A World of Taboo.

Today I sat out in the sun enjoying the Sun and Peacefulness of my garden, as Summer graced my day… I am always sending out my gratitude and thanks to the Universe for all I have in my life.

Many around our world are not so fortunate, and my thoughts turned to all those Nations  caught up with wars as innocents die, while just as many turn a blind eye.

I thought of those in other places, where they starve for lack of food and water..And my thoughts too went to the recent insane shootings in the USA. This world has so much turmoil and conflict. And yet here I was surrounded by Peace!..

I thought how many young children are having to fend for themselves as they are orphaned or abandoned around our world, their plights go unheard and unnoticed. And my heart wept in silent tears for all the Children of our World.. So out came my note book and pen… as I wrote this poem today.. As I thought how lucky we are…. and how many Children of our world Suffer.. And all of them need our Love..

The Time for Children

Mellow days lasing in the Sun

With gentle breeze Summer’s just begun

With meadow fields, and flowers wild

I sit with memories of a child.

Climbing hills and running fast

A childhood day forever lasts

Of tastes and smells and smiles of glee

If only a child we all could be.

To see the Earth with eyes anew

And trust the world not to be taboo

Where danger lurks around every bend

I wish the Universe a child could send

To show us where our race went wrong,

And bring back the Spirit of innocence song

Where children laughed and were unafraid

To respect and care throughout our days

But sadly we seem to have lost our way

Where no one listens to words we say

Respect is forfeited only for Gold

And Human life is bought and sold

And as mellow as my day is here in the Sun

I know of others sorrow because of the Gun

As innocent blood is spilled on ground

While my heart weeps in the silence of sound

Where are our hearts? Where have they gone?

What happened to our Children that grew up with Gun?

Enjoy every moment before it’s too late

Teach only love and let go of the hate

Remember the Children they are our Future too

And all are special including you

So nurture our Children and show them the way

Teach them to Love, and respect everyday

So as they grow older they won’t be so sad,

Knowing life dealt them harshness in a world that turned bad.

And someday they may sit and reflect as I do

On a World full of love instead of taboo.

© Sue Dreamwalker – 2012 All rights reserved.

This is a Charity I support. Save the Children They need our Help and love.. Our Children are our future..

Sue Dreamwalker

54 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. rosemarymonteith
    Jul 27, 2012 @ 21:50:24

    Sue so beautiful the poem, it brings tears to my eyes. It is so very true, the children are our hope for the future.



  2. Valentine Logar
    Jul 28, 2012 @ 01:52:49

    And I weep, ungentle tears today.



  3. aussieian2011
    Jul 28, 2012 @ 04:11:45

    A beautiful writing dear Sue, so many children around the world will pass through life without seeing their childhood, I saw it in Vietnam , little ones in awe of the big world, little ones whose eyes are blank in the lost innocense of childhood



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 29, 2012 @ 16:07:20

      So true Ian, so many innocents, and so many who have had to grow up long before their time, whose childhood only holds scars.
      Arrgh so much in this world needs to change Ian.. and I doubt we shall ever see it… But I so pray we do.
      Love to you and Ana… Sue xx



  4. Duma Key
    Jul 28, 2012 @ 04:15:45

    Sometimes we forget the world around us, the pointlessness of all the suffering…..how do we consistantly get it all so wrong? In trying to live we actually forget to live, lost in a world full of mirrors and angles, nothing is as it should be, yet still we battle on……such pointless, needless suffering and loss…..its so crazy that we just cant see it!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 29, 2012 @ 16:14:08

      Hello Duma Key,
      Thank you for adding those wonderful comments to my post. ” The world full of mirrors and angels” yes so true… Our lives have so got lost within this ‘illusion’ of life we no longer see Humanity, we only see the next $ or £ signs,, And so many are caught within its entrapment..
      Thank you for visiting 🙂
      Sue Dreamwalker



  5. summerrain63
    Jul 28, 2012 @ 07:03:40

    I always worry about the children too in our world….so innocent…a lovely poem you have written….



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 29, 2012 @ 16:57:20

      Thank you SummerRain, yes the children, the innocent, needlessly suffer… I pray so much that one day we can see the damage we are doing to one another.. But I fear that we have gone too far down the slippery slope… But hope is always in my heart that those who hold compassion can unite and help to bring about those much needed changes within our society where no child would ever suffer again… I pray and live in hope..



  6. prenin
    Jul 28, 2012 @ 10:29:48

    Beautiful poem Sue and SO true!!! 😦

    We have kids here in England who suffer so much, yet nothing in comparison to what we see happening in the rest of the world!!!

    Love and hugs!




  7. Visionkeeper
    Jul 28, 2012 @ 13:27:37

    Hopefully DW, we as a whole called humanity will awaken and realize we must care for each other. It is beginning but not fast enough in my book. Our leaders are hell bent to destroy other people when in fact we should be reaching out to them with love and support and caring. The world is so lacking compassion! I keep praying we will turn the corner soon but it never seems to come. It takes so little to reach out to another yet many walk on by…This is what we must manifest in our new world, love, compassion and caring for each other around the world. Supposedly our thoughts create our realty, so let’s get busy!!!! Blessings…VK



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 29, 2012 @ 14:27:31

      I am Manifesting VK, that I am, whole-heartedly do I send out my thoughts and do what little I can in aid… And I admire so much those who volunteer and go out to give hands on help to those who are in need whether that be on their own doorsteps or on the other side of the world..
      I think the first thing all of us could do is not turn a blind eye.. and start at home, your neighbours and elderly .. the homeless around and about ourselves.. Its so easy .. and yet people find it so hard.. to Give of themselves, that little bit of love and compassion..
      I often think Vk that is why this world HAS to change.. something Big has to change it.. for Mankind seems ‘incapable’ of reaching out from his heart to help a fellow human being.. and those that do, are few and far between..

      Love and Blessings to you this Sunday VK..
      Dreamwalker xx



  8. The Blazing Trail
    Jul 28, 2012 @ 14:02:49

    Hi! I have nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Congratulations!




  9. granbee
    Jul 28, 2012 @ 17:13:31

    Let us live before ALL children with pure hearts in peace and goodwill, Sue!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 29, 2012 @ 15:12:46

      Thank you Granbee, I think we could all do well to look at the world again through a Childs eyes Granbee, But Oh to get up in the morning and bounce on the bed and skip off to school ( Work ) and have that Zest of life that young children hold in their hearts when they are happy..
      I just wish all childrens lives could be so…
      Love to you my friend
      Sue xx



  10. bibuji
    Jul 28, 2012 @ 21:19:33

    Thank you for the beautiful poem! I cannot yet pray for others from the bottom of my heart. I thought as if it were my own quest. But recently one of my christian friend told he always wonder if he has a true pleasure, or just a sense of duty, to pray for others. So I found we share the same quest, which turned to be more worth wanting.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 29, 2012 @ 15:24:08

      I think if we hold that thought Bibuji as compassion for another’s suffering and send out that thought to them to wish them a better life or healing, then we have prayed from the bottom of our hearts..
      Prayer to me is simple..
      Its my heartfelt wishes, and thoughts for the well-being of others.. whether that be in healing of health, to healing of Nations by asking inwardly that those leaders of Nations who deal in death, can be made to feel also that same compassion… and understanding of the world PEACE..

      We may not be able to change the world overnight, but we can change our own world by being more compassionate and caring human beings..
      When enough of us start to be and act like this, then we change our communities and the world..
      But it all starts with SELF first…

      Thank you Bibuji for sharing… Sometimes we just need to pray for our own guidance and that is enough to begin with..
      Love to you my friend
      Sue xx



  11. barbaramattio
    Jul 29, 2012 @ 05:13:55

    I so totally love this and I am here next to you working for peace in our one world and within our one life.



  12. Renard Moreau
    Jul 29, 2012 @ 06:23:44

    [ Smiles ] That was rather lovely, Sue.



  13. WordsFallFromMyEyes
    Jul 29, 2012 @ 08:25:42

    Hello Sue 🙂 Seems like children are the theme for the day! I just read a post about children, came to see what you’re up to – & you too! Yes, children are our future, they are truly our future.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 29, 2012 @ 15:56:14

      Yes they are our future, And they need our love and protection.
      And I know how much your life has been dedicated to doing both.. 🙂
      Blessing sent your way to you both my friend ~Sue xx



  14. natswans
    Jul 29, 2012 @ 11:27:39

    Morning Sue hope the sun is still shining where you are, it’s heavy rain here. Beautiful Poem loved it. Trust you are well and do have a lovely Sunday.
    Sheila xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 29, 2012 @ 15:53:46

      Hi Sheila, the Sun shone brilliant first thing this morning, then we had a very heavy rain storm just after lunch, so it was moving up the country I think.
      Thank you for you visit Sheila, I hope that you too are feeling brighter and I will send the Sun down to you, as its once again popped out.. 🙂 xxx Hugs Sue xx



  15. Ruth Nina Welsh
    Jul 29, 2012 @ 12:44:53

    These were such moving words Sue – you are so right in all the things you say. I also think that often we look farther afield at other countries and nations and there are many close by who need help. We don’t have to travel far to see this. All my best to you and thank you for your lovely visit to me – I really appreciated it. Ruth 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 29, 2012 @ 15:59:48

      You are so right, I know of many in my area who are in need, and who are vulnerable..
      This world needs to start and take closer look at those in need both the children and the elderly are often overlooked… And often many are our neighbours!
      Thank you Ruth for dropping by with your encouraging words.



  16. eddietwohawks
    Jul 29, 2012 @ 17:57:50

    This is a beautiful poem dear Dreamwalker. It is a great reminder of love and respect for all life but especially youth who are in need of guidance. Peace in our time…Eddie



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 29, 2012 @ 18:29:21

      Yes Eddie, our youth have become slightly misguided along some of their pathways as the ‘Dark’ clouds have entrapped them within the their thought processes..
      While many could be guided and nurtured, as others need our protection…
      I so wish for Peace in our Time..



  17. Gabrielle
    Jul 29, 2012 @ 20:38:20

    A beautiful poem Sue, and the children are always close to my heart. It’s especially for them that we need to do what we can by bringing in Light and Love. We can change this world if we all use our hearts! 🙂
    Love and (((hugs)))



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 29, 2012 @ 21:48:55

      Thank you Gabrielle, we need to protect and bring that love to our children and like you say if we all lived from our hearts and gave some love to each other this world would be a Bright Happy place to live.. Hugs to you back.. Sue xx



  18. Sabina Brave
    Jul 30, 2012 @ 09:16:57

    It’s sad, how many children have to suffer on this World. Childhood should be happy, and full of joy.
    Have a wonderful week Sue. 🙂
    Love and hugs,



  19. intuitivejuliemarie
    Jul 30, 2012 @ 14:52:19

    The Universe IS sending a ‘child’, Sue. Actually many children. I see them in ever-increasing numbers, these bright spirits with the infant bodies and the Ancient Wisdom and knowingness that radiates from every pore of their beings. We must continue to do our parts, so that they can do theirs. Aho. ~ Julie Marie



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 31, 2012 @ 19:58:02

      You know JM, I see it in many children, even my own young 20mth old Granddaughter, whose learning so fast and strength I already see in her determination and her will to learn and not give in ..
      We will need this young generation to see this world through its future Changes…
      Blessings ~Sue



  20. Bodhirose
    Jul 30, 2012 @ 19:09:27

    What a beautiful, heartfelt poem, Sue…and such an important one. Children are our most important treasure and yet they are often treated with such disrespect, abused, ignored…worldwide. Such a shameful thing… Yes, where are our hearts?



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 31, 2012 @ 20:01:59

      hi Gayle shamefull, yes many a persons hearts are in the right places.. But so many only think of themselves.. as our Caring and Protection for those who are so vulnerable seem to have disappeared.. Thank you for coming around to add your thoughts here, Lovely to see you again.. 🙂



  21. giselzitrone
    Jul 30, 2012 @ 19:45:54

    Hallo liebe Sue ich glaube die Menschen werden nie Frieden Finden es ist schlimm überall wo man hinsieht ist Krieg Unfrieden man sollte doch meinen die Menschen werden schlauer?Ich wünsche dir eine glückliche schöne Woche Gruss Gislinde



  22. jennygoth666
    Jul 30, 2012 @ 21:39:21

    hi dreamer lovely poem brought a tear to me after the blog i just wrote lifes so precious and could be gone in a flash hope your well have a great week dreamer xjen



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 31, 2012 @ 20:20:58

      Thank you Jen, I will be dropping around shortly to see what you have posted .. And yes Life IS Precious whether Young or Old or four-legged or two-legged. Fish or Bird.. Life is Life… and Very Precious…
      Love to you Jen ~Sue



  23. dreamingthruthetwilight
    Jul 31, 2012 @ 08:29:28

    So true Sue and that is the one thing that I don’t much like about this world…that little children have to suffer. Yes..in a place like India , many kids go to sleep hungry even when the country on the whole has been showing a good growth rate. A group of us friends are doing our bit by running an informal school. Do check out our website, conveniently:http://www.sakshamkids.org/ and also our Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/SakshamKids. You’ll love the children. Thanks for this poem. It touched my heart.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 31, 2012 @ 20:18:06

      Thank you for dropping in my friend to add your most welcome thoughts.. I will be definitely dropping by your website to see .. I am not a member on Facebook though.. But will be dropping by Sakshamkids.org for sure
      Love and Light Sue x



  24. chicasl10
    Jul 31, 2012 @ 18:09:35

    Kids are the victim in wars and nature tragedies like tsunamis
    orphans …without parents love. Orphans wandering around without destiny.
    we try to make them a bit happier..Sue
    U knownt hat when u have such experience as a child u will always have it in u.
    But there are angels in this world who make the sun shien for them
    tx for this I love it. Kids are vulnerable in this hard world



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 31, 2012 @ 20:23:21

      I know those Children you and your Husband take care over MJ are definitely looked over by Angels.. for your wings enfold many as you help and raise funds to help those in need…
      Bless your own Heart MJ..
      for without your own caring many more would suffer and go without..
      Love to you ~Sue xx



  25. Eclipse
    Aug 01, 2012 @ 17:21:24

    Beautiful, heartfelt and above all – a significant message in times full of madness…



  26. zendictive
    Aug 06, 2012 @ 02:17:29

    you got that right and what morals do we teach are kids or should I say what morals some do not teach theirs… (!_!) I strive to instill the tools my child will need to live a happy and prosperous life, yet the biggest obsticle is when she comes home from school and is upset from being touched, pushed, hit, cussed out, from those children who have no self control… makes home school look really good!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 06, 2012 @ 20:01:31

      Yes Art, this is the problem within many a school, as those morals are not the same within every home.. Making life difficult for many. Let us hope we have given them enough tools to help them survive Art.. Thank you for adding your most welcome comments, ~Sue xx



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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