Senseless Sickening Slaughter

ELEPHANT Pinting in water colour

My love of Elephants has spanned all my life, these wonderful family oriented beings hold much love and joy in my heart and only this past week I had enjoyed watching the antics of a family of elephants on the BBC’s documentary, one such documentary I found here in  The Secret Life of Elephants which was following the birth of a baby elephant and her family in Kenya’s Samburu Reserve.

I was so enchanted with the love and devotion they give each other please click the link above to view.

I was debating what photo I should add to this post, as I did not wish to shock you but for you to get some idea of how heartbroken I felt over seeing an article on one of my fellow bloggers pages over at Learning From Dogs on his post entitled The Best and Worst of Mankind –the Worst. I hope you will visit Paul’s article in red above to see why I felt I had to write the following poem .. In the end I decided to post a painting I did in 2001 which I noticed I happen to have painted also in October.

I don’t know the answers to such cruelties in our world not only against our animal kingdom but to our children and each other except that I just had to vent out my feelings in a poem..And I hope that some day the Balance is once again restored to our wonderful Planet Earth and we seek Peace instead of the killing fields of Greed… 

Senseless and Sickening

Another headline of heart breaking gore
My heart was gutted and cut to the core
Of reading the senseless sickening campaign 
As marauders killed Elephants on the African Plains

Not a chance did they stand as they killed them with Gun
On horseback with missiles nowhere could they run
The prizes of ivory bloodied and Red 
As Whole families of Elephants are now laying dead

Ironic I read that the tusks are to be carved 
For Spiritual houses as sacred façades
I try to detach from our murderous Race
As my stomach does wrench in our Human Disgrace

We call ourselves Human when we’re far from humane
We butcher, abuse, we kill and we maim 
I try not to judge but my heart it does bleed 
For laws that are passed as some do as they please

No wonder this cycle is nearing its end
Too Warlike we Humans negative energies we send 
This World would be paradise had the humans not interfered 
With pollution and wars my eyes fill with tears


I pray to the spirits of those Magnificent herds 
And to all of the people for injustice incurred      
I pray to the Goddess of Gaia our home 
And each living creature on Earth that does roam

I’m sorry to be part of this Race that’s so cruel 
Where Man spreads his violence and dominant rule 
The Male Energies are ending as they cling to their Power 
Its time for the Feminine Compassionate showers…

To wash us all clean as the Earth she does cleanse 
Make ready your Hearts for we soon shall ascend..

© Sue Dreamwalker – 2012 All rights reserved.

71 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Cat Forsley
    Oct 04, 2012 @ 17:28:36

    I agree
    strong poem
    a call to action
    a call to hearts
    “human / humane ” amazing those two words
    i adore elephants – all animals –
    they hold wisdom – us as Human beings – can only image ,…..
    Love xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 04, 2012 @ 17:31:26

      Yes it called to my heart and I felt so so sad that this still goes on despite the Reservations and Park Wardens,.. Many park wardens also loosing their lives trying to protect them..



      • Cat Forsley
        Oct 04, 2012 @ 17:35:56

        There are so many amazing people doing great Things for Elephants – I know It …….. the balance though-
        i know what You mean – it’s off …….
        Gonna do some research later today xxx



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Oct 04, 2012 @ 17:42:53

          Yes some great people doing wonderful works everywhere in our world… especially in Nature Reserves .. If the Rich did not buy who are sat within their own Ivory towers there would be no need of the Ivory to be sold if it were deemed worthless… But its those who are willing to pay high prices who encourage the plundering and killing, in a land where there is nothing much else to profit from..
          It is my disgust also to these individuals which set the chain reaction into motion..



          • Cat Forsley
            Oct 04, 2012 @ 17:45:43

            It’s a chain reaction exactly …………………..
            as much as people can encourage people to do GOOD STUFF OUT THERE ……
            there are always the encouragers to do the YUKKK stuff ………..
            a basic domino effect
            like in all things –



  2. Ruth Nina Welsh
    Oct 04, 2012 @ 17:33:31

    It is heartbreaking Sue – your poem is very moving. Love. Ruth x



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 04, 2012 @ 17:37:17

      Thank you Ruth, yes and I know we wouldnt be so aware if the media wasnt reporting this .. But to think we can cause so much suffering to each other and our animal kingdom in culls like this and within the war zones of the world also makes me wonder what is at the core of Mankind as he embraces his/her negative side..



  3. natswans
    Oct 04, 2012 @ 18:24:07

    These horrible things that go in our World Sue , it’s so so heartbreaking. We feel helpless this World can surely not carry on this way. It must change , your poem is so moving Sue.
    Sheila xx



  4. Paul Handover
    Oct 04, 2012 @ 18:31:24

    Beautiful poem Sue. And thank you for your kind reference to Learning from Dogs. Love to you and all your readers.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 04, 2012 @ 18:35:57

      You are most welcome Paul and thank you for all the awareness you bring through your postings of such and the problems of pollution and climate changes which you address along with your wonderful tales also of many wonderful Animal stories … 🙂 Sue



  5. giselzitrone
    Oct 04, 2012 @ 19:22:05

    Hallo liebe Sue ja Elefanten sind sehr weiße Tiere da könnten die Menschen noch viel von lernen,sie halten ein leben lang zusammen,und sie vergessen nie etwas.Ein schönes Gedicht hast du wieder dazu geschrieben ist aber auch traurig,aber so war.Grüsse dich noch ganz lieb und wünsche dir alles liebe und gute und einen schönen Abend in Freundschaft Gislinde.



  6. kenny2dogs
    Oct 04, 2012 @ 19:54:51

    Am I just a big softy, or is the disturbing sight of seeing an animal suffer, the trigger that brings out the truly compassionate man in me.

    Man has a mammoth tusk ahead, if he wishes to preserve and maintain Nature’s delicate balance, between extinction and survival. I am at a loss to understand just how he is going to achieve this. I think we have already passed beyond the point of no return. With our gluttonous appetite we are slowly devouring our beautiful Mother Earth.
    Be well Sue



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 05, 2012 @ 09:09:43

      Yes Kenny my own thoughts exactly, there seems no end in sight.. But I will always try to look beyond and see the Good in Mankind.. there are so many good people and selfless acts too. Thank you Kenny for your thoughts and wishing you a relaxing weekend Sue



  7. Tom (Aquatom1968)
    Oct 04, 2012 @ 20:27:18

    Fantastic and heartfelt poem, Sue…and I agree with everything you say. I have to hang my head in shame at some of the things my fellow humans have done in their need to fulfill a greed. I wonder how, when we all have the potential to be really great, to learn and to grow in amazing ways, only a handful of us do so. The majority of us, me included, plod along from day to day hoping things will get better, when I could really be doing more to make it so. And then, there are the ones who slaughter animals for their personal, disgusting gain. Well, what goes around comes around in my book, and they’ll realise that one day.
    Anyway, enough of me slating humanity (and we aren’t ALL that bad!) and I will check out the blog you have mentioned in your post.
    The video that Cat posted was very uplifting, very full of energy. We should use that kind of energy more!
    Sorry for the mega-comment here, by the way!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 05, 2012 @ 09:18:09

      Tom Never apologise for you length of comment I whole-heartedly encourage people to speak their minds and tell me their thoughts and I totally agree with yours.. Humanity isn’t all that bad. in fact in my post the Good Bad and the Ugly I spoke of that fact we are only shown the Bad through exposure in the media .. Many Many more good acts happen all the time around the world… What I abhor is the killing of defenceless animals and human beings and how we abuse and ill treat them, which isn’t unfortunately confined to just mistreating animals it happens in all walks of life in all countries of the world.. Thats why I belong to Save the Children organisation and the Red Cross, as they do such important works around the world in helping our fellow human beings who are suffering..

      Cats wonderful energy always brightens up my life and my pages here at Dreamwalker’s Tom, and I so agree with you that we should ALL embrace that kind of energy more and more to uplift our Spirits.. Thank you ~ Sue



  8. Deb
    Oct 04, 2012 @ 20:31:58

    I had heard of this…very heartbreaking. Your poem really moved me, Sue.



  9. douginator
    Oct 04, 2012 @ 21:13:31

    Not to shake things up here in the least and no one I have ever have known has entertained the pleasure of seeing an Elephant die out of the sake of seeing one killed.

    I live in the Black Hills of South Dakota. We at one time out here had the Wholly Mammoth up to about 2,800 years ago along with the American Camel, the Wholly Rhino, and the Short Faced Bear as part as the Fauna.

    We now only have the Bison left.

    Evidence has shown two things that kept these animals from continuing on. One was man in over-hunting. Mankind came into this region about 14,000 years ago due to the fact of the fossil record.

    Second, the climatic weather changes also drove those that survived by large numbers surviving the onslaught of the “American Indian” to other regions in the Central United States to their demise, again by over-hunting — Back to reason 1.

    Just a thought.

    99.5% of all life on this planet is now extinct.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 05, 2012 @ 09:42:51

      I am reminded of the phrase as Dead as the Dodo! Hunted to extinction here Doug.. and as for the American Indian I think you will find they only took that which they needed and it was the influx of ” the White Man” who killed en-mass for the fur trade leaving the plains littered with carcasses.. Each day many species are becoming extinct and its through De-forestation, pollution and at Man’s hand and Disease’s and some of those diseases we have to ask ourselves where they came from?
      Evolution is never meant to stand still, but ALL species are here for a purpose, including Man.
      To me this Earth Plane is a ‘Living Library’ where each and every living thing is part of the whole.. When we interfere as we have done in the Eco systems of the world we are not only destroying our species upon it Doug, but we are ultimately Destroying ourselves…
      And there will come a time in the not to distant future where Mankind will be finding himself upon the endangered species list!

      As always Doug its good to hear from you and your thoughts, Have a good weekend in those Lovely Black Hills.. Sue



  10. Visionkeeper
    Oct 04, 2012 @ 23:36:09

    Can’t read it DW….Just know my arms are sending you a big hug and my heart is always happy to embrace your being. I know you are pained and if I read the article I know I would be pained too and I just can’t take that right now. My prayers go out to the creatures of God’s wonderland and to you. Wonderful poem DW. You are such a special being…..Blessings….VK



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 05, 2012 @ 15:57:59

      I couldn’t go to the full article either VK as Paul had spared us that and provided a link, the bloodied tusk picture was enough to turn my stomach VK .. I seem so very sensitive right now to the hurts in the world even though I am trying to detach from them… My emotions spinning like the energies at the moment also.. Thank you so very much for your special words they mean so much .. Blessing back DW xx



  11. prenin
    Oct 05, 2012 @ 07:02:47

    Truly sickening what is happening in Africa and across the world! 😦

    Man it seems is incapable of living with nature… 😦

    Love and hugs!




  12. Cat Forsley
    Oct 05, 2012 @ 16:52:30

    Ding Dong ……..
    it’s the mail man again ……….:)
    i mean mail Cat ? lol



  13. Cat Forsley
    Oct 05, 2012 @ 16:55:20



    HEART ON ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,




  14. Doris
    Oct 05, 2012 @ 17:03:40

    have a good weekend Sue…



  15. LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words
    Oct 05, 2012 @ 17:30:15

    I went to bury an olde friend, Fanny, one of my rescues…she was 11 years young
    special in her own way and her sister Precious mourns her….as I do….
    I never get used to my friends leaving…
    Beautiful poem Sue, you have said it well…
    raging within of the injustice done in the name of money…
    what a horrible God to follow, for their god is the almighty dollar….
    you speak from a heart filled with compassion, empathy for all living creatures…
    Gaia entrusted us with their care as She did the sacred ground we walk on….
    I can’t imagine taking a life of any creature for profit….and I am grateful I do not understand the minds that do…..
    I will wander over and visit your friend Paul….
    Thank you for caring for the world …it does matter…..
    Take Care…



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 05, 2012 @ 19:56:21

      Arrgh I am saddened about your own sad loss LB, You will also find many an enlightening Dog story upon Pauls site LB, and another caring soul who give homes to rescue dogs and cats etc…
      many thanks for you kind words here, there are I know many who care whose silent cries are not heard.
      Blessings Sue xx



  16. europasicewolf
    Oct 05, 2012 @ 20:51:00

    The greed of mankind is a terrible thing and the lack of any sense of responsibility for those we are tasked to guard and protect also. I am sorry that you have had to be inflicted with so much pain in your heart. especially as some day something will no doubt lay waste to us too… xx



  17. bibuji
    Oct 05, 2012 @ 20:54:28

    Lord, please wipe away all cruelty and egoism from us. Please make our blood warmer. Please give us lives of growing other lives instead of destroying them. Please heal Sue’s broken heart and give her hope.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 05, 2012 @ 21:05:22

      Thank you Bibuji, so very much for that lovely prayer you offered,I am saddened much that so much cruelty is happening, but my heart is full of love as people such as your good self bring their love and kindness into the world.. There are many more kindly people than Bad ones and we have to believe the Good will prevail…Many thanks again.. Sue xox



  18. Androgoth
    Oct 06, 2012 @ 00:40:53

    It is truly horrible how man treats our wildlife,
    it seems that everything that moves is a target
    for hunters these days, I know that the Rangers
    work hard trying to stop the slaughter but more
    needs to be done to protect our animals…

    A very good posting Sue and thank you for adding
    this one, everyone needs to be aware of such terrible
    things, and governments must act before it is too late 😦

    Have a lovely weekend Sue 🙂

    Andro xxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 07, 2012 @ 15:04:24

      Unfortunately Andro while ever there is a profit to be made from Ivory, the Killings will keep on happening…

      I hope you have had a good weekend and no doubt have been enjoying your motor racing with Formula One.. 🙂
      Take care
      Sue xox



  19. Valentine Logar
    Oct 06, 2012 @ 12:38:15

    I can’t go watch or look. We are the despoilers of this planet. Though I am not a member of Peta and likely never will be. I am a strong believer we should be persevering our earth and its inhabitants at this point rather than slaughtering them though. The very idea these great beasts should be destroyed for their ivory, worse still that it will be carved for holy places is sickening.

    Your poem was powerful and moving. Humanity might never learn, we are so stupid, so ignorant.

    Great hugs. XXXX Val



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 07, 2012 @ 15:07:54

      Yes it seems we never learn, until its too late Val
      And I couldnt look at the linked article Paul highlighted either the photo of a bloodied tusk and one dead elephant in the distance was enough to upset me enough to write the poem,,
      I am pleased it felt powerful as it was meant to, as it came from a point of anger and disgust at how we can kill our beautiful Elephants…



  20. eddietwohawks
    Oct 06, 2012 @ 15:37:46

    Our hearts swell with sadness as this news invades our world Dreamwalker. Once more there is senseless killing; once more history repeats. Will nature ever experience an end to senseless suffering and extermination? I believe it is possible! We are co-creators or this world. We see this world in our mind’s eye! See it happening! Make it so! love, peace, harmony, Eddie



  21. CMSmith
    Oct 06, 2012 @ 18:45:57

    You’re right. It’s a sickening tragedy.
    This reminds me of a paper I wrote for a Classical World humanities class I was taking where we studied Greek literature. My paper was about the patient and loving feminine or Mother Earth and the aggressive violent masculine Sun Gods. I should look that up.



  22. dontchawannadream
    Oct 07, 2012 @ 19:11:34

    Sue, this is a beautiful painting!
    Loved the poem too. It is very moving.



  23. Jo Bryant
    Oct 08, 2012 @ 07:23:30

    This made me heart sore. I wonder if this will ever change. I want to believe it will…but. I just posted a link to a 30 minute film that is screening online for all of the 8/10 on Amazon Watch about the Children of the Jaguar. You should watch it Sue. These people are amazing and watching them take on the Ecuadorian government to protect their ancestral lands is inspiring.

    Special Online Screening: Children of the Jaguar



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 08, 2012 @ 12:20:24

      Thank you so much Jo, I will be watching very soon.. I know that Change is happening, and I also understand that for change to happen sometimes we have to see those things which make our hearts sore, So our Hearts can open and we then can Change them… Only when enough hearts are sore enough will they open to change … Lets hope we witness the Good changes to come VERY Soon.. xxx Sue



  24. Eclipse
    Oct 08, 2012 @ 13:52:36

    Humans, who should live in harmony with all Nature, treeting it well for their own good, are the only real predator and the parasite that keeps on destroying it…..You’ve said it so well Sue….ashamed of being a part of the Race….
    Beautiful painting and a heartfelt poem here….
    Thank you for all your lovely words you left on my pages
    Hugs your way//Eclipse



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 08, 2012 @ 14:08:15

      Eclipse thank YOU, from one so talented such as yourself both in art and poems I am so happy you enjoyed this post.. you are most deserving of all comments left my friend.. Sue xx



  25. Sabina Brave
    Oct 13, 2012 @ 21:02:49

    I love elephants too. After I saw once a movie about what some monsters in Africa are doing to get their bones or feets, forsome monsters in Europe, and America, who wish to buy it, I couldn’t sleep. Till now every time when i think about it my heart is crying, and i can’t calm down.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 14, 2012 @ 17:10:40

      Yes Sabina, it had that affect on me… I felt actually sick to the stomach hence the poem… I cannot imagine the suffering they went through… Thank you for stopping by.. Hugs to you xx



  26. aussieian2011
    Oct 16, 2012 @ 01:35:05

    Excellent writing Sue on the sadness of mankinds abuse of one of natures beautiful creatures, I visited your friend and he has a very informative site which I would like to follow, your compassion for our world holds no bounds dear friend.
    Aussie Ian



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 16, 2012 @ 10:09:48

      Hi Ian, lovely to see you, I was thinking about you yesterday, but didnt get the time to pop over and visit as I was doing some course work on the computer for work qualifications.. and got absorbed in that for 4 hours!!!…
      Yes Pauls site is very informative on a variety of subjects and you will not be disappointed if your subscribe…
      Great to see you. Give my love to Ana and hope all the family are doing well..
      ~Sue x



  27. Red
    Oct 20, 2012 @ 17:48:45

    Elephants are magnificent creatures. I shun things which are ivory, and the few pieces I have were researched to see the harvesting method. This is like the killing of the buffalo on this side of the globe. Sick and saddening does not begin to describe the wretched feeling this gives me.

    Your poem is beautiful, Sue. You see the light at the end. Always bringing light ❤

    Much love and many blessings, Sue.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 22, 2012 @ 19:30:58

      Many thanks Red, sorry only just getting back to you, A busy workshop weekend…Yes it made me feel sick Red, I try to find the light.. we have to…. 🙂 many thanks again for dropping by.. xxxx



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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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