My Creative Art~Trees

Oh mighty brothers that reach up high

Your branches swaying in breeze from sky

Tell me as I sit beneath your shade

What wisdom have you for me today..

Spring one with your leaves so fresh

Your colours of green replenish and re-fresh

Your blossoms shower us in petals so light

From winters sleep you grow in delight

Summer Oh how you please

As you rustle your full grown leaves

Your breath so pure so we may breathe

I pray this Earth you never leave

Autumn of golden rich fruits you carry

To sustain life in harvest berries

Fallen leaves and wood for the fire

Replenishing larders, of you I never tire

Winter with your ever-greens

White coats of snow on branches gleam

In your forests shelter you bring

Silent and tall as you sleep until Spring

Lets not forget our brothers the Tree 

Hundred of years they stand still and ‘see’

Majestic and strong they give life to all

Save our trees don’t let them fall.

Spring VortexSummer Vortex

Autumn GoldWinter Silence

Above are the paintings I did,while taking time out. Trees are so important, and I love nothing better to sit beneath a tree and meditate feeling its energy.

Our Relationship to the Earth has changed as we have become more aware of how our actions can affect the balance of Nature, we are beginning to see ourselves as part of the Global Community and we are embracing a more heart-centred common goal of preservation. Trees are part of that community and we need to understand how important a part Tree’s play in our lives..

They not only bring us the very oxygen we breath, but they give homes to thousands of species of insects and birds providing not only food and shelter but the very habitat that those species need to survive, as well as food, fuel, and shelter for us Humans, When the trees start dying, then the insects have no home and also die, this has a knock on effect around the whole eco system.We must not forget we are part of that knock on effect.

Trees teach us the importance of renewal as they shed their leaves and seeds, their outer achievements and find strength and vitality through a period of rest in the winter months, They teach us stillness, about slowing down, and finding contentment within. They show us the importance of having strong roots to maintain stability.

We are destroying the lungs of the Earth as the many forests are cut down.. Here is a site which explains what you can do to conserve Trees.

Remember the ‘Standing Ones’ as they were once known, and let us remember they give us our very breath we breathe, we owe them a debt of gratitude. They need our respect. Enjoy your walks, Enjoy your Trees, and Enjoy Nature..

Blessings Sue Dreamwalker

Paintings are 38cms-20cms

62 Comments (+add yours?)

    Apr 05, 2013 @ 20:42:51

    Gut, alles -Danke.
    Gruß, Wolfgang



  2. cat
    Apr 05, 2013 @ 20:56:49

    I love your words of love and wisdom at this time, Sue.
    You make me take a deep breath … of freedom … more than you’ll ever know.
    I truly love you and your message.




  3. cosmicmundogirl
    Apr 05, 2013 @ 21:03:17

    Very inspirational Sue, thanks for sharing your art with all of us 😉



  4. Visionkeeper
    Apr 05, 2013 @ 21:10:16

    Love your poem and the trees are fantastic DW!!!! Excellent job. They express the seasons so well. They really are just so great:) I am impressed with your talent my friend, both writing and painting. Glad you took time out so we got to see your handiwork! Thanks for sharing your goodies. Blessings to you. Have a wonderful weekend. Guess you’ll be getting your garden together soon. Have fun…VKxxoo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 05, 2013 @ 21:14:42

      Yes that is on the agender next week so I may fall quiet for a while… Many thanks for your compliments, I so enjoyed painting them, they are going to be hung in my home… I wrote the poem in the middle of the night between naps LOL..
      Enjoy your weekend too… Hugs DW xx



  5. livingsimplyfree
    Apr 06, 2013 @ 01:36:44

    Sue, your trees were worth waiting to see, and the poem you wrote to accompany your art is beautiful. I have a hard time seeing how any one could take a tree for granted, when I look around at the destruction we as a society do to the planet it is amazing to me that the trees haven’t died off from all the air pollution alone.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 06, 2013 @ 17:11:51

      I’m pleased the wait was worth it 🙂 Many unfortunately are not in good health and many diseases are springing up in them killing them off.. The good thing is that many industries are now recycling paper and replanting programmes are in place, but it takes many years for new trees to mature to replace those which have been felled…. I hope you enjoy your weekend and dont overdo the indoor projects you have got planned.. Today was a sunny day,, at LAST! even thought still chilly.. We got some SUN!!! 🙂



  6. Crowing Crone Joss
    Apr 06, 2013 @ 01:49:03

    These are so beautiful. Trees, are so wondrous and there is something magical about being in their presence.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 06, 2013 @ 17:07:07

      Joss yes they are so wondrous, I find them magical, in that they stand there for 100’s of years as this world changes around them, and they are home to so many insects and birds…. Thank you for dropping in to add your most welcome thoughts x



  7. prenin
    Apr 06, 2013 @ 09:57:03

    Good poem hun! 🙂

    We have some trees around here from evergreens to sycamore and silver birch.

    A few of the older trees had to be cut down because they had become dangerous, but the new plantings have been vandalised by the local kids.

    The truth is we NEED these trees, but they get no chance to grow…

    Love and hugs!




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 06, 2013 @ 17:05:23

      Yes its a shame how many disrespect the trees and plant-life, lack of education on how important Trees are and how without them we would not survive… Thank you for your thoughts Prenin .. Enjoy your weekend



  8. orbphotog
    Apr 06, 2013 @ 16:45:45

    Thank you for sharing these inspiring images.



  9. Christy Birmingham
    Apr 06, 2013 @ 17:28:56

    Poetry, painting, and kindness. You offer us your soul with each written word and each stroke of your artwork xoxoxo



  10. penpusherpen
    Apr 06, 2013 @ 17:52:26

    I greatly enjoyed your poem Sue, and your paintings, …We humans are not taking our caretaker ship of this planet seriously… So much of nature is finely balanced, and as you so rightly point out, trees are the lungs which enable Mother Earth to breathe and grow from strength to strength, to lose so many through ignorance and greed is unforgiveable… I pray that we wake and heed the dire warnings being felt throughout the world, whenever a catastrophe occurs… through our own bad management and short sightedness. I hope future generations will grow to understand the debts we owe, and pay them back in kind, by being caretakers of renown for the right reasons, being care-ful and care- ing…. love and light my friend… With voices such as yours hope is always there.. xPenx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 08, 2013 @ 14:41:13

      I wish more could understand that Pen about being Caretakers, although maybe the word should be Care-givers… as we seem to have done our fare share of ‘Taking’ over the years from Mother Nature.. I do not envy our future generations and the state of the Globe we are leaving to them..
      Thank you, I am one voice among many .. But awareness is now escalating as to the plight our world is in… There is always Hope! .. 🙂 Love to you ~Sue



  11. iamforchange
    Apr 06, 2013 @ 19:13:58

    Absolutely beautiful Sue! I needed your words today! Thank you! 🙂



  12. europasicewolf
    Apr 06, 2013 @ 20:29:53

    Can’t believe we’re into April and the trees are still devoid of even hints of buds let alone any greenery! Excepting the evergreens of course. Makes you wonder what’s really going on…
    Lovely artwork Sue 🙂 Wolfie hugs!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 08, 2013 @ 14:46:51

      No Time is flying by Wolfie, and yes the trees are wanting to slumber longer this year, who can blame them, I hope the Jet-Stream takes a move in the right direction soon… Oh I know what is going on for most part Wolfie.. and its not pretty… and if we all took our blinkers off at some point maybe we could open our eyes and really ‘See’ what is really going on.. But it maybe make our hair curl, or in your case Wolfie your fur! Lol.. an interesting couple of video’s you may like to view are the 1-3 on my Environmental Issues Page.. Thats one of the Main ones having an affect upon our weather system at the moment.. :-)… Hope you enjoyed your weekend!? Dreamy Hugs to you xox



      • europasicewolf
        Apr 08, 2013 @ 22:37:32

        All this negative weather talk from us and then what happens? Beautiful warm and sunny spring like weather arrives! lol 😉 The vid’s sound very interesting, I will do my best to check them out…thanks 🙂



  13. Ruth Nina Welsh
    Apr 06, 2013 @ 21:31:39

    I too love trees Sue and your paintings and poem are beautiful. ‘Majestic and strong’ you are so right, they are life-givers. Lovely post 🙂 🙂



  14. Jo Bryant
    Apr 06, 2013 @ 22:20:37

    some of our trees [centuries old] are dying because of the drought here…it saddens me



  15. majra
    Apr 07, 2013 @ 10:32:31

    What a wonderful poem about the seasons Love it. My favourite place in the city is Hagley park as there are very big old trees which do give you energy. Positive energy I always feel in peace when walking along these trees.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 08, 2013 @ 14:57:13

      Marja, thank you, its good that you sense the energies which every tree gives off.. We have long forgotten our connection with our Trees and if we look at natures pharmaceutical cures, we will find she holds much medicine in trees and plants.. Not the chemicals we are pumped with today often then creates another problem for another chemical imbalance to take hold needing then another chemical to put it right… Which reminds me I should update my herbs page and put more on there for people to read some home remedies.. 🙂 Loving seeing you Marja, and I will be by this week.. 🙂



  16. natswans
    Apr 07, 2013 @ 11:54:16

    Lovely Poem Sue , your painting of those beautiful trees are really lovely. I wish we would all take our role here on this Planet seriously . I can see tightly closed buds around me I to wonder what is going on.
    Hope you are having a Lovely weekend .
    Hugs Sheila xx



  17. Cat Forsley
    Apr 08, 2013 @ 00:45:49

    Love Your Treeeeeeees 🙂 Happiness Plus plus plus 🙂



  18. Miro
    Apr 08, 2013 @ 03:16:34

    Beautiful, Sue. Always.



  19. Angelwings6
    Apr 08, 2013 @ 11:27:47

    It’s a shame that man has cut down some very beautiful forests, love the paintings Sue, and look after yourself



  20. LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words
    Apr 08, 2013 @ 18:14:00

    oh I love your paintings..!
    your words flowed on the winds of change
    a lesson in shedding the olde to receive more
    I did enjoy this DreamWaker, but then I I knew I would
    Hope Spring is finally there for y’all….
    it is here in Texas….temperatures just right for gardening
    Take Care…You Matter…..



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 11, 2013 @ 14:04:55

      We are promised warmer weather by this coming weekend Ladyblue, I hope so, but its not stopped the gardening being done 🙂 So happy that you enjoyed the Poem and my paintings… Have a wonderful weekend ~Sue xxx



  21. Oceanwaves
    Apr 08, 2013 @ 19:31:20

    Beautifully written Sue as always pure and simple 🙂
    Hope you had a lovely Easter celebration hun.
    Have a good week, hugz xxx



  22. Michelle B.
    Apr 09, 2013 @ 01:52:29

    Beautiful poem and your art is so lovely Sue. Thank you for sharing this. I am sure the next time I walk outside, I will think about what you’ve said and honor the trees. I also love them and this year, have grown even more fond of them. I feel a deep respect for Mother Nature, and the “Standing Ones.”

    Peace, and Love,



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 11, 2013 @ 14:00:04

      Hi Michelle, so pleased you enjoyed the poem and my artwork.. Yes the ‘Standing Ones’ just stand and take the storms in life and yet they give so much of themselves back to Nature… Respect is all Mother Nature seeks… and she gives of her bounty.. So happy you feeling a little better to venture and comment Michelle…. Much love your way xxx ~Sue



  23. Gray Dawster
    Apr 09, 2013 @ 12:40:10

    Your tree art is brilliant Sue, I always like those
    magical swirls that you add as the effect is quite
    brilliant, and your poetry that is a bonus on this
    posting just shows how versatile you really are 🙂

    Have a very nice Tuesday Sue and be well 🙂 😉 xxx



  24. becca givens
    Apr 10, 2013 @ 06:21:37

    Absolutely wonderful set of paintings — love those trees. Trees are so full of life, wisdom, healing energy and comfort. xoxo



  25. Red
    Apr 10, 2013 @ 17:32:42

    The poem is lovely, and the paintings are extraordinary. xxx



  26. reikiheidi
    Apr 11, 2013 @ 17:48:22

    Beautiful poem, pictures, AND post, so true… Trees are our connection, middle world, to a world we will never know underground, where everything connects, and up too. They are everything to this earth… and to us!
    Blessings be



  27. Mark Blasini
    Apr 19, 2013 @ 01:57:09

    Very beautiful and inspiring! Great work.



  28. Alex Jones
    Apr 19, 2013 @ 14:06:40

    These are great paintings, you have great talent Sue. Trees have lots to teach us as you describe.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 19, 2013 @ 14:42:16

      My thanks Alex for the compliment, I need to get back into my painting, it takes me to a place of pure peace and tranquillity, A place I often retreat into when the real world gets too much!, as it is doing again right now!



      • Alex Jones
        Apr 19, 2013 @ 14:45:00

        It is good to have a place to escape to from the pressure. I plan to spend more time in nature this year when the weather improves.



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Apr 19, 2013 @ 14:49:36

          Yes we cannot beat the call of Nature to uplift and lighten our spirits, and ‘When’ being the operative word, But the gift of patience is also being taught me thinks too 😉 🙂 as we await the Sun to warm up the Earth and our bones! 🙂



  29. Ka
    Jun 01, 2015 @ 14:33:03

    Dear Sue,
    In honor of the standing ones…
    “We must not forget we are part of that knock on effect.” Thank you so much for checking in with me on my project. There’s a lot of work that I am doing that’s not visible in the image yet. It’s what goes into the project, sometimes that cannot be seen, or can, by some…
    ❤ Wishing you the sweetness and comfort that the day can bring…
    xoxo Ka

    Liked by 1 person


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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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