The Ripple Effect

We are all witnessing the ripple effect here in the UK at this moment in time, as we see Copy-cat acts of violence from Youths who seem to be waging their own war upon their own communities .. as we have seen over the last few evenings here in the UK..

While not wanting to add to the escalation of their actions here, its hard to detach from the effects of their actions… But its important we try not to get embroiled, as we may be given to make judgments and add our thoughts to the situation. And if we add Negative thoughts we only add to that negative  Ripple effect they are creating. 

So I have reposted a Blog I did sometime ago.. and have added it again here.. Which was entitled ‘The Ripple Effect’

We Reap what we sow!.. So let our seeds be sown in love and light where ever possible..

What we think! – We Create..

So lets choose our thoughts with care..   

The  Ripple Effect

Each of us carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others

You only have now to look at the impact of Panic, as the “Word” is spread through our Media.

As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward..

Each word and thought a vibration of energy that even though our eyes cannot see it, travels out from the source of our creation our minds, to those whom we touch with either a kind or harsh word, or the Truth.

The impact you have on the world is greater than you could ever imagine, and the choices you make can have far-reaching consequences.

You can use the ripple effect to make a positive difference and spread waves of kindness that will wash over the world. Or you can contribute to its destruction by adding your negativity to help the dark-side win the battle that is now being played out.

Someone feeling the effects of negative energy will be more likely to pass on that negative energy.

So Now is the Time to use your Word, and Spread the Truth, and if those who receive that word of truth are meant to listen and take heed, then you are helping awaken those who are still in shadow of ignorance. You are helping them to see the ‘Light’ and so the ripple effect goes on.

So should the opportunity arise, and you feel compelled to do a good deed for someone else. One act of charity, one thoughtful deed, or even one positive thought can pass from individual to individual, snowballing until it becomes a group movement or the ray of hope that saves someone’s life. Spread the Truth.

Every transformation, just like every ripple, has a point of origin. You must believe in your ability to be that point of origin if you want to use the ripples you create to spread goodness. Consider the effect of your thoughts and actions, and try to act graciously as much as possible.

To smile at a stranger, a compliment given to a friend, an attitude of laughter, or a thoughtful gesture can send ripples that spread among your loved ones, out into your community, and finally throughout the world. You have the power to touch the lives of everyone you come into contact with and everyone those people come into contact with. The momentum of your influence will grow as your ripples moves onward and outward.

One of those ripples could become a tidal wave of love and kindness.

And Bring this World once again into the Light.

© Sue Dreamwalker – 2011 All rights reserved.


18 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Sam373
    Aug 10, 2011 @ 16:34:58

    Dear Dreamwalker :
    Such Elder words lend to the belief that you see and have seen through the eyes of the ancestrial sage. Words of wisdom honed by the ages.
    Words based on times seen before and paths walked before!
    But will the young & ambitious hear such sound counsel?
    Time has tolled before, so often No!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 10, 2011 @ 20:44:05

      Hi Sam… Yes History repeats!!…. But isn’t that the way of the world… and does mankind ever learn?..Maybe that’s his constant lesson… We are in a constant cycle.. What we send out we receive… We have to perhaps understand that within this time of change we need to learn that Greed, violence will never change a thing..We will never progress as a species…. And maybe we have come full circle… And those ancient sages were perhaps right… That these are indeed ‘The End Times’ of our Planet as we know it.. For we do need to alter our Values and our way of being here on Earth.. For one thing is for certain. If we all carry on in this same vein of violence and Greed, we are on route to self-destruct..



  2. Androgoth
    Aug 11, 2011 @ 00:44:37

    A very good posting my great friend…

    Let us hope that a tranquil mood overwhelms the past four nights of ongoing violent behaviour, quenches the very real anger of many, bring to an end the vile and unproductive aggression aimed towards our communities, our friends, brothers, sisters and all. We have seen loss of life, destruction beyond comprehension, greed that is fuelled with wanting, dark days and nights that are terrifying our children, ripping the heart out of a nation and adding pessimism where optimism needs to be nurtured and rekindled. The time for change is now and to achieve this we all need to stand as one, no discrimination of religion, colour or creed but just a united people that is against the evils of this entire world…

    Androgoth XXx



  3. Ann Best
    Aug 11, 2011 @ 01:26:15

    It is definitely “bad” out there. I want to keep up on the world news, but sometimes I have to turn off everything and retreat to a mentally quiet place. All I can do to help the situation, IMO, is to send positive thoughts out into the universe (and since I believe in the power of prayer, I pray to the God I believe in who wants us to help each other, not destroy).

    You left the most beautiful comment on my blog that I wanted to respond to, which goes along with the beauty of your post today. You said: “we are All of us travellers upon this road called Earth and all any of us can do is to put one step in front of the other, and take one step at a time….”

    This IS all we can do, really: try to help others in any way we can. Being a caregiver to my daughter, one step at a time is all I can do (I can’t run faster than I have strength to run); but if I care for her lovingly, willingly, then I’m adding to the light that is on this planet. There IS light out there among all the violence and greed; light from many, many, many good people. That goodness is what I choose to focus on when it sometimes seems like the entire world is in the pits. The media pretty much focuses on everything that’s bad, with only an occasional heroic story. But I know a lot of heroic people who are never in the news. They quietly take care of their families, raise good children, contribute to their community, etc. etc. etc.

    I like what Edmund Burke said: “Evil can triumph only if good men do nothing.”



  4. currie
    Aug 11, 2011 @ 02:27:30

    let’s hope the positive ripple effect starts right here, right now…..
    and hope everything is fine with you,you’re in my thots n prayers!
    pls take care!



  5. eclipseofthemoon
    Aug 11, 2011 @ 10:14:22

    Let’s send out the ripples of light!



  6. Raven
    Aug 12, 2011 @ 05:02:31

    Ripples indeed, my friend. I believe it is in our hearts to give and we want to help others. This is an inspiring post and I am sending my thought of hope across the pond. I know little of this whole event or how it started, but the world moves without my watch.
    I send light and love out to you all.
    smiles too!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 17, 2011 @ 09:00:24

      It matters not how it started Raven my dear Friend… but how we Finish it… Keep sending your Light out into the Universe.. For each ripple travels to its destination.. and is encompassed within the spiral of Light and Intent it is sent.. Thus we create that whirl-pool of Love… Harmony… and Peace…. Aho!



  7. CMSmith
    Aug 14, 2011 @ 21:36:03

    I’m sorry about what’s going on over there in the UK. Your words are an inspiration. The ripple effect gives me a powerful image to hold on to. Thank you.



  8. europasicewolf
    Aug 14, 2011 @ 22:37:46

    Very positive thoughts in a very negative situation 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 17, 2011 @ 08:42:24

      We All have to understand that our Positive thoughts play an important role within the energies as we contribute to that which is acted out… Thoughts become things!.. So let us send out our thoughts of Peace… to bring about Unity and harmony.. Wishing you a Positively Peaceful Day Wolfie!!!



  9. Rosemary Monteith
    Aug 19, 2011 @ 00:25:42

    Very true words Sue, enjoyed your post



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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