Fitting the Pieces Together.

None of us need to be a genius to know that something is  shifting within the Human Consciousness . Each of us are sensing these changes.

Many more now are awakening to the possibilities that there is more to our physical ‘Being’ than mere flesh and blood as more and more of us get in touch once again with our intuition.

In this modern age we have pushed aside and stopped the flow of our natural abilities in favour of a world that relies upon its Gadgets.  Take all those Gadgets away from us and we wouldn’t survive very long if  only we had was  the skin we are living in to rely upon. Unlike our Indigenous tribes around the world today, whom modern man may term ‘Primitive’ in comparison, And I also wonder if such a machine were  ever invented to measure our Awareness and Happiness factors, just how Primitive we would compare to  our Indigenous brothers to their own Conscious Awareness. For they have long known the things which we have long since forgotten.

Throughout time we have lost touch with our inner selves as we gathered together our gadgets, bigger homes, faster cars trinkets and ornaments, accumulating more debt in order to gather yet more ‘Things’. And still when we think we have everything money can buy, there is still something Missing…  We keep on searching, driven to that higher paid job, the next relationship as we each search for that which makes us feel complete and whole, as we search for the meaning of Life. 

JigsawEach of us are searching for their own piece of the Puzzle, and yet if only we could realise that we are all of us part of that Huge jigsaw puzzle.. ‘The Puzzle of Life’ 

But unlike the Jigsaws we buy we don’t get to see the ‘Big Picture’ on the box lid.

We travel along in life as that little separate jigsaw piece searching to fit in, looking for that connection to more pieces as we slot our lives together.

When we start our puzzle making, we start by looking for all those straight edges pieces, we need structure, a place to start from. It may take us some time to put the boarders together, especially when there are so many pieces to choose from. But we sift through them, gathering together the one’s we need.

We may have to scrabble around the ‘box of life’ trying many pieces to fit with ours. We start by following similar pieces, those with straight lines, whose colours match our own, and gradually we create the perimeters, a structure, rules, a base from which we can then start to fill in more missing pieces.

So too in life we start by congregating with similar people as we join various groups, whether that be education, social, or spiritual. That part is easy, we can see which piece is sky-blue, or Green-Grass and so we huddle together knowing we are going to fit in somewhere. But what about all those mingled colours, the pieces in the box that could be anything.. If we had the picture box lid, we could make more sense of it, but as we don’t, we scratch our heads and wonder as we hold that random jigsaw which represents our self, just where DO we fit in? Often we can drop it/our direction and pick up another/following a different route hoping this one we’ll have better luck with. So to with our careers, our relationships we swop and change forever searching for that perfect fit. 

And you know it when it slots into place.. How?  because it ‘Feels’ right, and when that happens, just how much more quicker do the rest of the pieces then start to slot into place.. For once again we are following our intuition, as we ‘know’ we are then on its correct coarse again. 

universe we are OneLife is like that Puzzle, all the pieces are there right before our eyes, and yet we miss what’s right under our very noses. We are constantly being given signs from the Universal Mind , the source of creation, but we have been wrapped up for so long within our Material world, we no longer see the signs that naturally occur and point us in the right direction.

The first part of putting the Puzzle together is to see yourself not as separate from anything else, we are all part of this huge picture called ‘Life on Earth’, We cannot function as a lone piece. We need others to connect with. Each adding their own colour creating the whole. It would not be Earth if we didn’t have the Flora and Fauna and each of us are inevitably connected via that same Life Source of Energy which permeates through each of us.

The indigenous tribes survive because they function as a whole, they connect to Nature and the Universal Mind serving each for the good of the whole working within the natural laws of oneness.

To find the answers of “ Where do I fit in?” and “What is my purpose?” we need to understand we are connected to a “Whole” lot more, and that the time is now, whereby we need to start and dig around in that Box of Life  and turn over some of our own jigsaw pieces as we discover the make up of our reality.

We need to see that by adding our Conscious awareness to that of others piece by piece our memory of just who we are will return.

I am reminded of that saying.

 Together we stand, Divided we Fall      

This is why our Lights need now more than ever to join together to bring Illumination into the world..

Keep searching, for the pieces are coming together, ~ One by one of us are seeking to understand and Wake-Up..But first we need to  re-discover ourselves 

Now is the time to reach out with your Hearts and send each other Love, Pray for Peace around this word… For this world needs YOU.. for You are a vital Piece of the Puzzle..

We need to Unite each other to complete the task we came to achieve.

We Are One

© Sue Dreamwalker – 2012 All rights reserved.

44 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. The Alternate Economy
    Jan 26, 2012 @ 15:47:29

    This is an incredible posting! I also enjoyed the picture of the ‘jigsaw puzzle’ piece. Very nice! I completely agree with you about the fact that we are less enlightened than the people that once roamed the earth. we’re very distracted. People feel like with technology, we evolve, but it’s actually tearing us apart at times.

    Great post!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 26, 2012 @ 21:10:32

      Why thank you ‘The Alternate Economy, Yes our Indigenous peoples around the world who still live in the Great Amazon Rain Forests and in the Outback of Australia, and those in other parts of the world who connect daily with Nature know far more knowledge about the Language of the Universe than we will ever learn.. You are so very right as you say our technology is tearing us apart… It was designed too… But that my friend is for another Post! 🙂



  2. prenin
    Jan 26, 2012 @ 16:58:38

    Things are changing around us all hun – 2012 will see many changes and not all for the good, but we could not go on blindly as if nothing was happening…

    Love and hugs!




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 26, 2012 @ 21:18:17

      Hi Prenin, Yes many will go on blindly as if nothing is happening, because many are not awake to what is really happening in our illusion of a world.. But now is the time for us to start and pick up those snippets of knowledge that comes our way and understand that WE the people of the world hold a tremendous gift in our hands.. And that is our ‘Thoughts’.. For our thoughts sent out with ‘Feeling’ create a ripple effect within that Consciousness which all things are connected.. And at this Time of Change Our Earth needs us all to send out our Love and Healing for Unity and Peace.. Never more so now as we see War ships sail into the Straits of Hormuz as the tension with Iran looms ever nearer..
      Our Earth Mother is also rumbling her discontent.. So we had better pick out those pieces and slot them together sooner rather than later..
      Many thanks Prenin, for your continued imput here 🙂



  3. cat.
    Jan 26, 2012 @ 18:57:01

    You are definitely one important piece in MY puzzle of life, Sue … Love, always. blessed be, my friend, cat.



  4. Raven of Leyla
    Jan 26, 2012 @ 20:07:08

    I so want to read this more thouroughly, then give worthy comment! I shall return later. Kow that I am thinking of you. Warm feathery, Raven xox



  5. Visionkeeper
    Jan 26, 2012 @ 21:04:36

    Great one DW…Much like we discussed you writing the other day. Glad you followed through. Now if creator would just hand down the box lid so we can see where we are going things would flow much easier. Then again we wouldn’t be as challenged now would we 🙂 VK



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 26, 2012 @ 21:37:15

      ((Chuckle)) 🙂 Now that would be too easy… 😀 We came here to learn remember.. 😉 Oh no .. lol.. of course silly me… lol.. We Forgot who we are didn’t we !!!.. Good thing You Remembered VK… and a few others…. Keep shaking a few awake my friend and we could just gather enough thoughts together to add to the consciousness of our Transformation.. 🙂 Love and Blessings and I will be over very soon… ( Im trying to Knit inbetween typing) 🙂 xxx



  6. Sabina Brave
    Jan 26, 2012 @ 22:04:13

    Yes, life is like a puzzle. I’m trying to put together mine.
    Great post Sue 🙂
    Love and peace,



  7. granbee
    Jan 26, 2012 @ 23:52:11

    Sue, so refreshing to come to your blog today, like finding a river of living water after traveling through the desert! These words:”our Lights need now more than ever to join together to bring Illumination into the world.. ” are my favorites from this essay. I hope you will find time to visit my three reblogs today, especially the first two which show real life examples of what is possible when people join their lights together! Bless you, dear dreamy walker of a Sue!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 27, 2012 @ 11:34:41

      I know what you mean Granbee, pheww!…. I walk the mire often, especially within my day-job.. illumination can sometimes be harder than one expects epecially when all others at times want to do is blow hot air as you light the candle.. But its a good job we have plenty of lighter Fuel in stock.. hehe… Many thanks Granbee, for dropping in, I will be around shortly, I am way way behind on catching up. But I will arrive at your door soon.. 🙂



  8. Gabrielle
    Jan 27, 2012 @ 01:29:40

    Great post Dreamwalker! Let’s face it, if we had the greater picture already, we wouldn’t get so excited or feel so satisfied when we do manage to slot some pieces into the picture, nor would it be as much of a challenge -and I like challenges. 🙂 They make us stretch ourselves into a full awareness of the powerful beings of Light that we truly are.
    Love and hugs, Gabrielle



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 27, 2012 @ 11:37:03

      Gabrielle, Many thanks, I guess thats why we are here my friend.. They say the Earth experience is one of the toughest in the Galaxy, I am not surprised and nothing beats that satisfied feeling now does it? 🙂 xx



  9. Vampire Weather
    Jan 27, 2012 @ 06:13:43

    What an inspiring post! Great thoughts Sue. Thank you for the uplifting words!



  10. Angelwings6
    Jan 27, 2012 @ 09:20:32

    Thanks for sharing your insight to the world Sue,,, Your every word so caring and much thought to the problems of the world….



  11. zendictive
    Jan 27, 2012 @ 13:46:32

    Yes ma’am, I see what you mean, great minds think alike but what are the odds of posting ‘puzzle’ post on the same day?

    “The first part of putting the Puzzle together is to see yourself not as separate from anything else, we are all part of this huge picture called ‘Life on Earth’, We cannot function as a lone piece.”

    My post today truely intrigued me, I was curious if you had read such a story about Geronimo? It goes along with what your saying here, we must be channeled on the
    same wave.

    love the universe/finger pic~



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 27, 2012 @ 21:31:28

      HI Art, many of us are finding that connection to each other and Synchronicities are occuring more and more as people become aware.. We each of starting to fit the pieces,, And we will find that we are one.. sooner or Later… Im hoping sooner rather than later though as Time here is getting short.. 🙂 ~Peace my friend



  12. Raven of Leyla
    Jan 27, 2012 @ 17:06:12

    So true finding that place where we fit in is so vital to becoming who we are and following our path.
    We function as a whole, yet as individual pieces we make a difference by creating one Big Picture!
    love and hugs,



  13. christyb
    Jan 27, 2012 @ 18:25:18

    Excellent post Sue! A genuine message to put down our gadgets and focus on our selves, our true selves that are not material products. You are a wise woman my friend xx



  14. jennygoth
    Jan 27, 2012 @ 22:44:01

    the world at the moment is more negative than positive the government is all doom and gloom so we follow the trend we have been lost for quite some time and unless theres new hope installed in us this year then we will not make things brighter each one of us needs to do a positive act that makes us feel good and turn all this gloom about great blog dreamer your our inspiration and always have us thinking on what is around us im feeling much better now thanks for asking hugs jen x



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 28, 2012 @ 17:46:59

      HI Jen, It is no accident that the world appears all doom and gloom Jen, and that is being promoted at every opportunity via the media.. You are so right with your words here Jen of “”each one of us needs to do a positive act that makes us feel good and turn all this gloom about “”. It is us to each individual to change how they view the world and circumstances.. We can either sink or swim with the tide of events.. I know I am only doing what I feel is right, following my own instincts as to help shift this ‘doom and gloom’ I have to stay positive for myself, But in doing so I also add my positive vibration out into the world.. Remember Like attracts like Jen, and the more who can become positive the sooner we can help to create a better type of world in which we would like to live.. There are many positive people out there who are being bombarded with negative news! So always try to look on that BRIGHT side… 🙂 Hugs to you



  15. europasicewolf
    Jan 27, 2012 @ 23:39:36

    As we find one part of the puzzle it tends to explode into a thousand new puzzle pieces! The neverending story!!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 28, 2012 @ 17:50:36

      Hooooowwwling greetings my Icy Wolfie friend~ Maybe the story is about to end,, and a New one created in its place.. Wouldnt you like to be part of creating a whole new chapter? Where the ending is ‘Happy Ever After’!!?? This story has been going on far too long! 😉



  16. Androgoth
    Jan 28, 2012 @ 00:22:02

    As usual I am late reading this one and so I will
    call in again later and let your words of wisdom
    sink in before I add my thoughts to it…

    Be good now, or else? 🙂 lol

    Androgoth XXx



  17. lorrena
    Jan 28, 2012 @ 02:40:06

    A friend left me this today,your readers might be interested in looking at this as it molds well with your post here Sue.

    Welcome to the matrix of life ,a geometric web of truth and pureness.Humanities self serving conscious ways have created this world,this reality,this unbalanced mayhem we call Earth.
    I have read were humans need to make everything in life easier .to create a robotic world were we eventually can simply all relax and have this technology look after us.The outwardly pursuit of humans depleting all the elements of the earth and what we see now.The destruction of our resources to satisfy this insatiable need and construction of this same reality.
    Of course those who understand the simplicity and the balance ,the law of “one” also understand that we will never ever achieve this ,never.
    It is about unity and as these indigenous people showed a simple balance and a conscious ability to construct from within.And to merge on the outside and to conserve and preserve.Not to maim and kill and extinguish as humanity has done.
    Ironic as all these same qualities humans possess will be their downfall in the end.Those who find the light and wisdom within can know,and know in the calmness and prosperity of this pure consciousness that they have chosen the right path indeed.
    I am…like a leaf detached from the tree of life…who are you.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 28, 2012 @ 19:33:57

      Your words speak Truth Lorrena my friend. Maybe we will not as a ‘whole’- find the balance where by Humanity can live together within that balance of the “Law of One” and maybe we will Never achieve it within our life times… Time is running short for Humanity and those like yourself and others as well as I, understand this more than anything.. And we as a race of people will never understand that connection to our Earth Mother and the Universe as our Indigenous people’s around the world understand that Balance and connection…. For all life is connected via those seeds you have shared with us here on this lovely video. For within each of us runs the consciousness the matrix of energy which permeates ALL things both living and inanimate. It has been and always will be.
      Now is the time when many leaves will fall from the Tree of Life…. and as to where they fall will depend upon the wind in which we now are blowing with our conscious thoughts ….
      I can only add my own ‘seed’ to that wind Lorrena my friend, and hope and pray it carries me in the right direction.. Love and Blessings always my dear..



  18. The Emu
    Jan 28, 2012 @ 11:58:31

    Your writing is always inspiring Sue , reading this gave me the shivers in that I had a feeling of perpetual motion , what I mean is it made me realize we are all just energy and we are in continuous movement , cant seem to say what I mean , much like a shimmering of being,
    Emu aka Ian
    Will try to figure out what I mean later , much like energy in motion



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 28, 2012 @ 19:55:17

      Emu, my good friend.. what sent shivers down your spine is indeed that connection, We are all of us energy ‘Beings’ here confided within our outer Mortal Shell as we experience this Density of existence .. Once upon a time long ago we were far more capable as you yourself know Emu, and our thoughts/minds were far in advance of those of today.. Many do not comprehend that we are Energy first and foremost.. and that our potential was long ago suppressed, changed, altered and replaced.. History Books only give us one part of the puzzle.. Many of those other pieces Emu have been destroyed and altered so when we try to fit our puzzle together we find we have many pieces that just do not fit and are missing ..

      Scientist now are at last beginning to understand lots more.. And with the understanding of Quantum Physics many mind-blowing discoveries are being made.. And the KEY to all of this Emu… is ourselves.. WE who are part of that MASS CONSCIOUSNESS hold that very Keys.. For it is how we have viewed, created the world, it is how we have been misled, and forgotten who we are.. And just how capable we are..
      Science will also tell you that our Brains are only functioning on about a 10th of their brain capacity. They are only just starting to figure out some of the things our minds are capable of.. WE have to start and bring our awareness back and embrace the Light back into our Hearts- Then we have the greatest opportunity to shift from this Density of Matter which we created and once again become those Beings of Living Light..
      We then can indeed Emu become that continuous shimmering being … Something we are already but we became trapped.. I hope this hasnt confused you more. 🙂 Many thanks Emu..



  19. rosemarymonteith
    Jan 29, 2012 @ 00:37:46

    Synchronicities are occuring more and more as people become aware.. We each of starting to fit Sue could not agree more with this. We are not just flesh and
    and Body, I remember reading in a novel, the body is inside the Spirit, which it continually fights against purer emotions of the Spirit. Not the usual idea of the ‘spirit within the body This concept seem to strike a chord within me I am aware we are capable of so much more than we realize



  20. Androgoth
    Jan 30, 2012 @ 00:52:19

    I am probably going off on a tangent here Sue but it is quite amazing how we as a modern people have forgotten so much, indeed all the old crafts are being pushed aside for new technology but the techniques are being left behind, soon everything that we knew as a people will be archived and without anyone living to show how to use those skills, and that is a real shame I think as craftsmanship is something that we should be holding on to, not letting new fangled ideas take the lead in productivity instead of harnessing the old and keeping what we know in safe hands.

    I like your thoughtful offerings and how you give everyone an insight into your thought processes, I mean there is so much that we don’t really know about, and when trying to fathom the intricacies of how the universe mechanism works, it is rather perplexing to say the very least and as one area is examined another is waiting to be realised, and all of this is an adventure into the bigger picture that is life itself…

    A wonderful offering Sue and thank you for sharing
    your thoughts and ideas with us all my great friend 🙂



    • Androgoth
      Jan 30, 2012 @ 00:54:29

      I did it again Sue…

      I forgot to sign at the end of my comment, but you know I sometimes get so enthralled in the theme that I click ‘Post Comment’ before I have finished it 🙂 lol

      Have a wonderful start to your week Sue 🙂

      Androgoth XXx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 30, 2012 @ 13:39:02

      Never think you go off on a tangent Androgoth,, for sharing our thoughts is just that, letting them flow where ever they drift.. and its only in allowing them to drift in this way that we see the bigger picture, for if we were to confine them, our views would still be held as many do a in very narrow gaze and then they miss all those exciting pieces which one needs to turn over to complete the Puzzle..
      I agree here Andro that we have lost many skills, but this I feel has been intentional as we have robotised many manual skills..Some I agree have been very labour saving devices..But I wonder just how deskilled we have become.. The apprenticeships long went out the window along with nearly all our manufacturing base skills as they have gone overseas for that extra £ or $ in the shareholders pocket.
      If for instance we had no power, gas or water for any length of time.. I just wonder how our modern so called society could survive against the knowledge of our indigenous brothers.. Not long.. For we would soon be using that other great tool we have fashioned so well.. That of ‘Greed’… and so as only in the latest of riots here in the UK last Summer has shown, it wasn’t long before that Tool of greed took control as the free-for-all took over as looters and riots took to the streets..
      My grandmother showed me the skill of Knitting, I can sew, and used to make my own clothes for me and my daughter, But I cannot make furniture, I cannot catch a rabbit like my father did to put meat on the table..
      But I am growing my own vegetables, saving my own seeds, and others too instinctively are being drawn back into self sufficiency, Keeping hens, pigs etc These are areas that are in need of being re-addressed as very useful tools in the future. Getting back in touch with Nature!!! 🙂
      Thank you for your very thoughtful comment ~Sue



      • Androgoth
        Feb 02, 2012 @ 01:17:39

        And thank you also for a very nice and interesting reply my great friend 🙂 I will be calling back over this week to catch up a little, I do get behind with everyone’s Space these days but I will put a sterling effort in to add my thoughts to each and every one of your postings that I have not yet read… In the meantime do enjoy your days and of course the evenings, that are rather wicked sometimes I shouldn’t wonder 🙂 😉 Be good but never too good okay? 🙂

        Androgoth XXx



  21. strawberryindigo
    Jan 30, 2012 @ 06:41:05

    A beautifully written post filled with truths. Thank you for sharing your insight.



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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