Man And Beast.


“If all the beasts were gone,
men would die
from a great loneliness of spirit,
for whatever happens to the beasts
also happens to the man.
All things are connected.
Whatever befalls the Earth
befalls the sons of the Earth.”

― Chief Seattle .


I was looking back through some of my achieves I wrote down from transcripts from recordings  of my trance sessions way back in 2007. And came across this excerpt  today of when a regular communicator White Feather came to talk to our Group through myself. He spoke of many things but this jumped out at me today.

“You can learn many many lessons from the animal kingdom. The animal kingdom has chosen also to embark upon its own evolution within the earth realm. They have their own spirit, for they are spirit. The animals can communicate to each other. You can also communicate to the animals through the thought process. If you develop those thought processes and attune them to those of the animal kingdom. The animal kingdom has come to learn the human element of the earth. Also many lessons. The animals will help you to feel compassion to feel love. They also to make you feel gratitude, for do they not lay down their lives in order that you feed from them?

They come to this plane of existence knowing full well their destiny. But many of your animal kingdom, are also at this time feeling the vibration of the earth. For they are more in tune with the earths vibration than any human spirit.

And some of your animal kingdom is electing to leave this planet. Be aware, be aware and take notice. For not only the animals of the land. But also the aquatic life will also leave this earth plane. The whales have been persecuted, so have your dolphin.. They sing their songs in lament, and they weep.

But they are loyal, like most animals that you come into contact with; in regard to your, what you call your ‘pets’.

So too the aquatic life is there for a purpose. You do not see, you cannot understand within the limitations of you’re your own human mind at this moment in time the results of what the animal kingdom do. But let me tell you, that when the whale sings and the dolphin cries, they do not just communicate to each other, they create a vibration of sound. That’s seals itself around your earth plane. It is helping to heal the Earth. And once they have done their job, they will elect to leave. Be aware, be aware.”

Is it any wonder our Wild life is electing to vacate this planet given that we have polluted its oceans,waterways and skies putting great wounds in the landscape, leaving huge scars as we rip great swaths of Forests tearing up our Mother Earth and destroying habitats and putting many of our animal species on the endangered list .

We need to understand how we are destroying our Environment. 

Our Native American Indian Brothers have long known that we need to honour our Earth and Animal Kingdom and have foretold many things which have come to pass as truth in their Prophecies.

Our Animals upon this planet are part of our Family. They are more in tune with our Earth Mother, and link into her vibration..I have been told and know that our Whales and Dolphins are  helping to hold Earth’s Vibration, and use the vibration of sound not only to communicate, but to heal…. As some humans have had the privilege of knowing .   

Indigenous Native American Prophecy Pt 3 by MadRazorRay.

I hope you will follow a few of the links I have placed here,

I also ask that you send our your thoughts/Prayers to those Family members of ours who cant speak for themselves..

As we Humans systematically Destroy Our World.. 

For we are ALL ONE ..  

© Sue Dreamwalker – 2012 All rights reserved.

49 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Visionkeeper
    Feb 12, 2012 @ 21:19:45

    You are right on DW…The animals are of such great importance yet we act as if they were nothing. I have always said when we get to 5D the first thing I want to see changed is how we treat the animals…No more cruel testing on them, no more zoos, no more fouling their water or polluting their land and air….Thanks for this. It is truly something we need to pray on. Will watch the video later. Have a good one and be well….VK 🙂



  2. sagekateri
    Feb 12, 2012 @ 22:04:25

    What a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing!



  3. Sabina Brave
    Feb 12, 2012 @ 22:19:49

    Great post Sue 🙂
    You know, I dream about having house in the middle of the nature. if possible close to some forrest. I couldn’t live in flat in city jungle. I prefer real jungle. 🙂
    Love and hugs,



  4. suemacarthur
    Feb 13, 2012 @ 07:22:46

    My grandfather always said, how a man treats an animal is how he will treat, his fellow man,all animals should have our respect
    Take care



  5. Angelwings6
    Feb 13, 2012 @ 09:31:02

    Just wish all mankind was as caring and thoughtful as you Sue, but unfortunately the world is still full of greed…. Maybe one day mankind will learn of there mistakes and stop mistrusting the animals on our planet… Here’s to that…



  6. prenin
    Feb 13, 2012 @ 11:52:13

    Hi hun! 🙂

    Yes, we’re screwing up the world out of sheer greed!

    Illegal logging of the rain forests, strip mining, sweeping the seas clean of life, the use of drag nets to scour the sea bottom and destroy cold water corals that have been growing undisturbed for thousands of years, the massacre of species by illegal poaching for the Chinese medicine trade – it is all going on and soon there will be no more creatures to kill!!!

    Love and hugs!




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 13, 2012 @ 19:57:01

      Yes Prenin, you have about got them all covered… Except one species… MAN… I think he will be the next on the extinction list if we carry on the way we are.. And sooner than he thinks!… Thanks for adding your thoughts Prenin.. 🙂



  7. Raven of Leyla
    Feb 13, 2012 @ 18:01:12

    Indeed we are all one DW,
    A wonderful posting. I am reminded of when I first saw a Raven here… there was one then two. Every year around Feb the renew their nest and raise their hatchlings. I watch them communicate with each other, when feeding then once I watched as the young uns took first flight as Mom and Father watched. That was such a overwhelming moment 😀
    The creatures including the trees and plants…we share this Earth with are all part of US…We ARE All One!
    Love and hugs,



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 13, 2012 @ 20:15:40

      Aho, arrgh, you see so much my friend, and that’s all it takes for us to take notice and look.. Share and feel… This we have lost, as we hurry and scurry around gathering our possessions, head down not seeing anything anymore but the £ and $ signs as we rush in a mad world of Greed and power as we jostle for jobs, pushing and shoving our way through life treading over everyone and everything in order to get ahead… And for what???? None of these things as we know Raven can they take with them.. None!.. And when they reach their ‘Final Destination’ and they look about them at their existence here upon this planet.. They will find themselves not rich.. but empty….Empty in their hearts.. For they forgot to love those very things we see, feel and love.. that enrich our spirits every day, as the Sun rises, The Moon shines, and the bird fly’s and the flower blooms …. We drink our cup of plenty, each and every day… And it will fill us full of love for eternity..Blessings my dear fine feathery xx



  8. granbee
    Feb 13, 2012 @ 20:00:07

    Sue, bless you for this completely soulful and much-needed post today. I have felt for a very long while that dolphins and whales do promote a lot of healing of their planet home with their vibrations. I also feel that every bird chirp does something in the air to send some healing our way. We MUST honor their work and join with them, Sue!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 13, 2012 @ 20:20:49

      Hi Granbee, Yes we must.. They have many roles they play in being keepers of this planet, and as you say each play their part.. The Whale and Dolphin I know are keepers of the ocean.. and help maintain the grid of vibration around our planet.. Our grid, magnetic fields are altering, and frequencies are being altered which are affecting our animal and aquatic life… We need to pay attention to what Mother Nature is telling us, and take heed of our animals behaviours, for they are far more in-tune with our Earth mother than we.. xxx Hugs



  9. Deb
    Feb 13, 2012 @ 21:20:26

    I treat animals better than some people deserve to be treated.
    Excellent post, Sue…full of wonderful information.
    Stay warm, my friend!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 15, 2012 @ 12:04:51

      Hi Deb, yes, and thats only because of how some of our fellow humans behave… Many need to learn from our four-legged friends.. and then this world maynot be in the mess it is in today xx Thank you Deb.. xx



  10. Oceanwaves
    Feb 13, 2012 @ 21:40:33

    mmm.. only man has total lack of common sense to destroy the ecosystem which gives him life. To use abuse waste and dominate all living things, and deni and control or at least try to.
    It’s about time everyone wake up before it is too late.
    Great post Sue.



  11. Cmsmith
    Feb 14, 2012 @ 02:51:17

    I love learning more about native American culture and beliefs. Thanks for sharing this with us.



  12. giselzitrone
    Feb 14, 2012 @ 08:58:21

    Schöner Beitrag von dir Wir müssen hören was unsere Erde spricht.Wünsche dir einen schönen Valentinstag mit vielen lieben Grüssen von mir Gislinde.



  13. The Alternate Economy
    Feb 14, 2012 @ 14:58:12

    We have seen the same number of extinctions in the last 100 years as we did during the great mass extinction of the dinosaurs… Except there is no meteor this time. It is all us. Humanity. The great exterminator.

    When will we learn that every species plays a role in an ecosystem. Nature is perfectly balanced. We should be imitating her, not improving upon her. Nature cannot be improved upon. Only worked within to create harmony.

    Imagine if Humanity were able to find that balance and live as one with nature? What an amazing world this could be…



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 15, 2012 @ 13:14:27

      While I live in hope Tristan that Humanity could start and live in balance.. I think we have gone past that point, unless Humanity is given a New set of circumstances to live by.. We know that man is taking all of Earth’s resources.. Laws that have been brought in are not stopping the pollution are still not stopping the Big corporations. Because the £ and the $ signs are the only thing that govern them as they seek their PROFITS!
      Our environment is being systematically destroyed even when they say they invest in clean energy such as Nuclear power stations, this makes me laugh.. For they are not the answer, And Mankind hasn’t thought any of this through.. as we have seen with Fukushima which is still spewing out Radiation, which the media are wanting us all to forget.. I wonder just how many Nuclear plants around our world could go into meltdown if the Sun for instance sent a solar flare to disrupt the electricity upon this planet? .. I wonder how we would cope without our electrically gadgets?
      WE HAVE DISTROYED the balance.. And I see a time when mankind may have to once again Join our Animal kingdom with what is left, and learn to survive again with nothing more than his instincts for survival.. That would be when Man and Beast would be given a chance of equal footing.. And I know our animal Kingdom is far better equipped than the Humans of our species, And Man would Kill Man Woman and Child as well as the animal Kingdom to survive.. Such is his destructive force.. We have a long long way to go in our LEARNING of the meaning of Unconditional Love…. But Like you say I havent given up on Humanity… That is why our united thoughts and vision of a United World is one I dream of Tristan.. ~Peace my friend



      • The Alternate Economy
        Feb 15, 2012 @ 23:01:52

        It is true, this battle has yet to even begin and that is the sad part… It is all talk at this point and no action. We need to envision a system where the talk becomes action. Where the words are powered by the same systems of energy that the greed is currently powered by. If we could accept that money is simply a flow an energy a currency, we could begin to see that if the money flowed in the favour of love the power imprints might begin to change. Right now the corporations hold all the money ad all the power. We the people are split apart and only have our words. We need to put our money where our mouths are, literally. We need to come together and create our power. Create our voice. Become the future we dream of!

        I believe in you Sue and I believe in Love. Together, there must be a way to solve this crisis. If we do not, who will? Like you say, there is no time left.



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Feb 16, 2012 @ 00:10:32

          We have to understand Tristan, that what we think we create.. We create a new world by altering our way of thinking. and Being.. The more we get to think in like minded ways and feel within their being .. WE ARE that Change!… ALL things are possible. We need to have Faith and Believe it.. and Mountains can be moved.. 🙂



  14. beautifulchaos2
    Feb 14, 2012 @ 17:35:23

    Hi Sue,
    All things are connected, I believe that, you know…I heard somewhere that if bees became extinct humans would cease to be able to exist, It was all very complex but it’s just one example of how everything is connected, often in ways we would never even know of. The poem is beautiful, and a wonderful blog.
    Happy Valentines Day my dear friend.

    Hugs and love



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 15, 2012 @ 13:25:03

      Yes Nikki, the Bees are crucial in pollinating our crops But even Man has tampered with that too. As he is moderating seeds which will not germinate without Chemical intervention.. This is a beautiful Planet in which Mankind was indeed given a garden in which to explore and grow.. It is now a concrete jungle in which Values have been distorted with his greed.. We will discover we cannot eat Money.. Thank you for adding your thoughts Nikki. Xx Much love 🙂



  15. Charles
    Feb 14, 2012 @ 19:04:05

    happy valentines day



  16. lorrena
    Feb 14, 2012 @ 22:04:13

    Human should be aware that we are as much of this kingdom of life as are the rest of the creatures.No better ,in fact we should act more as the caretakers we are supposed to be and not the cruel zookeepers we have become.
    I already know that the balance has been altered on this planet,the “Anu” heart center is flowing negative all because of our ignorance as we wanted to rule .Humanity for the most part are not observers and will never condition their selves into the conscious place with this wonderful gift of light we were given.
    The god source is a failure and we will be tilled under regardless.No this is not fear based,simply facts beyond the conscious scope of many people on this planet.
    Many have absolutely no acknowledgement of how this balance works and how it can be changed and was .To say we are in a silent majority is an understatement .to commit to the truth one has to overcome the ignorance and the “we are all guilty” conscious scenario that involkes forgiveness within.
    I know the part I have played all my life and I am ashamed ,How many other do,because it is that same majority that had the opportunity to change this and restore a positive balance.
    So after it all is done and buried ,perhaps the next species ,the conscious Dolphins and whales can become these caretakers .Something tells me they will keep the balance without the hand of man interfering.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 15, 2012 @ 13:53:38

      Yes Lorrena, I agree we have become Zoo Keepers and not very good ones at that.. And for most part I agree with you.. But I have to have HOPE, Hope that there are not only a few of us out there who care.. But lots more.. I just hope that they do not get caught up with in the Fear of it all.. For then we are doomed.. There are more of us out there Lorrena than we think.. and in small ways we are sending out our conscious Light into this Earth and Cosmos.. And I Pray that enough of us will enable this planet to shift through the next phase of her existence with less Chaos than we are being shown.. For the Fear Mongers would have us believe in a darker world… Mankind is at the Cusp of his destiny.. it can go in two ways… We either start and embrace the Light of all that is good.. or we keep heading for the Negative spiral… Thank you for that excellent link I will read in detail later Lorrena.. We can and Will make a difference.. Have Faith xx ~Peace xx



  17. giselzitrone
    Feb 15, 2012 @ 13:36:54

    Wir müsse unsere Erde schützen. Hab einen schönen Tag und viele lieb Grüsse an dich Gislinde.



  18. Poetically Undone
    Feb 15, 2012 @ 16:49:01

    What an enlightening post. Animals should be taken care of. Yes, I agree with you that in order to take care our environment we must have a full awareness on how we are destroying our environment.

    Keep sharing.



  19. Tom (Aquatom1968)
    Feb 15, 2012 @ 22:01:41

    Very true, Sue.
    When animals trust us, we can feel the connection between us – we just know the connection is there; an understanding without language would be a good way to explain it. It’s a pity that mankind fails to feel that connection on a greater scale, not only with animals, but with other people, plants, and the Earth for that matter.
    A great post once again!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 16, 2012 @ 00:06:46

      Yes Tom our connection with our Earth Mother and Nature has been lost by many.. But let us hope its never too late to restore the imbalance mankind has created.. Thank you for adding your thoughts here Tom



  20. europasicewolf
    Feb 16, 2012 @ 00:35:14

    In other words…”So long and thanks for all the fish!” If we continue to poison my seas and oceans the marine life won’t be able to survive long enough to help us as you suggest! Paws crossed for global healing of the planet 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 16, 2012 @ 06:50:35

      Hoooooowwwwling Greetings Wolfie my friend.. Paws, Fingers, Toes, all crossed if that will help.. But it will need much more than that now Wolfie my friend. Healing is Needed on all levels of our Being… For the Earth is rumbling her discontent!.. So yes Wake up all you sleeping peoples out there.. For Our Earth Mother may bring us her biggest Howl yet…. Nice to see you Wolfie… Hope all is well in the Icy Realm 🙂



  21. Vampire Weather
    Feb 16, 2012 @ 05:42:55

    This quote is magnificent! I love it!



  22. Christy
    Feb 17, 2012 @ 15:59:07

    Yes many people feel themselves more powerful and entitled than the animal kingdom. Yet we all have similarities and should work in harmony rather than competition. I will look at the links you provide here Sue. Hugs xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 18, 2012 @ 15:27:39

      Christy thank you for commenting and for looking at the links etc. Yes mankind has forgotten that we are all of us evolving upon this planet and we all need each other Mankind more than our Animal Kingdom. Let us think how many of Natures animals we persecute?.. We hunt the Whale, Shark, The Dolphin too is under threat as they are caught in nets as they fish . We over fish and EU silly laws with quotas in the fishing regulations means Thousands of tons of fish which are caught hauled up on ships are then cast back into the ocean dead!….Wolves, Deer, Bear, Fox, Badger, all hunted and killed . Nature will one day Bite back hard.. and the Mankind will feel its bite for decades to come! The Beasts upon this Planet have as much right to be here as Mankind.. and He roamed the land before man came to build upon it and claim it as His.. No one owns this Earth… For we are all of us One upon it..
      many thanks Christy 🙂 xx



  23. Red
    Feb 17, 2012 @ 21:46:36

    I was raised to judge men on their treatment of their animals. I grew up with fields of horses and cattle. chickens and pigs, peacocks and iguanas, just to name a few. It is not hard to set aside the pride which keeps us from connecting to animals and nature. It takes those of us who know to raise another generation with better understanding and compassion for the land and all it offers us in return for and in absence of its care.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 18, 2012 @ 16:15:31

      I so agree here with you Red.. and that is so true, We have to teach our younger ones that compassion and respect for all things living and that goes for Mother Nature herself. We learn so much from our elders and when the elders do not have time for that younger generation we lose sight of that care and love which should be nurtured.. What we give out we shall receive! 🙂 many thanks Red for your comment here ~Sue



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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