Friday Facts ~On a Summers Evening

Do you remember those childhood Summer days when all you seemed to remember was the Sunny days?, Well for once this Summer here in the U.K. it’s been a little like that.. And I have been soaking it up, as I have enjoyed my flower garden at home and of course the allotment…

Last evening we sat out enjoying the last rays of what had been a very hot day, in fact one of the hottest so far.. I had taken my knitting outside sitting under the umbrella’s shade.. Caterpillar as yet to be named

When my hubby spotted something unusual crawling across the drive towards the Lawn.. 

I couldn’t believe the size of him/her.. as I went to get my phone to take a photo, I pulled out my tape measure from my knitting bag so you can see the size of him.

Measuring at least 8 cms

He moved determinedly across the lawn. And we moved him into the rockery away from any bird’s eye view. But half an hour later he was back on the lawn obviously knowing where he wanted to go.

I had an idea he was from the Moth family but hadn’t a clue what he was.. So I googled Largest caterpillar moth and found a picture of him straight away..

He is called the Elephant Hawk Moth, and this is what he looks like when he/she pupates into a Moth.


In all my years I have never seen a moth in this area as this one, his wings span can be up to 70mm apparently they can  be found throughout most of England, Wales and Ireland. In Scotland they are mainly found in the south and west.

The elephant name is given due to his trunk like section behind his very small head.. Although when he was sniffing around on our lawn He looked more like a little shrew.  I thought he must be ready to pupate but didn’t realise until reading various information that they pupate beneath the soil..

So as he ambled his way around our lawn for the best part on an hour, we decided to help him find a suitable spot.  We placed him beneath the Rhododendron and magnolia tree where we often empty lots of rich compost soil. There its soil is soft and also it is more sheltered from hard frosts and snow in the winter.. Rescued Frog

We also saved a frog from our pond as we sat in the candlelight of our garden from a neighbours cat, the squeal of the frog alerted me first, the cat ran off, as the Frog played dead on the lawn.. Making me laugh as he jumped and landed on my foot.. He soon hopped back into the safety of the pond none the worse for his ordeal.. The cat later returned sniffing where she had left him, and sulked away the disappointed hunter for the night..

I hope they both go on to survive the ravages nature throws there way.. I was particularly pleased to see the Elephant Hawk Moth Caterpillar.. a species here I had personally never seen before.. Especially in the light that here in Britain around 60% of our Butterflies and Moths are in decline over the last 10 yrs they have taken a dramatic fall. Scientists have done a study that says “  More than one in ten of all the species assessed are under threat of disappearing from our shores altogether”

But not only are our insects disappearing but also Other once common species like the lesser spotted woodpecker, barbastelle bat and hedgehog are vanishing before our eyes.

Extinction is happening across the world. Did you know that our animals, fish, birds ect are also under great threat? “In the past 500 years, we know of approximately 1,000 species that have gone extinct — but this doesn’t account for thousands of species that disappeared before scientists had a chance to describe them” And the cause? “ The current crisis is almost entirely caused by us — humans. In fact, 99 percent of currently threatened species are at risk from human activities, primarily those driving habitat loss, introduction of exotic species and ... Because the rate of change in our biosphere is increasing, and because every species’ extinction potentially leads to the extinction of others bound to that species in a complex ecological web, numbers of extinctions are likely to snowball in the coming decades as ecosystems unravel.”

To find a list of facts on what is under threat and why visit HERE you will be shocked  at how many species are dying never to be seen again.

That’s why conservation is so important.  I was very happy this year when we had a Bees Nest in our Garden Rockery, and one under our allotment shed this year… We must be doing something right to keep attracting them..

Speaking of the Allotment, I will finish with a few photos of some Sunflowers in the Allotments and the Bees enjoying them.

Sunflowers and Marigolds


Sunflowers showing the size

Sunflower and BeeSunflower with a couple of Bees

Have a wonderful Weekend all of you 

~Sue Dreamwalker~



69 Comments (+add yours?)

    Aug 02, 2013 @ 11:09:48

    Gute Fotos.
    Ein schönes Wochenende. Gruß, Wolfgang



  2. Eclipse
    Aug 02, 2013 @ 12:39:28

    Nice photos Sue, those are surely rare to see just like that. I had a visit of a hawk-moth on my balchony for not so long ago – he was huge, I’ve never seen one live before… I wasn’t that lucky to take a photo though 😦
    Have a lovely weekend! Hugs!



  3. prenin
    Aug 02, 2013 @ 13:01:46

    Brilliant as always Sue! 🙂

    WordPress is still messed up, but I managed to get access to your blog using the https:// prefix! 🙂

    I have never seen an elephant moth before – the biggest I ever saw was a Death’s Head moth I saw some years ago now.

    With all the extinctions going on I wonder if we’ll have a planet left!!! 😦

    Love and hugs!




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 02, 2013 @ 15:34:03

      I still have yet to see the actual Moth, but feel very privileged seeing the caterpillar…. Sorry to hear you still having probs with WP but happy you managed to get here.. xox Sue



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 02, 2013 @ 16:59:16

      Glad you saw a deaths head, now thats one up on me Prenin, :-)… Yes the facts are horrendous when you see how many species are dying out all over the world…. Mankind should be careful he doesn’t find himself on a list! …..
      Enjoy your weekend and I hope WP trouble free xxx Sue



  4. Visionkeeper
    Aug 02, 2013 @ 13:27:09

    Wow!!! Loved the mothpillar….How cool he/she is going to be. Big too. Love that you saw it and did the research to find out what it was. Many would not. This is how we are learning and it is so important. I love that it had its own destination in mind regardless of where you put it 🙂 Loved your garden shots as well. So beautiful. You sure had a good summer for growing. So happy for you after last year. I’m hoping next year will be better. I’m fixing to pull out the dehydrator and make kale chips from all the kale I have. Should be a good project. Have a great weekend my friend. Enjoy Gaia and all she has to offer. Much love….VK xxoo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 02, 2013 @ 16:57:08

      How Cool, yes I thought so, as it was a first in our garden…. The Summer is wonderful VK making up for all the disappointments of last year… We are enjoying the harvest and as you can see near the Sunflowers picture we have had a bumper crop of curly kale.. we have eaten raw in salads too… Now the dehydrator machine sounds fascinating.. what is that? can you sun dry it or does it need the moisture sucking out to allow it to dry I assume like sea weed??? Would love to know.. xoxo DW xxx



      • Visionkeeper
        Aug 03, 2013 @ 15:17:20

        You can dry produce in the sun method but a dehydrator really takes out all moisture which is essential for putting things up to prevent mold. Put it in the machine, turn it on and let it do its thing. Drying tomato slices, fruit slices, etc. Just about anything. It usually dries silently overnight and is ready for packaging the next day. When you are ready for eating it just rehydrate it and off you go…. VK



  5. David Tenneson
    Aug 02, 2013 @ 13:38:33

    Thank you Sue, love it that your garden is so friendly to all species, fruits, flowers and vegies. Love, David



  6. Eddie Two Hawks
    Aug 02, 2013 @ 14:57:23

    Very fortunate for the moth to have been spotted by you! Well cared for and admired. Thank you very much Dreamwalker for sharing these peaceful memories of delight.
    enjoy your weekend, Eddie



  7. Red
    Aug 02, 2013 @ 15:13:05

    Ooh! Your caterpillar is wonderful! It reminds me of the hummingbird moths which loved my ginger plant all the way to the frost time. Your sunflowers look delightful. What an uplifting way to start my weekend.

    Have a joyous time, Sue. You are such a beautiful light.




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 02, 2013 @ 16:52:22

      These apparently love Fuchsias plants, we have none in our garden this year neither do our new neighbours, so how far it walked I do not know. 🙂 Good to see you too Red xox Enjoy your weekend Sue xox



  8. Sabina Brave
    Aug 02, 2013 @ 16:47:30

    Hello Sue 🙂
    I like a lot sunnyflowers. They look amazing.
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Love and hugs



  9. Paul Handover
    Aug 02, 2013 @ 18:43:12

    The closer we look, the more we see!



  10. giselzitrone
    Aug 02, 2013 @ 18:44:42

    Danke liebe Sue für deinen Besuch ,schöne Bilder und so eine riesige Motte habe ich auch noch nie gesehen ist ja groß es ist sehr heiß bei uns mit wandern ist da nicht viel es ist einfach zu heiß.Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Sommerabend und ein gutes weekend.Grüße und Freundschaft.Gislinde



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 03, 2013 @ 14:10:50

      Liebe Gislinde, vielen Dank für die Sie besuchen, und ich hoffe, dass Ihr Wochenende sonnig und warm ist und Sie genießen Ihren Garten zu .. Liebe euch, und ich bin froh, dass Sie genossen, die Motte.
      Liebe Sue xxx



  11. Tom Merriman
    Aug 02, 2013 @ 19:54:24

    Nice photos, Sue, and well done on an unusual find!
    I had a moth in my bedroom last night, it must have been the size of a pterodactyl. It didn’t mind me gently encouraging it out of the window… but I’m completely at a loss as to how it got in!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 03, 2013 @ 14:08:33

      LOL, well Tom, that Mansion of yours has so many doors, windows LOL, not to mention the secret time tunnel. Maybe it came in via the Enterprise and the transporter!…. You just be sure that there are no Klingon’s in pursuit LOL… Good to see you back.. 🙂



  12. Crowing Crone Joss
    Aug 02, 2013 @ 23:31:28

    When I first saw the picture of the caterpillar I thought it was a huge slug! I always feel so blessed when a ‘new to me’ creature appears in my life. I know you do too. Scary to know that we humans are the biggest threat to life on this planet. sigh.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 03, 2013 @ 14:04:55

      You should have seen us when we first saw him, at first I though it was a large slug minus a shell from a distance, until I saw his little feet… and small head… Yes it really is scary to think many species are no longer here because of Mankind and the damage we are doing… Lets hope we soon get the balance right Joss… Hugs for dropping by xxx



  13. Ruth Nina Welsh
    Aug 03, 2013 @ 00:16:45

    I just love sunflowers Sue – thanks so much for the pictures! The Elephant Moth was a good spot too, I’ve never seen anything that large (glad it wasn’t inside somewhere!) Lovely post Sue, have a good weekend. xx 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 03, 2013 @ 14:02:30

      The Sunflowers are huge this year Ruth, last year the seeds all rotted due to the constant rain, so we didnt manage to get seeds from them last year.. the Elephant Moth was a special moment … And I hope he is settling somewhere under the soil to pupate .. Wishing you a good weekend too Ruth xxx



  14. livingsimplyfree
    Aug 03, 2013 @ 01:49:46

    Sue,that elephant hawk moth is quite a sight. Today while doing more work in the garden I had another visitor who joined me by sitting on my arm, right next to my tattoo again. I took a picture which I will share next week. You are so right, the animals and insects we take for granted are in rapid decline. Now that I am no without a car I notice the numbers of small animals and insects killed along the roads. Butterflies, birds, turtles, skunks squirrels, and even a duck have been found along the side of the road. What we haven’t harmed with vehicles we are killing with pesticides and destruction of their habitats.

    My granddaughter is spending the night with me and loved your pictures. She wants to know if she can hold the moth 🙂 I love that she is still filled with wonder.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 03, 2013 @ 13:58:39

      arrrh so good that your granddaughter is filled with love for nature… I managed to video on my phone the hawk moth caterpillar crawling down a step and put my hand there to show the size of it.. My own granddaughter came this morning, her mouth was wide open as were her eyes as she said ‘Let me see it’ She just loves to touch everything to experience it.. That ‘Filled with Wonder’ is so good to see, And like you here is the same with many road kills… with us its squirrels and hedgehogs, birds, Frogs, and in the country it can be foxes, and badgers and pheasants and rabbits .. We are litterally Killing wild life ever which way we turn….

      I will look forward to your posts of your visitor.. 🙂



      • livingsimplyfree
        Aug 04, 2013 @ 05:58:10

        I’m not too sure nature can take much more of humans destroying their lives and habitats. It’s a good thing they don’t have the power to decide how to handle us humans,

        Yes, the little ones will eagerly want to explore all of nature as long as the adults don’t teach them to be afraid.



  15. jussaraluna
    Aug 03, 2013 @ 03:41:08

    my dear Dreamwalker,
    lovely and sensitive post.
    I think I have never seen this kind of caterpillar,
    the moth is very beautiful and interesting!
    It is very sad when we think that species are endangered
    because of the irresponsibility of humans.
    I wish you a beautiful weekend
    full of peace and light in your heart and… in your garden :))
    hugs and love, Jussara



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 03, 2013 @ 13:52:47

      Dear Jussara, great to see you here 🙂 and lovely that you stopped to comment… Yes sad that we humans are causing so many species to die out.. Lets hope we will soon alter our ways and understand we are all of us connected in the web of life… Much love sent to you dear friend xox



  16. natswans
    Aug 03, 2013 @ 11:35:52

    I love your Sunflowers Sue , must admit have never tried growing my own…more’s the pity. Your’s have come along very nicely.
    Lucky to see the Moth Sue , I had that pleasure last year he was curled a little and on top of his head looked like to eyes. To deter the birds I guess. They are indeed lovely hope he survives , underground never knew that though,.
    Cats do like frogs and yes they do make a very sad sound when I am Happy you saved the mite well done 🙂 🙂
    Hope you are enjoying your weekend and it’s warm and Sunny .it’s just wonderful to be able to sit outside , and under a brolly to. Showers and sunshine here today.
    Hugs Sheila great Post xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 03, 2013 @ 13:50:58

      Hi Sheila, yes unfortunately our small pond does attract lots of neighbours cats.. Although we do not have one of our own anymore, its a great shortcut I think and we have around 5 different ones keep dropping in, and of course taking an interest in our small pond… We have had to mess the top as some clever ones managed to sit and scoop up a couple of gold fish.. But Frogs are a great attraction… Glad you too saw a Elephant hawk caterpillar too.. Yes his actual head is tiny, but the markings make him look to have huge eyes..
      Yes still knitting, in and out with the showers today Sheila,.. Hope you are enjoying our wonderful Summer too… 🙂 Love and Hugs Sue xx



  17. cat
    Aug 03, 2013 @ 13:24:45

    Just stopping by to say Hello, and take a walk in your garden 🙂 … and quietly sit with you for a while, as you’re knitting away … maybe some day you can teach me ? 🙂 Lots of love, cat.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 03, 2013 @ 13:45:53

      Always pleased to see you Cat, especially within my garden… I had my Granddaughter today for a visit, She sat there will small knitting needles, as I had put a few stitches onto a needle…She got the gist straight away but not the co-ordination. So I repeat…. In………over………. through…………. off…. LOL.. there, your first lesson Cat 🙂 Loved you stopped by.. 🙂



  18. lscotthoughts
    Aug 03, 2013 @ 17:31:24

    Wonderful post, Sue, and gorgeous photos. I’ve never seen one of these moths, nor heard of them, either, so thanks for the lesson. What a strange looking creature he is in the beginning. 🙂 I love frogs and your little one reminds me of the big one I found as a child. He was the size of a kitten and I named him Sam. My Mom soon after made me a frog (sewed) out of red patchwork material and stuffed with some kind of beads. I still have him! 🙂 Anyway, I also adore sunflowers and yours are just lovely. Thanks for this sunny post for a Saturday morning and I wish you a wonderful weekend! xxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 07, 2013 @ 12:55:54

      What a wonderful story you shared, love that you still have the Frog… Smiles here as an aunt of mine knitted a small white pony for my daughter when she was a baby, She still has it too…. It was one of those floppy eared almost Donkey like in appearance and was like her comfort blanket she carried it everywhere… Needless to say when she left home it was one of the first things she packed 🙂



  19. Adamsart
    Aug 03, 2013 @ 20:33:25

    I’m glad you had a sunny day, Sue…and what a find. That is going to be a lovely moth…and big!
    Your garden is looking wonderful, as it should since you work so hard at caring for it everyday.
    Thank you for your recent heartfelt, comment, Sue…much appreciated
    Love and hugs xxx



  20. Kenny2dogs
    Aug 03, 2013 @ 23:33:19

    I have never seen one of these moths, but i have been aware of their existence , Amazing how something so obnoxious can metamorphose into something so beautiful.
    I seem to see a lot of yellow under-wings, that sometimes flutter into the kitchen on summer evenings. Elvis has caught 2 so far. lol
    be well Sue and keep smiling 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 07, 2013 @ 12:51:31

      Yes amazing the transformation from caterpillar to Moth and it seems Elvis is keeping you on your toes lol as well as leaping upon his own catching butterflies… nature in action can not be stopped… As Kittens will play… 🙂



  21. Valentine Logar
    Aug 03, 2013 @ 23:36:58

    Wow, that was entirely awesome. I hope you have saved him/her and have a moth!



  22. Shakti Ghosal
    Aug 04, 2013 @ 10:43:54

    What an infinitely thoughtful and perspective post, Sue! To me your post reflects this lovely aspect of mindfulness , an attitude of ‘living in the moment’ that you possess. Out of this flows the gratitude for ‘who you are’ that is subliminally present in your writing.





  23. chicasl10
    Aug 04, 2013 @ 16:03:55

    Sue seems a zoo in ur garden well a small one
    But ur flowers ara amazing looks like a good place for insects to live. and that special one Its sad to read and see how many species disappear year after year.
    I wish u a nice week ahead and tx for ur sweet mail



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 07, 2013 @ 12:46:31

      Thank you MJ, Seems like we are attracting lots of insects and four legged at the moment, I am not complaining, Love that Nature seems to enjoy our garden as much as we do 🙂
      Love to you my friend xox



  24. Gray Dawster
    Aug 04, 2013 @ 22:48:06

    I have never seen one of those before but I am glad that you saved it, and from your story of the frog I can see that you are very much like me my great friend. I am always saving things from predators, like one time I rescued a hedgehog from some crows, this was when I lived near a graveyard and he / she must have miscalculated when dawn broke, and was left at the mercy of the crows 😦

    I wasn’t about to see him /her be tortured to death and then picked at, oh no so I came to its rescue and called in the hedgehog sanctuary. Those crows attacked me too but not in the sense that I was injured, but they did swoop at me a few times as I was putting the hedgehog in the cardboard box for his / her protection. Then I simply put the hedgehog in my porch until the hedgehog guy called for it 🙂

    Another time I saved a sparrow from getting flattened under the traffic, it had been glanced by a van and had fell to the ground, I figured it was dead but after stopping my car and taking a look he was fine but totally stunned. It was a bit of a job driving him back to my house perched on a twig, my finger but luckily I was less than a mile from home so it was okay. It was an hour or so before he started coming round and then I fed him some bread and gave him some water, it wasn’t long after that he flew away and into the treetops but again we have to help them whenever we can, it’s the right thing to do 🙂

    Your posting is a wonderful one Sue and thank you for the memory that was brought about by your moth and frog story, I am sure that God was watching 🙂

    Andro xxxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 07, 2013 @ 12:09:19

      Good to hear you too have been rescuing those animals in distress Andro, and loved hearing your own rescue stories… Thank you for sharing them Andro and long may we protect those in peril whom we have been given the grace to save.. 🙂



  25. shreejacob
    Aug 05, 2013 @ 08:25:22

    Uhh…I’m not a fan of insects..especially humongous moths.. 😦 I’m terrified of them for some reason..and it’s so strange…I keep “bumping” against them in the blogs that I read! Aaaa! hehe

    I do realize their importance though and it is scary to think that we have singlehandedly as a race brought demise to much of nature..when we consider ourselves the most intelligent and progressed species…it really doesn’t bode well for our concept of progress!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 07, 2013 @ 12:06:20

      Maybe you should look up the meaning Shree of Moth in an animal insect totem guide .. there are many on line.. and see what the Moth is trying to tell you … Yes its very scary the species we are putting in danger… including ourselves!



      • shreejacob
        Aug 07, 2013 @ 12:08:26

        Aaargh….purposely look up Moth..but you know Sue it’s not only’s ALL the insects except for flies, mosquitoes and ladybugs!!

        I did a short reading with someone recently who told me it was a past life a Shaman and I think I must have done something not so nice…d’oh!



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Aug 07, 2013 @ 12:12:22

          Well Shree over coming your fear maybe your chance to undo what was done 😉 and I will be around later to look at the link of that amazing book you read,, 🙂 I spied in my email box a minute or two ago.. ..

          I may tell or point you to my own past life memory, which was NOT so nice, but I had a healing once I acknowledged it.. 🙂



          • shreejacob
            Aug 07, 2013 @ 12:22:29

            Sigh..I know it is. I’m not ready for it …yet. I’ve decided to communicate with all insects and tell them to please respect my space as I will theirs and thanking them for doing so..hehe. It’s at least a step in making peace…I hope.

            Once I’m ready I will do a healing for it, because if I don’t I know it will come back again in another life..and that’s not something I would like!

            I would love to read about your experience too 🙂



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Aug 07, 2013 @ 12:14:50

          Shree, here is the post, and scroll down you will then see Past life part two on the arrow to the right of the bottom of the post..

          Past Life Regression. Part 1.



  26. ruchira
    Aug 05, 2013 @ 16:09:39

    Wow…you always inspire me to walk and admire nature. Your pix are beautiful and makes me pause every now and then to appreciate it.

    Thank you Sue. Hugs!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 07, 2013 @ 12:02:53

      Thank you Ruchira, I am forever thankful for my little phone as it takes brill photos and they are easy to upload here too. Today I took a picture of a butterfly upon my window sill that I spied as I hung out my washing to dry.. Yesterday my granddaughter held small caterpillars in her hand that tickled.. making her laugh, I try to show her nature and to care for it and not be afraid.. .. Many thanks xox



  27. pictimilitude
    Aug 05, 2013 @ 16:57:46

    So good to see you, friend! I didn’t any of this about the moths and surely it’s a wonderful sign of good things headed your way. The other day a hummingbird was hovering near me for a minute or two – just hovering and staring at me. That’s never happened to me before and I’ve been extra vigilant as to what she was trying to say.
    It scares me, the state of things. And I know that people won’t change unless there’s no alternative. What I do hope is that enough people who already are more enlightened will create a “trend” or a movement in which everyone is compelled to respect the planet.
    I always love what you have to say and your words over at my blog a bit earlier today melted my heart – you’re a gem! xo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 07, 2013 @ 11:59:49

      Thank you Cyndi, yes we need to create a trend…. Lets hope our ripples are going out far and wide and others are waking up to the ways of the world… And to ways of making it a better place for our future… Many thanks for your compliments and encouragement.. 🙂 Sue xxx



  28. giselzitrone
    Aug 07, 2013 @ 13:03:06

    Danke liebe Sue ich wünsche dir auch einen schönen Tag war etwas Regen aber nur eine kleine Abkühlung war nicht viel.Einen schönen Tag für dich gruß und Freundschaft.Gislinde



  29. becca givens
    Aug 07, 2013 @ 16:14:00

    What a mindful and lovely post, Sue!! Interesting information about the elephant moth — and what gorgeous coloring — very unusual for me on this side of the world. I’ve never heard a frog squeal — or at least not aware of one doing so if I have heard, probably didn’t know what it was. 😀 Your garden bounty of sunflowers are delightful — such happy magnificent blooms! I am glad you are enjoying your summer in the daylight as well as evening. Thank you for sharing ~~ xoxo becca



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 07, 2013 @ 18:19:37

      Thank you Becca, yes enjoying what is proving to be a wonderful Summer full of bounties 🙂 Many thanks for your visit and I am pleased to bring a new species to your attention 😉 Love to you xox Sue



  30. sriramjanak
    Aug 18, 2013 @ 10:13:21

    thank you for sharing this lovely post. I just finished reading a book on butterflies and moths..and this post was really helpful
    take care Sue



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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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