long known about synchronicities and for most part you and I know how to follow them and our intuition.. Cats and Dogs are a very integral part of our lives.. And my Cats all gave me so much love and trust… As I am sure any Dog owner too can testify to their unconditional love frequency… We have much to learn from our animal kingdom… And yes.. We are on course.. at least I know I feel back on track.. 🙂 Much love back to you xxx ❤ Sue xxx

      Liked by 1 person


  28. quarteracrelifestyle
    Apr 06, 2015 @ 22:47:19

    Both interesting books I have read and The Journey one of my favourites Sue. It’s funny how we revisit a particular book just a few years later and find something new and meaningful in which we were unaware the first time around. xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 07, 2015 @ 18:55:05

      I am not surprised Wendy you have these books upon your book shelves.. Seem we have mirrored one another on several themes throughout our lives LOL.. And Yes I often find something more in a read second time around… or third LOL.. 🙂



      • quarteracrelifestyle
        Apr 07, 2015 @ 19:19:04

        Yes, indeed we have 🙂 And yes…”or the third” There have been a few books that I have reread a few times over the years and often with “Aha” moments I never felt the first few times. Just where we are at at the time ay.

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Apr 07, 2015 @ 19:26:01

          Yes Wendy there were many books I read in the late 80’s early 90’s that I dismissed and thought ‘No Way!’ and have eaten my words since LOL..
          We each open up and awaken to that which is needed when the Time is ready for us to take it in and use its knowledge..
          That is why I know even though the world may for most part seem to be sleeping now.. I know when the time is right.. those who are needed to wake up will and our way of living and being will also all alter accordingly..

          We have to pat ourselves a little on the back like VK said.. For maybe we are what we could term Pioneers to lead the way.. In Spiritual outlooks and Living off our Land and trying our best to live in harmony with others and the Earth…
          When others wake up to this, Change will then take on its ripple affect as more will demand healthier life styles, cleaner air, water, oceans etc… I know deep down further down the generations We will pass more Light down than Darkness…
          Love and Light my dear friend xxx Sue



          • quarteracrelifestyle
            Apr 07, 2015 @ 21:37:26

            You know, I truly hope that’s true Sue. There are changes that need to be made and my whole desire in blogging was to show a different path to some who feel they need to do things differently from what has become mainstream. We each have a different way of walking our talk and sometimes we all get weary but at the end of the day that’s what we wish to see, humanity waking up. I like to see what many of the younger people are doing, some are just incredible and great teachers for others….it gives me faith in the future.
            Love and light to you too xxx



  29. eyes Of Odysseus
    Apr 06, 2015 @ 23:19:28

    Odie and I knew you were talented and your art reinforces this!!! Your watercolors are simply divine.!!!
    Thank you for the wonderful blog as well.
    hugs always,
    o and om



  30. beverley
    Apr 07, 2015 @ 09:20:21

    I woke up this morning to sunshine, an aching body (nothing new) and a Eureka moment, but more about that to follow. I have had minimalist input into blog world in the last week not really knowing what i wanted to write about, but today things are clearer. My inner self knows why i am her and what i am supposed to be doing, but all to often i allow the world to channel my all too little energy down negative paths, but it has to stop, at least for me.
    Love the cats, that last one reminds me of my Lucy, now free from old bones, but still missed.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 07, 2015 @ 18:50:33

      The sunshine was a real bonus yesterday and today Beverley, sounds like your Eureka moment brought you joy! . Keep tuning into your Inner self.. And Yes the long furred one seated has a likeness to one that owned me in the past 🙂 🙂 .. Have a good rest of the week and I hope more Eureka moments 🙂



  31. Maria F.
    Apr 07, 2015 @ 20:08:44

    So glad to see your art again, Sue!

    Liked by 1 person


  32. dr sweetyshinde
    Apr 08, 2015 @ 15:07:11

    How beautiful you write! Indeed I’m convinced we are pawns of a bigger game,I’m sure we are all receiving divine signals … all we need are antennae to pick them out.
    P.S- Laptop restored with all data?



  33. Kourtney Heintz
    Apr 08, 2015 @ 17:34:47

    Wow, these are gorgeous watercolors. Truly eye catching. A perfect match for the words too. There is a natural flow to your painting. I feel your pain on the laptop issue. I just got my old laptop fixed up to become my back up laptop should this one ever fail again. 🙂



  34. D.G.Kaye
    Apr 09, 2015 @ 02:03:10

    Sue thanks for putting me on Brandon’s book, I just received it today and can’t wait until I can read it, which I’ll be lucky to begin by June! I love coming hear for a dose of inspiration and to sometimes help put things in perspective. It seems you and I are both swayed by the energies around us, as well as being very sensitive to the world around us. ❤



  35. Christy Birmingham
    Apr 10, 2015 @ 01:18:01

    Your watercolors are lovely, Sue. You have talent in so many areas! I am sorry to read here and at the newest post of yours that you are having digestive issues. My grandma suffered from that and it seemed both annoying and painful. I felt helpless when she had that issue. I send you healing thoughts and please know your words do help others who are struggling ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 10, 2015 @ 15:52:56

      Thank you Christy, you thoughts of healing are very much appreciated… Most days I am fine. and I think I needed to have these digestion issues so that I could digest what perhaps was causing it.. And peer closer within my mind and release another layer I was holding onto.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  36. Lois
    Apr 10, 2015 @ 02:42:23

    Your paintings are lovely. Isn’t it funny, or sad, how books written more than a decade ago are so pertinent today?

    Liked by 1 person


  37. Jacqueline King
    Apr 11, 2015 @ 19:22:48

    I love it when books jump off the shelves into your hands, Sue! I read the Celestine Prophesies way back in the early nineties, as well as many other inspirational books. Sometimes two or three in a series ‘spoke’ to me but the following ones not so much at the time. Later, however, I revisited and devoured them, rejoicing in the affirmations of what I knew deep inside but hadn’t dared hoped to be the truth. Then there have been periods when I’m no longer drawn to a particular book and have delved into fiction ~ only to find the messages I’m seeking hidden there! Great post and super cat pics too! 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 12, 2015 @ 16:39:18

      Yes I read the C.P. when it first came out too.. Seems many of us were waking up way back then Jacqueline.. And many more… Some like you say we got on with .. others at the time seemed Way out there.. and I remember thinking OK.. Maybe.. and put it down.. Only to read years later and think how enlightening they were in their insights…

      Its my belief if we are not at that point to absorb their content it will not resonate.. And when we are ready.. Yes they Jump off the shelves at our feet.. 🙂
      Thank you for jumping into Dreamwalker’s posts today my friend .. its been a pleasure to have you here today… Enjoy what is left of your Sunday.. Hugs Sue xxx



  38. irenedesign2011
    Apr 12, 2015 @ 04:52:14

    I know that nothing is coincidences and I do have several books of the Celestine Prophecies by James Redfield, but not no 12. I will find the other book as you recommend. Thanks for your help, much appreciated ❤



  39. LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words
    Apr 14, 2015 @ 21:52:17

    I was restless one night and the Celestine Prophesy turned up once again,
    as I opened it I drifted to when I became so unbalanced, this book has found me every time I am at lose ends…..and need some answer
    I have to smile at your post…we seem to be parallel once again 🙂
    I hope my email arrived, and it wasn’t to much rambling, though I could have gone on more LOLs…
    okay, I need to head back outside to finish my cutting I am potting up…need a fig tree? or passion vine, roses, Pavonia? oh an another aloe vera, and acacia
    I am staying busy with what I know will be the hope of tomorrow and it will be there 🙂
    Take Care My Sister of Heart
    You Matter…Much
    just me

    Liked by 1 person


    • LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words
      Apr 14, 2015 @ 21:54:55

      I love your painted cats,such a gift of many you have

      Liked by 1 person


      • Sue Dreamwalker
        Apr 14, 2015 @ 22:28:25

        Thank you often seems so inadequate.. And its not until my good friends tell me of my gifts I realise … Yes… I am gifted in the many such friends I have also here within my WP family.. Love and Hugs to you Maryrose x



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 14, 2015 @ 22:25:34

      Your email arrived safely, and was cherished.. I have been so busy with a little girl today LOL.. and yes Parallel twin sisters we be.. 🙂 You will be hearing from me very soon.
      And the Universe Speaks often when we need to Listen! 🙂 We listen more intently these days do we not? xxx Love 10 fold back. Sue xox ❤



  40. lavendermoongirlblog
    Apr 14, 2015 @ 22:21:27

    Beautiful spontaneous watercolours Sue. Brilliant post. I must read your recommended books. Thank you. 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 14, 2015 @ 22:35:21

      Please do read, I can whole heartedly recommend it as a good read. xxxx Many thanks again for your comments.. Lovely to have you visiting xxx Hope all is well.. but will catch up shortly to see what and where you have been walking x Enjoy your Wednesday x Love Sue x



  41. lavendermoongirlblog
    Apr 14, 2015 @ 22:40:49

    I am so looking forward to moving to our home soon and listening to the birds whilst rediscovering the comfort of a good book. Enjoy your Wednesday too Sue. Xxx

    Liked by 1 person


    Apr 19, 2015 @ 04:51:37

    Hi my sweet friend Sue!I am still on holidays and I feel so sorry I’ve missed your recent remarkable posts.I have just finished watching James Redfield’s video and visited Brandon Bays’ link.Both are so strong and influencial and I want to thank you for your enlightening work.
    The power of our soul is absolutely unfathomable,we can discover its potentiality only through those spiritual paths you so nicely suggest.Please allow me some time to go through your posts;right now it’s impossible to read them all.
    Send you my Love & hugs 🙂 ❤ xxx
    PS:Looking forward to reading all your posts,when I go to Athens and all will be back to normal again … Bye for now my wonderful friend 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 19, 2015 @ 15:49:01

      So lovely to see you Doda, and I am honoured you read fully and go to the links I provide. Yes our Soul Journey is a remarkable one.. WE are pretty amazing when you think about it.. Yet many have forgotten our potential , And even I need a Kick up the proverbial backside every now and again 🙂 LOL.. That made you smile.. 😀 .. No rush when you have time.. and sending Big Hugs your way xxxx ❤

      Liked by 1 person


    Apr 21, 2015 @ 03:09:07

    Thank you my darling Sue for your insightful reply,your astute comments and your understanding.It’s late right now,I feel like a night owl …LOL,I must turn in,but I’ll come back tomorrow and enjoy your posts one by one.
    Morning,Night night 🙂 Love ❤ & kisses :))))))) ❤



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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