Precious Moments~ Make Each One Count.

Candles of Peace

Every disaster around the world makes us think how fragile we are. Each Life lost is a precious gem that has enriched our Earth and our lives. Every soul upon their path contributing to the Web of our existence. And still we ask that age old Question of WHY? Why is life seemingly cut short, Why do such disasters occur? Why do our loved ones suffer? Why are such tragedies occurring around our globe. Not only now in the recent Storm of Oklahoma, but in the many storms that man makes around our globe as he takes up arms against his own species in war.. not to mention all the other atrocities that happen to Man and beast.

Events such as the one we have seen in Oklahoma and others around our world such as the Tsunami’s, the Hurricanes, and Earthquakes around our globe, show us just how small mankind is in the face of Nature, and how in the Blink of an Eye all we held dear could be swept away. 

Below is part of a personal poem I wrote some years ago, I have adapted for this post, you can find the fuller first version of it Here .  So as you begin your day, as you send your loved ones on their way remember as you wave them goodbye All could change Because………….

In the Blink of an Eye

You never know when fate comes knocking at your door.

His calling card delivered a reminder to us all,

Enjoy each precious moment, as Mr Grim could pay a call.

For in a Blink of an Eye, all you hold dear could be lost

So Hug and tell your dearest you love them the most.

 Life could slip through your fingers, just like a grain of sand.

So reach out and hold each others hand.

For Moments are Precious they are the only ones we live

Embrace each other as we learn to share and give


My Love and Prayers go out around the world to whom ever is facing pain and loss… You have my thoughts……

Sue Dreamwalker 

60 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. livingsimplyfree
    May 22, 2013 @ 00:53:16

    Beautiful as always, Sue. These storms/disasters are growing stronger and more deadly. I just happened to write about the tornado in Oklahoma and it took everything in me not to mention how our actions are contributing to the severity of these storms. My heart goes out to all the families, while I say a silent prayer of thanks that my family is fine at the moment.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 22, 2013 @ 12:39:38

      Thank you Lois, I remember several years back in a Camelot Interview, I forget the gentleman’s name but he was someone in the know!.. And his prediction was that the storms would intensify to 200 to 300 mph winds in super-cell storms… Now back then I didnt buy into some of the theories being branded about. But over the years have gathered evidence for myself that something is being manipulated with regards to weather control.. With cloud seeding etc.. When we start messing around in things we know nothing about.. then it seems we are indeed playing with fire… He was advocating to build rounded homes.. and not made of wood..
      My heart goes out too, such trauma and yet my own instincts say these are just the beginning of Natures Wrath as we meddle and manipulate with our Planets Natural systems, such as weather, GMO products, Seeds, and fracking for oil etc… We are but specs upon this planet!.. Yet so many think we are invincible. Thank you



      • livingsimplyfree
        May 22, 2013 @ 17:20:25

        We play with things we have no idea what consequences they will have. The cumulative effects of all this experimenting has grave consequences. I was watching the documentary Resonance last night which looks at the earths magnetic field and how cell towers have changed the magnetic fields. The results are disturbing. Everything from cancer, bleeding internally, disrupting the migration of birds to explaining some of the reason for hive collapse. I really worry for our grandchildren’s heath in future years. They won’t have easy access to healthy food, clean water, or even be able to engage in the natural world the way we did.



    • Colleen Costello
      May 23, 2013 @ 12:24:19

      Your posts are beautiful Sue! We have separated and strayed from the sacred way. We must come back together in compassion, love and honour so we may heal Mother Earth Gaia and each other.



      • Sue Dreamwalker
        May 23, 2013 @ 18:08:42

        Yes we have Colleen, the Sacred Way has long been strayed from… I am just in the process of handwriting my thoughts on bringing our compassionate thoughts back in love.. This is so needed as the energies are accelerating ever faster…. We each of us have a choice and must understand we are needed in order to restore order from chaos which is on the cusp of our existence.. Many thanks again ~Sue



  2. Audrey Howitt
    May 22, 2013 @ 00:55:04

    Disasters do make us all more reflective of our own mortality I think–and perhaps of the need to make a difference as well



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 22, 2013 @ 12:45:54

      Yes Audrey, there for the grace of our creator could go I…. and we should all count our blessings… Its such a shame that many communities live together as strangers and yet we see how such disasters make us unite as one… Many thanks for taking the time to comment and leave me your thoughts ~Sue



  3. cheryoncake
    May 22, 2013 @ 09:10:39

    Those shocking pictures we saw on the news from Oklahoma give your poem particular poignance



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 22, 2013 @ 12:53:21

      Yes my thoughts are with those who have lost their loved ones.. The fragility of life is brought home to us all as events like these storms are now happening more frequently around the world. bringing floods and destruction also to many places … A time to reflect upon our mortality ..



  4. prenin
    May 22, 2013 @ 10:55:52

    Very true Sue! 😦

    Every life that matters to me is now parted from me in time, but I still have precious memories and will mark their passing as they will mark mine.

    Love and hugs!




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 22, 2013 @ 13:22:41

      Dear Prenin, I know you have lost so many in your time, but know that you have also gained many friendships too.. And we care deeply about you. Wishing you a brighter day dear friend ~Sue



  5. Valentine Logar
    May 22, 2013 @ 11:38:35

    Oklahoma is my neighbor, in fact it is just up from us by a couple of hours. This gives your post today great meaining. Living in Tornado Alley means we watch these storms with trepidition, watch them grow in strenght and fury.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 22, 2013 @ 13:25:47

      Yes, I could do a post upon the weather all on its on Val,And open many eyes as to the reality of such super storms but I will leave that for another time when emotions are not so raw…… I am just pleased and thankful that you and yours are well and not affected by this vicious storm.. Love and Blessings ~Sue



  6. natswans
    May 22, 2013 @ 12:02:51

    Every time I see or hear of a disaster like this . I find it most heartbreaking , those poor people who have lost a loved one.
    The fury is hard to bare it gets more and more fierce , living in Tornado Valley

    Hugs Sheila good read Sue x



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 22, 2013 @ 13:27:59

      Yes such disasters are indeed getting more fierce Sheila .. and its a terrible tragedy that so many lost their lives and I can not even begin to imagine how that must feel, its so heart-breaking and sad…… Love back dear Sheila.. xxx



  7. Visionkeeper
    May 22, 2013 @ 13:02:12

    We never know for sure when death will knock upon our doors but unfortunately we can now have an idea. The Oklahoma tragedy was devastating, but even more so when you know it was weather manipulated!There is no other word for this than murder. My outrage just keeps growing everyday. I send prayers but the rage still grows. I am very tired of all this….Great piece you wrote DW. Thanks for sharing those sentiments…Bless you as always….With Love….VK



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 22, 2013 @ 13:35:21

      Yes I had seen the sincedutch video also VK.. and it breaks my heart also…. As we are tested and used within the guinea pig of weather control.. For those who are blind to this I can only say they need to dig out their own research information as to what is happening in our so called ‘Real’ World.. and their eyes would pop!… Try not to add your anger….. But channel your energies instead to the building of knowledge in defeating those who wield their dark fists… As we combat such destruction with rebuilding our communities with even more strength based upon Love and co-operation not control and fear…
      Thank you for that link you posted I hope that more will investigate and awaken their minds to the world.

      Love DW.. xx



  8. Dilip
    May 22, 2013 @ 13:14:29

    A beautiful post with an important message. Makes us realize that we must make every moment count – be of help to the less fortunate one.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 22, 2013 @ 13:37:24

      I totally agree, lets hope that out of the ashes a stronger unified community will be built that enables mankind to grow in his love for his fellow neighbour instead of the mistrust we have now in many neighbourhoods as our neighbours have become strangers.. Thank you Dilip ~Sue



  9. Miro
    May 22, 2013 @ 13:42:01

    Powerful poem, Sue. I have no idea what happened in Oklahoma (I don’t follow the news anymore) but it’s unfortunate that so many are so obtuse that it takes a disaster to wake them up and open their eyes to all the things they should be grateful for. I believe in balance, that the universe is constantly trying to establish balance in the face of imbalance, and these disasters may be a response to the aloof, detached and oblivious mentality most people are content to have. Everything comes at a price, and so I rarely find myself having much sympathy for people who suddenly “think deep” when they receive a “cosmic slap upside the head.” 🙂
    Much love sister,



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 22, 2013 @ 13:52:09

      I have been saying for a while in my thoughts on here Miro how Nature would do just that… giving us a ‘Cosmic Slap’ When it happens on USA soil as this tragedy has all the media is full of it.. And yet when thousands die in flood, earthquakes, when millions starve to death, and thousands are killed in Man’s Wars around our globe its impact hardly goes noticed..
      Some times the Stark facts of life have to hit us straight between the eyes before we sit up and take notice..
      This was one such occasion, when we see that it matters not how big we think we are.. we are but a spec in the scheme of Universal Laws and our Natural World…
      Thank you Miro for your thoughts ~Sue



  10. pictimilitude
    May 22, 2013 @ 15:53:47

    Poignant and beautiful. I lost my brother in a car accident two years ago and I remember feeling that in the blink of an eye, it can all change. But even before that, as a kid who grew up in a nursing home, I had long since been familiar with Mr. Grim. It gives you perspective – lots of it – and though I like my routine, sometimes I shake it all up so that I make sure to live life the best I can and do things I might not otherwise – because you never know about tomorrow. My heart also goes out to any and all who may be suffering. xo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 23, 2013 @ 15:42:04

      Cyndi so sorry to hear about the sad loss of your brother. Yes unfortunately Mr Grim enters all too many lives.. Doing something spontaneous and changing our routines I think is a great idea.. Life is short enough… And thank you for adding your heart to help heal the many broken ones.. Love Sue



  11. Gray Dawster
    May 22, 2013 @ 16:08:16

    This is a wonderful posting Sue 🙂
    I hope that your week is going very
    nicely and that you are enjoying a
    bit of the sunshine 🙂

    Andro xxxx



  12. Christy Birmingham
    May 22, 2013 @ 17:02:51

    Mother nature is incredibly powerful but also so deadly at times – we certainly are in her hands. My prayers to all the people affected by the tornado x



  13. Doris
    May 22, 2013 @ 17:34:00

    memories are all we have who have lost a love one.
    but time is what we have to help up adjust & heal



  14. Doris
    May 22, 2013 @ 17:34:49

    Beautiful blog Sue
    Hugs my friend



  15. Ruchira
    May 22, 2013 @ 18:21:43

    Beautiful indeed!

    Life is unpredictable and we ought to cherish each moment cause dunno what the future holds. No matter how strong we become via our intelligence. Alas we all bow down to mother nature who is our creator!

    Happy Wednesday, Sue



  16. starproms
    May 22, 2013 @ 18:45:57

    and mine too. It’s just too terrible for those poor people in Oklahoma. I wonder why the school didn’t have a storm shelter?



  17. Deb
    May 22, 2013 @ 19:14:50

    I have been following the stories about Oklahoma and have poured out my prayers for them. Though like them, and as you say, there are so many that suffer and need our support even if just by praying or meditating. All help is help.
    Thank you for posting this Sue, you always give us very important thing to read, the either educate us, inspire us, and teach many to reach out more with love in their hearts.
    Love and hugs xxx



  18. europasicewolf
    May 22, 2013 @ 19:41:49

    Disasters such as this serve to remind us of the true power of nature, and how helpless we really are when it shows it’s true strength. How little we understand of the world around us that both keeps us alive and sweeps our lives away without mercy. And we dare to mess with Mother nature?…At our own peril.xx



  19. Purpleskyz
    May 23, 2013 @ 02:52:23

    beautiful post Sue. Hope ALL is well with you and you are enjoying warmer weather and having fun planting. Love to you



  20. giselzitrone
    May 23, 2013 @ 08:25:54

    Hallo liebe Sue ein schöner Beitrag aber das macht du ja immer das es jeder versteht.Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag und hoffe das es dir gut geht,hier in Köln ist es nur am Regnen,wäre besser im Urlaub geblieben dort war es schön warm,aber immer Urlaub geht ja nicht.Grüße dich lieb und Freundschaft.Gislinde



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 23, 2013 @ 18:00:47

      Liebe Gislinde, danke für Ihre schönen Kommentar … Ja regnet auch hier … Aber es hat gefeiert und ließ sich wie Schnee nur ein paar Stunden … Sehr kalt heute … Ich kann mir vorstellen Sie wünschte, du wärst noch im Urlaub ….. Senden Sie eine Umarmung. Liebe Sue xox



  21. jacksjottings
    May 23, 2013 @ 10:45:12

    Always good to be reminded life is like a candle in the wind. The Oklahoma tornadoe was covered on the Australian TV news, every one was shocked to see such distruction. I am lost for words, these disasters are becomming more prevelent through out the world. Mother Nature is eternal, man is mortal, we can not win the war we are waging against Nature. We must surender and go with the flow of nature. You are helping to remind people. Thank you.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 23, 2013 @ 18:05:08

      Thank you Jack, I have to agree entirely with your comment that

      Mother Nature is eternal, man is mortal…

      We need to go with the flow and balance ourselves with nature.. We are meddling in things which are having knock on affects around our globe.. Thank you for contributing… I need to go seek out your Blog Url as your link back only take me to your Gravatar, not your Blog… So I can repay the visit 🙂



  22. Eddie Two Hawks
    May 23, 2013 @ 13:34:06

    Life is fragile. The balance of our life depends on a specific set of circumstances to work together. Let us pray we continue to recognize and appreciate this balance of life, love, and happiness.
    Thank you Dreamwalker for helping us to remember to do this!!!
    with love, Eddie



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 23, 2013 @ 18:15:29

      I agree entirely here Eddie… Working together in harmony for Peace.. means embracing more harmonious ways of being.. Less Judgements, more co-operations.. Bringing the Oneness back in unity as communities work together to rebuild, not only their lives and homes, but the very fabric which Humanity has throughout the recent times forgotten and that is to bring back Mankinds ‘kindness’ as we share our compassion and love…. Thank you Eddie .. Wishing you a peaceful evening ~Dreamwalker 🙂



  23. penpusherpen
    May 23, 2013 @ 16:05:34

    As you say, Sue, Mother Nature is such a powerful force in her own right, , she performs, and we respond, the only way we can…by surviving and continuing, and for goodness sake, surely learning what our actions are doing to the Planet… When will we wake up and understand the delicate balance we are disturbing by our actions… Disasters such as Oklahoma remind us how fragile our lives are… and then yesterday a life was taken on a London Street, and it was horrendous ,I sat there watching it all unfold, .. almost like a nightmare, where it seemed as if every action was accepted as normal.. , in fact, I just stared horrified at the poor Soldiers body, lying uncared for, ’til two women tried to help him. The women talked to those two…stupid, misguided brainwashed idiots who felt they were making a statement for their so called ‘CAUSE’. How can I describe what I feel? … Why in heavens name has it come to this?…Violence in any form is abhorrent, yet this act underlines how far we’ve come along that road,… using killing, butchery to terrorise and force their opinions and so called rights onto others… Yes, we never know what the next day will bring…but whatever it has in store we have to meet it with hope, …hope for the future,and hope that we live and learn… Learn that we are not the masters of this Planet.. we are tolerated, and expendable..
    As usual Sue you’ve given a lot of food for thought… many thanks for waking up my thought process again.. . I was still feeling numb from yesterdays horrific event.. love and light. xPenx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 23, 2013 @ 19:05:22

      Yes Pen I agree with you, just when will people wake up to their actions that our planet is finely balanced and we are making a very good job of creating chaos.. Not only with our interferences in Mother Nature, but also how we have upset the magnetic grid with the influx of invisible rays we pulsate out throughout our world in the criss cross of invisible lines as birds get lost as they migrate and Dolphins try to beach themselves.. Each Action we take as a re-action… So too do we send out invisible waves of energy as we send out our thoughts.. Its these thoughts we also have a huge impact upon our Natural world.. We are reaping what we are sowing.. Chaos and destruction comes back to us in ways we may not always see as connected.. But when you understand that ALL things Are connected.. we then see that each of our thoughts have an impact upon society. That is why it is imperative not to buy into the FEAR which we see is being generated so forcefully at the moment .. Why I Do not watch the News.. In fact I went upstairs out of the way as my hubby watched the half hour of the tragic murder of the soldier..
      My hope for the future Pen is that we can learn to be more caring and compassionate, caring and kinder, less judgemental and more tolerant.. I think though Pen, we still have MUCH to learn. Love and light back ~Sue xox



  24. giselzitrone
    May 24, 2013 @ 14:25:31

    Wünsche dir liebe Sue ein schönes glücklich und sonniges weekend.Gruß und Freundschaft.Gislinde



  25. The Emu
    May 28, 2013 @ 08:54:31

    Great thoughtful blog Sue,the disasters created by mother nature are becoming more accepted around the world, accepted as Mother Natures cycle, we adapt to them, we guard ourselves against them , but we do not blame Mother nature wholly, it is the man made disasters and atrocities that occur, even daily, these are the incomprehensible man made crimes that mankind has trouble in understanding.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 28, 2013 @ 19:17:57

      Agreed, Man made crimes indeed seem to be reportedly getting more horrific as we are being subjected to more graphic reporting.. It is these that turn my own stomach Emu… Thank you for adding your own thoughts Always good to see you.. 🙂 Sue



  26. Ruth Nina Welsh
    May 29, 2013 @ 09:13:37

    You are so right Sue, none of us know what each day will bring. It is always good to remember this and to keep our eye on the fragility of our own life. In this way we can live and love each day with all that we have. There is so much talk of tomorrow and, as your post highlights so well, we need to live and be grateful for this day. A lovely post with important reminders. Much love to you Sue xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 29, 2013 @ 15:08:19

      Yes Ruth, we so need to keep these things into perspective.. For tomorrow no one knows what is around the corner.. So we each need to make the most of NOW… Hope you had a good Bank Holiday.. I am so pleased you felt well enough to comment.. Thank you for your own insight and visit Ruth.. Much love back ~Sue xox



  27. sriramjanak
    May 13, 2016 @ 03:36:24

    A beautiful post and a lovely message Dear Sue…:-)

    Liked by 1 person


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Sue Dreamwalker

Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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