

I wish that I could convey to you the things that I have witnessed, that I can say beyond any shadow of doubt that this life is not all there is… That Life goes on.. and that there is Life after Life..

I have had proof after proof given me, and those who disbelieve, all I have to say is you’re in for one ‘Big’ surprise as you take your last breath from this world to take your next breath in the next one.. For that is how simple it is, as we take that step across the threshold we call Death.

I have witnessed 3 passing’s in my life, being there at their transition. The last one as I held hands with my Father as he took his transition, The transformation upon his face was one of peace with a hint of a smile to his lips, as I talked to him, encouraging him to leave us, as he laboured painfully fighting for breath after another long day in his battle against Lung Cancer as I felt and knew his loves ones were waiting at the foot of his bed, just waiting for him to relinquish that battle of staying with us.

He and I used to have these long conversations, as Dad, wasn’t into my ‘Spiritual World’  Saying I was spooky!!!, he was a very practical, no nonsense man, who called a spade a spade . My Father had lived on his own for the best part of 15 yrs, he was very in tune with nature and said he far preferred animals to humans.. He didn’t go to church, and he’d made it quite plain one day, as in the weeks prior to him coming home for his last days with us, when a Hospital Chaplin paid him a visit on the ward. He told him to clear off and where to go.. and it wasn’t to Heaven he sent him lol ..  Saying he wasn’t ready for no pine box….

In one of these conversations we would chat about God, this infinite Creator he believed in, as he acknowledged that there was indeed this infinite power, that we called GOD and although he didn’t understand the mechanics of that power, knew he’d witnessed his own events around what is termed the supernatural to believe that there was something unexplained and that we didn’t know everything in this world.  

His Mother, my Grandmother was the seventh child of the seventh child, and used to be able to read palms and the tealeaves, I think that is what had him scared from a boy, as his Mother had been able to predict  uncannily accurate events, and she would never read his palm. Though I know he’d asked her to.

I caught sight of him one day as he’d come home from Hospital to spend his last days in his own home, looked after by my sister and myself.. He looked long and hard at his palm tracing his life line.. and we got talking again about Life after Life..

My sister joined in saying “well Dad when you go, you will have to come back and give us a sign”.. he laughed and said he “would haunt us all”.. But he said if there was such a place “he’d give us a sign”.. and make himself known..

Dad took his last breath one February, as I held his hand, as he’d struggled all day to breathe. While my sister had gone from the room I spoke to Dad, telling him it was ok to let go, that we would be fine, and didn’t he see his brother there, as I was very aware of him standing nearby, along with another beautiful lady I just sensed as Light.. I talked to Dad and said Dad, if you battle through this day, you will only have the same battle tomorrow, so it’s ok to cross over, We all love you, and there is so much love waiting..

At this point my sister walked back into the room, hearing my own words she too then with tears in her eyes, joined me, saying it was ok to cross over.. and laughingly she said, and Don’t forget Dad, you promised to give us a sign you’re still around…  

With that, Dad seemed to relax, unable to talk, no longer did he fight for each breath. But each breath got further and further apart, slowing down, until finally it stopped. His fight over, he gave his last sigh as the peace replaced the pain etched in his face, and his lips formed  into his usual crooked smile..

I felt the love from my Uncle who I sensed at the foot of Dads bed, he was a younger brother who had taken his transition many years before, and I acknowledged them and gave them thanks, as I felt Dad leave his body.

The undertaker and Doctor were called and family came and went, and my sister and I left everything neat and tidy with his slippers together at the bottom of his bed. We made sure all the doors were closed upstairs apart from the room Dad’s Cat slept in. We left this open for it to come down to feed etc.  

Dad’s  Cat was another story, But it was a wild ferial cat he’d had since it was a kitten, markings like a tiger, it had a temper to match, and no one but Dad could get near it.. We put food down and left it alone, and it would skirt around us hissing, and fuss Dad purring and rubbing her head around his hand in delight..

While he’d been hospitalized we had fed and watered it and changed the Cat litter box , the food would be gone the next day, and it would hide upstairs until we went, Dad would ask us to bring in a shirt to the hospital he would wear then ask us to take it back  so the cat knew he was still around and wouldn’t fret too much as it smelt Dad’s scent..

When Dad come home from hospital. He’d given us strict instructions for my sister and I to keep the airing cupboard doors open as the Cat would also like to sleep among the blankets near the hot water tank… Dad couldn’t climb the stairs, so my sister and I kept the doors to these cupboards firmly closed, as we didn’t like the idea of the cat sleeping among the blankets. What Dad couldn’t see we thought couldn’t harm…When asked by Dad we would tell him what he wanted to hear.. saying yes we’d left the doors open..

After the undertaker went that night , as I said we left Dads house tidy with his slippers together at the foot of his bed in the lounge, all doors but one closed, and we went home to spend the first night back with our own families the first time in 3 weeks as my sister and I had moved in with Dad to look after him in his last days..As we lived a fare few miles away…

The next morning I called to pick my sister up with our husbands in tow, and we opened up the house… The first thing we noticed were Dads slippers, no longer were they together at the bottom of his bed, But one was at the top and one was at the bottom.. My sister went upstairs to check if the cat was around, I heard her squeal, as I went to investigate… EVERY door was open all three bedroom doors wide along with the 6 doors to all the airing cupboards in the landing…

Well we did ask Dad for a sign….. we definitely got one.. and he was obviously telling us he was not amused at the doors being closed lol

Since then I have felt Dad around, and my friends who are mediums have given me more evidence from him… Strangely I haven’t been able to do this, maybe the emotions would be too great if he drew too close as I feel emotions very strongly … as I am Clairsentient..  

Next time. in ‘My Life with Spirit’.. I hope to tell you of the time I shook hands with A gentleman whose hand materialised who had been in the land of spirit for 80 yrs….

30 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Nov 24, 2009 @ 21:26:30

    Very captivating Dreamwalker, my love to you and all who you love. Big Hugs from Katy



  2. Angel eyes
    Nov 24, 2009 @ 23:36:24

    first hand i know these things to be true angel eyes



  3. Babblelot
    Nov 24, 2009 @ 23:41:49

    I enjoyed your sharing of this experience. Such a wonderful daughter to love so much.



  4. ☆° Lady Jude
    Nov 25, 2009 @ 02:59:31

    Thanks for you insights. It\’s always very interesting for me to readhave a lovely day Dreamwalker



  5. LiL'Kt
    Nov 25, 2009 @ 04:45:09

    Beautiful experience and write up Dreamwalker Xx



  6. darner
    Nov 26, 2009 @ 05:57:56

    The Shamans of the spirit world protect you with kindness my friend as I know they will….peace



  7. T
    Nov 27, 2009 @ 16:14:12

    I believe all of this. Cats are very sensitive and can feel much more than human can. They were best pals. I like the way how your dad told you to prove his cat that he\’s still alive. His shirt with his smell. I believe there are always signs. It depends on us if we see them or not. I am glad you feel his presence and you know he\’s ok.Hug,T



  8. Rosemary
    Nov 27, 2009 @ 16:43:21

    Sounds a bit like my father,, who I am glad to say in the end believed me, and went in Peace. I have occasionally heard hisvoice and felt his touch on my hair



  9. Polly
    Nov 28, 2009 @ 15:33:44

    What a beautiful blog dreamwalker, and so interesting too. I have felt very privelged to read this account of your Fathers last days …but hey you and your Sister should not have closed those doors ..take care hun ..big hugs xxx



  10. Sheila
    Nov 28, 2009 @ 17:23:33

    Beautiful Dreamwalker thank you for sharing this experience. Hugs Sheila.xx



  11. .
    Nov 29, 2009 @ 09:52:48

    A great blog Dreamwalker my friend… your Dad sounds very much like mine, a no nonsense man lol I\’m glad you were with him at the end & I\’m sure he was not amused at all the door\’s being shut……lol.. cats can sense things as I found out with my brother & his cat!look forward to more of these blogs my friend… I\’m sure you have alot more to tell. Thanks for sharing with us Dreamwalker.Hugsxxx



  12. Douglas
    Dec 03, 2009 @ 20:33:11

    Thanks for sharing this, I found it very interesting and enlightening of you, about you and your thoughts.



  13. Lynn
    Mar 03, 2010 @ 04:44:06

    Hi Dreamwalker,I was looking on my home page and noticed Polly had left you a comment and thought i\’d have a look what you had written…Tonight you have given me a sign…My cat passed away today and he was a stray cat which crept into my life 8 years ago… A tatty ginger tom which was just like ur cat which you mentioned above….The last week gone by he took really poorly…He lost his appetite and stopped eating and drinking…I took him to the vets and they said he was badly dehydrated and they put him on a drip and then he came back home in hope he got his appetite back…Alas he went downhill really fast and I nursed him in my arms just like a newborn baby…I could never do that before and I hoped with all of my heart he\’d get better so I could love him some more…Yesterday I had to take him back to the vets but sadly it wasn\’t his time to stay and his liver packed in this afternoon…I\’ll miss him with all of my heart but I asked for signs that he was alright and hence by chance I came to you once again…I do believe that his life has only just begun now, thanks to you and our Maker…Bless you my friend, so glad that I have you in my life…Your Dad would be so proud of you for all the good works you have done…Much love always…Lynn xxx



  14. Bodhirose
    Oct 03, 2011 @ 17:11:49

    I so enjoyed this beautiful story of your Dad and his passing–and the very clear sign he left you! So interesting that his mother would never read his palm…

    My Dad was a no-nonsense kind of guy too–actually quite selfish and an active alcoholic until well after all of us kids left home. Shortly before he died, he made a big to-do about presenting my two brothers with mementos from him–nothing for we four girls as we looked on. There were no words of remorse for his bad behavior and putting us all through hell–no words of asking for forgiveness to our mother–or to any of us–nothing sweet came from his lips. And all but one of his children were around him as he drew his last breath. I, like you, had told my father it was ok to let go and that he may be surprised at what would be waiting for him. I felt like he was fearful of death and letting go. We then all held hands around his bed and chanted for his soul to move on. (We kids are all very spiritual).

    I liken his death (my first, and only, that I have witnessed) to that of birth, of which I have witnessed several. One soul coming in–one soul going out. It seemed so natural and his was very peaceful too.

    Another interesting thing that happened after Dad passed, regarded a CD that I had always wanted to get for my father (he loved music) but could not find it. We had a copy of it resting within a stack of others against our office wall. One day I came into the office and found that particular CD laying in the middle of the floor. I asked Tom if he had gotten that CD out for any reason–no he hadn’t. There was no way it could have “fallen” all the way over to the middle of the room from its place within a stack of other CDs. Interesting, huh?



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 03, 2011 @ 21:35:26

      the CD I think Gayle was your Dad’s way of telling you he knew what you had intended. It would be interesting also to see what lyrics were on that CD… for I also think that within them was a message for you. .. And maybe it was his way of telling you He Loved you.. 🙂 … Many thanks for sharing your own story here Gayle.. Many Fear Death but you are so right.. Its very like a Birth especially to those in the spirit realm who welcome them home.. 🙂 xx



  15. Bodhirose
    Oct 04, 2011 @ 01:42:37

    A message for me… I hadn’t thought of that. I’m surprised now that it hadn’t crossed my mind. I needed you to point it out to me. Thank you!

    Gayle xoxo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 04, 2011 @ 21:24:45

      Gayle~Sometimes its the obvious we miss.. hope you listen again to the CD and see what the message may hold… It may be in only one line of a song.. But Im certain it was meant just for you.. x



  16. CMSmith
    Oct 14, 2011 @ 22:15:21

    You gave me goose bumps. I hope everything worked out okay for the cat.

    So good of you and your sister to take care of your father at the end. I’m sure you don’t regret a day of it.

    This post gives me confidence that Annie did in fact find her way.



  17. mysterycoach
    Oct 26, 2011 @ 00:13:59

    I forgot to add it to my post however the fella I was talking about in this mornings post, he told me his daughter had a smile on her face too. 🙂



  18. kenny2dogs
    Sep 20, 2012 @ 09:37:34

    An interesting and very touching story Sue. Thank you for pointing it out to me. Your Father sounds a great deal like myself. Perhaps one day you will recognize the similarity.
    The cat that has adopted me has been named “Twiggy” because she is soooo thin ! Have a wonderful day Sue, from your friend kenny.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 20, 2012 @ 10:22:50

      Awww Kenny, I just knew you would.. I know Twiggy will not regret her move.. and neither will you. 🙂 Yes My Dad was very much a None believer Kenny except to say he thought in some extraordinary Power of Creation… He didnt believe in GOD that was a fact.. and He always said when you are dead you are dead.. So happy to have received subsequent evidence via different mediums validating Dads Life after Life progression.. Thank you for taking the time to read Kenny…



  19. Mark Lanesbury
    Nov 24, 2014 @ 21:11:06

    A beautiful story Sue. Your dad most certainly was going to let you know, one way or the other 🙂 And it is an interesting journey when you ‘feel’ at that depth. It takes you into their hearts for their healing, but in doing so we are also healed. Thank you for sharing something that is so dear to you, I feel very privileged and blessed to hear a story so close to your heart. Namaste

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 26, 2014 @ 11:29:51

      Dear Mark.. Thank you for taking the time to read through this back post of my Dad’s story.. Like most stories from the heart they are hard to share.. Yet once we have shared them, We then see the healing it not only brings to ourselves, but how our stories resonate and help others going through similar experiences…
      That is why I so appreciated you telling your story, as you came out to reveal your self. For it takes great strength to step out and remove the Masks we along with so many others have hidden behind..
      The feelings of Privilege Mark is returned, as I am so pleased to be sharing your journey also..
      Blessings back..

      Liked by 1 person


  20. Soul Gifts
    Apr 13, 2018 @ 13:45:51

    Thank you for giving me the link to this beautiful story Sue. What a special time for your family. Reading this reminded me of my parents’ passing. We were with Mum as she breathed her last. She had been unconscious for some days gradually declining. She may have been waiting for me to arrive as I lived 2000km away. Two days later she died. I swear to this day I saw her soul leave her body – there was a flush that moved up and out the top of her head. She too was so peaceful looking in the end. This post tells of my vision after Dad’s funeral –

    Liked by 1 person


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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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