Part Two Past Life Regression


To understand this story you need to read part one first previous post!

I was very traumatised by the regression that had revealed I was a young man on a slave ship who had contributed to a young girl’s death to save his own skin. I never did find out whether that young man made it back to shore or he too was thrown overboard, for I never revisited that past life again in that way.

Instead my friend took me on a healing Meditation in which I found myself on a beautiful Sunny Sea Shore where the sky was blue and ocean was lapping gently upon the sands, the sun was hot and I felt at peace.

My friend told me to walk along a sand bank where wild grasses blew in clumps in the breeze, swaying back and forth as I breathed deeper into the meditation feeling the freshness of the sea salt air enter my lungs..

Now unbeknown to me at the time, My Friend had asked for Spirit to come forward and help heal the guilt I had been experiencing as my heart felt so heavy and I couldn’t get the images of the Vision of the regression out of my mind as they would surface often and cause me great anxiety.

So she told me to sit upon the sandy shore and wait, and see who would come to speak to me..

I remember sitting looking out to sea sort of elevated up on a Sand dune in a very exotic place, where there was greenery and small shrubs with beautiful Hibiscus flowers in reds and oranges.. When a  Young Caribbean lady with a blue Kaftan and matching head dress walked up the path.. She didn’t speak but seemed to communicate telepathically, as she held out her hand to me, I held out my hands palms up as she mentally requested.. she reached up and took a necklace of blue turquoise beads from around her neck. She held them up to the light and I remembered thinking how the light shone on them capturing their beauty… I also remember thinking they reminded me of worry beads or a rosary. She then gently untied the knot and took off one bead at a time from the rows she had woven in her necklace and upon my open palms she gently placed one bead at a time balancing a bead on the ends of each finger of both hands, while I stayed perfectly still while they balanced there..

She then passed her hands over the beads and then took back each bead one at a time, to rethread into the necklace. She tied the necklace secure and then placed the necklace over my head.. giving me the necklace as a gift.

It was then that to my amazement I looked into this woman’s eyes for her eyes were the same as the young slaves girls.. And she smiled and mentally said this

“ I have forgiven you – Now you have to forgive yourself!” She said this with such love and compassion and with that she was gone..

I awoke from my Mediation with tears streaming down my face as I realised this was the girl from the slave ship in the past life regression..

My friend and I discussed what had taken place and my friend who was very good with her mediumistic skills also confirmed a lady in blue had been present within her field of awareness.. From that day, my hands made remarkable progress and I set about forgiving myself.

I can also recommend a book which I  had at the time been given called YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE by Louise Hay and set about reading and following some of its exercises.. I can say that from that day the healing process started and the Reynaud’s became less and less…. As I learnt to forgive the past! And live in the now..

This disease totally disappeared and to prove a point this year one of the coldest ever on record here in the UK.. I never even thought about Reynaud’s ..And haven’t felt its affects in  several years now.

As a footnote to this story, since then I often wear a piece of Turquoise jewellery in a large stone around my neck. This necklace triggered a memory within a friend, who knew nothing of this story…..But told me all about mine entwined within their memory banks encompassing this very same Slave ship drama. . But that’s another Story for a day way into the future!

Life is truly remarkable in its intricacies, synchronicities, and remember nothing is ever by chance… in this well orchestrated world we live which is entwined with Life’s Mysteries, Marvels and Magical Moments.. …

Be good to each other and treat each other with kindness.. for what goes around comes around sooner or later!..

© Sue Dreamwalker – 2011 All rights reserved.

59 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. jennygoth
    Jul 21, 2011 @ 19:58:56

    im not sure if i believe in past life but i have had dreams about places like my flats in germany before i even went over there to live i knew what these flats looked like a strange feeling when this happens i would not have liked your experience eiher so im pleased it came right for you reynauds a very uncomfortable condition my bro ha it xxjen



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 21, 2011 @ 22:03:46

      I guess Jen one has to experience it to believe it….But there is more to this life on Earth my friend than we see… the thing is to have an open mind … Since my experienes Jen I have read many books as my regression happend in the Mid 90’s.. If you want a very good Book to read, try “Many Lives Many Masters” by Dr Brian Weiss…. this is a true story of a prominent psychiatrist, his young paitents and the past life theraoy that changed both their lives.. He was very Sceptic until his patient began to channel messages from the ” Space between Lives” which contained revelations about his own life. … Other Books are ” Past Lives Present Dreams” Denise Linn.. “Mission to Millboro,” by Marge Rieder Ph. D. And “Past Lives, Future Healing” by Sylvia Brown… All which I read AFTER my own experience… So if you are interested Jen go do some research and come to your own conclusions 🙂



  2. eddietwohawks
    Jul 21, 2011 @ 20:01:07

    human beings would be lost without kindness
    a truly remarkable story…retold as only
    you can tell them Dreamwalker



  3. Androgoth
    Jul 21, 2011 @ 22:03:36

    I have really enjoyed reading your two part story Sue,
    and it does open up a new line of thinking…As we tread
    the path of the now we can, through your true story see
    a glimpse into another time, of yesteryear and beyond…

    Time is but a never-ending sequence of events, sometimes
    recollected and often misunderstood, but all in the greater
    thread, that is life…

    Be very well my wickedly fine friend…

    Androgoth XXx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 21, 2011 @ 22:34:33

      Time is but an illusion within this realm, we forget Androgoth that we are Souls who have come to experience Life in this physical form. Taking on the form of Human Life, A life which many think ends with Death.. Life is eternal..For we are Beings of Light/Energy, to explain here within this section would take time to explain what I know of this Earth and Life, for we have been shrouded in Amnesia for aeons forgetting who we are and why we came to experience this plane of existence, Getting caught like a mouse within its wheel going around and around… But this phase within our development is all but at an end and as we move forward we progress, more and more will come to light, as TRUTHs will at last be revealed as the mists will lift as layers of what has been hidden and kept from the Human race will once again be brought into the light.. And for those seeking the Truth.. They will find it.. and it will awaken them once again to embrace the Light within… which has always been there…. And as you Say Androgoth…. we are all part of that Thread.. the WEB of life… 🙂



  4. freefaith1
    Jul 22, 2011 @ 09:10:02

    As you probably know, I was brought up very strict Baptist. I was never allowed to believe or deal in anything supernatural, or spiritualistic, but as I have lived life many things have happened to make me wonder how much there is that I do not know.
    I often dream of a white cottage set on a farm surrounded by a white picket fence. I have never seen, or been to any place that looks like this cottage, but in my dreams I feel so at home. There are horses walking around the fenced off area of the house & the cottage has a surrounding verandah. There are baskets of flowers attached to the eaves hanging around the verandah.
    I now often wonder could I have lived there in another life ‘which I am not supposed to believe in?’
    There are no answers for me…. only questions. I enjoyed your story so much, thank you for sharing it with us. Love Valerie x0x



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 22, 2011 @ 14:54:22

      Keep asking your Questions Valerie, and learned people dont always have the right answers… Sometimes the answers have to be found within ourselves.. you need to look at your Dream and Feel what is right for you.. the Truth of many things have been distorted over time and in many teachings… One thing that remains constant is that we need to Love each other and treat each other more kindly… This is to me the only important teaching of which Great Masters Came to teach in every religion.. Thank you Valerie for declairing your thoughts here 🙂



  5. eclipseofthemoon
    Jul 22, 2011 @ 15:03:02

    That was an enjoyable read Sue, and fascinating as well….Especially the thing being said about the forgiveness…a powerful sentence.
    I can’t say I believe in a past life, but I have always wondered about some dreams or scenes I have seen within my mind, so clearly, ever since I was a child. Some of them came true in a way…so my big question was if is there any possibility to remember – the future- …ah well…. I know how that sounds.. 🙂
    In some of my paintings I’ve tried to reveal just the scenes – never experienced (I suppose)…but still there’s always a strange kind of a remembrance like those had really been happening.
    It was extremely nice and above all excited to read about your experience.
    Have a wonderful weekend dear Dreamwalker



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 22, 2011 @ 20:51:32

      I have been told my dear Friend Eclipse by those within the Spirit realms who have communicated with me..and others, that TIME is of our creation, which also means Past and Future events.. Time we view as linear running side by side, when in fact I am told that it runs stacked like a deck of cards and can be accessed through it experiencing all at the same time.. We only have our human brains and knowledge based upon the data we are given within our understanding of physical laws here on Earth .. It is possible to view the future… Those who foretell of Future events access the future through the sphere of energy which contains such knowledge.. … So your statement Does not sound at all strange to me Eclipse.



  6. Renee Espriu
    Jul 24, 2011 @ 17:12:57

    One can never really know if a past life is connected to one’s own, either in light of what you believe to be so here, or in terms of other beliefs. I, for one, cannot rule out that which I cannot touch and feel as the dimensions of consciousness are vast and we as human beings will only ever just touch the surface in our lifetimes. You give ‘food for thought’.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 24, 2011 @ 22:56:57

      You are correct Renee, for there are many things we do not understand or know upon this Earth Plane…. So I go on that which I feel and know within my being, which is so strong… Our inbuilt intuition is sometimes the best compass to set ourselves by… it has never let me down and although the needle from time to time has wobbled slightly, it has always pointed me in the Right Direction. Thank you for taking time to comment on what is for some a difficult subject… But I like to think people will be courageous enough to tell me their views even if they do not believe.. I love a good debate now and again….
      Take care my friend.. and long may you chew over your food for thought! 🙂



  7. aussieian2010
    Jul 27, 2011 @ 11:53:22

    Past lives are very real Sue and the fact that they are called past lives is so that we do not recall them in this life , they were a spiritual learning experience for us to adjust to the present life , sometimes people are privileged or condemned to recall past lifes in the here and now , to recall and relive past lives in the present can be a nightmare
    Trapped in the Soul between the past and present
    I appreciate your writing and observations



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 27, 2011 @ 13:24:39

      Very true Ian, It was very distressing at the time of recall and for quite a time beyond, but all had purpose, everything does… its just that we don’t always see the whys and wherefores as we have long since lost sight of our connectiveness with the Universe and our many facets of our selves which incorperate many life experiences upon this realm and others.. 🙂 Thank you for your imput here Ian, as always I love to hear what knowlege you hold on such subjects. 🙂



  8. Raven
    Jul 29, 2011 @ 19:10:17

    I enjoyed the Part II inconculsion with healing and forgiveness as I believe one of the most difficult things to do is to forgive ourselves. It seems locked within this also is the acceptance and forgiveness of the one we feel we hurt.
    Some else for me is dreams are powerful tools. I dreamed of the future this morning, not one but two and it was past this life, which is rare for me to dream. I do have future dreams usually what I call notifications…I am seeing what is happening soon. Usually with family or close friends…it is one of those things I think we all can do.
    Pleasure to come here and have these as my morning reads.
    smiles with love,
    Raven xox
    ps. I think perhaps we have met wink wink



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 01, 2011 @ 16:28:45

      Dreams my dear friend Raven should never be dissmissed, We often get much information via our dream-state, but many do not understand them or the keys to unlocking their meaning.. I have many powerful dreams, some too of which I see future event, some I hope never come to fruition, but many trivial things which play upon the mind can also be released in dream states … Also we have the abilties to travel in our dream state.. Many can wake after sleep totally tired out… Much healing work can be done in dreams… You are indeed a winged one dear Raven and you asked what my star sign was…. Im the Bull………. 🙂 😉 … x



  9. Rosemary Monteith
    Aug 01, 2011 @ 12:22:30

    Really enjoyed this Sue, and I agree with the your own comments as well. Until you were shown this past life and able to forgive you self, you would have continued to have problems.As you know turquoise and silver is a very potent protection amulet



  10. anita
    Aug 10, 2011 @ 19:57:40

    I really enjoyed the past life. I have wondered if our dreams are something to do with this. I dont always understand them and wonder why. I sometimes think they are a release of the mind of the happenings of our daily lives. I have tried to understand them particularly when they are of people who have passed.
    much love. anita.xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 10, 2011 @ 20:48:52

      Hi Anita, thank you for dropping in to comment here.. Our Dreams hold many keys to the Unconscious realms of thought I believe.. and sometimes I see the messages within them at other times they are a jumbled mash of confusion.. much like some days of my thoughts lol… But I also know that we are touched in sleep state more than we know as we travel beyond this realm and I know Ive communicated with loved ones who have passed while in sleep state….. Wishing you a Wonderful rest of the week take care.. Sue



  11. WordsFallFromMyEyes
    Jul 28, 2012 @ 03:28:35

    I am curious now. You can heal guilt that YOU feel, but you cannot change what happened – it still happened. And so that anguish, the suffering of another is still out there, some way.

    You know, Sue, it is guilt that has had me start my book on Daniel. I took so, so long to forgive myself my error – my error that did not keep him safe. I am so blessed he is so well, so well of today.

    This was enormously interesting, & I don’t know what to think, really. I thank you though, for bringing it to my awareness. I’d love to know what my past lives have done. I know I have immense endurance. I just wonder where that sprang from.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 29, 2012 @ 14:00:33

      Sometimes Noeleen our present day strengths come from our past experience within this life time, and I have no doubts you are the person you are today and even though that path has been hard, You are stronger for it..
      Each of us are put upon a path and we have to live with the choices we made along the way.. The thing you have to understand is, there is no right or wrong way.. Just experience..
      Yes there are right and wrong deeds and some evil doers too out there.. But without those Dark moments or the Darkness in life. neither would we know the Light and the good.. Both have a part to play within our Human experience of the world in Material Matter of this energy we have come to experience..
      Its a complex world, with complex issues as we carry often needlessly the guilt, and pain, which is so ingrained within us that we carry within our next incarnation to perhaps try to undo what we did previously..
      I only know that since that day with the meditation and the visit of that young African lady, as she placed those beads upon my hands, My fingers stopped the dreadful symptoms of Raynauds as I healed as i began to forgive myself for the memory of what I did to her in that past life recall. xx



  12. shreejacob
    Aug 07, 2013 @ 12:35:09

    Dear Sue, thank you so much for linking me to this post! I’m so glad that you managed to face it and had healing from it too. I know I need to overcome my fear and when I don’t have the fear, then my fear of even thinking of not fearing insects will become redundant.
    I will try to find someone that can help me for I feel this fear I have is too deep to do it alone 🙂



  13. lindalitebeing
    Oct 15, 2013 @ 22:36:09

    what a beautiful conclusion to your story! I am so happy your friend was able to assist you. The movies Contact and What dreams may come flooded my brain as well as Cloud Atlas after reading this post.. I am very visual and find that films can go deep witin my core to heal and illuminate. I adore turquoise since I was a teenager and wear it for adornment and protection. A friend made me a necklace with one big piece of turquoise that I have started wearing again. I am also lucky to have a turquoise ring I got at a reservation in New Mexico.





    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 15, 2013 @ 22:43:18

      I am happy this post resonated with you Linda, and I can understand how films stay with you, I saw Contact.I think!.. lol… as I can never remember the names or the stars.. My Son now he can tell you everything.. lol… even who directed them, he is such a film buff..

      Yes I wear turquoise most all the time, so it will be interesting to wear the jet cross which I bought maybe 20 yrs ago and have not worn for perhaps 15 yrs… So I will let you know how it goes 🙂



  14. oxherder
    Nov 01, 2013 @ 18:03:37

    I really enjoyed reading this, very powerful and healing experience. It has touched my heart, Thank you Sue.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 01, 2013 @ 18:11:12

      Richard, I am pleased you read it.. and it touched you in some way…. Life is often complex as we hang on to far too much within our memory and present … Letting go has been one of my life’s lessons I feel this time around and still I find myself hanging onto threads! 🙂



  15. Fantasyharper
    Dec 12, 2014 @ 20:17:38

    Thank you so much Sue for sharing that personal experience and writing it so beautifully! What a wonderful conclusion to a tragic story. I can imagine the healing was not complete without the young man you were forgiving himself; and what wonderful intervention by Spirit to let the young girl come to him first, having already forgiven him! Life is indeed wonderfully complex and perfect, in all the threads that connect us beyond space and time… hugs, Wendy<3

    Liked by 1 person


  16. Karin
    Feb 04, 2015 @ 14:45:24

    Amazing story! Thanks for sharing.



  17. Praroop
    Mar 09, 2015 @ 16:12:27

    Hey Sue,
    Really well written ! I am not as far as you are but have a kind of similar feelings.
    Thank you so much for a wonderful read !
    cheers, Praroop



  18. tiramit
    Oct 15, 2015 @ 14:48:50

    Thank you Sue for Part 2, full of bright sunlight and it reminds me of the landscapes I walk around in, here in Thailand. There’s resolution and forgiveness, the placing of the individual beads on the fingers is a mystery; an intricate tiny activity, something very meaningful which the mind cannot find words for. A successful outcome, I’m amazed that your condition is cured! Have you ever come across anyone else who was able to free themselves from Reynaud’s completely in some way – with whom you could make a comparison? Whatever, the main thing is the regression worked. There may have been a struggle in Part 1 but it came right in the end. Congratulations. I feel hopeful now about what’s happening in my world, and will start on the Dr Weiss book as soon as there’s time. Looking forward to it.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 15, 2015 @ 15:54:33

      No I have not come across anyone with the severity I suffered for it to disappear as mine did.. I just accepted it was what I was holding onto. ‘Guilt’.. I hope as you re-read Dr Weiss’s book you will be guided to unlock your own blocks which are now causing you the pain you hold. Many thanks Tiramit for taking the time to read and leave me your wonderful feedback in your comments.. Blessings Sue 🙂



  19. Walking My Path: Mindful Wanderings in Nature
    Oct 16, 2015 @ 02:32:21

    Though I have only had a couple of past life memories, I am very aware when I meet certain people that we have been together before. Usually it is people with whom I am very close. Sometimes, though I am strongly repelled by someone and it seems more than just projection. It is hard to know in those times whether to try and clean up some karma, or just stay away. Your story is beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 16, 2015 @ 11:09:28

      Yes its hard to know what to do that is best at times.. This particular experience had a positive affect .. But my friends experience also uncovered some traumatic past too.. which she had problems dealing with like myself.. But she did manage to resolve the karmic debt. But at a price!… And I often wonder to myself if we had not delved into our past lives would her life had had a different outcome?.. I will never know.. But then you see I do believe all things happen for a reason and ALL things have purpose, so maybe that was the trigger which she had set herself to follow within her blue-print? of her Earth Life..
      We live in exciting times of discovery and change.. And the more I learn the more amazed how life is so beautifully orchestrated within the symphony of the Universe 🙂 Many thanks for your lovely comment and taking the time to read through both posts 🙂 I appreciate it greatly ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Walking My Path: Mindful Wanderings in Nature
        Oct 16, 2015 @ 13:48:21

        I believe everything happens for a reason too, and look what happened with your hands. I love how she came to you and told you to forgive yourself – and the detail of putting the stones on your fingers. Just beautiful! ❤

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Oct 16, 2015 @ 13:54:02

          Yes it is something I shall never ever forget Mary.. the experience was real.. so vivid. like I was there in another dimension. I still see her eyes… so brown and soft full of compassion and love. Not one word did she speak.. It was all kind of telepathic.. amazing.. and yes it was a huge release and as I let go of the guilt I had held onto, so the Raynauds went 🙂 Thank you so much for your interest.. I really appreciate you

          Liked by 1 person


  20. Walking My Path: Mindful Wanderings in Nature
    Oct 16, 2015 @ 14:02:27

    Those other dimension experiences are very real, especially when it is life changing as it was for you. When you feel the compassion and love and the details of her beautiful eyes. What a special moment. I hope your friend is fine. I really appreciate you too. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  21. mariewilliams53
    Aug 30, 2017 @ 11:31:03

    Thank you Sue for sharing your story – it’s fascinating! I’m not sure how I feel about ‘past lives’, but I do realise that life is complex and there is so much more to it than meets the eye. We all have different experiences, some of which sound so far-fetched to others who don’t have the capacity to relate. I know this from trying to tell others about para-normal experiences I have had – some people think you are ‘crazy’, or they try to think up some ‘logical’ explanantion, or they just plain disbelieve you! I have since learned to not try to convince others of what has happened, although in the early days I would feel upset that I wasn’t believed.
    So pleased that the condition has cleared up having traced it to source – and what an amazing story – had to read through a few times, I can tell you.
    I was reading something about past lives in the last few days, in the lead up to the 20th anniversary of Princess Diana’s death, so what a coincidence that I came across your post today even though it’s an older one. As you say, there are no such things as coincidences!
    Hope all is well with you dear Sue, as it’s been a while since I visited. Love and xxx



  22. Elaine
    Apr 07, 2019 @ 21:56:24

    Gosh that made me fill up with emotion, I don’t know if I want to regress now 😬

    Liked by 1 person


  23. cloud cuckoo kiss
    May 04, 2024 @ 13:02:14

    Wow! This makes so much sense to me. And you wouldn’t be half as wise without those regressions, would you?

    “But that’s another Story for a day way into the future!”

    Is 13 years enough into the future, dear Sue?

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 04, 2024 @ 21:48:20

      Thank you for coming over to read them Robert.. I think if I hadn’t had those regressions, I wouldn’t be typing so easily here this evening 🙂

      We have a whole great future to look forward to Robert… We just have some rather unpleasant debris to clear away first..
      But there are lots with ‘Good’ brooms… at the ready! 😉 ❤ 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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